Days Transcript Thursday 12/12/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 12/12/19


Episode #13665 ~ Hope offers resistance when Abigail asks to look into Jennifer's case; Rafe questions Hope's behavior; Eric introduces Mickey to Roman and Marlena; Sarah tells Xander that Eric will share custody -- under one condition.

Provided By Suzanne

[Soft dramatic music]

Will: [Clears throat] Fancy seeing you here.

Justin: Yeah, I, um, just met with ben. I'm representing him now.

Will: Yeah, he--he told me, and I told him that he's very lucky 'cause you're the best.

Justin: [Sighs] Well, we'll see abt that. Um... take care of yourself.

Will: Uh, justin? Can I, uh, talk to you, please?

Sonny: Oh, gabi, yeah, it's--it's no problem. I know that you're swamped, so, uh, some other time. No, you're right. No, I'm--I am going through a lot, but I think I can manage to have breakfast alone, uh, without falling apart. Okay. Okay, yup. I'll talk to you soon.

[Dramatic music]

Evan: Sonny?

Roman: Hey. I didn't hear you come in last night.

Eric: Yeah, well, I was out, uh--I was out all night. I, uh, just stopped by to change some clothes.

Roman: Does that mean that, uh, you and nicole were able to work things out?

Eric: No, no, we weren'T.

Brady: Thanks for letting me know, and you please take care of yourselves, okay? All right.

Nicole: Who was that? What's wrong?

Brady: I have some bad news. It's about mickey.

[Tense music]

Maggie: I can't believe it's true.

Sarah: It is. Mickey has stage three neuroblastoma, and...

Maggie: Oh!

>Sarah: So we're meeting with an oncologist, and we're gonna discuss her treatment options and-- god, listen to me. I sound like a doctor. I don't--I don't sound like a mom whose little girl is g--

Maggie: Oh, no, honey, no, no, no. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Sarah: She's so little.

Maggie: I know.

Sarah: She's scared, and-- no, I can'T. I can't do this. I can't--I can't fall apart. I have to take mickey to the hospital 'cause we're gonna meet eric there and--

Maggie: What about xander?

Kayla: What the hell are you doing in my office?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Nicole: Oh, my god, no. That little baby?

Brady: Marlena said that they were at the hospital all night, and she didn't say it directly, but, uh... I think she's scared about eric.

Nicole: That he'll start drinking?

Brady: I don't think he-- I don't think he will, not when he knows how much mickey and sarah need him right now, but I feel like I should call him. I don't know what I'm gonna say to him or what I can do, but I--I need to talk to him right now. What are you doing? Where you going?

Nicole: Same place you are, to see eric.

Brady: Nic, no.

Nicole: Why? His baby is sick. I need to go to him.

Brady: I know that, but you said--you said that he didn't want to have anything to do with you.

Nicole: Damn it, brady, I love eric, and his baby has cancer. I can't just sit around and do nothing.

[Dramatic music]

Eric: It was mom that realized that she was running a fever. They kept her to run some tests. It's bad. It's cancer...stage three.

Roman: Oh, my god. Oh, man.

[Soft holiday music playing]

Sarah: What about xander?

Maggie: He knows about mickey? I mean, you told him, didn't you?

Sarah: Marlena did.

Maggie: He knows about the appointment, though, this morning?

Sarah: What is this about? No, he doesn't know about the appointment. It's none of his--

Maggie: None-- none of his business? Sarah, he loves mickey like she was his own daughter.

Sarah: I know, but she's not his daughter. She's eric's, and eric made it clear that he doesn't want xander around the baby, and...

Kayla: Excuse me, but that file is confidential.

Xander: I didn't read any of them; I'm just looking for mickey's file.

Kayla: And you're not gonna read that either. Eric specifically said that you were to be denied access to her records.

Xander: I just want to know what's going on, what we have to do for her.

Kayla: Xander, eric is her father, and I have no choice but to respect his wishes.

Xander: I just want to know if my little girl's gonna be okay or if I'm gonna lose the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Will: Um, I know I've said this a million...times before, but I just want to say again that I'm so sorry for what-- what happened with adrienne.

Justin: You don't have to say that, will. I know. I know you are.

Will: And I hope you know that I loved her. Doesn't really set me apart, though, does it, because everyone who knew her loved her.

Justin: Yeah.

Will: And I know that she didn't think I was good enough for sonny, and I actually agreed with her on that, but I think eventually she came to love me.

Justin: She did, very much.

Will: I think about her every day, you know, her smile and... that great laugh. And I will never stop hating myself for taking her away from you and sonny.

Evan: I was gonna order another cup of coffee, but the waitress is kinda scaring me.

Sonny: Well--oh, do you want--you want more coffee?

Evan: Oh, no, no, no, I was just trying--unsuccessfully, it seems--to make some lighthearted conversation.

Sonny: I'm sorry.

Evan: No, I--I, uh-- I don't think I should have invited myself to have breakfast with you.

Sonny: Why not?

Evan: Well, because the last time I saw you, I kissed you. All you wanted to do was return my scarf, and I acted like it was a date.

Sonny: It's okay. It was one kiss, and it's no big deal.

Kate: Well, it's a big deal to me. What the hell are you doing, hitting on my grandson's husband?

Will: I'll--I'll-- I'm never gonna have, uh, peace of mind again, knowing that I'm the reason that, uh-- knowing that because of me, adrienne is gone. She was your precious wife. She was sonny's mother. And I felt like she was my mom too and not just an in-law, you know, but in my heart. She was so different from sami. Well, maybe not that different, now that I think about it. My mom was fiercely devoted to her kids and highly opinionated, strong-willed, kind and nurturing, just like adrienne was.

Justin: I know you didn't mean to hurt her.

Will: Thank you for saying that. Do you also know that, um, I told sonny to stay away?

Justin: Yeah. He told me.

Will: Yeah. Just--just trying to do the right thing.

Justin: Yeah, I don't know if there really is a right thing in all of this. I know that, uh, you know, a big part of this whole tragedy is what it's done to sonny.

Will: You mean what I've done to sonny.

Justin: No, I don'T.

Will: I understand--

Justin: I don't mean that.

Will: I--you have a lot of reason to hate me.

Justin: I don't hate you. I hate what you did. I could never hate you. I mean, you said that adrienne became like a mom to you. Well, guess what. I felt like a dad to you and not just in-law, in my heart. And a dad can be angry at his son, can be disappointed in his son... and can be hurt by his son, but he can't stop loving him. You're one of my kids, will. You're a part of our family, for better or worse. And I hate... that adrienne is gone, and I hate that what you did tore you and sonny apart, but I still love you... no matter what.

[Dramatic music]

Sonny: Wow, how completely out of line you are.

Kate: Well, you are still a married man, in case you've forgotten.

Evan: He didn't do anything. It was me.

Kate: I don't know your name.

Evan: I'm--

Kate: And let's keep it that way.

Sonny: This is none of your business.

Kate: You need to go see will.

Sonny: He doesn't want me to, so once again, you're shooting off your mouth when you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Now, my friend and I, we'd like another cup of coffee.

Kate: [Scoffs]

Roman: Hey, uh, you sure you don't want me to go with you?

Eric: Yeah, I'm sure.

Roman: Okay, well, keep me posted.

Eric: I will. I'll call you after the oncologist.

Roman: Okay. Eric? That baby is very lucky to have a dad like you.

Eric: Just like I'm lucky to have you.

[Soft holiday music playing]

Maggie: So, um, eric is calling the shots now, the man who dropped you like a hot potato when nicole came back?

Sarah: He didn't drop me. It was always understood from the get-go that nicole was the love of his life, and--

Maggie: And what? And what? If he wasn't over nicole, he should never have slept with you and gotten you pregnant.

Sarah: He didn't get me pregnant! My god, you know it wasn't planned.

Maggie: But it happened, didn't it? Now, are you telling me that eric was unaware that having sex will lead to making a baby?

Sarah: Oh, my god, I don't-- I don't want to have this conversation with you right--

Maggie: And I don't want the man that hurt you so badly to tell you who you can and who can't get you through this.

Sarah: God, he's mickey's father!

Maggie: Okay, he placed an order! I'm sorry. That was crass. But you did name the baby after mickey. Mickey wasn't your biological father, but he proved that being a father is a whole lot more than just giving your dna. Oh, honey, it's about the 2:00 A.M. Feedings and the changing of the diapers and... and reading bedtime stories, all of which xander has done, and he was there for you too, all through your pregnancy.

Sarah: I know that.

Maggie: I don't think it's fair that eric gets to say that xander won't be a part of this baby's life, especially now.

Sarah: I--I am so grateful for everything that xander has done for mickey and me, and I don't want to shut him out; I don'T. But I have to pick my battles right now, and xander is not one of them, and...

Xander: I'm sorry. I just-- I don't know how to handle this.

Kayla: I'm sorry. I can see that it's, um, tearing you apart.

Xander: So will you tell me what's going on?

Kayla: I can'T. My hands are tied. Really, you're gonna have to talk to eric.

Xander: That'd be pointless. He won't let me anywhere near mickey. He even threatened sarah that he'd take mickey away from her if she let me be a part of her life.

Kayla: I can see how much this hurts you.

Xander: It doesn't just hurt me. It hurts sarah. It hurts mickey, who's grown quite attached to me. It's just so unfair.

Kayla: Well, maybe he thinks it's unfair that you decided that he didn't need to know that he had a child. I mean, I can't blame him. Can you?

Copd makes it hard to breath

Nicole: Eric... I heard about mickey. I'm so sorry. I'm so--I'm sorry that I-- I kept you from her. I mean, I never imagined something like this could happen. I mean, how could I? I thought... I thought you would have had time to--to be h--

Eric: To what, to be her dad? You of all people should know we can never count on time. It's out of our hands.

Nicole: This must be killing you.

Eric: Last night after I... I left the hospital, I went for a walk, and I prayed that-- decided that god brought me into my little girl's life because that's when she really needed me. And... I know that god's-- he's handling this his way, the right way, and I can't be... helping mackenzie if I'm bitter.

Nicole: Does that mean you forgive me?

Eric: I, uh...

Nicole: Eric, please let me help you through this. I--

Eric: I'm sorry. I can't think about anything but my daughter right now.

Kate: Actually, sonny, I do know what I'm talking about. I went to see will in prison, and he told me what he said to you, he wanted you to stay away, and you know what I said to him? That that was ridiculous. I know that he's reeling about adrienne. Sonny, there are so many couples in this town who have--who have survived worse than this.

Sonny: My husband is in prison for killing my mother. This is more than a romantic tiff. Look, evan, I'm--I'm so sorry.

Kate: Sonny, listen to me. You and will have been through so much. You love each other so much. You can't just give up like this.

Evan: I'm gonna shove off.

Sonny: No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. Look, I have done everything to try and save my marriage.

Kate: Okay, then you need to do more. You need to do more. Will came back from the dead to be with you. Don't give up on him like this. Don't do it. I'm gonna get the coffee.

Evan: Okay, so... I am really sorry I brought all this down on you.

Sonny: No, you didn'T. What do you say we finish this conversation somewhere else? I hate the service here.

[Soft holiday music playing]

Kate: Roman, I'm taking an early lunch.

Will: [Sighs] I can't believe you just said that.

Justin: Well, it's the truth.

Will: The truth is that you and adrienne invited me into your family, and because of me, you are all alone.

Justin: Platitudes are, uh-- are often very...irritating, but they're also sometimes very true. Life goes on.

Will: What a life.

Justin: I'm not alone, will. Kayla and I are together now. We both found each other at rock bottom, and happened.

Will: Are you--are you... happy?

Justin: Yeah, I am, yeah. I mean, we're... we're great friends beyond anything else, but we've also grown to... love each other deeply, and as crazy as it sounds, we're, um-- we're living together now.

Will: I--I'm glad. I'm--I'm glad to hear you say that.

Justin: Will. Will, look at me. Don't give up on life... not yet, not ever. Not ever.

Kayla: I won't tell anyone this time, but just stay out of my office, all right?

[Elevator bell dings]

Sarah: Xander? What are you doing here?

Xander: I came to find out about her. How you doing, sweetie? Is she worse? Why are you here?

Sarah: No, no, no, we just-- we have an oncologist appointment. I know you don't want to be here, huh? Yeah.

Xander: Can I-- can I hold her?

Sarah: Of course.

Xander: Oh, hi. Hey, you. Yes. Yes, it's okay. Daddy's here. Yes.

[Tense music]

Eric: I thought I made myself clear. I don't want you anywhere near my child.

Sarah: I didn't know that he was gonna be here.

Maggie: Mickey was upset. Uh, xander has a way with her.

Eric: Right.

Sarah: Hey, baby.

Xander: I know all about what you told sarah, that I'm supposed to keep my distance, but the truth is, I-- I couldn't stay away. Eric, you and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of things--

Eric: Or anything.

Xander: We both want mickey to get through this, so please tell me what's going on so I can help, and please let me come to that appointment.

[Dramatic music]

Will: What are you doing here?

Kate: I've come to tell you something. You need to get over yourself and start fighting for sonny, or you're going to lose him forever.

Evan: So she's your grandmother-in-law?

Sonny: Yup. Lucky me.

Evan: [Chuckles] She's not exactly what you'd call shy.

Sonny: No, no, she never was and never will be.

[Groans] You know what's interesting? Kate has been to prison almost as many times as she's been married, and she's been married more than henry viii. And now she's waitressing because she screwed up her professional life for, like, the 97th time. Her kids split their time between prison and rehab, and yet she's still convinced that she has all the answers.

Evan: Well, she sure has good ears.

[Both chuckle] Sonny, I'm sorry I talked about kissing you.

Sonny: That's not a problem.

Evan: Actually, I'm sorry I did kiss you. It's not that I didn't enjoy it. It's just, you know, with everything you're going through, I--and I know you're still married. It's just...[Sighs] I was having such a great time, I didn't think.

Sonny: No, you--honestly, like, you don't have to apologize. Kate did not throw that fit because of you.

Evan: Mm.

Sonny: This is--this is happening because... I'm letting will push me away.

Kate: So...when's the last time you saw sonny?

Will: Um, it's been a while. I--I told him to stay away.

Kate: Well, I saw him this morning with a guy he apparently kissed.

Will: Sonny kissed another man?

Kate: Well, technically, I--I suppose the guy kissed him, but I really don't think that matters. I recognize chemistry, you know?

Will: I'm so happy that you shared that with me.

Kate: Okay, will, look, it's rafe's nanny, ethan something.

Will: Evan. Yeah, ari and I see, uh, him and--and david in the park sometimes. He'S... he's a nice guy.

Kate: Okay, sonny doesn't need a nice guy. Sonny needs you, and you need him, you idiot.

Will: Grandma, I--I love talking to you so much.

Kate: Oh, god. The two of you are meant for each other. You have lost so much already.

Will: Yeah, well, he's lost so much more, and I'm the one who took it from him, so maybe it's time that you and everybody else get used to the fact that I have let him go.

Get ready for

the insurance-themed experience

Sonny: You know, will and I, we tried to get over what he did to my mom... but it's just too hard.

Evan: It's understandable.

Sonny: And... I just don't know if I can find a way to ever forgive him. So when he asked me to stay away, I didn't fight him on it.

Kate: You are not going to be spending your life here. You're gonna be getting out. You're gonna have the best years of your life ahead of you. You should be spending them with sonny.

Will: Okay, I hate the thought of sonny with another man, yes, but what--

Kate: Then do something about it. You have to do something about it, please. Please stop pushing him away. You're giving him an excuse to forget about you. Will.

[Dramatic music]

Brady: Did you find eric?

Nicole: [Sighs]

Brady: How'd it go?

Nicole: Not great. I tried to comfort him, but it's not what he needs right now. I'm not what he needs right now.

Eric: I'm sorry... but I don't want you here.

Sarah: I'm sorry.

So there you are with your depression...

Kate: [Sighs] Hey, sorry that I, uh, took off like that.

Roman: No, you're not.

Kate: Roman, please, it was important. I had to talk to will. That nanny is hitting on-- on sonny.

Roman: Kate, not now, okay?

Kate: What's wrong? Roman, what did--what did eric say to you?

Roman: His daughter has cancer.

Nicole: Hmm? What'd you say?

Brady: Nicole, okay, you're a million miles away.

Nicole: [Sighs] No, I'm sorry.

Brady: No, it's okay. Listen, don't be sorry, but I think you should take the rest of the day off.

Nicole: No, no, I can't leave you with all the work.

Brady: Hey, hey, look at me. Look at me. It's okay. Just go.

Nicole: I owe you.

Brady: It's all right. Hey. You know, going to eric when you knew that he would probably shut you down, that took a lot of guts. I think you are tougher than you think.

Nicole: [Chuckles softly] I have to be, right?

[Soft dramatic music]

Sarah: Baby, please, it's all right.

Eric: What?

Sarah: It's so stupid. I just--I don't want her to see me cry.

Eric: Okay, well, let me hold her. You don't have to be strong 24-7. I'm here to back you up.

Sarah: I don't--I don't even deserve that 'cause I just--I made this whole thing a mess for us and--and for her.

Eric: What happened in the past doesn't matter now. She's the only thing that matters. We're her parents, and we're gonna do everything we can to make sure she gets through this.

Xander: I should be in there with her. My little girl is fighting for her life. I...I should be with her.

Maggie: You took the high road, xander. You set aside what you wanted for the good of the baby and sarah. Why don't you go? I mean, it's gotta be killing you to wait here.

Xander: I...I just want to know what the doctor says.

Maggie: Well, sarah knows how much you love mickey, and she'll tell you what's going on, and if she doesn't, I will.

Xander: Thank you.

Maggie: Yeah.

Xander: I guess I should go.

Maggie: Yeah.

Kayla: Hey, you.

Justin: Hey. Any news about sarah's baby?

Kayla: No, not yet. Eric and sarah are meeting with the oncologist right now. But I want to get something to eat. Are you hungry?

Justin: No. No, thanks.

Kayla: Everything okay? I would have thought you were at the office right now.

Justin: Yeah, I just got back from the prison, where I was talking to will.

Evan: Look, I know you're going through a bad time, and I know you're still married, and I respect that. I don't want to make things tougher on you, so I think, you know, I should just keep my distance.

Sonny: Hey. I don't want you to leave. The truth is, I--I could really use a friend right now, and... and I like you.

Evan: Well, I like you, be honest, the way I feel about you, it--it goes beyond friendship.

Sonny: Well, there aren't many people that I can talk to the way that I can talk to you, so I don't--I don't want to lose that.

[Cell phone ringing] It's the prison. Must be will.

Evan: Right. Are you gonna answer it?

Sonny: Yeah, I'll accept the charges. Will?

Will: Yeah. Sonny, I need to see you.

Justin: Talking with will... it was rough.

Kayla: Of course it was.

Justin: And driving back from the prison, I thought about you...

Kayla: Hmm.

Justin: That I could tell you about it and that you'd understand.

Kayla: That's right.

Justin: And that was such a comfort to me. And then I thought about sonny and how he and will have to go through this whole thing all alone.

Kayla: Well, you know what? Maybe they will find their way back to each other, or they'll find a way to move on.

[Soft holiday music playing]

Roman: She's just a baby, kate, and now... her life is being cut short.

Kate: Okay, look at me. Roman, listen to me. No, this is not a death sentence for her, okay? You know as well as I do there have been so many advances in cancer treatments. There have been. I read about them all the time. Do you remember when i was diagnosed with cancer? You remember that? Everyone thought I was on my way out, but I was so bound and determined to fight it, and I did, and look at me now. If your little granddaughter is anything like your son and maggie's feisty daughter, then she's gonna fight too. She's gonna beat this thing.

Roman: Yeah, she's gonna fight. She is gonna fight, and, damn it, she will beat this, kate. She will beat this.

Xander: Hey.

Sarah: Hey. Um, mom, would you take mickey so I can talk to xander?

Maggie: Sure.

Xander: So, um, what did the doctor say?

[Dramatic music]

Nicole: Oh, um... are you moving back in?

Eric: No. Actually, sarah and i are leaving town.

Xander: You and eric are leaving?

Sarah: And we're taking mickey with us.

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