Days Transcript Wednesday 12/11/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 12/11/19


Episode #13664 ~ Gabi sends Eli to Rome to thwart Chad; Abigail tells Hope she doesn't think Eve pushed her mother; Lani tells Abe she made a commitment to someone; JJ is desperate to find Kristen.

Provided By Suzanne

Eric: So what's the verdict?

Sarah: Her fever's down. It's 101.

Eric: That's--that's good, right? Maybe it was just the flu.

Sarah: Maybe. You know, we won't know for sure until we get the latest test results. But the good news is that the initial batch didn't show any cause for concern, so that's positive at least.

Eric: So how long does it take before we get back the results?

Sarah: I'm sure it won't be long.

[Baby snuffling]

Kayla: Why is the lab so slow tonight? I thought I would have had mickey's test results back by now.

Marlena: Weren't you off duty hours ago?

Kayla: Yeah, but I don't want to leave without giving answers to eric and sarah.

Marlena: Okay, well, I'm on duty for a few more hours. Why don't I get the results, and I can pass on the news.

Kayla: Are you sure?

Marlena: I think you've gone above and beyond the call of duty.

Kayla: Well, you know, that would really be great, actually, because I want to get home. It's a very special day today.

Marlena: A special day, you say? Why is that?

Kayla: Justin's moving in with me.

Ciara: Well, I guess maggie's taking donations for the church's clothing drive again.

Justin: Ah, no, no. These aren't maggie's clothes. These are my clothes. I'm, uh, moving in with kayla, and I'm taking my lucky sweatshirt with me.

Ciara: Lucky? Yeah, no, I guess that's a word that you can use to describe that.

Justin: Thanks.

Ciara: No, but seriously, that's great news about you and my aunt kayla. I'm really happy for you guys.

Justin: Thank you.

Ciara: Yeah. So do you need help bringing the rest of the boxes down or--

Justin: Nope, I'm good. I just have one more.

Ciara: Cool.

[Phone rings] Hello?

[Man, indistinct] Yes, yes, I'll take the call.

Ben: Ciara.

Ciara: Ben. How did the meeting with your lawyer go? Did he give you any news?

Ben: Yeah. He quit.

[Beep beep]

Chad: Ah...damn it. "What do you mean?"

[Suspenseful music]

[Beep beep]

Steve as stefano: I'll tell you what I mean. "I know gabi stranded you in salem and sent eli in your place to get kristen's shares."

[Beep beep]

[Heavy music]

Chad: "I didn't lie. I said I was working on it."


[Beep beep]

Steve as stefano: "You purposely misled me."

[Beep beep]

Chad: "I'm sorry, father. Why don't we discuss this over the phone? I'd really love to hear your voice."


[Beep beep]

Abigail: What is it? You said there's only one thing left to do. What is it?

Hope as gina: We need to put your questions to rest, once and for all.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Marlena: Oh, my! This is a big step.

Kayla: I know. I have to admit, I'm a little nervous. Which is why, when justin asked me to move in with him at thanksgiving, I said no.

Marlena: Hmm. Why?

Kayla: Well, for one thing, it's the house that he and adrienne lived in, with all their memories. I don't want to trample all over that.

Marlena: That's a good call. What changed your mind?

Kayla: I don't know, we were my place, and everything just--everything felt right. So I just asked him. I mean, steve and I never lived there together, which means that justin and i could have a fresh start there.

Marlena: Good choice. But you're still nervous.

Kayla: You know I love justin. I just wish that I could have had some real closure with steve. I mean, I sent him those divorce papers as a scare tactic, for him to come back home. And instead, I just got them back in the mail, signed. So hurtful, and so unlike steve.

Marlena: Yeah. I'm so sorry.

Kayla: Yeah. You know, I-I-I feel so good about moving on. But sometimes, the flood of memories of my life with steve come up, and I... I just don't know.

Marlena: Well, you spent a lot of years together.

Kayla: Yeah, we did. But I need to move on. I mean, what am I waiting for? It's not like steve's going to come back.

Steve as stefano: "No need for us to speak on the phone. But next time, keep me in the loop."


[Beep beep]

Chad: "Father, why all the mystery? I don't see the harm in us talking over the phone. We're on the same side."


[Beep beep]

Steve as stefano: "I'll be in touch regarding your next move. Good night."

[Beep beep]

Chad: That's it? I don't get it. What is going on with you, father?

Abigail: I know I have raised a lot of new questions about what happened to my mother.

Hope as gina: And you are not going to stop until you get what you feel is the truth. Abigail, you have left me no choice...

[Uneasy music]

But to officially re-open your mom's case.

Abigail: Really?

Hope as gina: Mm-hmm.

Abigail: Gosh, thank you. Thank you so much, hope.

Hope as gina: No, no, no. Don't thank me. If there is even the slightest chance that someone other than eve pushed your mom off that balcony, you should know who it was. Thank you.

Abigail: Thank you.

Hope as gina: No, thank you. You have a good night.

Abigail: Okay...thanks. You too.

[Uneasy music]

So there you are with your depression...

Eric: Asleep, finally.

Sarah: That's good. Rest is going to be the best medicine for her right now. Hey, listen, if you don't mind holding down the fort, I'm going to go to the lab and check on her results.

Eric: Sure, not at all.

Sarah: Okay.

[Baby snuffles]

Eric: My beautiful little girl. I'm so sorry that I haven't been here until now. I just want you to know that daddy loves you... very much. So very much.

Xander: Sarah. Is there any news?

Sarah: We're still waiting on the latest test results, but mickey's fever is still down.

Xander: That's a relief. I've been so worried.

Sarah: I know. I know this has to be so hard on you because you've been there every step of the way for mickey since she was born, and even before that. And now...

Xander: And now, thanks to eric's demands, I'm literally on the outside, looking in.

Kayla: You know, it's all so crazy. And so wrong. I mean, steve and I were together for a very long time. We weathered crisis after crisis and we always found our way back to each other. And for it to end like this without even a goodbye... anyway, I need to focus on the future. I need to let go of the past and look towards my life with justin.

Marlena: Justin is a wonderful man. And you must know how incredibly fond I am of you. So I'm pretty happy you found each other.

Kayla: Thank you. I should go.

Marlena: I'm sure he's on his way already.

Kayla: Yeah, I want to go make sure I have enough closet space for him.


Marlena: Honey, you deserve to be happy.

Kayla: Thank you. That's my mantra these days. You're the best.

Marlena: You're the best.

Kayla: Alright, see ya.

Ciara: And how could your lawyer quit? You were about to start your last appeal.

Ben: Well, apparently, he thinks it's a waste of time.

Ciara: Did you tell him about victor? How we think that my grandfather's setting you up?

Ben: I don't think it would have changed his mind, ciara. We don't have any solid proof.

Ciara: Yeah, but that's just 'cause we haven't gotten it from xander yet--but I will ben. It's just a matter of time.

Ben: Ciara, you know I appreciate all the digging you've been doing, but... I think we've done all we can here.

Ciara: No, ben, we haven'T. Look, okay, forget all the spy stuff. I'm just gonna confront xander.

Ben: What?

Ciara: My father always taught me that the best approach is the direct one. I'm going to go to xander and I'm going to get him to confess that my grandfather recruited him to kill jordan.

Ben: No, ciara. That guy is really dangerous. You know that.

Ciara: Yeah, well, I don't have any other choice, okay? You're going to be executed unless I can get xander to confess.

Ben: Ciara, please don't do this.

Ciara: I'm sorry, ben, but I've made up my mind.


Justin: Whoa, where's the fire?

Ciara: I'm sorry, but I have to go find xander.

Justin: Uh, xander's not up here. He's at the hospital. Little mickey is sick.

Ciara: What?

Justin: Yeah, she has a fever. Sarah just called to say they're waiting on some tests.

Ciara: I'm so sorry to hear that. Maybe now is not a good time for me to go bother him.

Justin: Is there something I can help you with? Is it about titan?

Ciara: No.

Justin: Then what? Ciara? You can trust me. Tell me why you need to speak with xander.

Ciara: It's about ben. Copd makes it hard to breath

Abigail: Chad! What are you doing home? I thought you were going to rome.

Chad: So did I. Change of plans.

Abigail: Oh, is it that storm? I saw a ton of flights got canceled.

Chad: It wasn't the weather. Gabi figured out that, uh, I was trying to buy kristen's shares and oust her from dimera so she sent eli instead.

Abigail: Oh, no.

Chad: I'm going to try to get another flight.

Abigail: Babe, I'm so sorry. So what ended up happening? Did eli get kristen's shares, or--

Chad: I don't know. We'll find out soon enough. I just wanna unpack, forget this day happened.

Abigail: Okay. Is this what you were taking with you to italy? Such a light packer.

Chad: No, I didn't pack that bag. Gabi did...when she tried to fire me and evict us.

Abigail: Wait, wait. She...what? Oh, my god! Oh, that woman! That bitch!

Chad: Look, I shut it down pretty quickly, alright?

Abigail: God, she--

Chad: Hey. Even if eli can convince kristen to sell her shares, until gabi has them in her hand there's nothing she can do.

Abigail: Does she know you're working with your father?

Chad: I don't think so.

Abigail: Well, does he know what happened?

Chad: I was trying to keep him in the dark, but... somehow he found out. Which, I don't know why that would surprise me, because, I mean, after this many years in the family, you know, there's one thing that I've learned. You cannot keep a secret from stefano romero.

Steve as stefano: Hope. I take it your evening with john didn't go well.

Hope as gina: In fact, it did not go at all. My plans got derailed when I saw jennifer and abigail on the balcony at the bistro.

Steve as stefano: Tell me you did not stop to talk to them.

Hope as gina: I stopped to do damage control. Those two are getting ever closer to the truth. I must say, steffy, I became quite rattled at one point. Abigail seems suspicious of my account of what I had supposedly witnessed that night. And they finally realized that rolf's flash drive had never been recovered. So now they suspect that he's somehow involved.

Steve as stefano: That is concerning.

Hope as gina: Yes, it is. Quite concerning. Abigail is getting dangerously close to the truth, and piecing the puzzle together.

Justin: think xander killed jordan on victor's orders.

Ciara: You know, I really shouldn't even be talking about this.

Justin: Ciara, as I said, you can trust me. I will keep this between us. Promise.

Ciara: Yes, please. And justin... I know this is terrible. I know that. And I never expected my grandfather to do something like this. But he hated that I was seeing ben, and this is how he could get him out of the way.

Justin: Okay. Have you told anyone else about this? Your mom?

Ciara: No. And you have to promise not to say anything to anyone, okay? I've been pretending that I turned my back on ben to try to get my grandfather to let his guard down. I mean, the only reason why I moved into the mansion was so that I could spy on my grandpa and xander.

Justin: That's risky.

Ciara: Yeah. It's risky, but it's paid off. I heard them whispering about some secret. They said they sent an innocent man to prison.

Justin: I see.

Ciara: Yeah. But justin, I can't keep playing these games anymore, hoping that somehow, some way, my grandfather will slip up. Ben doesn't have a lot of time left. He's got one appeal, and his lawyer just quit, so I don't see any other option than to just confront xander directly.

Justin: No. No, don't do that. That would be a very bad idea.

Sarah: I don't agree with the hard line that eric is taking either, but if you can just try to understand that he's just doing what he thinks is best for mickey, and he's just being protective.

Xander: Being an arrogant jerk.

Sarah: I know, just... can you just try to cut him a little bit of slack, please? Okay? Because we are all going through a lot. Just, I want you to know how much I appreciate you being here. I'm going to go to the lab and check on the results now.

Marlena: There's no need, I've got them right here.

Xander: Oh, finally. Please tell us. What do the results say? What's going on with little mickey?

Marlena: Actually, I would prefer to discuss it with her parents first.

Xander: For god's sake.

Sarah: Xander, please.

Marlena: Is eric with her now?

Sarah: He is, but marlena, after we go over the results with eric, would you please tell xander what's going on?

Marlena: Of course I will.

Sarah: Thank you.

Xander: Thank you, sarah.

Eric: Mom. Do you have the results?

Marlena: Yes, I do.

Eric: And?

Marlena: I'm afraid the test results show that she has neuroblastoma.

Eric: What does that mean?

Sarah: It means our daughter has cancer. Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you?

Eric: So mickey has cancer? Neuroblastoma--what kind of cancer is that? Is that a tumor?

Marlena: It is. Yes.

Eric: It can be removed, right?

Marlena: I'm afraid it can't, in her case. The cancer has metastasized.

Sarah: [Sobbing] Oh, my god.

Marlena: Darling, I'm so sorry.

Justin: Ciara, I know how determined you are to help ben, but confronting xander with your suspicions is not going to accomplish what you want.

Ciara: And how do you know that?

Justin: Well, for one thing, xander is a career criminal. He's never going to confess anything to you. And once he knows you're gunning for him, all bets are off. And he's a very dangerous man. Do you understand?

Ciara: Okay, fine. I won't confront him.

Justin: Good.

Ciara: But, you know, I can't just sit back and do nothing. Okay? Ben is only in this horrible situation because grandpa wanted to keep ben and me apart. Hey, do you think that maybe I could get grandpa to confess what he did?

Justin: No. Never.

Ciara: Okay, well, what about you? I mean, you guys are close. Maybe he would open up to you.

Justin: I doubt that. But even if he did, I am the head of titan's legal department, so if victor confessed to me, I would be bound by client-attorney privilege.

Ciara: Damn it.

Justin: However, there might be another way I can help you.

[Dark, heavy chords]

Steve as stefano: There you are.

Hope as gina: Thank you, steffy. Wait a minute, what has happened? Where's my vanity? Steffy?

Steve as stefano: Oh, there was a scratch on it. Rolf noticed and had it sent out to be re-finished.

Hope as gina: Oh, how thoughtful. That was terribly kind of him. Now, if only he could abigail disappear.

Steve as stefano: Knowing rolf, that could be arranged.

Hope as gina: You know, i can still hear that little pest buzzing about my ear. She already accused me of lying about that night. Can you imagine?

Steve as stefano: You did lie.

Hope as gina: Oh, shut up. I know that. But she does not, and she never shall, thanks to a rather shrewd move on my part.

Abigail: So what do you think? I mean, it is possible that it could have been rolf, right?

Chad: Yeah, I mean, the missing flash drive definitely gives him a motive.

Abigail: Yeah, I know.

Chad: But?

Abigail: In hope's statement, she said she heard my mom scream the second she got off the elevator. And if that is true, then that would have had to mean that hope was there the exact moment my mother was pushed. So how come she didn't see who did it...right? I mean, whether it was eve or dr. Rolf or somebody else, how would they would ever get past hope?

Chad: I don't know--ask her.

Abigail: I did.

Chad: What did she say?

Abigail: That maybe she wasn't off the elevator yet. She said that maybe she was still coming up the elevator when she heard my mom scream.

Chad: Well, look, it was over a year ago. Let's just say she's right. Let's say...I mean, it would explain why she didn't see anyone because by the time she got off the elevator, then the person would have been on their way down already.

Abigail: Yeah, I know, I-- I just feel like--I don't know. I just feel like there's something different about hope. And...I just feel like maybe she's hiding something. I don't know.

Chad: What do you think she'd be hiding? She loves your mother.

Abigail: Yeah, but I just... it's like--it's like there's something different. Like she's acting warm and she's acting concerned and protective, but there's these moments where she has this anger, for me looking into this, even. Or maybe she's, I don't know, guilty of something. I just--I wish I were imagining this.

Chad: What do you think? You think that hope tried to kill your mother? Oh! Oh! Oh!

[Ominous music]

Xander: Mmm, nice digs!

Ben: Xander. What are you doing here?

Xander: I had a very revealing conversation with my cousin ciara. She made all sorts of horrible accusations against me and my uncle. And I started putting the pieces together, and I realized you're the one who kidnapped my baby.

Ben: No.

Xander: You were trying to make me confess.

Ben: No, no, it wasn't me. It was my father. I had nothing to do with it.

Xander: I don't believe that for a second. You know what I do believe? That you and peepaw orchestrated this whole kidnapping together with ciara's help.

Ben: Ciara was the one who tried to find your baby for you. She's the one called in the tip to the police.

Xander: Maybe she had cold feet. Doesn't really matter now, does it? She betrayed my family, and that is unacceptable.

Ben: You stay the hell away from her.

Xander: Oh...I'm sorry, that's too late. Before I came over here, I wrapped this around ciara's neck, pulled it very, very tight, just like I did to your sister.

Ben: You son of a bitch. You son of a--

Xander: Don't fret, benjamin. You and ciara will be reunited soon enough. Well, as soon as they execute you. But if you can't wait that long, there's always a shortcut, isn't there?

Ben: Xander. Xander. Xander!

Kayla: Welcome home.

Justin: Ha ha ha ha.

Kayla: Dinner's almost ready.

Justin: I thought we were going out. You cooked for me?

Kayla: Well, yeah, but it's not going to be a habit. Sorry. With my schedule at the hospital, this is a once-in-a-blue-moon thing, but I thought tonight should be special.

Justin: It already is very special.

Hope as gina: I must say, in all of the hours I've spent in that dreadful police station, it finally paid off.

Steve as stefano: How so?

Hope as gina: Well, abigail has learned that once a case is closed, reporters are allowed complete access to all of the evidence. So, of course, in the best interests of justice, I agreed to re-open the case. Which means that abigail's access just went up in smoke.

Steve as stefano: Impressive.

Hope a gail: Thank you.

Steve as stefano: But forgive me for raining on your parade, but do you really think that's going to stop abigail from pursuing the truth?

Abigail: No-no-no, I'm not--no, I--that' No, hope would never try to kill my mother or even hurt my mom. That's not--you know, I just think that this whole thing with eve and just digging into this is making me lose perspective, and I'm skeptical of everyone, and I'm doubting, and--

Chad: Rolf is a solid lead. How do we explain the security camera footage of eve?

Abigail: Well, eve says that it was doctored.

Chad: Which your uncle couldn't prove in court.

Abigail: Right. But, I mean, if anybody could outsmart a bunch of experts, it's dr. Rolf. I mean, that guy's a genius. I just--I wish there was some way for me to prove if the video were real or not.

Chad: Actually, there is.

Eric: So what happens now? What do we do next?

Marlena: Honey, the next thing we do is, uh, we have you take her home. And then tomorrow, I've arranged for an oncologist to see her and go over all the possible treatments with you.

Eric: What kind of treatments? Chemo? Radiation? Sarah?

Sarah:'s, uh, it's probably a combination of chemo and radiation and maybe surgery.

Eric: Okay.

Marlena: Look, I know this is a lot of information to absorb, but I need you not to give up hope. Either one of you. She's got the very best doctors right now. And after treatment, well, there's a good possibility that she could be just fine. You just have to hang in there. Oh, you've got to hang in there, baby.

[Somber music]

Ben: Come on, ciara, pick up. Pick up your phone.

[Phone rings]

[Indistinct male voice]

Ciara: Yes, yes, I'll accept. Ben?

Ben: Ciara, thank god. Hey, you didn't confront xander, did you?

Ciara: I didn'T. And I'm not going to, because someone talked me out of it.

Ben: They did? Who was it?

Ciara: Your new lawyer.

Justin: Well, that was one of the best...meals I've had in-- I don't remember the last time I had such a great dinner. So, thank you.

Kayla: Well--oh, thank you. Thank you for the compliment. But I think you just worked up an appetite carrying in all these boxes.

Justin: [Laughing] I didn't bring in too many, did I?

Kayla: Well, it's a lot more than I was anticipating. I'm kidding. I'm glad I got rid of some of the old stuff.

Justin: Right.

Kayla: I just wanna make sure that you have enough close space. I have some stuff in the garage. I need to get to the donation center, though.

Justin: Steve's stuff?

Kayla: Yeah.

[Quiet music]

Justin: Kayla, as much as we wanted to do this, I know that it's still really hard. We both had long marriages. A lot of memories. You with steve, me with adrienne. But I also know... that I can't live on my memories. I can't live in the past. And that time is very precious. Especially now. Especially now, at this point in our lives. And I'm so very grateful to have found love again with an amazing woman.

Kayla: I'm grateful too. And I love you, justin kiriakis.

Justin: Is it the dimples?

Kayla: Well, they are kind of irresistible.

Abigail: You know how to prove if the evidence was doctored.

Chad: Possibly, yeah. Okay, dimera owns this tech company that developed this artificial intelligence program. It's really sophisticated. The guy who created it is, like, top of his field.

Abigail: Wait, if it were so good, though, how come justin didn't use it last year?

Chad: They just developed it within, like, the last few months, so it wouldn't have--

Abigail: Wait, what?

Chad: Right?

Abigail: Oh my god. Wait, do you think this could work?

Chad: Maybe, I don't know. Do you want me to call him?

Abigail: Yes, yes, I want you to call him. Thank you, oh, my god, chad, that is so helpful.

Chad: See? We make a pretty good team.

Abigail: Yes, we do. Oh, my god.

Xander: Marlena. What did the--what did the tests say?

Marlena: Why don't we go in my office?

Eric: I want you to be honest with me. My mom--she was encouraging about mickey's condition. But you're a doctor too. How do you feel about this? Is our baby gonna make it?

Sarah: I don't know, eric. I don't--I don't know. I don't know.

Ben: What are you talking about? My new lawyer?

Ciara: Justin. Yeah, I told him everything, all of our suspicions, and once he heard about what xander and grandpa did, he offered to represent you.

Ben: I don't even know what to say. This is amazing. Thank you.

Ciara: I told you, ben. I'm never gonna give up. Not until you're back home with me, right where you belong.

Kayla: I heard that you're taking on ben's case. How did that happen?

Justin: Well, I heard, through the grapevine, that ben's lawyer quit. And there's something about his story that always rang true to me. So I thought, what the heck? I like a good challenge.

Kayla: Well, you have your work cut out for you. I mean, ben is facing execution if he loses his last appeal.

Justin: Yes, yes. And between your schedule and mine, I foresee a lot of take-out dinners in our future.

Kayla: Well, I don't mind. As long as still have this.

Hope as gina: I do realize that abigail shall continue to dig. But at least I have slowed her down.

Steve as stefano: Perhaps. But unfortunately, that young woman is causing problems on my end too. Her impudence is rubbing off on my son.

Hope as gina: How so?

Steve as stefano: Chad had the audacity to lie to me tonight. I have no doubt it's his wife's influence.

Hope as gina: She appears to be a thorn in both of our sides.

Steve as stefano: I would have to agree.

[Suspenseful music]

And if things don't change, it might be necessary to have abigail removed from the picture permanently.

[Dark, dramatic music]

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