Days Transcript Tuesday 12/10/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 12/10/19


Episode #13663 ~ Ben tries to keep Clyde from hurting Will; Ciara uncovers Xander's secret; Nicole asks Eric for forgiveness; Evan kisses Sonny.

Provided By Suzanne

Abigail: Mom, what happened after you put the flash drive in the computer? Did something pop up on the screen, or do you remember seeing something?

Jennifer: No, I don'T.

Abigail: Okay, um, you know what? Let's just forget about the flash drive for right now. Do you remember anything else about--

Jennifer: I just remember that I was looking at the computer screen, and then-- wait, I remember. Someone came in.

Hope: What are those nosy horton women up to now?

Jack: Hope, is something wrong?

Steve: Finally.

[Uneasy music]


[Cell phone beeps]

[Door rattles] Good, you're here. You will be pleased to know that chad is handling the kristen situation.

Kate: No, he's not. Your son's lying to you.

Steve: The prodigal waitress returns.

Kate: Stefano, did you even hear what I said?

Steve: I heard you. Why would you say chad is lying to me?

Kate: Because I just took his order for a club sandwich with extra avocado. That's why. And he gets a--he gets a message from you, and believe me, he was more than relieved to confide in me that lo and behold, you're still alive.

Steve: That's impossible. Chad is on his way to italy to see kristen right now.

Kate: No. No. I was with him. I was with him just ten minutes ago, because gabi outmaneuvered him. Gabi commandeered the jet, and she sent her lover-henchman eli to kristen to get the shares. Right now, chad is stalling you until he decides what his next move will be. So unless you act now, you're left out in the cold.

[Dramatic music]

Eli: Jj, put the gun down.

Jj: I got a better idea. You keep being useless and get the hell out of here. You can't stop me.

Lani: But maybe I can.

[Suspenseful music]

Jj: Lani? You're a nun too?

[Laughs] What a trip, man. I'm--I'm totally hallucinating. This is insane.

Lani: You're not hallucinating, jj, okay? This is real. I'm real, jj, and I am begging you, please don't do this.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Jj: You don't understand. Kristen murdered my girlfriend.

Lani: I know all about it, jj, and I know it was an accident, okay? Get up.

Jj: Stay where you are!

Lani: Hey, jj, I have loved you, and I know the man that you are. This isn't it.

Eli: Lani...

Jj: Don't come any closer. This is between kristen and me.

Lani: Drop the gun, jj. You will regret it for the rest of your life if you pull that trigger.

[Suspenseful music]

Hope: Jack, hi.

Jack: I was just at the hospital. The nurse just told me that abigail rolled jennifer out of there. She hasn't answered calls or texts. I'm concerned.

Hope: Well, you should be. Look. Abigail dragged jennifer to the same place she fell from the day of your wedding. What could she be thinking?

Jack: Um, I'll find out. Let's go.

Abigail: You saw someone, okay? Mom, who did you see?

Jennifer: No, I didn't--i didn't see anyone out. I was looking at the computer, and I... sensed someone come in behind me.

Abigail: Okay, um, was it eve or rolf? Do you remember anything?

Jennifer: No, it was-- it was... hope.

[Dramatic music]

Abigail: You saw hope?

Jennifer: No, I mean, hope is--is here.

Abigail: Oh.

Jennifer: Hi.

Hope: What are you guys doing up here?

Jennifer: Abigail had this great idea. She thought that maybe I could just retrace my steps to try to remember everything that happened the night that I was pushed.

Abigail: Mom was actually just on the verge of having a memory, right?

Jack: Jennifer, what is it? What do you remember?

Jennifer: I was on the computer, jack, and I remember that someone came in behind me.


Abigail: You okay?

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Jennifer: No, I'm fine. I'm okay--I just--

Jack: Let me just get you out of this draft. It's cold out here. Come on. Come on.

Hope: Why couldn't you just listen to me?

[Uneasy string music]

[Tense synth music]

Chad: What the hell are you doing?

Gabi: I am packing your things.

Chad: The hell you are.

Gabi: Chad, it is time for you, your wife, and your bratty kids to get the hell out of my house!

Steve: Well, it isn't the first time my son's lied to me, and it won't be the last. But now I have you on my side, katerina, and how fortunate am i that after a couple months slinging hash with roman brady, you have discovered that the simple life is not all it's cracked up to be.

[Pensive music]

Gabi: Kate, kate, this coffee is ice cold, okay, and when I asked for these eggs, I wanted them over easy in a bit of butter, not slathered in grease. Can we try this again, please, or is that too much for you to handle?

Kate: I could've strangled her right there, and then it got worse.

[Sighs] Damn it. "Here's the only tip you're gonna get, kate. Be a better waitress or get a better job." Bitch.

[Cell phone beeps]


Steve: My timing, as usual, was impeccable.

Jj: Regret it? Shooting this bitch through the back of the head is the only thing that will bring me peace.

Lani: No, it won'T. No, it won'T. You don't know kristen's remorse.

Jj: Oh, and you do?

Lani: I do! I have lived with her for months, and every day, she has prayed for god's forgiveness and for your healing, and she has already paid a terrible price, jj. She lost her child.

Jj: But she didn't pay. Kristen's baby died before she murdered haley. That was her excuse for doing it!

Lani: Kristen never got to hold her child in her arms. She never got to see her baby's eyes, see that tiny little soul that she carried in her stomach for all those months, okay? I know that pain, and so does eli. And you were there for me when I lost david, so you should understand that.

Jj: Don't try to excuse what kristen did.

Lani: I'm not saying it was right, but it was out of her control. Just like--just like it was out of your control when you shot my brother.

Jj: I can't believe you are bringing up theo!

Lani: Because I saw my father in that same grief that you are in right now. He was consumed by anger and hatred, but he forgave you, and so did theo, and so did I. Learn from that. Understand that there is a better way. Don't--don't punish kristen. Forgive her.

[Dramatic music]

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Jack: There. Here you go. You all right? Do you need some water?

Jennifer: No, no, I'm fine.

Jack: You almost fainted.

Hope: Jennifer, the stress of all this is too much for you, because--you should go back to the hospital and get some rest.

Jack: I'm with hope. You've been out and about enough for one day. Abigail, we'll see you back at the hospital.

Abigail: All right. I'm sorry, mom.

Jennifer: No, abigail, don't be sorry. Don'T. I love you.

Abigail: Love you too.

Jennifer: Bye, cuz.

Hope: I love you, cuz. Bye.

[Abigail sighs]

Hope: You really have to stop pushing this. For your mother's sake. You saw how fragile she still is, and abigail, there's no reason to pursue what we have proof that eve was the one who pushed her.

Abigail: I'm sorry. I just--I-- something in eve's case, it just doesn't add up.

Hope: The jury thought it did.

Abigail: My mom was here. She put the flash drive into the computer while she was on that balcony.

Hope: So?

Abigail: So where is it? The flash drive-- it was in the computer, and there were no photos of it in the crime scene. There was nothing about it logged into any of the evidence, so someone must've taken it. Who would do that?

Hope: I wish we knew, but it's not relevant.

Abigail: What? How can you say that? What do you mean, it's not relevant? I mean, that could be the most relevant thing. That could be the key. Hope, you were--you were here. You were on the elevator. You got off the elevator. You heard my mom scream. Do you remember anything? I mean, do you remember just seeing a flash drive in the computer?

[Uneasy synth music]

Hope: I was so worried about your mom, I... no, I don'T.

Abigail: This is just-- it's so strange.

Kate: I was so sure that text was a fake, but of course you knew that I wouldn't be able to resist, didn't you? 'Cause everyone wants to believe the impossible. But when I walked through that door and I saw you, you were not the stefano that I knew, the man I once loved. Then again, you were always able to surprise me, weren't you?

[Disquieting music]

Steve: Hello, katerina.

It's been such a long time.

Chad: Going after my family, my children's home, that is a new low, even for you.

Gabi: Oh, you think I enjoy this?

Chad: Yes.

Gabi: It would be so much easier, chad, if you'd just admit to everybody that you can't win. Once kristen just sells her shares to me, I'm gonna be the majority stockholder, which means you will be out. Out of dimera, out of this house, and out of my life.

Chad: Here's the thing you don't understand. See, kristen may be grateful to the nuns who took care of her, but she's not gonna give them her shares, or you, or anyone else. See, the most important thing to kristen is family.

Gabi: Hmm.

Chad: So unless eli plans on taking those shares away from her at gunpoint, sweetie, it's not gonna happen.

Jj: How the hell can I forgive kristen? When she killed haley, she destroyed any chance I have to be happy.

Eli: Jj, you got your world pulled out from under you, but that doesn't mean that your life is over. Now, I know my situation doesn't compare to yours and that haley is gone forever, but I'm here to tell you that you can move on. The woman I love ripped my heart out, and she never looked back, okay? I thought I'd never find happiness again, but I did. I found a new life with gabi.

Kristen: Are you serious? Gabi?

Eli: What the hell are you so shocked for? I found a new life with a woman that I love.

Kristen: Oh, my god! Please! You idiot!

Lani: No, no--

Kristen: No, no, no, don'T. You have no idea what you're talking about. No, I need to do this. I need to do this, lani. I need to say this. You know what? You have no clue what's in this woman's heart, because you're either too blind or too stupid to see it.

[Dramatic music]

These are real people,

Lani: Kristen, please. Please, this is not about eli.

Kristen: Oh, but it is. It is. This is about two men marching in here judging us.

Eli: Hold on. We're not the ones who destroy lives, right, then threw on some veils and played "holier than thou."

Kristen: Lani and I own what we've done. We have looked deep inside our souls to find courage to face the truth, to vow to be better people. We pray every day for healing for ourselves and for you. And how do you expect to heal when all you do is feel sorry for yourself? You just want to kill. Love heals, jj, not murder. Your mother just woke up from a coma. Haley may be gone, but there's so much love in your life. Use that. You can--you can find strength in that, use it to light a path forward. Build a life that's worthy of the man you are. But if you truly believe that you will find peace in pulling that trigger, then that is your choice, and there's nothing I can do about it.

[Strident music]

But I'm at peace with that, because I know this won't be the end of me. I've risen from the ashes before, and I will do it again, like the phoenix.

Steve: Of course you were shocked to see my new face.

Kate: More shocked by the explanation.

Steve: Transforming steve johnson into the phoenix. Oh, rolf went beyond anything even I thought he was capable of. That's not science. It's art.

Kate: Your eye.

Steve: Two good ones.

Kate: You never liked me.

Steve: I loved you.

Kate: You-- stefano loved me. You, the man who owns that face, you never liked me. And with all that bad-boy persona, I always thought you were a bit of a prig, and I never liked you either.

Steve: Katerina, believe me, I never would have chosen steve johnson as my host, but my choices were limited, all right? Although there's a certain poetry in stealing his body for my purposes. All right, ask me something only stefano dimera would know. Come on.

Kate: Okay. What was the dose of the insulin injections I gave to you when I was taking care of you?

Steve: 80 units per day, give or take.

Kate: Well, your wife, or your ex-wife, is a doctor, so that's a good guess.

Steve: I remember our dance at the penthouse grill, blackmailing you into a marriage that turned into a great match of love and passion. How vulnerable you could be, especially behind closed doors.

[Tender music]

That was one of your favorite spots.

Kate: You're, uh... you've come back.

Steve: Are you happy to see me?

Kate: That depends. What do you want from me?

Steve: And the answer was... I wanted your beauty, your strength, and your passion. I wanted an ally.

Chad: I guess we'll find out soon enough what kristen decides, but my guess is, eli's gonna be dragging his ass back here empty-handed.

Gabi: Well, while we wait, why don't you pack the rest of your stuff and get out?

Chad: You want me and my family out of the house?

Gabi: Mm-hmm.

Chad: Okay, get a lawyer and a court order. We'll see who wins, stefano dimera's favorite son or a widow who married the family black sheep. I'll wait. Until then, me and my family are staying right here.

Hope: My cousin, my best friend, had just fallen off the balcony. I wasn't thinking of looking for a flash drive that I didn't even know existed that was in a laptop I wasn't paying attention to. Oh. We're done?

Abigail: No, I'm not. I'm not done. I have been looking over the case files. In your statement, it said you heard my mom scream when you got off the elevator.

Hope: Yes, that's right. As I was getting off the elevator, I heard your mom scream, and I ran straight out to--to the balcony, but I was too late. She had already fallen.

Abigail: I just--something in your story just doesn't add up. Oh! Oh! Oh!

Steve: One of the things I've always admired about you, katerina, is that you don't waste time on small talk, sugar-coating, which is why I told you everything from the start. I want to rebuild my empire, take back everything that is mine, hmm? But I can't do that alone. I need allies.

Kate: Why should I help you?

Steve: Because we are two of a kind. We crave power. We live for it. Katerina, you were born to rule, not collect tips and refill ketchup bottles.

Kate: I have an...honest job.

Steve: Hmm.

Kate: Besides, I couldn't be seen with stefano dimera or the likes of steve johnson.

Steve: I don't want you to. Keep your waitress job, hide in plain sight, and no one sees you as a threat.

Kate: Damn. I loved it when people saw me as a threat.

Steve: Ah, now that's the katerina I know. I promise you that when this is all over, you will be on the winning side.

Kate: Or will I be betrayed? Tell me, why on earth should I trust you?

Steve: Why indeed?

Gabi: Be smart, chad. Learn from the past. I mean, the last time we had a showdown, you ran off to paris with your family, and it worked well for everybody.

Chad: The reason that we left was because you were trying to tear my family apart. We're home now. We're staying, and my wife, she's stronger than ever.

Gabi: Until you throw a black wig on her head, right?

Chad: Do that. Make jokes. Underestimate her. She gets her strength from the one thing that you don't have, a heart. And the strength that her love gives me, you are no match for the two of us together, which we are, now and forever.

Abigail: I'm just--I'm just trying to understand this. My mom--my mom was out here. She was on the balcony. She put the flash drive into the computer, and then whether it was eve or rolf, or, I don't know, some stranger, whoever it was grabbed the flash drive, and they exited through the bistro, and the thing I don't get is, if you were just getting off the elevator as you heard my mom scream, then how did you not run smack into the person that pushed her?

[Disquieting music]

Jack: All right. Okay? You sure you're okay?

Jennifer: Yes. Yes, I'm--I'm fine. I am not some delicate little flower, jack. I am getting out of here tomorrow, and the exercise was good. I'm fine.

Jack: I'm just--the stress of all this could cause some kind of a relapse. I don't--my point is, we need-- we need to focus on your health and focus on the future.

Jennifer: And jj. We need to focus on jj, 'cause I'm really worried about him. I have left him so many messages, and he's not getting back to me.

Jack: He didn't say anything about suicide?

Jennifer: What? No.

Jack: He didn't say anything.

Jennifer: No. Don't even say that. He's just not himself, and I have no idea what he's up to.

[Mournful music]

[Bells pealing]

Kristen: I know you don't want to pull the trigger, jj. But if you do, you're gonna have to shoot me in the back, 'cause lani and I have more important things to do.

Jj: What the hell just happened?

Eli: I wish I knew.

Steve: Luckily for both of us, I was able to convince you to trust me.

[Eerie music]

I've contacted you, told you where I live. I let you see my face. I've given you great power over me, katerina. You could go to kayla, or the police, or that idiot john black, or any one of my many enemies. If you reveal my presence, my plan, it would be over for me. But I choose to trust you because I believe the gamble is worth the prize, and I'm betting that you will take that gamble on me.

Kate: I still wonder if I made the right decision making a deal with the devil.

Lani: Are you all right?

Kristen: I am. Are you?

Lani: You are so brave.

Kristen: [Chuckles] I was terrified, but there was no way I was gonna let those men shame us, make us feel less-than, when we know our truth that we are right with god and our hearts.

Lani: Thank you for standing up for me. No one has done that in a long time.

Kristen: But there's no sin in standing up for ourselves.

Lani: It's almost time. Are you ready to take our vows?

[Gentle suspenseful music]

Kristen: No. No. No, I'm getting out of here. I am gonna go back to salem and live my best life. I'm gonna do it starting right... [Laughs]

Lani: What are you doing?

Kristen: Now.

[Laughs] God--he works in mysterious ways, and he just opened my eyes. Only god can judge, and he knows what's in my soul, and there is so much for me to do. And so I am gonna claim what's rightfully mine: My place in the dimera family, my home, and the man I love. Now, what are you gonna do, lani, hmm? What are you gonna do? Are you gonna let that little bitch, gabi, take the man you love, or are you gonna go with me? Hmm?

Gabi: Fine. You can stay for now, but you want a war? You got it. But be warned, I intend to win.

Chad: Bring it.

[Synth music]

Hope: Wait a minute. Maybe I was still on the elevator right before the doors opened when I heard your mom scream, which would mean that eve must've escaped on the stairwell.

Abigail: Wait, but I--I mean, you said you--were you on the elevator or were you not on the elevator?

Hope: No, I was so worried and concerned about your mom-- you know what? Right now, I don't know. I'm not sure right now.

Abigail: You don't know?

Hope: I'm not sure.

Abigail: Okay, but hope, I mean, you made a definitive statement. As a commissioner, you know how important that is. I mean, even as a reporter, I know--

Hope: As a reporter? You've been a reporter for... five seconds.

Abigail: Excuse me? So there you are with your depression...

Steve: I am so grateful for you, katerina. You decided to trust me, keep your job at the brady pub. What better position to be my eyes and ears in salem?

Kate: Well, I should g--i should be getting back. I'm just on my dinner break, you know? I wanted to give you the update about chad.

Steve: Thank you for reporting to me so quickly.

Kate: What are you going to do about him and his lie?

Steve: Nothing for you to worry about, katerina. I will take care of my son.

[Somber music]

[Phone beeps]

Chad: Oh, damn it.

[Disquieting music]

Gabi: Eli, why won't you get back to me?


Oh, good. Coffee, black. Make it hot this time.

Lani: I prayed so hard so I could forgive gabi and take my vows, and then I ask for a sign, and eli walks in?

Kristen: Well, lani, that sounds like a sign to me.

Lani: What gabi to me and eli and julie is bad enough. But for that bitch to just steal him for herself?

Kristen: Are you ready to go home and take back what's ours?

Lani: You're damn right I am.

Kristen: You said it, sister.


Jj: That was a trip.

Eli: Damn right it was. You just attempted murder with a stolen gun. My gun. If lani or kristen get it in their head to report you, or one of these nuns saw what you did, you could be arrested.

Jj: I need a pill.

Eli: What we need to do is get you out of here.

[Cell phone beeps]

Jj: There's got to be one around here somewhere.

[Disquieting music]

Eli: Gabi.

Jj: The boss lady? You don't want to piss her off, man, so it's okay. I can--you go ahead. I can take care of myself.

Eli: The hell you can.

Jj: Your business with kristen seemed pretty important.

Eli: Dude, right now, the priority is keeping your ass out of jail. Come on, man, let's go.

Jack: I promise you, we will find a way to help jj. Our family is whole again after so long. I promise you right now, I love you so much. I will find a way for us to be together as a family and happy at christmas. All of us.

[Tender music]

Hope: Wow. Where did that come from? That was totally uncalled for. I'm sorry. I... I'm just frustrated. Yeah. You're so obsessed about this case, and it's been solved, abigail. The perp is behind bars where she belongs.

[Tense music]

Abigail: What about the truth? There are questions that have not been answered. There are real questions. And as long as there are still questions, there is the possibility that whoever hurt my mother is still out there, and I cannot take that risk. I have to do everything that i can to protect her, and I hoped that you would-- I hope you would do the same thing.

Hope: I understand why you won't let this go. I guess there's only one thing to be done.


Abigail: [Screams] Hope?

Hope: Yes? What?

Abigail: What is it? You said there's only one thing left to do. What is it?

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