Days Transcript Friday 12/6/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 12/6/19


Episode #13666  ~ Lani is stunned to come face-to-face with someone from Salem; Gabi and Chad seek control over DiMera; JJ trails Eli; Marlena tells Eric that Mickey has a fever.

Provided By Suzanne

[Phone rings]


Gabi: Eli?

Eli: Ciao, bella.

Gabi: Oh, so you are in rome?

Eli: I am. This is one beautiful city. I really wish you were here to see it with me.

Gabi: I don't need you to be my lover, baby--I need you to be my head of security, okay? And I'm counting on you to get this done fast.

Eli: Don't worry. I will track down kristen and persuade her to sign over her stock to--

Gabi: Me, okay? Me. And you have to do it fast because if not, there's gonna a convent that's gonna be a major shareholder in dimera enterprises.

Lani: I hope I'm not interrupting.

Kristen: No, you're not. What's wrong? You seem worried. Are you--are you worried about taking our vows?

Lani: I just had my interview with the reverend mother.

Kristen: And how did it go?

Lani: She talked about the nature of forgiveness. Asked me if I was ready to receive it.

Kristen: And what did you say?

Lani: That I was. I mean, we've worked so hard to get to this point.

Kristen: You're still not sure, are you?

Lani: Are you?

Brady: I know that sound. You found them, didn't you? You found them.

John: Come on, man. You think I'd throw away your baseball card collection? Do you know that you have a fergie jenkins rookie card in there?

Brady: Yes, I know.

John: And this is it. This is it, kid. This is your turn. Change your kid into a cubs fan.

Brady: Oh, hold on. Dad, hold on a second. Listen--

John: This is it right here, this is the moment.

Brady: Listen, tate's into collecting baseball cards, but if he wants to become a dodgers fan that's up to him. Can't control that.

John: Dodgers? No, cubbies.

Brady: What is this? It's a new arrangement. That's very nice. Who sent you this?

John: Yeah, interesting. Take a look.

Brady: "S"? What's that? Was that sami?

John: Well, you know, interesting. That's what I thought at first too, but I was wrong. So now I'm kind of leaning towards stefano.

Marlena: Oh, look at you.

Eric: She's beautiful, isn't she?

Marlena: Yeah, um...

Eric: Mom, what is it? Is something wrong with mackenzie?

Marlena: She seems a little lethargic to me. Oh, honey, she's running kind of a high temperature, yeah.

Xander: I have to go. We both know that's what's best for mickey so.

Sarah: I have something I have to say first.

[Dramatic music]

Xander: I thought you said you had something say.

Sarah: I thought I said it.

Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Sweeping orchestral music]

Brady: Dead men don't send flowers, dad.

John: Nope, so this could be stefano's way of announcing that he's still alive.

Brady: That is his style.

John: So what do you think?

Brady: I think that if that old man is still alive, kristen might be with him.

Kristen: I asked you first

Lani: When I first heard about a life of hard work and quiet contemplation, it sounded so right, but I was in a really bad place when I made the decision to stay here.

Kristen: Me too, but I have more sins to contemplate than most people. I think this will be my life's work.

Lani: You're fine with just letting go of the women that we were? Getting rid of our worldly goods? You have more worldly goods than most people.

Kristen: The money isn't the hard part for me. I mean, all that dimera stock, I mean, it's like a target on your back. I mean, everybody wants what you have, but giving up and finding love, oh, that is not going to be easy.

Lani: We take our vows tonight and we are closing the door on eli and brady.

Kristen: It's going to be hard to never see them again but, honey, we've made our choice.

Lani: I really have found peace here.

Kristen: Yeah, me too. And brady is now part of the past, and the church is our present and our future.

Lani: Yeah.

Eli: Once kristen finds out that we're willing to pay more than market value for those shares of hers, she'll break it to the sisters and tell them she's had a change of heart. Well, I highly doubt that the convent is going to take her to court for backing out of the deal.

Gabi: She loves having the power to screw things up for whoever's in charge at dimera.

Eli: I will get her to come around, okay? Then you will be in control of her shares and stephan'S. And chad will be behind the eight ball.

Gabi: Where he belongs.

Chad: Get off the phone.

Gabi: I have to call you back. What do you want?

Chad: Like you don't know?

Eli: Kristen dimera, I bet you'll be flattered I've traveled all the way to rome just to see you.

[Tense music]

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Xander: I was just about to walk out that door. Why are you doing this?

Eric: She wasn't like this a few minutes ago. I'm sure of it.

Marlena: Yeah, it's probably just a virus. It happens. Let's get her checked out.

Gabi: I thought you'd left for paris?

Chad: You know damn well that I didn't go anywhere. I get to the airstrip and I find out that eli's commandeered the jet. It took off for rome.

Gabi: What a disappointment.

Chad: Since when does a security guy outrank a member of the family?

Gabi: Well, since the security guy has the ceo's best interest at heart, okay? And don't give me that paris crap because I know you were headed to rome to talk to your nutty sister so that she could hand over her stock to you.

Chad: You have no idea what my plan is.

Gabi: Just admit it, you're trying to get rid of me. But you know what? You can'T. Because I'm going to get to kristen first.

Lani: I can't believe how at peace you seem.

Kristen: I spent my whole life thinking about how I was going to get what I wanted. Now I just--I bake bread and I scrub floors and I tend to the vegetable garden. It's easier to expiate my sins than to actually think about them. My baby girl is--is gone, and I took it out on that poor nurse. If only things had worked out differently.

Brady: Hey, I just got off the phone with my dad, bragging about our little girl. Where's nurse chen? She's bringing her in, right?

Kristen: Yes, yes.

Haley: And here she is.

Brady: Oh, my gosh. Is she sleeping?

Kristen: Oh, my god.

Haley: Yeah, she's so beautiful.

Brady: Oh, my gosh she's beautiful.

Kristen: Isn't she?

Brady: Hi.

Kristen: Hello baby.

Brady: She is just like her mother. Hi, hi, sweetie.

Kristen: Hello, sweetie.

Brady: Welcome to the world.

Kristen: My little girl would still be alive, and I would be a different person right now, but she didn't live. And I--I plan to do my penance in this cloistered place and pray that no one ever finds me here.

[Dramatic music]

Eli: Buona sera, um, io sono eli grant. Oh, thank god you speak english. I was calling to find out if my room was ready? Great, great, great. Can you, um, can you arrange to have a car and a driver ready for me when I get there? Yeah, I have a very important meeting in an hour. No, I'm not sure of the exact location, but I'll know by the time I get to the hotel. Okay, thank you. Grazie, mille grazie.

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Jj: You--you can't be here.

Haley: What are you doing here, jj?

Jj: I had to come.

Haley: You went to a lot of trouble to get here. You stowed away on the--on the dimera jet, and now you're following eli all over rome, why? What do you have in mind?

Jj: Eli has a meeting with the woman who murdered you, and I'm going to be right behind him. I'm going to make her pay for taking you away from me, but I gotta go.

Haley: I'm sorry, jj, but I can't let you do this.

John: So I take it you haven't heard from kristen since she went on the lam?

Brady: Not a word.

John: Hey, you know, if stefano were alive she would have headed right for him.

Brad: You know, she kept saying that--that she was going to become a better person, you know, with the arrival of this baby, but now that the baby's not in the picture--the baby is gone, she retreated into a dark place, dad, and I really--

John: And if she's with stefano, I can only imagine she's gone to a darker place.

Brady: Right. Then I hope to hell that she is not with him. Can't--I can't help it, dad, I--wherever she is, I want her to be okay.

Lani: I know how you feel. What it's like to lose a child. But the grief, it's what brought me and eli together.

Kristen: You still think about eli all the time, don't you?

Lani: And I can't help but wonder where I would be now if I had just--would've done things differently.

Eli: Wow, you look amazing.

Lani: So do you.

Eli: Sorry, um, I got your message. Isn't it bad luck for us to see each other before the wedding?

Lani: Yeah, yeah, that's, um, that's what they say. But this is too important.

Eli: Yeah. You said you need to talk to me.

Lani: Yeah. I want you to know everything. What if I just would've told him what gabi had planned to do if we got married?

Eli: Gabi told you to leave me at the altar?

Lani: Yeah, she did, I swear. And she said that if I didn't or if I--if I told you about it, that she would do something to your grandmother's pacemaker that would blow her heart up and julie would die.

Eli: She's lost her damn mind. All right, then she's gotta be stopped.

Lani: Yeah, but how? Unless you get her phone away from her, she controls that pacemaker.

Eli: I'm gonna put that hateful bitch away. Come here. Everything's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.

Kristen: Before you take your final vows, you need to think about something. You can still tell eli the truth.

Chad: So eli has gone to make a deal with kristen.

Gabi: Aren't you a smarty pants?

Chad: Now, here's the thing. My sister, she is crazy, but I'm her little brother and she loves me, and she's not gonna sell me out. Not for someone like you.

Gabi: Have you heard that your sister wants to give her shares to a convent? See, I figured she was crazy, so I wanted to take advantage of that situation. Once she sees the offer that I'm going to give her, she's going to see what all that money can do for the sisters, and she's not going to say no.

Chad: Yeah, see, you don't know her as well as you think you do. She always, always puts family first.

Gabi: Right, right, yeah, that's why she's gonna give her share of your family's fortune to a bunch of nuns.

Chad: Well, I'm sure she has a plan.

Gabi: Once eli sees her and uh--and tells her about my offer, she's gonna see the light. What, you think I'm wrong?

Chad: Honey, I know you are.

Gabi: Well, you know what? You can always fly commercial. Just go commercial. Meet up with kristen--

Chad: Well, funny, 'cause I can't fly commercial. I've already tried that. 'Cause there's a storm over the atlantic and everything's grounded.

Gabi: You can't blame me for that, okay? I have no control over the weather, but you know what I can control, chad? I can control who works for me. So you're fired.

Sarah: I'm sorry, I didn't--I didn't mean to just throw myself at you. It's just--you surprised me.

Xander: I did?

Sarah: Yeah, you volunteered to move out of your family home so that eric wouldn't fight for custody of mickey and--it just hit me how much you really do care about mickey and me. I just--I just--I don't--i want--I wanted to--

Xander: To give me a proper send-off?

Sarah: I guess you could say that.

Xander: Well, I'm doing the right thing by mickey. I'm not mary bloody poppins.

Sarah: I know, but I'm still gonna miss you.

Kayla: Well, her temperature is 103 and she's not fussy.

Marlena: Yeah, that's what worried me.

Kayla: Um, have you and sarah noticed any behavioral changes in her?

Eric: I haven't been in the picture long enough to know her normal pattern. I mean, it didn't seem to me that she was sleeping a lot.

Kayla: Well, it probably is a self-limiting virus and it will be gone in a couple of days, but I need to make sure there's not a bacterial infection or something else.

Eric: Okay, so what are you going to do?

Kayla: Well, I'd like to admit her and get her on iv fluids. I'd also like to run some tests if you can sign some forms.

Eric: Well, if I can't, sarah can. I can call her.

[Phone ringing]

Sarah: I have to get it.

Xander: No.

Sarah: Mm-hmm, I have to. Ugh, it's eric. It might be about mickey. Eric?

Eric: Hi, I brought mackenzie to visit my mom and she noticed she was running a fever.

Sarah: Really? How high is it?

Eric: She's 103.

Sarah: But she wasn't feverish this morning.

Eric: Well, kayla thinks it could be just a virus. She wants to admit her.

Sarah: Okay, I'm on my way.

Eric: Okay.

Sarah: Mickey is suddenly running a fever and kayla wants to admit her.

Xander: I'll drive.

Sarah: Okay.

Jj: I have to do this. Kristen took you away from me. I can't let her get away with that.

Haley: God, you're a mess. You're high as a kite, and you're talking about getting even with people. What happened to the guy who used to get choked up over puppy videos?

Jj: Somebody killed his girlfriend.

Haley: You stopped me from killing myself, remember that? It was you who told me to reach out and get help.

Jj: I don't need a shrink. I'm going to make sure kristen pays for what she did.

Haley: It's not going to bring me back, jj. You'd be throwing your life away for nothing.

Jj: What life? Kristen took you away from me. That bitch got away with murdering you. What am I supposed to do with that? Make peace with it?

Haley: Yes.

Jj: Well, you're asking too much. Just--just get out of my head. Just get out of my way.

Kristen: There is nothing outside these walls for me now, but I think there is for you. And if you are having any doubts, just--you can find eli and you can tell him that gabi forced you to hurt him so badly.

Lani: I have been over that in my head a million times and I still come up with the same thing. Gabi could find out and just kill julie out of spite.

Kristen: You think she'd really do that?

Lani: She hates me. I shot her husband. Your brother.

Kristen: Lani, lani, you didn't mean to do that.

Lani: Gabi doesn't see it that way, and I can't be responsible for julie's death too, okay? The best thing for me to do is to stay far away from eli and salem for good. Why are you staring at me like that?

Kristen: I just--I just wonder, are you here to do your penance and god's work? Or are you just hiding?

Chad: You can't fire me. You still have to answer to the board, and there's no way shin is going to fire stefano dimera's son.

Gabi: Ah, you haven't noticed? I'm actually pretty good at getting anything I want from mr. Shin.

Chad: All right, go for it. And I will give the board a detailed account about how you drove abigail into the mental institution.

Gabi: Abigail refused to press charges, so I think it's going to be your word against mine.

Chad: Maybe she's changed her mind. I doubt that the statute of limitations has run out on what you did to her. She's also a reporter so she could write a story for "the spectator." That's gonna be a lot of bad news for you and for dimera. We both know how shin feels about bad press.

Gabi: Abigail's not going to do something like that.

Chad: She will if you fire me. Do you really want arianna to find out what kind of person her mommy is?

Gabi: You leave my daughter out of this. (Avo) do you push through migraine?

Sarah: Eric!

Eric: What's he doing here?

Sarah: Where's mickey?

Eric: Kayla's drawing blood for tests. My mom is with her. She told me to wait here.

Sarah: It's 'cause they don't want you to get upset when she starts screaming when they're trying to find a vein, but I'm a doctor too and I want to be with my baby.

Xander: Just tell her where she is.

Eric: You get lost and I will.

Kayla: I'm going to take these blood samples to the lab myself. Eric, why didn't you take her in to see mickey?

Eric: Oh no, no, no, no. You stay here. You're not coming anywhere near my daughter.

John: So have you--have you tried to track her down?

Brady: I did, but I gave up. Dad, I--I was dealing with my own demons, and she was in such a depression.

John: Yeah, but I know you thought that she had changed after she found out she was pregnant.

Brady: She did. Dad, she changed, but I know it was tenuous. Still, I can't stop wondering what--what kind of a person she might've become if our little girl hadn't died.

Haley: I'll leave you two alone with the baby.

Brady: Thank you, thank you.

Kristen: [Cooing]. She's so little.

Brady: Look at her nose. Look at how beautiful her little nose is.

Kristen: I know, look at it.

Brady: That is your nose.

Kristen: No, no, no, no. It's your nose.

Brady: No--I guess it's our nose then, huh?

Kristen: It definitely is.

Brady: I have a baby girl. I have you. I don't know how I got so lucky.

[Laughter] I can't stop looking at her.

John: Thinking about what might have been?

Brady: Yeah, it's hard not to.

John: I know.

Brady: She--she looked at that baby as her salvation, and it just killed her when that little girl didn't make it, and I wish there was something I could have done to help her.

Lani: I don't think I ever thought of being here as hiding.

Kristen: Maybe you should. You know, why don't you pray on it before you take your vows?

Lani: Reverend mother says I have to find forgiveness in my heart for gabi. Tall order.

Kristen: She said that I have to forgive myself for all the things I've done. Penance I understand. Forgiveness is a lot harder.

Lani: How do I forgive gabi? How do I forgive myself for what I did to eli?

Kristen: Why don't we pray for guidance?

Lani: Maybe we'll get lucky.

Kristen: Yeah.

Chad: I would never hurt arianna, not on purpose, but if abby goes public with what you did to her, I mean, she is arianna's father's cousin, so ari's bound to find out. She could hear about it on the playground.

Gabi: My child has already gone through more than most people should go through their entire lives.

Chad: I know. And now that will's in prison you should think long and hard about going at my jugular. 'Cause if you do, I will come at you, and the ripple effect will not be pretty.

Gabi: You can have your job back, chad, but as soon as I take control of kristen's shares, I'm going to have the clout to get rid of you and the board if my demands are not met.

Eli: Can someone tell my driver that I'll be down in 20 minutes? Grazie.

Jj: I can't believe that chick at the front desk thought I was eli's bodyguard. I'm better at this than I thought. We used to love going out with julia and mike,

Eric: You can get outta here or I'll throw you out myself.

Xander: I took care of that baby for months. You got her sick in one day.

Sarah: I will tell you whatever they say, okay? Just please--just stay here.

Xander: It looks like I don't have a choice.

Sarah: Thank you.

John: Hey, kid. I don't want you beating yourself up over this 'cause you couldn't get kristen through this. You did everything you could. And kristen, you know, she's always talking about, you know, she wanted--she wanted to find love, but you know what I think? I think--I think she's just a loner.

Brady: Maybe. You know, after everything that kristen did to you in your life, dad, you could have easily just said to me, "hey brady, you're on your own with this whole thing." But you know what? You didn'T. You didn't do that and I thank you for that. I'm just hoping kristen was able to find that kind of comfort somewhere.

John: As long as it's not from stefano.

Brady: Yeah.

Kristen: Well, this has been some long journey.

Lani: Hardest one of my life.

Kristen: It's worth every step... for me anyway. I plan to take my vows and stay here forever. But you're having some doubts.

Lani: I just want to stay here for a little bit longer.

Kristen: Okay, but not for long 'cause the reverend mother and the others are waiting for us in the chapel.

Lani: I'll be there soon.

Kristen: Will you?

Lani: Yes.

Eli: No guns. Diplomacy.

Jj: Haley?

Haley: Don't do this in my name.

Jj: I have my own reasons.

Haley: That is the drugs talking, jj, not you. Jj, if you love me, you'll give this up.

Jj: It's because I love you that I have to do it.

Xander: How's mickey?

Marlena: Sleeping like a baby.

Xander: I should be with her. I'm the one she knows. But your son won't allow it.

Marlena: Well, eric would've been with her every moment since she was born if he'd known he was her father, but that was--that was kept from him. He has every right to be angry with you and with sarah for doing that. But you know what? If you really care about this little child, I think you should stop skulking around here and just go on home.

Xander: I don't care what you think about me, I'm not leaving. If she cries and wants me, I'm going to be here for her. I love that little girl like she was my own.

Marlena: Well, she's in good hands.

Sarah: God, I wish she didn't have to go through this. Her little hand is so hot.

Eric: I should've noticed this earlier, I'm sorry.

Sarah: Babies spike fevers all the time. You can't blame yourself. The iv--the fluids will help bring her fever down. She's gonna be all right. She has to be.

Gabi: The gloves are off now.

Chad: Looks that way.

Gabi: I'm not surprised. I knew you were out to get me the moment you came back to town. So now it's an out and out war.

Chad: I'm gonna win this war. So enjoy sitting in the big chair at my family's company. It's not gonna last long. I'm going to enjoy watching you go up in flames.

Lani: Heavenly father, how do I do what reverend mother wants? How do I forgive gabi for ruining my life? And if I don't have the answer to that, do I have the right to take the sacred vows? Is this the right path for me? Please, I am begging you. Please, just give me some kind of sign--something and--

Eli: Excuse me, sister, I'm looking--

Kristen: Pray for us, oh, mother of god, so that we may be made worthy of the promises of christ.

[Tense music]

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