Days Transcript Wednesday 12/4/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 12/4/19


Episode #13664 ~ Gabi sends Eli to Rome to thwart Chad; Abigail tells Hope she doesn't think Eve pushed her mother; Lani tells Abe she made a commitment to someone; JJ is desperate to find Kristen.

Provided By Suzanne

Steve: Good morning, Gina.  I didn't expect to see you so early.

Hope: I could not sleep, not at all, not one wink. Ever since marlena has returned, it's been just awful. We must break them up.

Steve: As you know, there is nothing I would like more, but there are other matters which demand my attention.

Hope: Such as?

Steve: My daughter kristen... is about to become a nun.

Hope: A nun?

Lani: Today's the day.

Kristen: Once we take our final vows, everything changes. First, we have to say good-bye to our old lives.

[Melancholy music]

[Phone beeps]

[Cell phone chirps]

[Phone beeps]

Abe: Hello?

Lani: Hi, dad.

Abe: Lani. Are you okay?

Lani: Yeah, I'm fine. It's, um, it's really nice to hear your voice.

Abe: Yeah, yours too. Did your mother tell you that I-I tried to call you on thanksgiving? W-where are you?

Lani: I'm in a good place, physically and emotionally.

Abe: Well, I'm glad to hear that, but I-I miss you. I wish you would come home.

Lani: I know... but I... I'm not coming home, dad.

Abe: Well, what about eli? You know, I just ran into him the other day, and--

Lani: Dad, stop. Eli and I are--we're through. I'm committed to someone else.

Gabi: Good thing I made a surprise visit to the store. You should have seen how they botched the display. What's wrong? Why do you look so serious?

Eli: There's a rumor floating around that there's a significant amount of stock that's about to be sold. Dimera stock.

Gabi: That's strange. Since I took over, stock's been killing it, and it's just gonna keep going up. Why would anybody want to dump it now?

Abigail: Hey.

Chad: It was a good idea to have breakfast here after dropping the kids off.

Abigail: I know, it was, wasn't it? I could tell you could use a break from that house.

Chad: Nothing like starting the morning off with eli and gabi to make you lose your appetite.

Abigail: Amen to that.

Kate: Good morning. What can I get you?

[Calming music plays]

Jj: Hey, mom.

Jennifer: Hey. Hi.

Jj: Hey, mom, I'm sorry I missed thanksgiving.

Jennifer: It's okay. I heard that you took someone else's shift so that they could enjoy the holiday.

Jj: Felt like the right thing to do.

Jennifer: Proud of you for doing that. But it made me feel like maybe you were avoiding thanksgiving on purpose. Is it because you're missing haley?

Jj: Dad told you?

Jennifer: Yeah. Honey, I'm so sorry.

Jj: It's okay. I'm working through it.

Jennifer: I wasn't here for you when it happened, but I can help you now, honey.

Jj: How? How can you help me? 'Cause I've lost the woman I love.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kate: Okay, so are you going to keep staring at me, or are you going to order?

Chad: I'm just not used to seeing you as a waitress.

Kate: Okay, so it's been a year, so I think you need to get used to it. The usual?

Abigail: Yes, yeah.

Chad: Yup.

Abigail: Sounds good.

Kate: Okay, two eggs over easy, a side of bacon, and two coffees, black.

Roman: You got it, and like I said from day one, you're a natural. All right, I got two martinis, two red wines, and a salem sidecar.

Kate: And I'll have another martini.

Roman: All right, you got it.

Kate: Oh, I cannot believe that I trusted victor when he said that he would make me ceo of titan. It's crazy.

Roman: Could've told you that.

Kate: And shin and the board of dimera weasels, seriously, putting tony at the helm ahead of me? I'm so done. I am so done with the corporate world. I really am, with the patriarchy and the backstabbing and the lying, done.

Roman: You really mean that?

Kate: Yes, I do. I do. I really mean it. I just--I don't care anymore. What the-- what the hell are you doing?

Roman: I'm shorthanded. You used to be a waitress. Table five.

Kate: Y-you want me to serve the drinks to them?

Roman: Not as much as they do.

Kate: What the hell, I can do that. Well, I was just doing you a favor. It's not like I need the money.

Roman: Then why'd you take the job?

Kate: I still don't know, but it does feel good to have an honest job and not have to think about people stabbing you in the back.

[Uplifting music]

Gabi: You know, there has to be a reason somebody's planning to sell that stock.

Eli: Think chad is involved somehow?

Gabi: Course he's involved. If he acquires the majority of the stock, then he could convince the board to oust me.

Eli: That's probably why he's been so secretive with his laptop.

Gabi: Yeah, he's probably trying to set up backdoor channels with other stockholders. Listen, you have to figure out who's dumping that stock, and you have to get them to sell it to me.

Abigail: You know, I didn't get to tell you this last night, but, um, I had kind of a weird conversation with my brother.

Chad: Weird how?

Abigail: He wants to reach out to kristen. He says that he's forgiven her for what happened with haley and he wants to tell her that he's forgiven her and help her heal.

Chad: What, you don't believe that?

Abigail: Honestly, no, and when I questioned him about it, he got super defensive.

Chad: So you think there's another reason why he wants to find kristen.

Jennifer: Honey. Look at me. When I lost your dad, I wanted to give up. And that is how I know you need help, and I want you to call marlena because she can help you, and she can give you perspective on all of this, jj.

Jj: Perspective?

Jennifer: Yes.

Jj: The woman I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with is dead. I don't need marlena or anyone else to tell me my heart is broken.

Jennifer: Jj, I want to help.

Jj: Well, you're not helping! You're making me feel worse!

Jennifer: Jj!

[Forlorn music]


Hope: A nun?

Steve: Mm.

Hope: Kristen dimera, your daughter, a nun?

Steve: Mm-hmm.

Hope: Hilarious. How do you know this?

Steve: Eyes and ears. I still have eyes and ears everywhere.

Hope: Yes, yes, of course you do, steffy.

Steve: Well, the good news is kristen is about to take a vow of poverty, which means she'll have to give up her dimera shares.

Hope: And the bad news?

Steve: She has this crazy notion to give that stock to the church.

Hope: Well, that cannot happen.

Steve: Of course not. I'm going to stop her.

Lani: I love you too, dad. Take care.

[Phone beeps]

[Exhales deeply]

Kristen: I know how hard that was.

Lani: Yeah. Well. I did get some good news.

Kristen: Yeah?

Lani: Jennifer is awake.

Kristen: Oh, that's wonderful! Oh, my prayers have finally been answered.

Lani: You and jennifer were close?

Kristen: Friends were always hard to come by, and jen had a way of seeing the good in me, even when I was at my worst.

Lani: I guess she figured it was--well, it was somewhere in there.

Kristen: Yeah.

Lani: What's wrong?

Kristen: I am so glad that she's back with her family, but now that she's out of her coma... she's gonna find out what happened to haley, about what I did.

Lani: The da ruled it an accident. You were heartbroken over losing your baby. You didn't mean to hurt haley.

Kristen: No, no, I didn't, but not everyone sees it that way.

[Foreboding music]

Abigail: Yeah, I think that jj is looking for kristen because he wants to avenge haley's death.

[Phone beeps]

Chad: Hmm.

Abigail: Who is it?

Chad: It's my father.

Abigail: What'd he say?

Chad: Speaking of kristen...

Abigail: Really? What about her?

Chad: Well, apparently, he's learned that she's trying to... donate her stock to some convent near rome, and he wants me to fly to rome and try to get it back before she gives it all away. Wants me to take the dimera jet.

Abigail: You think gabi will allow that?

Chad: Not if she knows what I'm up to, which means I'm gonna have to come up with some cover story. I don't want to leave you.

Abigail: No. No, no, no, no, chad, you should do that, and beside, it'll give me a chance to really dig into all this stuff with the eve claim. I mean, she swears she didn't push my mom off that balcony, so I've got a lot of work to do.

Chad: Well, be careful, 'cause if eve didn't do it, that means the assailant's still out there.

Steve: Chad is handling the kristen situation. So, we're one step closer to achieving our goals.

Hope: Amen to that. Steffy, do you realize how difficult it is to constantly pretend love and concern for hope's dear cousin jennifer?

Steve: Well, you're just lucky she doesn't remember what you did to her.

Hope: Eve was a quite convenient pawn, was she not? Although manufacturing all of that evidence to guarantee her conviction, that did take some doing.

Steve: Are you worried about jennifer getting in the way?

Hope: No, not really, but should she, there are still ways to keep her quiet.

Jennifer: Jack, hey, it's me. Uh, have you heard from jj or seen him, by any chance? Because he was here with me at the hospital, and I said some things that made him really mad, and--and he left. Can you--can you just call me when you get this? Love you, bye.

[Phone ringing] Hello? Hello? Is anyone there?

Kristen: Hi, jennifer. It's me, kristen.

Follow me to a place I know with endless possibilities

Roman: Hey, listen, could you cover for me for an hour or so? I want to go to the hospital to see jen now that the morning rush is over.

Kate: Of course I can. Take your time.

Roman: You do have my back, don't you?

Kristen: Yes, I do have your back, but you might want to think about giving me a raise.

Roman: We did it.

Kate: We did do it, although I never thought they'd leave.

Roman: Whew! Thanks for helping me out.

Kate: Absolutely. I made quite a haul.

Roman: What are you doing?

Kate: That's your money.

Roman: Are you kidding me? You earned that. You're still very good at this.

Kate: I'm good at everything, roman.

Roman: And don't I know it. Now, let me ask you something. Would you consider doing this full-time?

Kate: What, waitressing?

Roman: Why not?

Kate: Well, because I have money. I run multinational corporations, that's why.

Roman: Yeah, and I was a police commissioner. I never thought I'd be satisfied running this place, but I am. Hell, it's fun. I'm happy. You could be happy too, maybe, coming back to your roots, no more board meetings, no more victor kiriakis or whatever dimera's making your life miserable this week. Well?

Kate: Tell you what. I'm gonna help out an old friend until something better comes along.

Roman: Year went by fast.

Kate: Sure did.

Roman: Not sure why you're still working for me, but I'm damn glad you are, and I think abigail needs a refill.

Kate: I got it. More coffee?

Abigail: Um, sure, but actually, if you're not busy, could you sit down and talk for a second?

Kate: Sure. What's up?

Abigail: Um, so how's the-- how's the new career going?

Kate: Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a career, but it's honest work, you know? It has its upsides.

Abigail: Yeah.

Kate: So how's your new career as a reporter?

Abigail: It's good. Yeah, I actually really love it, and I think it's--it's been really good for chad and I and our marriage, and it's nice for me to have something separate from dimera, you know?

Kate: I do. Look, I know I was always on gabi's side in the past, but I can see that you make chad very happy, so.

Abigail: Thanks, and he makes me really happy too.

Kate: I can see that. A word of advice, though. I'd be careful. I'd be careful about gabi. She's become much more ruthless this past year.

Gabi: So if we can prove that chad is buying up stock in an attempt to undermine me, then I can make a case to the board that he is violating his responsibilities to the company.

Eli: Think they'd fire him?

Gabi: They--of course. They would have to.

Eli: Hmm. Perfect timing.

Chad: Gabi. Glad I ran into you. I need to take the dimera jet to paris.

Gabi: Why's that?

Chad: I'm working on a deal. I need to close it in person.

Eli: What deal?

Chad: Oh, sorry, I was talking to gabi. You know what, if you'd like to know about it, I can show you the particulars on my laptop, unless you'd like to go snooping through it on your own.

Eli: The hell's that supposed to mean?

Chad: My wife said she found you rooting around in my computer.

Eli: Well, I was just trying to install some new security software.

Chad: Sure. I don't believe that.

Gabi: He's the head of security. You do know that, right?

Chad: My laptop is secure.

Gabi: Good, I'm glad it is. But anyway, eli, you have another assignment that requires your attention at the moment, right?

Eli: Yeah.

Gabi: So we'll talk later.

Eli: I'm on it.

[Tense music]

Gabi: So why don't you tell me about this deal? Why this sudden trip to europe?

Jennifer: Kristen, are you there?

Kristen: Yeah, I'm here. I heard the good news that you had woken up, and I wanted to call and tell you how happy I am for you and your family.

Jennifer: Thank you. It's hard to believe that a whole year has passed. I really missed so much.

Kristen: I know.

Jennifer: I'm sorry about your baby. I know how much you and brady were looking forward to being parents.

Kristen: We were. But I wanted... to say I'm sure you heard about what happened to haley, jen.

Jennifer: I did. Jj was just here.

Kristen: Jennifer, I swear... I never meant to hurt her. I was just so shocked to learn that my baby died that I-I-- I don't know, I just reacted, and... I mean, everything just happened so quickly.

Jennifer: They said you were cleared of all the charges.

Kristen: Yeah. Yes, I was.

Jennifer: Then why did you leave town?

Kristen: I just... I couldn't live with myself, you know? Brady stood by me, but I just couldn't get past losing the child that I have always wanted.

Jennifer: I-I understand.

Kristen: You know, even though I wasn't charged, I still needed to atone for what I did to haley. I know that jj will never forgive me, but... that is the truth.

Jennifer: Jj doesn't believe it was an accident.

Kristen: I know, I know, I understand, and I understand that you-- you have to support your son, but I just wanted to wish you well.

Jennifer: Thank you, kristen. I appreciate that. Jj, what are you doing?

Jj: Hey, kristen, it's jj. Been wanting to talk to you. Where are you? Copd makes it hard to breath

Jj: Kristen, where are you?

Kristen: I'm sorry, jj. I can't tell you that.

Jj: I just want to talk, clear the air between us.

Kristen: I can'T. It's impossible, jj.

Jj: What the hell does that mean? You can't face me after what you did to haley, is that it?

Kristen: No, no, I wish I could.

Jj: If you meant that, you would come meet with me.

Kristen: I don't expect you to understand, jj, but this is--

Jj: Damn you. Damn you to hell.

Jennifer: Jj. Jj, come over here.

Jj: You talked to her first. Did she tell you where she is?

Jennifer: No.

Jj: Fine, maybe I can trace the call.

Jennifer: Please, jj! What is this all about?

Jj: What do you think it's about? I'm just trying to find her.

Jennifer: I know, but you said that you want to clear the air, and it doesn't sound like to me that you want to forgive her, jj.

Jj: She doesn't deserve forgiveness after what she did.

Jennifer: She said it was an accident.

Jj: And you believe her? Over your own son?

Jennifer: No, no, I just want to help you feel better. Please, I want to help you. You have to let me help you.

Roman: Abigail, hey. Taking some chowder to your mom at the hospital.

Abigail: Oh, that's so great. She's gonna love that.

Roman: What're you working on?

Abigail: Um, well, actually, you could help me. I, uh... I went to see eve in prison, and she swears she didn't push my mom off the balcony.

Roman: So what else is new?

Abigail: I know, but what's new is I think she actually might be telling the truth.

Roman: Really? Okay. Did you, uh, talk to your mom about this?

Abigail: Yeah, yeah, of course, I told her, but she doesn't remember anything, and she's not against me pursuing this. She said I have her blessing, so my problem is I just-- I don't know how to get started.

Roman: Okay. Well, a little advice from the former police commissioner. This case is now officially closed, so you are entitled to access police evidence.

Abigail: I am? You mean-- wait, so you're saying I just go there and request to see files?

Roman: And they can't refuse.

Abigail: Really?

Roman: Mm-hmm.

Abigail: Well, okay, I-- I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna call hope. Then I'm gonna head over there. Thank you.

Roman: Good idea. All right. See you later.

Abigail: Okay, thank you.

[Cell phone chirping]

Hope: [Sighs] It's abigail calling. What does she want?

Steve: You should answer it.

Hope: Must I?

Steve: Yes.

Hope: For you. Hello, abigail. How are you, honey?

Abigail: Hey. Am I catching you at a bad time?

Hope: Not at all. I always have time for you. How's your mom?

Abigail: She's--she's good. She's doing much better, thanks. Um, listen, I wanted to ask you something.

Hope: Sure. What is it?

Abigail: Well, it's-- it's about the eve donovan case. Do you think that I could come by and see you this morning?

Hope: Well, I'm not at the office right now. But if you'd like, I can meet you at the station in a little while.

Abigail: Perfect. Yeah, that would be great. I really appreciate it. Um, I'll see you soon.

Steve: Well done, hope.

Hope: I do not like this. No, not one bit. Why is abigail inquiring about eve now? She's been in prison for months.

Steve: That is exactly why you need to see her. If she's nosing around about jennifer's fall, you need to make sure you're in control, gina. It's a lesson I've been trying to impart to my son chad. Hopefully, he's finally learned it.

Chad: The deal in paris is with a company called signal. They could help us shore up our dimera communications sector abroad.

Gabi: Oh, wow. This, um, this deal seems like it needs to be solidified, making me think perhaps the ceo should accompany you to paris.

Chad: You want to come with?

Gabi: They want reassurance. Let's reassure them together, don't you think?

Still looking for a

dry skin solution?

Chad: I think it would be great if you came with me. I'll call the ceo and let him know what we're both gonna fly out today.

Gabi: Today? Oh, wait, today, I remembered I actually have arianna's dance recital.

Chad: Today?

Gabi: Yes, and, uh, will's in prison. I cannot miss this.

Chad: Well, I hope I can take care of it on my own.

Gabi: I'm sure you can. Take the jet, and just keep me posted.

Chad: I will.

[Tense music]

Eli: Abe, hey.

Abe: Hey. Eli, man, how you doing?

Eli: I'm good. Really good.

Abe: You know, um, you should know, I spoke to lani this morning.

Eli: And you're telling me this why?

Abe: Well, the last time I saw you, I-- I got the feeling you wanted me to tell her something.

Eli: And then I thought better of it because your daughter isn't the woman that I thought she was.

Abe: I'm sorry she hurt you. I'm sorry.

Eli: I'm over it, okay? Gabi and I, we're happy together.

Abe: Well, I suppose that's--that's good. Well, apparently, um... apparently, lani's moved on as well.

Eli: She told you that?

Abe: Well... she didn't say who. She, uh... she said she felt that her life finally had purpose now that she'd committed to someone else. Uh, look, I-I'm sorry. You know, I shouldn't have said anything, I--

Eli: Lani can do whatever the hell she wants. She means nothing to me anymore. You know what, in fact... do me a favor. Don't ever bring her name up to me again.

Jennifer: If you don't want to talk to marlena, talk to me. I can help you.

Jj: I came back to apologize for how I acted before, but if you're buddying up to kristen--

Jennifer: That's not what I'm doing.

Roman: Hey, hey, you two! How you doing? Jen, you are a sight for sore eyes.

Jj: I'll let you guys catch up.

Jennifer: Wait, jj. Please wait.

Roman: Um... did I interrupt something?

Jennifer: I was just talking to jj about haley.

Roman: Oh, man. That has to be such, such a tough blow for that kid.

Jennifer: Yeah, his heart is broken. But if he stays focused on kristen, he is never gonna heal.

Kristen: I only wanted to let jen know that I was happy for her, but then jj grabbed the phone.

Lani: What did he want?

Kristen: Well, he wanted to see me. He wanted to clear the air.

Lani: Yeah, but we can't have visitors here.

Kristen: I know, I know, I know, it's impossible, and of course he doesn't understand. I mean, he still blames me for what I did to haley, and I still blame myself, and I pray every day for forgiveness for what I did to that poor woman.

Lani: I hope you find it.

Kristen: As soon as we take our vows, I will commit my life to prayer and good deeds, but jj will never know that. He'll still be in pain.

[Somber music]

Jj: Ah, what the hell.

[Cymbal shimmering] I didn't choose this exact type of metastatic breast cancer.

Jennifer: I tried to talk jj into just sitting down with marlena, and he refused to do that.

Roman: Well, I know eric reached out to him.

Jennifer: Was jj receptive to talking to him?

Roman: Hmm, not really, but eric's gonna keep trying.

Jennifer: What does that mean?

Roman: Well, when eric tried to get through to him, jj punched him out.

Jennifer: Wait, what? He hit him?

Roman: Yeah, I probably shouldn't have told you.

Jennifer: No, I want to know the truth. Why did he hit him?

Roman: Jen, he is in a lot of pain.

Jennifer: Roman, I know that, and I want to help him, but he has to let go of this grudge against kristen before anyone else gets hurt.

Kristen: Thank you for believing in me.

Lani: We're here for each other, right?

Kristen: Mm-hmm.

Lani: Like you said, you recognize my pain.

Kristen: I don't blame jj for being angry with me, but what gabi did to you, I mean, that is beyond cruel.

Lani: Eli is the one who suffered the most, and he still has no idea that gabi blackmailed me into breaking up with him.

Kristen: And I know that he was crushed when you walked away from that wedding.

Lani: You know, I just-- sometimes I can't help but wonder if there was just something I could have done to stop her.

Kristen: Lani, you were stuck, and as long as gabi had the power to blow up julie's heart, what could you do?

Lani: Nothing, absolutely nothing, and--and now it's too late for me, but I do hope that eli will learn the truth one day.

Gabi: Eli.

Eli: Hey, sorry, my mind was somewhere else.

Gabi: What's wrong? You seem upset.

Eli: It's nothing. I just ran into abe.

Gabi: I'm guessing he wanted to talk to you about lani.

Eli: Yup.

Gabi: Hmm. Was there something specific that he wanted to share about her?

Eli: Gabi, who cares?

Gabi: Well, I mean, he said something that made you upset.

Eli: He said that she's committed to some new guy.

Gabi: Oh.

Eli: Yeah, like I care.

Gabi: Hmm.

Eli: I have never been happier.

Gabi: Exactly, and this is great news. That means she's gonna be away from us.

Eli: Yeah, right. Look, um, I-I got more news about chad.

Gabi: Okay.

Eli: He filed a flight plan for the dimera jet.

Gabi: Yes, I know, to paris.

Eli: No, to rome.

Gabi: To-- that son of a bitch. He lied to me to my face?

Eli: Yeah, and that's not all. That chunk of dimera stock that went up for sale? It belongs to kristen dimera, who I've also traced to rome.

Gabi: He's trying to visit his sister to get her to sell him her dimera stock.

Eli: Yup.

Gabi: Hey, listen, we cannot allow that to happen. We have to get to that stock before he does.

Eli: You want me to alert the pilot and cancel his flight?

Gabi: No. No, no, no, no, no. You are gonna get on that flight. You're gonna go instead of chad.

Lani: We can't let what gabi did to me or jj's anger toward you distract us. We're taking our holy vows tonight.

Kristen: I'm ready. I'm ready for the peace it will bring.

Lani: Me too, and whatever happened in salem is all behind us now. We need to look to our new lives, devoted to god.

[Ethereal music]

[Tense music]

Eli: What happens when chad finds out I've taken the jet?

Gabi: I will handle chad, okay? You just take care of your part.

Eli: Okay, well, how do you want me to handle it?

Gabi: All right, simple, you go to rome. You find kristen, and you make her an offer that she cannot refuse.

Eli: Okay. All right. I'll be in touch.

Gabi: Okay. Thank you for this. I love you.

Eli: I love you.

[Foreboding music]

Jennifer: There's nothing worse than for a mother to see her child in trouble and not be able to do anything to help them.

Roman: I know. Uh, listen. I saw abigail earlier, by the way. She said you both have doubts that eve's the one that pushed you off that balcony.

Jennifer: When jack explained to me how I ended up in a coma, just everything they were saying about eve, it doesn't seem right. And I trust abigail's instincts, I really do, and she believes that eve is innocent.

Roman: All right, well, I did give her some advice about the investigation, and I think she's gonna reach out to hope. Maybe between the two of them, they can find out what did happen on that balcony.

[Suspenseful music]

Hope: Abigail!

Abigail: Hi.

Hope: Honey. Oh, my gosh, it is so--oh, honey, it's so good to see you.

Abigail: It's good to see you too.

Hope: So what is it about eve's case that you wanted to discuss?

Abigail: I actually was hoping that you could let me see the evidence against her.

Hope: I don't understand. Why would you want to see it? She was found guilty. She's been in prison for months.

Abigail: Right, I know, but, um... I don't think eve's the one who pushed my mother off the balcony.

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