Days Transcript Tuesday 12/3/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 12/3/19


Episode #13663 ~ Ben tries to keep Clyde from hurting Will; Ciara uncovers Xander's secret; Nicole asks Eric for forgiveness; Evan kisses Sonny.

Provided By Suzanne

Brady: You haven't heard from eric since yesterday?

Nicole: Just the one text saying that he's staying at his dad'S. Oh, brady, before eric stormed out to find sarah, you should have seen the way he looked at me.

Brady: Hold on, hold on. It'll be all right.

Nicole: No, it's not gonna be all right. I mean maybe if I had told him sarah was pregnant with his baby as soon as I found out. But I got scared and I...and I chickened out.

Brady: Look, I don't think you should be alone right now. Where are you? Why don't we meet up?

Nicole: No, brady. I need to ride this one out by myself.

Brady: I love you.

Nicole: You have terrible taste.

[Door opening]

Xander: Mmm! Kayla bores me, but she does make a tasty pie.

Victor: Shut up and close the door.

Xander: A heart-to-heart with my uncle victor? I feel so blessed.

Victor: As you're not in handcuffs, I presume you didn't write the confession to get the baby back.

Xander: Sorry, victor. I have to do this. And that's the whole sordid story of what we did. Signed xander kiriakis. Don't worry, uncle. Our secret is safe.

Ciara: Okay, xander, I'm banking on you being dumb enough to have kept proof that you killed jordan. Do not disappoint me, please.

Sarah: Ciara? What the hell are you doing?

Clyde: What the hell are you doing?

Ben: Stopping you.

Clyde: No. He knows too much. I'm gonna take him out.

Ben: Drop the damn knife! Drop it! Drop it!

Will: Ben!

Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Sweeping orchestral music]

Nicole: I'm so glad you're home.

Eric: I just came to get a few things.

Nicole: You're not staying?

Eric: No. I'm staying with my dad.

Nicole: Eric, wait. Please. We have to work this out.

Eric: I don't think that's possible.

Nicole: So, what are you--are you saying it's over between us?

Ciara: You ever hear about knocking?

Sarah: I did. You didn't hear me. So, what is this? Your shop class homework?

Ciara: Sorry, did I wake the baby?

Sarah: Not yet, but if you keep drilling you will. And you still haven't answered me. What the hell are you doing?

Ciara: Oh, this.

Sarah: Yeah, the drill in your boudoir.

Ciara: Yeah, you know, after I packed up my things and moved into the mansion, I found this old lock box full of keepsakes, you know, from high school? And silly me, I lost my key.

Sarah: You keep old love letters in a lock box? Prom corsage, maybe? You never heard of scrapbooking?

Ciara: Look, sarah, I don't remember what's inside. I just really wanted to see.

Sarah: You must think that it's very important.

Ciara: Yeah, I do.

Xander: The kidnapper left mickey in the park. Must have gotten cold feet. I guess whoever it was realized that it was a stupid idea to mess with the kiriakis family.

Victor: I wouldn't throw the word "stupid" around too much if I were you. You do understand that someone out there knows what we did? And that we let an innocent man go to prison for it. So, no, xander, I wouldn't say that our little secret is safe at all.

Clyde: Ben, I'm so sorry, man. I didn't mean it.

Will: Get off of him! Stay still. Stay still. Guard, we got a stabbing here!

Ben: I'm okay, I'm okay.

Will: No, you're not. Your dad just stabbed you. Guard!

Clyde: Hey, hey. Did you hear him? He said he's okay.

Will: You just stabbed your own son and the only thing you think about is saving your own sorry ass? Guard, come on! Guard!

Follow me to a place I know with endless possibilities

Rafe: Whoa. Christmas shopping early?

Brady: Ah, yeah.

Rafe: Oh, you've got quite a list.

Brady: Yeah, it's actually all for tate. I'm kind of over-compensating this year. You know, I was looking forward to him meeting his little sister, but...

Rafe: I'm so sorry, man.

Brady: Thanks, thank you. Just do me a favor. Don't take that little guy for granted, you know?

Rafe: Oh, I won'T. He's just sleeping in here.

Brady: [Laughs]

Rafe: Yeah. I got to say it wasn't ideal the way he came into my life, but damn, I'm sure glad he did.

[Knock at door]

Evan: Hey. What brings you here? It's a nice surprise.

Sonny: Yeah, you left this.

Evan: Oh, I was wondering. Thanks. You got some time? I was just about to heat up some pie that kayla gave us. There's more than enough for two.

Sonny: You know, that sounds good.

Guard: What the hell happened in here?

Clyde: He just stabbed my son, that's what happened.

Will: What?

Clyde: I was walking by and seen this animal go after ben with a knife.

Will: No, no, no. He's lying--you're lying.

Clyde: I tried to help, but I was too late.

Will: No. No. He came after me and then ben tried to stop him. And then he stabbed--

Clyde: Oh, don't you try to pin this on me.

Will: No. If you didn't pick up the knife, you would have found his prints on it!

Clyde: Hell! You're just trying to pay him back for what he did to you.

Will: No. If I stabbed him, why was i trying to stop the bleeding? Why was I the one trying to call the guard? That doesn't make any--

Guard: I ain't standing here listening to a he said/he said. I'm taking you back to your cell.

Clyde: Hey, I got to see my--

Will: Please. Please. I'm telling the truth. Just ask ben, just ask ben.

Clyde: I want to see my boy, make sure he's okay. You know, his type. You just never know what they're gonna do next.

Xander: God, how I love talking with you. Working with you.

Victor: Will you stop whining?

Xander: I'm not whining. I'm telling you, I have nothing to worry about. The anonymous texts have stopped.

Victor: And you still have no idea who sent them.

Xander: That's what anonymous means. But I'm gonna find out. I'm gonna find out who did it and make them pay for taking my kid.

Victor: You mean eric brady's kid.

Eric: What do you expect, nicole? You knew I had a daughter for a year, and you kept it from me. I missed half the first year of my daughter's life because of you.

Nicole: I know.

Eric: Do you know how much it hurts to stand next to you?

Nicole: What I did was wrong, and that is why I finally had to tell you.

Eric: You knew I was gonna find out the truth.

Nicole: No, no!

Eric: So, you're following your conscience now? I'm supposed to forgive you?

Nicole: Not overnight, no. But you can't give up on us. I love you, and I know you love me. And you and me and holly, we can still be a family. Please. Please give me another chance. I promise I won't keep another secret--

Eric: Don't make promises you can't deliver. I learned the hard way.

Nicole: Don't you see? I kept the truth from you because I was afraid of losing you.

Eric: You wouldn't have lost me. That's what makes me so mad. I could have been a father to mackenzie and your husband. But you had no faith in me, in us.

Nicole: I know. I was so stupid, and it was wrong, and I am so, so sorry.

Eric: I know you are. But now it's too late. You broke what we had, and there's no way of putting it back together. There are lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yeah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today.

Evan: Thanks for having me over for thanksgiving. I told myself I didn't mind being alone, but I wasn't looking forward to it.

Sonny: I should be thanking you. You know, this was the first big holiday without my mom.

Evan: And without will.

Sonny: Yeah. It's crazy how much difference a year can make.

Will: Your mom makes the best stuffing. I got to get her recipe.

Sonny: Why? It's not like you're gonna make it.

Will: Yeah. I was thinking you would make it for me.

Sonny: Oh, okay.

Will: Oh, so, good news. Here is ari's list of things she's grateful for, and you'll be pleased to know that you, gabi, and I made the number two slot.

Sonny: Oh, what's number one?

Will: Her princess tiara.

Sonny: Oh, that's an excellent choice.

Will: Yeah. What about you? What's on your list?

Sonny: My tiara. My family. And my mom's cooking.

Will: Anything else?

Sonny: Oh, yeah. Rachel maddow.

Will: I hate you.

Sonny: Well, that's a shame. Because I'm crazy about you.

Nicole: You can't mean that.

Eric: I've never loved anyone the way I loved you. But you knew how much I dreamt of being a father, having my own child. Something like this, something that important... you lied to me.

Nicole: So, what? All these years that we've loved each other, and it just means nothing?

Eric: Don't turn this around on me!

Nicole: I'm not; it's just that we were so happy.

Eric: But you were leaving out the most critical information. That's my daughter. Please, just stay out of my way. I'm gonna get a few things. And I'm gonna go.

Nicole: Wait. You might want to take this with you.

Xander: I'm the only father mickey's ever known. I'm the one who changed her nappies, I'm the one who got up in the night for bottle feeds.

Victor: That's all about to change. Since eric knows that mackenzie is his, since you're not married to sarah, since she only used you to keep eric in the dark, my guess is that you're about to be cut out of the family portrait.

Xander: Mickey sees my face and she smiles. I'm not about to just step aside.

Victor: When you came to me all those months ago, I warned you. I warned you not to get involved with that little girl.

Xander: How was I supposed to stop myself? Sarah asked me to make the world believe that I'm mickey's dad. So, I did. And because I did, sarah and I have gotten closer. You wait and see, she's going to want me in mickey's life.

Victor: Unless she finds out about your little secret.

Ciara: I'm sorry that I was so thoughtless. How's mickey doing?

Sarah: I examined her, and her pediatrician examined her. And, you know, physically, there's nothing wrong with her. I just... I don't know if anything from the kidnapping got burned into her little psyche, you know? I hope not. I don't think I'm ever gonna sleep peacefully again.

Ciara: I'm really, really sorry, sarah. I know how scared you were.

Sarah: I just--I really wish I could thank the person that called in that tip.

Ciara: Yeah, well, I'm sure it's enough to know that they helped you get your baby back safely. So, do the police have any leads?

Sarah: No. Just a theory. You know, they think that someone took mickey to try to extort money from xander and then they chickened out.

Ciara: Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense.

Sarah: Yeah. Now word's getting out that xander isn't mickey's biological father, so hopefully the threat to her is gone.

Ciara: Yeah. I heard about that.

Sarah: Kind of the elephant in the room at thanksgiving dinner, huh?

Ciara: Yeah, well, I'd say that mickey really traded up in the dad department, you know?

Sarah: It's good that eric knows, I guess. But xander was a really loving father to her. I think that he found out something about himself when he was helping me take care of her. Because there's a really good guy in there.

Ciara: Who knew?

Mickey: [Crying]

Sarah: Looks like she woke up all on her own. So, feel free to drill away. Good luck with all of your hidden treasures.

Ciara: Okay.

[Drilling resumes]

Sonny: I mean I feel like i have a lot less to be thankful for this year. I don't know what I'd do without ari.

Evan: You have your family, and your dad seems to have met a nice woman.

Sonny: Yeah, he and kayla are actually old friends, which is nice. I just really miss my mom. But what about you? What are you thankful for?

Evan: I love this job. Rafe's been terrific. David's a great little kid. I have a new friend. I already feel like I've known you forever.

Sonny: Yeah. I feel the same way.

Rafe: Yeah... hey, hey, sonny. What a surprise.

Evan: Sonny invited me over to thanksgiving dinner, and I left my scarf at his house.

Rafe: Oh, well, that's good. You didn't have to spend thanksgiving alone.

Evan: Did you--did you like thanksgiving? Did you have some turkey?

Rafe: Yeah, he did. Jury's still out, you know what I mean? But he was looking around for you, asking for you, calling your name, you know.

Evan: Did you? Oh, gosh. I missed you too, buddy.

Rafe: Yeah. That's good stuff.

Victor: Brady? Couldn't wait for the black friday sale?

Brady: You're out pretty late yourself.

Victor: Well, I'm glad I ran into you. We missed you at dinner.

Brady: How do you miss someone you stabbed in the back?

Victor: I was hoping we could move past that.

Brady: We move p-- "move past" kicking me when I'm down? I love when you resort to euphemisms after you've done something vicious to someone you claim to love.

Victor: I do love you, and I was afraid for kristen's influence over you.

Brady: What influence? The baby that she and i had conceived was already dead, grandfather. Kristen had already been accused of murdering haley. Kristen was out of my life when you decided to take my job and give it to xander. So, the only reason I can come up with that you would take the last thing that I had in my life was that it was fun for you.

[Distant drilling]

Xander: What is that godawful noise?

Sarah: Oh, it's ciara. She lost the key to some metal box, and it's got, like, mementos in it or something. I don't know. She's determined to open it.

Xander: Well, I hope she doesn't take too long about it.

Sarah: Yes, and I was hoping that this one was gonna stay asleep the whole night, but here we are.

Xander: Well, I don't mind that she's up. I like looking at her little face. Did you miss your dad, hmm? I guess I can't really say that anymore, can I?

Sarah: No, you can still say it, to her at least.

Xander: Look, I know things are gonna change now that eric knows the truth. But I really would like to stay a part of her life. I love her. And you might remember, I told you last night I love you, too.

Sarah: I remember.

Xander: You didn't quite get around to saying how you feel about me. Interrupted by that eejit, eric, weren't we? Ever hear of knocking, mate?

Eric: I'm sorry for barging in. But sarah, you and i need to talk...privately.

Xander: About what?

Eric: Custody.

Xander: Don't you think it's a bit soon to be throwing that word around?

Sarah: Eric's right. He and I do have things to discuss. Would you mind? Hi.

Xander: Don't agree to anything without talking to a lawyer first.

Clyde: You all right, son?

Ben: Just a flesh wound, a few stitches. Doctor said you missed a vital organ. You must be losing your touch.

Clyde: You shouldn't've interfered like that.

Ben: I told you to stay away from will.

Clyde: You shouldn't have told him about the baby and the kidnapping. He's gonna rat us out.

Ben: Well, first of all, I never told you to kidnap xander's baby. So, I'm really not understanding all this "us" crap. Second of all, the baby's back with her parents; she's safe and sound. So, there's no reason for will to say anything.

Clyde: Well, I may have just given him a reason.

Ben: What did you do? What did you do besides pull a shiv on him?

Clyde: I told the guard it was will who stabbed you.

Ben: What?

Clyde: Yeah, you've got to back me up on this. I know you're not happy with me right now, but I'm your daddy. And what I was doing was trying to protect us both.

Guard: Ben, I have some questions about what happened to you. I need you to tell the truth.

Evan: Thanks for bringing the scarf back. It's gonna be cold tomorrow.

Sonny: Yeah, no problem. Maybe we can hang out again this week, you know, hit up the spot or something.

Evan: Definitely.

Sonny: Sounds good.

Evan: All right.

Sarah: Hi, bubbah. You want your teething ring? I got it nice and cold for you. Yeah. There you go. She, um, she's working on her first tooth.

Eric: At least I didn't miss all her firsts.

Sarah: I'm so sorry for keeping you in the dark.

Eric: You didn't just keep me in the dark. You lied to me.

Sarah: Look, all I can say is that I honestly thought I was just doing the best thing for everyone.

Eric: How can you know what's best for mackenzie or for me? Pretending a man like xander is her father?

Sarah: Conceiving her was an accident, eric. You know that. By the time that I realized I was pregnant, your heart was all totally with nicole.

Eric: So, you punish me because I decided that I needed to be with nicole?

Sarah: No. I didn't want you to feel obligated to me or my child.

Eric: Our child.

Sarah: You and nicole were so happy to be back together. I honestly was just trying to stay out of the way. I was thinking of your happiness, eric.

Eric: So, this was your second-best choice? Nicole, she found out about it. She kept it going. But your plan, it didn't work. What you thought was gonna keep us together only pushed us apart.

[Knock at door]

Nicole: What? What do you want?

Xander: I want to know why you just ruined my life.

Nicole: Right, xander. It was always about you.

Xander: Ah. You got everything you always wanted, eric. Sarah and i were getting closer together. I've even told her that I loved her. And then you had to shoot off your big mouth and ruin everything for both of us.

Guard: Clyde, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave while I talk to ben here.

Ben: No, it's okay. He can stay.

Clyde: Thank you, ben.

Guard: So, your father didn't stab you?

Ben: Not on purpose.

Clyde: Ben.

Ben: I'm sorry, dad. I got to tell the truth. My father and I were fighting over the knife. I got cut. That's it.

Guard: How come clyde had a knife?

Ben: He was attacking my cellmate, and I tried to stop him.

Guard: Looks like you're headed back to solitary. Come on, let's go.

Clyde: You shouldn't have done that.

Ciara: So, you are a big enough moron to keep souvenirs of the rotten things you do. Something in here has to connect you to jordan's death. Oh! Oh! Oh!

Evan: I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that. I know you're married. That was--I was completely out of line.

Sonny: It's okay.

Evan: No, no, I've made things awkward now.

Sonny: Honestly, it is. It's okay. All right? Have a good night.

Evan: You too. So stupid. Stupid, stupid. Why did I do that?

Brady: So, if you didn't fire me to get your jollies, why'd you do it?

Victor: I'm sorry, brady. I had a difficult decision to make. You had just lost a child, and I didn't think that you were in any condition to run a company. And I'm sorry, the timing was terrible. I was hoping after a while you'd understand.

Brady: Don't hold your breath.

Nicole: Don't push me, xander. I have had a rotten night. Eric walked out on me, and if you keep yelling at me, so help me--

Xander: I won't yell. I just... I just need to know why you decided after all this time to tell eric about mickey being his.

Nicole: Eric proposed to me.

Xander: Isn't that what you bloody well wanted?

Nicole: Okay. I suppose you can't understand this, but I couldn't agree to marry him with this big lie between us, especially knowing that his daughter was in danger.

Xander: Well, you picked a fine time to grow a conscience. Now I don't know where I stand with sarah. Oh, and by the by, eric's over there now, banging on about custody.

Nicole: He's with her right now?

Xander: His back's up, of course, but that won't last. Their child will bring them together, just like we knew she would.

Sarah: You have to forgive nicole.

Eric: After what she did?

Sarah: Eric! She loves you so much. It tore her apart to keep this from you. She was only doing what I asked her to do.

Eric: No, you and I both know that this was a selfish act. She's very sensitive when it comes to knowing that she can't have any more children. She thought that this maybe was gonna tear us apart. It's unacceptable. It's unforgivable.

Sarah: She did eventually tell you.

Eric: That's more than I can say for you.

[Phone ringing]

Ciara: Yes. Yes, I'll take the call.

Ben: Hi.

Ciara: Hi. Hi, babe. Are you okay?

Ben: Yeah. Did you get into the lockbox?

Ciara: Yes. But I didn't find anything to prove xander killed jordan. I didn't even find anything that could force him into a confession.

Ben: Damnit.

Ciara: Yeah, I know. It's a lot of work for nothing. And now I need to find an identical box to replace the one that I busted open.

Ben: On thanksgiving?

Ciara: Yeah, well, I searched online and luckily, it's a really common model.

Ben: [Groans]

Ciara: Baby, what's wrong?

Ben: Nothing, nothing. I think maybe I just pulled a muscle in my back. Ciara, I hate that you're in the middle of all this with a guy that kills people. So, after you get that box put back, I want you to stay out of this.

Ciara: And let you get executed for a crime you didn't commit? No, I don't think so, ben.

Ben: Ciara, listen to me.

Ciara: I love you, ben. And I'm not gonna stop until I prove that you're innocent, okay? That's a promise. These are real people,

[Soft dramatic music]

[Line trilling]

Brady: What's going on?

Nicole: Eric finally came home.

Brady: And?

Nicole: Can I take you up on your offer to hang out? I could use the company.

Sarah: I was all over the place emotionally, okay? I was just trying to do what I thought was right. Obviously, it wasn'T. But that's over now. I am not gonna stand in the way of you getting to know your daughter. And I am open to us working out some sort of fair custody arrangement.

Eric: Me too. On one condition.

Rafe: Hey, hey. What are you doing? You don't have to do that, all right? You're here for david.

Evan: I don't mind.

Rafe: All right. He's asleep now, so that's good. I'm pretty beat too, so.

Evan: Good night.

Rafe: Good night. Now, I hate to sound nosey, but are you and sonny a thing?

Evan: What? No.

Rafe: Oh. But you're into him, right?

Evan: Well, kind of.

Rafe: Yeah. He's a great guy. He's a great guy, so. Well, you guys are both great guys. It's just he, you know, he comes with a lot of baggage, and I'd hate to see you get hurt.

Evan: I'll keep that in mind.

Rafe: Okay. I'm gonna shut up now. Good night.

Will: I think this was the best thanksgiving ever.

Sonny: I agree. But who knows? Maybe next year will be even better.

Will: Are you sure you're okay?

Ben: Yeah, yeah.

Will: Ben, I mean I think you saved my life.

Ben: I kinda owed you one.

Will: And you told the guards the truth.

Ben: Well, there was no way I was going to let clyde pin that on you.

Will: You know, maybe we can call it even.

Ben: [Exhales heavily]

[Grunts] My old man's back in solitary, will. He's not very happy with me for ratting him out. When he's out of the hole, he's gonna be gunning for both of us.

[Tense music]

Xander: [Coughing] Ciara. What are you doing in my office again?

Ciara: Well, remember you telling me that I should get back to work? I just finished the analysis on the bloom project, and I was just about to leave it on your desk.

Xander: Great. But next time, give it to an assistant.

Ciara: Got it. Good night. I am not gonna let you get away with framing ben. I'm gonna take you down, if it's the last thing I do.

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