Days Transcript Monday 12/2/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 12/2/19


Episode #13662 ~ John and Marlena suspect Stefano is the one who reached out to her; Justin and Kayla consider taking a big step in their relationship; Ciara updates Ben about her investigation; Clyde makes an attempt on Will's life.

Provided By Suzanne

Guard: Uh-uh, you know the rules.

Ben: I can't believe that you left your family on thanksgiving to come to this godforsaken place.

Ciara: Well, ben, this godforsaken place is where you are. And you're family now too.

Ben: How's sarah's baby doing?

Ciara: She's fine.

Ben: Thank god for that. Thank god for you. I still can't believe you were able to undo what clyde did.

Clyde: Well, what do you know? My little caged bird, all alone, with nobody to protect him.

[Tense music]

Justin: Well, I thought that went really well. Victor didn't kick anybody out of the house, xander didn't physically assault anyone, there was no screaming, choking.

Kayla: I actually thought it was kind of dull. I mean, a brady thanksgiving, there are some fireworks.

Justin: Oh, yes. I like fireworks. I like you.

Kayla: I like you. And, you know, I didn't see it coming but I actually had a really good time.

Justin: Well, good. So now you have a standing invitation for thanksgiving here every year.

Kayla: You know, I was-- I was actually thinking about christmas that maybe I'd have it at my place.

Justin: Or maybe you could just move in with me.

Kayla: What?

Justin: I know.

[Laughs] That was kind of sudden, wasn't it?

Kayla: It was very sudden.

Justin: But sudden isn't always bad.

Kayla: I know, but--.

Justin: Aren't you sick of us being the one who always have to think things through? I know I'm sick of it. We're crazy about each other. What's to think about?

Marlena: Okay, sweetie, thanks.

John: Okay, so how is our samantha gene doing?

Marlena: Well, she's fine.

John: Good.

Marlena: But I was right. She would have signed a card "love you bunches, xoxo."

John: No way. Really? She didn't send those flowers?

Marlena: She did not send the flowers.

John: Okay. But who did?

Marlena: You know, I don't know why we're making such a big deal out of it. Maybe--maybe they were sent by a patient.

John: So the mystery begins, huh? Okay, tell you what I'll do, I'll just get your patient book, we'll look up all the first names that start with an s, and we'll start giving them a call, okay?

Marlena: Oh, okay, oh, wait, wait. Maybe it was an old patient. Maybe we should go to my office and get my file cabinet and bring it here and go through it, or maybe we should take those flowers and just chuck 'em in the bin?

John: Just stop, stop, come on, you can'T... be in denial about this.

Marlena: Okay, well, what if I just call the florist and have--have them let me know who sent them?

John: Hold on a second.

Marlena: What?

John: We are being in denial about this stunt, because... there is one s that we haven't mentioned.

Marlena: Stefano?

Hope as gina: Well? What do you think?

[Eerie music]

Steve as stefano: I suppose it will have to do.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kayla: You just announced that you want us to live together and you expect an answer now?

Justin: Okay, maybe that wasn't fair. It's just that we had a really nice thanksgiving, and do you know how rare that is?

Kayla: One normal day.

Justin: Yeah, but when things go normally around here in my house, even for a day, I feel like that's a sign.

Kayla: A sign of what?

Justin: Kayla, we have been friends for years. And we've been together for months now. You got me through losing adrienne, and I know I helped you deal with steve not coming back. We're so good together. I just want us to be together all the time.

[Doorbell rings]

Justin: And henderson is in the kitchen, so I'd better get that. And if you think that you've been saved by the bell, think again.

Marlena: No, no. It can't be stefano.

John: It can always be stefano.

Marlena: No. No, you--you didn't see him in that jail cell in prague. Steve and I saw him. He was not well. He--he--he wasn't, and then he just disappeared right off the radar.

John: Yeah, well, if he wasn't well, answer me this. How the hell did he escape from jail?

Marlena: I don't know. I don't know, maybe he paid somebody off, maybe he had some--some goons carry him out.

John: Right, right, and then he just, like you said, disappeared off the radar.

Marlena: That's what people do sometimes when they're dead; they just disappear.

John: Yeah, doc, they didn't call him the phoenix for nothing.

Marlena: All right, all right. If it were stefano, why would he ever risk coming back here?

John: Because his empire is in shambles. Do you think he's going to sit around and let gabi hernandez run the store?

Marlena: I don't want to think about any of this--

John: Well, you better start, honey. Because if he's alive, he's still obsessed with you, and sending these damn followers to rattle your nerves, that's his style.

Marlena: It's--it's just-- it's been so long.

John: Yeah. And popping up just when you let your guard down, that's stefano.

Hope: You suppose it will do. Stefano, I worked very hard on this painting and rendered you as you have never been seen before.

Steve: You have a point there. It's not your talent or the quality of your work. It's that I'm still coming to terms with the fact that I now have steve johnson's body as well as his face. Lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose.

Marlena: It really shakes me to think this could be starting all over again.

John: It's not making my thanksgiving either. But if there is even the slightest possibility that stefano's alive, we can't let ourselves believe that we're going to be done with him.

Marlena: What could he even do to us?

John: I don't know, but I'm sure as hell not going to wait around to find out.

Steve: That face... that's the face of a man who runs his world and knows it.

Hope: You are still that man. Your body betrayed you.

Steve: I survived the bullets hope brady put in me.

Hope: Indeed, you did. But there is also the diabetes. And the cancer.

Steve: I don't need to be reminded.

Hope: Stefano. You deserved a body that was worthy of the man that you are inside. Rolf gave you that body.

Steve: Did it have to be steve johnson's? There must have been alternatives, men who didn't call themselves "patch."

Hope: You're sounding terribly ungrateful. Johnson's body... well... it is nothing to complain about.

Steve: Even so, the poor man had only one good eye.

Hope: Yes, he did. But rolf took care of that little issue, and put in a perfectly workable synthetic eye. Oh, all right. You're no john black, but if I may be so blunt, you could have done much, much worse.

Ben: Thank god that baby's away from my father's guide, even if he didn't get a confession out of xander.

Ciara: He almost did.

Ben: What are you talking about?

[Tense music]

"And that's the whole bloody story of what we did." Who wrote this?

Ciara: All I can tell you is I saw xander burning that piece of paper right after we got the baby back. I tried to get it out of the fireplace, but that was all that was left. This has to be a confession, ben. He's admitting to him and my grandfather killing jordan.

Ben: I can't believe it.

Ciara: Yeah, me neither.

Will: What are you still doing here? As you can see, ben is not here.

Clyde: I know. He's in the visiting room with his lady, so I thought I'd come keep you company.

Will: Oh, I don't want your company, so get lost. Ah, excuse me. Would you kindly take this creep back to his cell, please?

Guard #1: Come on, weston.

Clyde: Now, hold on there, earl. I take pretty good care of you, don't I? What, with all the whiskey and boxes of cigars. So, I figure the least you could do for me is to let me have a little private visit with my friend will here.

Will: Well, you can stand there until hell freezes over, but I'm not saying another word to ya.

Clyde: Well, that suits me fine; you see, I was planning on doing all the talking anyway. So if you wouldn't mind, earl, I would appreciate you unlocking this door. These are real people,

John: I'm gonna call the I.S.A. First thing in the morning and get my team together.

Marlena: John?

John: Yeah?

Marlena: What are we doing?

John: Getting ready to meet stefano head-to-head.

Marlena: Yeah. I think we're letting our imaginations run away with us. I mean, just because we got some flowers with no name on them?

John: You really think this is a coincidence?

Marlena: Well, I don't think it's time to man the battle stations. Look, it could just be, um, could be somebody else, could be, could be, you know, sam from the deli. You know? I mean, we give him a lot of business--

John: Okay, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know he's had a crush on you for years.

Marlena: Oh, no, that's ridiculous.

John: Oh, no, stop it. Haven't you seen the look on his face every time he gives you your order? Come on.

Marlena: I don't think I have a secret admirer.

John: Yeah, right.

Marlena: But I think you do.

John: What? Come on.

Marlena: Really? You know what I'm talking about. Come on, john. I'll give you a hint. She's our roommate.

John: Oh, doc. Stop. Don't even go there. Stop that.

Marlena: No, no. It's true. And she's not even that much of a secret.

Steve: I am not just talking about steve johnson's face and body. It's the whole package. The man was a thorn in my side for years.

Hope: You did brainwash him and keep him from his loved ones for, well, over a decade.

Steve: They should be thanking be.

Hope: Thanking you...

Steve: Steve johnson always saw the world as black and white, good and evil.

Hope: And you and I know that the world is far more nuanced than that.

Steve: Indeed. Now... the man's cocky smirk is on my face.

Hope: Oh, steffy. You must look at this as your ultimate victory over him. You have his face, his body. You also took away the one thing that meant the world to him.

Steve: His integrity?

Hope: The love of his life.

Justin: Look who's here.

Kayla: Ah! Abe! What are you doing here on thanksgiving?

Abe: Well, official business.

Kayla: Oh, on a holiday?

Abe: Well, justin and sonny placed in the running of the turkey trot this morning.

Kayla: Oh, nice.

Abe: And due to a bureaucratic snafu, no one can find the medals.

Justin: Oh.

Kayla: Oh.

Abe: Until now.

Justin: Oh, well....

Abe: Congratulations.

Justin: Thank you.

Abe: Absolutely.

Justin: Thank you, mr. Mayor. Yes, terrific. I will give sonny his... if he's lucky.

Abe: Well, you know, thank you for participating. I know it wasn't easy this year.

Justin: Yeah, we ran in adrienne's memory.

Abe: Yeah, well, she was very much missed. You did her proud. And he almost beat sonny's time.

Justin: Be sure to mention that to him next time you see him?

Abe: No problem, no problem at all. I hope you had a decent thanksgiving.

Justin: As a matter of fact, I was just telling kayla that I thought we had a very decent thanksgiving.

Kayla: Would you like some pie, abe?

Abe: You know, I really wish I could, but I've got to deliver more medals, so...

Justin: Well, happy thanksgiving. Thanks for coming by.

Abe: Yeah, same to you.

Kayla: Good to see you.

Abe: Bye-bye.

Justin: Something else?

Abe: Yeah, you know, it does my heart good to see the two of you together. And I hope you're happy. 'Cause you certainly deserve it.

Kayla: Thank you.

Justin: Thank you.

Abe: Well, I speak truth. Good night.

Kayla: Good night, abe.

Justin: Good night. I believe that was an official endorsement from the mayor of salem.

Kayla: Pretty heady stuff.

Justin: I couldn't agree more, so... sweetheart, what do you think about moving in with me? Life is short.

Kayla: I know. I wish I could. But I don't think it's a good idea.

Ciara: It is driving me absolutely crazy, ben. If I'd just gotten there a little bit sooner then I would have been able to stop xander from burning that paper, and then I would have been able to prove that he and my grandfather set you up.

Ben: Ciara, do not blame yourself. I could've gone along with clyde's plan, and I didn'T. I don't regret that for a second.

Ciara: He really lied about bringing mickey back?

Ben: I don't know what he had in mind for that little girl. I just know I'd rather be in here than let him do something awful to her.

Ciara: If he would really hurt a defenseless little baby, what kind of a soulless monster does something like that, ben?

Ben: My old man.

Will: Are you kidding? I--I don't want him-- I don't want him in here.

Clyde: Didn't your mama teach you how to treat company, will?

Will: Get him out of here? Please? Can--

Guard: I'll be back in a little bit.

Will: What? No, no, no, hey! H... what do you--what do you want?

Clyde: Just a little alone time with the pretty boy of cellblock B. You got a problem with that? You see, will, I think you need to be taken down a peg. And I'm just the man to do the honors. (Avo) do you push through migraine?

Kayla: Listen, I-- I feel great about where we're at, and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I just think that if we don't need to rush it, let's not.

Justin: I get it. I do. I just love being with you.

Kayla: Here?

Justin: It's a really big house.

Kayla: No, I mean, this is where you lived with adrienne, and I'm sure her memory is around every single corner, and it should be. But I don't want to intrude on that.

Justin: Well, and here I thought you turned me down because you didn't want to live with victor and xander and sonny and maggie.

Kayla: Well there is that. So yes, see, you understand.

Justin: No, I do, I do. As usual, you're right. And I'm sorry for trying to rush things.

Kayla: I love that you offered. Listen, why don't we go back to my place and we'll make some snacks and we'll watch football?

Justin: Oh, that sounds great. But there's just one thing I need to do before we go.

Kayla: What's that?

Justin: That. And this. And that. And some more of this.

John: Okay, okay, okay, I know that you're talking about hope here, and I keep telling you over and over again she's not interested in me, doc.

Marlena: Really? Then why did she try to crash our thanksgiving? Why isn't she off with her family?

John: Because julie burnt the turkey.

Marlena: Oh, this isn't about julie and her turkey; come on. She's trying to make it very clear to me that you have A... a very special bond.

John: No, no, no, no, no, no. Hope has just been through a lot. I think she's confused with her feelings.

Marlena: Oh, I don't think she's confused at all. In fact, um, I'm surprised we got her to leave here at all.

[Knock at door]

Marlena: Do you think that's her?

John: Oh, come on, doc.

Marlena: No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it can't be her. 'Cause she has her own key. She made that very clear to me too.

John: Oh, my god, it could be stefano, he's coming to sweep you away for a night of dinner and dancing.

Marlena: You are being so ridiculous.

John: Me?

Marlena: Yes.

John: Come on.

Marlena: Yes. Yes, you are. Okay, I'll get the door. Oh, stefano, it's been so long; how are you? How nice to see you.

Hope: You could just admit I am right. And we could save the day. You did destroy the love between steve and kayla. Just one year ago, he promised her he would be back after he cleaned up the security breach caused by his robotic eye.

Steve as stefano: Can you believe you just uttered those words?

Hope: He was desperate to be free and clear so he could return to his beloved. But if that is when you made your move, stefano, you had him imprisoned as you prepared for your transformation.

Steve as stefano: Well, if I was forced to accept this body as my own, I had to make sure of their separation. Kayla johnson had to believe that steven had abandoned her.

Hope: What you did was stunning, not having steve show up at his own sister's funeral.

Steve as stefano: It was good, wasn't it?

Hope: Sending kayla the signed divorce papers. Now that... that was your coup de gras.

Steve as stefano: She must have been heartbroken to discover that the love of her life had turned his back on her and their children.

Hope: She soldiered on... and began sleeping with her dead sister-in-law's very handsome husband.

Steve as stefano: She can have him. I care nothing for her. There is only one woman in the world for me.

[Eerie music]

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Abe: Well, I have been called a lot of dirty names in my time, but never "stefano."

Marlena: Oh, I was just teasing john. We had--we had some flowers arrive, and we're not sure who sent them.

John: Yeah, and all that was written on the card was the letter S.

Marlena: So john thinks it might be stefano.

John: I just suggested it as a possibility since we eliminated everybody we know whose first name starts with an S.

Marlena: But with do know that we're overreacting, and we're very glad you're here to talk us down.

Abe: Well, I mean, the reason I'm here is, you remember the missing turkey trot medals?

John: Oh, you know I do. Especially since I busted my ass to beat last year's best time.

Abe: Well, you did it, and so here you go.

John: No way!

Marlena: Hooray!

John: Yeah, nice. But I'll tell you something. It wasn't the same without having steve there to set the pace this year.

Abe: Have you heard anything from him?

John: No, not a word, he's really living his cover now. I'll tell you something, I'm gonna chew him out when he gets ahold of me, if he does.

Marlena: Maybe he has. S can stand for steve.

John: No, no, no, honey, no, you see, you see, this arrangement here is not steve's style. My money's on stefano.

Abe: Hmm. Can I take a look at this card?

John: Yeah, help yourself.

Abe: Well you know, I'm very familiar with my former father-in-law's handwriting. This isn't it.

John: Well, we're thinking maybe the florist signed it; we're going to call him first thing in the morning.

Abe: I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. I know for a fact when stefano left salem he had diabetes and stage four cancer, so without some miracle cure, even the phoenix would be dead by now.

Hope as gina: We haven't laid eyes on your queen of the night in decades.

Steve as stefano: She is what kept me alive. I couldn't die without possessing her.

Hope as gina: Really. Well, I suppose everyone has their wants.

Steve as stefano: Are you trying to provoke me?

Hope as gina: What is it with you men? All that woman ever does is pass out unwarranted judgments. I want that woman out of my life, that smug, humorless, insufferable woman, and for good. It is the only way john and I shall ever be together, the way we were meant to be, the... how we used to be, stefano.

Steve as stefano: Watch how you talk about my queen. Don't forget we both want the same thing. And this time, we will separate john and marlena permanently.

Will: What...what are-- what are you going to do to me?

Clyde: No, I'm not going to violate you, boy. I don't swing that way, not even in prison. But I am going to do what one of my men should've done to your husband a couple years ago. I'm gonna kill you.

Guard #2: Time to wrap it up, get back to your cell.

Ciara: Ben, I'm going to keep digging until I find something that proves that you're innocent, okay? I still have xander's strong box, and I'm going to find a way to get it to open.

Ben: Just be careful, please?

Ciara: I will. But, ben, I am not going to stop until I prove that xander and my grandfather killed jordan.

Ben: I can't believe all that you've done for me. I love you.

Guard #2: Let's go.

Justin: Oh, come on! If you're going to call that penalty, call it on both teams! Can you believe these refs?

Kayla: What?

Justin: Kayla, are you watching the football game?

Kayla: I'm sorry. No, I-- I was just-- I was just thinking that steve and I always watched football on thanksgiving, so it's sort of a tradition. And then I just wonder if those memories mean anything to him now.

Justin: Well, they obviously mean something to you, so let's do something else. I don't want to watch this game anyway; the refs stink.

Kayla: Really?

Justin: So how about a movie?

Kayla: You don't mind?

Justin: No, no, no, no. Look, adrienne and I ran in the turkey trot every year. You and steve watched football. So maybe you and I should start a thanksgiving tradition all our own.

Kayla: Sounds good. All right, what kind of movie do you like?

Justin: Do you like romantic comedies?

Kayla: I love romantic comedies. Especially cary grant and that type, you know.

Justin: Oh, yeah, black-and-white. I'm on it.

Kayla: No, no, I got it. I got it. Let's see. I never know how to use this thing. Okay, hold on, be patient.

Steve as stefano: Mmm, pear, maybe vanilla...and butter.

Hope as gina: Mm-hmm, very good, one of my favorite combinations.

Steve as stefano: An excellent montrachet.

Hope as gina: In your honor.

Steve as stefano: You know, while you've been pining after john, I came up with a new plan to rip him and marlena apart.

Hope as gina: What is it?

Steve as stefano: Hmm...

Hope as gina: Oh, steffy, stop it!

Steve as stefano: Notes of honey.

Hope as gina: Do not do that. The plan, please, what is it?

Steve as stefano: We might have some trouble with the law.

Hope as gina: Well, lucky for you, I am the commissioner of police. Which is why we decided to put me back in that position in the first place. When samantha brady walked away with half of your fortune...

Steve as stefano: Ah. Another thorn in my side. She won't let me anywhere near elvis, and he needs me.

Hope as gina: Wait, hold on. You're getting off track here. The plan, steffy, please. Tell me about your new plan to separate john and marlena.

Steve as stefano: What you need to know for now is that when all is said and done, I will have my queen, and you... can have her leftovers.

Hope as gina: Gladly.

Abe: Well, yeah, theo. Well, I appreciate it. Yeah, I will, I will. Theo, I love you. Yeah. Theo sends his love.

Marlena: Aw. I hope we didn't wake him.

Abe: Ah, he's a night owl.

John: So...has he heard from his grandfather?

Abe: Not a word, but he promised he'd get in touch if he does.

Marlena: I wish there was some way to confirm whether stefano is dead or alive.

Abe: You know what? There just might be.

Ciara: Okay, xander. Time to see what you keep in this thing. Hopefully it's something that will get ben out of prison. Guess shop class wasn't a total waste after all.

Will: Why? Why do you want to kill me, clyde? I haven't done anything.

Clyde: Except for the dirty deed that got you in here, huh? No, I'm more worried about what you might do.

Will: What? What are you-- what are you talking about?

Clyde: One of my guys saw you and ben this morning with your heads together and managed to hear a little of what you had to say.

Will: Like what?

Clyde: That you know that I'm behind that kidnapping.

Will: But I didn't-- I didn't say anything, and I won't, I promise, clyde, come on, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut, I promise.

Clyde: Oh, I'm so sorry, will. That's just not good enough. You're a loose end, you know that? And I hate loose ends. So don't you worry. It'll be over soon.

Ben: Get the hell off him! Get the hell of him!

Clyde: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Ahh! Ahh!

Justin: What a great movie.

Kayla: It's great.

Justin: Timeless, right?

Kayla: Why don't you move in here with me?

Justin: Uh... but you just turned me down a few hours ago?

Kayla: I know but this is different, you know? I mean, it's not--I wouldn't be moving into victor's house, and you wouldn't be moving into my old house where steve lived. It would be a fresh start for both of us. What do you think?

Justin: Are you sure you're ready for this?

Kayla: I don't know, but I'm willing to try it. What do you think?

Justin: What do you think I think?

John: Oh, abraham, you really think that celeste could use her psychic powers to tell us whether or not stefano has crossed to the other side?

Abe: Well, we all know she has a gift. So why not ask her to try?

John: I don't know, because maybe it's not all that scientific? All right, but what else do we have to lose, right?

Abe: I'll give her a call on my way home.

Marlena: Thank you.

Abe: Yeah. My pleasure. Good night you two.

John: Good night, abraham, and good luck.

Abe: Yeah, yeah.

John: A psychic? Really?

Marlena: Don't start making a whole big deal about this. Okay, I understand. I would just do about anything to know for sure if stefano is dead or alive.

John: Yeah, me too. But I think we know from our own bitter experience that if he is dead, the phoenix always rises from the ashes.

[Eerie music]

Steve as stefano: If this is the new me... I'd better get used to seeing myself as I am now.

Hope as gina: That is correct. You must. I wish to make a toast. Come. To finally receiving all that we want.

Steve as stefano: It's good to be back.

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