Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 11/27/19
Episode #13661 ~ Marlena receives a present from an admirer; Gina finally finishes her portrait of Stefano; Eve celebrates her first Thanksgiving in prison with Hattie.
Provided By Suzanne
[Monitor beeping]
[Soft music]
Jennifer: Oh, hi.
Jack: Hi. Happy thanksgiving, jennifer.
Jennifer: Oh. Happy thanksgiving. I don't think I have ever had so much to be thankful for.
Abigail: I have talked to everyone who was working at the restaurant the night my mother fell, and no one seems to remember anything beyond what they've told the police.
Eve: Well, exactly. They don't remember seeing me because I wasn't there. Which means I didn't push your mother.
Abigail: No, you were the one who said my mother should die. You were the one who told roman that she should be crushed under the elevator instead of my dad.
Eve: Abigail, I told you already, I was drunk, okay? Look, it's not about me, here.
Abigail: Well, you could have fooled me.
Eve: I did not push your mother. But that means whoever did is still out there, and they got away with it, and they could actually try to kill your mother again. Now, is that what you want? You want to risk that? No, I didn't think so. So I need you to go back over everything that happened that day, okay? Just talk to everybody that was on the guest list.
Abigail: I have done that, and I'm telling you, there's not a big "free eve donovan" movement happening right now. I'm not getting a whole lot of cooperation. I have to go.
Eve: Wait, wait, wait, wait! Just check the cctv footage. How about that?
Abigail: Happy thanksgiving.
Chad: Who was that?
Abigail: Eve. I--god, she-- she--I'm the only person who believes in her and she treats me like I'm the incompetent help.
Chad: So block her calls.
Abigail: I can'T. I mean, if there's even a chance that someone is still out there that could hurt my mom, I have to keep at it.
Chad: Wow, she's really inside that head of yours.
Abigail: I--I hate that woman, and I think she should be in prison for what she's done to my family alone.
Chad: But?
Abigail: I think she's telling the truth.
Kayla: Hi. Jennifer, the charge nurse said you wanted to see me. Are you--are you feeling okay?
Jennifer: Yes, physically I feel great. I wanted to apologize to you for yesterday.
Kayla: You do not need to worry about that.
Jennifer: Yeah, I do. When I found out that adrienne was dead, I went crazy.
Kayla: No, you did not go crazy. You were shocked, and upset, and angry. Those are very sane feelings.
Jennifer: No, but I shouldn't have taken it out on you. It's just when--when I-- when I heard that you and justin were together, I--
Kayla: I know--I know it's a lot to absorb. Please, do not worry about my feelings.
Jennifer: But I do worry about your feelings, and I want you to know I've had time to think about it and absorb it and I, really, I'm so happy for you and justin.
Kayla: Thank you.
Jennifer: Really, jack and i talked about it, and-- we love adrienne so much, and we miss her. But we really are happy for the two of you.
[Somber music]
Justin: Good race this year.
Sonny: Yeah.
Justin: So there's coffee at home.
Sonny: Ah--ooh, you go ahead, I'm gonna just, like, hang back a while.
Justin: Mm-hmm. Hey, sonny, I know why you're in no hurry to go home.
[Soft music]
Sonny: Yeah, mom's not gonna be on the couch watching the parade. You know, laughing at us for running a 5k in the cold when there's coffee and sweet rolls by the fire.
Justin: I'm dreading this too. It's our first big holiday without her.
Sonny: Yeah. And without will.
Justin: Well, one way or another, we're gonna get through this. What choice do we have?
John: Who was that?
Marlena: As if you didn't know? They're very sweet, thank you.
John: Yes, they are, but they're not from me.
Marlena: Not from you? Oh, well, let's see who sent them, shall we?
John: Hmm.
Hope: All right, fine. Although I still do not understand. I mean, what is the point of sending marlena flowers when she will not know they are from you, steffy? Mm, that woman. Back from europe early, just as john and i were getting closer. We must come up with a new plan. Stefano, are you listening?
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Abigail: Have you heard from your father?
Chad: Um, yeah, I decided not to reach out after all. I have to just--I have to, you know, be patient and accept that this is going to be on his terms, as always.
Abigail: I'm sorry I pushed you to force his hand. But still, it's-- it's thanksgiving. So if he's going to reach out, today's as good a day as any.
[Tense music]
Hope: Since marlena is back, I am stuck spending the day with those dreary, yet very kind hortons. Well, maybe not. Once the painting has dried, you should be the first to see it, steffy.
John: Nice flowers. You've got a secret admirer.
Marlena: Hmm. "Thinking of you." Signed "S."
John: "S"? Let me see that.
[Laughs] Easy mystery to solve. I know who sent these to you.
[Dramatic music]
Hattie: Ta-da! I have just officially marshmallowed my last thanksgiving yams, 'cause next year, I am out of here.
Eve: Can I get mine without marshmallows?
Hattie: [Laughing] You don't get-- you don't get any yams.
Eve: What?
Hattie: Come on, are you kidding me? No, the yams are for the vips, honey, you know, like the warden, oh, and certain members of the kitchen staff. You're just the ex-commish who managed to bump her little friend off the balcony.
Eve: Okay, how many times do I have to tell you, hattie? I didn't do it. I didn't push jennifer off the balcony!
Hattie: How many times have I heard some dame in here say "I didn't do it, hattie, I didn't do it, hattie, I didn't do it, hattie."
Eve: Okay, all right! If I don't get yams, what are they gonna give me?
Hattie: You get...
Eve: What?
Hattie: "Turkey" chili.
Eve: "Turkey" chili? That's fake turkey? Well, if it's not real, what--what do they put in it?
Hattie: You don't even want to know that part.
Eve: Oh.
Hattie: Look, what's the difference? You know, you'll get your little thanksgiving meal, and-- and you'll be out of here by next year. Well, that's if abigail pulls through.
Eve: Well, I just got off the phone with her, and I am not holding my breath.
[Phone beeps]
Chad: Oh.
Abigail: Is it your dad?
Chad: No, it's--it's shin.
Abigail: Oh, come on, it's thanksgiving.
Chad: Not in hong kong. A deal just blew up. I gotta--I gotta take this. All right? I'll just be a minute. Okay, got it?
Abigail: Yeah, meet you in there.
[Tense music]
Jennifer: Turkey pot pie, tofurky--what's a tofurky?
Jack: Faux turkey.
Jennifer: Faux turkey?
Jack: Yeah, wait 'til the cranberry surprise.
Abigail: It sounds like I got here just in time.
Jack: Oh, yes, oh, yes.
Jennifer: Hey, baby. Wait, I thought you were gonna be at julie's?
Abigail: Well, we are, later, but we decided that we would spare you hospital cuisine on thanksgiving.
Jennifer: Thank you.
Jack: Well, what about the kids?
Abigail: Oh, they're a little sniffly, so we didn't want to risk mom getting sick.
Jack: Right.
Jennifer: Oh, what about chad?
Abigail: He's gonna be here in a minute, he's just on a call.
Jennifer: 'Kay. Has anyone heard from jj?
Jack: Um, jj's, um-- jj's working, but he promised that he would be here right after his shift.
Jennifer: Working? They wouldn't give him a day off? I've been in a coma for a year, and they wouldn't let him spend thanksgiving with his family?
Abigail: Mom, it's his decision, so he wanted to work.
Jack: Right. Jj felt that working would be the best way to handle things.
Jennifer: What things?
Jack: Look. We have been trying not to hit you with everything at once, but it's--you gotta know that this has been a really hard six months for jj, ever since haley died.
Sonny: Evan, hey, how are you doing?
Evan: Hi, sonny.
Sonny: Dad, this is evan, and you probably gathered this is my dad.
Evan: Nice to meet you.
Justin: Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you.
Evan: Really?
Justin: Yeah, ari says you make the best pancakes in the world.
Evan: This is true.
Sonny: So, uh, happy thanksgiving.
Evan: Same to you.
Sonny: Doing any-- doing anything today?
Evan: Well, rafe gave me the day off, so I'm just gonna hang out, watch some football.
Justin: Well, you're more than welcome to join us. We have enough food for at least two regiments.
Sonny: Yeah, come-- come to our house.
Evan: Okay, when should I show up?
Sonny: Well, come with us. You'll be right on time.
Justin: Let's go.
Evan: Great. Sounds awesome. Thank you.
Marlena: Okay, sherlock. Let me know. Who sent the flowers?
John: Sami! Come on, she's always in a hurry. Remember she signed all of her notes like this when she was little?
Marlena: Well, I know she didn't like writing out a-m-I, and she certainly couldn't bear writing all of "samantha."
John: Nah, nah, she couldn't sit still long enough.
Marlena: Let me see, let me see. I don't know.
John: Mm. You don't know what?
Marlena: Well, I--i don't know that even though she didn't like writing out her full name, you know, she would always sign it, I don't know, "love you," or "xoxo", something like that. Mm, I don't think so.
John: Yeah. Yeah, I suppose you're right.
Marlena: Gosh, I miss her. I mean, I miss all of our family members, especially during the holidays.
John: I'm sorry, sweetheart. I know how much you love family and what they mean to you.
Marlena: Hey, I have you. You are my family, and I am so happy to be spending the holidays with you.
John: And I have you. My perfect wife. And it kind of looks like it's gonna be just me and you tonight.
Marlena: Oh, praise the lord!
Hope: I hope I'm not late. Am I? Late?
[Tense music]
Copd makes it hard to breath
Sonny: And we're back where we started.
Evan: So you only got the 48 bedrooms.
Sonny: Yes, and my uncle vic's thinking about adding a couple more wings.
Evan: Obviously so you won't be so cramped.
Sonny: Exactly. You want to get something to eat with the game?
Evan: You got any veau prince orloff?
[Doorbell rings]
Justin: I'll get it, henderson! Hey!
Kayla: Hi.
Justin: You made it.
Kayla: Well, you know, I almost turned around in the driveway and went straight back home.
Justin: What? Why?
Kayla: Because I'm-- I'm just nervous.
Justin: What? You? The coolest person I know?
Kayla: It's all an act. You know that, right?
Justin: You have nothing to be nervous about. Everyone here loves you. Me, most of all.
Kayla: Are you sure about this? I mean, I don't know, is it just like, too personal, too soon?
Justin: No, I am sure, I'm very sure, so all you have to do is just put on that very convincing "cool" act, and everything's going to be fine.
Kayla: Hmm.
Justin: You got this.
Kayla: I don't know. You know, you know, I don't think I do.
Justin: Don't think you do what?
Kayla: I don't-- I don't "got this." And I don't think that everybody in this house loves me, actually. I think that victor can barely tolerate me. What, what, what, what? Why are you looking at me like that?
Justin: I don't think this is about my uncle. I think this is about what jen said.
Kayla: No, no, actually, it's not. I talked to her. She--she apologized, and she said that she was actually happy for us.
Justin: Well, then what's the problem? You don't believe her?
Kayla: No, it's not that, I just--I don't know.
Justin: Kayla, kayla, kayla, kayla, kayla, kayla. There's no reason to worry, okay? You just have to be your sweet, charming, funny, completely adorable self, okay? And just remember that anyone who loves us will be happy for us when they see how happy we make each other.
Kayla: [Laughs] All right. I'm gonna go with it. Oh.
[Tense music]
Marlena: Hope. You're back.
John: So thanksgiving dinner's over already?
Hope: Well, no, julie postponed it till later, and I wanted to thank you for letting me stay here.
Marlena: Well, that wasn't necessary.
John: Whoa, 1923 montrachet? No, no, no, no, no, we can't drink this. This is far too expensive.
Marlena: Too extravagant, and john and I aren't really wine connoisseurs.
Hope: Well, actually, I-- I think he became a connoisseur while you were gone.
[Tense music]
Marlena: Really? What else did you pick up while I was gone?
Jennifer: I--I can't believe that haley's dead. I just can't believe everything that's happening, and she's so kind, such a sweet young woman.
Jack: It was a terrible loss.
Jennifer: Jj was so in love with her.
Jack: Yeah.
Jennifer: And now because of eve he's having to worry about me too?
Abigail: Mom, I've been wanting to ask you something. Is there anything else that you remember from that night?
Jennifer: No, baby, there isn'T. And doctors, they don't want me to keep dwelling on it, so I'm trying not to--
Jack: Well, it's hard not to dwell on things when people keep reminding you of it. Besides, we already know what happened.
Abigail: Do we?
Jack: What is that supposed to mean?
Abigail: Eve asked me to visit her in the prison yesterday, and she insisted she didn't do it.
Jack: Of course she insisted, she's a world class liar, we already know that.
Abigail: Yeah, we do, dad, but in this case? I don't think she's lying.
[Soft music]
Abigail: Mom, eve, she swore on paige's memory that she did not push you.
Jack: The security footage proves she was there. She did it.
Abigail: She insists that that footage was doctored, and no one actually saw her. I personally spoke to every single person that worked at the restaurant that night, and no one saw anyone except for you and hope.
Jennifer: Hope was there? Did I see her?
Abigail: No, hope got there just as you fell. She said that she heard you scream.
Jennifer: Yes, honey, and I keep telling you that I get stuck at the same point every time I try to remember.
Jack: You're not supposed to try to remember, that's the point, the doctors were very clear about that.
Abigail: I understand. Look. I'm not--I'm not trying to upset you, mom, or you, I'm just saying that if there's even a chance that eve could be telling the truth, then that means that person that hurt you could still be out there.
Jennifer: Right, which means that I could still be in danger.
Jack: You're not in any kind of danger, you're safe, eve is a liar, and I'm going to make sure you're going to be fine. Can we just get back to being grateful?
Chad: Yes, how about this? How--jennifer, white or dark meat?
Hattie: Mmm, mmm-mmm-mmm. Move it off the table, hun. Oooh. What I wouldn't give for a beer and a ball game.
Eve: Now, that doesn't look like fake turkey to me.
Hattie: Fake turkey? This isn't fake-- you don't even know this, do you?
Eve: What?
Hattie: That I am a vip.
Eve: My god, hattie, how did you survive in here so long without losing your mind?
Hattie: What makes you think I haven't lost my mind? I will tell you how I've survived in here.
Eve: Okay.
Hattie: I have a very special talent. I have talent for making friends. And I have observed that you do not have such a talent. You do not know how to make friends. And that's how you get by in the world.
Eve: I see.
Hattie: And I-I-I don't mean just in here. I mean the whole wide world. That's what you do, and you do that by being nice to people. You do things like-- you do things like... would you care for some sweet potato soufflé?
Eve: No, thanks.
Hattie: I guess you just don't care for marshmallows. Would you care for a little turkey?
Eve: Why, hattie, that would be so nice of you. Thank you. I would love some.
Hattie: [Laughing] You've got it!
Eve: Well, it's been a long time since I've been nice to anybody.
Hattie: You know what? You are gonna do just fine. I do not have to worry about you.
Eve: Well, I'm glad you believe in me. 'Cause my attorney sure as hell doesn'T.
Sonny: Evan, this is kayla johnson. And kayla, this is evan frears.
Kayla: Hi, nice to meet you.
Evan: Hi, nice to meet you.
Sonny: He actually takes care of david.
Kayla: Oh.
Sonny: And his family lives on the west coast, so I wanted to invite him for dinner.
Kayla: How nice. Well, welcome.
Evan: Thanks.
Justin: Hey, the football game's about to start, so evan, why don't you come with me, we'll grab some chips, and sonny, would you ask kayla what she'd like to drink?
[Soft music]
Sonny: Uh, what would you like to drink?
Kayla: How about a club soda?
Sonny: All right. Coming right up.
Kayla: Dad arranged this, didn't he? For us to be alone like this.
Sonny: Yeah, you know, he's subtle like that.
Kayla: Well, I'm glad he did, because I-- listen, I know it must be hard for you to see me with your dad. I'm sorry.
Sonny: It's just--
Kayla: Thank you.
Sonny: Mm-hmm. It's just a little--
Kayla: Weird. It's weird.
Sonny: Well, because I'm used to thinking of you as half of "aunt kayla and uncle steve."
Kayla: I used to too.
Sonny: And I'm really sorry that you and uncle steve weren't able to, you know, work it out.
Kayla: Well, we tried. I tried, anyway.
Sonny: I remember how upset you were when he didn't show up to my mom's funeral.
Kayla: Well, she's one of my best friends. Like a sister to me. And she was his sister. And a damn good one, too.
Sonny: You know, aunt kayla, I, well, actually I'm just going to drop the "aunt" part?
Kayla: Okay.
Sonny: Yeah?
Kayla: Whatever makes you feel comfortable.
Sonny: I know that you are good for my dad.
Kayla: He's good for me too. He's a great man, your dad. You should be so proud of him.
Sonny: I'm very proud of him. And my mom, I know how much she loved you. And I love you too.
Kayla: You just made my thanksgiving. I love you too.
John: Sweetheart, I wrote to you about everything that was going on while you were gone.
Marlena: Everything?
John: Yeah, everything. Look, I know that you were busy, but if anyone should wonder what was going on while you were away, I mean, I barely heard back from--
Marlena: Wait a minute! Wait a minute. That isn't true. I wrote to you nearly every single day.
[Tense music]
Hope: Just like marlena... will not be receiving yours.
Hope: I hope you're not fighting on thanksgiving.
Marlena: Of course we're not fighting.
Hope: I'm happy to hear that.
Marlena: Hope. John and I will never drink that entire bottle of wine, so as long as you're leaving, why don't you take it over to julie's, and they can enjoy it there?
Hope: I guess that's my cue to leave.
John: You know that's not really what she meant--
Marlena: Thank you.
Hope: Yes, it is what she meant, and you know what, it's fine. I really do need to be going. You know what? It is so great that you made it back in time for thanksgiving. Happy thanksgiving, marlena. And you too, john.
Kayla: Well, I think I'm going to see if I can help maggie.
Justin: I'm glad you two had a chance to talk.
Sonny: Me too. You know, you didn't have to arrange it.
Justin: I don't know what you're talking about. So are you really okay with all this?
Sonny: I'm more than okay. Why wouldn't I want you to be happy, dad? Why wouldn't mom want you to be happy?
Justin: Oh... I love you, sonny.
Sonny: I love you. You know, I thought I was going to spend my whole life with will. And that went to hell the night that mom died. And I know what that did to you. So I'm just glad that you have someone to be there for you.
John: Hey, sweetheart. Oh, honey, come on. You're so tense.
Marlena: You know what? Please stop. I think we have to talk about this.
John: I know that you're still upset because I asked hope to stay with us--
Marlena: I'm not upset with you, I-- I'm upset with her. Look, I know you said everything was innocuous while I was gone.
John: Wait--wait a minute. You don't believe me?
Marlena: I do believe you. I do believe you. And--and we were imagining that there was something wrong with hope, but you know what? I'm now convinced of it. There is something wrong. She's was-- she's openly hostile towards me, she--she's rude, she acts like I don't belong here, in my own home. I mean, come on. This is not hope.
Jennifer: Oh, I just-- I just realized we forgot to pray before we ate.
Jack: I think god will forgive us.
Abigail: Yeah.
Jennifer: No, it's not that. It's--it's so crazy that I cannot remember anything, but I just remembered the sweetest prayer that gram taught me years ago.
Jack: Oh.
Jennifer: Come here. Hold hands, right now.
Jack: Okay. Here we go.
Jennifer: Okay.
Abigail: Mom.
Jennifer: Okay, let's see. Lord, thank you for our family tree. Each branch is a blessing to me. Thank you for the ones that I love. And for every good and perfect gift from above. Amen. That was it!
Jack: Amen.
Chad: Amen.
Jennifer: Listen. I know that it has really been a horrible year, but I always believe there's something to be grateful for, and I think the two of you being here with our grandbabies and back in salem is incredible.
Abigail: Yeah. Mom, I didn't mean to upset you before.
Jennifer: No, you-- you didn't upset me. You're being a reporter, and i do remember what that means. You can never stop fighting for the truth, baby.
Jack: Amen.
Jennifer: Yeah. But I also want you to be very careful.
Chad: I'll make sure of that.
Jennifer: I know you will.
Abigail: All right, well we-- we should probably get going.
Jennifer: Okay. I love you so much. I'm so glad you're here. I love you so much.
Abigail: Are you still mad at me, or...
Jack: Maybe. I'll get over it.
Abigail: Okay. Talk later.
Jennifer: He'll get over it, I'll make sure of it.
Abigail: Got all your stuff? All right, love you. Get some rest.
Jennifer: Love you, baby. I will.
Jack: Bye to those babies.
[Monitor beeping] I'm not mad at her. I'm not. I am just concerned that we keep throwing too much at you.
Jennifer: No you're not, I'm good. But please, tell me if there is anything else you're keeping from me, jack.
Chad: So, after I heard from shin, I got a text from my father.
Abigail: You did? What did he say?
Chad: "Happy thanksgiving."
Abigail: Okay, what did you say?
Chad: "Thank you."
Abigail: Okay. Hmm. You can be as terse as he can, huh?
Chad: Look, I'm not gonna beg him to see me. I'm not gonna put my life on hold waiting for him to get over whatever's stopping him from, you know, facing me. You and the kids, that's my family. If he wants to be a part of it, then the ball's in his court.
Hope: I am back. At the last moment, I decided to stop by chez black, and good old marlena rebuffed my friendly overture. Definitely was not in a friendly mood. Or the holiday spirit. You know, steffy, I never will quite understand what it is that you see in mar.
John: Hey, come on, come on. Do we really want to spend our whole thanksgiving talking about hope?
Marlena: No, we don'T.
John: Okay, good.
Marlena: But it's just that, you know, she's been so cold and so hostile lately and, I don't know, I was thinking maybe because, you know, she's alone, maybe she's feeling lonely and it's the holidays. It's thanks--oh, my gosh, I'm doing it again!
John: Yes, you are doing it again.
Marlena: Oh, I'm done. I promise you, I'm done.
John: All right, good, so why don't we just pick up right where we left of before we were so rudely interrupted?
Marlena: Goody. Okay, so what about supper?
John: I was thinking we shoot straight for dessert.
Marlena: Mm.
Evan: Thanks. I had a great time.
Sonny: How could you have had a great time? You were sitting at the same table as my uncle vic.
Evan: Well, I thought he was a trip.
Sonny: Well, if a walking tour of death valley is considered a trip, then okay.
Evan: Yeah, well, this was nice. Thank you for--for this.
Sonny: I had a good time. And I didn't expect to, so thank you.
Evan: Well, I'll see you around.
[Soft music]
Sonny: [Sighs]
Justin: Well, I thought that went really well. Uncle vic didn't kick anybody out. Xander didn't physically assault anyone, there was no screaming, no choking.
Kayla: Well, if truth be told, I thought it was, you know, kind of dull. There's nothing like a brady thanksgiving, all the fireworks.
Justin: Oh, I like fireworks. I like you.
Kayla: I like you. I have to say I didn't see this coming, but I actually had a really nice time.
Justin: Good. Well, then I guess that means that you have a standing invitation to have thanksgiving here every year.
Kayla: Hmm. I was actually thinking about having christmas at my place.
Justin: Or you could just move in with me.
Jennifer: Ooh. This was so sweet of abigail and chad, but it's still the hospital, and I just want to go home.
Jack: I can't wait to get you there.
Jennifer: Jack? When abigail said that eve swore on paige's life--
Jack: I thought we agreed not to talk about this?
Jennifer: I didn't agree to that. You know how I feel about eve. She's done some horrible things. She has told some terrible lies. But I know how much she loved paige.
Jack: Eve would say anything to get out of prison.
Jennifer: You're right, jack, anything except that. And even--even now that everyone is telling me eve pushed me, just something about that doesn't sit right with me. And I know that I can't remember anything, but even hope saying eve was on the security camera, something is wrong. Something doesn't seem right, jack.
Hattie: Ready?
Eve: Ready.
Hattie: Ooh, I think you've got a really good technique there.
Eve: Thank you.
Hattie: I bet I know what you wished for. I hope you get your wish.
Hope: Well, what do you think?
Marlena: Okay. Bye-bye.
John: All right, so how is our samantha gene?
Marlena: She's fine.
John: Good.
Marlena: I was right. Sami would have signed off with "miss you," "love you," "xoxo," something.
John: No way. Really? She didn't send the flowers?
Marlena: No, she didn'T.
John: Okay. Then who did?
Hope: The likeness is uncanny, if I do say so myself.
[Dramatic music]
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