Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 11/25/19
Episode #13659 ~ Eric is stunned by Nicole's revelation; Ciara takes on Mickey's kidnapper; Xander tries to destroy his confession; Chad's meeting with Stefano doesn't go the way he imagined.
Provided By Suzanne
Eli: Yeah, well, I offered sarah both mine and dimera's full support to help her find her baby. Yeah, hey, you know, you were right about chad and abigail. They're definitely hiding something, and I'm gonna find out what it is. Okay. All right. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.
[Keypad beeps]
[Soft dramatic music]
Abigail: [Clears throat] May I help you?
Eli: Hey. Oh, I was just about to do some security maintenance on chad's laptop.
Abigail: Well, I, uh-- I'm not comfortable allowing you access to his computer when he's not here.
Eli: So where is he?
[Door beeps, clicks]
Chad: Father?
Clyde: You look nervous, son. What's wrong?
Ben: You know it's not too late to call off the kidnapping.
Clyde: Why would I want to do that? I got xander right where I want him. He's written a confession to killing jordan. He'll give it to the cops if I agree to give back the kid.
Ben: Do you realize how many things can go wrong with that plan?
Clyde: Come on, man. You're such a downer. Show a little faith in the old man.
Ben: You can't trust ray.
Clyde: Hang on. I never told you ray was on this job.
Ciara: Oh, you poor, sad plant. Not long for the world now. I'm sure. You know what? At least you don't have to wake up with a nasty hangover and have to deal with a very angry clyde. Hey, baby mackenzie. Oh, you are so brave. You are so sweet. I promise I'm gonna get you back into your mother's arms before you--
Ray: Where do you think you're going, huh?
Ciara: Ow! Let go of me!
Ray: Huh? You're trying to play a tri-- a little trick on me, huh? No, you're not getting out of here with that baby.
Hope: We're doing everything we can to find mickey. I have all my best people on it.
Xander: You need to look at this. Now. Just open it.
Eric: How did you know about the kidnapping?
Nicole: I saw it on the news. It's awful.
Eric: Yeah, the police-- they're doing the best they can, but so far there's no leads. I just have to keep praying that the baby will be okay.
Nicole: Me too.
Eric: Nicole, over the past year, I've found a lot of reasons why we shouldn't do this, and I thought about it again tonight and about not doing it, but I can't see any reason why I should wait any longer.
[Sighs] Nicole walker...
Nicole: [Laughs softly]
Eric: Will you be my wife?
Nicole: Oh, god. Are you serious?
Eric: I know that it's not the most creative or well-planned-out, and you deserve the most creative, romantic proposal ever.
Nicole: Eric, I--
Eric: Will you please make me the happiest man in the world and say you'll be my wife?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Abigail: Chad left for an appointment.
Eli: You know how long he'll be?
Abigail: No, I don'T. It could be a while. What's this whole security check? It can't wait?
Eli: It's rare to find a time chad isn't using his laptop. I figured now would be a good opportunity to install the new antivirus software.
Abigail: What's the rush?
Eli: I'm head of security at dimera. Chad does all his work on his laptop--needs to be protected.
Abigail: Chad's very cognizant of any outside threats.
Eli: Except I'm getting the vibe that the real threat isn't from the outside. It's from within.
Chad: I wasn't sure I would ever see you again. I've really been looking forward to this.
Rolf: Hello, chad.
Chad: Rolf? Wha--what the hell are you doing here? Where's my father?
Xander: Just take a look at this, please. What's in this envelope could help bring mickey home. At least that's what I'm praying.
Clyde: So what makes you think ray's my man on the outside?
Ben: I saw you texting him earlier when I grabbed your phone. He's the one who kidnapped mackenzie, right?
Clyde: If I'd wanted you to know, I would have told you.
Ben: And you really think you can trust that guy?
Clyde: Ray's loyal to me, always has been.
Ben: He's also crazy and vicious.
Clyde: You say that like it's a bad thing.
Ben: You know nobody is safe around that maniac. Dad, I'm begging you to call him off before someone gets hurt.
Clyde: Someone?
Ciara: Get away from me!
[Mackenzie crying] Baby, are you okay? Okay, come on. Let's get out of here.
Eric: So?
Nicole: I--I don't know what to say.
Eric: "Yes" would be a good place to start.
Nicole: Oh, eric, nothing would make me happier than to be your wife. I--I've dreamt of this moment for so long, but... I can'T.
[Softly] I'm sorry.
We switched to tide purclean,
Eric: You can't marry me?
Nicole: No.
Eric: Why not? Aren't we happy together?
Nicole: Yes. Yes, very happy. But the-- the problem is, eric, our...
[Stammers] Our marriage will never succeed if there are secrets between us. And I've been keeping a secret from you.
Sarah: Do you have any news? Do you have any leads on finding my daughter?
Rafe: No, I'm sorry. Nothing yet, but I promise you we have the entire force working on it.
[Phone rings] Excuse me. Detective hernandez.
Ciara: [Russian accent] I'm calling about the baby-- the one who was kidnapped.
Rafe: What about her?
Ciara: I saw some guy hanging out in the park off of the square with a kid who looks exactly like the baby I saw on the tv.
Rafe: Who is this?
Ciara: Just hurry up, please.
[Keypad beeps]
[Soft dramatic music]
Baby mickey, sweet baby mickey, I promise you'll be home before you know it, okay?
Hope: That person on the phone-- you think they're credible?
Rafe: I don't know. Only one way to find out-- search the park.
Sarah: This could be it. This could be the lead that we've been praying for.
Xander: Yeah, let's hope so.
Hope: What are you waiting for? Go check it out.
Rafe: Yeah. You're not coming?
Hope: Wish I could, but I can'T. I have a very important commissioner's meeting. Keep me posted, please?
Rafe: Okay.
Sarah: I want to go too.
Xander: No, please, you stay put. It's safer for you both if you just stay here.
Sarah: No, I can'T. I can't just sit here while my daughter is missing.
Xander: I know, but let me follow rafe, okay? I'll keep you posted.
Sarah: Okay, thank you.
Hope: This must be-- it must be hard for you.
Sarah: I don't know what I'm gonna do if this lead turns out to be a dead end too.
Hope: There could be other leads.
Sarah: Like what?
Hope: Xander, he gave me this--this envelope and said it might help find your daughter.
Clyde: What are you so worried about?
Ben: You hired a psycho to kidnap a baby.
Clyde: Ray's not gonna hurt anyone as long as xander keeps up his end of the bargain-- gives that confession to the cops.
Ben: What if somebody finds ray first?
[Tense music]
Clyde: You didn't tell anybody, did you? 'Cause that'd be a big mistake.
[Phone beeps] Speak of the devil. A text from our buddy, ray.
Abigail: Is this coming from gabi? Did gabi direct you to search chad's laptop?
Eli: Like I said, I'm just doing my job as head of security.
Abigail: Come on. We both know that you're a lot more than that to gabi. What's your endgame here? I mean, are you hoping for an end-of-the-year bonus, or are you maybe getting rewarded in some other ways from gabi?
Eli: Well, I'm not the only one sleeping with the boss, am I?
Abigail: Oh, chad's not my boss.
Eli: Well, he was when he ran dimera. Look, at least I can trust gabi, which is a lot more than you can say for your husband.
Abigail: I trust chad.
Eli: Really? Are you sure about that? Because didn't he give your daughter away to his brother and have you committed to a mental hospital?
Rolf: Your father sent me here as his emissary.
Chad: Well, I didn't-- I didn't request a meeting with his emissary, all right? I won a chess match fair and square, and he promised me a face-to-face meeting.
Rolf: Indeed he did, but he didn't say which face, now, did he?
Chad: Oh, damn him.
Rolf: You should know by now. Your father chooses his words very carefully.
Chad: Was I ever really in touch with my father? Or was it you sending me messages all along?
Rolf: [Scoffs] Me?
Chad: You know, my wife warned me that this could be a trick, but I didn't want to-- I didn't want to believe that. The communication that we shared were things that only him and i could know, but you were his most trusted confidante.
Rolf: Your father is not only my employer. He's also my hero.
Chad: Yeah, which makes me wonder. Have you gone from worshipping stefano dimera to trying to become him?
Rolf: I would never presume to take on the mantle of the great stefano dimera. I am simply his humble servant, which is why I am delivering this message.
Chad: Okay, I'll bite. What's the message?
Abigail: All right, look. Yeah, chad and i have had our problems. That's no secret, okay? But we're stronger than ever now, and we are more committed to each other.
Eli: So you're absolutely sure you can trust your husband?
Abigail: [Scoffs] Yes, I am.
Eli: Even though he's stefano dimera's son?
Abigail: They're different.
Eli: Well, I don't know. I've heard he can be pretty ruthless when he wants to be.
Abigail: Oh, is that what you've heard? Well, I know firsthand that gabi tortures people whenever she gets her feelings hurt.
Eli: Didn't she used to be your best friend?
Abigail: Yeah, she did, and that is what I'm trying to tell you, eli. She hurts the people that she's closest to the most. Come on. You're an intelligent man. It had to at least once have crossed your mind how all of this is working out for gabi. This is a pretty sweet deal for her, right? I mean, she's got a boy toy and a loyal head of security all in one pretty little package.
Eli: Yeah, well, I'm not worried about my relationship with gabi. But what I am worried about is why you're so reluctant to give me access to chad's computer. What is it that you're afraid of me finding?
Abigail: I'm not afraid of you finding anything. I'm just saying that you should probably have a general respect for other people's belongings, especially when they're not here, so that's why you're not getting access to this computer until chad's back.
Clyde: Damn it!
Ben: What did ray say?
Clyde: Something's wrong.
Ben: What do you mean, something's wrong, dad? Something happen to the baby?
Clyde: I gotta call him. I can't do it here.
Ben: Wait, wait, dad! Dad!
[Bangs hands on table]
Rafe: Over here!
Xander: Is it really her? Oh, is it? Oh, it's mickey. Hi.
Rafe: She looks okay. We're gonna have to have her checked out. This is detective hernandez, detective hernandez. We have found mackenzie horton. Repeat. Mackenzie horton's safe.
Sarah: Well, aren't you gonna check it out?
Hope: We may not need to. They may have found mickey. Tell you what. Why don't you hang on to this just for now, okay?
Eric: What could you possibly be keeping from me? I mean, whatever it is, it can't change the way I feel about you.
Nicole: I'm not so sure about that.
Eric: Nicole.
Nicole: Look, I know I don't have any excuses. The only thing I can say is-- is that I suffered so much in that time that kristen kept us apart, and I thought I had lost you forever, and when we were reunited finally, the only thing I could focus on is spending the rest of my life with you and holly.
Eric: And that's why I'm standing here with a ring. We belong together, nicole. I'm happier than I have ever been.
Nicole: I feel the same way, but I've also been so selfish.
Eric: What do you mean?
Nicole: I've wanted you for myself, and I kept you away from sarah.
Eric: You're not the reason sarah and I are not together. She knew that you were the love of my life, and when I went out of town to look for you, she backed away.
Nicole: You broke sarah's heart.
Eric: She understood.
Nicole: Well, she was more understanding than you could've imagined.
Eric: I only want the best for sarah and her daughter. Xander and I, we have our differences, but he's turned out to be a decent father--
Nicole: No, that's what I've been trying to tell you. Xander is not mackenzie's father.
Eric: I don't understand. Sarah told me that xander was the father.
Nicole: She wasn't telling the truth.
Eric: I know sarah was vulnerable when I left town to find you. I understood why she turned to xander, but she had been with xander before after rex cheated on her.
Nicole: Sarah didn't go to bed with xander a second time.
Eric: Then why would she tell me?
Nicole: They pretended because they didn't want you to know the truth.
Eric: The truth?
Nicole: The truth is sarah found out she was pregnant with your baby.
Sarah: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, you--you found her. Oh, my gosh, is she okay?
Xander: Why don't you see for yourself?
Sarah: Oh, hi. Hi, sweet girl. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my baby. Thank you, xander. Thank you so much for bringing my daughter back to me.
Rafe: Thank the anonymous tipster.
Sarah: Where was she when you found her?
Xander: She was all alone in her carrier in the park.
Sarah: She was all alone? How'd she get there?
Rafe: Well, we found a burner phone with no prints. We're still investigating, but our best guess is kidnapper had a change of heart and bailed out.
Sarah: Who would do this?
Xander: Oh, we'll worry about that later, yeah? Let's just get our precious girl home.
Sarah: Okay. Yeah. Would you grab my bag?
Xander: Oh, sure.
Sarah: Thank you.
Rafe: Yeah, of course.
Ben: You're okay? You're okay?
[Clears throat]
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
Ben: Sit down. Sit down.
Ciara: Okay.
Ben: My dad got a text from ray-- said something went wrong with the kidnapping. I'm in here going crazy. I thought it meant you. Did it?
Ciara: Yeah, I guess you can say that.
Ben: Ciara, please tell me that you didn't try to rescue mickey on your own.
Ciara: Look, okay, ben, I know that you wanted me to tip off the police about ray's location, but I was afraid that if they interfered, then that they would realize that it was connected to your father, and then--
Ben: And then to me.
Ciara: Yeah. I couldn't let anything jeopardize your appeal, ben. This may be your last chance.
Ben: Ciara, I can't have you doing this stuff, like--
Ciara: Okay, well, the baby is back home safely. That's good news.
Ben: You got it home?
Ciara: Yeah. Ray was really drunk, and I just-- I took off with her. I called in and left an anonymous tip from the park, and then I waited until rafe and xander got there and found her.
Ben: Ciara, you're amazing.
Ciara: No, ben, I just want you out of here, okay? I may not agree with your father's tactics, but I mean, there's no question that clyde's demand for xander's confession made victor and xander sweat.
Ben: But we didn't get the confession.
Ciara: No, we didn'T. We're right back where we started, but I'm not gonna give up, ben, and neither are you. You're not giving up either.
Ben: Ciara, I can't have you taking risks like that. Not anymore.
Ciara: Okay, and I can't have you dying over a crime that you didn't commit, ben.
Ben: I don't know what else to do.
Ciara: I still have xander's lockbox. Maybe--maybe there's something in there that will help us. I mean, somehow, some way, ben, I am going to prove that xander killed jordan, and we're gonna be together again, okay? I promise.
Ben: How the hell do you do that?
Ciara: Do what?
Ben: Always find a way to give me hope.
Ciara: I guess I just have plenty to spare.
Ben: Promise me you will be careful. Ciara, I literally could never forgive myself if anything happened to you.
Ciara: Okay, well, ben, I love you, and I promise you. I promise we're gonna be together soon.
Hope: Steffy? Stefano? Oh. Where are you? I know how much you want to reconnect with your son, but... you are putting everything... at risk.
Chad: Exactly what message did my father want delivered?
Rolf: That you should keep your wife in line. She overstepped in her conversations with stefano, pushed too hard for this meeting. You should correct her.
Chad: Well, abigail does what she wants. But we have the same goal-- take back dimera from gabi hernandez.
Rolf: Then you'll be pleased to know that your father shares this goal, but you and abigail must respect his superior knowledge and gamesmanship in this realm.
Chad: All right, then what's the next move? What's he waiting for?
Rolf: Patience, chad. You will be restored to your rightful position, but it has to be done stefano's way.
John tyson's motto was,
[Mellow music]
Abigail: The meeting with your father did not go well?
Chad: It didn't go at all. Rolf was there when I showed up instead.
Abigail: What? You're kidding me.
Chad: I wish.
Abigail: Oh, my god. This is exactly what we were trying to avoid. Chad, he's playing us.
Chad: Well, no, apparently he's trying to teach us a lesson 'cause you're trying to push your agenda. He wants me to allow him absolute control of the situation.
Abigail: [Scoffs] Okay.
[Sighs] I'm trying not to overreact here, but this feels like he is making you choose him or me.
[Tense music]
[Door slides open]
Hope: Steffy?
Rolf: Well, not quite. Hello, princess gina.
Hope: Hello, rolf.
Both: [Smooching]
Rolf: [Chuckles] I'm here to deliver a message to stefano-- a report, so to speak.
Hope: A report?
Rolf: Mm.
Hope: About what?
Rolf: About my meeting with chad.
Hope: Does that mean stefano thought better of meeting with him in person?
Rolf: [Chuckles] Indeed.
Hope: Wonderful. Although if he's not here and he did not meet with chad, where is he?
Rolf: I...
Sarah: [Laughs softly]
[Mackenzie cooing] You know, she seems a little fussy. I think she's teething. Would you mind grabbing her teething ring out of my bag?
Xander: Oh, sure. How did you end up with this?
Sarah: Oh, hope gave it to me. She says that you handed it to her and something about it containing information that might help us get mickey back. What's in it?
Nicole: When sarah found out she was pregnant, you and I were already together, and the last thing that sarah wanted was for you to go back to her only because of the baby.
Eric: So she was going to leave town.
Nicole: And that's when xander stepped forward and offered to say that he was the father.
[Soft dramatic music]
Eric: You're telling me the truth?
Nicole: Yes. Finally.
Eric: Mackenzie is my daughter?
Nicole: Yes.
Eric: How long have you known about this?
Nicole: I've known for over a year.
Chad: It would be a mistake for my father to try to come between us.
Abigail: Yeah, but does he know that?
Chad: Yes, I've made it very clear that I love you and that we are a team forever and always.
Abigail: What does he want?
Chad: Well, according to rolf, he shares the same goal of wanting to take dimera back from gabi, but he wants it done his way.
Abigail: So he has a plan?
Chad: Rolf said patience. I'll check with my father and I'll see if he's ready to share anything. Where's my--where's my computer?
Abigail: Oh, I hid it.
Chad: Why?
Abigail: Because I walked in and I saw eli was snooping around on it. He said he was trying to install some, like, "security software" or something.
Chad: He didn't see the exchange with my father?
Abigail: No, no, no, but he is clearly team gabi, so we need to be careful.
Clyde: So that little problem ray had with the kidnapping? Turns out your girlfriend screwed it up.
Ben: Ciara?
Clyde: Yeah. She showed up at the safe house, tricked him, took the kid.
Ben: Really?
Clyde: Mm. Imagine that. Here's a funny thing now. How did she know where to go? 'Cause the way I figure it, the only way she could have known is if you tipped her off.
Ben: An innocent child should never be used as a bargaining chip. Ciara would never let that happen.
Clyde: Oh, damn it, boy, when will you ever learn? Trusting that girl instead of your old man? If you really want to get out of here, you forget about ciara. You need me!
Xander: What's in this envelope might have helped bring mickey home.
Sarah: I don't understand.
Xander: I, um... I set up an offshore bank account to pay ransom in case the kidnappers demanded it.
Sarah: You did that for me?
Xander: For you and this darling little girl.
Sarah: [Laughs softly] Thank you. I am--I am so grateful for everything that you have done for me and mickey.
Xander: My pleasure.
Sarah: You're a really good guy, xander. Everyone in this town has misjudged you.
Xander: I've made a lot of mistakes, but there's nothing I wouldn't do to protect my family.
Sarah: You know what? Why don't we take mickey upstairs and you can help me put her down?
Xander: You go ahead. I'll--I'll be right up. There's just something I need to take care of.
Sarah: Okay.
[Soft dramatic music]
Xander: [Sighs]
Eric: You've known all this time?
Nicole: I got sarah's pregnancy test results. It's a long story. So I went to sarah to confront her, and she-- she confirmed that you were the father, and I--sarah and I agreed that you would do the right thing and want to be there for your daughter, and you would probably go back to her and say that you wanted to raise the baby together. Sarah loved you, but she didn't want you to go back to her out of obligation, and I was terrified of losing you, so I went along with it, and I--and I let you believe that xander was the father.
[Sobs] I--oh. I know how wrong that was, and not a day has gone by this past year that I didn't feel guilty, when I didn't hate myself for not giving you the chance to be a father to your daughter. But when I found out mackenzie was kidnapped, I realized that I couldn't keep the truth from you any longer, and you deserve to know that you--you have a little girl.
[Sobbing] And I--I'm so sorry, eric. Please. Can you ever forgive me, eric? Please?
[Soft dramatic music]
Hope: Oh, gosh. Oh, thank god you are back. I truly was starting to worry. I do want to hear all about where you have been, but first, sit for me. I am starting to work on your eyes again. They seem a bit off. Rolf tells me you sent him to meet with chad. Smart decision. Turn your head a bit to the left. Yes, perfect. If you had taken that meeting with chad... he would have had quite the reaction to your new look.
Chad: What did eli say when you--when you caught him snooping on my computer?
Abigail: No, he acted totally innocent. I mean, he got a little testy with me, but--
Chad: How testy?
Abigail: Nothing I couldn't handle.
Chad: This is--he seemed like such a decent guy when he was dating lani. I just--
Abigail: I know.
Chad: Getting dumped at the altar can really change a man.
Abigail: No, dating gabi can really change a man, but he's practically living here with her, chad, so we just need to be really aware, you know, that whatever it is we're doing, he's probably, I don't know, watching us.
Ben: I never asked for your help, dad, so you can stop pretending that you're doing this for me, because you're using little mickey as your ticket out of here too.
Clyde: Well, you and your girl screwed that up too.
Ben: Are we done? I'm ready to go back to my cell.
Clyde: You're still my son whether you like it or not.
[Foreboding music]
Ben: I don't like it.
Clyde: You want to die in here? Fine, 'cause if you blow me off, state's gonna execute you for sure. Ain't nobody else gonna save you.
Ciara: Come on, come on.
Sarah: [Laughs]
Xander: I thought you were gonna put her down.
Sarah: I was, but then I wasn't ready to say good night yet.
Xander: Well, I don't blame you. Hello.
Sarah: Hi, boo-boobers.
[Laughs softly] I thought that I was never gonna see her again.
Xander: It's over now. She's home safe. I will never let anything happen to her.
Sarah: You know, she-- she may not be your biological daughter, but from the moment that she was born, you've been the most devoted father to her, and then you brought her back, and you-- you placed her in my arms. I never felt more like she was truly yours.
Nicole: Eric. Please. Say something.
[Soft dramatic music]
Eric: I don't know what to say. I have a daughter that is mine and I did not know about for a year. Xander has been raising my child, and you've known all this time.
Nicole: Yes.
Eric: How could you keep me from my child?
Nicole: I had no right. I'm so sorry.
Eric: My daughter's been kidnapped, and I've gotta go find her.
Nicole: Eric, please. Eric, wait. Wait!
[Sobbing] Oh, god.
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