Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 11/22/19
Episode #13658 ~ Xander hands Hope his confession; Eric has a surprise for Nicole; Ciara plays a dangerous game of cat and mouse; Abigail catches Eli going through Chad's laptop.
Provided By Suzanne
Ciara: Do you have any idea who clyde could have sent to take the baby?
Ben: I managed to grab his phone for one second. I saw one name. This guy, ray. He lives outside of salem in this old like, boarding house.
Ciara: Okay, well do you have his address?
Ben: I think it's on county road a?
Ciara: Okay. Cool, I'll check it out.
Ben: No, no, no, wait, ciara, the best thing you can do is just call the police.
Ciara: And what? Tell them that ben weston knows where baby mickey is? No way, ben. The last thing that you need right now is to be implicated in a kidnapping. It could jeopardize your appeal and you only have one left.
Ben: Fine. Then make an anonymous tip. Say that you saw a kidnapping go down, and you felt obligated to report it but you don't want to be involved in any way. Ciara, promise me you will call the police and let them handle this.
Ciara: Okay, fine.
Ben: Ciara, promise me.
[Line tone] Ciara? Ciara? Ciara.
Ciara: I'm sorry, ben, but I have to do this. I have to find mickey, and I'm going to bring her home.
Ben: Come on, come on, come on, go through, go through, go through.
[Line beeping rapidly] Out of credits. Ciara, please, stick to your word, and stay the hell away from this.
Abigail: Ah.
Chad: How'd the drop-off go?
Abigail: It was good. They're so happy. They're just so excited for their sleepover.
Chad: You don't think that two little kids are going to be too much for julie and doug, do you?
Abigail: No. I think if anything, julie and doug will be too much for our two little kids. Hey, stop worrying so much, they're going to be fine. I promise you, they couldn't be happier, okay? And I couldn't be happier to have a night alone with my husband.
Chad: Mm. I would love that, but my father promised to meet me.
Abigail: Yeah, I know, but he didn't say when or where yet so--
Chad: Yeah, okay, but, as you know, my father has always been a man of his word, right? He agreed to play me in chess. I won. Now he has to meet me face-to-face, all right? That was our deal and I have no doubt my father's gonna hold up his end of the bargain this time.
Abigail: Okay.
Gina: Yes, steffy. I know. You agreed to meet with your son. But I'm afraid I cannot allow that to happen.
Xander: "And that's the whole sordid story of what we did." Signed xander kiriakis. I'm doing this for you and the baby, sarah. Even if it means I lose you both.
[Phone beeps] Because if you do, if you harm even one hair on mickey's head, I will kill you.
[Sarah sobbing]
Eric: They're gonna find your daughter.
Sarah: I'm so sorry, eric. So terribly, terribly, terribly sorry.
Eric: Sorry about what? Sarah? What are you sorry about?
Sarah: I'm just--I'm sorry. This--this whole situation, it's just wrong, it's wrong. Eric, I have to tell you.
Eli: Hey, sorry to interrupt.
Sarah: You're allowed. You're my cousin.
Eli: Listen. I want you to know that I'm doing everything in my power to help you find your little girl.
Xander: Nicole.
Nicole: I just heard about mickey. Did someone really kidnap eric's daughter?
Ben: I cannot be out of credits right now. Not right now. Not right now.
[Line beeping rapidly]
[Grunts] Please, god. Do not let ciara go after ray by herself. 'Cause if she does, there is no way I can protect her.
[Knocking at door]
Ray: What do you want?
Ciara: Clyde sent me. To come help with the baby?
Ray: I don't know any clyde. Now get lost.
Ciara: [Chuckles] Nope. Sorry. I can't do that. Clyde specifically sent me here to help you take care of the baby.
Ray: Baby? I got no idea what damn baby you're talking about.
[Baby crying]
Ciara: I'm talking about that baby.
Will: Someone's on edge tonight.
Ben: Leave me alone, man. I'm worried about ciara.
Will: Why? I thought she was sticking by you no matter what.
Ben: She is.
Will: Okay, what's the problem?
[Ben sighs]
Ben: Ciara and I are working together to help prove who really killed jordan. We came up with a plan. Will, it's a good one.
Will: What kind of plan?
Ben: It started with ciara convincing victor that she finally realized I was a killer, and she dumped me.
Will: Okay, but that's not true, right?
Ben: Not at all. Ciara's determined to help me. She even moved into the mansion to get closer to victor and hopefully find something that could help clear my name. But it all might go to hell now.
Will: Why? What happened? Is victor on to you?
Ben: Will, somebody kidnapped sarah horton's baby.
Nicole: Who would kidnap eric's baby?
Xander: You need to stop saying that out in the open where anybody could hear you.
Nicole: Okay, okay, I just want to know more about the kidnapping, I mean do you have any idea who took her, or why?
Xander: I'm on it.
Nicole: What does that mean?
Xander: I have a plan to get mickey back. I'm going to make this right.
Nicole: Plan? What plan? Why do you have to make it right? Oh my god. Did you have anything to do with this kidnapping?
Sarah: Thank you, eli. Your support means everything.
Eli: You think we could talk alone for a minute?
Sarah: Actually, I would-- I'd like eric to stay, because I need his support.
Eli: Look, I handle a lot of kidnapping cases when I was with the fbi, so I reached out to some old friends at the bureau for help.
Eric: That's great, but you're working private security now, right?
Eli: I am, and I am prepared to put dimera's full resources to work, if that's okay with you.
[Cell phone beeps]
Gina: This tiresome kidnapping case, honestly. When shall it be over? I must go back down to the police station. My duties as commissioner are beyond tedious. But it is imperative that we do keep up appearances, or should I say in your case, not to appear to anyone, not just yet. Not until the time is right, steffy. Mm, yes.
Chad: I know you don't want the meeting to happen.
Abigail: Can you blame me, chad? I mean he has put you through so much pain over the years. And yes, there's a part of me that does hope that stefano or whoever it is behind all of this might just disappear.
Chad: Well okay so I guess that's the answer to the question I asked you earlier. You don't want my father back in our lives.
Abigail: I don't know, okay? I really haven't had all that much time to think about it. But I... look, the truth is, I do feel protective over you, and our family, and our marriage. I mean, chad, you have fought so hard to find your individuality and your authenticity and to create a legacy that you can be proud of, that was separate from stefano, something that our children can be proud of.
Chad: And you know how committed I am to that. It's one of the reasons I took the job in paris and I didn't stay here and fight my brother for the ceo position.
Abigail: I know that, I know. But we're not across the seas anymore. We're here, we're in this town, we're in this house.
Chad: Yeah, to make gabi hernandez pay. I haven't forgotten the hell that she put you through. I'm done playing nicely, it's payback tie.
Abigail: Yes, I know that, but you're not understanding me. If stefano is involved, it's a whole different game, okay? It's manipulations and negotiations, and it's shady, and he might--
Chad: And so what?
Abigail: It could go down a dark path and I don't-- I might lose you again, chad.
[Somber piano music]
Chad: You are never gonna lose me again.
Abigail: It just feels really dangerous. You know, with stefano, it's like you dip one toe in, the next thing you know you're drowning.
Chad: I've been to the dark side of being a dimera. I'm not going to go back there. Okay? It's part of the reason I turned the other cheek with stefan, and since he died I've been watching gabi's moves as ceo and I don't like the direction she's taken the company.
Abigail: No, neither do I, she's entitled and she's unqualified.
Chad: Yeah, but it's not just about business. She has hurt so many people that I care about, especially you. And now she is lording her power over us like she was the one that was wrong. I'm not going to stand by and take it anymore. I need to take back what is ours.
Abigail: I understand that, chad, but do you honestly think you can do that without losing yourself?
Chad: I do. As long as I have you in my corner.
Abigail: [Scoffs] You're always going to have me in your corner. All right. So if and when we meet stefano--
Chad: Well, no, you're not going to come to that meeting with stefano.
Abigail: Um, excuse me? Says who?
Gina: Yes. Of course I understand. You trust your son, steffy, but chadwick's wife on the other hand is another matter. We must be careful with her. I mean, imagine the headlines. If abigail were to go behind her husband's back and expose you? Hmm.
Sarah: Eli, of course it's okay for you to help with the search. I'm just--I'm really grateful that you want to.
Eli: Yeah, glad to hear it. Look, have you heard from the kidnappers? Have they made any demands, maybe asked for money?
Sarah: No. Xander's at the mansion waiting, just in case any ransom calls come in, but I haven't heard from him yet.
Nicole: Answer me.
[Phone beeps] Are you involved in this kidnapping? You have experience in this area.
Xander: Are you insane? You know how I feel about sarah, how could I possibly be involved in this?
Nicole: Because I know you. For a shot, miserable time, I was married to you.
Xander: I've come a long way since then.
Nicole: Oh yeah, you sure have. You're ceo of titan. A job you always wanted but victor would never give you because he thought you were a total moron. And it makes me wonder how you managed to change his mind.
Xander: Well don't strain your brain, sweetheart. It's called hard work.
Nicole: Try dirty work. Victor would never give you a top job at his company if he didn't want you to do something for him. Something bad. This was my biggest fear, keeping my mouth shut while you raised eric's baby. I was terrified that you would do something to hurt her!
Xander: You have some nerve, giving me the holier-than-thou treatment, pretending you care about mackenzie.
Nicole: I do care.
Xander: Oh please. All this time you've had no problem keeping eric in the dark. He has no idea about his baby, because it meant that you two could keep playing house, giving your daughter a father, while I stepped out and raised that little girl.
Will: Someone kidnapped sarah's baby?
Ben: And I know who did it.
Will: [Stammers] What does this have to do with jordan? I don't--I'm not-- I'm not seeing a connection.
Ben: All right, long story short, victor is responsible for my sister's murder, but he didn't do the deed himself, will. Ciara and I think xander killed jordan on victor's orders.
Will: And then let you take the rap.
Ben: Yeah. And I made the mistake of sharing that theory with my father.
Will: What did clyde do?
Ben: He had someone on the outside, this dirtbag ray kidnapped sarah and xander's baby daughter, and he told xander that he's never going to see her again unless he sends a full, written confession to the police.
Will: You're saying that clyde had one of his men kidnap my cousin's baby.
Ben: Yes, but nobody knows that my father's behind it, because he's in here sending anonymous texts to xander managing it all from inside here.
Will: Ben, if this is true, you need to stop it now.
Ben: Will, I already tried to do that; it's too late. Look, I told my father, as soon as he got that confession out of xander he needed to give that baby back. He won't do it.
Will: Why not?
Ben: Because right now he's using little mickey as his way to get out of here.
Will: Okay, that's it then, we have to tell the warden.
Ben: No, no, we can't do that; sit, sit. My dad has eyes and ears all over this place. If that word gets back to him, he's going to get word back to ray, and that baby may never come home again.
Ciara: Shh, there you go. Okay, she should be asleep for a while.
Ray: You're a life saver. This kid's been driving me nuts. Tried everything I could to get it to shut up. Nothing worked.
Ciara: Yeah well, I'm pretty good with kids.
Ray: Yeah. I bet you're good at a lot of things. You got a name?
Ciara: Ciara.
Ray: Ray. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. You know, I thought I wanted kids, but after a few hours with this one, I think I'll stick to the plants. They're a lot quieter. How do you know clyde, anyway?
Ciara: I'm his son's girlfriend.
Ray: Clyde's kid's locked up. I'm guessing you like bad boys. Maybe it's time a sweet young thing like you trade up. Someone who's not on death row. You must be so lonely.
Xander: I am so damn tired of hearing you say that eric is mackenzie's father. She's my little girl. Look. Eric may have created a baby with sarah. But that's all he did. When sarah was pregnant, I was the one who held her hair back when she was sick. I was the one who ran out in the middle of the night to fetch whatever she was craving. And I was the one by her side when she was in labor, holding her hand, telling her how brave she was, even though I was scared out of my mind. And I was the one who placed that child in her mother's arm for the very first time. And I saw how in love sarah was as she gazed into her daughter's big, beautiful eyes, and I... I fell in love, too. Head over heels for that little girl.
Nicole: Look, xander. I don't doubt how you feel--
Xander: It's not about my feelings. It's about who I am now. I'm the man who's been there for the 3:00 A.M. Feedings, for the dirty nappies, the fevers. First cry, first laugh, first time she said "da." And when she said it, she was looking at me. Eric wasn't there. It was me. It is me. So stop telling me that she's eric's baby. Because I'm mackenzie's dad in every way that counts. And nothing will ever change that.
Eli: Sarah, I'm here for you. Not just as a cop, as family. You hang in there.
Eric: Thanks.
Sarah: I feel so useless.
Eric: You're doing great. Listen, you gotta trust eli, hope, and rafe. They're doing everything they can. They're going to find mickey. I promise, everything is going to be okay.
[Sarah sobbing] Okay. Just breathe. Just tell me what's on your mind.
Sarah: I just keep-- I keep thinking that my little girl's out there and she doesn't have anyone to tell her that everything's going to be okay.
Eric: It's okay. It's going to be okay.
[Cell phone beeps]
Nicole: That's about the baby, isn't it? Xander, I need to know what's going on.
Xander: I have to get to the police station.
Nicole: Why?
Xander: Sarah's there. She needs me.
[Door clicks close]
Ciara: You must be going crazy, cooped up in here for hours with this cranky little baby.
Ray: Yeah. But she's asleep now. And you're here.
Ciara: Yeah. That's right. I am here. So hey, why don't I stay here with the baby and you can go blow off some steam. Yeah, there's a bar on the corner and I hear it's happy hour.
Ray: Why go out? We can be happy right here.
Will: We have information about a felony kidnapping. So we need to tell the police, so they can find sarah's baby.
Ben: Ciara's already doing that, ok will? I made her promise me she's going to call the police and let them handle it. She's going to make an anonymous tip so it can't be traced back to her--
Will: What if--
Ben: Or to me.
Will: What if she doesn't listen to you? Or what if she decides to go off and do something on her own? Yeah, ben, I can't sit on this. I'm not going to risk an innocent baby's life.
Ben: I'm sorry, will. I can't let you do that.
Gina: I know you pride yourself on being a man of your word, but there is only one word you should be concerning yourself with right now: Incarceration. For the both of us.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Scoffs] I must get back to the station. And steffy, while I am gone, you may communicate all you want to your precious son, but--hold on. Under no circumstances are you to venture out to meet him. Understood? That could jeopardize all that we have worked so hard for.
Abigail: Who made this meeting with stefano happen?
Chad: You.
Abigail: Uh-huh, and we are a team, right?
Chad: Yes.
Abigail: Okay. So if the whole point of this alliance is to get rid of gabi, then not only do I wanna be there to make sure that stefano doesn't push you into doing something that you are going to regret, chad, but I also am not going to sit there on the sidelines while you and stefano take gabi down. I'm gonna be there.
Eli: What are you two up to?
Will: Ben, let go of me. Do you want me--you want me to call a guard? What are you gonna do? You gonna- you gonna kill me again?
Ben: I'm sorry, man. I'm just--I'm so worried that about telling somebody who could give clyde the heads-up and just put ciara in even more danger.
Will: Yeah. How dangerous is this guy ray?
Ben: Very.
Ciara: I--I told you, ray. I have a boyfriend.
Ray: Yeah, but what ben doesn't know won't hurt him, right?
Ciara: You know what? You're right. I do like bad boys, and I love happy hour, so how about we have some drinks and get to know each other a little better.
Xander: What's going on here?
Sarah: I was just telling eric that our baby is missing.
Eric: I'm sorry, xander.
Xander: Are you?
Eric: Yes. I know there's been bad blood between us, but no father should be separated from their child like this. I'm praying for all of you. I promise you your daughter's gonna be back to you before you know it.
Xander: Thank you for saying that.
Eric: Sarah, I know this is probably not the right time, but you were going to tell me why you were sorry. We were interrupted right before you were going to tell me.
Sarah: What I wanted to tell you, eric... what I should have told you from the beginning is that... I'm sorry, I'm-- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have unloaded all my worry on you, and I should have been doing that with mickey's father.
[Mysterious music]
Eli: So? What did I just walk in on?
Chad: Private conversation with my wife. Doesn't really concern you.
Eli: As head of dimera security, it's my job to protect the company's interests, so whatever goes on in this house is very much my concern.
Chad: Okay. Got it. Thank you. You can go now.
Eli: I don't answer to you. The only person I report to is gabi.
Abigail: Clearly, since you've spent so much time checking the perimeters of her bedroom.
Eli: Well, gabi and I have made no secret about our personal relationship, but it remains to be seen what you two are hiding.
[Cell phone ringing] Excuse me.
Abigail: Gladly.
Chad: It's on.
Abigail: Oh, good.
Chad: It's happening. He left me a keycard at the front desk of the salem inn. He asked me to come alone. Right now. He specifically requested that I do not bring my wife.
[Abigail scoffs] So should I tell him that I'll not be coming?
Abigail: No, no. We will go upstairs and get you changed and we'll get you ready for your meeting, and I will work on changing your mind about me coming with you. Come on.
Hope: Heads up. There's a missing child. Every second counts. I want every officer in this department to pull their weight and bring her home. I will not rest until mackenzie horton is found and brought home to her parents safely. Why are you looking at each other? Go. Find her.
Ben: So you get it now? Why we can't just give the cops ray's address?
Will: So we do nothing?
Ben: We hope that ciara listened to me, and that the cops get there before it's too late.
Ciara: [Laughing] Ray, you are so funny. You know my ben, my ben friend. My--my boyfriend. He never ever makes me laugh like that. Hit me again.
Ray: Whoo!
Ciara: Whoo!
Ray: All right.
[Ciara clears throat]
Ray: [Inhales] Ooh.
Ciara: Cheers.
Ray: Mm!
Ciara: Ah. Too slow.
Ray: You are extremely, you're very quick. And you're very fast, too.
Ciara: Mm, okay, and you, ray-ray, are falling behind. How are you gonna let a good girl drink a bad boy under the table, huh? Bet you can't do it with your eyes closed.
Ray: Yeah. All right. Check this out. Yes.
Ciara: Yeah, wow, good job. Um--[Chuckles] And now, I want to watch.
[Ray laughing]
Xander: I know how difficult this is for you, but I'm so glad you didn't tell eric our secret.
Sarah: How could I? How could I possibly tell him that I kept his daughter from him and then I lost her?
Nicole: How is there no news about this kidnapping?
[Door clicks open]
Eric: Hey.
Nicole: Hi.
Eric: It's okay. Listen. I have some terrible news. Sarah's daughter was kidnapped.
Nicole: I know.
Eli: Yeah, well I offered sarah both mine and dimera's full support to help her find her baby. Hey, you know, you were right about chad and abigail. They're definitely hiding something, and I'm gonna find out what it is. Okay, all right. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.
[Suspenseful music]
Abigail: May I help you?
[Door lock clicks]
Ben: Please, god, let them be okay. Let ciara and the baby be okay.
Will: I believe you.
Ben: About the kidnapping?
Will: Yeah. And about jordan. You could've sat back and let clyde do his thing, but you didn'T. You tried to stop him. So I'M... I'm thinking that, I don't know, maybe you are innocent, and that you didn't kill your sister.
Ciara: Oh, you poor, sad plant. Not long for the world now, I'm sure. You know, at least you won't have to wake up with a nasty hangover, or have to deal with a very angry clyde. Hey, baby mackenzie. Oh, you are so brave. You are so sweet. I promise, I'm gonna get you back into your mother's arms before you--
Xander: Sarah. I swear to you, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get your baby back, okay? I'm just gonna... I'm just gonna see if there's any news.
Sarah: Wait... you may not always be a stand-up guy. But you have been a really great father to my daughter.
Xander: You have no idea how much those words mean to me.
Hope: Xander. We're doing everything we can to find your daughter. I have my best people on it.
Xander: I need you to look at this. Now.
Eric: So how did you hear about the kidnapping?
Nicole: I heard about it on the news. It's awful.
Eric: Well the police are doing everything they can. So far there's no leads. We just have to keep praying that the baby's okay.
Nicole: Yeah, we do.
Eric: Nicole. I know we found a lot of reasons why we shouldn't do this. I thought about it tonight and why I shouldn't do this tonight. But I don't have any reasons why we should wait any longer. Nicole walker. Will you marry me?
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