Days Transcript Thursday 11/21/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 11/21/19


Episode #13657 ~ Clyde puts the screws to Xander; Ciara takes matters into her own hands; Jennifer receives devastating news from the past year; Eric informs Roman about his big plans for the future.

Provided By Suzanne

Kayla: Hey, hey, jack.

Jack: Hmm?

Kayla: Hey. How'd the interview go?

Jack: Oh, it was fine. I just hated being away from jennifer. How is she?

Kayla: Well, let's see. She had physical therapy early, she walked the floors with eric, and then last I checked, she was taking a nap.

Jack: Okay.

Jennifer: [Panting]


[Machines beeping]

[Dramatic music]

Justin: Are you okay?

Jennifer: [Gasps] Justin.

Justin: I'm sorry. Yes, it's me. Should I get a nurse? Do you need a nurse?

Jennifer: No, no, I'm okay. I just had the most intense dream about when I fell that night.

Justin: Do you remember what happened?

Eric: Hey.

Roman: Hey. How's it going?

Eric: Good. I actually just came from seeing jennifer.

Roman: Oh, man, I've been wanting to get over there. How's she doing?

Eric: She's great. We took a walk together on the floor at the hospital.

Roman: She's up moving around? Wow, that is terrific news.

Eric: Yeah, it is. You know, I'm happy for her and jack.

Roman: Yeah.

Eric: I mean they can pick up right where they left off.

Roman: Yeah, well, jenn missed a whole year, so for her they're newlyweds.

Eric: Speaking of which... what do you think?

Ben: Dad, you have to give sarah's baby back. I'm not gonna have an innocent child involved in this.

Clyde: You're always too soft for your own good, ben.

Ben: Think about sarah. She's gotta be going out of her mind right now.

Clyde: Son, the deed is done. It is time to take the next step.

Ben: What are you gonna do, dad?

Clyde: Watch and learn, son. Watch and learn.

Ciara: Sarah. I was just at the station, and my mom told me what happened. I am so sorry.

Sarah: Thank you so much, ciara. I don't know why anybody would do something like this. It's so awful.

Who are you texting? Is it about our baby?

Narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Sweeping orchestration]

Sarah: Xander, answer me. Who are you texting?

Xander: It's just titan security.

Sarah: Do they have any information about mickey?

Xander: No, that's why I'm reaming them out. They have one job right now, and that's to find our daughter, but they still don't have any leads.

Sarah: So, they have nothing. They have nothing. The police have nothing. And every second that goes by, our tiny, helpless baby is just out there with strangers, and she's probably terrified.

Xander: You have my word, okay? I'm not gonna stop until mackenzie is back in your arms, safe and sound. And then I'll make the bastard that did this pay.

Maggie: Well, victor and i are going to lunch at the club. Would any of you like to--sarah, honey? Honey, what's wrong?

Sarah: It's my baby, mom.

Maggie: What's wrong with little mickey? Is she sick? No?

Sarah: She's been kidnapped.

Maggie: What? Kidnapped? Oh, god! Who would do this? Oh, honey, honey. We'll find her, we'll find her. I promise. I promise.

Clyde: [Chuckling]

Ben: What's so funny?

Clyde: Watching xander squirm. He is dying to find out who's at the other end of this line. Hey, man. It's your old buddy, clyde weston, x-man. Not that you need to know that.

Ben: What the hell are you doing, dad? What are you telling him?

Clyde: I'm letting my former associate know that we have his baby, and that he will get the brat back once he tells the cops what he did.

Ben: No, no, no. No, I already told you to call this off.

Clyde: And I told you it's too late for that.

Ben: Look, I appreciate you're trying to help me. But this is way over the line.

Clyde: No, no. What's over the line is two lying cowards letting you fry for a murder you didn't commit. Victor kiriakis and his nephew killed your sister, and you're the one sitting on death row. That ain't right.

Ben: And I agree. And as I told you, I'm already working on proving my innocence.

Clyde: You've already lost two appeals, son.

Ben: Because I didn't have any evidence. This time I will.

Clyde: Ben, you're the necktie killer. Jordan was found strangled in your home. The only way you're getting out of here is if you get the real killer to confess.

Ben: Not by using an innocent baby.

Clyde: That baby is leverage. Hey, give me that.

Ben: Which one of your guys has her?

Clyde: Give me that!

Ben: Which one has her?

Guard: What's going on here?

Roman: Whew! That's a nicer rock than anna tried to give me.

Eric: Well, it's for nicole, and I plan on proposing tonight. Think she's gonna like it?

Roman: Like it? She's gonna love it. I'm happy for you. About damn time you two had your happily ever after.

Eric: Dad, I'm sorry. I have to go. One of the kids I counsel at the center, he just got arrested.

Roman: Okay. Well, good luck, hey. Good luck with everything.

Eric: Thanks.

Jennifer: I was standing on the balcony, and I was falling. And I wish that I could just sharpen the picture in my head. I just can'T.

Justin: Well, I'm sorry to hear that, for eve's sake. She's been in prison all this time, and she swears that she's innocent.

Jennifer: I'm sorry. I just don't remember.

Justin: Please, don't apologize. I didn't come here to press you on that. I just came by to visit and tell you how happy I am to see you awake. And I would have come by earlier, but--

Jennifer: I know. You have been really busy.

Justin: Yeah. Everyone in salem seems to need a lawyer these days.

Jennifer: Well, hard work agrees with you. You look great.

Justin: Oh, thank you. Yeah, I started working out. I'm even running again.

Jennifer: Well, you need to stay in shape for your better half. And, listen, I know that adrienne is probably so crazy at the paper. And you just tell her as soon as I am released from this place, I will be right there for her. And then the four musketeers, we could celebrate our collective anniversaries. Hey, are you okay? I mean your face just totally changed. What's going on?

Justin: I guess jack didn't tell you.

Jennifer: Didn't tell me what?

Kayla: Do you mind if we-- just talk to you for a second, jack?

Jack: Sure, sure, sure. What's up?

Kayla: It's just about justin and me. You know, you were so focused on jennifer, I didn't want to bother you. But now that she's better, I just wanted to check in and see how you're feeling about us being together.

Jack: Why would you need to do that?

Kayla: Well, because justin was adrienne's husband, and I was steve's wife and--

Jack: My brother, steve. As far as I'm concerned, he is a hypocritical, no-good son of a bitch.

Maggie: Has there been any word from the kidnapper?

Sarah: Nothing. Nothing. And I can't just sit here and wait. I'm going out of my mind. I'm gonna go down to the police station. I think you should come with me.

Xander: I really want to, but one of us should stay by the phone in case there's a ransom call, yeah?

Sarah: Right, right, right. Rafe said to do that.

Maggie: Honey, I'll drive you, okay? Xander, would you please bring victor up to speed on everything, and tell him I'll call him as soon as I can. Come on, come on.

Xander: Hey. Isn't there something else you could be doing? I know it's a dreadful situation, but you do still have a job.

Ciara: Yeah.

Xander: Then please, go do it.

Ciara: Yes.

Xander: I want to be alone.

Guard: I asked you a question.

Clyde: My son here has something that doesn't belong to him.

Guard: You'd better give it up. This kind of contraband is strictly forbidden in here. But sometimes, I make an exception.

Clyde: Don't look so surprised, son. You know I got friends here, there, and everywhere. Now that we started this thing, it's time to see it through to the end.

[Phone beeps]

Ben: Is that xander?

Clyde: Yeah, yeah. He's on the hook. And now I just gotta reel him in.

[Phone beeps] +Victor: So, in order to get mackenzie back, we have to admit to what we did?

Xander: Yes, victor. That's what they said.

Victor: Who is "they?" Who the hell are these people?

Xander: I don't know. But they're demanding we make a full confession.

Victor: To what?

Xander: I think you know.

Victor: No, I don't know. And neither do you, not for sure. After all, you've done some pretty terrible things in your life.

Xander: Not with you.

Victor: Still, you have to ask. Make them spell it out.

Xander: Fine. I'll do anything to get my daughter back.

Clyde: Xander's taking his sweet time to reply. Must've scared him good.

Ben: Or you just pushed him too damn far away, and now we're screwed. Why didn't you listen to me?

Clyde: Quit your whining, will you? He just responded. He wants to know exactly what we think they did.

Ben: Clyde, just end this.

Clyde: The hell I will.

Victor: Well? What do they think we did?

Xander: "You sent an innocent man to prison."

Kayla: I didn't realize that you were so upset with him still.

Jack: Why wouldn't I be? After the ways he's judged me for years? Meanwhile, he's abandoned you and your kids again. His own sister dies; he doesn't even show up for the funeral. It's unforgivable.

Kayla: I'm as shocked and disappointed as you are. I mean adrienne adored him. She understood him. She listened to him. She supported him. She cut him slack when he messed up.

Jack: She was there for him, always. She was always there for him. Was he there for her? I don't know. When she died--when she--when we--did he put everything aside in his own business for his family? No. No. His sister dies, and he sends a card.

Kayla: You know, I know that steve has put his work before his family before... but this was beyond the pale. Look, I'm not perfect. I know that. I know that I have made so many mistakes in our marriage. But this just complete absence, it was just the final straw for me.

Jack: You had to send him the divorce papers.

Kayla: Yeah. Because I just hoped that it would rattle him enough to have him come back to me. It didn't work. And then I didn't hear from him for months. And then just one day, the divorce papers show up with his signature on it. Not a call. Nothing. Just like that. Thirty years. Done.

Jack: So much for saint patch, my moralizing big brother. Well, now, you're with a good man. A good man that treats you right.

Kayla: Yeah. But he's not just any man. He's justin. And I just need to know that your family is okay with that.

Jack: Did it take some getting used to? Yeah, it did. It did. I'm not gonna lie about that. But when I see how happy you have made justin, when I see the smile on his face again, and I see the hope in his heart... I know my sister--I know adrienne would be thrilled that you two just-- you found each other.

Kayla: What about you, jack?

Jack: Well, I have to ask you. Are you happy?

Kayla: I am.

Jack: That's all that matters to me.

Kayla: You don't know. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about adrienne. You know that, right?

Jack: Yeah, me too, me too. Jennifer doesn't know about any of this. Adrienne was her dearest friend, business partner. Jennifer has no idea that she's died.

Jennifer: What didn't jack tell me? Don't tell me that you and adrienne split up again. You just got remarried last year.

Justin: No, no, no, no, no. No, it's nothing like that.

Jennifer: Then what is it?

Justin: Adrienne died.

About this last year, we need to take, I mean especially about adrienne.

Kayla: Excuse me.

Jack: Am i doing the right thing? Keeping this from jennifer for now?

Kayla: Yeah, I think so. I mean we have so much to fill her in about this last year, we need to take it gradually, you know? Like, I mean especially about adrienne.

Jack: It's just so much more complicated than telling her my sister died. It's why, and how, and who's in federal prison right now for causing this to happen. I know. I have to tell her. I have to tell her everything soon. I just want to do it in the right way, at the right time.

Jennifer: Adrienne. No--when did this happen?

Justin: About six months ago.

Jennifer: Did her cancer come back? Is that--

Justin: No, no, no, no, no. No, she was still in remission. What happened was sudden. It was--

Jennifer: I don't even know what to say. That I wasn't there for you, that I wasn't there for adrienne. I can't even believe this.

Justin: She was the love of my life. She was the mother of my children. She was the strongest, bravest woman I have ever known. And when I lost her, I-- but I just, you know, I kept hearing her voice telling me to keep living my life. Keep living. So, that's what I've been trying to do.

Jennifer: Justin, you said it was sudden. What happened? How did adrienne die?

Sarah: I can't believe this is happening. I turned my head for one second, and when I looked back, she--my little girl.

Maggie: We're gonna get her back.

Sarah: Well, why would somebody take her in the first place? Could it really be about money? Is that it?

Maggie: Well, the only reason I can think of is that the kidnappers must know that mickey's father is the ceo of titan. And they're gonna be in touch with you soon to ask for a ransom.

Sarah: And then what? Do we pay them what they want, and they'll give her back?

Maggie: No question about it.

Sarah: God, but if I never see her again, it's my fault.

Maggie: Oh, honey, don't say that. Come on, you just looked away for an instant.

Sarah: No, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about what I did today. I'm talking about what I've done in the past. I kept that precious little girl away from her father, and now somebody's keeping her away from me.

Xander: What should we do?

Victor: Nothing. I don't negotiate with terrorists.

Xander: They--they have my daughter. I have to do something.

Victor: If you want mackenzie back, you have to sit tight and not make any impulsive moves that could backfire on us both.

Xander: What choice do I have? That little girl means the world to sarah and to me. I mean, you of all people understand what it's like to have your family threatened.

Victor: I do.

Xander: Good. Then you can fire me, disown me, whatever you need to do. But I'm not gonna sit tight. I'm gonna do what I have to do to save my daughter.

Victor: Don't be a damn fool. If you admit to what we did, you know what the consequences will be.

Xander: Well, maybe that's a chance I'm willing to take.

Ben: Read it.

Clyde: It says, "what exactly do you want me to do?" Write a confession, sign it, and take it to the salem pd.

Victor: Don't make a mistake you can't fix.

Ben: For the record, I hate this. I hate that you didn't listen to me. I hate that you did exactly what I told you not to do. I hate the whole damn thing. So, now, clyde, you're gonna make me a promise.

Clyde: Is that right?

Ben: That's right. The second xander makes that confession to the cops, you are gonna tell your guy, whoever it is on the outside, to return sarah's baby.

Clyde: I'm sorry, son. No can do. I plan on keeping that baby for a good, long time.

Ben: Why? What are you--

Clyde: Because this is about more than just getting you sprung. This is about using that baby to bargain my way outta here, too. So, why don't you just go to the phone, call that pretty girlfriend of yours, and tell her the good news that you'll be coming home again real soon. And by the way, you're welcome.

Maggie: You didn't keep mickey from her father. He's been with her from day one.

Sarah: No. That's not exactly true, mom. When I first found out that I was pregnant, I...I considered getting an abortion. I even went to the clinic.

Maggie: Oh, sarah. Oh, I wish you had told me.

Sarah: No, I couldn'T. I was in a panic. And my relationship with her father was precarious at best.

Maggie: Look, you only slept with xander because you wanted to get over eric.

Sarah: I just-- I thought that there was no way that I could go through with this pregnancy. But then I changed my mind 'cause I realized that I wanted this baby, that I needed this baby.

Maggie: And you had a beautiful daughter. You have allowed her father to be a part of her life from the start. You have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about. Oh, honey. Honey. Oh, god. Look, I'm gonna go see if there are any updates, okay?

Sarah: Would you please get me some water, mom?

Maggie: Oh, of course. I'll be right back. Eric, what are you doing here?

Eric: A kid I counsel from the horton center got arrested, so I thought I'd come and check on him.

Maggie: Well, I hope he's gonna be all right.

Eric: Thank you. I'm sure it will be. I'm sorry, I see you with sarah in the other room. What's going on?

Maggie: So you haven't heard.

Eric: Heard what?

Maggie: Sarah's daughter was kidnapped.

Eric: What? What happened?

Maggie: Well, sarah was walking through the square with mickey earlier today. And she took her eyes off her for a second, and when she turned back, she was gone.

Eric: I'm so sorry, maggie. That's awful.

Maggie: I told sarah that the kidnappers probably were after money. But I can't imagine who would do something like this. Who would take sarah's baby?

Eric: I bet it had something to do with her father.

Xander: I can either wait and risk something terrible happening to mickey, or I can put an end to this right now.

[Phone buzzing]

Ciara: Thank god I remembered to put this thing on vibrate. Hey.

Ben: Hey, I have to talk quick 'cause my phone's about to run out of credit.

Ciara: Okay. Well, I'm at the mansion and I'm eavesdropping on xander. And he's getting texts from mickey's kidnapper.

Ben: Yeah, I know. My father sent them.

Ciara: Wait, he has a phone?

Ben: I'll explain later. Tell me what you heard.

Ciara: Well, okay. So, the good news is--I mean if we can even call it good news--is that my grandpa and xander seem guilty as hell. They wouldn't get into specifics about what they did, but grandpa warned xander not to confess.

Ben: As if he'd ever do that.

Ciara: I don't know, ben. I mean, the way he's been freaking out about his daughter, I think he might. And now, you and mickey can come home.

Ben: That's not exactly the plan my dad has in mind.

Ciara: What do you mean?

Ben: Xander's confession might get me out of here. But clyde now has no intention of giving sarah and xander their baby back.

Jennifer: Will is responsible for adrienne's death, and now he's in prison? My god, how is sonny even handling that? How are you even handling all of this?

Justin: You know all too well what it's like to lose someone you love so deeply. I shut down. I was in a really bad place for a long time. But as time went by, you know, something shifted. And I started letting people in. Well, one parson in particular. And we've become quite close.

Jennifer: Oh, justin, I am so glad to hear that.

Justin: I mean talk about a godsend. I honestly don't know how I could've gotten through all this without her support.

Jennifer: Her?

Justin: Yes. And I really do think you need to know that we've become involved...romantically.

Jennifer: You're seeing someone? Adrienne just died.

Justin: No, no, no, no, no. No, honey, no. No, she didn't just die. You know, maybe better we talk about this another time.

Jennifer: No, I want to talk about this right now. Tell me who this--who she is.

[Tense music]

Justin: It's kayla.

Jack: What? What's wrong? What's wrong?

Jennifer: It's adrienne. How can this have happened? How could this be?

Justin: Jack, I'm so sorry. I wasn't gonna tell her, but she started talking about the four musketeers, and getting together. And I just--

Jack: Okay, okay, okay. It's okay.

Jennifer: No, it's not okay. Why didn't you tell me?

Jack: It was such a tremendous loss. I wanted to make sure you could handle it. It was--

Jennifer: I am not talking about adrienne. I am talking about justin and kayla.

Jack: Well, jennifer--

Jennifer: How could you do this to adrienne?

Jack: Jennifer.

Jennifer: How could you? You fought so hard for her. You said that you were gonna love her forever. And I know that she told you to keep living your life, but I don't think she meant with kayla. My god, that's your sister-in-law, your--your best friend. I can understand you--you-- you feeling grief, so you were attracted to each other. But did you have to get together in record time? What was it, a couple days? A week?

Jack: Jennifer, jennifer. Adrienne has been gone for more than six months.

I know how you feel. I know what it feels like. You're lost in time. You were disoriented. You were confused. But she's gone. Just yesterday you and adrienne were thick as thieves, but now she's been gone for more than half a year.

Justin: We should go.

Jennifer: Oh, oh, god.

Xander: Sorry, victor. But I have to do this.

Maggie: Why would xander plot to kidnap his own child?

Eric: I'm not saying that he would. But he is a criminal with a lot of enemies. Maybe one of them is looking for payback.

Maggie: Well, I have to call victor. I said to sarah that I would bring in some water for her. Would you mind?

Eric: Not at all.

Maggie: Okay, thank you.

Eric: I heard.

Sarah: [Sobbing]

Eric: Hey. Okay. It's gonna be okay.

Ciara: Do you have any idea who clyde could have sent to take the baby?

Ben: I managed to grab his phone for one second. I saw one name, this guy ray. He lives outside of salem in this old, like, boarding house.

Ciara: Okay. Well, do you have his address?

Ben: I think it's on county road a?

Ciara: Okay, cool. I'll check it out.

Ben: What? No, no, no. Ciara, the best thing you can do is just call the police.

Ciara: And what? Tell them that ben weston knows where baby mickey is? No way, ben. The last thing that you need right now is to be implicated in a kidnapping. It could jeopardize your appeal, and you only have one left.

Ben: Fine. Then make an anonymous tip. Say that you saw a kidnapping go down, and you felt obligated to report it, but you don't want to be involved in any way. Ciara, promise me you will call the police and let them handle this.

Ciara: Okay, fine.

Ben: Ciara, promise me.

[Dial tone] Ciara? Ciara? Ciara?

Kayla: Oh, she hates me.

Justin: No, no, no, no. Kayla, she doesn't hate you. This is all just too much for her. I mean, remember, we had months to process this. I mean for jennifer, it's as if adrienne died yesterday. And then to find out that we're together? I mean, no wonder she's upset.

Kayla: I feel so guilty.

Justin: Don'T. Don'T. You have done nothing wrong.

Jack: It's a lot of news, a lot of change. But I'm here. I'm gonna help you through all of it.

Jennifer: My beautiful adrienne is gone, and I didn't even get to say good-bye to her. Justin, he has been through so much. And I was just so terrible to him and kayla.

Jack: I'm sure they understand.

Jennifer: But I don't understand. How can everything be so horribly different, jack?

Ben: Come on, come on. Come on, go through. Go through. Go through.

[Phone beeping] Out of credits. Ciara, please. Stick to your word and stay the hell away from this.

Ciara: [Sighs] I'm sorry, ben. But I have to do this. I have to find mickey, and I'm gonna bring her home.

Xander: And that's the whole sordid story of what we did. Signed xander kiriakis. I'm doing this for you and the baby, sarah, even if it means I lose you both.

Eric: They're gonna find your daughter.

Sarah: I'm so sorry. I'm so terribly, terribly sorry.

Eric: Hey. Sorry about what?

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