Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 11/14/19
Episode #13652 ~ Gabi tells Eli she thinks Chad is plotting against her; Chad admits to Abigail he's been in contact with Stefano; J.J. blows up at Brady.
Provided By Suzanne
Brady: I've had my fair share of slip-ups. I've, uh... I've hurt people that I've loved, horribly, and I've hurt myself, and I have had more regrets than I can count, but I'll tell you one thin I've never wanted a drink so much... as the night my baby died. Oh, I wanted that drink. I wanted that drink so much. I wanted--I wanted to go on the bender of benders, but I didn'T. I didn't because I think I knew deep down that there was no amount of drugs, there was no amount of alcohol, there was no amount of anything that was gonna numb the pain of losing your kid.
Eli: "Veteran's day celebration. Don't miss the fireworks." Lani price... will you marry me?
Lani: [Chuckles] Yes. Yes, eli grant, I will marry you.
[Fireworks blasting]
[Lani chuckles happily]
John: Hey, partner, you got my order ready?
Roman: You know what? I can set my clock to you coming through that door asking for the daily special to go.
John: Come on, man. You're not gonna rag on your favorite customer, are you?
Roman: And my most loyal one, so hell no. How's it going?
John: Well, I'm not gonna bs you. It's been a rough couple months, but you know better than anybody that doc and i have had our fair share of challenges over the years.
Gina: Mm, truly one of my best, if I must say. Hmm, perhaps a bit more shading though. Uh-uh, not so fast. Sit down. I'm not done. You're so impatient. Hmm. Steffy, no peeking. You will not see it until it is done. Oh, it is so vibrant, much of an improvement. Your old portrait was, well, if the truth be known, a bit out of date. I wonder if your family is even missing it, hmm?
Abigail: Don't you feel like we're so strong now? I just feel like we're stronger than ever, and I feel like we're better parents to our beautiful children, don't you?
Chad: Yeah, we do make beautiful children.
Abigail: [Chuckles] It's crazy. Paris was such a good thing for us, right? I mean, I feel like it really gave us a chance to just rebuild and to focus on--on honesty and full transparency, you know?
Chad: Abby, stop.
Abigail: What?
Chad: Um, I've been keeping something from you, and it's kinda big, so I think it's just time I told you.
Abigail: Okay, um, well, what is it?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Chad: I've wanted to tell you something for a while, and i just--I wasn't sure exactly how.
Gabi: Oh, uh, sorry.
Chad: Gabi, what the hell?
Abigail: You couldn't knock, gabi?
Gabi: I--well, I said I was sorry. I didn't think you two would be in the sack.
Chad: A little privacy wouldn't be terrible. Do you mind?
Gabi: Wow. That almost sounded like the lord of the manor, except this is my house now, and you two are just guests.
Abe: How have you been?
Eli: Good.
Abe: You know, I haven't seen very much of you since you left your job as commissioner.
Eli: Yeah, well, I didn't really have much of a choice but to quit last year.
[Phone ringing distantly]
Lani: Jordan's brother ben is in custody for her murder.
Eli: I'm sorry. I can't do this.
Lani: Eli--
Eli: Lani, I can't just pretend that nothing happened and go back to the way things were. I mean, I can't have a professional relationship with you.
Lani: If we can just--just try and--
Eli: You broke my heart, and I still don't understand why. Yeah, I knew it was never gonna work. That's why I resigned. Abe, you know, I--I proposed to your daughter right here, then literally chased her right back here after she dumped me at our wedding, begging for a explanation, which I never got.
Abe: Yeah, I know why you left the salem pd a year ago, but that's not an issue anymore. Lani's gone.
Brady: So it's been six months, and I've been working the program through friends and family. They've been supportive. That's been wonderful, but if I'm completely honest with everyone in this room, I've never--I've never felt more alone in my life. I'm--I'm not sure how I'm gonna get through it. I want to wake up one morning and not have the feeling of--of a knife just sitting in my chest. My child is gone. My child is dead. There's no one in the world that can bring that precious life back. There's no one that can bring back the mother of my child; there's not--
Jj: You need to shut the hell up!
Eli: By the time lani left town, I had already accepted a new position. I've moved on, abe.
Abe: I understand, but there will always be a place for you at the salem pd if you're interested.
Eli: The voters made a good decision reelecting you. But you got a commissioner that's doing a great job.
Abe: Oh, that's true. That's true, but you're a great detective, one of the finest.
Eli: If I'm such a fine detective, how come I could never figure out why your daughter dumped me?
Brady: Jj, I'm sorry.
Jj: Oh, you're sorry, you son of a bitch?
Eric: Jj, please. Please sit. If you have something to say, we want to hear it, but we have--
Jj: I don't have a damn thing to say. I'm not gonna sit here and listen to another second of your pity party!
Roman: I would lay everything I own that you and marlena are gonna get through this just fine.
John: Well, I'm right there with you, pal. It's just that--I don't know. Doc and I just haven't exactly been connecting lately.
Roman: She's had a hell of a year, come on. And now with will in prison for killing adrienne? Hell, it takes the wind out of me just thinking about it.
John: Yeah. You know, doc's not one to have favorites, but will, he--he holds a big chunk of her heart, but you know what? That's not the only reason she's struggling, though. She's worried about arianna also, you know, having to grow up without her daddy.
Roman: Yeah, but lucky for ari, she's got her other dad, sonny, and her mom, gabi, to give her all the love she needs.
Abigail: Gabi, we are both very aware that you own the mansion now, but I don't think it's too much to expect that our host knock before entering our bedroom.
Gabi: I didn't think you'd be here. See, most people are still hard at it in the middle of--yeah, that's what you were do--my apologies. I was just, uh, trying to find arianna's doll. She left it when she was playing with charlotte.
Chad: Does she need it right this minute?
Gabi: She needs it. It's her favorite doll. Oh, wait, it's right here. Here it is. All right, okay. Oh, I would say carry on with the fun, but, uh, chad, you promised me those european market projections, and the clock is ticking.
Chad: You're the boss.
Gabi: Yes, I am.
Abigail: That's it. That is it! I can't do this anymore. No, I'm done. I'm done. We--I can't slap on a smile anymore and pretend that that bitch didn't totally try to destroy our lives. I'm done. No, we are moving, today.
Chad: We can't do that. We can'T. We can't leave this house.
Gina: No, steffy, absolutely not, and I do not--do not want to hear another word about it. John may have been nothing more to you than a pawn, but to me he was everything. He was my prince.
Roman: You know, john, I understand that the situation is not ideal right now for either one of you, you or marlena, but the good news? You've got a lot of love and support.
John: Mm, you know, we do. You know, roman, it's just that it seems like everyone is struggling right now.
Roman: Oh, isn't that the truth? I mean, after everything that has happened in salem in the past year, I can't count how many sad, lost souls have walked through that door, come in to drown their sorrow.
[Pills rattle]
Eric: Jj.
Jj: Is this where you give me a lecture?
Eric: No lecture. No judgment; I know what you're going through.
Jj: The hell you do. I told you I didn't want to go to that damn meeting, but you couldn't take no for an answer. Did you know that bastard was gonna show up?
Eric: I had no idea he was gonna be there.
Jj: Here's an idea. Leave me the hell alone.
Eric: Jj, wait.
Brady: I didn't know jj was gonna be here. When I saw that he was, maybe I should have-- I should have just kept my mouth shut, maggie. Better yet, I should have gone to a different meeting.
Maggie: No.
Brady: Yes.
Maggie: You weren't trying to hurt jj. You were dealing with your own pain; you were sharing it. I mean, that's the point of being here.
Brady: Yeah, I don't think my sharing went over particularly well with jj.
Maggie: Well, you two have been through such tragedy, and you've lost so much.
Brady: I wish I could reach out to him, but I don't think that's gonna happen.
Maggie: Well, I think it's gonna take time, brady. Jj only sees his anger right now, and his grief. We need to accept the fact that we can't change how he feels or what he does. We can only accept it, and we have to find the courage to change things that we can.
Brady: One thing I don't wanna change is you. You are wonderful. You are--you are wise, and you are very kind. You're a good woman.
Maggie: I love you. I think that's why I understand, maybe more than some, what you're going through right now.
Brady: Mm, you knew, didn't you? You knew.
Maggie: Yeah, I knew that you were having real feelings for kristen.
Brady: Watching her carrying our baby, her trying-- trying to be the best mother that she could be to that child, maggie, I couldn't help but fall back in love with her.
Kristen: Oh, oh.
Brady: What is it?
Kristen: Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick.
Brady: What, what?
Kristen: You have to feel this. There.
Brady: Whoa. I think we got a soccer player in there.
Kristen: I think so too.
Brady: He's kicking like crazy.
Kristen: Oh, my god. Oh, my--oh, brady.
Brady: Wow.
Kristen: Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd be this happy.
Brady: You know what? Neither did I.
Kristen: He did it again.
Brady: Kristen tried so hard to be better, to be that mom that she wanted to be, and I really thought it was gonna work, but--but... I was lying to myself, maggie. I should have known that she would end up breaking my heart.
Abe: Well, if it's any consolation, I have no idea why lani left you either.
Eli: She didn't leave me, abe. She burned my ass at the altar in front of our friends and family, and all I got for it was--was a bunch of tears and words that made no damn sense. How is she?
Abe: Well, I really haven't spoken to her in quite some time. Her mother says she's okay, but she's closed herself off from friends and family.
Eli: I, um--if you happen to talk to her, tell her that I'M... never mind. It was good seeing you, abe.
Abe: You too, eli.
Gabi: Before you took stefan's body, I promised him justice.
Lani: I'm sorry you don't feel vindicated, but what can you do about it? Stefan's heart is inside julie now, and you can't take it back.
Gabi: No, I don't have to take it back, not after what I just pulled off.
Lani: What did you do?
Gabi: I just figured out a way to keep my promise to stefan and make you suffer at the same time. You're gonna give up your love, honey, because if you don't, well, then eli's sweet, sweet grandma will be a dead woman. I kept my promise to you, my love. I avenged your death. Just between us, I enjoyed it. You may be gone, but your heart still beats, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that your legacy, your family's legacy lives on.
Abigail: What do you mean, we can't leave this house? Yes, we can. We'll just pack the kids, and we'll go to my mom's for a little bit, or maybe we can go back to paris. My mom's better--
Chad: Hey, abby, abby, will you listen to me? Abby.
Abigail: What?
Chad: Please, okay? There is nothing I want more than to be out from under this roof with gabi, believe me, but we can'T.
Abigail: Give me one good reason why the hell not, chad.
Chad: The secret that I've been, uh, hiding from you, it's about that. Um... it's about my father.
Gina: Turn your head more towards the light. The eyes are the windows of the soul, so they say, but I must capture them perfectly.
We switched to tide purclean,
Gina: Do not forget our interests align, steffy. I have worked tirelessly to maneuver myself between john and marlena and have succeeded seamlessly. Once I have my prince, then you shall have your queen of the night.
Roman: Here you go.
Jj: Sorry I lost my temper, took it out on you. I'm just--I know you're trying to help.
John: So would somebody like to cue us in on what's going on here?
Eric: I hope you understand this is between jj and me.
Roman: Yeah, well, I'll tell you what. You're gonna have a nice little souvenir there to remind you of what it was about.
Jj: Sorry again. I should--I should go.
John: Hey, jj, hold on a second. I'd like to try to help if I can. You want to talk? What's this all about?
Jj: It's about your damn son.
Brady: I was so determined to not get involved with kristen, remember? I fought my addiction to her, and I failed, maggie. I failed.
Maggie: You fell in love.
Brady: As toxic as she was in the past, I really, really believed that she could change.
[Sniffles] And now I know I was wrong.
Gabi: I was wondering where my head of security was.
Eli: Yeah, well, I have been tied up with my old fbi contacts trying to find kristen dimera, but, um, no luck. You know, I swear, it's like she just fell off the face of the earth. Don't worry, though, all right? I'm not gonna give up. I know how much it means to you.
Gabi: Thank you, but right now I want to talk about some other members of my late husband's family, mr. And mrs. Chad dimera.
Abigail: Stefano, how is that even possible?
Chad: My father and I, we have, um... we've been, uh, in touch for a while now.
Abigail: We weren't even sure he was still alive.
Chad: He reached out to me a few months ago.
Abigail: He called you?
Chad: No. I mean, our only contact has been instant messaging.
Abigail: Is that why every time I walked into the room while you were on your laptop, you've been slamming it shut?
Chad: Yes.
Abigail: Okay. If he's back, what does he want? Where is he?
Chad: I don't know where he is; I haven't seen him.
Abigail: You haven't seen him? Well, if you haven't seen him, maybe it's not even him.
Chad: Abby, I am absolutely sure that this is my father.
Gina: Cat got your tongue? You do not wish to speak of marlena? Fine. Well, let's talk about your children, far more interesting, like whatever it is that you and your son chadwick have been corresponding about back and forth on that laptop of yours. Oh, do not look so surprised. It is quite obvious the two of you are plotting to take back what is rightfully yours.
Chad: Look, I've had my doubts, and I've questioned him, and I've tested him. I mean, look at these messages. He's given me details about our most private conversations, our chess matches, memories that only he and i would have access to, which means my father is very much alive.
Abigail: All right, well, if he has resurfaced, then has he said what he wants?
Chad: He wants me to help him take down gabi hernandez dimera.
Gabi: I am concerned that chad and abigail are plotting something.
Eli: You got anything to go on?
Gabi: My gut. You know, we're being too damn polite to one another, and chad, he's never gonna get over what I did to them. He's a dimera.
Eli: Gabi, you have no proof.
Gabi: Yeah, but I tried to get some. See, I left arianna's doll inside of their bedroom to see if maybe I can walk in on them, hear something, see something.
Eli: And?
Gabi: I got an eyeful, all right.
Eli: Eww.
Gabi: Yeah, my method, yeah, it sucked. It did, but I know that there's--there's something wrong here, eli.
Eli: I don't know. Maybe you're just paranoid.
Gabi: No, it's called being proactive, okay? It's why I'm ceo. I fought off kristen, ousted tony. He's tucked away in some corner in europe with that nut job anna. I am not going to let my guard down and possibly ruin everything that I've gained this year. No, they can play nice all they want, but they have a million reasons to hate me, and they have a million reasons to bring me down.
Maggie: I'm gonna try to salvage this meeting, so please stay.
Brady: I--I really can'T. I gotta get back to the office. I gotta get basic black's spring collection to gabi so she can sign off on it. She's not exactly a patient person, so I--
Maggie: It won't help, you know.
Brady: What?
Maggie: Burying yourself in work. I've been where--
Brady: No, I'm--
Maggie: I've been where you are when I lost daniel. There's nothing worse than keeping it inside. I'm not gonna push, but when you're ready, you need to talk about it.
Brady: I know, and I understand. I promise I will--I will go to another meeting later today, all right?
Maggie: Please do. Brady, remember how precious you are to me.
Brady: And you remember how much I love you. Your support means everything to me, maggie.
John: Yeah, brady's made some mistakes this year. We all have.
Jj: Yeah. That makes it okay? 'Cause we all screw up, so who cares if brady is one of the reasons my life is pretty much over?
John: And I understand that you're struggling.
Jj: Yeah, you know, I'm getting really tired of people telling me they understand. You couldn't possibly understand, okay?
John: Just know that I'm here, and I'm sorry for what you're going through, and I hope you get the help you need because you're a good kid, jj.
Eric: Jj?
Jj: Do I owe you an apology?
Eric: I know you're high. Your judgment's impaired, but no hard feelings. Hey, you know, I realized that if it takes you hitting me in the face to see that you need some help--you want to hit me again?
Jj: Can I hit brady?
Eric: Hey, I want you to know brady's just as upset about what happened.
Jj: Yeah, well, screw your brother and his pain. What about mine? Haley was my life, and now she's dead, so where does that leave me, huh, eric? She's gone. I miss her.
Eric: I know.
Jj: I miss her.
Eric: Jj, how about we go to a different meeting? Or if you prefer, we can go someplace else, and you and I can just talk. Yeah?
Jj: I'm good.
Eric: Jj.
Jj: Look, I just need to be alone. There's--there's nothing you or anyone can do for me.
Eric: Jj.
[Door slams]
[Soft dramatic music]
[Jj grunts]
Brady: Jj?
Chad: I know that everyone's been on their best behavior, and we're tiptoeing around each other. Abby, don't think for one second that I've forgotten the hell that gabi put you through. I haven't forgiven her. That's why I kept my position at dimera, and that's why I moved us back into this house.
Abigail: Enemies closer.
Chad: It's why we need to stay put, so we can have a front row seat to everything gabi. I need to make sure that I'm in a position to exploit some kind of personal or professional weakness. When I find it, me and my father, we are gonna make her pay for every single tear that you shed.
Gina: I would have preferred another half an hour, but I am grateful for the time you've given me. A few more sittings, and your portrait shall be complete. Oh, I've worked up quite an appetite, and I know exactly how to satiate it.
Abe: Hey, hey, hey.
John: Hey, partner. How you doing?
Abe: Good to see you.
John: Yeah.
Abe: Yeah, I've been thinking about you.
John: I've been thinking about you.
Abe: You up to grabbing a bite, catching up?
John: Oh, you know, partner, I appreciate it, but I've already got some plans.
Abe: Oh, well, what's on the menu here?
John: Brady pub special, every night, because you know better than anyone the woman I'm living with, she can't cook.
Abe: Well, enjoy your dinner.
John: Yeah, yeah. Hey, you okay? Want to join us? I mean, we've got plenty of food. Come on.
Abe: No, no, no, I'm good. I'm good. I'm just worried about lani. It's--you know, you just can't help being worried.
John: Yeah. Our kids, huh? I'm worried about brady too, but you know what? I think sometimes we just need to trust that eventually our grown-up children, they're gonna find their own way.
Gabi: Well, I really do hope that you have some sort of plan or some--eli?
Eli: Yeah?
Gabi: You haven't heard a word I said. You've been distracted since you got here. What's going on?
Eli: I ran into abe on the way over here. We talked about lani.
[Dramatic melancholy music]
I didn't have to shout out for help.
[Pensive piano music]
Eli: We could just go somewhere, sit the hell down, and talk this out.
Lani: I'm sorry, eli, but my decision is made. There's--there's nothing else to talk about.
Eli: So you're--you're leaving me? That's it?
Lani: I'm sorry, but it's over. It has to be.
Gabi: Hey, I know it was really hard for you when lani left you, but if she hadn't, then I'd never be able to do this.
[Laptop chimes]
Chad: It's my father.
Abigail: Chad, do you really think you can trust him?
Chad: I do.
Abigail: This whole thing is just--it's really sketchy. I mean, you haven't even seen him. How do you know that it's not someone who's trying to take down dimera or take you down? I mean, what if it's kristen?
Chad: I am 100% sure about this.
Abigail: Fine. If you're 100% sure, then how come he won't see you face-to-face? How come you guys aren't even facetiming?
Chad: Because it's what he wants. I was just trying to respect him.
Abigail: Well, I don't have that particular problem with respect.
Chad: Abby, what are you doing? Abby.
Abigail: See for yourself.
Chad: "Father, I can't communicate with you any longer unless we meet in person."
Abigail: Your move, stefano.
[Mysterious music]
[Fire crackles]
John: Well, I hope dinner's still warm. I just ran abraham.
Eric: Maggie, you didn't have to clean up; that's my job.
Maggie: That's--that's okay. Oh, god, did jj do that?
Eric: Yeah, but it's not the first time that I've reached out to somebody in need and taken it on the chin. How's brady?
Maggie: Upset too. He feels responsible and guilty and--well, for setting jj off.
Eric: I'm sorry. I didn't think it through before I invited jj.
Maggie: Eric, you didn't know that brady was gonna show up. I mean, those to managed to steer clear of each other for months. It was just a matter of time before they collided.
Brady: I'm sorry. I did not mean to upset you.
Jj: Oh, man, whatever.
Brady: I'm not here to judge you, man. I know that kristen dimera is a sore subject with you. I get that.
Jj: Yeah, you think?
Brady: Jj, I am sorry.
Jj: Yeah, you keep--you keep saying that. Do you even know what you're sorry for? Or is it some blanket sorry? Because sorry doesn't even begin to make up for the fact that the woman you are whining about losing murdered the woman I love! Haley is dead because of your miserable, homicidal ex-girlfriend, and I swear to god I will never stop hating her, or you! I will never forgive either one of you.
Lani: I was thinking of eli again.
Kristen: Why don't we pray together for strength?
[Unsettling music building]
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