Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 11/12/19
Episode #13650 ~ Jack informs Jennifer the person responsible for her fall is in prison; Sonny gets acquainted with Rafe's nanny; Ciara tells Victor she's given up on Ben; Princess Gina has a shocking new companion.
Provided By Suzanne
Ben: Ciara really thought everything was going to be all right. She's always so, so trusting in that way. But it wasn'T. No matter how much she believed in me, cops sure as hell didn'T. Now here I am, locked up in this hell hole for the better part of a year. And I'm totay innocent.Will: Yeah. That's what they all say.
Ben: Except I'm telling the truth.
Will: It's a little difficult to believe you. But you know what? I'm, uh, I'm willing to humor you, so if you didn't kill your sister who do you think did?
Ben: Well, for starters, how about rafe hernandez?
Sonny: It was nice of evan to keep an eye on ari.
Rafe: Are you kidding me? That guy's a godsend. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done without him this past year.
[Kids shouting indistinctly]
Sonny: David looks like he's doing really well.
Rafe: Better than me. Hey, how's, uh, how's ari doing? She's obviously having a tough time with will being in jail.
Sonny: Yeah, it's, uh-- it's rough, you know? But, you know, she's a strong kid.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, she is. How about you? How you holding up?
Sonny: I miss him. I miss him a lot.
Will: Are you serious? You think detective rafe hernandez killed your sister?
Ben: It's possible.
Will: Ben, you do realize that he stood up for jordan in court, right? And he invited her into his home and took care of her and her son for months.
Ben: I know what he did.
Will: Then why on earth would you think he killed your sister?
Ben: Because jordan poisoned him.
Will: Accidentally. She was really trying to kill ciara. Oh, does that mean you think-- is ciara a suspect too?
Ben: Come on, will, no. Ciara wouldn't do that.
Will: Oh, but rafe would?
Ben: Look, I'm not saying that it was definitely rafe who did it. I'm just saying that there's other possibilities, that's my point. And none of them are me.
Well: Well, lucky for you, I got some time on my hands. So why don't we talk about those other possibilities?
Ben: You want to talk about other suspects? All right. How about we start with the guy on the top of my list? Sonny's uncle victor.
Victor: Excellent work, as always. I couldn't be prouder.
Ciara: Well, I'm glad you approve.
Victor: You've been working through titan's executive training program for a year now. And I think it's time for a promotion. Junior exec.
Ciara: Grandpa, are you sure? I mean, you just invited me to live in the mansion. I'm afraid the other junior execs are gonna cry nepotism.
Victor: No, let them cry all they want. I can objectively say that you are the best.
Ciara: Well, I appreciate your faith in me, grandpa. And, well, that is--that is why I owe you an apology.
Justin: Good afternoon. So I have some news for you. I just learned that jennifer horton woke up. Well, don't you have anything to say about that?
Eve: It's about damn time.
Jennifer: Eve? Eve donavan pushed me?
Jack: Don't you remember?
Jennifer: No.
Jack: Oh.
Hope: This is a miracle. Oh, my god. The doctors said you would never wake up.
Jennifer: I guess they were wrong.
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Eve: Oh, justin. This is the best news ever.
Justin: Well, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. We don't know what jennifer's going to say.
Eve: Well, I know what she's gonna say. She's gonna say that I am innocent. Oh, my god. I've been sitting in this hell hole for almost a year waiting for her to wake up. Now she can tell the cops that I didn't do it, and I can go free, justin. Free! Yes.
[Tense music]
Hope: What is it?
Jennifer: I'm not sure.
Jack: I--I just told her that eve is the one who pushed her over the balcony at our wedding reception.
Hope: Do you remember that?
Jennifer: I remember everything about that night up to that moment. I remember being on the balcony and looking over the side. And I think I was pushed. But don't remember eve being there. I don't remember eve pushing me.
Will: Oh, here we go again.
Ben: What do you mean, "here we go again"? You asked me a question, will. I'm telling you who I think I think did it.
Will: Yeah, your lawyer tried his best to cast suspicion on victor at the trial, but, uh, the jury didn't believe it any more than I do.
Ben: Suddenly you trust victor kiriakis?
Will: No, of course not. But there's zero evidence that he killed jordan.
Ben: He wanted her out of the picture, he told me.
Will: Yeah, you said as much in your testimony, man, but unfortunately for you, what you didn't realize is your association with victor only made you look guiltier.
Victor: And just what is it you think you need to apologize to me for? Your work has been excellent.
Ciara: It's not about titan. It's about ben.
Victor: Ben weston.
Ciara: Last year after he was arrested, I accused you of being responsible for jordan's murder.
Victor: Yes, well, you were desperate to believe anything would prove ben innocent.
Ciara: But I want you to know, grandpa, that I believe you. And I love you with all my heart.
Victor: And how does this affect your feelings for ben?
Ciara: I don't love ben anymore.
Victor: You don't?
Ciara: I can'T. I can'T. I finally have to face the fact that he's guilty. That he is still a killer and he always will be.
Jack: You don't remember eve pushing you?
Jennifer: I remember-- I remember losing my balance and I remember falling, but I don't-- I don't remember eve.
Jack: Well, if it wasn't eve, who else could it be?
Jennifer: I don't know. I don't recall seeing anyone.
[Machinery beeping] I'm sorry, I just--
Jack: Oh, no, you have nothing to be sorry about. Don't apologize, please. All that matters is that you've come back to us.
Hope: Exactly. We never stopped praying.
Jennifer: But I just, I don't want it to be such a blur.
Jack: Uh, look, I'll tell you--I'll tell you what. This is what we can do. I can help you, I can-- I can walk you through the events that lead right up to the fall.
Hope: No, wait, hold on. Jack, are you sure you want to do that? It could be traumatizing for you.
Jennifer: No, I want to know. I want to remember what happened.
Hope: Great, of course. I mean, the thing is we-- we already do know. Jennifer, there was surveillance footage showing eve on the balcony just moments before you fell.
Jennifer: They caught her on camera?
Hope: Yes. Rafe showed me the footage. Eve was drunk, belligerent.
Jack: She, uh... she hated the fact that I was marrying you.
Hope: She threatened to ruin your life in front of all your wedding guests. And obviously, she followed through on that.
Jack: Well, thank god she didn't succeed.
Hope: Thank god. Thank god. Oh! Oh! Oh!
Sonny: Yeah, ari's-- she's definitely struggling with will being in prison. And she's having trouble sleeping at night, and she's been going to the nurse at school. I just think that it's bringing up bad memories of when she went through this with gabi.
Rafe: Poor kid. Well, she never really even had a chance to be happy. Tell you... hey.
Sonny: Hey. Ari, what's wrong.
Evan: It sounds like some boys on the playground were teasing her.
Rafe: What? About what?
Arianna: They said my mommy and daddy both went to jail. And I'll be someday a criminal just like them.
Sonny: They said that to you?
Rafe: Oh--you know that's not true, right? That is not true, you are a good person, and your mom and dad, they're good people too.
Evan: Those punks are just jealous.
Arianna: Of me?
Evan: Of course you. Didn't you just beat out the both of them in voting for class president?
Arianna: They said a girl shouldn't be president of anything.
Evan: Ari, you listen to me. There's a lot of people out there that say that men shouldn't be nannies. But, uh, here I am, a male nanny and proud of it. So just remember, you be whatever you want to be.
Arianna: Even if I want to be a mermaid private investigator?
Rafe: Especially if you want to be a mermaid private investigator 'cause there's totally a shortage of those.
Sonny: Look at that, kiddo. It looks like one of the swings opened up.
Evan: Let's swing.
Sonny: There you go. Wow, thank you. You were awesome with her.
Evan: Happy to help.
Eve: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, justin, for never giving up on me.
Justin: Well, I'm just doing my job as your attorney, which is why I need to bring this up.
Eve: What?
Justin: I hope that jennifer is able to identify who pushed her.
Eve: Yeah, I know, I know.
Justin: I want you to be prepared for the possibility that jennifer won't exonerate you.
Eve: Well, she better.
Justin: You've admitted yourself that you don't remember much of what happened that night.
Eve: No, no, no here's what I admitted, justin. I admit that I was drunk, but i think that I would remember walking out at the salem inn and pushing a woman almost to her death.
Justin: Maybe.
Eve: I don't even know why we're rehashing this. You need to get over to the hospital and get the truth from the horse's mouth. And by the horse, I mean that old nag jennifer horton.
Jennifer: I realize that there are gaps in my memory of what happened that night, but something just doesn't seem right.
Jack: Which part?
Jennifer: I just feel like i would remember if eve pushed me. I mean, if she had I--
Jack: Who else could it be?
Jennifer: I don't know.
Hope: Jennifer... I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you. You lost a year of your life. But you know what? You don't need to keep pushing on this. The police did their job. And they did it really well. Eve's locked up exactly where she belongs. You know what you need to do? What I want you to do is focus on your future with your husband, your family. Okay?
Jack: She's right. All that matters is that you've come back to all of us. And all I want, I just want us to start enjoying our lives together. I want to start now.
Hope: I'll go, sorry. Okay. So you two can get to know each other again. Love you.
Jennifer: I love you guys.
Hope: Yes. Love you.
[All chuckle] Okay.
Jack: All right. All right. That's it. No more talking about eve or any of the bad things that happened this year, all right? We are going to enjoy ourselves. That's all I want. Just to enjoy, enjoy this. And work on getting you home. All right? I realize as much as I want to hog all your time, it's important that you probably get some rest.
Jennifer: I've been in a coma for a year. The last thing I wanna do is rest.
Hope: Damn that kayla. How many times can one doctor be wrong? Why in god's name did i believe her when she said jennifer was beyond all hope?
Jack: You have no idea how grateful I am to have you back with me again.
[Machinery beeping]
Jennifer: Um, you're wearing a wedding band, and I'm not. Please tell me you didn't marry someone else while I was unconscious.
Jack: Never. I mean, never, never again. I mean. Look, this--I had rings made for us, bands of steel made from--made from the wreckage of the loretta.
Jennifer: The loretta? The ship we were on together.
Jack: That sank!
Jennifer: Yes.
Jack: And a piece washed up on the shore of that island that we were trapped on. I got it.
Jennifer: Yes, when you admitted that you were madly in love with me.
Jack: Yes. And I saved all these years. It seemed, it seemed appropriate material for our wedding.
Jennifer: I can't even imagine hard this past year has been for you--
Jack: No, no, no. It doesn't matter, none of that matters now. All that matters now is that you're here with me. I've got you back right here. And now I'm going to get your ring and put it on your finger, but I don't have it on me so I have to go get it. So maybe now's a good time for you to get that rest.
Jennifer: Yeah. Maybe I could stand to close my eyes for a couple minutes.
Jack: All right. You're sure?
Jennifer: I'm sure. Don't you worry. I have too much to look forward to, I'm not going anywhere this time.
Jack: Please. Stay right there.
[Both chuckle]
[Door closes]
Ciara: I made a choice to believe ben over you, and, grandpa, I was just-- I was just blinded by my feelings for him.
Victor: Love can be a powerful drug.
Ciara: Yeah. You know, I really, really appreciate you giving me the space to make up my own mind. And you didn't push me even when I doubted you.
Victor: I knew you'd come around.
Ciara: You've been so good to me, grandpa. How can I ever repay you?
Victor: Well, you already have. By booting that maniac out of your life for good.
Ben: Ciara's sticking by my side.
Will: Is that what you want for her? You want her to spend her life on the outside just waiting for you?
Ben: I have one appeal left. I'm not giving up on ciara or my freedom.
Will: Okay. Good luck with that, because if you ask me, all you're doing is making the both of you miserable.
Ben: You know what, will, I really don't think that you're in any position to be giving any advice. Look at you. Are you giving up on sonny?
Will: At least I admitted what I did and took some responsibility for it.
Ben: I took responsibility for it when I was guilty too. Now you know what it's like to take a life. It's hard to swallow huh, will? You're no better than I am.
[Dramatic music]
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Victor: You know, the best part of you getting ben weston out of your life for good is that you can focus all of your energy on your career.
Ciara: Mm-hmm, and that is exactly what I want.
Victor: You are the future of this family and this company. Can't have you connected with a man who's never going to see the light of day again.
Ciara: I couldn't agree more. And now I'm going to go pick up some of my things and bring them back here. I'll see you soon. Grandpa, I love you so much.
Victor: I love you too.
[Gentle music]
Ben: So this is the part where you say you're nothing like me. I'm just a stone-cold killer. And you're a victim of circumstances.
Will: Nope.
Ben: Are you not even going to defend yourself?
Will: What am I--what do you want me to say? That I ruined my life? Because I did. I ruined my life and the lives of a lot of other people with one stupid decision. And yeah, I would do anything to take it back.
Rafe: Okay, well, thanks again for all your help today.
Evan: All right, enough with the thanks. It's my job and I love watching the little guy, so I can come to the house tonight if you need me.
Rafe: Would you live a little, please? Okay, I've got it. I can take care of david.
Evan: Okay, all right. Have a good night. Bye davey-boy, be good.
Rafe: Okay, we'll see you later. Sonny, you hang in there, buddy.
Sonny: You too.
Rafe: All right. See you.
Sonny: Ari could play on those swings all day and night.
Evan: Life's so much simpler when you're a kid, huh?
Sonny: Yeah. Thanks again for watching her.
Evan: Oh, she's a great kid. Her mom and dad raised her well. Especially considering the circumstances. You know, I know it's not really any of my business, but I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through.
Sonny: Well, thank you. I should probably get ari off the swings and get her back to her mom before dark.
Evan: Okay. Wait, sonny, can I ask you something?
Justin: Let's get one thing straight, you are my client. Jennifer is the victim in this crime. She almost died. So if you're going to talk about her that way, you can find yourself another lawyer. I'm done with this.
Eve: Wow. Wait, wait, justin, wait! Hey listen--listen to me. Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry, okay? You know I'm not a fan of jennifer's, but you are right that none of this was her fault.
Justin: I'm sorry too. This is not an easy day for me.
Eve: I'm sure it isn't, but, justin, the bottom line here is that I know that I'm innocent, which means whoever doctored that video is the guilty one here. Now I'm just--I am just hoping and praying that jennifer will be able to give us the answers that we need.
Justin: I hope so too. I'll be in touch.
Eve: Okay. Thank you. Please, god.
[Machinery beeping]
[Tense music]
Jennifer: Hope, you're back. Hi.
Hope: Hi. Sorry. Didn't mean to disturb you. I'm just so happy that you're finally awake. My god. I had to see you one last time. Something great from mR. Clean.
Jennifer: Hope, what is it?
[Tense music]
Hope: They honestly didn't think you were ever going to wake up. Kayla told me it would never happen. And here we are.
Jack: Hope.
Hope: Jack.
Jack: You're back.
Hope: Yeah, I saw you walk out. I didn't want to leave jenn alone.
Jack: Yes, of course. I had to run and get something. Something that I meant to give jennifer the night of our wedding.
Hope: [Chuckles] I will go, sorry. A little slow on the uptake. Okay. Love you.
Jennifer: Love you, cuz. I missed you, jack deveraux.
Jack: I missed you, jennifer deveraux. But I brought you something.
Jennifer: Oh, really? And what would that be?
Jack: Well, a year ago I sat at this bedside and put this band on my finger. And when I did, I promised myself that as soon as you woke up, I would put this little ring on your finger. And now you're awake. So I never stopped believing in you. That you would come back to me. And so here we are.
[Gentle music]
I'm so blessed to call you my wife. Now and forever.
Justin: Hope, hey. I heard jenn's awake. Amazing news.
Hope: Yeah. The best.
Justin: Have you seen her?
Hope: Yeah, it was just in there. Jack's in with her now.
Justin: Oh. Oh, okay. Well, I won't disturb her. You wouldn't happen to know if she said anything?
Hope: About what?
Justin: About the night of the accident. Does she remember who pushed her?
Hope: No. No. She, um, she doesn't remember anything about the fall, but we already know that eve did it.
Justin: Uh, no we don'T. Eve insists that she's innocent.
Hope: Eve insists? You're funny. Your client is as guilty as sin.
You've got a visitor.
Will: I do? Who is it?
Not you, weston.
Will: Oh.
Ben: Must be my lawyer. We're going to talk about my appeal.
Will: Yeah. You know, I had--I just had a crazy thought that, uh, maybe it was sonny.
Ben: So much for your advice about no longer caring about the ones you love on the outside.
Sonny: Yeah, what's up?
Evan: Just throwing it out there. Um, if you're ever in a bind and you need somebody to watch ari, I'd be more than happy to help. And honestly, I could use the extra income.
Sonny: That's, um, a great offer, and I will definitely take you up on that.
Evan: Excellent, excellent. I, uh, I love working, so-- although I'm really looking forward to having the night off.
Sonny: It's been awhile.
Evan: Mm, yeah, rafe's-- he's been working so many nights lately, it's-- it's crazy how many chicken tender leftovers I've had.
Sonny: Yeah, I've-- uh, I've been there.
Evan: Yeah.
Sonny: It's, um, it's grim.
Evan: Have you checked out that new japanese restaurant near the square?
Sonny: Uh, I have not, no, but I've heard it was pretty good.
Evan: Yeah, yeah. I'm thinking about heading over there if you want to join me after you drop off ari.
Sonny: Um, well, thank yoU. But I'm actually meeting my dad after this, so...
Evan: Oh, okay. Maybe another time.
Sonny: Sure. And honestly, like, thank you again for everything. Rafe is right. You are a godsend.
[Suspenseful music]
Eve: What do you mean she doesn't remember the actual fall? Are you kidding me? She conveniently remembers everything that happened that night except for the fact that I didn't try to kill her? Well, come on, justin. Obviously she is lying. Okay, she's had it in for me. She wants to see me rot in this hell hole while she gets to live happily ever after with jack like nothing ever happened. Oh, my god. She's not going to get away with this.
[Dramatic music]
Jack: So what do you think? Does it fit?
Jennifer: Like it was made for me.
Jack: Just like me. Happy anniversary, mrs. Deveraux, plus one day.
Jennifer: Happy anniversary, jack deveraux. I don't have anything for you.
Jack: I think I have everything I'll ever need right here.
Hope: Well, the good news is, is that hope's dear cousin, jennifer, does not recall anything that'll contradict the surveillance footage that rolf so expertly doctored to implicate eve donovan. Although, the bad news is she could get her memory back. She could remember who pushed her. So do--well do I-- no. Perhaps it is best to let sleeping, or should I say not-so-sleeping dogs lie. Hmm? What do you think steffi? For now?
[Dramatic music]
Ben: It is really good to see you. You heard about the appeal?
Ciara: I was so sure that you were going to win.
Ben: So was I.
Ciara: Yeah. Well, this just goes to show that we can't wait for the court to decide to set you free, ben. We gotta do this ourselves.
Ben: Are you saying--
Ciara: I pulled the trigger on our plan.
Ben: You went to victor?
Ciara: I told my grandfather that I'd given up on you and that I thought you were still a killer and that I didn't love you anymore.
Ben: It must have been so hard for you to lie like that.
Ciara: It was worth it. It was so worth it. Ben, he was so happy. You should've seen the look on his face. And now hopefully he'll let his guard down and I'll be able to prove that he's the one who really killed jordan.
Victor: Good riddance, ben weston.
Sonny: Hey dad.
Justin: Hey, pal, how are you?
Sonny: I'm okay. How are--how are you? Are you okay.
Justin: Yeah, I was just-- upsetting phone call with eve donovan in prison.
Sonny: Are you sure that's what it is?
Justin: [Chuckles] No. No. I can't believe it was a year ago yesterday that your mother and i got married in this very spot.
Sonny: Do you know that even after all this time when my phone rings my first thought is, please let this be mom. Please let this be mom. Telling me this is all just a big mistake.
Justin: I know, I know, I know.
Sonny: She was so full of life, dad. So sweet. I just--I can't believe-- I can't even say it. I just, I can't believe she's dead, I can't believe it.
[Somber music]
Will: I'm so sorry, sonny. I'm sorry for what I did.
Sonny: What's harder to believe is that it was own husband who killed her.
Justin: Oh, sonny.
[Dramatic music]
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