Days Transcript Monday 11/11/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 11/11/19


Episode #13649 ~ Jennifer is reunited with Abigail and J.J.; Sarah's baby drama takes a surprising turn; Ben shares his woes with a surprising confidante; an unexpected death is revealed.

Provided By Suzanne

Jack: It was horrible. You fell--you went into a coma.

Jennifer: What? How? How did I--

Jack: No. I can explain everything. I will. I'll answer all your questions. I promise you, but right now all that matters is that you're here; you're back; you're with us, all of us, after so much time.

Jennifer: How much time, jack? Is it a day or a week? How much?

Jack: Oh, honey, no. My love...

[Sighs] You've... you've been asleep for an entire year.

Jennifer: A year? Jack, that's impossible; no.

Jack: No.

Jennifer: No.

Jack: No, it's true. It's true, jennifer. Then you went into a coma the night we were married. I--I was a wreck. I was--I was wondering how the hell I could--I could find you again, marry you again, and then face the possibility of losing you forever. I was--I... I found john and marlena walking, and they-- they gave me this, this... to--to see the days, the hours, minutes, seconds with faith and courage, with the belief that you would come back to me. I remember the first time I turned it over, just like--I turned it over. Just like that and I was praying when the sands ran out, you would wake up and come back to me, one year ago today. But you didn't wake up or come back, not that day or the next. Or the next. Or the next. You see right here? I got the jade plant just like you would want, and I'll put it over here. All right. You can see it if you turn your head, of course, and it's time to turn it over again. Here we go.

[Female singer vocalizing]

[Sighs] All right.

Just when you believed

your dream came true

Jack: And...okay.

Tides of fortune

took away

Jack: [Inaudible muttering]

The only love you knew

they knocked you down

and spun you round


if happiness is really

waiting for you anymore

is this the end

or just a moment lost

along the way

Jack: That's good. Very good.

You can brace yourself

for anything

you say

Jack: Oh.

But soon your best-laid

plans begin to slip away

if fate can intervene


turn the tides of fortune

is it too late for that now

is this the end

or just a moment lost

along the way

[Jack sobbing]

Along the way

[Soft music concludes]

Jack: Now... you've come back to me, mrs. Deveraux, and I am never, ever going to let you go again.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kayla: Oh, my god, jennifer! Look at you. Oh, we've been so worried. Look at you. This is what we were praying for.

Jennifer: Has it really been a year?

Kayla: A very long year, but we have you back, so. It's so good.

Jack: Listen, I need to call the kids. They're gonna be thrilled.

Kayla: Great, perfect timing. I can examine my patient.

Jack: Good. Um, I will be right back, right back, okay?

[Line trilling]

[Cell phone ringing]

Jj: What's up?

Jack: You're not gonna believe this. Mom woke up.

Jj: Wait, s-seriously? Uh, that's, uh... I, uh--that's--

Jack: Amazing, incredible, miraculous, yes. It's--I--look, I know it's a lot to take in, but you gotta get over here and see for yourself.

Jj: Should I call abigail?

Jack: No. No, I'll call her. Just get over here.

Jj: I'm on my way.

[Pills rattle]

Sarah: You are a beautiful girl, aren't you? Yes, you are. That smile and your little dimples for days. Yes, I could just gobble you up. Do you see this? Do you see this smile? You did that, that was you. I never knew I could be this happy. And just to think, a year ago I was gonna leave salem forever.

Eric: You are pregnant.

Sarah: [Stammers]

Eric: I can't believe this. I can't believe I didn't figure this out. It didn't make sense to me, but now I'm starting to realize the truth, that-- like when you fainted, right? Oh, my god, kristen dimera, of all people, she told me the truth. You are pregnant with my child.

Sarah: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You are. It's you.


Nicole: It's too flow-Y. Basic black doesn't do boho chic. We have clean lines, luxe minimalism. But if you do the edit on this per my notes, then I think we have a winner. Good-bye.

Xander: Spoken like a woman who would rather set the trends than follow them.

Nicole: What the hell do you want?

[Ben breathing heavily]

[Somber string music]

[Ben sobbing]

Ben: You're so cold. You're--[Sobs] No. This can't be true right now. This can't be happening right now.

[Shouts, breathing heavily]

[Distant chatter]

[Suspenseful music]

These are real people,

Jack: Uh, I brought your favorites, but I gotta give props to the little guy in the corner there. He's been standing watch over you for the entire year.

Jennifer: Oh, jack.

[Light laughter]

Jack: Jj.

Jj: Mom? Hey.

Jennifer: Oh, baby. [Cries]

Jj: You're awake.

Jennifer: Oh, baby.


Eric: Good morning, little one.

Sarah: Oh, yes.

Eric: Hi.

Sarah: Well, it's not just any morning because she sat up all by herself.

Eric: Did you?

Sarah: I'm so proud.

Eric: She's amazing, and growing so fast.

Sarah: I know, I know. I can't believe she's already six months.

Eric: She's so beautiful, just like her mother.

Xander: What an important wheeler-dealer you've become over the last year, nicole, light years from answering the phone for eric at the horton center, eh?

Nicole: I'm not discussing eric with you.

Xander: Aww, such a mood. I need these signed by tomorrow.

Nicole: I'll get to them when I'm ready.

Xander: Must be hell working your ass off to prove yourself. Lucky me, I don't have to prove anything to anyone because I have a life to live, and I'm gonna get right back to it. Ciao.

[Door opens]

Ben: I'm sorry about the screaming, man. It's the same damn nightmare I've been having the past year. It never changes. I know you've heard it all before, but I just can't get it out of my head, man. I can't believe it's really true. I can't believe she's really gone. There are lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yeah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today.

Ben: It's not just when I sleep, you know? I've lived this nightmare every single damn day. You know the worst part about it was that she was strangled with her own damn scarf. And then all of a sudden I heard a voice.

Ciara: Ben?

[Dramatic string music]

[Baby crying]

Sarah: Hmm. You're not hungry. And I just changed her, so she must want her daddy. And lucky for her, daddy happens to be right here. Hi, sweetie. Hi.


Jj: I can't believe it. We--we've waited and waited, and I prayed. I made more than a few deals with god.

Jennifer: Bless your sweet heart.

Jj: It's been really hard without you.

Jack: Hey, look who I found.

Jennifer: Oh, my baby.

[Both sobbing] Oh, baby.

Abigail: Mom.

Jennifer: My goodness, I can't believe that you're here from paris.

Abigail: No, actually, I've been here in salem for a few months now for this, 'cause I knew you'd wake up, and I'm just so happy I get to see you again. The kids are gonna be so happy to see you.

Jennifer: Charlotte and thomas, where are they? How are they?

Abigail: They're good. They're really big.

Xander: Aw. What did you do to make my daughter cry, eric?

Eric: Nice to see you. I wish you well with the baby.

Sarah: Thank you. Seeing eric in the same room with his baby and he has no idea, I just feel so damn guilty.

Xander: You have nothing to feel guilty about. I'm the one who made it happen.

Eric: How could you keep this from me, sarah? I mean, how could you not tell me that you're carrying my child?

Xander: Well, there's obviously been a misunderstanding here. It's not your baby. It's mine. And you are daddy's little girl, aren't you?

Sarah: When you said that the baby was yours--

Xander: And saved your behind, although when I walked in, I wasn't sure that you wanted saving.

Sarah: What do you mean?

Xander: The way you were looking at eric, I was afraid you would confess everything.

Sarah: But there you were in the nick of time.

Xander: Thanks to kristen, who, for once in her life, did the right thing when she told me that she was about to confess all to eric. I knew I had to help you.

Eric: What the hell are you talking about? How can it be your baby?

Xander: It's not like it's the first time you've broken sarah's heart, is it? First you dumped her for the fake nicole. Then you dumped her for the real nicole. She was a mess again, so we ended up in bed again.

Eric: Now, somebody is lying here. I don't know if it's kristen dimera or you, but I know you both lie as easy as you breathe, so I'm gonna ask sarah one question. Are you carrying xander's baby or mine?

Xander: Hmm. I know how hard it is for anything but the truth to come out of your beautiful mouth, but, uh, I was worried that you wouldn't back me up.

Sarah: Xander's right. The baby's his. So can we just be done with this now because I have a cab to catch, so--

Eric: Sarah. How can you be so sure the baby's xander's?

Xander: Classic pain-in-the-ass eric just couldn't let it go.

[Baby coos]

Ben: I remember thinking how it must have looked to ciara, me with a scarf in my hand and my sister dead on the floor.

Ciara: Ben, what's going on?

[Ben sobbing] Is she dead?

Ben: She broke in here earlier. She smashed your picture. I was so mad and so worried that she was gonna hurt you. I tried getting a hold of you. I left you messages, and I didn't hear back.

Ciara: I forgot my phone.

Ben: I know that. I went to the hospital, and I saw your mom. When I realized you weren't getting the messages, I just came tearing back here. This is what I found. She was strangled by a scarf. When I first saw her body, I thought it was you.

Ciara: I'm very much alive. And I'm here, and I am safe. But--but ben--

Ben: What? You don't think I did this, do you? Oh! Oh! Oh!

[Distant chatter]

Ben: I was so afraid that ciara wouldn't believe me. I found her like this; I swear. No matter how scared I was of what she might do to you...

[Sobbing] I couldn't do this to my sister. I swear to you.

Ciara: Of course. Of course I believe you, ben. I promise I believe you. I love you, okay? I know the man you are, and i know you're not capable of this. You're not capable of this anymore, okay? Okay, okay. Okay, everything's gonna be okay. I'm gonna take care of this, okay? Me and you, we're gonna take care of this, but I need you to give me your phone so I can call the police, okay?

Ben: What if they think I did it?

Ciara: It's okay.

Xander: Hmm. Yeah. With eric breathing all that fire, you looked like a beautiful deer in headlights. I had my worries, but kudos. You--you sold the lie.

Eric: You slept with both xander and me around the same time, so how can you be so sure that that baby is xander's and isn't mine?

Sarah: Because I know for a fact that I wasn't pregnant when you left to go find nicole, so now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to the airport.

Eric: Why are you leaving town? Why are you letting her leave town?

Xander: Because I respect her too much to force her to do anything, and that includes leaving salem.

Eric: Fine. If you want to leave town, that's your choice, but I want confirmation that that baby isn't mine. I want a paternity test. If you won't agree to that, we're gonna have a problem.

Sarah: A very big problem because a paternity test would have proven that eric was the father.

Xander: It didn't help that nicole knew the truth.

Eric: Is this crazy, or am I crazy?

Nicole: No, you're not crazy.

Eric: Just sarah pregnant, the timing of it. How long have you known about it?

Nicole: Well, I just found out. I assumed you were the father, but I guess I was wrong.

[Knocking at door]

Eric: I'm sorry to interrupt. I know you're swamped. I just wanted to see if I can count on basic black to be a corporate sponsor at this year's pledge drive.

Nicole: Yes, of course.

Eric: I knew I could count on my girl.

Nicole: You can always count on me.

Abigail: Oh, god, that was just so amazing, right? I mean, when I saw mom just smiling and when she put her arms around me, it was just like she's back. She's really back, and I just--I think the four of us--jj, this is gonna be the start of something really good and positive for us, you know? It's like we're okay now.

Jj: Right.

Abigail: You wanna come over and see the kids? I'm sure they'd love to see their favorite uncle.

Jj: Maybe some other time.

Abigail: Are you sure? All right. Okay, just asking. I love you.

Jj: I love you. Give the munchkins a kiss for me.

Abigail: I will. Okay.

Jack: You're finally back, and now we can really, truly start our life together.

Jennifer: Jack, I can't believe that a year has gone by while I've been lying in this bed. I just--I remember getting married with justin and adrienne, and we were so happy.

Jack: Yeah, yeah, we were.

Jennifer: And then I... I remember we went to the bistro to celebrate, and then I... what happened after that?

Jack: You don't remember?

Jennifer: I--I remember that you went back to the inn to get something, and...

Jack: That's right.

Jennifer: And I went upstairs to the bistro.

Jack: Right.

Jennifer: Yeah, and then I remember I was-- I was on the balcony, and I was looking over, and everything was so beautiful, and then--and then I saw a laptop, and it had all the music for the reception, and I was gonna pick a song for our first dance, and it was perfect. Everything was so perfect, and then I--then...

Jack: You fell from the balcony.

Jennifer: Oh, my god.

Jack: That's why you were in a coma.

Jennifer: Yes, jack, yes. It's all coming back to me, but I... I didn't--I didn't fall from the balcony. I think somebody pushed me.

Ben: And you know how the cops are, ready and waiting to jump to conclusions once they have the suspect. A strangled woman who happens to be my sister and found by me? No. I was suspect number one and only. Why even look at anyone else? When they find her body, and they see jordan on the ground, strangled by a scarf in my home, found by me? Ciara, they're gonna think this was me.

Ciara: No.

Ben: Yes, they are.

Ciara: No, ben, ben.

Ben: Yes, they are. They're gonna think this was me.

Ciara: Innocent until proven guilty, right?

Ben: They're gonna think it's me.

Ciara: No, ben, ben, ben.

Ben: What do you mean, innocent until proven guilty, ciara? Not for the necktie killer, no, no.

Ciara: Okay, okay.

Ben: No.

Ciara: All right, well, rafe is a cop. Rafe is gonna believe you, okay?

Ben: What about the dreams I've been having? What about the dreams I've had of strangling jordan? This--this could go very, very wrong, ciara. I can'T. I can'T. I'm not going back to bayview. I can'T. I can't lose you. I can't lose this life that we created.

Ciara: No, you're not. Ben, you're not gonna lose me, okay? You're not, I promise. Look at me! I promise. Everything's gonna be okay. You'll see. Everything's gonna be fine, but ben, ben! We have to call the police. We have to call them.

[Soft dramatic music]

Sarah: Nicole found out because of you, brainiac. What the hell were you thinking, sending rolf to eric's place with my pregnancy test results?

Xander: But eric didn't find out, did he? So I was hoping that we could just forget about my lapse in judgment and hold on to the fact that you already forgave me for my idiot move.

Sarah: Well, you did get rolf to gussy up those fake paternity tests, though, at the titan lab.

Xander: And you did agree to stay in town.

Sarah: Yeah, 'cause you wouldn't stop badgering me, and because I finally actually started to feel a little bit safe.

Xander: Well, except for nicole and that conscience of hers.

Nicole: I'm sorry I've been so preoccupied, but I mean, xander was just here, and he pushes buttons that I didn't even know I had.

Eric: I get it. I just ran into him.

Nicole: Well, he's really making the rounds.

Eric: Yeah, I was--saw him at the kiriakis mansion.

Nicole: You were there? Why?

Eric: Well, I went to see maggie about the fundraiser, and then I saw sarah and the baby.

Nicole: Oh. You saw the baby?

Eric: Yeah. She's adorable. The smile, but still I--

Nicole: Still what?

Eric: You know what? It's nothing. Never mind.

Nicole: No, tell me.

Eric: It's just that I can't believe that baby's xander'S.

[Knocking at door]

Nicole: Oh, go away.

Xander: Come on, now. Is that any way to treat the man who just solved your great, big headache? Congratulate me. I'm gonna be a daddy.

Nicole: A fake paternity test? How did you pull this off?

Xander: Doesn't matter. The only thing that does matter is now everyone will believe that sarah's child is mine, including eric, so all we have to do is keep your pretty mouth shut and live happily ever after.

Nicole: [Scoffs] Oh, eric, I feel so guilty.

Eric: Guilty? About what? I'm bad.

Eric: What do you have to feel guilty about?

Nicole: That... that I can't give you a child of your own, and I know you've always wanted one, and--

Eric: Stop. No more guilt. I'm with the love of my life. We have holly, and I couldn't love her any more if she was my own child. Oh, we have the perfect little family. What more could either of us ever ask for?

Sarah: Somebody was hungry. I think it's time to burp her.

Xander: Favorite part of the day.

Sarah: [Laughs] I think it's her favorite part.

Xander: Hello. Yes, there you go.

Sarah: You know, you--you've just been there for me and the baby over the past year, you know, with the pregnancy and the birthing classes, and whatever I needed, you were there, especially that horrible night that she was born.

Xander: Horrible, yeah, except for this little cutie.

Sarah: Yes, my little miracle. Yes. Yes, you are. I mean, just for the past six months you've been there to bathe her or feed her whenever I can'T.

Xander: Well, I'm a dad, or it feels like, anyway.

Sarah: Ooh. Oh, lucky for you, I'm on diaper duty. Whew!

Kayla: Honey, yes, it's true. Jennifer woke up. I'll have to tell you more about it later, but I have to go check on her right now, but we'll celebrate over dinner, all right? I love you too.

Jj: It's such incredible news. After this whole nightmare of a year, my mom woke up. She came back to us, haley. If only you could come back to me too.

[Somber string music]

Abigail: You look pretty intense. Hi.

Chad: I got your message. How's your mom?

Abigail: She's good. She's back. I mean, it's crazy. She's really, really back. It's unbelievable.

Chad: I'm sorry I couldn't get to the hospital. I just have this--this, you know, business to deal with.

Abigail: Yeah, yeah, no, I understand. I'm just glad to see you now. God, it's just so-- it's incredible. I mean, I wish you could have been there, of course, for my family, you know, just to see them. I mean, it was just--it was a miracle, chad. I mean, everyone was so joyful, and my dad and jj, it was incredible. It really was, and I just feel like this is--I don't know. I feel like this is a sign for us, you know? This is a sign that there's gonna be nothing but good times ahead for us.

Jennifer: I think--jack, I think I was pushed. I don't--I just--I have this feeling, this vague memory.

Jack: Hey, don't worry, honey, please. Don't worry. We know all about it. The police caught her. She can't hurt you or anybody else ever again. That monster is in prison, where she belongs.

Ben: Ciara really thought everything was gonna be all right. She's always so-- so trusting in that way. But it wasn'T. No matter how much she believed in me, the cops sure as hell didn'T. Now here I am, locked up in this hellhole for the better part of a year, and I'm totally innocent.

Will: Yeah, that's what they all say.

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