Days Transcript Friday 11/8/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 11/8/19


Episode #13648 ~ Ben makes a horrific discovery. Kristen drops a bomb on Eric. John and Marlena mark their one-year wedding anniversary. Gina tries to ensure Jennifer never wakes up.

Provided By Suzanne

John: [Laughs] Happy anniversary, doc.

Marlena: Oh! Happy anniversary, darling.

John: Can you believe it's been one year ago today we finally tied the knot?

Marlena: Again?

John: For the last time, god be my witness.


Marlena: Um, what's in the bag?

John: What, um, do you think?

Marlena: Oh. Did you get me a present? Because I didn't get you a present.

John: Sure you did. You, because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Sorry for interrupting your prayer. That was what you were doing, right, praying?

Eric: You should try it sometime.

Kristen: Do you still have influence with the almighty?

Eric: You said you had something to tell me.

Kristen: Right. It's about sarah.

Sarah: Nicole, I don't have much time. I have to catch a plane.

Sarah: Nicole, I don't have much time. I have to catch a plane.

Nicole: This won't take long.

Sarah: Those look like someone's test results.

Nicole: They're yours. I know you're pregnant with eric's baby.

Kristen: There's something you don't know about sarah.

Eric: I'm not interested in anything you have to say about her. Your lies have already hurt her enough. If you have something to get off your chest, talk to god. He's a good listener. If your contrition is real, he'll know. What it's worth, I've forgiven you for what you did to me.

Kristen: That's generous of you, so what if my act of contrition was to tell you the absolute truth for once?

Sarah: How--how did you get those test results?

Sarah: How--how did you get those test results?

Nicole: Dr. Rolf brought them over to eric's place.

Sarah: What? Where did he get them?

Nicole: I don't even know if I should believe anything he says, but--

Sarah: Oh, my god. No. Just forget it. Forget it. It doesn't matter. So eric has seen them?

Nicole: No. I was the only one home when rolf showed up.

Sarah: You didn't tell eric? How come?

Nicole: I'm not proud of this, but I was terrified that your baby would bring you and eric back together. I just--I just wanted you to know that I know.

Sarah: Can you please just leave?

Nicole: I will...after you promise not to tell eric either.

Marlena: Oh, no. This is one of the centerpieces from the reception we didn't get to have.

John: Yeah. I used to bring this to your bedside when you were in the hospital, and I would pray with every grain of sand that ran through this hourglass that you would come back to me, so we could have that celebration. So giving this to you this year is just my little way of saying that love never gives up hope.

Marlena: Oh, honey. Hey, jack.

Jack: Hi, hi.

John: Hey.

Marlena: Jack, oh, my goodness, darling. I'm so sorry about jennifer.

Jack: Thank you.

John: Is there anything we can do for you?

Jack: Yeah. You tell me how you stayed sane when this happened to marlena.

[Monitor beeping]

Ciara: Mom? What are you doing?

[Tense music]

Rafe: Hello. Hey. Hey, I came to check on you and ciara, and the door was open. What's wrong?

Ben: Listen, man, I locked this whole place up tight when I left. When I got back here, the window was open. Hey, is david all right?

Rafe: Yeah, he's hey. Hey, I came to check on you and ciara, and the door was open. What's wrong?

Ben: Listen, man, I locked this whole place up tight when I left. When I got back here, the window was open. Hey, is david all right?

Rafe: Yeah, he's got a cop with him all the time.

Ben: Anything on jordan?

Rafe: No. Nothing, but you're sure that this window was locked?

Ben: Yeah. Oh, my god. She was here.

Rafe: How do you know?

Ben: Who else would have done that?

Marlena: So jennifer's in a coma, and you're looking for a flash drive.

Jack: A flash drive that belonged to dr. Rolf.

John: So why did jennifer have it?

Jack: She helped him get unsupervised access to the hospital lab, so he could work on his experiments, something he wanted very much. Well, she just wanted to find out--I mean, what was he up to? She had just gotten the flash drive back after it had been decrypted by her it team at the spectator.

John: Did rolf know that she had it?

Jack: Oh, yeah. I was with her when she tried to tell him she'd lost it. He didn't buy it for a second. If I could find it, if I know what's on it, I'd feel like I'm-- I'm doing something to help her.

John: Yeah, yeah. Um, let me ask you this. Do you know for a fact that jennifer had that drive on her when she fell?

Jack: No. I mean, we're not-- we're not absolutely sure. Jj and I--we didn't find it in the ambulance or her purse, the er, or here. Now, I'm just going on my gut, but if it turns out that I'm right...

John: What?

Jack: Then her fall wasn't an accident.

John: You think someone pushed her?

Jack: Yeah.

John: Rolf?

Jack: Why not? Makes sense. I'm not gonna stop till I find out who did that to her.

Hope: I thought maybe it would help jennifer breathe easier if she had an extra pillow.

Ciara: Just--I can't believe this. She doesn't even know that we're here. Does anybody know what made her fall?

Hope: It's an accident, a terrible accident.

Nicole: I know eric loves me, but I can't give him a child, and I know he says it doesn't matter, but he doesn't know that you're pregnant.

Sarah: Are you that insecure?

Nicole: Yes. In this area, yes. Otherwise, I wouldn't keep something so important from the man that I love.

Nicole: I know eric loves me, but I can't give him a child, and I know he says it doesn't matter, but he doesn't know that you're pregnant.

Sarah: Are you that insecure?

Nicole: Yes. In this area, yes. Otherwise, I wouldn't keep something so important from the man that I love.

Kristen: I don't think any of us know what tomorrow will bring. My focus is on today, taking care of myself so that I can have a healthy child, and one way I'm going to do that is to make amends to all the people I've hurt.

Eric: Well, you have your work cut out for you.

Kristen: What I did to you was hideous, and I don't ever want my child to see me doing things like that. So I have to live a truthful life. I can't keep secrets anymore.

Eric: What secrets?

Kristen: Sarah's pregnant with your baby.

[Dramatic music]

Ben: We know jordan did it. Rafe, I'm not gonna sit around and wait for her to do something else to ciara.

Rafe: I know how you feel, but you need to stay out of this. We'll find jordan.

Ben: Oh, we'll? You? Rafe, you helped her get out of bayview. We were in your kitchen when she tried to poison ciara.

Rafe: You go rogue and you end up hurting jordan, you are not gonna like what happens to you.

Ben: What am I supposed to do, man?

Rafe: You need to pack a bag, find ciara, and go to the safe house, until jordan is in custody, right?

[Cell phone rings] Hernandez. Yeah. Okay. I'll be right there. I gotta go. Listen to me. You get packed, you find ciara, and you get the hell out of salem, okay? I'll text you the address of the safe house.

Ben: Okay.

Rafe: Hey, do you mean it?

Ben: I mean it.

Rafe: Do it.

Ciara: I don't know what to do, mom. Ben's been having nightmares about killing jordan, and I just--I cannot wait until they finally catch her. I'm gonna be so happy when they do.

[Monitor beeping]

Hope: Me too. I have been so worried about you.

Ciara: Yeah. Well, brady offered to get me a security guard from grandpa victor, but he hates ben so much that I--

Hope: Oh, there's so much on that beautiful mind of yours. You don't have to stay here. I'm gonna stay with jennifer. I'll sit with her, honey.

Ciara: No, mom. I want to stay with jennifer. And more importantly, I just--i want to stay here with you. Mommy, I'm so scared.

John: Hey, jack, why don't you let me take a look into this?

Jack: What can you do without the flash drive?

John: Hey, you never know.

Jack: Right. I have to get back. I have to see jennifer.

John: Yeah.

Marlena: I think that's a good idea.

Jack: You know what doesn't make sense? Jennifer trying to reach me for so long, so very long when I had no idea who she was. And now I know. I know who she is, and I know she's my everything. Now I can lose her like that.

John: Hey, jack. Jack, hold on a second.

Sarah: What do you want from me? I'm leaving town. Isn't that enough?

Nicole: I don't feel great about keeping this from eric. Look, I know that's selfish, but if you want him to know, I obviously won't stop you from telling him, but it doesn't seem like you want to, do you? You seem determined to not have him involved, and--

Sarah: No, I don't want eric to know. Can I just go, please?

Nicole: I know that you're hurting.

Sarah: Yes, I'm--I'm hurt.

Nicole: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I wish--I don't know what I wish. All I know is that I love eric with all of my heart, and after so much suffering...

Sarah: I know. I get it. I get it.

Nicole: Just the idea--

Sarah: Nicole, I get it. And you're--you're right. It's been too much suffering. You and eric, you've been through hell, and now you are together, and that is the way that it should be. Which is why I don't want him to feel any obligation to me. I do not want to come in between you two. I don'T. If he had known that you were alive, he wouldn't have even given me a second look. He wouldn't have, and I don't have any illusions about that. And I would hate it--i would hate it, if people thought that I was using this baby to hold on to him, so that's why--that is why leaving is what's best for all of us. And you do not need to feel guilty about that, please. Just--just go home to eric and be happy, 'cause god knows you both deserve that. Just throw that paper away, and then just forget about it.

Nicole: There's only one problem.

Sarah: What?

Nicole: I'm not the only one that knows about your secret.

Eric: I don't believe you.

Kristen: You're afraid to believe me, because you want a child so badly, and I understand that.

Eric: If sarah is pregnant, she would never tell you about it.

Kristen: Well, she didn't have to. We live under the same roof now, and I know what the early stages of pregnancy look like.

Eric: You know about this?

Brady: No. I would have told you.

Eric: Sarah. I know about the baby. Are you all right?

Sarah: So you know?

Kristen: Eric, I have taken so much from you. I had to give you this. You are going to be a father.

Sarah: You don't have to worry about dr. Rolf talking to eric, and even if he did, it's not like eric would believe a word he said.

Nicole: It's not just dr. Rolf.

Sarah: You mean xander. He's known that I'm pregnant for as long as I have. He was there when I figured it out. He won't say anything. He hasn't said a word.

Nicole: Okay. I hate to break it to you, but dr. Rolf didn't just find these test results lying around. Xander got a hold of them, and then he paid rolf to bring them to eric.

Nicole: Okay. I hate to break it to you, but dr. Rolf didn't just find these test results lying around. Xander got a hold of them, and then he paid rolf to bring them to eric.

Sarah: Why would he do that?

Nicole: Well, in case you haven't noticed, xander has a crush on you, and he doesn't want you to leave town.

Sarah: No. I know. He's not exactly known for his subtlety.

Nicole: I agree, but xander's got it in his head that eric will convince you to stay in salem if he knew that you were pregnant.

Sarah: Are you sure? What a creep. He swore that he wouldn't say a word.

Nicole: Well, you have to give him credit. He changed his mind. He came running over to eric's in a panic. I told him that rolf gave me the results, and he told me I couldn't tell eric or anyone else.

Sarah: So then that just leaves you. I mean, you just said that you feel guilty that you're not telling eric, and at some point, are you gonna change your mind? Are you gonna decide that he should know?

Kristen: You don't have to take my word for it that sarah's pregnant. I can see the look on your face that you know I'm right. Go ask her. I mean, she's about to leave, but if you leave right now, you might just catch her.

Brady: Why did you lie?

John: Jack, I know what you're going through right now. A year ago, I was right where you are now. No, I can't tell you what to do here, but I can only tell you what I did. And the first thing I did was, I just said to myself that the worst isn't gonna happen. It's just not gonna happen, because a love like ours is stronger than anything on this earth. And every night when I would--when I would leave the hospital and I would go home to an empty house and to my empty bed... I would turn this over on my nightstand, and I would say that, "by god, this is the night. This is the night that she's gonna wake up." And then in the morning, I would look over, and this would be--this would be empty. I'd just turn that sucker over, and I said, "this is it. This is the day. By god, this is gonna be the day when she's gonna open her eyes, and she's coming back to me." And that day finally happened. And when I saw her beautiful eyes looking at me with such love, I knew that my waiting was finally over.

Ben: Hey, it's me again. I really wish you'd answer or at least let me know you got the message. Anyway, do not leave the hospital. Do not come back to the gatehouse. Isn't safe here. But I'm on my way to pick you up right now. Bye.

[Tense music]

Jack: Thank you. Thank you for sharing that. I really needed to hear that.

Marlena: I think jack needs the hourglass more than we do.

Jack: Oh, no. No. I couldn'T. I couldn't take that. It means too much to you.

John: No, no, no, no, my wife is a very smart woman. And do you know what I think? It's probably one of her better ideas. You turn this over every day, jack, and you have faith that this is the day jennifer rose is gonna open her eyes and come back to you. And when that day comes, and it will, then and only then can you give that back to us.

[Monitor beeping]

[Ominous music]

Ben: I thought sarah was with you.

Hope: No, she left.

Ben: Well, do you know if she checked her phone messages? Jordan's still out there.

Hope: She said something about remembering that she left her phone back at ben--yours. Your place. Sorry.

Ben: She said she was going back there?

Hope: Yes.

Ben: Oh, my god. She doesn't know.

[Cell phone rings]

Hope: Oh, it's that hernandez man. Rafe?

Rafe: Can you come down to the station?

Hope: Now?

Rafe: Yeah. It's about jennifer.

Kristen: I told eric the truth. Sarah is pregnant.

Brady: Maybe, but when you asked me to go get you something to eat, because you were going to have more tests, that was a lie, right? You wanted to get rid of me, so you could follow eric in here. If sarah's pregnant with his baby, why wouldn't you tell me?

Kristen: Because I thought it was important to tell eric first.

Brady: Why would sarah keep something like this from him?

Kristen: Probably because she didn't want the baby to come between him and nicole.

Nicole: This is your secret. It's not mine to tell, and I wish to hell I didn't know, but I promise eric will never hear about your baby from me.

[Tense music]

Eric: What are you doing here?

Nicole: She just came to say good-bye.

Eric: Why?

[Cell phone beeps]

Nicole: Oh, wait, my cab is here. I'm just gonna--

Eric: Before you go, you need to answer one question. Are you pregnant?

Brady: You know that eric and nicole have basically been through hell in order to be together. And that's mainly because of you and me. If sarah is pregnant with his baby and she doesn't want him to know about it, why wouldn't you just keep your mouth shut, kristen?

Kristen: Because I did it for you.

Brady: What do I have to do with this?

Kristen: I see how important it is, how much it means to you that you and eric are getting close together again. I also know that I'm to blame for the problems between you, and so my telling him about the baby was my way of making amends.

Brady: Making amends. Were you trying to make amends, or were you just trying to score points with me?

Marlena: I hope you don't mind that I gave jack our special hourglass.

John: Oh, doc. Come on. Your generous heart is just one of the many things I love about you. That hourglass got me through some of the darkest days of my life. I just hope it does the same for jack.

[Monitor beeping]

Jack: [Sobbing]

Rafe: Sorry you had to come down here, but...

Hope: No.

Rafe: I know how worried you are about jennifer.

Hope: Yeah, you said that you found out more about jennifer's fall.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, and since the two of you are so close, I was hoping you could help me out.

Hope: Yeah, of course. Of course, but, rafe, what happened to jennifer is a terrible accident. Shouldn't you concern yourself with finding the woman who tried to kill my daughter? I was just with ciara, and she's terrified.

Rafe: Right, I understand.

Hope: Are you hearing what I'm saying?

Rafe: Yes, I am. Yes, I understand that, but I'm hoping you can just take a look at the security cam footage which covers the terrace at the bistro, and then you can actually help me nail down what really happened to jennifer.

[Tense music]

Ben: Oh, my god. Ciara?

[Monitor beeping]

John: I want you to know something. I'm gonna turn this hourglass over, and when the sands finish coming through it, I expect you to wake up and come back to me.

Marlena: Do you suppose that any other couple has ever been through as much as we've been through?

John: I don't think another couple has been through as much as we've been through this year. So much can happen in one year.

[Gentle piano music]

What are you thinking?

Marlena: I'm thinking about something that tom horton said to me a long time ago. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Monitor beeping]

Rafe: This is the camera's first sighting of jennifer on the terrace.

Hope: And she's alone.

Rafe: Mm-hmm.

Hope: Well, there we have it. She must have tripped and-- and fallen.

Rafe: Let it run.

Hope: I don't want to see my cousin fall.

Rafe: There. You see? See that shadow there? Someone else is coming out on the terrace alone, or jennifer's not alone anymore.

[Tense music]

Ben: It's cold. Oh, no.

Sarah: I'm out of your life, eric. We've already said our good-byes. Now, I don't want to miss my plane.

Eric: Kristen dimera claims that you're pregnant.

Nicole: And you believe a pathological liar? I mean, how many times has she destroyed your life?

Eric: I want you to look me in the eye and tell me the truth. Why are you leaving town?

Nicole: I told you why.

Eric: And I don't believe you. I think I have a right to know the truth.

Sarah: You don't have any rights when it comes to me.

Eric: Why are you defensive? Why are you so anxious to get away from me? Why did you faint? Why did you drop that tray of food when you knew I heard about the baby?

Nicole: Because she's pregnant.

Kristen: I want to prove myself to you. I want you to believe that I really have changed, and I'm sure that entered into my decision to tell eric about sarah. Maybe there's nothing I can do to make... make up for the pain that I caused eric and nicole and john, marlena, and you. Maybe there's nothing I can do that will make you let me back into your heart, but this baby, brady, this baby I am carrying is a true miracle. And somehow god--god blessed a wretch like me with a child. And I am gonna do everything I can to be worthy of that blessing.

Jennifer: Jack? Jack?

Jack: What? What? Jen? Wait a minute. No... wait. Is this happening? It's happening. You're--you did it. Honey, you're--oh, my gosh. You're opening your eyes. Everybody--we've been praying for you--this miracle, I've been sitting here waiting fo wait. Is this happening? It's happening. You're--you did it. Honey, you're--oh, my gosh. You're opening your eyes. Everybody--we've been praying for you--this miracle, and it's happened. I've been sitting here waiting for you to wake up, and now you're--and you're here. You're here.

Jennifer: Jack.

Jack: Yeah? Yes?

Jennifer: What happened? What happened?

John: Your--you fell. It was horrible. You fell. You went into a coma.

Jennifer: What? How? How did I--

Jack: No. I can explain everything. I will. I'll answer all your questions. I promise you, but right now, all that matters is that you're here. You're back. You're with us, all of us, after so much time.

Jennifer: How much time, jack? Was it, like, a-- was it a day or a week?

Jack: Honey, no. It's been--it's been a lot longer than that.

Jennifer: How much longer? I want to know.

Jack: My love, you've--you've been asleep for an entire year.

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