Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 11/7/19
Episode #13647 ~ Kristen has a pregnancy scare; Jack and JJ search for answers about Jennifer's fall, and Nicole struggles with whether or not she should tell Eric that Sarah is pregnant.
Provided By Suzanne
Kayla: Guys, go home. Get some sleep.
Jack: Not happening.
Kayla: Okay, then I'm going to get you a room here.
Jack: I can't leave her. What if she wakes up and I'm not here?
Kayla: I'll call you.
Jj: When does this end? When does she wake up?
Kayla: I wish I could tell you. But I can'T.
Jack: I don't get it, kayla. Everything was finally working out for jennifer and me. After all of our time apart, we were finally gonna be together. We were gonna make up for that lost time. We were gonna be happy, and now I just don't know. What the hell happened?
Gina: "Jennifer horton remains in coma after mysterious fall." Yes, mysterious. Oh, please, let us keep it that way.
[Tense music]
I am not a violent person. I am princess gina.
Jennifer: [Screams]
Gina: I was desperate.
Ciara: Ben? Ben?
Ben: [Yelps]
Ciara: Hey, ben, it's okay. Everything's gonna be okay. It was just a dream.
Ben: You're here. You're all right.
Ciara: Yeah. You had that dream again?
Ben: That same one I had on halloween? It's--it's more of a nightmare.
Ciara: Where jordan killed me?
Ben: Yeah. Then I killed her.
Xander: You've got a nice setup here with eric, don't you? And sarah is the one person who could take it all away from you.
Nicole: You're right, you smug creep. I could lose everything. But a baby? I mean, someone's having eric's baby. How can I not tell him? How can I keep it a secret?
Sarah: Well, that's understated.
Xander: Well, we couldn't let you go without giving you a proper sendoff.
Maggie: Xander made the banner.
Xander: With the invaluable assistance of sweet little ari.
Maggie: And I made your favorite breakfast, lemon bars.
[Sweet music]
Sarah: You guys are the best.
Brady: Oh, you're awake.
Kristen: Yeah, just this minute. What is this, breakfast in bed?
Brady: Now, it's not much, just tea, toast, some juice. I'll make you a proper breakfast a little later.
Kristen: That is so sweet of you.
Brady: These are your vitamins, and I'm gonna watch you take them, okay?
Kristen: Okay.
Brady: All right.
Kristen: Brady.
Brady: What's wrong? What is it?
Kristen: Oh, god. Oh, god.
Brady: What is it?
Kristen: It's blood. There's blood on the sheets. The baby, there's something wrong with the baby.
Kayla: So basically, the body goes dormant so that it can heal. So if we're lucky, when jennifer gets better, she's gonna wake up.
Jack: That's not what I was asking. What I meant was how the hell did she fall off that balcony in the first place?
Brady: How do you feel? Are you--are you in pain?
Kristen: No, no, I just woke up when you came in. Brady, please, do something.
Brady: How do you feel? Are you--are you in pain?
Kristen: No, no, I just woke up when you came in. Do something.
Brady: It's okay.
Kristen: Do something please!
Brady: Just--no, look at me. Look at--I'm sure--I'm sure the baby's fine. I'm sure it's fine.
Kristen: Yeah?
Brady: I'm gonna--I'm gonna get some help, okay?
Kristen: Okay.
[Sobbing quietly]
Sarah: Mmm, these never disappoint.
Maggie: I remember when you were little and I was making them for the bridge club. Every time I turned my back, you'd sneak a couple for your breakfast.
Sarah: Right, and now you've realized that they are good any time of day.
Maggie: Yeah. That's what you tell me.
Sarah: Mom, all this.
Maggie: What?
Sarah: Well, it's--it's very, very sweet, but I mean, are you doing all this just to guilt me into staying?
Maggie: No, sarah. I told you, I'm done arguing about this. Xander and I both know that you've made up your mind, and there's nothing we can do about it.
Sarah: Because of how stubborn I am?
Maggie: [Chuckles] Although I did think that you would say for jennifer's sake.
Sarah: Mom!
Maggie: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone there. But listen, jennifer is still in a coma.
Sarah: And kayla is the best, and university hospital will go above and beyond for a horton, especially jennifer.
Maggie: I know that, but I can't--
Brady: Oh, sarah, sarah, thank god you're still here. Um, it's the baby. Kristen's bleeding.
Maggie: Oh.
Brady: Can you please take a look at her, please?
Sarah: Absolutely yeah, yeah.
Brady: Thank you.
Sarah: You just--you stay here.
Brady: I--I'd like to go.
Xander: Hey, do what the lady says, brother.
[Soft dramatic music]
Eric: Nicole, you look so intense. What is it?
Nicole: You need to see this. Sarah's pregnant... with your child.
Eric: Pregnant? Sarah? I didn't know.
Nicole: Now you know.
Eric: A child, my child, my god.
Nicole: It's what you've always wanted.
Eric: Yes. I mean, I love holly with all my heart. I love you.
Nicole: Eric, I more than anyone understand wanting your own child, and now sarah's giving you what I never can.
Eric: Yes. You're right. I have to go. I'm so sorry I hurt you, nicole, but I have to be with sarah and my child.
Nicole? What's that you're staring at?
[Tense music]
Kristen: Oh, my god, thank god you're here. I can't--I can't lose this baby.
Sarah: It's okay. It's all right. I need you to calm down for the baby.
Kristen: Okay.
Sarah: All right, and lay back and let me examine you, okay?
Kristen: Okay.
Sarah: All right. It's gonna be okay. Just breathe.
Maggie: You need to follow the doctor's orders, brady. Please, for the baby's sake. Honey, it's probably nothing, and thank god sarah was right here.
Xander: I mean, there still might not be anything she can do, so.
Maggie: Xander!
Brady: What the hell do you mean by that?
Xander: Well, you know, it might just be nature taking its course. Kristen's a bit long in the tooth to be having a baby.
Brady: You son of a bitch, what the hell are you talking about?
Jj: Hope told rafe that she didn't see it happen, but she heard the scream.
Jack: I need to talk to her. Hope must have seen something.
Kayla: You know what? I'm gonna go call her, all right? You guys get something to eat, all right? I mean it.
Jack: All right. You heard the doctor. Jj, go down to the cafeteria.
Jj: Not very hungry.
Jack: I'm not hungry either.
[Machine beeping steadily]
[Soft dramatic music] Look at this. I almost forgot. Honey... we had to take this off you when you went into surgery, but I'm gonna put it back on where it belongs.
Jj: What about the wedding bands you got?
Jack: Right, yeah. I'm gonna put on mine.
But I'm not gonna put yours on yet. I'm gonna wait. Jennifer, I'm putting it on you when you wake up, 'cause I have a feeling that's gonna be very soon.
[Phone ringing]
Gina: Hmm. Kayla johnson, bad timing, but all right. I literally had the phone in my hand, seriously, about to call you. How is jenn?
Kayla: She's still comatose.
Gina: Oh, gosh, I--I've been praying that she'd be conscious by now. When do you think she'll wake? Or will she?
Kayla: We're just gonna have to wait. Um, but I'll tell you something. Jack and jj are just really ragged. I--are you gonna come this morning? Because I know that he wanted to talk to you, jack. I know that he wants to talk to you.
Gina: Why?
Kayla: Because you were at the restaurant when jennifer fell, and he thinks that maybe you can shed some light on the situation.
Gina: I told the poli--no, tell jack of course I will be right there. Oh, and kay? Kay, thank you so much for calling me.
Ben: And after she killed you, I couldn't stop myself.
[Tense music]
Ciara: It was just a dream, okay? You're freaking out because jordan is still on the loose, but the police are gonna find her, and then you're gonna stop having this dream, okay?
Ben: It's already been a couple days. The cops have no idea where she is.
Ciara: Maybe she left the country.
Ben: No. No, I don't think so. I have a feeling that she's not that far away.
Ciara: She knows the cops are looking for her, okay? So staying in salem would just be--
Ben: Crazy? Because she is crazy, and david being here is the prime focus of her craziness.
Ciara: Well, david is with rafe, under police protection.
Ben: Yeah, but you're not. Ciara, if she comes after you again--
Ciara: Well, she won't, ben. She won't, okay? So please don't do this to yourself, okay? It's over, ben. She's gone; it's okay. It's gonna be okay.
Nicole: What? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a million miles away. I was just, uh, going over the horton center fundraising projections, so.
Eric: Well, let me help you.
Nicole: No, no, no, no, no, that's okay. I, uh--you don't have to do that. As a matter of fact, I just finished. So what are you doing today?
Eric: I was gonna go by the hospital and check on jennifer. You want to come?
Nicole: No, no, no, that's okay. I don't want to--i don't want to get in the way. But please send everyone my love.
Eric: Of course I will.
Nicole: Okay.
Eric: Hey, I'll see you later.
Nicole: Okay.
Sarah: So judging by the amount of blood and the lack of cramping, I think you're just spotting. It happens in the first trimester to 15 to 25% of women. It's very common.
Kristen: This doesn't mean I'm having a miscarriage?
Sarah: No. No, it doesn'T.
Kristen: Okay. And the baby's all right, yes?
Sarah: I don't think that you have anything to worry about. Like I said, spotting is not unusual, so I don't think there's any cause for alarm. Why--why are you looking at me like that?
Kristen: No, I was just thinking that, I mean, you'd know all this firsthand.
Sarah: What--what is that supposed to mean?
Brady: You need to watch your mouth, you know that?
Maggie: Brady, brady, brady, I won't have it. Fighting isn't gonna help kristen or the baby. And you could try to refrain from being a complete jerk.
Brady: I'm going to check on kristen.
Maggie: That man is so worried about his child.
Xander: Sorry.
Maggie: And what you did was unpardonable.
Xander: I'm just--I'm just upset about sarah leaving.
Maggie: Well, so am I, but that is no excuse for what you did.
Xander: You're right. I-I hope you can forgive me. Please?
Maggie: Fine, fine, just please, would you try to be nice, will you?
Xander: I'll give it my all, maggie, just for you.
Maggie: Oh, god, please let this baby be all right. Aren't we all going through enough?
Gina: Hi. Can I come in?
Jack: Oh, yes, yeah.
Gina: Hi. Hi. Jj. I would have been here sooner. I'm so sorry, but my--well, I--my hands are full with my dad and julie. Jack, um, kay called, and she-- well, I got the impression that there aren't any signs of jenn waking up.
Jj: She's--she's going to wake up. We just--we don't know when.
Gina: Right, of course. I mean, of course. I'm optimistic too, especially knowing what a fighter jennifer is. So all we can do now is just wait and pray.
Jack: Yeah, but I gotta do more than that, hope. I mean, I gotta figure out how the hell she could fall like that.
Jj: Hope, you--you--you were there, so maybe you have--you have some idea of how it happened?
Gina: I--well, I wasn't there. I didn't actually see her fall. I was coming off the elevator, and I, um, heard a scream coming from the balcony, so I ran out there to see what had happened, and--but there was no one there. It was an accident, a terrible, tragic accident.
Jack: Actually... I'm not so sure about that.
Maggie: Xander, you need to butt out. Sarah's made her decision, and we all know how well your schemes have worked out in the past. Oh, is everything okay with the baby?
Sarah: Yeah, I think that the baby and kristen are both gonna be fine, but brady's taking her down to the hospital for a checkup.
Maggie: Oh, good idea.
Sarah: I better get to the airport.
Maggie: So soon? Your flight doesn't leave for a few hours.
Sarah: Yeah, no, you know me. I like to be early, so.
Maggie: Yes, I do. And you're packed, right?
Sarah: Yeah, I am. I'm packed. So I guess we should say good-bye.
[Soft dramatic music]
Eric: So you're saying there's no guarantee jennifer will come out of this coma?
Kayla: I wish I had better news, but we're just gonna have to wait.
Kristen: Is there any news on jennifer?
Eric: Like you care.
Kayla: The fact is that jennifer's condition hasn't changed, but I don't think that jack or jj are really up for visitors.
Brady: That's--it's okay. We're actually here to see her ob.
Kristen: Yeah, I had some spotting this morning, and sarah thought that I should get a checkup.
Kayla: Well, it's always good to be careful.
Kristen: Yeah.
Kayla: Here, I'll take you to her office.
[Dramatic music]
Gina: You think someone was there? Who?
Jack: What about dr. Rolf? I was thinking, jennifer was trying to break into that flash drive of his.
Gina: She told him she'd lost it.
Jack: What if he thought she was lying? He basically said that to us time and time again, every time we ran into him. What if he found out that the it department had actually decrypted that flash drive? What if he found out that will gave it to her? What if he tracked her down and found her on the terrace?
Gina: Then I would have seen him, jack. No one was there.
[Tense music]
Jack: If no one was there, what happened to the flash drive?
Ciara: I wish we could just stay like this forever.
Ben: Just the two of us.
Ciara: Just the two of us, me and you, baby.
Ben: Yeah. The whole world is just too frigging complicated.
Ciara: Yeah, way too damn complicated. Speaking of complicated, I, uh--I need to go to the hospital and be with my family.
Ben: Okay. Well, I'll drop you off.
Ciara: No, I'm fine, baby. You don't have to do that.
Ben: Ciara, hey, I'm dropping you off. No arguments. Come on. With jordan still out there somewhere, I'm not taking any chances.
Maggie: Well, I'm gonna go wrap up the rest of the lemon bars for you.
Sarah: Ma, I gotta go.
Maggie: Yes, it's just gonna take a minute.
Xander: This is tearing her up.
Sarah: Thank you for the insight, xander. I didn't pick up on it. I'm sorry. I'm just not in the best mood.
Xander: Maybe this'll help.
Sarah: Xander.
Xander: Just open it.
Sarah: [Laughs] Oh, it's you.
Xander: Look, I know it's pretty puffed-up, giving you a picture of myself, but it fit the frame so nicely, and no one's ever gonna put it up in here...
Sarah: No, it's really sweet. I promise I won't have any trouble remembering you.
Xander: Well, that's the idea.
Sarah: Well, I have to--i have to get going.
Xander: Oh, I'll take you to the airport.
Sarah: Nope, I've already called a cab.
Xander: Can I at least give you a hug?
Sarah: Yeah.
Xander: Are you crying?
Sarah: No, it's just hormones. I didn't take you for the white handkerchief type.
Xander: There's still a lot that you don't know about me, but, um, you have to go, so we'll just have to wonder what might have been.
Sarah: Take care of mom for me, okay?
Xander: All right. Well, if you don't need a ride, I, um--I should get to work. Be safe.
Sarah: [Exhales sharply] We have to go. We have to.
Eric: I know what that baby means to you. I want only the best for you and that child, but how can I forgive kristen after everything that she's done to me?
Brady: I have not forgotten what she did to you or nicole.
Eric: She's getting under your skin, isn't she?
Brady: Eric, she's having my baby.
Eric: I'm in your corner, but I just don't trust kristen, not as far as I can throw her.
Brady: Mm-hmm. I always hated your honesty, you know that?
Eric: I know. Good luck.
Brady: I'm going to need it.
Eric: I'm gonna go down to the chapel and pray for jennifer but also that you get good news about your baby.
Brady: Thanks, man.
[Tense music]
Jack: Dammit, hope, I know that jennifer had that flash drive on her when she went into the restaurant, but rafe, he couldn't find it anywhere in the bistro.
Gina: You are a tenacious reporter, jennifer horton.
Jack: We have to talk to rolf.
Jj: Yes, and maybe we should try to find that flash drive first. Maybe mom had it on her when she fell. We can search the square.
Jack: Or the ambulance or the er, maybe.
Gina: Yeah, I think it's a great idea. Check all of those places, although I'm sorry, guys. I really think you're grasping at straws.
Jack: I--I can't--we can't just-- hope, please, um, if you could stay here with jennifer, please? I just don't want to leave her alone.
Gina: Of course. Of course I will.
Jack: Thank you. Okay, jj, let's go. Okay, thank you.
Gina: Bye. Good luck.
Jack: Yes.
Brady: Hey.
Kristen: Hi. So the doctor said it's--it's fine.
Brady: It's fine?
Kristen: Yes, yes. Oh, and--
Brady: Thank god.
Kristen: And she wants to order some more tests, routine, but I need to stay here, and we haven't really eaten anything.
Brady: Oh.
Kristen: I'm sure you're hungry, and so maybe you could haven't really eaten anything.
Brady: Oh.
Kristen: I'm sure you're hungry, and so maybe you could go to the cafeteria and get something?
Brady: Uh, are you sure?
Kristen: Yeah, no, I am, and I'm hungry too, and you could pick me up some yogurt.
Brady: Yogurt? You want yogurt.
Kristen: Yogurt.
Brady: All right, I will. Text me if you need anything.
Kristen: Okay.
Brady: Okay.
[Dramatic music]
Maggie: Well, here you are. Don't eat them all on the plane.
[Doorbell rings]
Sarah: That's my cab.
Maggie: I can't see you out. Oh, honey, I hate goodbyes.
Sarah: Look, I will call you tonight.
Maggie: Okay. Great.
Sarah: Okay. Love you, mom.
Maggie: Oh, I love you.
Okay. Okay.
Sarah: Okay.
Maggie: Okay.
[Tense music]
Eric: You're not scared you're gonna be struck by lightning in here?
Kristen: I have something to tell you, something important.
[Suspenseful music]
[Wind whistling]
Ben: I locked this when we left.
[Elevator bell dings]
Ciara: Hi. Hi.
Jj: Hi.
Ciara: How's jennifer doing?
Jack: Uh, the same. We're gonna go do something right now, so, um. Your mom's with her if you want to--you want to go in.
[Tense music]
Gina: We both know neither jack nor jj will find that flash drive.
[Machine beeping]
Hmm, I am so sorry, cuz. I am not a violent person by nature, but should you wake up... I cannot have that happen. No.
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