Days Transcript Wednesday 11/6/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 11/6/19


Episode #13646 ~ Gina has a run-in with Rafe; Kayla and Haley work to save Jennifer's life, and Julie is stunned when Eli tells her what happened at the wedding.

Provided By Suzanne

Jennifer: [Gasps]

Hope: Oh!


Jennifer: Oh, you scared me. Oh, my goodness.

Hope: You scared me.

Jennifer: Oh, my gosh, hi.

Hope: Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that.

Jennifer: Whew.

Hope: Oh, my gosh, I just heard you and jack got married. I can't believe I missed it.

Jennifer: No, listen, um, you need to see this. You need to sit down here. These are rolf's files. They were in the hospital lab. Heeft them.

Hope: Does anyone else know about this?

Jennifer: No, I just got access to them. Look at it--he wants to turn you into princess gina again. We have to do something, we have to show these to somebody.

Hope: No, no, no, no one else can know about this.

Jennifer: What do you mean?

Hope: I mean... it is too late. It is done. I am princess gina.

[Heavy music]

[Jennifer screams]

Jack: Jennifer!

Kayla: Hey, there. Just want to check in and see how you're doing.

Julie: Terrible, that's how I'm doing.

Kayla: Is your pacemaker giving you trouble again?

Julie: No, no. Gabi very kindly arranged to live stream eli and lani's wedding, and then the live feed just cut out in the middle of it, and--and doug has gone off to find out what in the world happened.

Kayla: Well, hopefully gabi will get it back up and running by the time people start arriving at the reception.

Julie: Kayla, there isn't gonna be any reception because there wasn't any wedding!

Gabi: Please, eli... eli, just drink some water.

Eli: I don't want any damn water!

Gabi: Just--

Eli: I want to know why lani left me at the altar.

[Knock on door]

Lani: Go away.

Abe: It's your father. I'm not leaving. Please, please open the door. I spoke to tamara. She told me why you called off the wedding.

Lani: Okay, so you can go.

Abe: I know your reasons, but I don't believe them, so please tell me the truth.

Jack: Jennifer! We gotta get her to the hospital.

Jj: Dad, moving her could do more damage. Call an ambulance.

Jack: All right, all right, ambulance. 911. 911. Hello, hello? Yeah, a woman just fell from the bal--my wife just fell from the balcony. The bistro, saxton's, in the square, yes. We're right here with her. Please send an ambulance now. Send an ambulance.

Jj: Mom? Mom, can you hear me?

Haley: She's still breathing.

Jj: I have a pulse, but it's low.

Jack: Hey. Jennifer, please, help is coming. Please hang on. Just hang on. Just hang on.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Soft orchestration]

Lani: Please, dad, there's--there's nothing left to say. I already feel guilty enough for breaking eli's heart.

Abe: I can tell. But at least that gives me some hope. But what I don't understand, lani, is that if you were having second thoughts about marrying eli, why didn't you tell him earlier?

Lani: You are hurting julie, and you need to stop it right now, gabi.

Gabi: Unless you dump eli at the altar, I'm gonna crank this app up to 11, and kaboom... julie's heart will be destroyed.

Eli: Gabi, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I'm just--I'm just hurt, and I'm confused, all right?

Gabi: Of course. Yeah, of course you are. You were completely blindsided at your wedding.

Eli: Just the other night lani said that she knew in her soul that she wanted to be my wife as soon as possible, and now she j--she just doesn't love me anymore? No, something else is going on, and I'm not gonna stop until I figure it out.

Jack: You're an emt. She is a nurse. You gotta do something. You gotta do something!

Jj: Dad, dad, we are doing our best.

Rafe: Oh, my god.

Jj: We're doing our best.

Rafe: What happened?

Jack: She--she fell.

Rafe: Okay, I'll call an ambulance.

Jack: It's on the way. It's on the way.

Rafe: How did she fall?

Jack: We don't know! We don't know! You're the detective! You find out! Find out! Sa--

[Somber music]

Oh! "I'll take your hand, and you'll take mine, and we'll turn together... to reach this-- it's the only way we travel, to reach this, the hour of our happiness." We did it. Jennifer, we did it, you and me. We have overcome everything, every obstacle. This is our time to be happy. I will not lose you. I--please. Please don't leave me. Don't leave me now.

Hope: You are a tenacious reporter, jennifer horton, I shall give you that. But your knowledge of rolf wanting to turn hope into me-- it needed to be silenced, literally. And sadly, I do believe I have done that. There's no possible way you could have survived that fall. I'm sorry, but you left me no choice.

Rafe: Hope. Hey.

[Suspenseful music]

Rafe: Hope, what is going on?

Hope: Jennifer, she--she fell off the balcony.

Rafe: I know. I know. I saw her.

Hope: Is she--

Rafe: No, no, she's alive. An ambulance is on its way. She's with jack and jj and haley, which is great 'cause they're medically trained.

Hope: That's great.

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: Thank god.

Rafe: So what the hell happened?

Jack: Help is coming, jennifer, please hang on.

Jj: We're right here, mom. We're right here.

Jack: Can't you do something more than just talk to her?

Haley: We would, but we don't have the right equipment.

[Sirens approaching]

Jj: The ambulance is gonna be here any second.

Jack: Damm it, hurry!

[Sirens wailing]

Julie: I've been trying to call jennifer to find out what's going on, but now jennifer isn't answering the phone.

Kayla: You know what, julie? You need to stay calm, okay? You are still recovering.

Julie: Please. The pacemaker's working just fine. It's eli I'm worried about. I'm afraid my grandson's heart was broken today.

Lani: I know you want to help, dad, but there is nothing you or anyone else can do to make this better. The damage is done.

Abe: Sweetheart... I love eli like a son, but my loyalty will always be to you. So I have to ask... did he do something to hurt you?

Lani: God, no. No. Eli is...the most wonderful man I have ever known. All he ever did was love me, dad.

Gabi: Look, I know you want to believe there's some other explanation for what happened today. But I think it's time for you to just face the truth. Lani is not worthy of you.

Eli: Well, I don't believe that, all right? I love her.

Gabi: But she doesn't deserve your love, not after all the things that she's done to you.

Eli: Are you really concerned about me, or is this about you?

Gabi: I'm sorry?

Eli: The things lani's done include shooting your husband. You blamed her for stefan's death.

Gabi: Yeah, I did. I blamed her, but then I--I forgave her, okay? And I looked past all of that pain for your sake. I mean, why else would I give your grandmother my husband's heart?

Eli: Gabi, you know how grateful I am for that, okay? But--but did you really forgive lani, all right? Because the way--the way you're trashing her, it's starting to make me believe that you were hoping she'd dump me. These are real people,

Gabi: I can't believe you're twisting this around to make me look like the bad guy when I have been nothing but supportive. You know what, forget it--you can figure this out on your own.

Eli: Gabi, wait.

Gabi: What?

Eli: I'm sorry. All right, I'm just crushed by what lani--by what lani did. I--I'm looking for anyone else to blame.

[Phone rings] It's my grandmother. Definitely can't answer that.

Gabi: Why not?

Eli: 'Cause she's gonna want to know why the wedding blew up. I can't even tell her because I don't even understand.

[Phone ringing]

Abe: Lani, lani, look at me. Come on. Do you love eli?

Lani: Dad.

Abe: Answer the question. That's as clear a yes as I've ever seen. So I'll tell you, we are going to call eli and ask him to come over here, and we're going to talk this out.

Lani: Dad, I can'T. What you're asking is--it's impossible.

Abe: Nothing's impossible if you want it enough.

Lani: Oh, dad, you don't understand. I can't do it, okay? I can't do anything.

Abe: Why not?

Lani: Because I don't have a choice.

Abe: That doesn't make any sense. Of course you have a choice. What are you talking about?

Hope: I don't know. I don't know what happened.

Rafe: But you were here, right?

Hope: Yeah. I mean, no, I wasn't here on the--I didn't see her fall. I was coming off the elevator, and I heard a scream coming from here, so I ran out to see what happened, and when I looked over the side, that's when I real--i have to go, I have to--

Rafe: Well, hold on a second.

Kayla: Oh, my god, what happened?

Jj: She fell off the bistro balcony. We don't know how. They brought her in on a stabilizing board, but there is no spinal damage, only multiple fractures to the left femur.

Haley: Her heart rhythm and oxygen levels are-- are normal. Her bp was low, but it seems to be doing fine now.

Jack: So she'll be okay then?

Kayla: I need you guys to step out, both of you.

Jack: I can't--I can't leave her, I--

Jj: Dad, we need to let them do their jobs.

Jack: All right, all right.

Haley: Bp's dropping again.

Kayla: We're losing her.

Lani: I can't reach out to eli, okay? Because like I said, it's too late, dad. It's too late, and I--I hurt him in the worst possible way, and everyone who loves him, they hate me now, especially julie.

Abe: You know, no one is more excited about the two of you getting married than julie, and I'm sure she's praying right now for this to all work out.

Lani: Even if it doesn't, at least julie got a new heart, and hopefully one day she'll be able to... watch her grandson walk down the aisle with a woman who is worthy of him. It just won't be me.

Abe: We can fix this, lani. We can fix it. It's--just talk to me.

Lani: Oh, dad, I don't want to, okay? I don't want to talk anymore. I just--I just need you to hold me, that's it.


Abe: Come here, sweetie.

[Lani sobs]

Julie: Eli, darling, I saw what happened at the wedding before gabi stopped recording. I'm--I'm so very worried about you. Please call me. Call me as soon as you can.

[Phone beeps]

Eli: My grandma was so excited about seeing the wedding. I need to go see her.

Hope: Let go of me. My cousin needs me.

Rafe: Well, jennifer's on her way to the hospital if she's not already there.

Hope: I need to be there... to give her my love and support.

Rafe: Hope, I get that. I understand that, but jack is demanding answers, and if you really do care about your cousin, then help me please get to the bottom of this. So when you came up here, was there anyone here?

Hope: No.

Rafe: And there--there was nothing suspicious on the balcony?

Hope: No, no, no.

Rafe: Okay, well, then I don't get it--how does jennifer just--just fall over the balcony?

Hope: I don't know. I-- maybe she was looking for jack. She was probably looking for jack, and she leaned over the side, and she fell. It's a freak accident.

Rafe: Drawing conclusions without evidence--that'S... not like you, detective.

Hope: What other explanation could there be? I need to go. My cousin needs me.

Rafe: Okay, well, sorry to hold you up. I know how much you love jennifer. I love her too. We were...we were like family. We were family when you and I were married. Keep me posted, okay? I'm gonna stay here and poke around, and hopefully jennifer will be okay, and then she can tell us what happened.

Hope: Hopefully.

Rafe: Yeah.

Kayla: Her blood pressure is much better now. The reason it keeps falling is because she's hemorrhaging.

Jj: Internal injuries?

Kayla: Yes. We need to take her to surgery right away to stop the bleeding.

Haley: Dr. Johnson, she's waking up.

Kayla: Here, come here.

Jack: Yeah.

Jennifer: Jack.

Jack: Jennifer, I'm here. Honey, I'm right here.

Jennifer: I need to tell you something.

Jack: I--I'm listening. Tell me. What do you need for me to know? Oh! Oh! Oh!

Lani: I'm so sorry, dad. You must be so disappointed in me.

Abe: You could never disappoint me, sweetheart, my baby girl. You know, earlier today, your mother called you her greatest blessing. She's so proud of you. And even though I haven't had as many years with you, I am every bit as proud, not only with what you do, but for the incredible person you are.

Lani: I don't deserve those words, but I really do appreciate them.

Abe: You know, there is never anything you could do that would make me stop loving you. Never forget that. Come here.

Eli: I literally begged lani to talk to me. She said she had made her decision, and she just ran off.

Julie: When you were dating gabi, I was always afraid she might do something to hurt you, but I never thought lani-- when the two of you are together, the way she looks at you, it's clear she's crazy in love with you, and I know how much you love her.

Eli: With all my heart.

Julie: Don't give up. You can't do that. You have to find her and talk to her and tell her you'll do anything to work this out. She's worth it, you know. Your love is worth it. Give me a hug. I love you.

Eli: I love you too. Oh, god, I'm--I'm gonna go find lani.

Julie: Yes.

Eli: Right now.

Julie: Yes. I'm rooting for you. Oh, god.

[Camera lens clicking]

Rafe: How the hell could jennifer have fallen?

Rolf: Ah, thank god. I was beginning to worry there was a problem getting the flash drive back from jennifer.

Hope: There is a problem, and it is on you, rolf.

Rolf: Ha ha ha--you got it! So what's the trouble?

Hope: Trouble? You told me you were very confident that no one could access the data on this flash drive.

Rolf: That's correct.

Hope: No that is not correct! It is wrong--jennifer horton cracked the code. She knows that you turned hope into me.

Rolf: That--that's impossible.

Hope: It is not impossible. I saw the files. She had them open on a laptop. Oh, my dear cousin was extremely concerned.

Rolf: This is catastrophic. She'll tell everyone. All my plans will be ruined.

Hope: No, she will not. Before she was able to tell anyone...she took a fall.

Jack: Jennifer, what is it? What do you need to tell me?

Jennifer: The...balcony...

Jack: Yes, honey, you fell off the balcony, but you're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. You're in excellent hands, and now you--kayla--kayla's gonna--she's gonna get you in the operating room, so she's gonna get you prepped now, but don't you be scared because she's gonna take care of you. You're gonna be just fine, and I'm gonna be here the entire time.

Jj: Mom, and I'm right here too. Everything is going to be fine, mom, I promise.

Jack: You hear him? That's jj, he's here too.

Jennifer: Jj.

Jack: You're gonna be fine, and just like I'm your husband again, and like I told you before, this is our time. This is our time to be happy. We are gonna overcome this. You're gonna get better. You're gonna heal. Your leg's gonna get better, and we're gonna-- we're gonna--we're gonna have-- we're gonna have that dance. We're gonna have our first dance, mrs. Devereux. How about that?

Kayla: Jack? Jack, we need to prep her for surgery.

Jack: Yes, okay, right, okay. Wait a minute, she--okay, okay, you're trying to say something.

Jennifer: Jack.

Jack: Yes? What is it?

Jennifer: I love you, jack devereux.

Jack: I love you. I love you forever, always. It's jcpenney's biggest sale of them all this weekend!

Rolf: Jennifer fell?

Hope: Yes, from the second-floor balcony right onto the pavement.

Rolf: Oh, mein gott. What caused her to fall?

Hope: I pushed her.

Rolf: I never imagined that you would kill ms. Horton just to get back my flash drive.

Hope: Did you ever get those belgian chocolates I requested? I am famished.

Rolf: Dear, listen to me. This is very important. Did anyone see what you did?

Hope: No, no, thank god. Thankfully not, although come to think of it, some insufferable detective showed up right after everything happened. He asked all--asked all sorts of questions. He said he used to be married to hope.

Rolf: Rafe hernandez.

Hope: Rafe, rafe hernandez. Oh, poor thing. He does not hold a candle to my john. Anyway, I do believe that I allayed his suspicions. Now I must go. I must get to the hospital.

Rolf: What for?

Hope: Jennifer survived the fall. Apparently her son the emt and his nurse girlfriend came to the rescue. Now, I must go.

Rolf: Well, then why did you come here and talk to me?

Hope: I would watch that tone if I were you. I came back here because I had to. I could not risk anyone finding that flash drive on me.

Rolf: Yes, but if jennifer talks--

Hope: She will not. She was not even conscious when they took her away, but should she wake... I will keep her quiet.

Jj: Hey.

Haley: Hey.

Jj: Do you--do you have any idea when we'll get an update on--on her surgery?

Haley: It could be a while. But if I find out--once I find out anything, promise I'll let you know, okay? And I wanted to give you this. It's--it's your mom's engagement ring. They took it off her before her surgery, and I didn't--i didn't see a wedding band on her or anything.

Jj: No. After the ceremony my dad told me that he had to run up to his room to get something, and it turns out that he was--he was grabbing the wedding bands that he had specially made from this wreckage of a ship that he and my mom were once on. It's a great story. You know, he said that, um, he was gonna put that ring on her finger as soon as he saw her. That didn't happen, and now--

Haley: Jj, it will happen, okay? It will. You just have to believe that.

Jj: I'm trying. I'm trying really hard to be strong for my dad, but I'm scared for my mom.

Haley: She'll be okay.

Jj: This was supposed to be the happiest day for my parents. How is it that my mom is fighting for her life? I'm gonna go find my dad.

Jennifer: I want to spend every day of the rest of my life with you, jack devereux.

Jj: Dad? Haley took this off mom before she went into the or.

Jack: Oh, no, no. What happened in the surgery?

Jj: Hey, there's--there's no update yet, but haley will keep us posted.

Jack: Oh. All right. All right.

Rafe: Hey. How's jennifer doing?

Jack: She's--she got a broken leg, and she got serious internal injuries, but... kayla's operating right now.

Jj: Did you check out the restaurant?

Rafe: Yeah.

Jj: Was there any indication on how she fell?

Rafe: I talked to the staff, and they were all inside. No one saw anything. They were just getting ready for the reception, but I did speak with the manager. He's gonna send me the security footage which covers the terrace, which seems structurally sound to me.

Jj: Did you see anything else?

Rafe: Nah, there was a laptop up there which appeared to be there to play music for the reception.

Jack: Was there a flash drive in that laptop?

Rafe: Not that I saw, no. To be honest, there was nothing there that looked suspicious. Hope agreed.

Jj: Hope?

Rafe: Yeah, yeah, she was arriving just as jennifer fell. But she didn't see anything. She only heard--she only heard jennifer scream. Where is she, by the way? I figured she'd be here by now.

Jj: We haven't seen her.

Rafe: Really? That's weird. I wonder where she could be.

[Somber music]

Eli: Abe, I need to talk to your daughter.

Abe: Lani just left.

Eli: I--I figured if I came here and I told her how much I love her, that we can work through this. All right, look, I'm sorry. I don't know what--i don't--I don't care what lani did or what she said. I know with every fiber of my being that she loves me.

Abe: I believe that too, which is why none of this makes any sense.

Eli: What do you think is going on?

Abe: I wish I had the answers for you, eli. I just don'T.

Eli: Lani, you're my soul mate. You're the love of my life, and I promise...

[Lani sobbing] I promise that I will love you every day for the rest of my life.

Gabi: Returning to the scene of the crime?

Lani: Are you happy? I broke eli's heart.

Gabi: And you kept his grandmother's heart from exploding. It's not all bad.

Lani: It's horrible. You forced me to dump the man that I love at the altar. How do you even live with yourself?

Gabi: You wanna know how I live, lani? Alone. I go to sleep alone. I wake up alone. I'm gonna be alone forever because my husband is dead. You took away the man that I love. You did that, and now I did the same thing to you. Every day, every single day of your miserable life, you're gonna feel the same pain that I feel, so you wanna know if I'm happy? Damn right I am.

Lani: Eli didn't do anything. He didn't deserve to suffer.

Gabi: Oh, but he is. I was just with him, and, you know, I can't imagine him ever wanting anything to do with you ever again.

Lani: I may not be able to tell eli why I left him at the altar or that you screwed with julie's pacemaker, used his grandmother's very life to blackmail me, but I can do this.


Gabi: Ohh!

[Breathing hard] You really should not have done that.

Lani: Oh, please. You're not gonna blow up julie's pacemaker now, off of one sucker punch, are you? You are enjoying your power way too much to give it up now.

Jj: Mom is going to love these rings, and she is going to love the story behind them even more. As soon as she's settled into her room, you can tell her.

Hope: Jack, jj, how's jennifer? Oh, my god, no, don't--don't tell me that--

Jack: She's still in surgery.

Hope: Oh. Thank god...thank god. I wanted to be here sooner, but rafe kept questioning about if I'd seen anything.

Jj: Yeah, he told us you didn'T.

Hope: Did your mom say anything before she went into surgery?

Jack: She tried. She was struggling, and i told her to conserve her energy. All that matters now is that she makes it through this.

Hope: Absolutely. I haven't stopped praying.

Jack: I just--I've wasted so much time 'cause I was selfish. I would give anything for just a single moment of our time together.

Hope: I know she would too.

Jack: It's been hours. We should have heard something by now.

Haley: I'll go see what I can find out.

Jack: Oh, how's jennifer? I mean, how did it go?

Kayla: She pulled through the surgery, and we were able to stop the bleeding.

Jj: That's great.

Jack: Oh, thank you, kayla, thank you--when can I see her? When is she out of recovery?

Kayla: I'm afraid the surgery didn't go as well as we had planned.

Jack: But you said she made it through surgery.

Kayla: But she lapsed into a coma.

[Heavy music]

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