Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 11/4/19
Episode #13644 ~ Lani makes a heartbreaking decision; Gabi forces Lani's hand, and Marlena warns Sarah about dating Xander.
Provided By Suzanne
Gabi: Here we go. I have feeling this is gonna be amazing.
Tamara: Maria maiden mild oh, listen to a maiden's prayer for thou catch me amidst the storm for thee for thee have come today come today ave maria
Marlena: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today... to witness the union... of eli grant and lani price in holy matrimony.
Gabi: It's show time.
Adrienne: Justin, where are you?
[Door slams] What have you been doing? We're gonna be late for lani and eli's wedding.
Justin: Well, I think you are going to agree it was worth it.
Sonny: Sorry we're late.
Gabi: Oh, hey.
Both: Hey.
Will: Hey, what'd we miss?
Gabi: Oh, nothing. You are just in time.
Marlena: Now, before we start the ceremony... I would like to thank lani's mom and my close friend tamara for that beautiful, beautiful song.
Lani: Thank you so much, mom. You have no idea what it means for you to be here.
Tamara: Oh, I wouldn't miss it, honey. I've always wanted to sing for my little girl's wedding. I love you.
Lani: I love you too.
Marlena: Are we ready?
Eli: Yes.
Marlena: Lani?
Lani: [Sighs] Yeah.
Marlena: Good. All right, before we get to the "I do's" and the "you may kiss your bride," there are a few things I'd like you to consider. As a woman who's been married happily for many years, I have learned a few lessons along the way, and I'd like to share some of that with you.
Eli: I'm listening.
Marlena: Funny, that's the first lesson.
[Laughter] Um, what I wanted to say was that this relationship you entered into today will always be grounded in the strength of your love and the power of your faith in each other. To make this relationship succeed, it will take unending love and trust. Knowing in your hearts that you're doing everything for each other. Marriage is a--it's a leap of faith, and you have to join hands and leap and never be quite sure what's going to happen next. So... if you both come here freely and understand the responsibility and the work involved... and you're committed to each other, please take each other's hands and say, "we do."
Eli: We do.
Lani: [Sighs]
[Tense music]
Lani: We do.
Gabi: I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Marlena: Now, this is the part of the ceremony where I ask if anyone here can show any just cause of why these two people should not be united in holy matrimony, so if you have any thoughts about that, please, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Gabi: Oh, I know a very good reason, but I'm gonna let the bride do the talking for me.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Justin: I'm sorry I'm late, but I got held up at the courthouse.
Adrienne: Oh, you didn't think to tell me, hon?
Justin: Well, I didn't think I was gonna be late, but I ran into your brother at the clerk's office.
Adrienne: What was jack doing at the clerk's office? He's not the mayor anymore.
Justin: As a matter of fact, he was picking up a marriage license.
Adrienne: Aww, for lani and eli's wedding. That's sweet.
Justin: No, for him.
Adrienne: Are you saying--
Justin: Uh-huh.
Adrienne: Jack and jennifer...
Justin: Yep.
Adrienne: Are getting married too?
Justin: Yep.
Adrienne: Oh, my gosh!
Jack: I've never understood this part of the ceremony.
Jennifer: Shh.
Jack: I'm just saying. When it's our turn, we're skipping this part.
Marlena: All right, I take it there are no objections? That's always such a relief, isn't it?
Eli: Yeah.
Marlena: Well, I think it's time to get to the good part.
Lani: Wait, um... there's something I need to say.
Gabi: Oh.
Eli: Is everything okay, babe? What's wrong?
Lani: I just...
[Laughs] I gotta get this off my chest. Is that okay?
Marlena: Of course, take as long as you need.
Lani: What I have to say isn't about marrying eli. It's about gabi dimera.
-Their béarnaise sauce here is the best in town.
Lani: You see that phone that gabi is holding up? Why do you think she's doing that?
Eli: Babe, she's--she's taking pictures with her phone, right?
Lani: Gabi?
Gabi: I, um-- I'm distracting you. I'm sorry, I--I didn't mean to. I was just trying to livestream the ceremony to doug and julie. They're in the hospital and they wanted to be here, so...
Lani: And that's very generous of you. You know more than anyone what julie means to eli.
Gabi: Yeah, well, it's the least I can do, especially since I--I gave my husband's heart to julie. Now I feel like I have some new connection to her, so...
Lani: About that. What I wanted to say is that it is incredibly gracious for you to come here today... considering I'm the one who fired the bullet that killed your husband.
Eli: Lani.
Lani: [Sighs] Let me finish. Gabi, I stand here in front of my friends and my family... and I want you to know how deeply sorry I am about stefan.
Eli: Baby, you don't have to do this right now.
Lani: Yeah, I do. It is more important than you will ever know. Gabi, I swear, it was never my intention to hurt you or--or stefan. I was just doing my job.
Eli: Yeah, I think--I think she knows, okay?
Lani: Please, eli. Please just let me finish. I stand here today, on my wedding day... the most important day of my life--hoping that whatever bitterness or anger you might feel towards me--that you can just set it aside. Please, gabi. And not just for my sake, okay? But for eli and for julie and for everyone who loves them. My god, please. Can you do that? Please, gabi.
Justin: So jack told me that he snuck out this morning while jen was sleeping and, um, picked up some breakfast and then grabbed the ring that he gave her all those years ago.
Adrienne: Aww, how romantic. Oh, my gosh, my big brother. So what were you doing at the clerk's office? Court case?
Justin: No. I, uh...
Adrienne: Mm, that's good.
Justin: I, uh, also was there on a personal matter.
Adrienne: Really?
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Adrienne: What?
Justin: Well, coincidentally, I, uh, also picked up a marriage license as well.
Lani: Gabi, I'm asking you: Can we please put this aside? That way, nobody else gets hurt.
Gabi: Losing stefan, it-- it tore my heart in half, and everybody knows here how upset I was when I found out what happened, but... today's not about me. Today's about you, lani, and eli, a-and about the choices that you're about to make that will follow you the rest of your lives.
Eli: Lani, she's right.
Gabi: Yeah, just don't worry about me forgiving you. Focus on your groom and his feelings, 'cause that's what's important.
Lani: Gabi--
Gabi: Lani, I thought I made myself clear. I--I meant every single word that I said.
Lani: Please.
Gabi: Is there something else that you wanted to say? I can push the button and have doug and julie hear you. Should I push the button or not?
Enter the golden state.
Lani: No, you don't have to push the button.
Gabi: Then we understand each other.
Lani: We do.
Gabi: Good, then you should keep going.
Marlena: Um... lani, should we, uh, get back to it?
Lani: Yeah. Let's do it.
Eli: Baby, you okay?
Lani: I'm fine.
Marlena: Okay, well, then i think we are up to the vows.
Eli: [Exhales sharply] Not yet. There's something I'd like to say.
Adrienne: How did you get a marriage license? Don't I have to sign too?
Justin: You already did.
Adrienne: No, I don't remember doing that.
Justin: The other night, when you signed all those legal papers.
Adrienne: I signed this marriage license.
Justin: Yes, you did.
Adrienne: Oh, my god.
Justin: Right there.
Adrienne: [Laughs] I'm gonna have to keep an eye on you before I put pen to paper again.
Justin: Well, then, i wouldn't be able to surprise you. And besides, you wouldn't have wanted to wait in the courthouse line because there is nothing more unromantic than waiting in a courthouse line.
Adrienne: Ain't that the truth? I couldn't agree with you more.
Justin: Wait a minute...
Adrienne: Hmm?
Justin: You do still want to marry me, right?
Adrienne: I want more than anything to be your wife. Come here. Mm.
[Chuckles, sighs]
Eli: Today we're here for a wedding... but when I first arrived in salem, it was for a funeral. Funeral for the father I--I had never met. I, um--I was nervous... angry... but this beautiful woman right here was one of the first faces I saw. She made this place feel like home. It was... it was from that very first moment that I felt our connection... and I knew you were special. Now...
[Laughs] I'd be lying if--if I said that it was an easy road to get here. Along the way, we've-we've had more than our share of pain and suffering. From losing our beloved son, david, to almost losing my grandmother, julie.
[Laughs] You know, now that I think about it, it's--it's like we've lived ten lifetimes together. But through all that adversity, it only made us stronger. Thanks to gabi, my grandmother is here with us today... and I know in my heart... that our son david is here with us, too, looking down.
Lani: [Whimpers]
Eli: You know, it was--it was through him that we found our love for each other. But it's more than that. Lani, you're my soul mate.
Lani: [Sighs]
Eli: You're the love of my life...
Lani: [Sniffles]
Eli: And I promise...
Lani: [Sniffles]
Eli: I promise that I will love you every day for the rest of my life. I--I'm sorry.
Lani: No, you're fine.
Eli: I didn't mean to make-- I didn't mean to make you cry too.
Lani: It's--it's okay.
Marlena: Well, I, um--I think it's time to move on to the vows, hmm?
[Tense music]
I'm not sure I can follow that, but I'll try.
Lani: [Whimpers]
Marlena: Do you, eli grant, take this woman, lani price, to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Lani: [Sniffles]
Marlena: To have and to hold in sickness and in health? To love and to cherish all the days of your life?
Eli: I do.
Lani: [Sniffles]
Marlena: And do you, lani price, take this man, eli grant, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold in sickness and in health? To love and to cherish all the days of your life?
Lani: Yes. Yes. I love you so much, and I don't care what happens.
Gabi: You are making a very big mistake, lani.
Eli: Lani, what are you doing?
Lani: I can't let you do that!
Gabi: Ugh, get off!
Lani: Give me that phone!
Abe: Lani, what's the matter with you?
Lani: No, give it to me!
Gabi: No, no!
Lani: Gabi--
Gabi: That's it.
Eli: What was that?
Gabi: Oh, that? Oh, that was just the sound of my husband's heart exploding out of your grandmother's chest!
Marlena: Lani? Lani. Are you all right?
Eli: Babe, what is it?
Lani: [Sobs] I'm so sorry, eli... I can't do this. I'm so sorry. There are lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yeah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today. Our craftsmen begin each day...
Eli: What--what do you mean, you--you "can't do this"?
Lani: Eli, you are the most amazing man, and you--you don't deserve this. But I just--I can'T.
[Sobs] I can'T. I'm so sorry.
Eli: Lani.
Lani: [Sobbing]
Eli: Lani!
[Indistinct mumbling]
Jennifer: I don't believe this.
Jack: What happened?
Jennifer: I don't know.
Maggie: Did you have any idea?
Sarah: No. Well, of course not. I don't know what's going on.
Xander: What's going on is eli just got the dumping of the century.
Maggie: Oh--
Gabi: Julie, I have no idea what happened, it's awful. I'm so sorry that you had to see that, but I'm gonna get some information and I'll keep you posted, okay? You take care of yourself.
[Phone beeps] Guess my work here is done.
Will: What do you mean by that?
[Both moaning]
Justin: I thought you said that we were late for the wedding?
Adrienne: Oh, I think the wedding's already started.
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Adrienne: And it would be so rude to just barge in in the middle of the ceremony.
Justin: Well, we wouldn't want to be rude.
Adrienne: No, we wouldn't want to be rude. Mm, mm. I have an idea.
Justin: Yes?
Adrienne: How about we just show up to the reception?
Justin: Oh, okay.
Adrienne: Mm-hmm.
Justin: What do we do in the meantime?
Adrienne: [Clicks tongue] Um, I...
Justin: Oh.
Adrienne: Have a very big...
Justin: Mm.
Adrienne: Very big idea.
Justin: Oh. Oh! This is happening.
Adrienne: Oh, baby...
[Chuckles] This is so happening.
[Both laughing]
Jennifer: Are you okay?
Abe: We're just confused.
Jack: I don't blame you.
Tamara: You with her before the ceremony, too, jennifer. Did she say anything to you?
Jennifer: I mean, she seemed a little nervous getting ready, but what new bride isn't?
Abe: Especially after everything she and eli went through to get to this day.
Marlena: And she told me how excited she was to start spending the rest of her life with him.
Jack: I-if she were really having doubts, she would have confided in somebody, right?
Marlena: Well, maybe it was a simple case of cold feet. You know, why else would she go running out like that?
Gabi: Just terrible, huh?
Will: Yeah, it is. What--what did you mean when you said your "work here is done"?
Gabi: Oh, as the, uh--the videographer for the wedding for doug and julie. No wedding, no broadcast, so...
Sonny: Well, I wouldn't pack up your phone just yet.
Gabi: What do you mean? The wedding's over.
Sonny: I'm just hoping that eli can talk to lani and they can get back on track.
Gabi: Yeah, yeah, let's cross our fingers.
Lani: [Sobbing]
Eli: Lani.
Lani: [Whimpers] Eli, you shouldn't have followed me. Just--can you--can you go away?
Eli: You know I'm not gonna do that.
Lani: Please. Eli, I am begging you to leave me alone.
Eli: Not until you tell me what's going on.
Lani: [Sniffles] All I know is that I can't marry you.
Eli: Why the hell not?
Lani: I'm sorry. I can'T.
Eli: Lani, that doesn't make any sense, all right? Don't you love me?
Lani: Eli--eli, please--
Eli: Don't you want to spend the rest of your life with me? No, I don't understand! Why did you do this?
Lani: [Sobs]
Eli: Why won't you marry me?
Lani: Because of gabi!
You wouldn't do only
half of your daily routine
Abe: You know, it's just taking everything in me not to run after lani and find her.
Tamara: I know it's so--so hard for you because you weren't there for her when she was little.
Abe: [Sighs] And we've been over all this.
Tamara: I know, I know, but i keep blaming myself for keeping you away from her. You both missed out on so much while she was growing up.
Abe: Lani--lani's in my life now, and that's what matters. And--and no matter how it shakes out--no matter how--we'll both be there to support her.
Tamara: Mm.
Xander: So, uh, what's the protocol for the guests when the bride and groom just take off? Like, how long do I have to stick around for?
Maggie: Uh, well, marlena is still here, and I'm assuming she'll make an announcement if the wedding is officially off.
Sarah: So in the meantime, we have to show our support and wait.
Xander: Fine. They could at least provide some beverages, though, eh?
Sarah: That's very supportive, xander.
Maggie: Well, at least I get to spend a little more time with my daughter, who's leaving town. Unless she's had a change of heart?
Sarah: Mom, I told you, my mind is made up.
Maggie: I'm just trying to keep you from making a mistake. There is no need for you to move out of town just to get a fresh start from eric.
Sarah: Mother, I made my decision, so, please, just do me a favor and respect it.
Maggie: Sarah, but--
Sarah: Excuse me.
Maggie: Well, I didn't handle that very well.
Xander: It'll be all right. Sarah will come around... with my help.
Sonny: You know, my parents are supposed to be here. Wonder what held them up?
Will: I don't know, maybe they knew something we didn'T.
Gabi: I doubt that.
Will: Marlena thinks the wedding is still gonna continue, but the longer eli and lani are gone, uh, the less I believe that.
Gabi: Why don't you tell your parents not to come, sonny? At least until we know something for sure.
Sonny: Yeah, that's a good idea.
Justin: Whoo-hoo! That was pretty impulsive.
[Both laugh]
Adrienne: That is how I roll, baby.
Justin: Hot, too!
Adrienne: I roll that way too. Hey, hey, enough with your belt. Come on, help me out here.
Justin: Oh, here I go.
Adrienne: [Giggles] Can you--oh, my god, imagine if maggie knew...
Justin: Oh!
Adrienne: What we just did under the watchful eyes of her figurines.
Justin: Well, hopefully they won't say a word.
Adrienne: [Laughs]
Justin: And I--I think she'd understand.
Adrienne: Oh, please, you think?
Justin: Of course, we're in love. We're getting married--again.
Adrienne: [Laughs]
Justin: And we're doing what, you know, soon-to-be-newlyweds are supposed to be doing.
Adrienne: Mm.
Justin: Right?
Adrienne: Mm. Speaking of weddings, I think we should get a move on...
Justin: Oh, yeah.
Adrienne: If we're gonna even make the reception.
Justin: Oh, yeah. Oh, boy, yeah, we're late. Uh, wait, so what do we give as an excuse for being late?
Adrienne: Well, honey, you're a lawyer. I'm sure you'll come up with something. You talk for a living.
Justin: Right, my job.
Adrienne: [Laughs]
[Phone buzzes]
[Buzzing continues]
Sonny: Hey, mom, it's me. Uh, I just wanted to let you know, there was a little snafu at the wedding and eli and lani are trying to work it out, but the wedding is on hold, so no need to rush over here. Um, I'll talk to you soon.
[Phone beeps]
Jennifer: You talk to your folks?
Sonny: I just left my mom a message. I mean, there's no reason for them to come now.
Jennifer: I wonder why they're so late?
Jack: I think I know why.
Marlena: Everything okay?
Sarah: Yeah, it's just--you know, it's so upsetting.
Marlena: And you're sure it's this?
Sarah: Actually, um, my mom and I also got into an argument about me leaving salem.
Marlena: Hmm. Well, if you want to talk about it, I seem to have some free time.
Sarah: It's just that I--
Xander: I'm so sorry to interrupt, I--
Marlena: My goodness. If it isn't the jerk that tried to shoot me at my own wedding.
Eli: Gabi? What does you running out on me have to do with gabi?
Gabi: See, I had a technician put the remote technology into julie's pacemaker so I can control her heart rate. I could slow it down until her heart stops beating, or rev it up till she goes into cardiac arrest. Lani, I could also just do nothing. It's up to you.
Lani: Why do I deserve a husband when I took gabi's away? Why do I get to be happy after i ruined her life?
Eli: My god, lani. How many times do we have to discuss this? How many times do I have to drum it in your head that you did nothing wrong? You were only doing your job. You know, I--I thought I finally got through to you, a-and now this? At our wedding? Lani, look at me. Please, look at me. The shooting was an accident. You're afraid.
Lani: [Whimpers]
Eli: I don't know why you have to keep beating yourself up over this. All right, what good does it do to--to wallow in sorrow and pain like this?
Lani: [Gasps shakily, laughs] I killed a man and destroyed a lot of lives in the process... including yours.
Eli: You didn't do anything to me, nothing. That's crazy.
Lani: Yeah. I let you fall in love with a woman who is not worthy. A messed-up woman who left you for--for a child that wasn't even hers.
Eli: You were mourning our loss of our son.
Lani: [Whimpers]
Eli: And for the record, i was the one that broke up with you.
Lani: Still, it was my fault. I pushed you to the edge.
Eli: Lani, we got past all that. We got past all that.
Lani: [Sniffs]
Eli: Obviously, because we're here. This doesn't make any sense. It's making no sense. Look, come on, we could--we could just get up and we could just go back over there--
Lani: What? No, no! Eli, eli! I don't want to do this. I owe you the truth, and the truth is... I just don't love you enough to marry you!
Jack: I ran into justin earlier at the courthouse. He was picking up a wedding license for himself.
Jennifer: What? For him and adrienne?
Sonny: Oh, you didn't know they were getting married?
Jennifer: No, nobody told me!
Jack: Well, I'm just saying, maybe that's why they're not here. Maybe--maybe justin got inspired and they're off at the justice of the peace as we speak.
Sonny: You think they're getting married right now?
Justin: Well, your dad was looking pretty motivated.
Jennifer: How come you didn't tell me this?
Justin: I meant to, but we--we got here and everything went crazy, so--
Jennifer: Wait, when did this all happen?
Sonny: My dad popped the question the night you guys were at the bistro with them. Yeah, he--he got down on, like, one knee and everything and my mom was just speechless and shocked.
Justin: Are you mad at me for not telling you?
Jennifer: No, I am not mad at you, because this is the best news ever, and we--we really needed some good news today.
Xander: I'm not sure I know what you're talking about, dr. Evans.
Marlena: Really? Because I saw the footage from my wedding. The footage you managed to steal from abe's office, so I know that you shot me.
Xander: What possible reason would I have to try and take your life? I--I have nothing against you. Don't even know you.
Marlena: No, you really don't, but you were trying to hurt my son.
Xander: I have nothing against your son except for how poorly he treated this wonderful woman.
Sarah: Xander, stop it. That's enough. Just go back to our seats.
Marlena: Oh, please, don't tell me this clown is your date.
Sarah: He is.
Marlena: Oh. Look, I--I know you're nursing a broken heart, but you don't have to go out with this idiot.
Eli: I don't understand. Lani, I know that you love me.
Lani: We will always share something... but we got together because david abraham died. It wasn't love, eli. It was grief.
Eli: I don't believe it.
Lani: It took me a long time to accept it, but I kept asking myself: Were we together because we were really in love or just out of obligation to our dead son?
Eli: Lani, that's not true. That's not true, lani.
Lani: I tried to convince myself. I thought maybe that I would grow to love you more. And I tried, I really did try. I walked down that aisle today ready to marry you...
[Sniffles] And then I realized that... it hadn't happened.
Eli: Lani, please--
Lani: No, I'm sorry. Standing there--I'm sorry. Standing there with--with our friends and our family, listening to--to marlena and to--and to your words.... oh, I'm sorry. That's when I realized--i realized that if... if I went through with the wedding that I would just hurt you.
Eli: We can make it work, all right? We can make it work, I know we can.
Lani: I'm sorry, eli. I'm sorry, I--I can'T. I--I couldn't do that to you. I--I can't do that to you.
Eli: So that's it? You're saying our relationship is over?
Lani: I'm sorry.
Tamara: I know I said we should give them some space, but am I allowed to change my mind?
Abe: You want to go find our daughter?
Tamara: Don't you?
Abe: You bet on it. Come on, let's go.
Jennifer: I know that, jack, it's just--it's strange. I mean, I--I don't know how to feel. I'm so worried about eli and lani, and then on the other hand I'm so excited for justin and adrienne.
Jack: And us.
Jennifer: Especially us.
Jack: Uh-huh. Tell me... when our day finally comes, are you gonna get cold feet?
Jennifer: Are you kidding me? It would take a team of horses to drag me away from you, jack deveraux.
Jack: Ditto.
Jennifer: Listen, I'm just thinking: If the four of us could find our way back to each other, we have to hope that eli and lani will find their way back too.
Xander: No wonder everyone in this town thinks you're a busybody.
Sarah: Xander.
Marlena: Oh, let him speak.
Xander: You should mind your own business, doc. Hasn't your son done enough to sarah already?
Marlena: Wow, despicable. You noticing this?
Sarah: Don't worry, dr. Evans, my date with xander is a one-time thing. I'm leaving salem tomorrow.
Marlena: You're still here?
Xander: I might not have had a problem with you before... but I do now.
Eli: We could just go somewhere, sit the hell down, and talk this out.
Lani: [Sniffles] I'm sorry, eli... but my decision is made. There's--there's nothing else to talk about.
Eli: So you're--you're leaving me? That's it?
Lani: I'm sorry, but it's over.
[Sniffles] It has to be.
Abe: Lani--
Lani: I'm sorry.
Abe: Lani--
Lani: I'm sorry, eli.
Abe: Lani!
Tamara: [Scoffs]
Abe: Lani! Eli... what happened?
Eli: Just--just go. Just go--go be with her. She's gonna need you.
Abe: All right, let's go. Let's go.
Eli: [Sniffling]
Gabi: Eli? What happened? Oh.
Eli: [Sobbing]
[Hisses through teeth]
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