Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 10/31/19
Episode #13642 ~ Jordan breaks Claire out of Bayview to wreak havoc on Salem. Tony has a startling revelation for Marlena. Ben gives in to his dark side.
Provided By Suzanne
John: [Gnawing] [Laughs] Okay. How'd you like that one? Did that scare the hell out of you or what, hmm?
Marlena: Oh, come on. A movie about a woman who is possessed by the devil? I mean, isn't that just a little far-fetched?
John: You're no fun.
Marlena: Wait a minute. I have my moments.
John: Yeah. Oh, I miss claire. She was my horror movie buddy.
Marlena: I can remember the two of you screaming over a bela lugosi movie on halloween.
John: Oh, she loved it. It was her favorite holiday. You know, maybe I-- maybe I showed her too many horror movies.
Marlena: Honey, she will get better at bayview.
John: Yeah, I know. It's just how do you live out your life knowing what you did to ciara, not to mention tripp and haley?
Jj: Devereux goes up. He shoots and misses by a mile. Please tell me I can go home.
Haley: Well, your mri was fine, and there's no sign of head injury, so yeah, I guess you're free to go.
Jj: Excellent. And hey, maybe we still have time to make it to rory's halloween party 'cause I got it. With staples in my head, all I need is a bolt in my neck, bam, frankenstein.
Haley: Jj, don't--don't make jokes about that, all right? Jordan ridgeway, she could have killed you tonight.
Maggie: Jordan tried to kill ciara?
Victor: Gave a birthday party for her year-old son and put poison in one of the cupcakes. How's that for an entry into the baby book?
Maggie: But--but ciara's all right?
Victor: Oh, yeah, she's fine. Rafe got the poisoned cupcake by mistake.
Maggie: Oh! So rafe--
Victor: He made it to the hospital.
Maggie: Oh, well, thank goodness.
Victor: Yes, that ridgeway woman is still out there. God knows what she's going to try next. She's just a damn wing nut.
Ben: You'll keep us posted, right? All right. Thank you, eli. No, I really appreciate it. The cops still haven't found jordan. Eli says the cops haven't found a single lead. Go figure.
Ciara: I keep seeing the way she acted when I confronted her. She's lost her mind again, ben. I mean, remember at the party? She kept pushing me to eat my cupcake?
Ben: Yeah, on her baby son's birthday.
Ciara: Rafe almost died.
Ben: I never should have let you go to that birthday party. Honestly, I never should have let you go anywhere near jordan.
[Pot shattering]
Ciara: Oh, my god. Ben, that's her. She's out there.
Jordan: Time to take your meds, claire.
Claire: Jordan?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Haley: You sure you're ready to party tonight?
Jj: I'm totally sure.
Haley: All right. Okay, I'll go get--I'll go get dressed then.
Jj: You know, I--I could help you get undressed. There's a cot right there.
Haley: What? I did not notice at all.
Jj: Will you look at that? The door locks.
Haley: Jj devereux, why on earth would you lock the door?
Jj: I can show you.
Ben: Stay back.
Will: Holy crap!
Ciara: What? Will?
Ben: Will, sorry.
Ciara: We thought you were jordan.
Will: I'm--I'm--I'm sorry if I scared you. I just--I accidentally knocked this plant over, and it--I think it's history.
Ciara: Yeah, uh, it's okay. What--what are you doing here?
Will: Um, I--uh, ari left her crown here when we were trick-or-treating, and she was really upset about it, so I just--I promised I'd come get it...
[Phone beeps] First thing in the morning.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, I found it after you guys left. Come on in. Is that from eli?
Ben: No, no, it's just something I need to take care of. Will, would you mind staying here? I just don't want to--I don't want to leave ciara alone.
Will: Um, yeah, sure. Sure, I'll stay.
Ben: Thank you.
Ciara: You, uh--you mind telling me where you're going?
Ben: Uh, just one of the guards has a question. I need to talk to him really quick. It shouldn't take long. I just need to change real quick, but before I leave, you keep that door locked, and you keep this close to you.
Ciara: Okay.
Ben: Okay?
Ciara: Be safe out there, okay?
Ben: I will.
Claire: I can't believe you're back here. Did somebody have you committed again?
Jordan: Now, would I be committed if I'm wearing this costume?
Claire: Now, you do know that costumes like that perpetuate the objectification of women?
Jordan: No, see, that's why I added the glasses. I think it says sexy yet smart.
Claire: Ooh, I don't know.
Jordan: It got me in here undetected.
Claire: 'Kay, well, I think that says more about security than it does about your outfit, but, well, anyway, what I don't understand is why you would want to be in here.
Jordan: You know, I've been thinking. You know how you set that fire that almost killed ciara, then people blamed me for it for a really long time? You know, that really, really hurt my feelings.
Claire: Are you gonna kill me?
Jordan: No, girl. You know how close we got while we were in here. We were like bffs. I could really use a friend on the outside. I'm busting you out of here.
Claire: But I'm not done with my therapy.
Jordan: Oh, therapy. You don't need it, along with these meds. You're way more fun off your medication.
Claire: I don't know.
Jordan: Come on. It's halloween. Let's go cause some mischief.
John: I hope claire got my card. Hey, you think maybe we can go visit her tomorrow?
Marlena: I think that's a wonderful idea.
John: All right, we'll plan on it.
[Knock at door] Whoa.
Marlena: Oh, my goodness. It's kinda late for trick-or-treaters, isn't it?
John: You think? Why don't you scare them away?
Marlena: Hey, easy here. Oh!
John: Get back, get back, get back!
Andre: Marlena, wait, wait, wait, wait. It's me, it's me.
Marlena: What? Oh, tony? Oh, my god.
John: You just scared the living hell out of her.
Andre: Oh, it's just a costume.
John: You know it's more than just a costume. What are you doing coming to our door in that getup?
Andre: I'm sorry. I don't understand what you mean.
John: When andre drugged marlena and turned her into the salem stalker, she ran around in a hockey mask and a hoodie.
Marlena: It was an episode in my life that I--a time I just wanted to lock in a drawer and never remember again.
John: And it was working until you knocked on our door.
Andre: I wasn't trying-- I'm sorry, I wasn't aware. Ah, but then maybe you recall I was stranded on an island at the time this dark chapter took place in salem's history.
John: It's okay. It's okay.
Marlena: Oh, my goodness, of course.
John: It's okay. It's okay.
Marlena: That's right. He couldn't have known about that. I'm so sorry. Do you want to come in?
Andre: Why not?
John: So what are you doing, anyway? Were you really out there trick-or-treating?
Andre: I don't think so, no. Anna and I dressed up just to celebrate all hallow's eve, and then she got a headache and had to go home.
Marlena: Oh.
Andre: So I thought I'd come by and--and see if you two guys were wanting to have a nightcap.
John: Well, actually, doc and I were gonna shut it down and head off to--
Marlena: Have a drink.
John: To--to have a--have a drink, yeah. I'll see what I can scrounge up.
Marlena: Tony, have a seat.
Andre: Oh, thank you.
Marlena: My goodness.
Andre: Oh, marlena, I'm so glad to have this private moment with you. I do have a confession to make. Anna didn't go home with a headache. As a matter of fact, she didn't go home at all.
Marlena: What do you mean?
Andre: She's 6 feet under in the cemetery.
Marlena: Oh, my god, are you serious? What happened?
Andre: I killed her.
Marlena: But you love her.
Andre: Correction, tony loves anna, but I'm not tony. It's me. It's andre. And you and I, we have so much unfinished business to take care of.
Will: I'm sorry you're going through this. I--I don't know how you stand it.
Ciara: Well, I--I keep telling myself that the police will catch jordan and all of this will be over.
Will: You know, what do you think about maybe coming and staying at victor's house with us?
Ciara: Kristen lives there now, and I just honestly kinda feel safer here.
Will: Do you really?
Ciara: What are you getting at?
Will: Hmm. Ben still wears ties. I, uh--I thought he would have given it up.
Ciara: That's not funny, will.
Will: Does it ever enter your mind that one day he could snap, kill you in your sleep?
Ciara: You have every reason to be afraid of ben, and all I can say is that I've never seen that side of him.
Will: Mm.
Ciara: He has a good heart, and he has so much love to give.
Will: He also has violence to give. I know that from experience.
[Tense music]
Ben: You wanted to see me?
Victor: Will you be so kind as to close the foyer doors?
Ben: Can we make this quick? I want to get back to ciara.
Victor: I hear your sister tried to poison ciara. She can't get away with that.
Ben: I'm doing everything I can to assist the cops. Jordan needs help.
Victor: Jordan needs to be put down like a rabid dog.
Ben: I'm not gonna let you hurt her.
Victor: Do you hear me asking for permission? Final warning, my men are doing their own search for jordan, and when they find her-- and they will find her-- I'm going to have her killed.
Maggie: The hell you are.
[Dramatic music]
[Knock a door]
Jj: They'll go away. They'll go away.
Haley: It could be an emergency. Coming.
Jj: What the hell? Let her go!
Claire: Oh, I don't think so.
Haley: You're supposed to be in bayview. What are you...
Claire: Oh, well, jordan broke me out for a little field trip.
Jordan: I needed a little help finding my son. I went to rafe's room, and he's not there, and neither is david. Where are they?
Jj: How do I know?
Jordan: Well, you better stop holding out on me, or your little girlfriend here is gonna die.
Haley: Jj, help me.
Jj: Look, all I know is that rafe isn't here! He got discharged.
Jordan: Okay, that's better. I'm sure haley will appreciate that.
Jj: Haley! Why did you do that?
Claire: Sorry, got a little carried away, you know. I always just hated her guts. She should not have taken tripp away from me.
Jj: Haley, please. Please don't leave me. Please don't die! Haley! Haley, please.
Jordan: You want to be with her? Fine.
Claire: Hey, that was my cousin.
Jordan: I can't deal with his hysterics. I have a son to find. Are you coming?
Claire: I'll meet up with you later. I have a mission of my own. Both: Tss. Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you?
John: Perfect martinis, shaken, not stirred.
Marlena: It isn't tony. It's andre.
John: You've been pretending to be tony all along?
Andre: Certainly not. Rolf resurrected me this morning. I've had such a busy day. I had to get rid of anna, and then tony, he had to go.
Marlena: You are a monster.
John: Hold on, when you were murdered, you convinced everybody that you turned a leaf, so what happened?
Andre: Oh, I guess returning from the dead has a way of honing one's killer instinct.
John: Yeah? Well, your days as the salem slasher are over, pal, 'cause I'm gonna run you into the cops right now.
Andre: I would let go of me if I were you.
John: Why, what are you gonna do? You gonna kill me too?
Andre: No, I've already arranged that with my accomplice.
John: What accomplice?
Andre: Remember when you were mixing cocktails before? Well, marlena and I did more than just going through our past history. I discovered that my mind control skills were as sharp as ever.
Andre: You did it with one blow. You've still got it, girl. The salem stalker lives again. Who shall we kill next?
Marlena: Hmm.
[Baby cooing]
Rafe: I really thought your mom was okay. God, how did I miss all the signs? I never should have trusted her.
Jordan: I'm so sorry, rafe.
Rafe: Jordan, what are you doing here? You need to be back at bayview.
Jordan: I had to apologize. I never meant for you to get the cupcake. It was meant for ciara.
Rafe: Oh, so that makes it okay?
Jordan: Well, don't you understand? I was trying to protect everyone from ben.
Rafe: From--yeah, but you're the one who poisoned the cupcake, not ben.
Jordan: But then I fixed it so that the police would pick up that it was ben that did it. They would put him away.
Rafe: You're the one that needs to be put away.
Jordan: So you've turned against me? You hate me now?
Rafe: I don't--no, I--no, jordan. I don't hate you, but you need to go somewhere where you can get help. You're sick.
Jordan: Don't you understand? I'm not gonna get any better at bayview. The only way I can start to heal is if I'm with my baby and with you.
Rafe: Me?
Jordan: I love you, rafe. I've never stopped.
Maggie: You told me that you had stopped putting out hits on people.
Victor: She tried to kill my granddaughter, bo's child.
Maggie: Let the police handle it. You stay out of it.
Ben: You don't have to worry about ciara. I'll take care of her.
Victor: Yeah, you've been doing a bang-up job so far.
Maggie: Don't worry about victor. I'll talk him out of this. You go be with ciara. Come on. Go.
Victor: I'm in no mood for morality lectures.
Maggie: Oh, I'm not gonna give you a lecture. I was just putting on a show for ben, but you should definitely have jordan killed.
Victor: You agree with me?
Maggie: Absolutely. She's a menace. She said some hateful things about my lemon bars. Those bars won a purple ribbon at the 4-h fair.
Claire: Oh, I live for your lemon bars.
Victor: Claire?
Claire: I'm back.
Will: I'm--I'm sorry if I said too much.
Ciara: Don't worry about it. People say stuff like that to me all the time. Ben's still not back, and he said he'd be back shortly. You know, I know that you want to be home right now with arianna, so you don't have to stay with me.
Will: Oh, it's okay. I mean, I--sonny's actually--uh, he's watching a "friday the 13th" marathon, and I'm not a fan. I don't know what the big deal about hockey masks is, so...
Will: Oh, my--
Ciara: Oh, my god.
Will: Grandma?
Ciara: Does she think that's funny? 'Cause I'm not laughing, will.
Marlena: Hi.
Will: Hi.
Marlena: I'm sorry if I scared you.
Will: Yeah, you did. Come--come in.
Marlena: Thank you.
Will: Why--why are you wearing that?
Marlena: Well, I was at a halloween party, and I heard about jordan, and since ben is a patient of mine, I just--I thought he might want to talk. You can put that old gun down anytime you feel like it, girly.
Ciara: Oh.
Marlena: Thank you.
Ciara: Right, sorry. Um, it was--it was so nice for--of you to care about ben like that.
Marlena: Where is he?
Ciara: He said that, uh, he needed to talk to one of the guards, but he said he'd be back soon, so...
Marlena: All righty. Well, I can wait for him, then.
Ciara: Okay, yeah. Would you--would you like me to make you a cup of tea while you wait?
Marlena: That would be nice, thank you.
Ciara: Okay, great.
Marlena: So sorry I scared you, honey.
Will: I--it's all right. I'm already a little nervous, 'cause I--I don't like hanging out where ben lives.
Marlena: That's completely understandable.
Will: I've been trying to tell ciara that ben hasn't changed, you know? He's still--he's still capable of murder.
Marlena: Well, you know, I think that anybody is capable of murder under the right circumstances.
Will: Stop it. Why are you so strong?
[Cup shattering]
Ciara: Marlena, what have you done?
[Dramatic music]
Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Rafe: Oh, I didn't-- I didn't realize that you were still in love with me.
Jordan: You are the one, and you always have been. I thought you felt the same way about me.
Rafe: I told you that I have feelings for you. It's just you tried to poison ciara. You tried to kill her, and that, you know, complicates things, so...
Jordan: I--I know what I did was wrong, and I feel really bad about it, especially since you're the one who almost died. I--I would never try to hurt you on purpose. I'm the one that got you walking again, remember?
Rafe: I--yes, I--yes. I could never forget, and I owe you for that.
Jordan: Then maybe for the sake of what we once meant to each other, maybe you don't have to turn me in. Maybe we could start over.
Rafe: Uh, look, jordan, this--you know--
Jordan: Listen, listen, you don't have anyone, and I don't have anyone. You know, you and me and david, we could all run away and just be happy together.
Rafe: Yeah.
Jordan: What do you say?
Rafe: I say it's really hard to say no to you when you're wearing this teeny, tiny dress.
Ben: I said to lock the door. Oh, my god. Will? Will? Will! He doesn't have a pulse. Ciara? Ciara, where are you?
Marlena: Oh, my god, ben, what have you done?
Ben: No, no, I--I didn't do this. I found him like this.
Marlena: My poor grandson. Oh, my gosh, how could you kill him again?
Ben: Dr. Evans, I swear to god I--I didn't kill him.
Marlena: Well, if you didn't kill him, then who did?
Ben: It had to have been jordan. I think she has ciara. I--I gotta go find them.
Marlena: No, wait, ben.
Ben: I gotta go find them.
Marlena: Wait, don't go! Oh, ooh. First ciara gets away, and now ben. Guess this just isn't gonna be my night. Not gonna be your night either, kiddo.
Ciara: John? John, are you here? Oh, god, please be here. Please, please be here. I really need your help. Marlena, okay, she's gone crazy. She... john? Oh, my god. Oh, my god. He's dead. She killed him too. John. Oh, my god. I have to call the cops.
Maggie: Sweetheart, aren't you supposed to be in bayview?
Claire: Oh, nobody told you? Yeah, I got released. I'm cured.
Maggie: Oh, wow, that's--that's wonderful news.
Claire: Mm-hmm, yeah, you're telling me. Whew. I am so excited to get a brand-new start. Pop-pop, I am gonna sign up for titan's executive training program. Isn't that great?
Victor: Oh, I'm sorry, claire, but I gave the last spot away to ciara.
Claire: What?
Victor: You--you could apply for next year.
Claire: I can't believe this. All anybody ever wants is just ciara, ciara, ciara! Oh, well, first she was the face of "bella" magazine, and--and now she's in the titan executive training program, and I'm not?
Victor: Well, we didn't think you'd be eligible, being in--in the bin and all.
Claire: Well, it's just all anybody ever wants is just ciara. She's always taking things away from me.
Maggie: Claire, claire, you have to calm down. I'll make a pot of chamomile tea, and I just took a fresh batch of lemon squares out of the oven.
Claire: I hate your lemon squares! They make my glands hurt.
Maggie: You said you lived for those bars!
Claire: Well, I lied. Who could live for this disgusting things? Oh, but I'll bet you're just dying for one, right? So let me help you.
Maggie: Oh! Oh! Oh! Ahh! Oh, what did you do?
[Dramatic music]
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[Tense music]
Victor: She's dead. How could you do that to her?
Claire: Look, I'm sorry, pop-pop, but nobody's gonna push me around anymore.
Victor: She was the love of my life. I don't want to live without her.
Claire: Well, no problem. Yeah, I think there's enough left.
Victor: No, claire.
Claire: You really should have let me into that program, pop-pop. Sweet dreams.
Rafe: Are the costumes really necessary?
Jordan: If we're gonna blow this town, we need disguises. Finishing touch. Here we go. No one's gonna recognize you.
Rafe: Yeah, I don't think it works that way.
Jordan: Oh, trust me, it worked for me for years. I used them when I was on the run with ben from clyde.
[Baby cooing] Hey, are you ready for our little adventure? Let's get out of here.
Rafe: [Groans]
Jordan: Are you all right?
Rafe: Ooh, suddenly I'm not feeling that great. I feel like I did after I ate that cupcake. Maybe--maybe we didn't get all the poison out of my system.
Jordan: Or maybe I used the same poison in my lipstick.
Rafe: What? Why am I getting this sick feeling of déjà vu all over again?
Jordan: Sorry, rafe. I can't trust you anymore. You sent jj here to take my son away from me. So maybe that was the kiss of death.
Andre: First your husband and then your grandson. Hmm, who's next? Perhaps eric? Now, that would fit the pattern nicely.
Marlena: Yes, that's true, but I hate being predictable.
Andre: [Chuckles]
[Dramatic music]
Ciara: Somebody? Anybody, I need help. There's a serial killer on the loose. What--where the hell is everybody? Oh, my god. Claire? Great riches will find you when liberty mutual
Marlena: Oh! What is going on here? Ooh, these two seem to have met their untimely demise in the middle of--in flagrante. And right here in the hospital, I mean, really? How tacky can--hmm. I didn't kill them, which means there must be another serial killer right here in salem. Oh, but I find that really interesting.
Ben: Rafe, hey, thank god you're here, man. Ciara's missing, and I think jordan has her. Rafe? Hey, rafe.
[Tense music]
Ciara: What the hell are you doing here, claire? Why aren't you at bayview?
Claire: Well, jordan broke me out, and I did some very bad things, so, um, I came here to turn myself in.
Ciara: What kind of bad things?
Claire: Well, first I killed haley chen.
Ciara: For real?
Claire: Oh, yeah, and then I went over to pop-pop's, and, um, I killed him and maggie.
Ciara: Wait... they're both dead? Claire, what did they ever do to you?
Claire: Well, tripp always loved haley more than me, and pop-pop let you into the titan training program instead of me. Maggie was just annoying.
Ciara: Well, you--you couldn't be in the titan training program, claire. You were in a mental institution!
Claire: No, no, no, your days of taking things from me are over, ciara. Big mistake.
Ciara: Oh, no. No, no. You stay the hell away from me, claire brady.
Claire: No, no, you need to be taught a lesson.
Ciara: What are you gonna do, huh? You gonna kill me with your bare...
[Dramatic music]
Jordan: Don't worry. Ciara's never gonna take anything from you again, claire.
Both: Tss.
Claire: I don't mean to sound ungrateful or anything, but, um, you know, I was kind of hoping to do ciara myself.
Jordan: Well, I don't mean to sound unkind, but every time you'd go up against ciara, you blew it.
Claire: True. So do you really think ben will take the fall for our little killing spree?
Jordan: Well, I don't see why not. Everyone that knows what we did is dead now.
Marlena: Except for me.
Claire: Grandma?
Jordan: Okay, I'm really sorry to have to do this to you, marlena--
Marlena: Oh, put down the shovel, tammy sue.
Jordan: You know my real name?
Marlena: I know everything about you, but don't worry. I'm not going to say anything.
Claire: You're not?
Marlena: No, I'm not. You two are just a couple of amateurs. I wrote the book on serial killing while you two were--were trying to torture small animals.
Claire: No.
Marlena: Yes. So the salem stalker has returned.
Jordan: Oh, so I guess now we see where claire gets it.
Marlena: Mm, I'm so proud of my granddaughter.
Claire: Aww, well--well, I feel so validated.
Marlena: Oh, honey, now, I need you two to dig that hole a little deeper. I got a couple more bodies in my trunk.
Jordan: [Laughs]
Claire: Whew, it's getting pretty full in there.
Jordan: Well, there better be room for her.
Marlena: I think we're getting pretty good at this. Why, I'd call us the--the charlie's angels of death.
Claire: Oh, I want to be jill.
Marlena: Oh, honey, I'm always jill. I mean, after all, I did--I did kill my husband, my grandson, and that pesky andre.
Claire: So? I did maggie, haley, and pop-pop.
Marlena: Yes, my darling, well done.
Jordan: Uh, I got jj, rafe, and ciara, okay? So I at least get to be sabrina.
Marlena: Well, we seem to have a tie.
Ben: Where is she?
Marlena: Oh, oh, speaking of ties.
Ben: Where the hell is ciara? I know you have her. Where is she?
Marlena: Ju--
Ben: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up, please. Wake up. Ciara, wake up, please!
Marlena: Oh, man, quit your whining.
Ben: Which one of you filthy bitches did this to her?
Marlena: It was her.
Claire: It was her.
Marlena: Nice work. Welcome to the club, necktie killer, but you've still got some catching up to do.
Ciara: Ben? Ben, are you okay?
Ben: Yeah. Some bodyguard I am. I fell asleep.
Ciara: Hey, that's okay. Everything's gonna be okay.
Ben: I just had the worst nightmare.
Ciara: You want to tell me about it?
Ben: I s--I strangled jordan. I dreamed that she killed you, and I--I couldn't stop myself.
Ciara: Yeah, well, no wonder you had a dream about jordan. She's still on the loose. But it was just a dream, ben. I know you'd never do anything like that.
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