Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 10/29/19
Episode #13640 ~ Rafe becomes suspicious of Jordan. Jordan attacks JJ. John and Marlena confront "Hope." Jack and Jennifer have a tense run-in with Dr. Rolf.
Provided By Suzanne
Jennifer: I have loved our time together, right now I really, really need to call "the spectator." I just--Jack: Mm-hmm.
Jennifer: What?
Jack: Does that paper of yours still print engagement announcements? Because I want the whole world to know how much we love each other.
Jennifer: Ion't care who knows. I only care that you and I know.
Jack: Mm-hmm. So what's going on at that paper of yours? What's the big scoop? Got a hot scoop for me?
Jennifer: No, jack, I don'T. I'm just trying to find out if the it department got any access to the data on rolf's flash drive because he is working on some crazy experiment. I know it.
Rolf: I must find hope before anyone realizes I've turned her into princess gina.
Marlena: Oh, honey.
John: Hey, what do you say we take this to the bedroom?
Marlena: Fabulous. Let's go. Oh, my gosh, wait a minute, those pesky trick-or-treaters.
[Dramatic music]
John: Gina?
Gina: Yes, it is I.
Marlena: Hey, hey, hey, get your hands off my husband. I said quit--yikes, I thought you were dead.
Gina: I am not dead, and john loves me.
John: I used to love you, but I can't risk living with you any longer. You're a criminal, gina. You're an international art thief--I can't do it.
Marlena: And you're going to go to prison for the rest of your life. I'll see to it. I'm gonna call the police right now.
Gina: John. I cannot do this. What was I thinking? Oh.
Arianna: Are you a princess too?
Gina: How did you know?
Arianna: You have a crown.
Gina: Oh.
Ciara: Wait. Did you want your coat?
Ben: No. I won't be gone for too long, and looks like the rain passed, so that's good news for the trick-or-treaters heading out tonight.
Ciara: What the hell is this?
Rafe: Poisoned? Do you--do you mean intentionally?
Haley: We tested for salmonella and botulism, and there were no signs of anything like that, but there were traces of cyanide in your blood.
Rafe: The only thing I ate today was a cupcake, a cupcake that you made me, so if I got sick, shouldn't everyone else have gotten sick?
Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Sweeping orchestral music]
Jordan: Uh, I feel totally fine.
Rafe: Great. Any idea how cyanide got in my cupcake?
Jordan: No. I'm just as shocked as you are.
Jj: Is--is it possible that something at rafe's got--got mixed up with--with the ingredients? 'Cause a lot of people keep cleaners in the kitchen, and we get a ton of calls because kids pull something out from under the sink.
Rafe: No, I baby-proofed my place when david moved in.
Haley: You're absolutely sure that there's no cyanide anywhere else? Like, I don't know, maybe--maybe a case that you worked on?
Rafe: No, no, not a chance. Oh, wait, ciara left the party early 'cause she wasn't feeling well. Did she get poisoned too?
Jordan: Yeah, after jj took you to the hospital, I called ben to check on ciara, and she's fine.
Rafe: Oh. Well, we still have no idea how cyanide got into my system then. Given what happened, aren't you worried about david?
Ben: Checked the house, the grounds. Everything looks safe. Only thing that worries me is that stefano's portrait is still missing. Who the hell could have taken it? What's that?
Ciara: Actually, I was hoping you could tell me.
Ben: Looks like a vial.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, it does, and it just fell out of your coat pocket.
Jennifer: It department has nothing on rolf's flash drive, but they're gonna keep trying.
Jack: I cannot believe that he grabbed you and was going through your purse. You know, I was gonna smack him if he didn't leave right then and there. You have to promise me that you will keep your distance from him.
Jennifer: Jack, I will, but he is up to something, and I'm gonna find out what it is. Rolf has caused so much trouble in this town. I don't know why he doesn't just leave.
Rolf: Sorry to disappoint, but I have as much right to be in salem as you do.
Jennifer: You're right. You do have a right to be here, but nobody wants you here, so why do you stay in a town where everybody wants you gone?
Gina: Actually, it is not a crown. It is called a tiara. I do not want to outshine you, so I shall take it off and place it in my purse.
John: Hey, you two. I thought I heard somebody out here.
Arianna: Trick or treat.
John: Oh, you betcha, sweetheart. Hey, doc, you gotta check this out. We have a official princess at our door. Look at this.
Marlena: Oh, my goodness. You look beautiful. Hope, how nice to see you. How did you end up bringing ari trick-or-treating?
Gina: I didn'T.
Sonny: Sorry about that. Ari couldn't wait to start collecting candy, so we let her go ahead while we parked the car.
Will: We were--we were right behind her though. I--hey, I didn't expect to see you making the rounds.
John: You know, I normally don't give out candy to anyone over 13.
Gina: Oh, well, I was hoping you could possib--i could convince you to give me a treat.
Saturdays happen.
Ben: I've never seen this before.
Ciara: So you haven't been carrying it around?
Ben: No.
Ciara: Okay, well, after you left, I tossed your coat down, and it just fell out of your pocket.
Ben: Hmm. I wonder what it is, or was. It's almost gone.
Ciara: I wonder how it ended up in your jacket.
Jordan: Well, if anything was wrong with david, the sitter would call me right away.
Rafe: Well, the sitter's not a doctor.
Jordan: Right, but you were at the party. He didn't even eat his cupcake. He just smeared the icing everywhere.
Rafe: I just--I think that you should check on david.
Jordan: Yes, of course. I'm just trying not to be one of those moms that overreacts to everything.
Rafe: You're not, you're not, but I do think that you should go and check on your son, and if he is even acting the slightest bit off, you should bring him here right away.
Jordan: Okay. I feel bad leaving you here.
Rafe: Don'T. I'm fine, and like she said, the doctor might not be here for a while, so.
Haley: Right, and, um, they won't release you until he gives you the all-clear.
Jordan: Okay. I'll go.
Rafe: Okay.
Jordan: Hey, I'm so glad you are feeling better.
Rafe: Yeah, me too. You're awfully quiet. What's up?
Jj: I was watching you with jordan. Something's bothering you. I can tell.
Rafe: I can't help but think, and I don't want to think it, but what if jordan poisoned the cupcake on purpose?
Rolf: You may not like me, jennifer, but I do have my allies.
Jennifer: Oh, really? Who?
Rolf: That's for me to know and you to find out, although I doubt you ever will.
Jack: All right, all right, okay, we can't force you to leave here. That's fine, but maybe just right around here. You know, just get lost.
Rolf: Ah, like my flash drive. Jennifer claims she misplaced it, which is a lie, but it really doesn't matter. She may have it, but she'll never gain access to what's on it.
Jack: Okay, enough of mind games, okay? I've warned you before. Stop bothering jennifer. You do it again, you will be very sorry.
Rolf: Trust me, I have far more important things to do.
John: More for the princess.
Will: Okay, all right, you know what? I think--I think, actually, she's had enough.
John: All right.
Will: She's already a little jacked up on sugar from the cupcakes at david's birthday party.
Marlena: Oh, ben-- ben mentioned that he and ciara were there. I'm glad--I'm glad they included ari too.
John: Ooh, a pirouette!
Will: Oh, wow.
John: From the princess.
Sonny: Do you want to thank great-grandma marlena and john for the candy?
Arianna: Thank you.
John: You're welcome.
Marlena: You are so--you are so in trouble. You are so welcome, darling. Just--you look so pretty. I love your--your little crown.
Arianna: It's a tiara.
John: Ooh.
Marlena: Oh, well, all righty then.
Will: Thank you. All right, happy halloween.
John: Happy halloween. Take care.
Gina: Good-bye, princess.
John: Be careful. Be safe out there, guys.
Sonny: All right.
Marlena: Too cute, too cute. Hope, I'm so glad you're here.
John: Yeah.
Gina: Well, you know, I was in the neighborhood, so I decided to say hello.
John: Nice.
Gina: Oh, unless I'm intruding. Am I?
Marlena: Intruding? Oh, no, no, not at all. We're--we're glad you're here. It'll give me a chance to look in your purse. Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Gina: Why would you want to look inside my purse? I have nothing to hide.
Marlena: Haley said you've been smoking.
Gina: Haley?
John: Jj's girlfriend?
Gina: Right, um, of course. Sorry, I got distracted.
Marlena: Well, of course you got distracted. You've got so much on your mind. With julie in the hospital, you--you've barely left her side. We--we're just--honey, we're concerned about your smoking.
Gina: Well, thank you so much for, um, caring. Oh, and here, um... take them. I'm done.
Marlena: Good.
Gina: Good. I'm determined to live a long time. I have so much to live for.
[Indistinct chatter]
Rolf: What a lovely princess costume, and such a pretty crown.
Arianna: Hope told me it's a tiara.
Rolf: Ah, well, it is breathtaking. Um, tell me, is, uh--is hope going trick-or-treating too?
Arianna: At my great-grandma marlena's house.
Rolf: Ah.
Will: All right, let's--come on, ari, let's go.
Rolf: Well, that was going to be my next stop anyway.
Jj: You think jordan poisoned you?
Rafe: No, I don't want to believe it, but--
Jj: But--but you've heard everything that's she's had to say. You--she's grateful for everything you've--you've done for her. Why would she hurt you?
Rafe: I don't--I don't think she wanted to hurt me, but she's done some really bad things, man, and, uh, I mean, she almost killed ciara at the cabin.
Jj: And blamed it on her brother.
Rafe: Who was also at the party, and jordan does not want ben to be around david at all, and then there he was.
Jj: She just invites him to the party. It seems fishy, yeah.
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Jj: You don't think david's in danger, do you?
Rafe: No, no, I don't, but I'd definitely feel a lot better if you went over to my place and, you know, just kept an eye on him.
Jj: Oh, yeah, sure. And maybe I can do a little snooping, see if I can find the cyanide.
Rafe: That'd be great. Okay, thanks, man. Keep me posted.
Jj: All right, I will.
Rafe: No, seriously, let me know what's going on, all right? I'm gonna be waiting for your call.
Jj: You got it.
Rafe: Thanks, man.
[Phone ringing]
Ciara: Rafe, hi.
Rafe: Hey, I just wanted to see how you're feeling.
Ciara: Much better, actually, yeah. Jordan just called ben to ask the same question.
Rafe: Is ben there?
Ciara: Um, yeah. Hang on. I'll put you on speaker.
Ben: Hey, rafe.
Rafe: Hey, man. Um, how did jordan sound when she called?
Ben: Fine. I thought it was nice of her to follow up with us since we left the party early.
Rafe: Yeah, yeah. What else did she say?
Ben: Not much. She was glad that ciara was feeling better, and I thanked her for having us over, and that was pretty much it.
Rafe: Okay. All right, great. Well, glad to hear that. I'm glad no one else got poisoned.
Ben: Poisoned?
Ciara: But--rafe, what happened? Are you okay?
Rafe: Yeah, well, I'm fine now, but right after you guys left, at the party, I got severe abdominal cramps, doubled over, basically fell down. Jordan called a ambulance. They pumped my stomach, and it turns out I had cyanide in my system, so. But I cannot believe that jordan didn't tell you that when you spoke to her.
Ben: No, not a word.
Rafe: What time did she call?
Ben: Uh, it was, uh--it was 5:08.
Rafe: Well after they took me to the hospital.
Ciara: Why didn't jordan say anything?
Rafe: Good question.
Ciara: Um, rafe, there's actually something else that I should probably tell you.
Ben: Yeah, we're actually really glad that you're doing okay.
Ciara: Ben, why'd you do that? There are lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yeah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today.
Jack: Oh, look who's coming.
Jennifer: [Gasps] What a gorgeous costume. Look at you. So fun.
Arianna: Come on, daddy.
Sonny: All right, all right. She's trying to break a new world record of how much candy she can get.
Jack: Of course. Go for it.
Jennifer: Yes, as she should.
Jack: Brush teeth. Yes.
Jennifer: Oh, my goodness. She's so adorable.
Will: Yeah, thank you. I love hearing that from you. From rolf, not so much.
Jennifer: What? We just ran into him. What happened?
Will: Well, he saw us, and he walked up to ari and got really close to her and was gushing about how, like, sweet and pretty she was, and I don't know. It was weird, even for rolf.
John: Here you go. Happy halloween.
Gina: Thank you.
Marlena: Hope, I know you've been under a lot of stress lately. Well, I hope you know you can always turn to me for support. I will always be here for you.
Gina: Thank you so much. I appreciate that. You and john seem--
John: Happier than we've ever been?
Gina: You'd be drinking a better vintage than this if you were.
Marlena: Excuse me?
Gina: Sorry, I, um--I should have called first. I'll let you get back to your evening.
Marlena: Oh, you don't have to go.
Gina: Oh, I'm very tired.
John: Well, don't be a stranger.
Gina: I won'T. Enjoy your evening. Bye-bye.
Rolf: I was afraid you were headed this way. Let's go before someone sees you.
Gina: Step back. They already have.
Rolf: So they know?
Gina: I let them think I was hope brady.
Rolf: Oh.
Gina: Oh, lord, rolf.
Rolf: Well, if you--ah.
Jj: Hey, hey.
Haley: Hey, you. I, uh--I'm almost done, but we are still heading out together, yeah?
Jj: Look, I was--I was hoping to, but something's come up that I gotta take care of.
Haley: Okay. Is everything good?
Jj: Yeah, I think so. Um, I'll catch you at the house in a bit, okay?
Haley: Okay. Can't wait.
Jj: Bye.
Ciara: Why did you hang up on rafe?
Ben: I just--I needed a minute to think.
Ciara: Okay, I don't know what's going on here. I just know that it's not a coincidence that rafe was poisoned tonight and we found this vial in your pocket.
Ben: Ciara, if you think I hurt rafe--
Ciara: No. Babe, no, of course not. I don't, but maybe jordan did.
Ben: Well, that's what I thought, but it doesn't make sense. Ciara, if she cares about rafe, why would she try to kill him?
Ciara: Maybe the same reason that she tried to kill me. She's trying to set you up, ben.
Ben: No, no, that's not it. We agreed to make a fresh start. Ciara, she invited us over to david's birthday party.
Ciara: Yeah, which may have been to put this vial in your coat pocket. Look, ben, this isn't the first time that jordan's planted evidence to try to set you up, okay? Remember my cell phone? She put my cell phone and charlotte's baby blanket in your motel room.
Ben: Look, I know all signs point to jordan, but they also did when that car almost hit you. We jumped to conclusions. We jumped to judgment, and it wasn't her.
Ciara: Okay, well, who else could have done this?
Ben: I don't know, but I don't think we can assume that it was jordan until we know all the facts. Listen, let me take this vial to the hospital. I'm gonna get the contents, or whatever's left of it, tested. We'll find out. You do not open or answer this door for anybody until I get home.
Ciara: Except for will and sonny and ari. They're bringing her over later to trick-or-treat.
Ben: Fine, fine, but if my sister shows up here, you do not let her in, okay? I need to keep you safe.
Ciara: Okay. You be safe too, okay?
Ben: Okay. Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you?
Jennifer: What is this?
Jack: A little something I arranged to celebrate our engagement. I figured if I was ever gonna take your mind off that flash drive, I'd better bring my a game.
Jennifer: Thank you. This is so wonderful, jack.
Jack: Well, after our romantic evening for two at the bistro turned into a family affair... I cannot blame adrienne for jumping in and crashing our night together. I mean, she was excited.
Jennifer: I know.
Jack: I was excited.
Jennifer: Yeah, no.
Jack: We were all excited.
Jennifer: Say no more. Tonight I'm all yours.
Jack: Now I'm excited.
Ben: Hey, haley, I assume you heard what happened to rafe.
Haley: Yeah, it's crazy.
Ben: Yeah, uh, before I go in there to see him, could I ask a favor of you? Could you test what's in here and tell me if it's the poison that was inside of rafe's system?
Haley: What--where did you get this?
Ben: I'd rather explain once I know what it is.
Haley: Uh, yeah, yeah, sure. I'll take it to the lab, um, and rafe's in 302.
Ben: 302?
Haley: Yeah.
Ben: This way?
Haley: Mm-hmm.
Ben: Thank you.
Rafe: Hey, will. It's rafe. I'm assuming that you're with sonny and ari, and you guys are out trick-or-treating. I just wanted to give you an update. I ended up in the hospital after eating what looks like a poisoned cupcake. I'm okay, but, uh, just want to make sure you guys are okay, so please just call me when you get this. All right, thanks.
Ben: How you feeling, man?
Rafe: Oh, I'm feeling great, outside of the fact that you hung up on me. What's up with that?
Ben: I'm sorry, man. I've just been really freaked out about this whole thing. I really don't want to believe that jordan's involved.
Rafe: Yeah, but you agree it's suspicious that jordan didn't tell you I was sick when you spoke to her?
Ben: Like I told ciara, we jumped to conclusions about jordan before, and we were wrong, so I don't think we should make any more assumptions until we know all the facts.
Rafe: What facts are you talking about?
Ben: I'm sure we'll know more soon.
Rafe: What the hell are you keeping from me?
Ben: Me?
Rafe: Yeah, you're obviously keeping something from me. I almost died tonight, and if you're withholding information, spill.
Ben: Ciara found a vial in my coat pocket tonight. I have no clue what it is. I have never seen it before. I came to the hospital. I have haley checking the contents of it right now. It's being tested. I have no idea what it is, rafe.
Rafe: All right. But you think jordan planted it and that it had cyanide in it?
Ben: I want to give my sister the benefit of the doubt, but yeah. I'm starting to think that she might have just fooled all of us. Jordan's still dangerous, rafe, and she's determined to take me down.
Jordan: David, my sweet boy, I'm so sorry. I really thought this was the perfect plan. I mean, ciara would eat the poison cupcake, and I would plant the poison in ben's coat, and then he would go away for murder, and then we'd take care of the both of them. I know rafe suspects me. If he figures out what I did, they're gonna put me away, and I cannot have that. The walls are closing in, so we gotta get out of here before they can trace any of this back to me. Um, you know what? Uh, all right, we gotta get out of here. I'm gonna go pack a few things, and then we will be on our way. It really was the perfect plan, but somehow it got ruined. Okay.
Will: Trick or treat.
Sonny: Trick or treat.
Ciara: Hi, guys. Come on in. Oh, my goodness, ari, your costume is so beautiful, and here is your candy, you sweet girl. Here you go.
Arianna: Thank you.
Ciara: Here's some extra. So, uh, ari's okay?
Will: Uh, yeah, she's fine. Why?
Ciara: Okay, um, long story short, rafe ended up in the hospital because he ate a poison cupcake at david's birthday party.
Will: What? You're se--you're--are you serious?
Ciara: Yeah.
Will: Rafe left me a message, but I haven't had a chance to listen to it. Is he okay?
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, yeah, the doctors say that he's gonna be fine, but it was cyanide, will, and we think that jordan may be responsible.
Will: You're serious?
Ciara: Yes, yes, but it's really important to ben that we don't rush to judgment, you know? He's really upset about this.
Will: I don't--I don't get it. Why would--why would jordan want to hurt rafe?
Ciara: Yeah, it doesn't make sense to us either. I mean, it would be different if the cupcake was meant for me or if it was meant for ben, but--
Will: Oh, my god. I know what happened.
Jennifer: Thank you.
Jack: You're welcome. And now... a little sparkling apple cider for two and a toast.
Jennifer: Okay.
Jack: Perfect for a lovely, lovely lady on halloween. To you... to my once and future bride, and to a long, happy life together full of adventure, laughter, and love.
Jennifer: I'll drink to that.
Jack: Me too. Very good week.
Jennifer: It's a very good week. Oh, jack, this is so wonderful and so romantic and--do you think we could just call jj and just see if he could come over just so we can tell him how excited we are that we're getting married again?
Jack: You know, I just happened to check his schedule, and I'm sorry to say he's working tonight.
Jennifer: You, my dear man, seem to have anticipated my every desire.
Jack: That's because I'm making up for lost time. I'm gonna take care of you. I'm gonna pamper you. I'm gonna treat you like royalty.
Rolf: I thought I warned your highness that it would be imprudent to roam around salem, considering you're wanted by interpol for art theft and forgery.
Gina: I needed to see john, and naturally, they assumed that I was hope. I just played along.
Rolf: Still, from now on I would strongly suggest that you spend as much time in this beautiful abode I've created for you as much as possible, but if you must venture out, impersonating hope brady is the best course of action. No one can know you are princess gina yet.
Gina: Let me remind you I do not take orders from you, rolf. Understood?
Rolf: Understood, but you must take care. As I've told you, I arranged your return to salem because you're destined to do great things.
Gina: All I want is to be with john black.
John: Hope hardly touched her champagne. But you know what? I'm glad she-- she came over here. It's good for her to know that we're always gonna be there for her.
Marlena: Did she seem a little off to you?
John: No more than usual lately, but you know what? I didn't really notice 'cause my eyes were on ari. She kind of stole the show. It's kinda hard to compete with a princess, isn't it?
Marlena: It is. It is.
Will: Ari told us that jordan yelled at her because she gave david the wrong cupcake.
Ciara: Meaning what?
Will: Well, I didn't think it was a big deal at the time, but ari switched the names on the cupcakes because she wanted the girls to have more frosting.
Ciara: So the cupcake meant for me must have ended up with rafe's name on it.
Will: Exactly.
Ciara: Which means jordan was trying to kill me and not rafe.
Ben: When jordan invited us to david's party, I was so happy. I mean, I knew we weren't gonna be one big, happy family right away, but it just felt like-- just felt like a real breakthrough, man. And now here I am. I'm terrified that jordan's still sick and she's still dangerous.
Rafe: I asked jj to go over to my place and check on david.
Ben: What, you don't think jordan would hurt her son?
Rafe: No, I--I don't, but--
Ben: But if jordan's cornered, there's no telling what she might do.
Rafe: Yeah.
Ben: I need to find my sister before she does any more damage. I'm glad you're okay.
Rafe: Thanks, man.
Jj: Hey, little man. All right, I am not sure what your mom is up to, but to be safe, I'm gonna get you out of here.
Jordan: No one is taking my child away from me. I am not the threat, ben is! And after tonight everyone's going to know that, starting with ciara. Tremfya® helps adults with moderate to severe
Jennifer: Mmm.
Jack: So did you enjoy your dinner?
Jennifer: I did, very much.
Jack: Good. Now I'm going to take this away and let someone else deal with it.
Jennifer: Okay.
Jack: Right, and here we go.
Jennifer: Let's see if there's any progress from the it department on rolf's flash drive. Ugh! Nothing. Shoot. Oh.
Jack: Excuse me?
Jennifer: Yes?
Jack: I thought you said you were all mine tonight.
Jennifer: Yes, I know, jack, I am. I just--I just-- I'm just waiting to hear from the it department about this flash drive.
Jack: Mm-hmm.
Jennifer: But you know what? I'm done. I'm done. Look, it's gone.
Jack: Mm-hmm.
Jennifer: Come on. I'm yours for the night.
Jack: I'm glad to hear that.
Rolf: I know that john black is your heart's desire, but all in good time.
Hope: I am not just thinking of myself. I am thinking of john as well. He needs me, rolf. John black... he is my destiny.
John: Yeah, ari's one lucky little princess. Trick-or-treating and david's birthday party? Whoa!
Marlena: You know, I was a little more concerned about jordan's turnaround about her brother. One moment she was insistent he was a threat and a danger, and the next moment she couldn't wait to reconcile with him.
[Knock at door]
Rafe: Yeah?
Haley: Hey.
Rafe: Hey.
Haley: Have you seen ben?
Rafe: Yeah, he took off, but he told me you were testing whatever was in that vial.
Haley: Yeah, I have the results.
Rafe: And?
Haley: The vial contains cyanide, the same poison we found in your system.
Ben: Jordan? Jordan, you here?
[Knocking] Jj? Jj. Hey. Jj, wake up! Jj, wake up!
Ciara: Thank you for helping me figure all this out.
Will: Yeah. I mean, do you wanna--do you want to, like, come with us tonight?
Ciara: Oh, thank you, but, um, I promised ben that I would keep the doors locked, and if jordan shows up before he gets back, then I'll just call for help. And I should probably be checking up on rafe right now anyway, so.
Will: Yeah.
Ciara: Yeah.
Will: Okay. Well, just keep me posted, please.
Ciara: I will.
Will: Okay. Okay, candy monsters, what do you say we, um-- we get out of here?
Sonny: Okay. Well, thank you so much.
Ciara: Yeah.
Sonny: Nice seeing you.
Ciara: Yeah, you too. It was nice seeing you guys. Bye, guys. You have fun out there.
Will: Bye. Be safe.
Ciara: Oh. Ari's crown.
[Knock at door]
Ciara: Can't forget this. Jordan. What the hell are you doing here?
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