Days Transcript Monday 10/28/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 10/28/19


Episode #13639 ~ Gabi proves to Lani she'll make good on her threat. Haley informs John and Marlena of a strange encounter with Hope. Jordan realizes her plan has claimed an unintended victim. Ciara finds incriminating evidence in Ben's coat pocket.

Provided By Suzanne

John: Give me a second here, doc. I got to answer this email real quick.

Marlena: Yeah. Okay.

[Soft dramatic music]

[Scoffs] Smoking. What a disgusting habit. And then to toss it on the ground. Who would do such a thing?

Haley: It was ciara's ther.

Rolf: Welcome back from exile, your royal highness.

Hope: Well, let's not stand on ceremony, shall we? Simply call me "princess gina."

Ciara: Baby, you just did that ten minutes ago.

Ben: I just want to make sure you're okay.

Ciara: Okay, well, like I said, I am feeling much better. No more nausea or dizziness. I just--I'm kind of sad that we had to leave david's birthday party early.

Ben: No, it's okay. We were there for all the fun parts.

Ciara: Yeah, we were.

Ben: How great is my little nephew, though?

Ciara: He is. He is so great, and I loved the little look on his face when he opened the toy chest that you made for him. It was so cute.

Ben: And the look on everybody's face when he smashed that cupcake all over the place.

Ciara: Yes. Jordan's cupcakes are amazing.

Ben: Mm-hmm. I told you.

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: They're the best.

Ciara: Yeah. No, like, next-level good. Like, she must have to have some kind of secret ingredient or something.

Ben: Hmm.

Jordan: This is a good party, right?

Rafe: Yeah.

Jordan: Except for poor ciara. I hope she doesn't have a bug david could get.

Rafe: Yeah. Hope not.

Jordan: Hey, are you upset about something? You've been kind of quiet for a while.

Rafe: Oh, no. No, I'm just, uh... actually, I'm not...

Jordan: What?

Rafe: I'm not...[Groans]

Jordan: Are you okay? Oh, my god, rafe!

[Objects clattering] Oh, my god, rafe! Rafe!

Lani: What do you think you're doing?

Gabi: Showing you what I'm capable of.

[Dramatic music]

Julie: [Heavy breathing]

Eli: Grandma, what's wrong?

Julie: My heart feels like it's going a million miles a minute.

Gabi: Uh-oh. Looks like julie's in distress. Believe me now?

Lani: You are hurting julie, and you need to stop it right now, gabi.

Gabi: Unless you dump eli at the altar, I'm gonna crank this app up to 11, and kaboom, julie's heart's gonna be destroyed.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

[Soft dramatic music]

Marlena: Well, I'm not sure that's right. Hope doesn't smoke.

Haley: I didn't think so either, but, no, she was definitely here with that cigarette in her hand. I even asked her about it.

Marlena: And what did she say?

Haley: She just gave me this confused look on her face, told me that she doesn't smoke, and just dropped the butt and left.

Marlena: [Laughs softly] Are you sure it was hope? Hope brady?

Haley: No doubt about it. But, yeah, my break's almost over--sorry--so, got to run.

John: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, take care.

Haley: All right, bye.

John: Well, that lipstick probably belongs to a woman, but I don't think I ever saw hope wear that shade before.

Hope: Stefano dimera. Hello, steffy. Where did this come from?

Rolf: I arranged to have it brought here, princess gina. I thought you would enjoy it, since you and stefano had such a rich history together.

Hope: Yes, we did-- some good and some not so good.

Rolf: Mm.

Hope: So tell me, how is he?

Rolf: Sadly, no one knows. He disappeared.

Hope: Mm. [Chuckles] Sounds about right. Wait. You do not think--

Rolf: Oh, no. Heavens, no. The phoenix always rises, and this was after he was shot by hope brady.

Hope: Mm, hope brady. I have not thought of her in years. What is my dismal doppelganger up to?

Ben: There we are.

Ciara: Thank you.

Ben: You're welcome.

Ciara: Hey, would it be okay if we invited my mom over for dinner sometime soon? Last time I saw her, she just seemed a little off.

Ben: Off how?

Ciara: Like, tired, out of it. And she kept having this random pain in her neck. I don't know.

Ben: Well, your mom has been under a lot of stress lately.

Ciara: Yeah. That's what she said it was, and everything that's been happening recently is finally catching up to her.

Ben: She's so worried about julie, and then you had that scare with the car. It's a lot.

Ciara: My mom spends so much time taking care of other people that sometimes, I think she forgets to take care of herself. She probably hasn't been sleeping very much or eating very well, so that's why I want to invite her over and take care of her for a change.

Ben: Let's make it happen.

Ciara: Babe?

Ben: Yeah?

Ciara: I'm really hungry--like, starving, and there's no food in the house.

Ben: Aw, I'm sure you don't feel like cooking, right? No offense.

Ciara: None taken. [Laughs] Let's just go to the pub and grab some dinner. I need some serious chow. The only thing I had to eat today was that cupcake.

Jordan: Rafe, rafe. Oh, my--what is happening? Hey.

Rafe: [Grunts]

[Tense music]

Jordan: [Gasps]

No, no, no, no. You couldn't have eaten the cupcake meant for ciara. That's not possible! Oh, my god. No. No, I can't let you die. Rafe, hey, hey, hey. Stay with me, stay with me. 911, yes, I have an emergency. Please help me. Rafe! Please!

Lani: You can't be serious.

Gabi: Oh, I'm as serious as a heart attack.

Lani: Gabi, I know how much you miss stefan, but julie--she's innocent in all of this.

Gabi: Yeah, that old bat may not be responsible for my husband's death, but she's anything but innocent.

Lani: Please think about what you're doing.

Gabi: Uh, think? That's all I've been doing-- thinking about how I'm gonna make you suffer by ending things with eli. Torturing julie is just icing on the cake. It's so damn easy.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Eli: Grandma, grandma, what is it?

Julie: It's racing. It's racing. Eli, something's wrong.

Eli: Stay calm.

Julie: Something's wrong.

Eli: I'm gonna call for help.

Gabi: This technology's amazing, don't you think?

I'm bad.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Julie: Oh.

Gabi: Why don't we dial down this puppy, since it was for demonstration purposes?

[Soft dramatic music]

Eli: Is my mother having another heart attack?

Haley: Her heart rate is elevated, but it seems to be normalizing.

Julie: It's better. It's slowing down.

Eli: Well, it happened suddenly. Haley, what's going on?

Haley: Let me go page a doctor to give your grandmother a thorough exam, okay?

Julie: Please, please.

Gabi: Whew. Hm. An intermission. Are you enjoying the show? I know I am.

Jordan: And ambulance is gonna be here any second, okay? Rafe. Rafe, I care about you, okay? The cupcake was meant for ciara, not you. I would never hurt you. Listen to me. Just hold on, okay? Just hold on. Rafe?

Jack: [Clicking tongue] Okay, sweetheart. What are you in the mood for tonight?

Marlena: Oh, I haven't even looked. I'm still thinking about hope. I can't believe she's taken up smoking.

John: Maybe haley was wrong about that.

Marlena: I don't know. She seemed pretty certain.

John: Hmm. Well, you know, hope's been under a lot of stress lately-- julie's medical crisis, and the fact that she's been practically living in a hospital, and then she...

Marlena: Then she what?

John: You know, I wasn't gonna mention this, 'cause I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but she told me she was in the chapel saying a prayer, and she started hearing voices, but no one was there.

Marlena: [Exhales] That's a little concerning. I mean, clearly, she's-- she's overwhelmed.

John: Yeah, it probably accounts to why she kept misplacing julie's rosary.

Rolf: Well, hope brady is still around. For a time, she served as police commissioner, but I believe she's currently unemployed and recently divorced.

Hope: Penniless and alone. Hmm. Desperate her resemblance, she always was a pale imitation of myself.

Rolf: [Chuckles] I couldn't agree more, your highness.

Hope: But I still find it incredibly insulting that a common such as her actually thought she could take my place.

Rolf: Well, in fairness, stefano did alter hope's brain in order to make her believe she was you.

Hope: Still. Completely absurd. Rolf, there is only one princess gina, and the people of salem had better brace themselves-- hmm-- because her royal highness has returned. Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you?

Lani: I knew you were cruel, but you have gone way too far this time.

Gabi: Eli, you look sad. Is julie okay?

Eli: I'm not sure. All of a sudden, her heart just started racing.

Gabi: Well, I mean, first, it's beating too slow. Now it's beating too fast. I thought this pacemaker was supposed to keep it steady.

Eli: It is, but kayla said it's new technology. I'm just hoping nothing's wrong with it.

Gabi: So do I. You know, after I--I gave my husband's heart to save your grandmother's life, it'd be a shame if it suddenly failed.

Jordan: Hey.

Jj: What happened?

Jordan: We were cleaning up after david's party, and he just collapsed. He grabbed his stomach right before.

Jj: Do you have any idea what he ate today?

Jordan: He's been running around all day. He said all he had was a cupcake at david's party.

Jj: How long ago was that?

Jordan: I don't know. A couple hours or something. Jj, I'm really scared. He's not waking up. I don't know. What if he was poisoned?

Jj: That seems like a leap.

Jordan: Well, listen. I'm really freaking out here, okay? I don't want to take any chances.

Jj: Okay. We can pump his stomach just to be safe.

Jordan: Okay. Oh.

John: You know, hope's not only worried about julie. She had a hell of a scare when ciara almost got hit by that car.

Marlena: Don't forget about zack. She must have been terrified.

John: Yeah. You know, thank god sarah's all right.

Marlena: Yeah. You know, ben was wondering if jordan might have been targeting her, but then it turns out that it was a drunk driver.

John: Yeah. Okay, so that had to be some kind of a relief, right?

Marlena: Sure.

John: Yeah.

Marlena: I think so. But you know what? Instead of hope starting to smoke, I wish she had just come to me for some kind of support.

Ciara: Starting to smoke? My mom's been smoking?

[Soft suspenseful music]

Hope: Rolf. Thank you.

Would you please?

Rolf: Um, smoking is not healthy.

Hope: It was not a request. Now do as I say.

Rolf: Ah, forgive me, your highness. I only have your well-being in mind. I mean, cigarette smoking causes serious disease.

Hope: Hmm. Yes. You're right. But just for today.

Rolf: You can still indulge. As a matter of fact, I will join you. May I propose a toast, your highness?

Hope: You may.

Rolf: To an everlasting reign. It's only a matter of time before you and stefano rule salem together.

Hope: [Chuckles] Cheers, cheers.

Hope: Wait. On second thought, I would much prefer to rule salem on my own.

Rolf: Yes, but you two made a formidable team.

Hope: Yes, and we may have worked very well together in the past, but it was the past, and this-- this is a new beginning.

Rolf: Yes, but your highness must have a consort.

Hope: Perhaps. I do not wish to work with steffy--not this time. Now, john. I cannot wait to see him. John black. Yes.

John: You know, actually, we--we didn't see anything, but haley chen said that she saw your mother standing right out there smoking a cigarette.

Ciara: Yeah, but my mom doesn't smoke. And I saw her earlier today. If she'd been smoking, I would have smelled it.

Marlena: How did she seem to you?

Ciara: Relieved that julie's doing better, but, well, she didn't feel great.

Marlena: Do you know what was wrong?

Ciara: Yeah, she just seemed really tired, and she kept getting this random pain in the back of her neck. She said that it's because of the stress because of everything that's been happening recently, but I'm sure it'll pass.

John: Yeah, so am I. In the meantime, we'll keep an eye on her just to make sure, though. Hey, doc and i are gonna grab a bite to eat. If you two aren't busy, you want to join us?

Marlena: Hey, please do. I'd like to hear more about how julie's doing with the pacemaker.

Eli: I'm sure whatever happened with julie's heart was just a glitch. She'll be fine.

Gabi: Yeah. I sure hope you're right.

Eli: Gabi, I just want to thank you, again, for donating stefan's heart. I mean, you gave my grandmother the greatest gift there is-- life--and it means that much more, because, you know, you two didn't have the best history.

Gabi: Yeah, sometimes, you just have to be the bigger person. Besides, now that stefan's gone, I really know what it's like to lose somebody that you love.

Eli: Well, I also know how terrible lani felt about accidentally shooting stefan, and seeing you two talking here today gives me hope. I didn't think we'd ever move past it.

Gabi: I knew we'd find a way.

Eli: Thanks again for giving my fiancée-- sorry, I didn't mean to bring up the wedding.

Gabi: That's fine. You know, lani and I were talking, and she mentioned that you two thought I didn't want to be there, but I actually do.

Eli: Well, we were just trying to be sensitive about your feelings, but if you're cool with it, we'd love to have you there, right, babe?

Haley: Eli, julie's doctor wants to speak to you.

Eli: Excuse me. I'll be right back.

Gabi: Mm-hmm.

[Tense music]

Lani: You are truly evil.

Gabi: Me? I'm not the one that gunned down an innocent man in cold blood.

Lani: It was an accident, gabi. How many times do I have to tell you that?

Gabi: I don't know. A million? And I still would never forgive you.

Lani: You loved eli once. How can you just hurt him like that?

Gabi: Because this is about hurting you. Has nothing to do with eli.

Lani: He knows how much I love him. What do you think? He's just gonna let me walk out of his life? What am I supposed to tell him?

Gabi: Lani, that's not my problem. It's yours. And it better be convincing, or else julie's a goner. Coughing

[Soft dramatic music]

Hope: John is the love of my life. He always has been. We should have spent our lives together. But stefano took him away from me, and I spent years praying he would come find me.

Rolf: Well, john is alive und well und living in salem.

Hope: Then I must see him. Immediately. I've waited far too long to feel his arms around me.

John: Well, that's great news about julie, and it's always good to see you two again, but you know what? I think doc and i are gonna skip dessert, and we will leave it to you to enjoy the rest of your evening.

Ben: You don't have to do that.

Ciara: Thank you, but I was hoping that the four of us could share a big ice cream sundae.

John: [Laughs]

Ben: Are you sure you're up for that?

Ciara: Oh, yeah. My appetite is back in full force, as you can probably tell by the way I inhaled that burger and fries.

Ben: Right.

Marlena: You weren't feeling well?

Ciara: No, earlier today, I had this weird stomach thing, so ben and I had to leave david's birthday party early.

Marlena: Oh. You went to david's birthday party.

Ben: Jordan invited us. I apologized to her for accusing her of trying to run down ciara, not at all expecting that she'd accept my apology, but she did. We agreed to make a fresh start.

Marlena: Well, I'm glad about that. I know how much you'd like to be close to your nephew. I would just caution you not to get too attached too quickly. I wouldn't want to see jordan pull the rug out from under you.

Ben: Yeah, and thank you for your concern, dr. Evans, but I really don't think that's gonna happen. My sister seems to have really turned a corner.

Rafe: What? What's happened?

Jordan: Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

Rafe: What's wrong?

Jordan: We were cleaning up after david's party, and you lost consciousness.

Rafe: What?

Jordan: Oh, my god. I'm so glad you're awake.

Jj: We pumped your stomach because jordan thought you may have been poisoned.

Rafe: What? I've barely eaten anything today.

Jj: Oh, I know. It was just a precaution though. You look better, and your vitals are stronger, but I think I'm gonna get you to the hospital, get you checked out.

Rafe: All right.

Jordan: I mean, doesn't that seem like overkill? He's awake now. You know, his color's back. He looks great.

Jj: I'd like to hear that from a doctor.

Jordan: Don't be so dismissive, jj. I've had medical training.

Jj: You were trained as a physical therapist. That's not the same thing. I insist that we get rafe to the hospital.

Rafe: It's okay, listen. You stay here with david, and I'll get a ride home.

Jordan: No, absolutely not.

[Stammers] I'll call the babysitter, and I'll meet you at the hospital.

Rafe: Okay.

Jj: All right, let's move.

Jordan: Okay.

[Tense music]

Lani: Gabi, I know what it's like to grieve. I know the sorrow and the-- the desperation and the rage. You want answers from doctors and family, god, and when you don't get it, you want someone to pay. And in your case, that someone is me. I understand, gabi. I truly understand your pain, and I know that you think, by inflicting me with that same pain, that it will bring you peace, but it won'T.

Gabi: How do you know that?

Lani: Please, gabi. You need help. Maybe you can talk to marlena or rafe.

Gabi: [Sighs]

Lani: He helped me so much when I lost my son.

Gabi: I'm sure you'd love that--I go get my head shrunk while you ride off into the sunset with eli? You get this picture-perfect life, and I get nothing.

Lani: You have your beautiful daughter. Can you focus on your future with her?

Gabi: Our future was with stefan.

Lani: And I am sorry.

Gabi: Yeah, you should be, because my daughter's the one asking what happened to him. She wants to know why we're not gonna have this picture-perfect life, all these dreams and hopes that will never happen. How do I explain that? Oh, why don't you help me come up with some child-friendly version so I can tell my daughter that a police officer pumped a bullet into her stepfather, and now he's gone?

Lani: And I'm sure that must be really difficult.

Gabi: "Difficult" doesn't even come close, kay? Don't you even try to bond with me over losing somebody that you love, because you're fine. You're wedding planning, cake testing. I mean, it's a real struggle.

Lani: There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about my son.

Gabi: But you found happiness anyway, and as we've established, you don't deserve happiness. You deserve to be miserable and alone, and you will be, once you dump eli. How's julie?

Eli: The doctors said that her pacemaker's working just fine.

Gabi: Oh, that's such a relief.

Eli: Yeah. They don't know what happened, but she's doing better now, and she wants to speak to you. She wants to thank you for saving her life.

Gabi: She doesn't have to do that.

Eli: Gabi, please. She really wants to talk to you.

Gabi: Fine, fine. But just remember, I'm one of the many, many people that helped save julie's life.

Hope: I must find john.

Rolf: No, not a good idea.

Hope: How dare you stand in my way?

Rolf: Your highness, you're not only a princess, but also an art thief and a forger. The authorities are still pursuing you for your crimes.

Hope: John would never turn on me, not ever.

Rolf: Ah, another issue. Remember, john is married to dr. Marlena evans.

Hope: Still?

[Sighs] I never did understand his attraction to that commoner.

Rolf: Well, there's no accounting for taste, as you well know, your highness, but why waste your precious time on john and marlena? I have much greater plans for you.

Hope: Yes.

[Stomach grumbles] Ooh. Oh, dear, excuse me.

Rolf: What?

Hope: My tummy.

Rolf: Ah.

Hope: It is rumbling. Oh, I cannot think or do anything on an empty tummy. Get me some chocolates, and make sure they are belgian.

Rolf: Ah, yes.

Hope: And, rolf, get me some tea as well.

Rolf: Of course.

Hope: Whew. Like you, steffy, rolf thinks he is in charge, but as you well know, I do have my own ideas.

[Eerie choir chanting]

Dr. Evans-- she will not get in my way. No. No, she will not.

John: Kay, here you go, sweetheart.

Marlena: Mm, thank you.

John: Mm-hmm. And here you go, sweetheart.


Marlena: I thought we weren't having dessert.

John: I just wanted you all to myself. I didn't think ben and ciara would mind too much.

Marlena: Oh, my gosh. Ben seemed so happy to be spending time with his nephew, although I must say it's odd jordan would have been okay with all that.

John: Well, he apologized to her, you know, for thinking that she was still going after ciara.

Marlena: Well, I can't imagine that one apology would have done all that. Honey, jordan was going around saying that-- that ben was sick and dangerous, and that she wanted nothing to do with having him near her child, and all of a sudden, she invites him to the birthday party. What is that?

John: So what are you thinking? Are you thinking that jordan is just playing ben? She really doesn't want a fresh start?

Marlena: Maybe. Maybe I'm just being cautious because jordan's been so dangerous in the past.

John: Yeah, it makes sense. But people heal, right? I mean, look at ben.

Marlena: People do change, don't they?

John: Mm-hmm.

Marlena: He's a good example of that. He didn't have a lot of faith from everybody around him, but he sure turned things around.

John: That's right--mostly because he has ciara in his life now.

Marlena: Hmm, they're lucky to have found each other.

Ben: Are you sure you're up for an ice cream sundae?

Ciara: Oh, I know I am. And you know what? Actually, I've decided that I'm not sharing, so if you want one, you're gonna have to order one on your own.

Ben: Wow. Wow, you're mean.

Ciara: Mean.

Ben: Just mean.

Ciara: I'm mean?

Ben: Terrible.

Ciara: Well, then let me make it up to you, huh?

Ben: Can you?

Ciara: I bet I can.

[Cell phone trilling]

Ben: Oh, it's jordan.

[Keypad beeps] Hey, what's up, sis?

Jordan: Hey, I just wanted to call and check on ciara. Is she still feeling sick?

Ben: No, she's fine now. Turns out she just needed to get some air. We actually ended up swinging by the brady pub to grab a bite, 'cause she was so damn hungry.

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Jordan: Well, I'm so glad that she's feeling better.

Ben: Yeah. Hey, thank you again for letting us celebrate david's birthday with you. We had a great time.

Jordan: Yeah, it was fun. Anyway, I got to go.

[Keypad beeps] What the hell? What the hell went wrong?

Jj: I got food poisoning one time. Man, I will never forget it.

Rafe: That bad, huh?

Jj: Oh, yeah, whew.

Jordan: Hey. How are you feeling?

Rafe: Hey, better, thanks. Yeah.

Jordan: Oh, great.

Rafe: Doctor says there are no ongoing issues.

Jordan: Wonderful. So I can take you home now?

Rafe: Not yet--they just want to run some tests.

Jordan: Well, that seems like overkill, doesn't it? You probably just ate something that didn't agree with your stomach, and it's out of your system now.

Jj: To be safe, we'll let the lab do its thing.

Jordan: Well, that's probably why healthcare costs are so expensive these days-- all the unnecessary tests. I mean, rafe is the patient. Doesn't he have the right to decline?

Rafe: Well...[Laughs] They already took my blood. I'm just waiting for the results.

[Monitor beeping]

Julie: There she is. There's the woman I've been wanting to see.

Gabi: Hi, julie.

Julie: Oh, gabi. I know our relationship has always been nothing but confrontational. It's been awful, really. And yet you put that aside to do something so kind and so generous. I just have to thank you from the bottom of my new heart and to give you condolences on the loss of your stefan.

Gabi: Thank you. Julie, eli mentioned that you had a little episode. Are you okay?

Julie: Oh, yes. It was a little scary. I suddenly felt like my heart was trying to beat out of my chest.

Eli: The doctor assured us that the pacemaker's working just fine.

Lani: Thank god. We were all really concerned about you.

Julie: Don't worry. I'll be back on my dancing feet in no time at all.

Gabi: Right, yeah. Eli and lani's wedding, it's just around the corner.

Eli: Oh, I'm not so sure about that. I don't want my grandmother to overdo it.

Julie: These two, these two here, offered to postpone the wedding, and I, of course, would not hear of it, because I know how much they love each other, and I want to see them start their new life together as soon as possible.

Gabi: Lani and I were just discussing the wedding. I hope it's everything they've dreamed of.

Julie: Well, thanks to you-- thanks to you-- I'll be able to see my grandson start this new chapter of his life with the woman he loves, and a few days ago, I was at death's door, and you put aside your own grief to save me. I owe my life to you.

Gabi: Oh, you're giving me way too much credit. Oh! Oh! Oh!

Lani: Did you even hear what julie said? She thinks you're a hero, gabi. She has no idea what kind of sick game you're playing.

Gabi: This isn't a game.

[Scoffs] I literally hold julie's life in my hands on this app on this phone.

Lani: You can't do this.

Gabi: Oh, I can, and I will, and you better not say a word of this to eli or to anybody, because if I find out, I'm gonna push this button on this phone, and in 30 seconds, julie's heart-- it'll be destroyed.

Lani: I can't even think about hurting eli. Gabi, we lost a child together, and it almost broke us, but we found our way back to each other. If I leave him at the altar, it will crush him.

Gabi: That's how it has to be. It's the only way I'm gonna make sure you feel the pain that you made me feel when you killed stefan.

Lani: Gabi...

Gabi: Lani, fair is fair. You took my husband, and now I'm gonna take yours.

[Tender music]

Ciara: I, uh, I think I know how I want to spend the rest of the night.

Ben: I am all in.

But first, I have to do my last security rounds for tonight.

Ciara: Mm, okay.

Ben: Yeah.

Ciara: I'll be waiting.

Ben: Mm-hmm, I'll be quick.

Ciara: Wait. Do you want your coat?

Ben: No, I won't be gone for too long, and it looks like the rain passed, so that's good news for the trick-or-treaters heading out tonight.

[Door closes]

[Soft dramatic music]

Rafe: Jordan, you don't have to stick around. Just go relieve the babysitter, and I'll find a ride home.

Jordan: Oh, absolutely not. You have been there 1,000% for me and david, and I want to be here for you.

Rafe: Okay. We were celebrating david's first birthday party, and, uh, you know, ben and ciara were there. It was nice.

[Monitor beeping]

Jordan: Well...

Jj: You and ben are cool now?

Jordan: Well, for a while there, I was afraid that ben still wanted to hurt people, but then I realized that maybe I was wrong, and he deserved a second chance.

[Knocking on door]

Rafe: Yep.

Haley: Hey.

Rafe: Hey.

Haley: I have your test results.

Rafe: Kay. And?

Haley: The doctor will come talk to you, but... it looks like you were poisoned.

[Dramatic music]

Rolf: Your highness, I have your... she's gone.

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