Days Transcript Friday 10/25/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 10/25/19


Episode #13638 ~ Julie and Eli have a heart-to-heart conversation. Rolf completes his plan against Hope.

Provided By Suzanne

Will: You know, I gotta say, it kind of ticks me off a little bit that the doctor's office canceled ari's appointment, not even calling us.

Sonny: I know. Especially 'cause we had to leave the birthday party early.

Will: Yeah. Well, you know what? David's party is probably still going on. Do you want to go back? No? Why not?

Arianna: David's mommy yelled at me.

[Mournful music]

Jordan: Here is the birthday boy's cupcake.

Rafe: Whoa, these look great.

Jordan: All right, this one. Okay, this one's mine. Let's see. Rafe, this one's yours. Uncle ben.

Ben: Thank you.

Jordan: Here you go. And this one is for ciara.

Ciara: Thank you. Gosh, you must have been up early decorating these. I almost hate to eat mine.

Jordan: You don't think it's bad I'm letting david have all this sugar, do you?

Rafe: You ever been to a one-year-old's birthday party? All david is gonna do with that cupcake is smash it into his high chair. Then he's gonna take the icing and just rub it all over his face, and if he's lucky, a few wayward crumbs will fall into his mouth.

Jordan: Yeah. Figured as much.

Rafe: That's good. You know, when gabi was around ten, she had a booming cupcake business.

Jordan: Mmm.

Rafe: No, she did.

Jordan: Really?

Rafe: Want to know what the secret ingredient was?

Jordan: What was it?

Rafe: My other sister arianna was putting kahlúa into the batter.

Jordan: No, kahlúa?

Rafe: Yeah, kahlúA. Apparently, it was the secret ingredient in the old family recipe.

Jordan: Oh. Wow.

Rafe: It'd cook off in oven, but still.

Jordan: Guess every family has its own secret ingredient.

Rafe: Mmm. Guess so.

[Uneasy music]

Jordan: You know, I did spend a lot of time on these cupcakes, but they are made to be enjoyed today. It's a very special day. He's--turns one year old today. We're looking forward to a very happy future. But like I said, these cupcakes are meant to be enjoyed, so you have to eat your cupcake. I want to hear what you think of it.

Rolf: Looks good. All right, um... ah, this.

[Chuckles] Ah.

[Alarming music]

Today is the day, stefano. Everything is almost ready. Yes.

Doug: How are you doing, sweetheart?

Julie: I'm not short of breath anymore. So I guess there's some benefit to being part cyborg.

Doug: [Laughs] You are and always will be 100% you, my dear. That pacemaker is no bigger than a vitamin pill. Right, hope? Hope?

Hope: Huh? What? Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry, I was concentrating on trying to find something julie might enjoy watching.

Julie: Save your energy. I want to concentrate on my loved ones.

Eli: Good morning.

Julie: Oh, darling. Oh, beautiful flowers!

Doug: May I take them?

Eli: Yes.

Doug: They are beautiful.

Eli: Thank you. Thank you. How you doing, gorgeous?

Julie: I feel better than I have in a long, long time.

Eli: I heard your procedure went smoothly.

Julie: Yeah, I'll be back on my feet very soon.

Eli: In time for the wedding?

Julie: Probably not. But I want you two to go ahead and marry next week, as you planned.

Lani: Sounds like julie's gonna be okay, thanks to you. You are the one who made everything possible.

Gabi: Yeah, I even made your wedding possible. Now you're free to get married.

Lani: Listen, gabi, I--

Gabi: No, it's okay. Everyone's looking forward to your wedding, especially me.

Lani: Uh. I'm sorry, gabi. We--we didn't invite you to the wedding. We didn't think that you would want to be there.

Gabi: Of course I want to be there. I want to see the look on everyone's face when you dump eli at the altar.

[Dramatic music]

Lani: [Laughs weakly] I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not dumping eli. I love him.

Gabi: Oh, I know. And because you love him, you're gonna do exactly what I say.

Will: I'm so sorry that david's mommy yelled at you, sweetie. Um, what--what happened?

Arianna: She said I gave david the wrong cupcake.

Will: Oh, okay. Well, you know, it was david's first birthday, so maybe she was kind of nervous. But she should have known you were just trying to help.

Sonny: Yeah. 'Cause you're such a good helper. I mean, you helped me pick out this shirt this morning.

Will: Oh, and remember when you helped me put the rs in my article about the new railroad.

Sonny: You know, sweetheart, the cupcakes have names on them. And I know that you're just learning to read, but maybe jordan had a different cupcake for david because he's one year old and he's still a baby.

Will: Yeah. And even for-- you know, for a baby, even something as yummy as a cupcake can be dangerous.

Ben: I am telling you, you're in for a treat.

Jordan: You haven't even had yours yet.

Ben: Yeah, but you used to always make me cupcakes on my birthday.

Jordan: Chocolate with vanilla icing. They were always your favorite.

Ben: They are the best. I haven't had one of these in years.

Jordan: I know. I never had my cupcake tin when we were on the run from clyde.

Ben: Well, you always found a way to make my birthday special, every damn year.

Jordan: You never said that before. Come here, baby.

Ben: I should have. Truth. Thank you.

Ciara: Okay. I've been staring at these cupcakes for long enough. I am going in.

Ben: Oh, hey, hey. You can't eat that.

Julie: Now I want you to tell me all your wedding plans, the details. Who's invited? Who's gonna be officiating? What are you serving?

Doug: She really sounds like her old self, doesn't she?

[Laughs] Man, I hope the recovery is not long.

Hope: Me too, daddy.

Eli: Okay, well, let's see here. We tried samples of cake and frosting, and today, we're on antacids.


Julie: I've been there, honey.

Doug: Considering all she's been through, she really looks good, don't you think?

Hope: Oh, sure. I mean, if you think so.

[Eerie music]

But not better than I.

Julie: So you must promise me that you will go through with the wedding, no matter what.

Eli: Okay. But only because you insisted that we not wait for you to be there.

Julie: Oh, darling. I'll be there in spirit.

Eli: Are you sure this is how you want it to be?

Julie: Positive. You kids have been through so much, and some of it was because of me.

Eli: Well, that's all behind us now.

Julie: Oh, you and lani, you deserve to be happy. I want this wedding day to be just spectacular. Nothing's gonna spoil it.

Lani: I don't know what you're talking about, gabi. I know you've had a terrible day.

Gabi: Burying my husband? Yes, it's been a bad day.

Lani: And you should be at home, resting.

Gabi: Right, yes, lani. That's what I should do. I should take a nice nap. That's gonna take away the pain of a grieving widow.

Lani: That's not-- that's not what I was saying.

Gabi: You have absolutely no idea what I'm going through, but you're going to find out on your wedding day. Best part... your friends, your family, they're all gonna be there when you crush eli's heart and you lose him forever.

Lani: Okay, that's what i mean about you not making sense. Why in god's name would i ever do a thing like that?

Ciara: Why not? Why can't I eat the cupcakes, ben?

Ben: We haven't even sang "happy birthday" yet.

Ciara: Oh, right. Sorry, sorry.

Jordan: You know what, don't worry. I forgot too. Bad mommy.

Rafe: You got it?

Jordan: Yeah.

Rafe: Okay. You ready? Are you ready? Oh, yeah. There you go. By the way, you are not a bad mommy. Okay. Here we go.

Ciara: Let me-- yeah.

Rafe: Yes, can you please get some pictures of this?

Ciara: Yeah, I'm totally gonna videotape this. Okay. Ready? All right. Two, three.

All: Happy birthday

to you

happy birthday to you

happy birthday, dear david

happy birthday to you

Rafe: And many more!

Jordan: Yeah.

Ben: All right.

Rafe: I think he's gonna need some help with that there.

Ben: Yeah, yeah. You need help, bud?

Rafe: You got it?

Jordan: All right.

Rafe: Wait, wait. Don't forget to make a wish. Okay, here you go. Ready?

[David fusses] Yeah.

[Uneasy guitar music]

Will: She--she should not have been left alone with jordan. And the woman just got out of bayview.

Sonny: I know. And ari's already having a bad day. You know, this morning she asked me if her mommy had forgotten about her.

Will: Oh, no. What did you say?

Sonny: I didn't know what to say, 'cause I don't know if gabi told her yet about stefan's death.

Will: Yeah. Damn, sonny, this is gonna be tough. Ari's gonna need us full-time.

Sonny: And we're gonna be there.

Will: Yeah.

Sonny: I just can't believe that jordan yelled at her.

Will: Right? Especially when she didn't do anything wrong. We shouldn't have brought her over there. You can't be too careful, not in this town.

Rolf: Greetings, gentlemen.

Will: I rest my case.

Doug: Hope, honey, I don't get it. How could you be so flip over what julie has been going through?

Hope: Daddy, I wasn'T. I was joking. Seriously, I was. I was completely joking. I'm so sorry. Look at her. She looks better than I do. She just had a heart transplant. Look at the bags under my eyes.

Doug: Have you not been sleeping?

Hope: Seriously, no.

Doug: Neither have I.

Hope: I know. Daddy, I know, I know. I know.

Julie: What are you two talking about so quietly?

Doug: How well we're gonna sleep starting tonight.

Julie: Hope, I want you to take your father home. You know he has been here night and day, day and night.

Doug: I feel fine.

Julie: Sweetie, it's time you started taking care of yourself. For me, please?

Doug: All right. But if you have need of anything, I'm gonna have my cell phone right by my side.

Julie: Don't have to worry about me anymore. I'm good as new.

Lani: I don't know how you can be so sure that I'm just gonna leave eli at the altar.

Gabi: I'm sure because you owe me. Lani, you fired the bullet that killed my husband.

Lani: Vivian was about to shoot me. Stefan jumped into the line of fire.

Gabi: Well, all I know is that my husband's dead and you're planning your wedding. Your superiors didn't even give you a slap on your wrist.

Lani: Because it was a clean shoot.

Gabi: Spotless.

Lani: Do you think I'm not losing sleep over this? I fell apart last night after we saw you. But I'm not gonna dump eli just so you can feel like we're even.

Gabi: Oh, we will never be even. But I can make you pay for what you did to stefan.

Lani: I knew it. I knew that apology last night was just a bunch of bull. All that stuff about "no hard feelings," that me and eli deserve to be happy. You didn't mean one word of it.

Gabi: Good. She gets it. What did you think? I was just gonna let you kill my husband, sit back, allow you to live your happily ever after?

Lani: Right. 'Cause getting even is your mo.

Gabi: Especially when I hold all the cards.

[Dramatic music]

Rolf: I was out doing some shopping and saw you across the way and decided to say hello.

Sonny: Why?

Rolf: Well, to give william a chance to thank me in person.

Will: For what?

Rolf: For saving your life, nicht wahr? I brought you back from the brink after ben weston-- well, you know.

Will: All right. But you also helped susan keep me away from my family.

Rolf: Oh, can you really blame me for helping miss banks? It was impossible to say no to that strange lovely butterfly. How is she, by the way?

Will: Okay, stay away from susan, stay away from me, stay away from my family. You and your reckless experiments already caused enough trouble here.

Rolf: I assure you, my troublemaking days are far behind me. And my latest projects are all completely legitimate.

Hope: That is a lie, and you know it.

[Dramatic music]

Jordan: Okay, he's getting a little fussy, but I'm getting some great pictures, yes.

Rafe: Oh, he's got the birthday blues. Here you go, pal.

Jordan: All right, you guys, all right. So now it's your turn. Chow down.

Ben: Oh, finally.

Jordan: Ciara?

Ciara: Yeah. Oh, yeah. No, sorry. I was just posting some pictures that I took of david. Mmm. Oh, my god. These are so good, jordan. It tastes like I died and went to heaven. Wow. Oh, my god.

[Suspenseful music]

Eli: You know, hope practically had to drag doug out of here. That man loves you so much.

Julie: I love him with all my-- gee, I'm not sure I can say that anymore.

Eli: You and doug are like role models to lani and me. You're what a marriage should be.

Julie: Oh, what a beautiful compliment. Eli darling, will you do me a big favor?

Eli: Name it.

Julie: Will you convince gabi to come and see me? I know. I know we have a terrible history. But I owe her my life.

[Pluvial piano music]

Lani: What cards do you think you're holding? You have no power over me.

Gabi: I don't? Oh, after I graciously gave my husband's heart to your fiancé's granny?

Lani: There was nothing gracious about what you did. You made me get down on my knees and beg you.

Gabi: YeaH. That was the best part of my day. But, lani, it left me feeling empty. So before they took stefan's body, I promised him justice.

Lani: I'm sorry you don't feel vindicated, but what can you do about it? Stefan's heart is inside julie now, and you can't take it back.

Gabi: Hang on. I don't have to take it back, not after what I just pulled off.

Lani: What did you do?

Gabi: I just figured out a way to keep my promise to stefan and make you suffer at the same time. You're gonna give up your love, honey, because if you don't, well then, eli's sweet, sweet grandma will be a dead woman.

Rolf: I don't know what you mean, miss brady. Since I've been back in salem, I have been a law-abiding citizen.

Hope: Don't call me miss brady. My daughter told me that you talked xander kiriakis into giving you a lab at titan.

Sonny: Are you kidding me?

Rolf: There is nothing diabolical in what I plan to do there, I assure you.

Will: And your word is your bond, right?

Hope: Hmm. People are talking, rolf, wondering what you did to make xander give you access.

Rolf: Well, isn't it possible the young man just recognizes genius when he sees it, hmm? Well, I really must get back to my shopping.

Will: Yeah. You do that.

Rolf: So nice to see all of you. Oh, I must say, hope, that is a lovely shade of lipstick you have on.

[Eerie music]

Eli: Grandma, I don't think this is the best time for you to talk to gabi.

Julie: Oh, I'm totally up for it, honey.

Eli: I was thinking about gabi. Stefan's funeral was this morning.

Julie: Oh, I didn't know that. I would have sent flowers.

Eli: No, it's okay. Lani and I, we went and we represented for the family.

Julie: Oh, good. How is gabi doing?

Eli: She is hanging in there.

Julie: What else can she do?

Eli: Yeah.

Julie: No secret, stefan and I were--there was no love lost. But here I am because I have stefan's heart because gabi was generous enough to donate it to me.

Eli: Well, she did ask about the pacemaker. She seems really invested in knowing that you're gonna be okay.

Julie: I never thought I would say this in my life. I'd been unfair to gabi. I absolutely refused to ever see anything from her point of view. Who would have thought it? She's turned out to be my guardian angel.

Lani: You're making threats against julie? I think you better explain yourself.

Gabi: Delighted. Do you remember when kayla told you, me, eli about julie's pacemaker? You remember she was saying she needed to implant a new miniaturized version? Anyway, you probably don't remember I said I read it somewhere. So I went home and I figured out where I had read that. It was in one of stefan's files of new acquisitions. See, dimera enterprises owns a company called visionary bionics, and they make state-of-the-art technology, including, would you believe this, pacemakers.

Lani: So? You can't keep julie from getting the pacemaker. Gabi, she's already had the procedure.

Gabi: Oh, I know. I know. But not before I made a few modifications on it.

Lani: What are you talking about?

Gabi: I just made a few phone calls to the right people and I made sure that julie had the model that I wanted. See, being stefan dimera's widow, it opens a lot of doors. I've got this app right here. Not only does it monitor julie's heart, I can destroy that heart any time I want to.

Jordan: I think this party tired you out. I think it's time for a nap.

Rafe: Me too.

Jordan: All right, you guys. Haven't baked in a really long time, so tell me what you really think. How were they?

Rafe: Oh, they definitely lived up to the hype, jordan.

Ben: I told you. You haven't lost your touch. You still got it.

Jordan: Ciara, you're staying kind of quiet. Were they too rich for you?

Ciara: No, no, jordan, they were really great.

Ben: Hey, you all right?

Rafe: You don't look so good.

Ciara: Yeah, all of a sudden, I don't know, I'm just-- I'm not feeling so good.

[Dramatic music]

Ciara: I don't know. Just feel dizzy and, like, a little queasy.

Ben: Think you're coming down with something?

Ciara: I don't know. Just feel dizzy and, like, a little queasy.

Ben: Oh, all right. Maybe I should take you home.

Jordan: I'm sorry you don't feel well.

Ciara: Yeah, no, no. You should stay here with your nephew. I'll just take a ride share.

Ben: A ride share while you're feeling sick?

Ciara: Ben, I know how much it means to you to be here.

Ben: I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about you.

Ciara: Ben, it's nothing. It's nothing. I will be fine, and it will pass. And I will be fine.

Ben: Okay.

[Uneasy music]

Will: So julie's prognosis is good?

Hope: Yeah, we're optimistic. Hey, my dad agreed to let me take him home so he could lie down for a little while. So that's good news.

Sonny: Yeah. That's great news. I know things were pretty scary there for a while.

Hope: They were.

Will: I know. Getting stefan's heart seems like an answer to a prayer.

[Pensive music]

Hope: God, please, dear god. Please, please, please. Julie really needs your help right now. Please help gabi make the right decision to give julie stefan's heart. Please, please.

[Uneasy music]

Rolf: It appears as if I'm the answer to your prayers.

Will: Hope? Hope? You okay?

Hope: Yes. Yeah, I'm good. I just remembered I have somewhere to be. Bye.

Will: Bye.

Eli: I agree. What gabi did was really hard and unbelievably generous.

Julie: Do you think she really loved stefan?

Eli: So she says. But she did tell lani that she's sorry for blaming her for stefan's death.

Julie: People do irrational things when they've lost somebody they love. I know this.

Eli: If anyone's to blame for stefan's shooting, it's vivian. Grandma, she pointed a gun at lani. Yeah. I think--I think gabi realizes that lani was just doing her job.

Julie: Let's hope so. I have been on the receiving end of gabi's wrath. Not a fun place to be.

[Ominous music]

Lani: You're making this up. You can't use an app to control someone's heart.

Gabi: Don't you remember steve johnson's bionic eye? Visionary bionics developed that too.

Lani: Stefan had the ability to deactivate the eye. He used an app.

Gabi: Good for you. See, I had a technician put the remote technology into julie's pacemaker so I can control her heart rate. I could slow it down until her heart stops beating, or rev it up till she goes into cardiac arrest. Lani, I could also just do nothing. It's up to you.

[Disquieting music]

Jordan: I'm sorry you don't feel well. Do you want to lie down in the living room for a little bit? Maybe that's all you need.

Ciara: Yeah, no, thank you, jordan, but I think that i should just really go home. I'm sorry that I ruined your party.

Ben: No, you didn't ruin anything. Right?

Jordan: Right.

Ben: Right. Forget the ride share, I'm taking you home.

Ciara: Ben, but--

Ben: It's a done deal. I'm taking you home. I'm sorry, we have to leave early, sis.

Jordan: It's okay. I'll grab your coats.

Ben: You okay?

Ciara: Yeah.

[Disquieting synth music]

Ben: Back in a few minutes.

Rafe: How are you?

Ben: She should be okay.

Ciara: I just...

Jordan: Here you go.

Ben: Thank you again for inviting us. I really hope you know how much it meant to me.

Rafe: Bye.

Ben: Goodbye.Ah. Thank you, jordan, really.

Ciara: Yeah. Thank you, jordan, really.

Ciara: Yeah. Thank you, jordan, really.

Jordan: Believe me, pleasure was all mine.

Rafe: Come on. Give me a hug.

Ben: See you later.

Rafe: Thanks, guys.

Eli: I still find it hard to believe that lani and i are actually getting married.

Julie: Well, you both seem pretty happy about it.

Eli: We are. We definitely are. But we didn't exactly have a storybook romance. I mean, we weren't even together when we made david.

Julie: But you grieved for him together when you lost him.

Eli: David abraham made us look at each other in a new way. And we leaned on each other. And I have never ever opened up to someone like I have with lani.

Julie: That's wonderful. You know your dear mother has gone through most of her life alone, and all she wants for you is a soulmate. That's what I want for you too.

Eli: Lani is my soulmate. And she gets me. She knows when I need to talk, and when I need to be left alone. And she is not afraid to call me out when I'm acting like an idiot. I love her for that.

Julie: You know what I love about lani?

Eli: What?

Julie: The look on your face when you talk about her. You are so obviously a man in love, darling.

Eli: I'm a lucky guy. Lani's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Lani: You're bluffing. You would never actually kill julie.

Gabi: Oh, you kidding me? I hate the old bat's guts. You know, she had a cousin named nick? Unfortunately, I married him.

Lani: Yeah, I heard he was a monster.

Gabi: He made my life miserable. And after I left him, he tried to rape me. And when I fought back, he ended up dead. But you know what? I went to prison anyway. And julie, ah, she couldn't be happier about that. Even when there was new evidence that got my name cleared, she never stopped hating me. She never let it go.

Lani: Doesn't mean you get to kill her.

Gabi: Told you I'm not doing anything to her. It's all up to you.

Lani: Don't you care about eli? You were with him once.

Gabi: Yeah, honey, I was. I even thought he might have been the one. And then you saw me with jj after I spoke with him, talked him out of hurting himself. That's when you decided that we'd been cheating on you and eli. So what, you pranced over to eli's room and you got yourself pregnant.

Lani: You know it wasn't like that.

Gabi: He'll be better off without you.

Lani: We love each other.

Gabi: Good. Good. Because if it's real love, then you're gonna do the far, far better thing. You're gonna sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of his beloved grandmother.

Lani: No, no, no. No. You can't ask me to just hurt eli like this. And you know what, gabi? I will not do it.

Gabi: Okay. Well, if that's what you want, fine. Guess there's gonna be one less old hateful bitch in the world.

[Disquieting music]

Hope: Where did all this stuff come from?

What is going on here?

Rolf: Activate satellite. What are you doing, wilhelm? You don't need the satellite this time around. If my calculations are correct, and they usually are, the system should be completely operational by now. The final transformation is about to begin.

Hope: Why am I even here? I have to talk to marlena. Maybe she can explain why I keep having these impulses. Ahh!

Julie: All this talk about your wedding is giving me second thoughts about missing it.

Eli: We can still postpone it until you can be there.

Julie: No, no. I want you to go ahead with your plans. But promise me you'll take hundreds of pictures. Deal?

Eli: Only if you promise to stick around and help us celebrate all our other special days.

Julie: Oh, I promise.

Eli: Then you got yourself a deal.

Lani: What do you think you're doing?

Gabi: Showing you what I'm capable of.

[Spacey music]

[Dramatic music]

Eli: Grandma, what's wrong?

Julie: [Panting] My heart, it feels like it's going a million miles a minute.

Gabi: Uh-oh. Seems like julie is in distress. Believe me now?

[Julie gasps]

Ben: Hey. You don't have a fever. You could be coming down with something, though. You want to call sarah?

Ciara: Actually, this ginger ale you got me is helping. I'm starting to feel a lot better.

Sonny: You know, I just remembered, I have a bunch of stuff to pick up from the dry cleaner.

Will: Yeah, you remembered because you saw the state of our daughter's face and hands.

Sonny: Busted, yes. Well, you're the one that gave her the cupcake from the party.

Will: Well, with any luck, I'll have her cleaned up by the time you get back.

Sonny: Okay. See you.

Will: See you. Hey. I like your drawing. Looks like the birthday party. Yeah. Okay, let's see. Is that you? Yeah? And are those the cupcakes? Yeah? Kind of looks like you're doing something to them.

Arianna: I changed the names so girls got more frosting.

Will: You switched them so the girls got more frosting? That's very tricky.

Arianna: Please don't tell david's mommy! She's mean.

[Disquieting music]

Jordan: I was right. David fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Rafe: Yeah. A lot of excitement today.

Jordan: Yeah, it was a good party, right? I mean, except for poor ciara. Hope she doesn't have a bug that david could catch.

Rafe: Yeah. Hopefully not.

Jordan: Hey, are you upset about something? You've been kind of quiet for a while.

Rafe: No, it's just, um... yeah, it's, oh... oof. Not feeling...

Jordan: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Rafe.

[Dark music]

Hope: Rolf?

Rolf: It's all right. I'm here. Please give me your hand. There. Be careful. Be careful. There you go. Right over here. Yeah, yeah. Here you go. Yeah. And now that you've settled into your rightful place, I have a gift for you.

Hope: [Gasps] My, it is-- it is exquisite.

Rolf: Well, go ahead. Put it on.

[Musical crescendo]

Hope: How do I look?

Rolf: Perfect. Welcome back from exile, your royal highness.

Hope: Well, let's not stand on ceremony, shall we? Simply call me princess gina.

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