Days Transcript Thursday 10/24/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 10/24/19


Episode #13637 ~ Gabi plots to avenge the death of Stefan. Jack proposes to Jennifer. Ciara and Ben arrive for David's birthday.

Provided By Suzanne

[Soft dramatic music]

[Ben grunts softly]

Ben: Morning.

Ciara: Hey, you. You're up.

Ben: Yeah. I haven't slept that well in so long. I feel lighter.

Ciara: Because you worked things out with jordan?

Ben: [Sighs] After everything me and my sister have been through, today isn't just about david's birthday. It feels like the day we start to become a family again.

[Suspenseful music]

Jordan: And of course this special one for ciara.

[Door opens]

Rafe: Hey.

Jordan: Hey.

Rafe: Ooh, ari, check it out. Check it out. Cupcakes are hitting the plate. It must be someone's birthday.

Jordan: That's the rumor.

Rafe: Wow. Well, ari and i are very excited.

Jordan: Not as excited as I am.

Brady: [Exhales]

Kristen: Good morning, sleepyhead.

Brady: What the hell? What? What the hell?

[Romantic music]

Jennifer: Jack?

[Dramatic music]

Where did he go?

Eli: Are you awake?

Lani: [Chuckles] That depends. Who's asking?

Eli: Oh, you know, just some random dude. How you feeling this morning?

Lani: Contented.

Eli: No lasting effects from tasting all that wedding cake?

Lani: I'm okay. How are you doing?

Eli: Much better. In fact, so much better that I-- you know, how about I just prove it.



Gabi: Oh, stefan, how am I gonna live without you?

Stefan: Who says you have to?

Gabi: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, you're alive?


Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Gabi: I can't believe this. Did rolf find a way to save you? 'Cause I gave up hope, but there was a little part of me that believed that you would come back to me, that god would not punish me after everything that I've been through. What?

Stefan: Over here, gabi.

Gabi: Wha-- why are you playing games?

Stefan: I would never do that.

Gabi: But if you've come back to me, then I need to hold you to know that you're real.

Stefan: Gabi, I'm not real.

Gabi: What? No.

Stefan: Yes. I'm dead, gabi. It's over. I just came back to say one final good-bye.

Lani: [Chuckles]

Eli: [Exhales] Okay. So what's the verdict? Do I seem better?

Lani: No complaints here.

Eli: You know, I used to dread waking up. I mean, I would literally set three alarms all over the room. But now I can't wait to open my eyes, just so I can see this face.

Lani: [Laughs softly]

Eli: I love you.

Lani: I love you.

Eli: I should probably give kayla a call, see how my grandma's doing.

Lani: [Laughs]

[Cell phone beeps]

[Line trilling]

Eli: Hey, kayla. I was just giving you a call to check up on my grandma. Really? So when do you start the procedure? Okay. Yeah, no. I'll be right over there as soon as I can. Okay, thank you. Bye.

Lani: What did she say?

Eli: She said that that new state-of-the-art pacemaker, it arrived overnight at the hospital. They'll be starting the procedure soon.

Lani: That's great. How long is it gonna take?

Eli: They said a couple hours.

Lani: Okay. I was gonna take the day off, but maybe I could go down to the office, get some paperwork done, or... we could stay here together, in bed.

Eli: Well... I would love nothing more than that, but I really think we should go to stefan's funeral.

Brady: What am I doing in your bed? What happened?

Kristen: We were watching a movie last night, and we fell asleep, remember? Nothing happened. Nothing happened, brady, and I know you're upset, but it felt so right and natural to sleep in your arms all night.

Brady: This is not gonna happen again.

Brady: I'm gonna shower. I'm gonna change.

Kristen: Brady, come on.

[Sighs] Well... I said I'd get you into my bed. I didn't know it would happen so soon.

Jennifer: Where did he go?

[Door opens] There you are.

Jack: Oh.

Jennifer: Hi.

Jack: You're awake.

Jennifer: Yeah. I'm awake, and when I woke up, you weren't there, and I just thought maybe last night was just a dream.

Jack: It felt like a dream to me, too, jennifer, but... it was real. In fact, it was better than I ever remembered.

Jennifer: Yeah, me too.

Jack: It was...

[Romantic music]

Hey, I-- excuse me. I'm a little rusty with all this, but I'm hoping you can cut me some slack, because I wanted to get all these essentials. Here.

Jennifer: [Laughs]

Jack: All right, so...

Jennifer: Okay.

Jack: Uh... blueberry scone.

Jennifer: My favorite.

Jack: Score. All right...

[Both chuckle] Kiwi and strawberry.

Jennifer: My second favorite.

Jack: Yeah, yeah, and--

Jennifer: And?

Jack: Yeah. Coffee, almond milk, not 1 but 1 1/2 sweeteners.

Jennifer: Jack, you are good. You are so good, and I am so starving.

Jack: Okay. Okay, well, you just dig in.

Jennifer: Thank you so much, jack.

Jack. Coughing

Jordan: Okay. Oh, damn it.

Rafe: You all right?

Jordan: Uh... yeah. I'm fine. Why?

Rafe: You seem a little tense.

Jordan: You know, I'm just maybe a little nervous about what's gonna happen at the party.

Rafe: Well, maybe it's too much too soon.

Jordan: No, I'll be fine.

Rafe: We could always move the party to the pub, even call the whole thing off.

Jordan: No. I've come too far to change my plans now.

Ben: I'm sure there won't be a lot of people to mourn stefan, but... he meant something to me. I'd understand if you don't want to go with me.

Ciara: Ben, of course I'm going. Stefan's heart saved my grandma julie, and more importantly, he was your friend, and don't you know by now, ben weston? Wherever you go, I go.

Sonny: Hey, I just passed brady's room on the way down, and it doesn't look like he spent the night in his bed last night.

Will: Oh, you don't think that he--

Sonny: I just can't imagine how uncle vic would react if he found out that brady spent the night with kristen.

Brady: Where I spent the night last night is really none of your business, is it?

Sonny: We're just worried about you. All right, sorry if seemed like we were interfering.

Will: And you know what, I apologize if I'm stating the obvious, but I think it's probably best for everyone in this house if you did not get caught up in kristen's web again.

Brady: I don't--no one's getting caught in any web. Look, technically I did spend the night in her room. I did.

Will: Oh, man.

Brady: We were watching a movie. I fell asleep. That's all.

Sonny: [Scoffs] So you just fell asleep in her bed?

Brady: I know how it sounds, sonny. I do, but that's all that happened.

Will: Brady, you're playing with fire.

Brady: I know a lot of people hate kristen. God knows they have a lot of reasons to hate her, but the fact is, she's a human being. She's a guest in this house, and she is carrying my baby, so I would expect both of you to treat her accordingly, okay?

Kristen: Good morning. Is there any decaf?

Lani: Are you sure you want to go to stefan's funeral? I doubt gabi would want us there, and honestly, I don't blame her.

Eli: Gabi is grieving, okay. I doubt she'll be doing anything but trying to keep herself together, and I want her to understand the gravity of the sacrifice that she made, that we understand it. Look, we're grateful, all right, and my family owes that to her. Our family.

Lani: Okay. You're right. You are always right.

Eli: Well, I don't know about all that, but I did do something right when I proposed to you. I love you. All right, well, I'm gonna go take a shower, and then we should probably get ready to go.

Lani: Okay.

Gabi: I miss you so much.

Stefan: I miss you, too, and I'm sorry, gabi. I'm sorry I put you through all this.

Gabi: It's not your fault. As much as I may want to blame you for leaving me, no, you're not the reason I'm alone. Somebody took you from me, okay. Somebody ripped you from this world, and it was lani. Lani pulled the trigger, and lani's the one that's gonna pay.

[Soft music]

Jennifer: This is--

Jack: Yep.

Jennifer: But it's--

Jack: Uh-huh.

Jennifer: This is the ring that you gave me before I lost you, jack.

Jack: I am so glad you still recognize it.

Jennifer: But this was in my bedroom. How did you even get this?

Jack: Having my memory back does have its benefits. I mean, it comes in really handy. I remembered you always kept the key to the house under the planter on the front porch.

Jennifer: Yes, and you were always bugging me to change that, jack.

Jack: Yes, and I'm so glad you never listened to me. So if you don't mind.

Jennifer: Oh, yeah.

Jack: Yes. The best is yet to come.

Jennifer: Oh.

Jack: [Laughs]

[Jennifer laughs]

Jack: So... I may not be reciting "romeo and juliet" on a rooftop. I may not be coming down the chimney in a santa claus suit. I may not be standing out in the pouring rain with a jade plant. No, it's just you and me and the scone.

Jennifer: Jack.

Jack: No frills, no bells, no whistles.

Jennifer: No, I don't want that. This is more than enough.

Jack: I know. I know, I know. Me too. But you know me. I love the grand gesture, the big surprise.

Jennifer: I'm tired of surprises, jack. I'm over them.

Jack: Me too. I mean, all that's really important is that I love you. I love you. I always have, and I always will, and so all that remains is the question. Jennifer horton, will you marry me?

Will: So I'm guessing that you heard some of that.

Kristen: Mm, yeah, some.

Will: Yeah. Well, brady is right, and you are pregnant, and we should not be adding to your stress.

Kristen: Well, thank you.

Sonny: Well, we're gonna head off to stefan's funeral. Are you guys going?

Brady: We haven't talked about it. I'm surprised you're going though.

Will: We're going for gabi. She needs the support.

Brady: Right. Will you please give her my best?

Sonny: Mm-hmm, we will.

Will: Okay.

Brady: See you, guys.

Kristen: Hey, thank you.

Brady: For what?

Kristen: Well, for standing up for me. You didn't need to do that.

Brady: You stood up for me the other night with victor, didn't you?

Kristen: Oh, thank you. I've always been on your side, brady. I mean, it's just amazing to know that you're finally on mine.

Rafe: Look, I didn't mean to say I didn't think you could handle throwing david's birthday party.

Jordan: No, I'm sorry. I should not take my anxiety out on you.

Rafe: Well, when did all the nerves hit? You were so excited yesterday.

Jordan: I was. I am. It's just-- I keep having this memory of when ben was only three years old. My dad put me in charge of making the cake...

Rafe: Yeah.

Jordan: And... I accidentally put salt in instead of sugar, and... as soon as clyde tasted it, he smashed the cake in my face, and he called me worthless.

Rafe: Oh, my god. I'm sorry. You were just a little kid.

Jordan: Ben doesn't even remember. It's not something I will forget, but...

Rafe: Right. Well, look, that was a long time ago, right. It was a long time ago. You have a beautiful son now, so you know what we're gonna do? We're just gonna leave all that darkness. We're gonna leave it in the past, right?

Jordan: I am trying.

Rafe: Yeah.

Jordan: I am really trying.

Rafe: Well, you're doing great. You are. You're doing great. I mean, look at these. Look at these cupcakes. Like, if could, I'd eat a couple of them right now.

Jordan: No. Oh, my god. No, stop. Those are for the party, 'cause we only have so many.

Rafe: Yeah, I'm just-- I'm kidding. It's okay.

Jordan: No, right. I know. I just--thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Rafe: And I'm sorry. Listen, I'm sorry that I've got to bail, but... I got to go support gabi, you know, at stefan's funeral, 'cause she's gonna need me.

Jordan: Right. She's really lucky to have a brother like you.

Rafe: Thank you. Thank you. All right, I got to get going.

Jordan: Okay.

Rafe: Okay? You got this?

Jordan: All the hard work's done anyway, so I'm good.

Rafe: All right, see you soon.

Jordan: Bye.

[Sighs] Get it together, jordan. This party does have to be perfect.

Gabi: Lani's so happy.

[Chuckles, sniffles] She gets to marry the man of her dreams. All is right in her world. Me? I have to bury you, the man that I love, in the cold, dark ground, which is why I'm gonna put an end to it.

Stefan: Put an end to what?

Gabi: Lani's happiness.

Stefan: What are you gonna do, gabi?

[Footsteps approaching]

Eli: Gabi.

[Somber dramatic music]

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Jennifer: [Sighs] Jack, I can't believe this. This is all happening so fast.

Jack: But it's taken forever. You have been waiting for me to get my memory back forever, and--well, anyone else would've given up on me, but you never did.

Jennifer: No, no. I never would, jack.

Jack: Well, it's paid off. I'm free. Justin called when I was out. The divorce paperwork is finished.

Jennifer: What? That's it? That's it? It's over?

Jack: I'm free. I'm free to be with the most incredible, brilliant, beautiful woman I have ever known, the woman I love. So...

Jennifer: [Laughs]

Jack: I'm waiting. I'm waiting. What's the answer?

Jennifer: Yes, yes, yes, a thousand million times, yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes.

Jack: Oh...

Both: Yes.

Jennifer: Yes.

Jack: [Laughs]

Gabi: I'm surprised you're here. I thought you'd be at the hospital.

Eli: We wanted to come pay our respects. Gabi, you gave my family the most generous gift there is, and we are extremely grateful to you and to stefan for saving julie's life. I hope it's okay that we came here to say that.

Gabi: That's my brother. Excuse me.

Rafe: Hey, sis. I'm so sorry.

Gabi: Thank you for being here.

Rafe: Yeah. Well, the flowers are nice.

Gabi: Will and sonny, they were nice enough to make the funeral arrangements.

Rafe: Yeah? Yeah, of course they did. You know, a lot of people around you want to make sure you're okay. How are you?

Ben: Hey, gabi.

Gabi: Hi.

Ciara: We're sorry for your loss.

Gabi: Thank you.

Ben: Stefan was always good to me. I owe him. I'm just sorry I couldn't have stopped this.

Gabi: So am I. Excuse me.

Rafe: Yeah.

Gabi: Uh... I have a feeling that... you guys are the only people that are gonna show up today. Stefan wasn't loved very much in this town. I know you guys didn't like him. I mean, I hated him myself. I hated him until I didn't, until I could admit that I loved him, and he loved me. He loved my daughter, and... he's not what you think, at least not all the time. I'm guessing you guys came mostly because of me, and... I guess I appreciate that. I was afraid I would have to go through this... alone. It means a lot that I don't, especially because you all get to see this.

Lani: [Screams]

[Tense music]

Eli: Gabi, what the hell did you do? Gabi. Gabi, you said that you were glad that we're here to see something.

Gabi: I'm glad that you are all here to honor the man that I love, so that his death is not forgotten. I thought it would be nice if you could all place a flower in stefan's memory.

Rafe: Yeah, that's a nice idea.

Gabi: Why don't you go first.

[Somber orchestral music]

Thank you.



Jordan: Ari, can you come out here for a second? Ari, did you eat one of these cupcakes? One is missing, the one meant for ciara. Did you eat that cupcake?

Arianna: No.

Jordan: Oh, my god. Thank god.

Arianna: I gave it to baby david.

Jordan: What? You did what? Oh, my god! What? What have you done? -Their béarnaise sauce here is the best in town.

Jordan: [Exhales it's here. Oh, it's all still here. He didn't eat any of it. Oh, thank god. Thank god he was asleep.


Arianna: I'm sorry.

Jordan: Oh, ari, honey, you know what, it's okay. You didn't know. It's just--you know what, everyone has their own special cupcake, and you gave david ciara's cupcake. So we're not gonna eat them until after the party, okay. Okay. It's okay. You know what, you didn't know. It's okay. It's okay.

Rafe: Together on th--

Jordan: You know what, let's just pretend this didn't happen, okay? It's fine, it's fine.

[Together] Happy birthday!

[David fusses]

Ciara: Hey.

Rafe: What's wrong? You okay?

Jennifer: This is what a good day looks like.

Jack: Yes, indeed it does.

Eli: Hey, guys. Have you been in to see julie?

Jennifer: Yes. She's still asleep, but the procedure is done.

Eli: Oh, my god.

Lani: That's so good.

Jennifer: Isn't that wonderful? Okay, you know what, I'm gonna call the rest of the family and let them know the good news, okay.

Eli: Good.

Jack: Okay.

Lani: Um, what's that?

Jennifer: Oh, oh, this? This? This?

Lani: Yes.

Jennifer: This is--

Jack: Yes, well, let me explain. We kind of sort of kind of got engaged this morning.

Lani: This morning?

Jennifer: Yes.

Jack: This morning, yes.

Lani: You guys are getting married?

Jack: We're getting married.

Both: Yes, yes.

Jennifer: You are not the only betrothed couple in this town right now.

Eli: So happy for you guys.

Jack: Thank you.

Lani: It's beautiful.

Jennifer: There's just a lot of happiness going on around here, isn't there?

Jordan: Oh, you know, ari's just anxious about the party to start. I'm sure we all are, especially this little guy. He wants to thank you all for making it to his special day.

Rafe: Yeah. Are you sure you're okay?

Arianna: Can I help david open his presents?

Rafe: Right now, before the party starts?

Ciara: Well, why not? I say he opens this big one first. It will be perfect to put all the other presents into.

Jordan: Yeah, ari, you can help him open it.

Rafe: All right. You ready? Let's do it.

Jordan: [Laughs] Oh, wow.

Ben: Tear into it.

Jordan: What's that?

[Gasps] A toy chest. Wow, that is beautiful.

Ben: Yeah.

Jordan: You even engraved his name on it. That must've taken a lot of time.

Ben: No, no. I just wanted to make sure he had something that he could keep forever.

Rafe: That's really special.

Ben: Yeah. It meant a lot to me to have you let me be a part of my nephew's celebration. I hope this is just the start of our little family.

Jordan: Me too.

Ben: Hey, do you mind if ciara takes a picture of me and the birthday boy?

Jordan: Oh, sure.

Ben: Yeah.

Jordan: Hey, you wanna go to ben?

Ben: Hey, little man. Look at that outfit. Wow. Hey.

Ciara: Let me pull out a chair.

Ben: Oh, thank you. What's up? Thank you. Hey, hey, hey.

Ciara: Great.

Ben: I'm your uncle ben. Hey, I'm always going to look out for you, okay. We have a deal? All right, all right.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Jordan: Aww, that's cute. Oh...

Sonny: Hey, how about we give you a ride home?

Gabi: No, no, I... I think I need a little bit more time. Could you please just pick up arianna at her birthday party, and she has a doctor's appointment. Could you take her, please?

Sonny: Yeah, of course. Absolutely.

Gabi: Thank you. Tell her that I love her and that I'm gonna see her later.

Will: Are you sure you're gonna be okay here?

Gabi: Yeah, I just need a little bit more time. Thank you.

[Somber music]

[Cell phone beeps]

Will: Sorry. It's a text from jennifer at the hospital.

Gabi: Julie's procedure?

Will: It's over. It was a success.

Gabi: I'm glad to hear that. That means stefan's heart will go on.

Sonny: Are you sure we can't take you somewhere?

Gabi: No, no, no, please go. I just want to be with stefan alone one more time.

Did you hear that? Stefan, your heart, it's gonna go on. But the person that did this to you, they're gonna pay. Mm-hmm.

Stefan: You still haven't answered my question.

[Dramatic music]

Gabi: You keep doing that.

Stefan: I'm not ready to leave yet, not until I understand. What's the plan, gabi? What are you gonna do?

Gabi: You'll see. I'm just gonna make sure you get the justice you deserve. In the storied tradition of his great-great-grandmother,

[Somber piano music]

Kristen: Stefan... my brother.

[Chuckles] From what I hear, you were a true dimera, hard as nails on the outside... and broken and vulnerable underneath. You deserved more than this, my brother. You did. And I am so sorry that I didn't get to know you better. I won't forget you.

Brady: It's okay.

Rafe: You guys should just stay for the rest of the party.

Will: We'd love to, but ari has a doctor's appointment.

Rafe: Oh, pooh.

Ben: Well, jordan, why don't you wrap up her cupcake, so ari can take one with her.

Sonny: That sounds like an excellent idea, huh?

Jordan: Here you go.

Sonny: Get a cupcake. And also, grab a gift bag. There we go. David says thank you for coming, ari.

Sonny: She really loves him, and ari's gonna set up a time to come to play with david again. Come over to our place.

Jordan: That sounds great.

Will: All right, all right.

Sonny: Well, thank you.

Both: Bye.

Sonny: Happy birthday.

Will: See everyone later.

Jordan: Bye, guys.

Ciara: Bye. Bye, sweetie. Bye. It was nice seeing you.

Sonny: You too.

Ben: See ya, ari.

Jordan: All right. Who's ready for a cupcake?

Ciara: Me. I am. They look so good.

Jordan: Oh, trust me, I think you're really gonna love them.

[Tense music]

Jennifer: Okay, well, we are going to find kayla and tell her the good news.

Jack: That sounds like a plan.

Jennifer: Yes.

Jack: We'll see you later.

Lani: See you later.

Eli: Bye. Come here. Thank you so much for coming with me to stefan's funeral.

Lani: It was the right thing to do. You know, I'm really happy for you, and that everything is going well with julie.

Eli: I'm actually about to go in there right now and see if she's ready for visitors. You want to come?

Lani: No, you go. I need to make a few phone calls.

Eli: Okay.

Gabi: Heard the procedure is over.

Lani: Gabi, hi. Yeah, it sounds like julie's gonna be good, thanks to you. You made everything possible.

Gabi: Even made your wedding possible. Now you're free to get married.

Lani: Listen, gabi, I--

Gabi: No, it's okay. Enjoy the moment. Everyone's looking forward to your big day, especially me.

Lani: I'm sorry we didn't invite you. I didn't think that you would want to come to the wedding.

Gabi: Of course. Of course I want to come. I want to see everybody's face when you-- when you dump eli at the altar.

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