Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 10/23/19
Episode #13636 ~ Lani and Eli plan their wedding while Gabi thinks of ending their happiness. Justin proposes to Adrienne.
Provided By Suzanne
Sonny: Hey, the service entrance is in the back.Justin: Oh, you're now a comedian.
[Laughs] Good to see you.
Will: Hey. I'm glad you're back.
Justin: Well, so is alexander. I think we were driving him crazy.
Sonny: You and mom driving one of your kids crazy? How could--how could that be possible?
Justin: Actually, it was your mother. I'm a delight, as you know.
Will: Mm-hmm.
Sonny: Well, where is mom?
Justin: She hasn't seen jack since he got h memory back. Where do you think she is?
Jack: I got my memory back now, and I can't tie a tie. Oh, come on. It can't be because you're nervous or anything. I mean...
[Knock on door] Jennifer, we were supposed to meet at the restaurant. I thought... it's you.
Adrienne: You remember me?
Jack: You're hard to forget.
Adrienne: What did I give you for your 35th birthday?
Jack: Uh...
[Both laughing] Ah, you always were ostentatious.
Adrienne: And you always were a tremendous pain in the butt.
Jack: Aww.
Adrienne: Oh, god.
[Laughing] Oh, baby.
[Phone ringing]
Eli: Has anyone ever told you that you look beautiful in the glow of a computer screen?
Lani: I bet you say that to all the girls. What are you doing here? I thought you were at the hospital.
Eli: Well, I was until they kicked me out. Julie's getting her pacemaker tomorrow, so she needed to get some rest. How long before you're done doing whatever you're doing here?
Lani: I just finished.
Eli: Good.
Lani: Why?
Eli: Because there's somewhere that we need to be.
Gabi: Yes, yes, this is mrs. Stefan dimera. Well, first I want to make sure that everything is set for tomorrow. It's important that everything goes according to plan. Uh-huh, will you walk me through the procedure step by step?
[Tense music]
Victor: Oh, can't you keep her confined to quarters? Bad enough living in the same house, let alone the same room.
Brady: Knock it off. She has something to show you.
Kristen: This is for you.
Victor: Ugh.
Kristen: For your scrapbook.
Victor: What the hell is it? Is this a pictorial representation of your soul, a black and dark abyss, a morass of sin and darkness?
Kristen: Mm, victor, don't be mean. That is your great-grandchild.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Relaxed music]
Lani: Eli, I am really not dressed for this place. I'm still in my work clothes.
Eli: You look great. Besides, we're here for work.
Lani: We're busting the bistro?
Eli: No, we're not busting a bistro. We are having our reception here next week. You remember?
Lani: Vaguely.
Eli: Well, you've still got more work to do.
Lani: What, wait? I thought everything was set. Eli, do not freak me out. I have gone over and over that list.
Eli: I know, I know.
Lani: The invites are out. Menu is set. Dj is booked, and the flowers are--
Eli: And yet we skipped over the most important thing.
Lani: Eli, you have my ring. I saw it.
Eli: Lani, the cake.
Lani: Yeah.
Adrienne: Stop it!
Jack: 'Kay, 'kay, 'kay.
Adrienne: Oh, my god, it's amazing that you muddled through without me. Oh, that's right, you had eve.
Jack: You're not gonna let that go, are you?
Adrienne: Not in the foreseeable future, no. I just wish I had stopped you from marrying her. But then again, you were being such a jerk.
Jack: I had lost my memory.
Adrienne: And your good taste and good sense and your conscience. I just love giving you a hard time.
Jack: I love having you back in my life.
Adrienne: Oh, honey, never to leave again. Mm... now, enough about you. I just talked to jennifer a little while ago, and she seems pretty okay. I mean, after everything that happened with shah, she could've been a basket case.
Jack: Yeah, well, you know, she's always positive. In fact, she sees the whole shah incident as a--as how I got my memory back. As a matter of fact, we're--we're celebrating tonight. I remembered that I love the coq au vin at bistro, so we--
Adrienne: I have the best luck. Oh, my god, justin and I will join you. We'll make a night of it.
Jack: Oh, well, that's not necessary.
Adrienne: Oh, please, a night with my brother and bff or a night with victor and his dyspepsia? It's so hard to choose.
[Giggles] "Justin, guess what we're doing tonight." It's gonna be great.
Sonny: You know, after you and mom left, I think uncle jack got even worse.
Will: Yes, he, uh, transitioned from amateur to professional jerk.
Justin: That is so weird, because eve usually brings out the best in a man. How's gabi doing? Jennifer told me what happened to stefan.
Will: Yeah, um, she's not good. She's--she's torn up, actually, but, uh, the good news is she let julie have stefan's heart.
Sonny: Eventually.
Justin: Yeah, we heard. Oh, god bless her. Well, don't let me keep you. Your mother and I are gonna be around for quite a while.
Will: Well, it's really good to see you. Sonny--sonny missed you a lot.
Justin: Get out of here.
Sonny: All right.
[Phone chimes]
Justin: Oh, jeez. Adrienne, how could I possibly put off seeing my family?
[Rings doorbell] Henderson can get the bags.
[Pensive music]
Jack: Jennifer, nobody has helped me... see myself, deal with myself, or maybe even like myself as much as you have.
Kate: Faint heart never won fair dude.
Jennifer: What does that mean?
Kate: Well, obviously you are not dressed to go to tea with a girlfriend. You look absolutely beautiful.
Jennifer: Uh, thank you.
Kate: Okay, I know what you're thinking. What's my angle, right? But actually, I'm just-- actually, I'm just giving you a compliment, you know? I don't know. Maybe my near-death experience has made me nicer.
Jennifer: Yeah, I mean, maybe a little less acerbic. No, but seriously, you should know that lucas was just so glad that you're out of the hospital, and I am so grateful you're out of the hospital, and... I think I really would have missed your forceful personality.
Kate: That's--that's one way of putting it, isn't it? But I am serious. The dress, the shoes, your hair, it's--you look great. You meeting jack?
Jennifer: Eve signed the divorce papers, and we're gonna celebrate.
Kate: You have to be so happy. You must be.
Jennifer: Yeah, I am. I'm so happy. I'm--I'm really nervous too.
I'm leah. And that's me,
Kate: Okay, what are you so nervous about?
Jennifer: Okay, it has been six years since jack and I have been together, and I just keep thinking, what if in that time--
Kate: What if the thrill is gone?
Jennifer: I don't know. I mean, we have been through so much, we've been with different people, we've had different experiences. We have grown children. We--we are grandparents, for goodness sakes.
Kate: Seriously, this beautiful soul, this handsome man comes back from the dead, from amnesia to save your life. You can't tell me that some higher power isn't shoving the two of you back together again.
Jennifer: Oh, that's good. I like when you're philosophical.
Kate: No, you know, I was just shot, and I was seconds away from having my heart recycled, so I'm going to make sure that i make every single second count, and so should you. You know, your husband came back from the dead. Not everyone is that lucky.
Gabi: You have to promise me that nothing can go wrong. Keep me posted. I--I told you not to interrupt, okay? I will tell you when to do my room!
Will: Sorry, your majesty.
Gabi: What are you doing here?
Will: We are getting you out of here.
Sonny: It's two-for-one cosmos at the bistro tonight.
Gabi: I'm busy.
Will: Y--I know, but harold told us that you haven't eaten anything. You've barely been out of your room.
Sonny: Ari made us promise that we would look after you.
Will: So we're not taking no for an answer.
Sonny: Yes, you will have french cuisine tonight.
Gabi: All right. I guess I should go out.
Will: Yes. Yes, you really should.
[Tense music]
Eli: That is a lot of different kinds of cake. I thought we were doing, like, a chocolate/vanilla type thing.
Lani: And this is just the beginning. After we decide on our flavor or flavors that we want, we need to decide on the number of layers, the icing, colors, fillings, and the motif.
Eli: Our cake's gotta have a motif?
Lani: Then we need to submit a short little essay on the style of the presentation and then list any food allergies of any of our guests. But you know what? We got this. You and me, we got this. What do you think?
Eli: I think you have the most beautiful eyes in the whole world.
Lani: Mm-mm. We are not gonna get anywhere with an attitude like that, so shut up and eat your cake.
[Jazzy music]
Jennifer: Hey.
Adrienne: Oh, my god! Ah!
Jennifer: Look who's here. Adrienne: Oh, it's so good to see you.
Jack: Surprise.
Victor: If she can come up with a mask to make her look like nicole, don't you think she can fake this?
Brady: I've asked kayla to verify the results, and if she does...
Victor: You can start picking out names. Lilith, prince of darkness. Oh, ooh, ooh, ooh, what was it that the--rosemary named her baby?
Brady: You are hilarious. You really are, but, um, this is kayla.
[Phone ringing] Guess we'll find out who has the last laugh. My gums are irritated.
Victor: Aren't you going to answer that?
Brady: In private. I'm kinda tired of the running commentary.
[Tense music]
Kristen: I know that you love him.
Victor: Oh, thank you for your insight. Always interested in your thoughts on love.
Kristen: Mm. Maybe you should think about what you're risking, hmm? I am pregnant, and brady is the father, and he is not going to forget about the things you say about him or about his child.
Victor: Conceived with the woman that he thought he loved, not you.
Kristen: Actually, I think deep down he knew it was me.
Victor: Mm, mm-hmm, and deep down you feel that you should be free, while the rest of the world feels that you should be manacled in one of the many dimera dungeons, wasting away with rats nibbling at your toes.
Kristen: [Laughs] Oh, victor, I hope my baby inherits your rich imagination.
Brady: So, granddad, shall I call cook, have him order up some crow for you to eat?
Kristen: Brady, what did kayla say?
Brady: That you are carrying my child.
Jennifer: Oh, I didn't even know you were back.
Adrienne: Well, you told me jack got his memory back. Did you think I was gonna stay in phoenix? Please. And then he told me you were celebrating tonight, and I thought, "you know what? I'll take me a piece of that."
Jack: She--she insisted, actually.
Adrienne: Yeah.
Justin: Honey, your text said jack wanted us to join them.
Adrienne: Well, yeah. You know he never says straight out what he wants.
Justin: You don't think you heard what you wanted to hear, maybe?
Adrienne: Oh, please, you're just being crabby 'cause you had to schlep the suitcase.
[Laughter] Who cares who asked who, hon? I mean, we're all here. Jack remembers his past, including how awful eve donovan was, is, and always will be.
Jennifer: Oh, no, we don't--we don't need to talk about eve tonight.
Justin: Yeah, you know, maybe jack and jennifer would like to be alone.
Sonny: Mom?
Adrienne: Oh, my god!
Sonny: Hey! Wow.
Jack: Hey, the gang's all here.
Adrienne: The more, the merrier.
Will: Yeah.
Adrienne: Hi, sweetheart. Good to see you.
Lani: Okay, so which is the most delicious?
Eli: You.
Lani: Mm-mm, we talked about this. You have to focus on the issue at hand. Do you think planning a wedding is fun, romantic? Well, it's not. It's work.
Eli: Okay, all right, all right. We can try the icings, all right?
Lani: Okay.
Eli: Is this sweet enough for you?
Lani: Do not think I don't know what you're up to.
Eli: Mmm. So it's not working?
Lani: Dammit, eli, you know it works. It always works.
Eli: Wait, wait, come here. Come here. You got, um, a little bit leftover on your lips. Well, I like it. Do you?
Lani: No.
Eli: Liar. All right, sorry. Go--I'm just--I'm just playing. I'm messing around with you.
Lani: Eli, look.
[Dramatic music]
Adrienne: Jack, why don't you get the waitress to push a couple tables together?
Justin: As if your mother needs any help when it comes to pushing.
Adrienne: Come on. You can sit by me, sonny.
Sonny: Well, actually, mom, uh, we're here with gabi.
Justin: Oh.
Lani: Gabi, nice to see you.
Gabi: What a coincidence. Sonny and will dragged out the grieving widow to cheer me up.
Eli: Good for them.
Gabi: What is this? I see you have a sweet tooth.
Eli: No, we're just--we're just choosing our wedding cake.
Gabi: Oh. Well, stefan and I, we never got to have a reception. Actually, we didn't get to do a lot of things. Here you are picking your wedding cake, and I have to pick out his suit for his funeral.
Eli: Gabi, I'm really, really sorry.
Gabi: He's got a lot of suits, so it's gonna be hard, but. Look at me. I'm such a debbie downer. I'm sorry. I should be apologizing to you. I was terrible when you asked me for stefan's heart, and I said terrible things.
Eli: You were grieving.
Gabi: All's well that ends well. Stefan's heart saved a life, so that brings me comfort. Don't worry. Pick your cake, plan your wedding. Just because I lost my husband doesn't mean you don't get to be happy. You don't deserve to be happy, do you? Say it, lani, "I don't deserve to be happy," or the crazy lady could renege on the deal, take it all back, and all this kneeling, it'd be for nothing. Say it!
Lani: I don't deserve to be happy.
Sonny: Hey, guys.
Lani: Hey.
Eli: Hey, sonny, will.
Will: Um, you know what? Aunt jen told me that julie is getting a pacemaker. Well, that--that is great news, right?
Gabi: Mm-hmm, yup, once she gets that, she's gonna be good as new. Yeah, I can testify that her new heart is top of the line.
Sonny: Well, um, it was nice seeing both of you. Um, let's go. I'm starving.
Gabi: I don't have much of an appetite these days. But, you know, that looks pretty good. Mmm, I'd go for that one.
Eli: Yeah.
Kristen: I told you I was telling the truth. But I understand your caution, trust but verify.
Brady: Well, now it's a fact. This is my child.
Kristen: Our child.
Victor: I need a drink.
Brady: I think this validates my decision to move kristen into the house, don't you think?
Victor: Does it also validate your putting your job in jeopardy?
Kristen: Oh, victor, now that we're going to be family, maybe you should stop threatening to fire brady so that we can all make a fresh, new start, hmm?
Victor: Too late for that.
Brady: What do you mean?
Kate: Sorry to interrupt. I've come to tell you that I accept your job.
[Tense music]
Eli: I feel bad about that, gabi showing up here while we're having a great time planning a wedding, and she's going through hell.
Lani: Because of me. Eli, can we just pick a cake and get the hell out of here?
Eli: Babe, I know that wasn't fun for you, but when gabi gave julie stefan's heart, I really think that was the first step of her getting past what happened.
Justin: What?
Adrienne: Don't you have something to say to jack, dear?
Justin: Well, since you said that loud enough for him to hear, I guess I do.
Jack: You know, that's one thing I remember about my sister. She could always steer a conversation. Justin, you had something you wanted to say to me?
Justin: Yes, well, you know, now that you've got your memory back, I just want to say I'm sorry for representing eve in court.
Adrienne: I want you to know I totally pitched a fit about that as well, just so you know.
Jack: You? You pitched a fit? You--oh, well. Look, I believe that everybody has a right to representation, including eve, and honestly, I-- I can't believe--I mean, anyone could take eve's side after the way that I acted and behaved since I came back. It's--I mean, I really wish I could just forget the whole thing.
Adrienne: Jack, you weren't yourself, and now you are, and the four of us, we're the four musketeers again.
Jack: Yes, again, but maybe--maybe another time, perhaps.
Adrienne: What?
Jack: Um, it's--one other thing I remembered is that you can be really clueless, adrienne.
Justin: Like not picking up clear, loud signals that they want to be alone.
Adrienne: What? No.
[Giggles] Oh. Oh.
Justin: I think she's got it.
Adrienne: I got it. I'm so embarrassed.
Justin: Wow. I am so beat. You guys don't mind if we call it a night, do you? We've got to...
Adrienne: Yeah.
Jack: Oh, no, please stay.
Adrienne: You know, you could have just told me.
Jack: No, no, I--actually, I mean it. I mean it. Please stay and have dessert. I will, um-- I'll walk jennifer home and--well, that is, unless you'd care for some tiramisu.
Jennifer: Oh, it's funny. I couldn't eat another bite.
Jack: All right then. Well, we'll do this again some--
Justin: No, and jack, dinner's on us, and jenn, I just want to say you look great tonight, and he is one lucky guy.
Jennifer: Well, thank you, but I think he looks great, and I'm the lucky one. But anyway, I love you. I'll talk to you--I'll call in the morning.
Adrienne: I love you.
Justin: Great to see you.
Jennifer: Bye.
Adrienne: Bye.
Jack: All right, have a lovely evening.
Adrienne: Bye, jack.
Jack: Yes, yes.
Adrienne: All right.
Justin: Well.
Adrienne: I...
Justin: That was--
Adrienne: Have something to say to you, mister.
Justin: Mm-hmm?
Adrienne: You are fabulous.
Justin: Aww.
Adrienne: Thank you for bailing me out like that and being so sweet and funny.
Justin: Aw, shucks. I just wanted to get rid of them.
Adrienne: Get rid of them? Why?
Justin: So I could be alone with you.
Adrienne: Oh, honey.
Brady: What the hell is this? You said I wasn't fired, and now you're turning around and offering my job to kate?
Victor: I'm covering my bases. And why the hell wouldn't I? You're in a relationship with a succubus. Don't you think that's enough to erode my faith in your being able to function in this world properly in general, forget about as ceo of titan?
Brady: Grandfather, I'm not in a relationship with kristen. I'm looking out for my kid.
Victor: The result of which, this thing is still living in my house.
Kristen: Wasn't it just a little while ago that you were lording it over me that you were in charge of my father's company?
Kate: Well, it turns out that shin and the board are about as loyal as your father was.
Kristen: Well, in that case, I will give mr. Shin a call, take back the company, and start to clean up the mess that you've made.
Kate: Too late, babe. The position has already been filled. Didn't tony call you?
Kristen: Tony?
Kate: Yeah. They gave the job to your brother.
Jack: I'm sorry about that. Adrienne can be a little clueless.
Jennifer: I liked it. It felt just like old times, jack.
Jack: Speaking of old times, would you care to come up for a nightcap? Copd makes it hard to breathe. When you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. Because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. At humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. That's why we're offering seven things every medicare supplement should have. It's yours free just for calling the number on your screen. And when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. The call is free, and there's no obligation. You see, medicare covers only about 80 percent of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. That's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans, like those offered by humana. They're designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs medicare doesn'T. Depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or co-payments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care and more. You can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. Plus you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're travelling. With humana, you get a competitive monthly premium and personalized service from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. You can chose from a wide range of standardized plans. Each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare and help save you money. So how do ya find the plan that's right for you? One that fits your needs and your budget? Call humana now at the number on your screen for this free guide. It's just one of the ways that humana is making healthcare simpler. And when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you chose the plan that's right for you. The call is free and there's no obligation. You know medicare won't cover all your medical costs, so call now! And see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana, just might be the answer.
Kristen: That little-- if it weren't for me, tony would be in prison right now. Why is he running dimera? Why didn't they come to me?
Kate: Well, let's see. Um, the company charter demands that a dimera be ceo, and the only other dimera was a mask-wearing mental case who married her brother. You have to admit, brady, it's really creepy.
Kristen: Hey, the marriage was in name only.
Kate: Okay, seriously, could you spare us the details? Because it's depraved, even for a dimera, like one of your greek plays, vic.
Brady: What's wrong? What is it? Are you all right?
Victor: Go on, help her. She's so fragile.
Kristen: I--I really need to lie down.
Brady: All right.
Victor: Oh, I think she's having the vapors. Does anyone have any smelling salts?
Brady: All right, enough. Come on, honey, I'm gonna get you upstairs. Unless I'm fired, and in which case, I'll just pack a bag and get the hell out of here.
Kate: Well?
Victor: You're not going anywhere. You're still ceo.
Kate: What?
Brady: Okay. Thank you for the vote of confidence.
Victor: That's it. You're free to leave now, kate.
Kate: Oh, that's it? I have permission to leave? Well, you have permission to go to hell, you miserable son of a bitch!
[Soft music]
Jennifer: After the drink, are you gonna show me your etchings?
Jack: My e-- I don't have--oh. Wait. Am--am I moving too fast? Am I--oh, my gosh, I mean-- one of the things I remembered is I--I can be just as clueless as adrienne. I'm--what? What? What, what, what?
Jennifer: I don't know. There's--there's just something about you, jack. I don't even understand it. Even when you didn't remember me and you were so horrible to me and I hated you, there's just something about you, and I can't figure it out. I don't wanna figure it out.
Jack: Ah, sweet mystery of life?
Jennifer: Something like that.
Jack: So, uh, uh... is--is this all right? Is it--is it okay for us--
Jennifer: Yeah, it is. It's more than okay. This is what I have wanted since you walked in that door on new year's eve.
Jack: This is what I've wanted my whole life. My whole life.
[Tender music]
Eli: Lani, I'm a cop, okay? I know what you're dealing with, but I also know that there's nothing that I can say or that I can do to change how you're feeling. You'll process this in your own time.
Lani: Gabi is just in so much pain.
Eli: So are you. Babe, do you want to postpone the wedding? Everyone will understand. I will. Babe, I will wait for you as long as it takes. I mean that.
Lani: You just said that there was nothing that you could say or do to make me feel better, but you just did. Hearing you say that makes me know in my soul that I wanna be your wife as soon as I possibly can, and I wanna go through this with you.
[Soft music]
Will: You know what I was thinking? I was thinking this weekend we could take ari to the zoo because she's been talking a lot about snakes.
Gabi: You know, I can't-- I can't do this. I can'T. I--
Will: Gabi, hey--
Sonny: You know what? She just needs to be alone.
Will: You--you know what she's going through. She needs us.
Sonny: I know, and we'll be there tomorrow and the day after that, but tonight I think--I think she needs to be alone.
Will: Well, can I get you another glass of wine?
Sonny: Uh, no, I actually just wanna go home and be with my husband.
Will: Okay.
Adrienne: You said you were gonna split this with me. You haven't had a bite. What's that?
Justin: Open it. Find out.
Adrienne: Justin, is that the ring I saw in phoenix that you said was too expensive?
Justin: I outfoxed you.
Adrienne: Justin, it was too expensive.
Justin: Not for a really special occasion.
Adrienne: My brother just got his memory back, but I don't see why that entitles me to presents.
Justin: That's not the special occasion.
Adrienne: Then what is it? What?
Justin: If you stop talking, I would show you.
Adrienne: Okay, I'm gonna stop talking. No, really, right now I'm--okay, no more words.
Justin: Like that ever happens. Okay. This is long, long overdue, because in my heart, we're already married, but the lawyer in me would like to make it official.
[Jazzy music]
Adrienne... will you marry me?
Introducing target circle!
Kate: How dare you jerk me around like that?
Victor: It wasn't my intention to jerk you around.
Kate: Oh, really? Okay, it's okay then. That's no problem, since you didn't mean to lead me on and then humiliate me in front of everyone. You know something, victor? When your grandson runs this company into the ground, don't come crying to me, because I am sick to death of men like you and men like shin who take me for granted, and I am done! I am done with all of you!
Brady: Maybe I should start looking for another place.
Kristen: Why would you do that? Victor sided with you over kate.
Brady: I know, but what--am I supposed to be, you know, thankful for that? I mean, how am I supposed to trust his loyalty when he's out there looking for a replacement behind my back? Not to mention all the attacks on you. I mean, I know those are never gonna stop.
Kristen: I think you're wrong. I think they will stop once the reality of the baby kicks in. He loves you, and he's going to love your child. Brady, come on. You love him, too, and I--I couldn't stand being the person who pulled you away from him.
Brady: Hmm. All right, but--but if it gets too much, you'll tell me, right?
Kristen: I will.
Brady: Okay. Well, good night, and if you need anything, let me know.
Kristen: Um, yes.
Brady: What?
Kristen: A little companionship? Platonic companionship. I can take it. I just--that go-around with victor and kate, it made me upset. I just don't think I can sleep tonight, so maybe we can watch a movie, and that could calm me down?
Brady: [Chuckles] Okay. You know what? I can watch a movie. That's fine. We can do that.
Kristen: Okay, great. Great..
[Ominous music]
A movie. Let's see what's on.
[Indistinct tv chatter]
Brady: See the...
Eli: I love you, lani.
Lani: I love you, too, and gabi was right. We do deserve to be happy.
[Soft music]
Gabi: I'm not only going to lay you to rest tomorrow. I'm gonna make sure you get the justice that you deserve.
[Dramatic music]
Sonny: Dad, what are you doing?
Justin: What do you think I'm doing? I'm proposing. Actually, I've already proposed. Your mother looks like she has indigestion.
Adrienne: I'm just taken aback and trying really hard not to cry because I'm so unbelievably happy.
Sonny: Dad, take that as a yes, and mom, say yes.
Adrienne: Yes. Yes.
Sonny: Kiss her. Give her a kiss.
Will: Let's, uh...
Sonny: Actually...
Will: Let's leave them alone.
Sonny: After all these years, I'm still helping them.
Will: Let's get out of here.
[Tender music]
Jack: I love you, ms. Horton, jennifer rose.
Jennifer: I love you, jack devereux.
[Tender music]
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