Days Transcript Monday 10/21/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 10/21/19


Episode #13634 ~ Xander asks Sarah for a favor in return for keeping her secret; Eve refuses to sign Jack's divorce papers, and Jennifer tries to access Rolf's flash drive.

Provided By Suzanne

Jennifer: Kayla, hey.

Kayla: Hi.

Jennifer: We heard you wanted to talk to us about julie.

Jack: Is everything okay? We heard the transplant went well.

Kayla: Yeah. Yeah, it did. There's no sign of rejection. But she's going to need a pacemaker.

Jennifer: What? Why?

Kayla: Well, I'll explain everything. I want to wait for hope. She said she'd be here soon, but she had something she had to do first.

[Ominous music]

Kristen: It's a little chilly. But I am warm and cozy in the shawl you gave me.

Brady: Glad you like it.

Kristen: Oh, I have an idea.

Brady: What's that?

Kristen: Let's go apple picking. Doesn't that sound like fun?

Brady: You're not supposed to be doing anything. You shouldn't be exerting yourself or...

Kristen: I know. I know. You're right. You're right. All right. We need to make sure the baby's safe. Okay. Well, then, let's just enjoy the fall crisp air, hmm?

Brady: Yeah. Actually, kristen, um, I made an appointment with kayla to do a paternity test.

Eric: I said what the hell are you doing here?

Xander: Leaving.

Eric: Not until you answer my question.

Xander: Just having a little chat with the ex-wife.

Eric: About what?

Nicole: About sarah.

[Tense music]

Maggie: Sweetheart, whatever it is that you're not telling me, just...

Sarah: Mom, it's--we have been over this. I just--I need a fresh start.

Maggie: Yes. I know what you told me, and I know how painful it is to be around eric and nicole. But running away isn't the answer. Wouldn't it be better if you just stayed here where you're around so many people who love you and support you? Especially me.

Sarah: No, damn it! It is impossible for me to stay in salem.

[Dramatic music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kristen: Brady, you are the only man I've been with. I thought you believed me when I told you that.

Brady: I want to believe it, but there's plenty of people that don'T.

Kristen: You have nothing to worry about. I promise you.

Brady: Forgive me if I don't take your word for it. Look, you don't understand. Not having tate around, my boy, is--is very hard on me on a daily basis, and before I invest into this child, I just need to know that it's mine, kristen.

Kristen: It is yours, brady. So the sooner we take this test, the sooner you'll know that, and then you and I can look forward to raising this child. All right?

Brady: All right.

Kristen: So let's do it.

[Tense music]

Maggie: Why is it impossible for you to say in salem?

Sarah: Because I--I'd be constantly running into eric and nicole, and it would be just a consistent reminder that I lost the man that I love very much.

Maggie: I understand how painful it is, but sarah, you're so strong. Use your strength to get through these next few weeks and months. Yes, it's gonna hurt every time you cross paths with eric and nicole, but I promise you--I promise you the more you see them, the less it will hurt.

Sarah: But a part of eric will always be with me. I know that.

Maggie: Honey, I understand. He's in your heart.

[Somber music]

Sarah: It's more than that.

Rolf: Greetings.

Maggie: Well, if you're looking for kristen, she's not here.

Rolf: Well, actually, I was looking for xander cook kiriakis.

Eric: What about sarah?

Nicole: When sarah found out I was alive, she let you go, which was an incredibly noble thing to do, and if I were in her place, I don't know if I could do the same.

Xander: Enough, nicole. There's no need to get into all of this. Leave well enough alone.

Nicole: Eric deserves to know.

Eric: Know what?

Jennifer: Oh, I'm just so glad there's a solution for julie. I mean, everyone's been worrying so much that this really has just been such good news.

Jack: I have some good news for you. I tendered my resignation to the city council, and they accepted it, and they happily agreed that abe should be the interim mayor until they can hold a special election.

Jennifer: I was really glad to watch you and abe make peace today.

Jack: Yeah...after I've been so awful to him. After I've been so awful to so many people, including my children. And I look at you, and i realize the person that I've been most awful to is you.

Jennifer: No, but jack, I have forgiven you, and now you need to forgive yourself. You really do, so that we can move on and enjoy the rest of our life together.

Eve: I guess you're counting on me giving jack the divorce he asked for.

[Dramatic music]

Xander: Nicole, drop it, for all our sakes.

Nicole: I'm sorry, but eric would want to know that you're using me to get to sarah. Xander wanted me to put in a good word for him.

Xander: Busted.

Eric: You know what? You really have the nerve to ask nicole for a favor.

Xander: You know, sarah and i have gotten close in ways you can't even imagine... or maybe you can. But you've moved on, right? Dr. Horton is fair game.

Eric: You stay away from her.

Xander: Your man is awfully protective of sarah. I'd keep an eye on that if I were you.

Eric: Yeah, well, stop trying to make trouble. Get the hell out of my house.

[Tense music]

Sarah: What do you want with xander?

Rolf: Your beloved jennifer horton was so grateful to me for agreeing to restore jack deveraux's memory that the two of them secured me access to a lab at the hospital to recreate the serum. When my help was no longer needed, I was unceremoniously kicked out. Thankfully, mr. Xander cook kiriakis promised me a lab at titan, where I can continue to work on my personal projects.

Maggie: Well, if the projects aren't affiliated with titan, why would xander do that?

Rolf: So let me get this straight. I tell eric that his ex-lover is carrying his child, and this is supposed to help you win sarah's heart?

Xander: Exactly.

Rolf: I believe mr. Cook kiriakis realized I could be useful to him.

Maggie: Well, given projects that you've done in the past, I don't think my husband would agree with you, so we're gonna have to discuss this at another time, because xander isn't here either, and you interrupted a conversation that I was having with my daughter.

Rolf: I apologize.

Maggie: Mm.

Rolf: Please have mr. Cook kiriakis contact me as soon as possible. I am most eager to return to my important projects.

Sarah: What do you think he's up to?

Maggie: I don't know, but I don't like it.

[Dramatic music]

Jennifer: I really thought you would have accepted the fact that there's nothing that you can do to keep jack and me apart. Honestly, I thought you would have left town by now.

Eve: I almost did.

Jack: Eve, I don't want to stop you from doing what you feel is important, but before you go, you have to give me those divorce papers.

[Tense music]

You haven't signed them.

Eve: No. I haven'T. And I'm not going to.

Jack: Eve, when are you gonna get it through your head? There is no love between us. It is over, we are over, and this--this--you lost.

Eve: You know, somebody reminded me recently that I am not a loser. I'm a fighter, which is why I'm gonna stay right here in salem, and I'm gonna refuse to give you a divorce.

Jennifer: You really just get your kicks out of spoiling our happiness, don't you?

Eve: Jennifer, turnabout is fair play. You destroyed what I wanted--my life with brady. Now I'm just returning the favor.

Jennifer: No, eve. I never meant to hurt you, but you had drugs planted...

Eve: I didn't plant the drugs.

Jennifer: In jj's apartment.

Eve: Victor did.

Jennifer: Which is why--

Eve: Victor did--I was trying to help him...

Jennifer: Which is why he lost his son...

Eve: And I would still be with brady if you hadn't have stuck your nose where it didn't belong!

Jack: Enough. Enough. Enough!

Eve: Okay. Fine, jack. Fine. You want to be with little miss goody two-shoes here, you go right ahead, but let me tell you something: Nice guys, they finish last, and last is gonna be a walk in the park compared to what I have in mind for you, jennifer, because I am not gonna rest until I've crushed every chance you have at happiness. I am gonna destroy you if it is the last thing that I do.

Jack: Enough. Enough!

Eve: Ugh, jack.

Jack: Let's go.

Jennifer: Did you hear that one?

Hope: Yeah. Are you okay?

Jennifer: I'm fine. I just don't understand why she cannot let this go. She is so vindictive. I don't understand it. I just--but it's fine. I'm not gonna let it get to me.

Hope: Yeah, no, that's what I like to hear, cuz.

Jennifer: Okay. So you just came from seeing kayla, right?

Hope: No. Should I have?

Eric: You okay? He didn't try to hurt you or anything?

Nicole: No. But I'm really glad you showed up when you did.

Eric: I just can't believe that xander thought you'd go to bat with sarah for him. It just doesn't make any sense after what xander did to you. You're the last person on earth who would help him.

Nicole: You can't apply logic to a freak like that. Xander has his own set of rules, and now he knows I'm not playing along.

Eric: Are you sure there's nothing more to it?

Nicole: Like what?

Eric: Nicole, it seemed pretty tense between the two of you when I walked in. It was almost as if he didn't want you to tell me something. I can see it in your eyes. You're worried about something. He blackmailed you before. Is he trying to do that to you again?

Sarah: Bye, mom.

Maggie: Sarah... before rolf interrupted, I had a sense that you were about to confide in me, to tell me that there is more to your decision to leave salem than just not wanting to run into eric and nicole.

Sarah: All I'm asking is that you just try to accept that this is something that I have to do.

Maggie: Being close to you, spending time with my beautiful, my brilliant daughter has been--it's been a blessing, and not just for me, but for the entire family. We love you, sarah. We need you. So if you won't stay for yourself, would you please stay for us? For me?

[Somber music]

Sarah: Rolf was just here claiming that you gave him access to a titan lab. Why would you let that madman anywhere near titan?

Kristen: Well, that wasn't so bad.

Kayla: Did you swab the inside of your cheek? Okay, drop it in right there.

Brady: I did.

Kayla: Thank you very much. Perfect.

Brady: Welcome.

Kristen: And so how long is it gonna take to get the results back?

Kayla: Well, I'll rush them down to the lab, and shouldn't be long. I'll come back and examine you.

Kristen: [Gasping]

Brady: What's wrong?

Kristen: It really hurts.

Brady: What's wrong with you?

Kristen: I don't know. Oh, god.

Brady: What?

Kristen: Oh, god, our baby.

[Dramatic music]

I'm leah. And that's me,

Kayla: Keep breathing. Are you cramping?

Kristen: Yeah. Yeah. It's really painful.

Kayla: Okay. Okay, yeah.

Kristen: It's sharp.

Kayla: Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Come on. There you go. Take deep breaths. Relax. There you go.

Kristen: Okay. I mean, the pain's going away.

Kayla: Great.

Brady: You sure? You sure? You feel better?

Kristen: Yeah. No, it's-- no, I do. It's over.

[Gasps] Oh, god!

Brady: What is happening here?

Kristen: Oh, god! Am I losing our baby?

Kayla: Okay. All right. Try to stay calm. We can do an ultrasound right now, all right?

Brady: Ultra--don't you do that later?

Kayla: Well, it is early, but we'll be able to tell if the baby is developing normally and if there's a heartbeat.

Brady: Okay, but this is a high-risk pregnancy, kayla.

Kayla: Ultrasounds are perfectly safe.

Kristen: It's okay. It's okay. No, no, no. Do it. Do it. I want to make sure-- oh, god--the baby'S... okay, okay.


Nicole: What kind of leverage could xander possibly have over me?

Eric: I have no idea.

Nicole: Eric, I promise xander has nothing.

Eric: Well, I'm glad to hear that, because I don't want there to ever be secrets between us, ever. You know, it was very hard for me to tell you about my relationship with sarah, but there was such a relief to be honest, and you understood.

Nicole: And we can put all that behind us now.

Eric: Nicole, like I said to you before, you can tell me anything. There's nothing in this world that will ever change the way I feel about you.

[Tense music]

Nicole: Actually... there is something I need to tell you.

[Dramatic music]

Xander: Rolf was here?

Sarah: Just a few minutes ago.

Xander: What did he say exactly?

Maggie: That you had given him access to a titan lab because you felt that he could be useful to you. So what did he mean by that? Useful how?

Xander: Well, I know rolf is out there--like, way out there--but the guy did just bring a bunch of people back from the brink of death. I think some of these new projects have serious potential.

Maggie: Potential for what?

Xander: Generating tons of money for titan. If we provide him with a lab, we'll get first dibs on whatever he creates, and at the very least, we'll get some great media attention out of it, so...

Sarah: No. I don't think that's the kind of attention that titan wants, 'cause when we were trying to save will, rex dug out all of rolf's old files and notebooks, and I saw it, and none of that stuff is normal.

Maggie: Sarah is right. I mean, rolf has performed some miraculous resurrections, but he's also been engaged in some very nefarious deeds under the direction of stefano dimera.

Jennifer: So it's a little teeny tiny device, and they can put it right into julie's heart without surgery, and kayla thinks it's gonna be the best option for julie's condition, which is so incredible that I was thinking about writing an article for it in "the spectator." What do you think? Hope.

Hope: Yes.

Jennifer: Yeah. I was thinking about doing an article in "the spectator" about this cutting-edge pacemaker that julie's getting.

Hope: Yes. I think it would be a great--it would be really interesting. Anyway, I'm so glad everything's under control. Thanks for the update.

Jennifer: Yeah. I mean, kayla was gonna wait to tell you, but she said you were off doing an errand, you know, so you couldn't get to the hospital. I mean, it must have been something really important, right?

Hope: Ciara. Yeah. I--oh! Uh, it turns out that it wasn't jordan who tried to run her down. It was a drunk driver. They're in custody now.

Jennifer: Oh. Well, that's great news. So then you were with ciara when kayla called you.

[Dramatic music]

Hope: No. No, I wasn't with ciara.

Jennifer: Where were you?

Hope: I--I...

Jennifer: Hope, what is going on?

Rolf: I would like to kno the answer to that myself.

[Dramatic music]

Eve: Would you keep your hands off of me?

Jack: Take the papers. I mean it, eve.

Eve: Fine. But I'm not signing them.

[Tense music]

Jack: Yes, you will. Now.

Eve: "Sign them now"? Well, it's a good thing I'm not a little subservient little wifey, jackie.

Jack: You overplayed your hand, eve. You've forgotten I walked in on you in the middle of destroying claire's phone. You knew that she set the fire at the cabin, and you covered it for her, because you wanted to frame ben weston.

Eve: So?

Jack: So? Obstruction of justice. If you don't sign these papers, you're going to prison for it.

Jennifer: Thank you for your concern, rolf, but we're fine. You can just move along.

Rolf: Hmm! The familiar refrain.

Jennifer: Excuse me?

Rolf: Yesterday I was informed by dr. Johnson that since jack has recovered his memory, you no longer have any need for my serum. Then she abruptly, and rather rudely, cast me out of the hospital. Fortunately, I have a new lab, where I'm able to continue working on my important projects--projects which have the potential to change countless lives.

Jennifer: Well, good luck on your future projects.

[Tense music]

Hope. Hope. Look.

Hope: What? What is that?

Jennifer: This is a flash drive. I can figure out exactly what rolf is up to next.

Maggie: Given this arrangement you have with dr. Rolf, this is certainly something you're gonna have to take up with victor, but right now, I'd like to finish a conversation with sarah and find out why she insists upon leaving salem.

Sarah: My mother refuses to accept that it's impossible for me to be around eric and nicole.

Maggie: I know you too well. I know there's something more to this--something that you're holding back.

Xander: I've also tried to persuade your daughter to stay. I mean, god knows this house won't be the same without her. But she's a strong, independent woman who's made up her mind, so I think we're just gonna have to take her reasons at face value and respect her decision, whether we like it or not.

Maggie: Well, maybe you're right, but it breaks my heart. I love you very much.

Sarah: I love you too, mom.

[Somber music]

Thank you for backing me up.

Xander: I don't know who's gonna miss you more... your mom or me.

Nicole: Eric, you need to know... how much I love you.

Eric: Thank you, but I already know that.

Nicole: No. No. Walking away from you was the hardest thing I ever had to do, and not a moment went by that I didn't second guess that decision.

Eric: Nicole, your back was against the wall. If you hadn't left salem, you would have gone to prison. You would have been separated from holly, maybe forever.

Nicole: And after brady blackmailed me with the recording of my confession, I thought it was over, but then xander tracked me down in nashville, and he said he had the recording, and--my god, it still makes me so sick just to think about it.

Eric: Yes, but you had to give in to xander to get your daughter back. Daniel's gone, but holly still has you. One parent is better than none, right?

Nicole: Yeah. Yes. Not every child is blessed with two loving parents.

Eric: Don't you ever apologize for making the choice that you made. It was the only choice. It was the right choice.

Nicole: Thank you. Thank you so much for understanding.

[Dramatic music]

Kristen: What's taking so long? Why aren't we finding anything?

Kayla: Be patient. Ah. There it is.

Brady: Oh, my--

Kayla: You see it?

Kristen: Oh, my god.

Brady: Yeah. Yeah. Look at--

Kristen: I see it.

Kayla: Mm-hmm.

Brady: Oh, my god.

Kristen: I see our baby.

Brady: So tiny, but it's right there.

[Laughs] Wow. Wow.

Kayla: Hmm.

Kristen: What?

Brady: What is it?

Kayla: I can't find the heartbeat.

[Somber music]

Eve: See, I think you're the one that's overplayed their hand, jack. Like you said, you knew what I had on claire, but you didn't go to the cops, you didn't go to the judge, and you didn't even go to that worthless rag of jennifer'S. You kept your mouth shut, which means you were a part of the cover-up. Mm-hmm. I go down, you go down right alongside me.

Jack: I didn't know anything beforehand.

Eve: And you still said nothing, because you didn't want to go to prison. You start squawking now, that is exactly where you're gonna end up.

Jack: Well, that is a chance I'm going to have to take, because nothing is gonna stop me from having a life with jennifer. So you sign these damn papers, or our last official act will be walking together, lockstep, down to the salem police department to turn ourselves in. Your choice, eve. Your choice.

Hope: Why do you have that?

Jennifer: Because rolf left it at the hospital, and then kayla found it. But since I inflicted that weirdo on her, I told her that I would bring it back to him.

Hope: But you didn'T. Why?

Jennifer: Because I have a really bad feeling, so I'm not gonna return it to him. I mean, what if he's trying to concoct another experiment that's gonna hurt a lot of people?

Hope: Hmm.

Jennifer: So I'm gonna look at it first, and then maybe I'll return it to him, because remember, this is dr. Wilhelm rolf, mad scientist and personal physician to stefano dimera.

Hope: I have to go.

Jennifer: Okay.

Hope: I love you, cuz.

Jennifer: I love you. Wait. Keep me posted on what kayla tells you.

Hope: Kayla?

Jennifer: Yes, you're going to the hospital to see kayla to talk about julie's pacemaker.

Hope: Of course. Of course. Bye, cuz. Love you.

Kristen: Oh, please. Please, please, please.

Brady: It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be all right.

Kristen: Is that--

Kayla: Yep. Yep, there it is.

Brady: What is that?

Kristen: Oh, god.

Kayla: Right there. I am so sorry to scare you. This was really difficult to find.

Brady: Ah, so is the baby okay?

Kayla: Everything looks really good for ten weeks. I'm sorry.

Brady: It's okay.

[Somber music]

Sarah: You heard my mom. I'm breaking her heart by leaving, but I don't have a choice. Eric can never know that I'm having his child.

Xander: I'll keep an eye on maggie for you.

Sarah: Please be sure to not overshare again. You should have let me tell my mom my plans.

Xander: Don't I at least get points for backing you up just now?

Sarah: I said "thank you," didn't I?

Xander: But actions speak louder than words, and I was hoping that you would show your gratitude.

Sarah: Yeah. You can forget that.

Xander: That's not what I-- what I mean is maggie convinced you to stick around for eli and lani's wedding. I want to be your plus-one.

Sarah: Yeah. That's a "no."

Xander: Oh, come on. It would be so much fun.

Sarah: Oh, maybe for you. If I take you as my date, I will never hear the end of it.

Xander: I'm sure you can handle any flack that comes your way. Come on. I've gone above and beyond to keep your secret about eric's baby. Don't you just think I deserve just a little something?

Sarah: Are you blackmailing me?

[Ominous music]

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Xander: "Blackmail" is a very strong word. I prefer to think of it as you showing me your gratitude for my friendship and loyalty.

Sarah: By being your date?

Xander: I would never force you into taking me to the wedding. I just--I don't know. I thought it'd be nice to have one night out together before you leave town, and I'd treat you like a queen and keep an extra special eye on you, being preggers and all.

[Tense music]

Sarah: Well, given the fact that I fainted in eric's arms yesterday, I guess a wingman wouldn't be the worst idea. Yeah. All right. Fine. You can be my plus-one.

Xander: Splendid! And who knows? Maybe you'll have such a good time with me, you'll decide to stay.

Eric: I'm so sorry that xander came by here and stirred all this up again.

Nicole: I just want to forget about him.

Eric: He's never gonna hurt you.

Nicole: The only thing that can ever hurt me is losing you again.

Eric: It's never gonna happen.

Nicole: No. No, it's not. And I don't want to think about xander or anything else. I just want us.

[Soft music]

Kayla: Your baby's first photo.

[Laughter] Um, I'll step out and let you get dressed.

Brady: What about the cramping and the problems that she had earlier?

Kayla: Well, that happens sometimes, but the ultrasound showed me that the baby's doing fine. Okay? Take this all to the lab.

Kristen: Thank you.

[Somber music]

Kristen: When we made love, I know that you thought it was nicole, but this child is proof of our connection.

Brady: I never expected to be a father again.

Kristen: This is your baby. [Laughs] You know, I know that you need a test to tell you that it's true... but I never had any doubt in my mind, because you--you, brady-- are the only man that I want in my life. And now we'll get to raise our child together. Hmm? This baby was made out of our love, our love.

[Tense music]

Jennifer: "Access denied." What?

[Dramatic music]

 Jennifer: Whatever eve said, it doesn't matter. It really doesn't, because you're married in name only, jack, and we will figure out a way to be together. You just have to believe that we will.

Jack: I'm glad you believe it, because it's true.

Jennifer: [Gasps] She signed it! She did! She really did!

Jack: She did.

Jennifer: How did you get her to do that?

Jack: You don't really have to know.

Jennifer: I don't need to know. It doesn't matter. I don't even care. I don't even care. All it means is that it's us--you and me. We get to be together.

[Tender music]

Kayla: What are you doing here?

Rolf: I seem to be missing a flash drive, which contains information about my projects. I think I may have left it in the lab.

Kayla: It was found, and I gave it to jennifer horton. She said that she would give it to you.

Rolf: I was just with miss horton. We even discussed my current projects. She said nothing about the flash drive.

Kayla: I guess it skipped her mind.

[Dramatic music]

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