Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 10/18/19
Episode #13633 ~ Ben apologizes to Jordan; Hope's strange behavior continues; Nicole struggles to keep the truth from Eric; Kayla reveals to Gabi, Eli and Lani that Julie isn't out of the woods just yet.
Provided By Suzanne
Jordan: [Scoffs] What do you want, ben?
Ben: Found this on the sidewalk outside. Thought maybe david dropped it. Wait, hang on. Just give me a second, okay? I'm not here to try and see david. I'm here because I want to talk to you.
Hope: Baby, I missed you.
Ciara: I missed you so much.
Hope: Let me see you.
Ciara: Oh, it's just been so crazy. There's been so much going on.
Hope: I know, I know.
Ciara: How's grandma julie?
Hope: Doing really well, recovering. I am so relieved.
Ciara: Yeah. Me too. I mean, in one day, we went from having to say our good-byes to finding out that everything is okay and she's gonna be fine. I mean, it's been so up and down.
Hope: Yeah, it certainly has.
Ciara: Yeah, but grandma's a fighter.
Hope: Yes.
Ciara: Yeah, I should have known that she was gonna beat this.
Hope: She is definitely a fighter, and you know what? With a new heart, she's probably gonna outlive us all, right?
Ciara: Probably.
[Both laughing]
Hope: Oh, come here. Oh, honey...
Ciara: I love you, mom.
Hope: I love you.
Lani: There's something wrong with julie? I thought everything was okay.
Eli: Yeah, we just saw her. She seemed to be doing just fine.
Kayla: I know. I just examined her and looked over the last batch of her lab work.
Gabi: Don't tell me that julie is rejecting stefan's heart!
Eric: Thought I heard you come in.
Nicole: Hi. I was hoping to get back before you woke up. But holly wanted to say a prolonged good-bye at school.
[Both laughing]
Eric: I just left a message with doug. So if he happens to call here and I'm out, will you be sure to find out how julie's doing?
Nicole: Of course.
Eric: Oh...
Nicole: What?
Eric: Just seeing you standing here makes me very happy.
Nicole: Oh. Hmm. Do you want to pick up where we left off last night?
Eric: Always.
Nicole: Mm-hmm.
Eric: But I think we should talk first.
Nicole: Why?
Eric: Well, when you pulled me into the bedroom last night, I got the feeling you were trying to distract me.
Nicole: I was trying to distract you from everything but me.
Eric: And you succeeded. But you did say you had something to tell me, but you never did.
Nicole: What the hell are you doing here? And why does any of this concern you?
Xander: Did you read it?
Nicole: Yeah, I read it. I know that sarah's pregnant. And I can only assume that eric is the father.
Eric: Nicole, you want to tell me?
Sarah: My god, mom. What is it? Is it--is it julie? 'Cause I haven't called into the hospital yet--
Maggie: No, it's not julie.
Sarah: Then what is it?
Maggie: It's you.
Sarah: W-what do you mean? What did I do?
Maggie: I'm your mother. How could you keep something so important from me?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Sarah: So... how did you find out? Was-- was it him?
Maggie: Thank goodness it was because I have a right to know things like this!
Xander: Sarah--
Sarah: After you stuck your nose into my business, I asked you to keep it to yourself, and you promised you would!
Xander: Sarah, listen to me.
Sarah: I am not gonna listen to another word that you say.
Maggie: It should have been you who told me!
Sarah: All right, yeah, okay. You're right, you're right.
Xander: Before you say something you regret--
Sarah: What is there to regret--you already shot off your big mouth!
Maggie: Honey! Did you honestly think that I wouldn't notice that you had left town?
Eric: Nicole, you look so serious.
Nicole: Last night, when you were out... dr. Rolf paid me a visit.
Eric: He came here?
Nicole: Yeah.
Eric: Are you serious?
Nicole: He said he had something to tell me.
Eric: Nicole, your hands are shaking.
Nicole: I know, I know, I--
Eric: Nicole, tell me. What's got you upset?
Nicole: I really--I just-- I really don't know how to tell you this.
Eric: There's nothing you can't tell me. Whatever it is, we can deal with this together.
Gabi: If I let you take stefan's heart and you can't even save julie--
Kayla: There are no rejection issues. Julie is responding well to the transplant and tolerating the anti-rejection medication.
Gabi: Okay.
Eli: Then what's the problem?
Kayla: Her resting heart rate is very low. It's a condition called bradycardia. It happens quite often in older people.
Eli: How bad is it?
Kayla: If the body isn't getting the oxygen it needs, there can be shortness of breath, chest pain, even cardiac arrest.
Eli: So you're saying that grandma went through all of this for nothing?
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Kayla: Cardiac arrest would be the most extreme outcome. So please don't panic. There are a lot of people who are diagnosed with bradycardia and live long and healthy lives. This is a condition that we were on the lookout for. It's not unlikely to happen to transplant patients.
Eli: So how do you treat it? Medication?
Lani: Hey, maybe we should discuss this somewhere private.
Gabi: Uh, excuse me, by "private," do you mean where I'm not?
Lani: I was just thinking of your feelings--
Gabi: Okay, well, I think I'm gonna feel like crap no matter what. I gave julie my husband's heart. I think I deserve the right to know what you're going to do to it to make sure it keeps beating.
Sarah: You told her I was planning to leave town?
Xander: And that's all I told her.
Sarah: And I'm sure you did it so sensitively. Look how upset she is! Look, I-- I didn't say anything because I haven't made any firm plans yet.
Maggie: Well, don't be angry with xander. One of his few good points is that he seems to genuinely care about you.
Xander: Thank you. I think.
Maggie: What plans have you made?
Sarah: None. I didn't get a chance to put in notice at the hospital because I was called into the or.
Maggie: A lot of people are gonna miss you when you go. And not just xander and me.
[Small laugh] I thought you were happy here.
Sarah: I was.
Maggie: So why are you leaving? Is it eric?
Eric: Hey.
Nicole: I know I can tell you anything. And you deserve to know the truth.
Eric: Nicole, you're starting to scare me. You look upset.
Nicole: I-I guess I am. Eric and I are solid.
Xander: For now. But you and I both know the kind of stand-up guy eric is. So the thought that he would just let a pregnant sarah just wander out of his life is unimaginable, isn't it?
Nicole: I am done talking about this with you.
Xander: Fine. Don't listen to me. But I can tell you've been considering it 'cause you know if eric finds out that sarah is carrying his baby, they'll be bonded forever. And then the question is, where does that leave you?
Nicole: Rolf told me that... kristen is definitely pregnant with brady's baby. Brady even moved her into the kiriakis house.
Eric: That's it?
Nicole: Yeah.
Eric: That's got you so upset?
Nicole: It's pretty bad, isn't it?
Eric: But it doesn't directly affect us. So why couldn't you tell me that last night?
Ben: Not gonna let me come in?
Jordan: You're not gonna be here that long.
Ben: I'm not here to fight with you, jordan...I'm here because I want to apologize. I went a little nuts after that car almost killed ciara. I jumped to conclusions. And that's why I told the cops it was you. I just--I got it into my head and...I'm sorry.
Hope: Oh, thank you, baby.
Ciara: Here you go.
Hope: Thanks, sweetheart.
Ciara: Oh, I forgot the sugar--I will be right back.
Hope: Or honey, if you have honey.
Ciara: Okay.
Hope: Thanks, honey.
[Groans] Oh...ow. Oh, what is going on?
Ciara: Mom? Mom, are you okay?
Hope: To be honest, I'm not really sure.
Nicole: Look, kristen dimera is not my favorite subject, especially since she's making misery on the people that I care about, you know? And I feel like this is my fault.
Eric: How could this be your fault?
Nicole: Because I'm the one that made a deal with her.
Eric: So she could give you back the daughter she kidnapped from you.
Nicole: Yeah. But the only reason kristen was able to do the things she did is because she was passing as me. I knew about it--I was in on it. And brady would have never slept with her if I hadn't helped her convince him that she was me. And now that monster is pregnant by him, and he's tied to her forever. She's living in his house.
Eric: I don't know that he's tied to her forever.
Nicole: Brady would never turn his back on their baby.
Eric: Nicole, he's been done with her. He's been done with her for a long while.
Nicole: Brady is just like you. You know, he's the kind of guy that if... a woman gets pregnant by him, he wouldn't turn his back on her. No matter how much he might want to.
Sarah: My decision to leave has a lot to do with eric. But that's not all of it.
Maggie: Well, what is the rest?
Sarah: My career. If I stay in salem, then I can only be a general surgeon. But if I go to a bigger city, then I can specialize.
Maggie: But you didn't give your notice yesterday.
Sarah: No, it was too busy. But now julie is stable, so I'm gonna give kayla my notice today.
Maggie: Ah, two weeks and you're gone?
Sarah: Something like that.
Maggie: Well, don't you think that you owe kayla time to find a suitable replacement?
Xander: She makes a good point. You are an amazing doctor.
Sarah: Oh, my gosh, zip it! You've already said enough.
Xander: Maggie's my friend too--I just want you both to be happy.
Sarah: Oh, right, because the personal happiness of others is all you care about.
Maggie: Well, you are gonna stay, though, for the wedding?
Sarah: What wedding?
Maggie: Well, now that julie is all right--
Xander: Thanks in no small part to the irreplaceable dr. Sarah horton.
Maggie: What I was about to say is that I assume that eli and lani will go ahead and get married. It's gonna be a big family affair, and it was planned for two weeks from today. So please promise me that you'll be here.
Eli: I get that you have vested interest in the success of this transplant. So I don't have a problem with her hearing any of this. So what do you need to do about this?
Kayla: The condition can be controlled by putting in a pacemaker.
Eli: Pacemaker? When?
Kayla: Well, I'd like to do it as soon as possible, given the stress on julie's new heart.
Eli: Can she take another surgery so soon?
Kayla: Luckily, we have another option.
Ciara: Here you go, mom. I hope this makes you feel better.
Hope: Thank you, baby.
Ciara: Yeah.
Hope: I'm so sorry you have to keep bringing me things.
Ciara: What? Mom, you've literally been doing stuff like that for me since the day I was born, so it's not a problem. Have you had pain like this before?
Hope: Yeah, actually, a few times, I have. But it goes as quickly as it comes.
Ciara: Okay. I'm gonna call aunt kayla then.
Hope: No, no, absolutely not. This, I'm sure, is just a reaction to all the stress of everything that's been going on. I'm not going back to the hospital.
Ciara: Okay. Yeah, that would give anybody a stiff neck.
Hope: Baby, I'm sorry. I should be taking care of you right now--are you okay?
Ciara: Yeah.
Hope: You sure?
Ciara: Yeah. I'm okay. It's just...that near-miss at the brady pub parking lot, I kind of really, really wish that you didn't find out about that.
Hope: Yeah, well. Are they close to finding out who was behind the wheel?
Ciara: No. But they know who wasn't in the car. Jordan.
Jordan: This is why I worry about you, ben, because of the things you get in your head.
Ben: I know what it's like to have people assume the worst about you. It happened to me when I first came back here. The only person who believed in me was ciara.
Jordan: I guess I can't blame you for thinking that it was me in the car after all the things that I did before they put me in bayview. But I am better now. And I worked like hell to get out of that dark, awful place that clyde put me in because I knew I had to be there for my beautiful son. And I would never do anything to not be able to be a mother to him.
Ben: Clyde put me in that same hellhole, and I fought back the same way you did. What kept me sane is that I love ciara and I want to be with her the same way you love david. What I don't understand is why you keep on saying that I'm still a threat to ciara. Jordan, I just admitted to you that I was wrong about you. Can't you just admit that you were wrong about me?
Kayla: There is now a miniaturized pacemaker that can be placed in the heart through a vein in the leg.
Eli: You're kidding me.
Kayla: We will use a catheter to put it in place. And it'll stay in the chest and deliver electrical pulses that will pace the heart.
Gabi: I think I read about that somewhere.
Kayla: It was in the press quite a bit when the fda first approved it.
Eli: So that'll keep julie's heart beating fast enough?
Kayla: I think it's our best option, and it doesn't require the stress of surgery.
Eli: Have you talked to doug and julie about this?
Kayla: I was just about to. I put in a call to hope. If I get the family's approval, then I want to contact the manufacturer and see how fast they can get it to me. I'm hoping to do the procedure tomorrow.
Eli: Can I be there when you talk to doug and julie?
Kayla: Oh, absolutely. Good.
Lani: What?
Gabi: Can I talk to you for a minute?
Sarah: All right, fine. I will stay for the wedding.
Maggie: Oh, thank you! Oh, honey.
Sarah: But I am leaving the day after. We have a deal?
Maggie: Well, at least it gives me two weeks for me to change your mind. And if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna start working on my strategy.
Sarah: I cannot believe you!
Xander: You're the one who almost gave away the bun in your oven.
Sarah: Because I made the wrong assumption, but it does not change what you did!
Xander: Oh, so what was your big plan then, hmm--wait for the moving truck to pull up and then tell your mum?
Sarah: That is between me and my mother and you have no business telling her anything that I do!
Xander: I was hoping that she would convince you to stay. You know how I feel about you.
Sarah: I thought that would make you a little less sneaky.
Xander: I'm sorry, love. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you here.
Sarah: I--I am going.
Xander: Well, like maggie said...a lot can happen in two weeks.
Eric: Would you please stop beating yourself up over this? Kristen had holly. You had to do what she wanted. Kristen is the one who lied and deceived everyone, not you. Who I am proud of is brady... for taking the responsibility of his own child.
Nicole: He's that poor baby's chance of a normal life.
Eric: You know what, I wanted to let him know-- I want to tell him that I support him. So I think I should go over to the house and tell them, if that's okay.
Nicole: Yeah. Sure.
Eric: I love you.
Nicole: I love you.
[Soft music]
Ciara: It was a drunk driver, apparently. Yeah, he told the police that he remembers almost running over a woman in the brady pub parking lot. I am really glad it turned out not to be jordan though. Now ben and I can get back to normal...whatever normal is for ben's family. He went full-on protective mode on me, mom. He was not gonna let jordan do anything to me. And I just--I don't know. I remember how he was when he saw jordan in my hospital room with the syringe. And...I don't know. I honestly thought that he was gonna kill her, mom. And that is still my worst fear.
Hope: When your family... your loved ones are being threatened... it can make you... lose your mind.
Jordan: I'm not ready to let my guard down about you. I know that's not what you want to hear. But clyde terrified me.
[Stammers] H-he scared me. I did bad things because he did. But he's not a part of me anymore, but he is a part of you. And I saw it the other day in your eyes. When you accused me of running down ciara, you scared me to death.
Ben: I used to feel that clyde was still in my head too, jordan, but I don't now. I swear to god to you, I am different. And I admit to going a little crazy if anything threatens ciara. Yeah. She's my rock. She means everything to me. And I know I'm gonna be on meds and I'm gonna see doctors for the rest of my life-- I'm gonna do it because I know if I don't, I'm gonna lose the people I love if I can't keep my sickness under control. But I'm also never gonna forget that you took care of me when I was too little to take care of myself. You were the one who got us both away from clyde, and I will always be grateful to you for that. I think back to when we were so close. I want that back so much, I can just about taste it. I mean, wouldn't it be great if we could just...stop waiting for the worst to happen and just... just live in the moment?
Jordan: I need to get back inside. David's gonna be waking up from his nap any minute now, so, uh... he will be happy to see this again.
Ben: Good.
Jordan: Ben...
[Sighs] Wait.
In the storied tradition of his great-great-grandmother,
Jordan: Tomorrow is david's first birthday. Why don't you and ciara come over, and we'll have a little birthday party?
Ben: Are you serious?
Jordan: Yeah. I miss those days too, when you were my baby brother.
Ben: I used to think you hung the moon.
Jordan: Life is short. We've only got so much time. And we are the only family we've got, so yeah. Maybe tomorrow can be a new start for...for us.
Ben: Yeah.
Hope: I assumed the worst about ben when he first came back to salem just like he did about jordan.
Ciara: Yeah, I guess people tend to do that when they're scared.
Hope: Yeah. Well, thank god he realized that he was wrong before he did something he'd regret the rest of his life. Me, I wasn't so lucky. When I held stefano responsible for your dad's death.
Ciara: Yeah, well, at least he survived.
Hope: Thank god, I don't have to live with his death on my...on my conscience. But I will say, there is not... a day that goes by that I don't regret what I did.
Gabi: Guessing you didn't tell eli about our little talk the other day.
Lani: I didn't think that eli needed to know that you made me get down on my knees and beg you to give stefan's heart to julie. He is grateful to you, and i don't see any reason to interfere with that, considering the fact that--
Gabi: Considering that you are the bitch that shot and killed my husband?
Nicole: What are you doing here?
Xander: I thought you should know that maggie convinced sarah to stay, at least until eli and lani's wedding.
Nicole: How long is that?
Xander: Two weeks, maybe more, so we need to work together to keep her pregnancy a secret.
Nicole: Well, I haven't told eric about the baby.
Xander: Good.
Nicole: Not so much, because I plan on telling him as soon as he gets home.
Eric: Maggie.
Maggie: Eric, what are you doing here?
Eric: I know I should have called, but I just got in the car and came right over.
Maggie: Why?
Eric: I know about the baby.
[Tray thuds down, clatters] Are you all right?
Sarah: S-so you know?
[Intense music]
Xander: You tell eric sarah's carrying his baby, and we'll both be out of luck. You'll lose eric to her, and I'll lose any chance I have with her. Are you really ready for that? 'Cause I'm not.
Sarah: Oh, my god. How did you find out?
Eric: Nicole, she told me.
Sarah: Nicole? H-how does she know?
Eric: She had a visit from dr. Rolf last night and he said that kristen was definitely pregnant.
Sarah: [Sighs] Oh, I see.
Eric: And brady moved her into the house.
Maggie: Yeah.
Sarah: Yeah, yeah, that-- that's true. Boy, look at the mess I made here.
Maggie: I'll take that to the kitchen.
Eric: You know what, I should probably get going.
Maggie: I think that'd be a good idea.
Eric: I'm sorry if I upset you by barging in. I...thought you already left.
Sarah: Wait. I haven'T...had a chance to give notice at the hospital yet. And my mom made me promise to stay for eli and lani's wedding. So I'M...I'm gonna be in town for a couple weeks.
Eric: Whatever you think is best.
Sarah: Yeah. Not crazy about sharing the house with kristen though.
Eric: I can imagine. So how's brady doing?
Sarah: How do you think?
Eric: When he finally has his life together, and now kristen has what it takes to blow it to smithereens.
Sarah: I'll--I'll--I'll, um, I'll tell him you came by.
Eric: Appreciate it. Thanks.
Ciara: Bye.
Hope: Bye, sweetheart.
Ciara: Mom, are you feeling that pain again? Will you please just let me call kayla?
Hope: No, I'm fine. I'm sure it's just I-- mmm. Slept the wrong way. I'm sure it's nothing. Bye, sweetheart.
Ciara: Okay, but will you at least let me give you a ride home?
Hope: What?
Ciara: I, uh, I offered you a ride home. Ben and I can bring your car back later.
Hope: No, you don't need to drive me home. Besides I have an errand to run that can't wait.
Ciara: Okay.
Hope: Bye.
Ciara: Bye.
Hope: Love you.
Ciara: Love you.
Lani: For the 10,000th time, I was aiming at vivian because she had a gun--
Gabi: Eli. How'd it go with julie?
Eli: Well, how do you think? She wants to know why they can't do the procedure sooner.
Gabi: Mmm. Hard to blame her. I'm guessing she wants to feel better. Well, keep me posted. I want to know what's going on.
Eli: Hey, gabi, thank you. You've already done so much.
Gabi: I have to go.
[Door opens]
Ben: I don't want to intrude or anything like that. I just want you to know that I'll stay on as your head of security for as long as you want me there. Take care, gabi.
Ciara: Hi.
Ben: Hi.
Ciara: Hi.
Ben: Uh-oh. You got a headache or something?
Ciara: No. Actually, I got these for my mom. Not really sure it worked, though.
[Edgy music]
[Suspenseful music]
Ever since we moved here, I've been noticing it.
Eli: It was nice of gabi to offer to help. Seems like she really wants stefan's heart to work for my grandma.
Lani: Yeah, she's been really lovely.
Eli: I know how hard it was for her to make that decision. I mean, she had to give up any type of hope for stefan. I'm just glad that she's not bitter like she was before.
Gabi: Don't worry, baby. I'm gonna make them pay for what they did to you. But until I can do that, I'm going to run dimera enterprises exactly how you would. Your legacy, it's gonna live on, even if you're not here.
Kayla: The condition can be controlled by putting in a pacemaker.
Eli: Pacemaker? When?
Kayla: Well, I'd like to do it as soon as possible, given the stress on julie's new heart. We will use a catheter to put it in place. And it'll stay in the chest and deliver electrical pulses that will pace the heart.
Gabi: I think I read about that somewhere.
Kayla: It was in the press quite a bit when the fda first approved it.
[Heavy music]
Eli: Have you talked to doug and julie about this?
Kayla: I was just about to. I put in a call to hope. If I get the family's approval, then I want to contact the manufacturer and see how fast they can get it to me. I'm hoping to do the procedure tomorrow.
[Phone beeps]
[Line ringing]
Gabi: Hello, this is gabriella dimera, mrs. Stefan dimera. It's urgent that I speak to you right away.
Ciara: So where did you go?
Ben: Well, I talked to jordan.
Ciara: You did?
Ben: Mm-hmm. Had to apologize to her for telling the cops that she was driving the car that night.
Ciara: How did that go?
Ben: [Small laugh/scoff] You wouldn't believe what happened.
Jordan: Your uncle ben was so surprised when I invited him and ciara over to your birthday party tomorrow. I really hope they can both be here... because I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure
Maggie: Oh, there's arianna's doll--she was asking about it at breakfast. She's gonna be so happy that you found it.
Sarah: Yeah. Well, I got to get going. I want to catch kayla before she starts her rounds.
Maggie: Sarah. I know you, sarah horton. I know there is something that you are not telling me.
Xander: What good does it do to tell eric?
Nicole: I'm sorry. I'm probably gonna screw things up for both of us, but this baby is a reality. And I can't keep that big of a secret from eric. This is his child, and he deserves to know about it.
Xander: Where are you going?
Nicole: To find eric, what do you think?
Eric: What the hell is he doing here?
[Phone rings]
Hope: Kayla? Is julie all right?
Kayla: Yes, but I want to talk to you about her. Can you come to the hospital?
Hope: When?
Kayla: Now.
Hope: I'll-- I'll be there soon. I have to take care of something first.
[Phone beeps]
[Unsettling music]
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