Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 10/17/19
Episode #13632 ~ Julie discovers Gabi gave her Stefan's heart; Gabi is furious when she hears Eli and Lani happily making wedding plans; Kate is perplexed by an encounter with Hope; Jack makes amends with Abe.
Provided By Suzanne
Will: Hey, dad.
Lucas: Whoa, look at you. Nice flowers; those for julie?
Will: Uh, no they're for grandma, actually. I figured she could use it and brighten up her room a little bit.
Lucas: Uh, you might be a little late on that. She gets released later today.
Will: Really?
Lucas: Yeah.
Will: Oh, that's great news.
Lucas: Yeah, for everybody, including the hospital staff.
Will: Mm.
Lucas: It's a joke, all right? Come on. Uh, excuse me, mother? What do you think you're doing?
[Light music]
Jack: [Whispers] Jennifer.
Jennifer: Mm?
Jack: [Whispers] Jennifer.
Jennifer: Hmm?
Jack: [Whispering] Wake up.
Jennifer: What time is it?
Jack: It's 8:30.
Jennifer: [Gasps] Julie--is julie okay?
Jack: Julie's fine. Julie's just fine. Doctor says she came through with flying colors.
Jennifer: Oh, thank god. Why didn't you wake me up?
Jack: Well, it was 3:00 in the morning, all the news was good, and, look, you were--you were so tired. You needed to sleep.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Jack: Here.
Jennifer: I should be so mad at you, but I'm not gonna be mad at you because this is the first time I've had a whole night's sleep since julie got sick. Oh, this is great. Hope is gonna be so relieved. I mean, she's in with julie now, right?
Jack: Uh, I--I don't know, I haven't seen hope anywhere.
Jennifer: That's so strange. Where could she have gone?
[Uneasy music]
Abe: Morning, hope. Hope?
Hope: Abe, good morning.
Abe: Yeah, you okay? It seems like you were a million miles away.
[Monitor beeping]
Doug: Kayla, shouldn't julie be awake by now?
Kayla: I know the waiting is nerve-racking...
Doug: Yeah.
Kayla: But I promise you, the transplant went so smoothly. Julie's vital signs are strong, and things are looking really good.
Doug: I know they are--the nurses have been telling me how great she's doing--but I'm not gonna believe it until I hear it straight from the horse's mouth.
[Both laugh]
Julie: This is the old gray mare speaking.
Doug: Oh.
Julie: [Groans softly] Oh...
Gabi: Promise I'll... keep the bed warm for you. I love you.
[Melancholy music]
[Breathing heavily]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Lucas: Mom.
Kate: Hey, lucas. Will, are those flowers for me?
Will: Actually, uh, yes.
Lucas: Hey, what--what do you think you're doing? Stop with that. And what the hell do you think you're doing, young lady?
Kate: Hey, what does it look like I'm doing? I'm going home.
Lucas: Uh-uh.
Will: T-trust me, i understand the impulse to want to hightail it out of the hospital...
Lucas: Yeah.
Will: But we think, right?
Lucas: We both think.
Will: That you should wait until kayla signs off on your release.
Kate: Oh, really? Like I would pay any attention to that quack's opinion? She tried to kill me.
Lucas: Oh, lord, how long are you gonna milk this for, huh?
Kate: Oh, I'm not done yet, not by a long shot.
Lucas: Well, there you go, then. Mom, I think you should head back...
Kate: No, wait, wait, wait...
Lucas: Get comfy in your nice room...
Kate: I have to find out about julie. How's your grandma?
Eli: Well, she just got out of surgery late last night. Doc said everything went smoothly, so looks like she'll be just fine.
Kate: Oh, that's great news!
Lucas: Nice!
Will: Well, is she awake yet?
Eli: Actually, I'm not sure. Lani and I were just about to head over there and see her.
Lucas: Oh, man. Well, tell her we'll be there soon. We're next in line, okay? Just gotta get her back to her room as soon as possible.
[Elevator bell dings]
Lani: Yeah, I think your mom has other plans.
Lucas: Uh, no, no, no. Come on.
Kate: Honey, I'm fine, i already called a car. Okay, give my best to julie.
Lucas: Sneaky. Sneaky.
Doug: Oh, my golly, you're awake. Thank god, thank god, thank god. Tell me, how do you feel, my love?
Julie: Oh... like I've been asleep 100 years.
Doug: Yes.
Julie: How did I get back here?
Doug: Well, what's the last thing you remember?
Julie: You. We--we were in the club and we were--we were dancing.
Doug: Yeah, more or less.
Julie: Then what happened to me?
Doug: You almost died.
Julie: "Almost"?
Kayla: You were so lucky. We found you a new heart just in the nick of time.
Julie: Not kate?
Kayla: No, kate is on the mend. She's expected to make a full recovery.
Julie: Where did my new heart come from?
Gabi: [Sniffles]
[Phone beeps]
[Soft groan]
[Weeping softly]
I'm leah. And that's me,
Jack: Thought I'd get you a little roast to revive you, something other than the local hospital brew.
Jennifer: You are a lifesaver, jack.
Jack: Mm.
Jennifer: Thank you for... staying with me here last night.
Jack: You don't have to thank me for that.
Jennifer: Yeah, I do. I want to... because I needed to be here and--and I was worried about hope, and it was just nice to have some backup.
Jack: I'm just sorry that you've been so long without it. I mean, all the months that I've been back and the way that I've treated you...
Jennifer: Jack, we've been over this. That wasn't you. That--that's how I look at it, so there's no more regret, no more guilt. You have a huge heart, jack deveraux, and you always have. You just need to start believing that.
Jack: I, uh... I think that's debatable, but i know better than to argue with you, at this point.
[Sighs] One way or the other, I've got some serious atoning to do and, uh... so I'm wondering, is it okay if I leave you here for a little bit?
Jennifer: Yeah, yeah, that's--that's fine. What do you need to do?
Jack: I've gotta correct a terrible, terrible injustice.
[Door closes]
Hope: Yes, I am fine. Thanks, abe. I was thinking about gabi.
Abe: I heard that gabi okayed donating stefan's heart to julie. That's wonderful.
Hope: Yes, it is.
Abe: So, how--how did the transplant go?
Hope: Very well, from what I've heard.
Abe: Is julie awake?
Hope: I'm not really sure. But last I heard, she, um... yeah, she was in a recovery room. I couldn't take being cooped up any longer, so here I am. I needed a walk to clear my head.
Abe: Well, I'm sure julie wouldn't have a problem with you taking a break.
Hope: No... she wouldn't, would she? In fact, I think that she would possibly be upset, right? If she thought that I wasn't taking care of myself. Abe, I... I don't know why, but I... I'm feeling a little off. You know, probably just, um, the stress, right, of everything that's been happening. It's starting to take a toll, i think.
Julie: I have stefan dimera's heart? How?
Doug: [Sighs] Uh, it's all pretty confusing. It seems that vivian was evading the police. Stefan went in to protect her, and he got caught in the crossfire.
Julie: He was shot?
Doug: Yes, badly. Brought him here and they did everything they could to save his life, but they ended up declaring him brain dead.
Julie: Oh, my god.
Doug: Yes, yes. It took a long while, but eventually... gabi agreed to give his heart to you.
Julie: You're saying I owe my life to gabi hernandez?
Doug: Yes, yes, yes, yes. That's what I'm saying. If she hadn't generously donated that heart... I wouldn't be staring in your beautiful eyes at this moment.
Julie: [Moans] Oh! But she hates me. She hates me with a vengeance. How could she possibly have agreed to... to give me her husband's heart?
[Monitor beeping]
[Knocking on door]
Gabi: Go away!
Kate: Gabi, it's kate. I'd like to come in. Uh, I'm not gonna stay, I just want to make sure you're okay.
Gabi: I'm fine!
Kate: O-okay, but I just would like to see that. Please? It would--it would be better.
Gabi: I'm fine, okay? You satisfied?
Kate: No, stop. Gabi, I am so sorry about what happened--
Gabi: I don't want your fake sympathy, okay? I know you hated his guts. You probably wanted him dead.
Kate: No, no, no. That is not true. I did have issues with stefan-- yes, I did--but I never wanted to see him dead.
Gabi: No, you just wanted to hurt him and his mother.
Kate: Gabi--
Gabi: You know what? This is your fault. This is your fault! If my stefan--he wouldn't have gotten involved with your stupid war with vivian, he would be alive! No, it should be you. Oh, my god, it should be you and vivian in that morgue and not my husband in that stupid cold, dark drawer just--without a heart! That is not fair! It is not fair!
Kate: I know.
Gabi: [Sobbing]
Kate: I know, I know. I know, I know, I know.
[Somber, dramatic music]
Abe: I'm on my way to the pub--you care to join me for breakfast?
[Phone beeps]
Hope: Sorry.
Abe: No, please, please, that--that might be the hospital.
Hope: It's jennifer. Julie's awake.
Abe: That's wonderful.
Hope: Yes, it is.
Abe: You know, let's take a rain check on--on breakfast. I--I'm sure you want to get to the hospital.
Hope: What for?
Abe: Well, don't you want to see julie?
Hope: Yes. Yes. Oh, god, yes. Oh, it's just such amazing news. Oh, my god, I will...
[Sniffles] I'll tell her that you send your love, okay?
Abe: All right, yeah. And tell her I'll stop by soon, as soon as she's feeling better.
Hope: I will. Oh...
[Both laughing] I--then I'll see you there. Okay, bye.
Lucas: Hey.
Jennifer: Did you hear the good news about julie?
Lucas: We did, we did, yeah. Eli and lani went to go see her.
Will: We didn't want to, uh, overwhelm her, so we're just waiting our turn.
Lucas: Yeah.
Jennifer: Okay, are you telling me I have to stand in line? [Laughs]
Lucas: Uh, well, you-- normally, I'd give cuts to you 'cause you're my sister and all, but, no, I have a plane to catch, so, sorry.
Jennifer: Are you kidding me? I haven't even--I haven't even seen you. We haven't been able to catch up and you're leaving.
Lucas: Yeah, I know. It's all right, though, we'll have time later, sometime, you know, when mom's feeling better and julie's feeling better--they're all out of the woods. I gotta get back to allie.
Will: Are you sure you don't want to stick around and keep track of grandma while she recovers?
Lucas: No, no, that's your job, buddy. Clearly, your grandma can take care of herself, right?
Will: Um, she actually snuck out of here before kayla had a chance to release her.
Jennifer: Hmm, sounds like kate is back to her old self.
Lucas: Yeah, for better or for worse.
Gabi: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I know that it's not your fault that stefan died.
Kate: Oh, honey, you don't have to apologize to me. You don't have to apologize to me--I totally understand. When you--when you lose the person that you love...
[Sighs] You tend to want to blame someone, you know, and feeling that anger is better than feeling the grief.
Gabi: I feel both right now. How could she do that? How can a wo--how can a mom allow her son to take a bullet for her? And then she just runs away. Who does that?
Kate: Because vivian has never cared about anyone except herself.
Gabi: I can't believe that she's gonna get away with what happened to stefan and what she did to you.
Kate: Okay, let me tell you something, okay? And I don't sympathize with that woman at all, but she lost her son, and right now, I guarantee you, she is paying for her actions, okay?
Gabi: Unlike lani price.
[Knocking on door]
Eli: Hey.
Julie: Hi.
Eli: I heard there was a party in here.
Julie: Oh, darling. Oh, so good to see you. Oh, both of you.
Eli: Grandma, we were worried about you.
Julie: I know, I know you were, sweetheart.
Doug: I was just telling your grandmother how lucky we are that... that gabi so generously donated the heart.
Eli: She really did come through for us. As devastated as she was over losing stefan, she--she managed to be kind, compassionate.
Lani: Gabi, I am begging you, I am begging you, please do not punish eli for something that i did. Please.
Gabi: Sorry, that's not good enough. I want you down on your knees.
Kate: Honey, I thought that-- that lani was cleared of all wrongdoing.
Gabi: Lani's a cop, and it is her job to arrest menaces like vivian without putting the public at risk. But she's incompetent. She's just--she's reckless, and because of her, my husband is dead. I just wish I...
Kate: You wish what?
Gabi: I wish I could make lani suffer like I'm suffering right now. (Avo) do you push through migraine?
[Door closes]
Jack: Let me guess... coffee, black, two sugars.
Abe: How'd you know that?
Jack: Well, we only had breakfast together for months on that godforsaken island. Sometimes I have cravings for that melaswen special.
Abe: Eggs and coconut.
Jack: [Laughs] Sometimes I can still taste it.
Abe: That was a long time ago. I'd almost forgotten.
Jack: Well... I haven'T. I actually have a pretty good memory, if you don't count the whole amnesia thing.
Abe: I heard you got your memory back, jack. Congratulations. I'm happy for you and jennifer.
Jack: Thanks. But, uh, before I start putting my life back together... there's something I need to take care of first.
Abe: What's that?
Jack: I owe you a huge apology.
[Mellow background music]
Kayla: Jennifer, I've been meaning to call you. I--I owe you an apology.
Jennifer: You do? For what?
Kayla: For the whole henry shah thing. You know, I--I should have noticed that something was off about him.
Jennifer: Kayla, no one knew how disturbed he really was.
Kayla: I know, but you had to suffer through that horrible ordeal.
Jennifer: But there was a silver lining: Jack got his memory back, and we didn't even have to use rolf's serum.
Kayla: Right. You know, speaking of dr. Rolf, I, um, I kicked him out of the lab.
Jennifer: And I'm sure he was very gracious in return.
Kayla: Oh, yeah, he's a charmer. You know, I would be so happy if I never had to see him again, but, unfortunately, he left behind a flash drive.
Jennifer: Why don't you let me give it to him?
Kayla: No, I can't ask you to do that.
Jennifer: Yes, you can ask me to do that, because he never would have had that lab if it weren't for me in the first place, so I will deal with that creep.
Kayla: If you don't mind, really.
Jennifer: I insist, please.
Kayla: [Sighs] There you go. Thank you.
Jennifer: Can't even imagine what kind of experiments are on this thing.
Hope: Oh. Oh, god. I must have slept the wrong way last night.
Julie: So kayla says everything's good, but I do have a--a long recovery ahead of me.
Eli: Yeah, we figure. That's why we decided to push the wedding back.
Julie: No, no, you can't do that.
Doug: Sweetheart, sweetheart, do not upset yourself.
Julie: No, if I have to, i will. I--I'm not gonna let my grandson postpone his wedding because of me.
Eli: Grandma, it's fine, okay? It wouldn't be the same without you there.
Lani: Yeah, you mean so much to us both, julie. We really want you to be a part of it.
Julie: Well, I will be in-- in spirit, but--
Eli: No--
Julie: Darling, no, you--you cannot postpone your wedding. You already postponed--you cancelled the engagement party, and--and this wedding's just two weeks away. I mean, it's all set. You can't cancel--doug, you tell them, tell them they can'T.
Doug: You know, your grandmother is always right, so you just have to go back and prepare for your original plans.
Julie: That's it, that's it. It's--it's going to make my new heart heal knowing the two of you are tying the knot at last. So beautiful. What a gorgeous couple. I want you to have a perfect wedding.
Gabi: Lani price, so smug. She thinks she's so damn perfect. Actually, I hated her before this all happened.
Kate: Okay, look, I get the need for revenge--you know i do--but I think right now you should focus on dealing with your grief.
Gabi: You know what? Right now, I need to focus on you...and your miraculous recovery.
Kate: Thank you, sweetie. That's so sweet. I am totally grateful for being alive.
Gabi: And out of the hospital already.
Kate: Yeah, well, I snuck out a little early.
Gabi: Oh, couldn't stand being in that bed?
Kate: Yeah, absolutely. I was going stir crazy, and it was also the fact that the board is trying to give my job away.
Gabi: Wait, what?
Kate: No, you haven't heard? Shin offered my job to tony dimera on a temporary basis until I'm fully recovered.
Gabi: What does he mean? You look fine, you're ready to go.
Kate: Yes, I am ready to go, so when I called shin on my way home and told him that, he insisted that I needed to take more time--insisted. You know, and ordinarily, i would say okay, I could do that, but I know the game. I know how this plays out. Tony gets comfortable with the power and--and shin sees that and thinks, "oh, perhaps there should be a real dimera in charge." And before too long, my ass is thrown out and... anyway... I'm considering jumping the ship.
Gabi: What--where would you go?
Kate: Okay, this is just between the two of us, but victor offered me a job at titan as ceo.
Gabi: What--no, no, you can't leave me here at dimera alone. You can't do that!
Kate: Sweetie, listen to me, I haven't made any decisions about it yet, all right? But I do have to weigh my choices here. Hey, I tell you what: You shouldn't be sitting back and just letting this happen, letting tony dimera take over. No, I mean, he's way too buddy-buddy with kristen. And besides that, if I'm not in charge, the only other person who should be in charge is you, mrs. Stefan dimera.
Gabi: True, yeah.
Kate: It is true. Who better to support stefan's legacy than his wife?
Gabi: I know stefan had a bunch of projects in the works.
Kate: Well, that's good. Then you need to study up on those projects and pitch them to shin.
Gabi: Yeah--yes, yes. Thank you so much for the motivation and inspiration.
Kate: Okay, well, sweetie, you don't have to do it today, though.
Gabi: Well, I need the distraction... and I owe it to stefan to keep his dreams alive. There are lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yeah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today.
[Indistinct chatter]
Jack: Abe... I can't tell you how sorry I am for the way I went after your job-- everything I did to win the mayor's race, including smearing your good name.
Abe: Okay, you don't need to apologize. We all know that you weren't yourself.
Jack: That doesn't excuse the damage that I did to you and to salem, but I'm gonna make things right, see? That's why I tracked you down today.
Abe: "Make things right"?
Jack: Abe, I'm asking you-- no, I'm begging you, please... take my job.
Kate: Okay, I got your message, but if this is just a little trick to get me back to the hospital, it's not gonna work.
Lucas: Will you stop? It's not a trick, I just came to say good-bye.
Kate: "Good-bye"? What, are you leaving?
Lucas: I am, yes. My flight leaves in a couple hours, what do you want me to do?
Kate: What are you talking about? You just got here. What--what, am I that difficult to get along with?
Lucas: Eh, you really want me to answer that?
Will: Okay, okay, okay. We all know where this is going, so let's just--let's cut to the chase. Say you love each other, need each other. Yes, this is very dysfunctional, but our family doesn't really have any other way to be, so just--just hug it out. Get it over with.
Lucas: Hug it out, be friends, please?
Kate: Hug it out.
Lucas: I'm sorry.
Kate: Honey, I'm going to miss you. I always miss you. Thank you for being here--even though you did try to give away my heart--
Lucas: All right, there it was, all right.
[Knocking on door]
Julie: Oh, darling.
Hope: [Laughing] Oh, I'm so--
Jennifer: Look at you!
Julie: Darling.
Jennifer: Lucas and will, they said that you could maybe have two more visitors.
Hope: Okay, okay, it's my turn, it's my turn, it's my turn. Oh, julie. Oh, my gosh.
[Both sigh]
Julie: Here we are.
Hope: Here we are. I spoke to shawn and belle and scotty and told them the good news. They all love you so much.
Julie: If I had known I was gonna get so much attention, i would have had a heart attack a long time ago.
Jennifer: Oh, my goodness. No.
Hope: What--stop it!
[Laughs] I can see you have your terrible sense of humor back...
Julie: Ah...
Hope: Which is a really good sign. Would you do me a favor, please? Don't ever joke about it again, okay? We were so scared we were gonna lose you.
Jennifer: There was so much praying going on, you don't even know.
Doug: And thank god this prayer was answered.
Hope: Amen.
[All laugh] Oh, wait, that reminds me: I... haven't had the opportunity to give this to you. I think you'll be very happy to know that... I put this to good use.
Julie: Hope? Darling?
Hope: [Laughs] I'm sorry, here.
Jennifer: Julie, can we get you anything? Do you need some more pillows, another blanket? Anything?
Julie: One thing I do need.
Hope: What is it?
Julie: I need to speak to gabi.
[Phone rings]
[Phone beeps]
[Phone beeps]
Gabi: Doug?
Julie: No, gabi, it's julie.
Gabi: Julie, you're awake.
Julie: I'm awake... and I need to talk to you. Can you come to the hospital? Right away. These are real people,
Abe: [Laughs] You can't seriously be asking me to take your job.
Jack: Why not? I don't deserve to be mayor after everything eve and I did to win. I could give you a list. We played dirty, we pandered to the lowest common denominator--I could go on.
Abe: No, no, that's really not necessary.
Jack: The point is, i represented the worst of salem. You represent the best. That's why I'm resigning as mayor effective immediately. I know it's last-minute and everything, but I hope you'll consider taking the job.
Abe: Well... I'm flattered, truly... but you know it doesn't work that way. I mean, even if you did step down, I wouldn't automatically become mayor.
Jack: Look, we have both read salem's charter. In the event that the mayor cannot serve and resigns his post, it is the responsibility of the city council to appoint an interim mayor. I can make a pretty good case that that should be you.
Hope: I know, it is the most wonderful news. Ciara, yes, of course, I will absolutely tell grandma julie that you send your love. Aww, baby, I love you too. Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye.
[Phone beeps] Oh...
[Groans softly] What is wrong with me?
[Unsettling music]
Kate: Hope? Are you all right? Hope?
Hope: Don't put your hands on me.
Lani: I called the station and let them know that we'll be a little late.
Eli: Good, because there's something that I need to do first.
Lani: Mm. What was that for?
Eli: For being here for me and my family through this whole crisis.
Lani: I'm just--I'm really happy that julie's on the road to recovery.
Abe: Oh, you know she's feeling better when she starts making demands.
[Both laugh]
Lani: Are you sure you're okay with moving forward with the wedding?
Abe: I will definitely miss having my grandmother there, but she's right. I mean, if I've learned anything through this whole experience, it's that you never know what twists and turns life is gonna throw at you. So the sooner that we walk down the aisle... the happier I will be.
Lani: Same.
Eli: Then it's settled. In two weeks, you will be mrs. Grant.
Lani: [Gasps, laughs] Oh, man, I can't believe this is all happening. Julie has a new heart, we're getting married. Everything is just about perfect.
Gabi: "Perfect"? Hmm, maybe for some people, but while you're planning a wedding, I'm planning a funeral.
Kayla: Julie, I--I don't think it's really a good idea for you to have gabi come by.
Julie: Is that your medical opinion, doc?
Kayla: Um, you know what, in this case, it is. I--I know your history with gabi and I think that she would upset you.
Julie: You're wrong. I won't be able to rest until i thank her in person for giving me her husband's heart.
Kayla: All right. But as soon as she leaves, i want you to get some sleep, all right?
Julie: Mm.
Doug: Kayla, don't worry. My entire mission in life from now on is to make sure that julie takes excellent care of herself.
Julie: I am so lucky. I've been surrounded with so much love, so much kindness. I'm gonna be just fine. Right, kayla?
Doug: Kayla? Is something wrong?
Jack: Uh, I understand you've--you've already taken a job at dimera.
Abe: Which I took because i thought I could look out for nicole, but it turns out that wasn't the case.
Jack: So? Do I have your blessing to throw your hat back in the ring?
Abe: I would... very much appreciate that.
Jack: All right.
[Door closes]
Jennifer: What's going on here?
Jack: Oh, uh, well... you're looking at the once and future mayor of salem... and a very dear friend of mine. Least, uh... I hope he still is.
Abe: Welcome home... old friend.
[Both laughing]
Jack: [Sighs]
Abe: [Chuckling]
Kate: [Scoffs] Well, there's no need to bite my head off--I was just checking on you.
Hope: I'm sorry. You just startled me. I'm fine.
Kate: Are you sure?
Hope: Yes, yes, I am, um, I'm sure it's just the stress of, um, everything that's going on with julie. It's finally gotten to me, i suppose. Excuse me.
Kate: What the hell is going on with her?
Eli: Gabi, I--I'm so sorry. I mean, I--we didn't see you there. We definitely didn't mean to be insensitive.
Lani: Of course we didn't, gabi.
Eli: [Sighs] Look, I know how much you're going through, okay? And I am so sorry about that... but from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for putting your feelings to the side and giving stefan's heart to my grandmother. Gabi, you saved my grandmother's life, and for that I will always be grateful, and I know my grandmother feels the same way.
Gabi: I guess we'll see about that. Julie asked me to come and talk to her. I was heading in when I heard you talking.
Kayla: I'm afraid that that won't be possible.
Eli: Why not?
Kayla: I've ordered more tests. I'm afraid that there's a problem.
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