Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 10/16/19
Episode #13631 ~ Ben and Rafe get new information about Ciara's near hit-and-run; Victor orders a hit on Jordan; Gabi is grief-stricken over Stefan's death; Xander tries to convince Nicole to keep her mouth shut.
Provided By Suzanne
Gabi: From the minute that I heard stefan was shot... till that awful moment that I had to sign those papers to donate his heart, I prayed. I prayed to you, to make him whole again, to bring him back to me.
[Sobs] And throughout all of that hell... I never questioned you. And now... now you took away the one person that loves me for all of me. So I have a question for you, god. Why do you hate me so much? Why?
Rafe: Jordan? Hey, hey, wait up.
Jordan: I thought you were gonna be with your sister at the hospital.
Rafe: Yeah, I was. She, uh...wanted to be alone.
Jordan: Please let me know if there's anything I can do. I want to be as supportive to you and your family as you've been with mine.
Rafe: Thank you. I appreciate that, I do.
Jordan: It is a really beautiful night. Do you feel like going on a walk with me and the little man? We could talk about gabi or whatever you want.
Rafe: Ha. Yeah, yeah. That sounds great.
Ben: Yeah, you want to talk? Why don't we talk about what you did to ciara?
Ciara: So what do you think?
Victor: Your work on this deal is very impressive, but considering what's going on with julie, it could have waited. No need for you to run it over here after business hours.
Ciara: Yeah, well, I wanted to.
Victor: Come on, ciara. Why are you really here?
Nicole: What the hell are you doing here, and why does any of this concern you?
Xander: Did you read it?
Nicole: Yeah, I read it. I know that sarah's pregnant, and I can only assume that eric is the father.
Eric: I don't understand. You've got a great job. Your family is all here. People who love you.
Sarah: Eric, I'm--
Eric: Are you leaving because of me?
Sarah: Oh, my god. I am pregnant.
Eric: Sarah, why are you leaving salem?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Sarah: I'M...leaving salem because it's what's best for me. It's like you said. Everyone that I love is here, including you, and as much as I wish I could, I...I can't fight what I feel.
Eric: The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you.
Sarah: I know that. I-I do know that, and I don't blame you. I never could. I mean, you're the kindest, most generous man I've known. And I'm so glad that you and nicole have found each other, and that you're happy together.
Eric: Sarah, sarah, please--
Sarah: But it's just that every time that I see you with her... planning your future together, I get hurt all over again, so I just--that's why I think it's best for me just to leave.
Nicole: You knew about the pregnancy?
Xander: Sarah confided in me that she was with child, but that doesn't necessarily mean that eric is the father.
Nicole: When rolf delivered this he said it was for eric's eyes only.
Xander: And yet, you opened it.
Nicole: Well, he said eric would be happy to hear the news.
Xander: Rolf said that, did he?
Nicole: Why else would that freak want eric to know that his ex is pregnant, and why else would you run over here in a panic?
Xander: Fine. Yes. You're right. Sarah is pregnant with eric's child, but you can't tell him anything about this.
Victor: You could have emailed me this file.
Ciara: I guess. Yeah, but I don't know. I just wanted your feedback.
Victor: Come on, ciara. Tell me why you're really here.
Ciara: Okay. Fine. You're right. It's not just about the file. It's that with everything going on with grandma julie, it just made me think about how we're here one minute and gone the next, and... I guess I just wanted to see you before--
Victor: Before what? Before I croaked?
[Both laughing]
Jordan: I told you I don't want you anywhere near my son.
Ben: I never hurt my nephew, jordan--I'm not looking to to hurt anyone, which is more than I can say for you.
Rafe: All right, is this about what happened to ciara in the parking lot?
Jordan: It's more lies. He's trying to intimidate me.
Ben: I'm trying to intimidate you?
Jordan: You want people to think I'm not well so they'll put me back in the hospital.
Ben: Jordan, that's where you belong.
Jordan: No one is taking me away from my son.
Ben: Rafe, you have to see that she needs help.
Rafe: There is no proof whatsoever that jordan was the one driving the car.
Jordan: There's no proof because I didn't do it.
Ben: That car tried to hit her and I'm confident that your investigation will prove that. But that's not even what I'm talking about. Ciara told me that you stalked her, jordan.
Jordan: What?
Ben: You followed her to the hospital and you cornered her inside of an elevator. What, you gonna deny that too? Ever since we moved here, I've been noticing it.
[Melancholy music]
Gabi: When I was a little girl... I went to church every sunday. You know, I never missed a mass, and I would wear my best dress. My only dress. It was the first one I ever made. We were poor, so it was simple, but I made it for you. I made it with love, and I thought it was the most beautiful dress in the world. I have hundreds of dresses now, and I could have hundreds more. I have so much... but I've lost what that little girl had. I've lost love. I've lost stefan, and I've lost you.
Will: Gabi?
Sonny: Hey, we've been looking all over for you.
Gabi: Come to tell me that stefan is gone, haven't you?
Sonny: Yeah. We're really sorry.
Gabi: And his heart-- it's beating in julie's chest, isn't it?
Will: Um...well, she's still in surgery.
Gabi: Yeah, but julie's gonna live.
Will: Well, I-it's gonna be a long road. Even if julie survives the surgery, it'll be days before we know whether her body will accept or reject stefan's heart.
Victor: I promise you I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. And if I were a betting man, I'd bet that julie's not ready to punch her ticket either.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, mom says that she's a fighter.
Victor: All the women in your family are, including you. I heard about your near-miss in the parking lot.
Ciara: Yeah. That was pretty scary.
Victor: Ben thinks his crazy sister's responsible.
Ciara: I don't know. It all just happened so fast. I was ready to forget about it, write it off as an accident, but that was before I had that scary run-in with jordan in the elevator.
Ben: You didn't tell rafe how you accosted ciara in the hospital elevator, did you...right? I mean, you can't let him know that you're still a danger to yourself and everybody else around you.
Rafe: Jordan, is that true?
Jordan: Ciara and I were stuck in the elevator together. No big deal. When the doors finally opened, we went our separate ways.
Ben: Then why was ciara so shaken up?
Jordan: I don't know. You'd have to ask her.
Ben: I don't have to ask her, jordan, 'cause I have no doubt in my mind that it was you trying to run her down. Rafe, if you care about ciara, you need to do something, before my sister here has another chance to hurt her.
Eric: I hate that I'm making you feel this way.
Sarah: It's not your fault, eric, and you've been nothing but with honest with me. And it's not like you knew that nicole was gonna come back.
Eric: No, but I just... I want you to know that I really, truly cherished our time together, and you got me through some of the worst moments of my life. I'm always gonna be grateful to you for that.
Sarah: Well, then... then don't let what I'm going through be for nothing. Yes, I'm hurt, and I'm gonna be for a long time, but... I would hate it if that spoiled the happiness that you've found with nicole.
Nicole: You want me to keep sarah's pregnancy from eric?
Xander: It's not about me. Sarah doesn't want eric to know, and she's decided to leave town anyway, so...
Nicole: What do you mean, leave town?
Xander: She wants to get away from eric and you. I didn't want it to happen. That's the reason I sent rolf over here with the test results.
Nicole: You sent him?
Xander: I thought if eric found out about the baby, then he'd make sarah stay.
Nicole: Then why are you here now?
Xander: Because it was a mistake. If sarah finds out I'm the reason the information about her pregnancy leaked, then... well, she would never, ever speak to me again.
Nicole: So I'd be doing her a favor. I was married to you. I wouldn't wish you on my worst enemy.
Xander: Well, maybe sarah is your worst enemy.
Nicole: Sarah isn't my worst enemy.
Xander: Let's be honest, nicole. You have a really nice setup here with eric, don't you? And sarah is the one person who could take it all away from you.
[Nicole scoffs, laughs] These are real people,
Nicole: Eric and I are solid.
Xander: For now, but you and I both know the kind of stand-up guy eric is, so the thought that he would just let a pregnant sarah just wander out of his life is unimaginable, isn't it?
Nicole: I am done talking about this with you.
Xander: Fine. Don't listen to me, but I can tell you've been considering it, because you know if eric finds out that sarah is carrying his baby, they'll be bonded forever. And then the question is... where does that leave you?
[Tense music]
Eric: You are amazing. I mean, after everything I put you through, you're still willing to put everybody else's happiness before your own.
Sarah: I care about you, eric. You've always been kind and honest. You never led me on, you never... you never promised more than you had to offer. And you deserve the happy ending that you were promised.
Eric: Okay, does that mean you have to leave?
Sarah: I-I... I think it's what's best for all of us.
Eric: You gonna be okay?
Sarah: I promise. Wherever we end up, we'll be fine.
Eric: What do you mean "we"?
Sonny: The nurses wanted us to give this to you. It's stefan's personal effects.
Gabi: This is what's left of the man that I loved. I don't want that!
Jordan: Rafe, let's go. I can't stand here and listen to my brother's paranoid delusions anymore.
Rafe: Well, hold on a second. Were you following ciara?
Jordan: I told you I went to the hospital to apply for my old job.
Rafe: So it was an accident when you bumped into her?
Ben: You got all kinds of accidents happening around you these days, huh?
Jordan: Rafe, when I told you it wasn't me driving the car, you said you believed me.
Rafe: I did believe you.
Jordan: Okay, well, will you please tell my brother that so we can go?
Ben: Go ahead, rafe. Tell me you believe jordan over ciara.
[Cell phone rings]
Rafe: It's the station. Hernandez. Yeah, I understand. Thanks.
[Beep] Well, we got a positive id on the driver who almost ran down ciara.
Victor: Did that psychopath jordan hurt you?
Ciara: No. No, grandpa. Not this time, but, I mean, given our history, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't afraid of what she might do. I am gonna call my mom. See if there's any update on the surgery.
Victor: Tell her I send my best.
Ciara: I will, thanks.
[Soft music]
[Edgy music]
Victor: It's me. I want jordan ridgeway dead. I want it done tonight.
[Intense music]
Victor: Any news on julie?
Ciara: The doctor successfully removed stefan's heart. The transplant procedure started, but it'll be a couple more hours until we know anything.
Victor: It's gonna be all right.
Ciara: I love you, grandpa.
Victor: I love you too. You know there isn't anything I wouldn't do to keep you happy and safe.
Ciara: Thank you.
Victor: My pleasure.
Ciara: Bye, grandpa.
Ben: I knew you were guilty, and now we have that proof.
Rafe: No, no, no, no. No, csu matched the tire treads that were found in the pub parking lot to a car that was impounded at a sobriety checkpoint. The driver was well over the legal limit.
Ben: The car belonged to a drunk driver?
Rafe: Yeah, yeah, and he admitted to everything. In fact, he remembers leaving the parking lot and almost hitting a young woman.
Jordan: So...look at that. There's your proof. Proof that I didn't do it.
Ben: No, no, no, no. There's got to be some kind of a mistake here.
Jordan: Rafe, I've been trying to tell you I am not the threat to ciara.
Rafe: Yeah, yeah, you did. Ben, she didn't do it.
Ben: You don't know that for sure.
[Jordan scoffs]
Rafe: I understand that you're upset about not being able to see david, but from here on out, I think it's best if you kept your distance.
Jordan: Amen. Come on, let's go home.
Ben: Rafe--
Sarah: Did I say "we"?
Eric: You did. You said, "we'll be okay."
Sarah: Yeah, um, I think--i just meant, like, all of us. Like, you, nicole, holly, me. We'll be...
Eric: Right, right.
Sarah: Okay.
Eric: I hope so.
Sarah: Yeah, yeah.
Eric: Okay. Promise me this. Wherever you move, you have to stay in touch.
Sarah: Facebook friends.
Eric: I think I deserve a little bit more than that, 'cause facebook is kind of like family vacations. New baby pictures. I think our relationship went much deeper than that, right?
Nicole: Eric chose me, and that is not gonna change.
Xander: People change their minds and their hearts all the time.
Nicole: We waited a lifetime to be together.
Xander: Maybe you waited too long. You weren't here when eric and sarah got together.
Nicole: You know, I don't want to hear this from you.
Xander: But you need to. See, first they had to work through sarah being married to eric's brother. Then there was the ghost of you. It took ages for eric to finally let you go...but he did. Somehow, their love found a way.
Nicole: Only because he thought I was dead.
Xander: But then it happened again when he thought you were alive when kristen was posing as you. Look, nicole, honestly, I-- I don't mean to be cruel, but sarah can give him the family you never could. And if eric finds out, it's only a matter of time before he goes back to her and their child.
Nicole: Thank you for your visi never darken my doorstep again.
Xander: I'm trying to help you out.
Nicole: I don't need your help. Eric and I areappy, and nothing is gonna change that.
Xander: If you were so confident about that, why'd you open the envelope?
Nole: Because I didn't knowwhat was in it.
Xander: Come on. Rolf told you he came with news from the kirkis mansion. You must have ateast suspected it was about sarah.
Nicole: It could have been about anything.
Xander: You're smarter than that, nicole. You've always known she's a threat to your happiness.
Nicole: She made itclear that she was not a threat.
Xander: It's not just about her. It's about the baby she's carrying, so remember that before you tell eric. You have even more to lose than I do.
Nicole: I have nothing to lose.
Xander: If you say so, but it would be so easy. All you have to do is just... forget you ever saw that envelope. Sarah's already leaving town. She justent to the hospital to quit her job. Soon she'll be totally out of your lives.
Nicole: It's none of my business.
Xander: Exactly. After everything you and eric have gone through to be together, you finally have everything you've ever wanted. The man you love. A beautiful child. Why even take the chance of blowing all that?
Nicole: Good-bye, xander.
Xander: Don't be stupid, nicole. And let her go. It's what's best for all of us.
Sarah: It does go much deeper than that. It'll be a part of me for the rest of my life.
Eric: Thank you...
Sarah: Thank you. Good-bye, eric.
Eric: Good-bye, sarah.
Will:Ere's some, uh... tea with honey.
Sonny: I'm gonna gohead and leave this here for you, in case you change your mind, okay?
Gabi: Thank you
Will: And ari is with a sitter, so we're here. You know, we can hang out anif you want to talk or watch a movie, or--
Gabi: I'd rather be alone. Thank you for taking her tonht.
Will: It's fine.
Son: Take care of yourself, okay? 'Cause we love you.
Will: I love you.
>>AbI: I love you.
[Phone rings]
Victor: Hello?
Ben: Victor, it's ben weston.
Victor: What do you want?
Ben: The police are sayg that it wasn't jordan who tried to run over ciara. They caught a drunk driver who who confessed to nearly hitting a woman.
Victor: But your sister is still a threat?
Ben: Honestly, I'm not sure.
Victor: All of a sudden, you're not sure?
Ben: You know I would do anything to keep ciara safe.
Victor: As would I.
Ben: Rafe believes jordan. Maybe I was being paranoid. I don't know--maybe she deserves to have a second chance to prove herself. Look, I kn i told you to get rid of jordan.
Victor: You asked me to do you a favor, weston.
Ben: Call it off. We're still even, but whatever the hellou were gonna do, just don't do it. Okay?
Ciara: Who was that you were just talking to?
Rafe: I'm gonna transfer little man to his crib before he wakes up.
Jordan: Hey... I just want to say... listen... I just hope you know that I didn't do anything, and I know that you've had your doubts, but I hope you see that I really would never hurt ciara, ever again.
Rafe: I know. I know, okay? And I am sorry for doubting you.
Jordan: You know, it really does--it means aot. Your trust means a lot to me. And I understand that you would have had your doubts. But...anyway, I'm gonna get started on dinner. How about you put the litt man down?
Rafe: Good idea.
Jorda okay.
[Knock on door]
[Tense music]
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Jordan: I didn't order a pizza.
[Cell phone beeps]
My mistake. Here...why don't you keep it?
Jordan: Oh, really?
Ben: I was just about to call you. I'm glad you're back.
Ciara: Hi. I was over at my grandpa victor'S. I was actually showing him some work that I did.
Ben: Oh. I bet he was impressed.
Ciara: Oh, yes. Actually, he really was. So you said you wanted to call me? Do you have somethg to tell me?
Ben: Yeah. I just found out from rafe that it wasn't jordan who tried to run you over. It was a drunk driver apparently. He confessed to almost hitting a woman in the brady pub parking lot.
Ciara: So it really wasn't jordan?
Ben: No.
Ciara: Wow.
Ben: I'm starting to feel a little bad that I accused her.
Ciara: No, ben, don'T. Listen, with the way that she was acting, it makes perfect sense that you would accuse her.
Ben: Yeah.
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: I guess so.
Ciara: Yeah. So... who were you on the phone with just now?
Ben: Oh, it was george, from the security staff.
Ciara: George? What was he gonna do?
Ben: Just a lot of anger throughout the entire company towards the salem P.D. Right now, after stefan's shooting. I just wanted to make sure nobody did anything that they might regret.
Ciara: They're loyal to stefan.
Ben: Yeah, they are.
Ciara: And no one was as loyal as you.
Ben: He hired me when nobody else would.
Ciara: Stefan didn't have many friends in this town, either, and he was lucky that you were one of them.
Ben: He was no angel, but he definitely didn't deserve to go out like this.
Ciara: I...I called my mom at the hospital today, and... they took his heart, ben.
Ben: Oh, god. He's really gone.
Gabi: Will you put this on? Oh!
[Screams] No! No!
[Melancholy music]
[Loud sobbing]
Xander: It's all gonna work out as long as little missy doesn't run her mouth.
Sarah: Which little missy is that?
[Door opening]
Eric: Hey, I missed you.
Nicole: I missed you too.
Eric: Well, I'm yours all night. Hey, what is it?
Nicole: Eric, there'S... something I need to tell you.
[Cell phone beeps]
Victor: For now.
Rafe: It's not every day someone shows up at your door with a fe pizza.
Jordan: I know. I think I scared him into giving it to me.
Rafe: 'Cause you're so scary.
Jordan: Ha. No, but he just-- I told him I didn't order it. He didn't really say anything. Then he looks at his phone, says I can keep it, and bailed.
Rafe: Whatever. My kind of pizza delivery guy.
Jordan: What can I say? I guess it's my lucky day.
Rafe: Mine too.
Jordan: Cheers.
[Both laugh]
Ciara: I'm soorry about stefan.
Ben: Thank you.
Ciara: And n, if there is anything that I can do for you, you just let me know.
Ben: You're already doing it. Just like you always do. You are my whole world, ciara. I only wanto make you happy. Just keep you safe. That's it. You look worried.
Ciara: Yeah, uh... I was just thinking about julie. Tomorrow, we are gonna wake up, and we are gonna know whether or not she was saved bytefan's heart.
Gabi: Why? Why did you give me your heart, stefan, if you weren't gonna be around to love me with it? Oh, no.
Xander: I was just thinking about joan lawler. She runs legal at titan. I'm afraid she's going to blow this merger I've been setting up.
Sarah: I see.
Xander: So... how did kayla react to the news of you quitting?
Sarah: I didn't tell her.
Xander: You didn't?
Sarah: No, I got pulled into surgery so I didn't have a chance to talk to her, but I'm still planning on leaving town.
Xander: You sure?
Sarah: Yeah, there's nothing left for me here. Look, I'm exhausted. I'm gonna go to bed.
Xander: Well, at least she won't leave town hating me. Assuming nicole is smart enough to stay silent.
Eric: What?
Nicole: I know it's been a rough couple of days.
Eric: Listen, I ran into sarah at the hospital.
Nicole: You did?
Eric: She says she's moving away. We said our good-byes.
Nicole: Well, that couldn't have been easy. I know you're gonna miss her.
Eric: Yeah. She said she needed to do what was best for her. Maybe we need to do what's best for us too. We can finally close that chapter of my life. Listen, we can move on. You said there was something you needed to tell me.
Nicole: It'll keep. Come on, let's go to bed.
[Intense music]
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