Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 10/15/19
Episode #13630 ~ Sarah reveals to Eric that she's leaving Salem; Nicole stumbles onto a secret; Brady and Kristen bond over her pregnancy; John and Marlena fear Brady is making a mistake.
Provided By Suzanne
Kate: Shin, you need to listen to me. You're going to regret this decision because I'm going to be out of here soon, and-- hold? No, I--no. No, I'm not gonna hold. Not unless you-- hello? Hello? Oh!
Victor: It seems someone's feeling better.
Kate: Mm, yeah, righteous fury is an excellent motivator.
Victor: I hear vivian tried to send you to an early grave.
Kate: Well, at least she was looking me in the eyes when she pulled the trigger, unlike tony dimera, who stabbed me in the back.
Tony: I wasn't seeking the ceo job, but how could I say no?
Anna: It's a very small word, tony, two letters, n-O.
Tony: When shin reached out to me, he said with stefan dead and kate out of commission, they needed a dimera to take over. I was the natural choice.
Anna: But what about our life, the plans we made? I just booked our tickets to europe.
Tony: I'm sorry, darling. We'll just have to put that on hold, for a little bit, anyway.
Anna: I don't want to put it on hold. Tony, we've already lost so much time together.
Tony: But we're here now. What difference does it make where we are?
Anna: Because there's a different life out there for us, the one we dreamed about, and I'm getting really tired of waiting for it.
John: It's too bad hope couldn't join us. Did she seem a little odd to you?
Marlena: She did, especially after that run-in with rolf. I guess we're just all so concerned with what's going on with julie.
John: Yeah. Hey, how'd eric like his birthday cake?
Marlena: Oh, he liked it. I didn't stay very long. He and nicole were planning a little celebration of their own, I guess.
John: So things are okay with them?
Marlena: Yeah. They seem very happy. Eric did admit to having had some concerns when they thought that sarah might be pregnant.
John: Pregnant with eric's child?
Marlena: Yes, but it was just a misunderstanding. Eric would never turn his back on sarah if she were carrying his child.
John: No more than brady would turn his back on kristen, unfortunately.
Brady: Kristen is having my baby. I would think that you would want me to support her for the sake of my child.
[Tense music]
Xander: Bloody hell, I've screwed this right up. I have to stop rolf. Rolf, rolf, rolf. Why don't I have his number?
Kristen: What time is dinner around here, anyway? I am eating for two these days, you know.
Xander: Give me rolf's number.
Kristen: Rolf?
Xander: His number, I need it now.
Kristen: Okay. Um, why do you have to get in touch with him so badly?
Xander: I asked him to do something for me, and I'm afraid it's gonna blow up in my face.
Nicole: What do you want?
Rolf: I need to speak with eric.
Nicole: Why?
Rolf: I have some very important information, something he's going to want to hear.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
John: You wanna do the right thing for your kid. We understand that.
Marlena: Yeah, we just--we just don't want to see kristen take advantage of you.
Brady: Nobody knows how she operates more than I do. I'm aware of that. This is just for the pregnancy. I mean, once the baby's born, we'll work out a custody agreement, and she will move out.
Marlena: Move out? Move out of where?
Brady: She's living in the kiriakis mansion. I asked her to move in.
John: You moved her in with you?
Brady: Dad, it's a high-risk pregnancy, she needs all the support she can get.
John: So why does it have to come from you?
Brady: She was gonna move dr. Rolf in with her. That quack, I don't want that maniac anywhere my kid. I'm--I'm doing this to protect my child.
Marlena: I think that's exactly what she was planning on.
Kristen: What did you ask rolf to do for you?
Xander: I don't have time to explain. Just give me the number.
Kristen: Huh. Why should I help you, hmm? I mean, you did steal my mask, and you almost got me busted.
Xander: Look, we can rehash ancient history another time. I--I have to stop rolf from telling eric that sarah's having his baby.
Kristen: Yeah, but sarah's baby is no interest to rolf since he doesn't have to transplant it into me, and why would he bother telling eric about it?
Xander: Because I asked him to.
Nicole: Tell me what your business is with eric.
Rolf: Oh, it's not business. It's personal.
Nicole: Why does that not sound reassuring?
Rolf: Trust me, he will be very glad for my visit.
Nicole: In case you haven't noticed, eric is very much alive, so he doesn't need any of your life-saving serum.
Rolf: As you well know, that is not all I can do. I am quite ingenious regarding a variety of projects.
Nicole: What are you talking about?
Rolf: As I said, I am not here for you but for eric. I really need to speak with him immediately.
Nicole: Well, you're out of luck, eric's not here.
Eric: Hey.
Sarah: Oh! Sorry. Hi, sorry.
Eric: It's okay.
Sarah: I should look where I'm going.
Eric: Really, it's okay.
Sarah: Um, are you visiting julie?
Eric: Yes, and because of a patient I see at the horton center. He came in because of a panic attack.
Sarah: Oh. Um, well, then, I will let you get to it.
Eric: It's okay. I got time, you know. He's visiting his doctor.
Sarah: Oh.
Eric: Are you okay?
Sarah: Sure, yeah. W-why do you ask?
Eric: Why do I ask? You look a little pale.
Sarah: No, I'm--I'm fine.
Eric: You don't look fine. You're shaking.
Sarah: No, it's-- it's okay, really. Um, I will see you around.
Eric: Hey, wait, sarah. I'm worried about you.
Sarah: You are?
Eric: Of course I am.
Sarah: If I, um-- if I seem different to you, there's a reason.
Tony: You know, I didn't really know my brother stefan, and sadly, I never will, but a dimera needs to take his place.
Anna: Well, what about kate?
Tony: Well, as soon as kate is well enough and able to resume her duties, I'll step aside, I've told shin that. And then you and i will go to europe. We'll travel. We'll enjoy our lives. We'll make up for all those lost years.
Anna: So you settled all of this with shin without even talking to me about it?
Victor: Can I ask who is the target of this fury?
Kate: Shin. He called to tell me that he appointed tony dimera as temporary ceo.
Victor: Tony? I thought tony wasn't interested in running the family business.
Kate: Exactly. Exactly. That's what galls me so much. He's never been interested in the business.
Victor: Well, then why'd he take it?
Kate: Oh, my god, he took it because he has nothing. He knows he's going to look weak if he continues to sponge off anna.
Victor: Well, I must say, I'd much rather deal with a reluctant tony than match wits with you.
Kate: Okay, well, don't get used to it because I'm going to be out of here and back at the helm in no time.
Victor: Well, then the timing for my visit couldn't be better. I have a proposition for you.
Sarah: The reason that i look like hell is--
Eric: I didn't say you look like hell.
Sarah: No, I'm--I'm saying that I look like hell because that's how I feel.
Eric: Hey, what-- what's going on?
Sarah: I was here when they brought stefan in with the gunshot wound, and I was a part of the team that removed his heart after gabi agreed to donate it to julie.
Eric: I heard.
Sarah: I was in surgery for hours, and now kayla and her team are in the process of transplanting the heart in julie.
Eric: No wonder you're exhausted. Why don't I just take you home?
Sarah: No, thank you. Um, I just--I'm gonna stick around for a bit.
Eric: Are you sure?
Sarah: Mm-hmm, yeah. I have, um, something to talk to kayla about.
Eric: Can't that wait till tomorrow?
Sarah: No, I--I'm afraid it can't because, um, every hour that--
Eric: Sarah? Sarah?
Rolf: When will eric be back?
Nicole: It's hard to say. He had to check on one of his counseling patients.
Rolf: Mm. In that case, I will stay until he returns.
Nicole: Can't whatever you have to tell eric wait for another time?
Rolf: I am quite certain that eric will want to hear what I have to say to him sooner rather than later.
Nicole: Fine. Well, eric's not here. I am, so why don't you just tell me what this is all about?
Rolf: Tell you?
Nicole: Eric and I don't have any secrets, so just say what you have to say.
Rolf: Well, why not? You're going to find out eventually. I just came from the kiriakis mansion, where I learned some very intriguing news.
[Dramatic music]
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Brady: Oh, I--I understand. You think that kristen manipulated me into asking her to move in.
Marlena: Well, kristen knows exactly how much leverage she has because of this child, and she will use it any way she can to get closer to you.
Brady: We're gonna be living under the same roof, but we're not sharing a room or anything.
John: Yeah, I know. Let me ask you this, you think kristen is gonna be satisfied with a platonic relationship?
Brady: Dad, it doesn't matter if she's satisfied or not because I'm setting the boundaries. Don't, I know that look between you two, I--I will resist her. It's not a problem.
John: We're not questioning your resolve here, son. It's just that I think we all know just how far kristen will go to take advantage of a situation.
Marlena: How does victor feel about her moving in?
Brady: Well, granddad, he, uh--he expressed his displeasure very clearly.
John: Yeah, and how was that?
Brady: By threatening to fire me as ceo of titan.
Kristen: So you sent rolf to tell eric that sarah's pregnant?
Xander: Yes.
Kristen: Why?
Xander: Sarah's threatening to leave town. I didn't want it to happen. I figured if--if eric found out that sarah was having his baby, he'd make her stay.
Kristen: Yeah, but sarah's gonna be upset with you for sharing her secret--ah, so that's why you arranged rolf to do the dirty work for you.
Xander: We made a deal. I offered him lab space at titan in return for dropping the bomb.
Kristen: All right, but if this was your plan all along, then why are you freaking out now?
Xander: Because it's a terrible idea, and now I might lose sarah for good.
Eric: Hey, here. Small sips.
Sarah: Thank you.
Eric: How are you feeling?
Sarah: I'm fine. I'm sorry I fainted.
Eric: Don't apologize. You've been on your feet working for hours trying to save julie's life.
Sarah: Yeah, I mean, I've been in long surgeries before.
Eric: When's the last time you've eaten?
Sarah: I don't remember.
Eric: That's not good. All right, so I'm gonna go and get you something to eat, so promise you're gonna stay right here until I get back.
Sarah: Do I have a choice?
Eric: Absolutely not. I'll be right back.
Nicole: You went to see brady?
Rolf: I was visiting the mother of his child, actually.
Nicole: Kristen's still claiming she's pregnant?
Rolf: Oh, it's more than a claim. It's a verifiable fact. Ms. Dimera is with child.
Nicole: Oh, my god, poor brady.
Rolf: Well, to the contrary, mr. Black is quite enthusiastic about the impending birth, so much so that he moved ms. Dimera to the kiriakis home to oversee her care.
Nicole: He moved kristen in? Is he out of his mind?
Rolf: Well, it's a high-risk pregnancy. I offered my services, but they were declined.
Nicole: Well, I can't imagine why.
Rolf: Nor can I.
Nicole: Okay, you've shared your news. I will make sure eric hears about brady's situation. I will reach out to brady later and tell him what a terrible mistake he's making. It's time for you to leave.
Rolf: Yes, but this is not the news I came to share with eric.
Nicole: There's more?
Rolf: Indeed. While I was at the kiriakis mansion, I stumbled across some information pertaining specifically to eric. Hmm. Perhaps I should show you.
[Suspenseful music]
Humira patients, you inspire us.
Tony: Listen, when shin floated the idea of me being ceo of dimera, I was reluctant to accept, of course. I just wanted to focus all of my energies on you.
Anna: Then what changed?
Tony: I went to see kate in the hospital. She was incensed when she learned that I was offered the job.
Anna: Can't say I blame her.
Tony: Well, it's not that she was just angry. She felt insulted that I was offered the job, of all people.
Anna: So?
Tony: So... it's part of my legacy too, anna. I've run this company before. It's in my blood.
Anna: So you took this job to prove a point to kate?
Tony: Partly. But partly because I want to be my own man, a man that you'd be proud to marry.
Victor: Shin's a bigger fool than I thought he was if he thinks he can replace you with tony, even temporarily.
Kate: Well, once again an unprepared man takes the job of a very qualified woman.
Victor: Yes, well, I appreciate your frustration, but this could be a big opportunity for you, kate.
Kate: Okay, do you care to explain?
Victor: Well, you know how much I've always admired your business acumen, but even when we were at each other's throats, I marveled at your drive and your talent.
Kate: Mm, well, at least someone does.
Victor: Forget about dimera. Come back to titan.
Kate: You know that I appreciate that offer, I really do, but I think I've made it perfectly clear that I would never work under brady black.
Victor: Well, you may not have to, not if I fire him.
John: So victor's making you choose between your career and your child.
Brady: Uh-huh. What kind of person would I be if I didn't choose my kid? Certainly not the man you've raised me to be.
John: No. You're a good man, and we're proud of you, and just know that if this situation goes bad, we're here.
Brady: I know you are, and I thank you for that. My only concern is that this baby comes into the world healthy.
John: I know, I know, and we're here to help any way we can.
Marlena: And maybe if we were able to talk this through, maybe I could help you with some alternatives.
Brady: I can't--I'm sorry. I can't right now. I'm pressed for time. I have to get prenatal vitamins, and I have to get some other things to help kristen settle in, but I'll talk to you later, okay?
John: All right. You're thinking this is not gonna go so well, right?
Marlena: Right.
Xander: I thought once eric found out that sarah's preggers, he'd stop her from leaving town, but then I started imagining all the things that might happen next. I mean, what if--what if eric finds out she's having his baby, and he really does leave nicole, goes back to sarah?
Kristen: That would be the end of any shot you ever had with her then.
Xander: It'd be even worse than her leaving town.
Kristen: Once again proving that you are not very good at thinking far ahead.
Xander: What if rolf goes rogue? What if sarah somehow finds out that I'm the reason eric knows about the baby? I mean, she'd hate me forever.
Kristen: Oh, well.
Xander: Give me rolf's number, now.
Nicole: Well, what is that?
Rolf: Ah, I'm sorry, but the contents of this envelope are for eric's eyes only.
Nicole: Well, can you at least give me a hint?
Rolf: Well, I can tell you that he will be most grateful when he learns what is revealed inside.
Nicole: So it's good news?
Rolf: I believe he will consider it so.
Nicole: So couldn't you just leave the envelope with me, and I will make sure eric gets it the minute he comes home?
Rolf: Time is of the essence. Eric must get this.
Nicole: He will. You have my word.
Rolf: You are not to open this envelope. It's for eric's eyes only.
Nicole: I heard you.
Rolf: Hmm.
[Tense music]
Eric: I was gonna go with a candy bar, but this seemed like a healthier choice.
Sarah: I mean, a candy bar would be much appreciated.
Eric: Anything to keep you from fainting again, eat up.
Sarah: You know, I don't think I fainted because of not eating.
Eric: What else could it be?
Sarah: You know, surgeries like that, they're not just physically grueling. They take an emotional toll too. You know, I'm--I'm supposed to save lives, but I was walking into that operating room knowing that I was ending stefan'S.
Eric: That must have been awful.
Sarah: Yeah, it wasn't fun.
Eric: I know surgeons get a bad rap for playing god, but i really admire your humanity, your passion not just for your patients but everyone around you.
Sarah: Thank you for saying that.
Eric: I never would have gotten through nicole's death or taking care of holly if it wouldn't have been for your support.
Sarah: No, you're giving me too much credit.
Eric: And you deserve every bit of it. I'm very grateful to you.
Sarah: I'm very grateful for the time I had with you and holly, and I'm so glad that you both have nicole back.
Eric: I never would have gotten through anything without you helping to take care of us. I'm never gonna forget how much we meant to each other during our time together. Nobody can take that away, and I'm sorry it couldn't have turned out differently in the end.
Sarah: Yeah. Timing is funny. If only.
[Somber music]
[Tense music]
Kate: I thought that you were pleased with the job that brady was doing as ceo.
Victor: I was.
Kate: Okay, so why would you be thinking about firing him?
Victor: Because he moved that psychopath kristen dimera into my house.
Kate: [Scoffs] Why on earth did he do that?
Victor: Because she's carrying his spawn.
Kate: Oh, or so she says.
Victor: Oh, believe me, nothing would make me feel better than to find out she was lying, but in this case I'm afraid she's on the up-and-up.
Kate: Hmm. So, um, how did he get into the mess in the first place?
Victor: Poor judgment. I told him if he brought her into the house, there'd be consequences, but he wouldn't listen. Well, it seems that he's choosing kristen over his career.
Kate: No, victor, he's choosing his child.
Victor: It's the same difference to me. He can't be trusted anymore.
Kate: Are you really sure about that? Because you've been back and forth about brady for years.
Victor: Maggie's been trying to get me to change my mind, but it's becoming clearer and clearer that brady's useless now that she's gotten her claws into him.
Kristen: Take your hands off me. I'm in a very delicate condition. Don't make me hurt you.
Xander: Are you gonna help me or not?
Kristen: Yes, xander, I will help you, but you owe me one.
Xander: Fine. Just give me the number.
Kristen: I'm gonna do you one better. I'm gonna give you my phone. This way rolf will make sure to pick it up.
[Line ringing]
[Phone rings]
Rolf: Ms. Dimera, is everything all right?
Xander: It's xander. Did you give eric the envelope?
Rolf: No, I did not.
Xander: Oh, thank god. Just bring it back to me.
Rolf: I'm afraid I can't do that.
Xander: What the hell do you mean, you can't?
Rolf: Mr. Brady was not at home, I left the envelope containing the test results with nicole walker.
Xander: Nicole has the results?
[Intense music]
Anna: Darling, I am already so proud that you are my man. Don't you know that?
Tony: But think about how I feel. I don't have a job. I don't have money. I can't even afford to get my beloved a proper engagement ring. I can't even afford to even get my plane tickets.
Anna: But I have plenty of money. What's wrong with me taking care of you?
Tony: I've been out of this world for so long, not well, depending on others to take care of me. I just--I want to be able to take care of you. Can you let me?
Kate: Your offer is tempting.
Victor: Then say yes.
Kate: My place is at dimera.
Victor: Dimera, where they put tony in your position?
Kate: It's a temporary arrangement until I'm back on my feet, which, believe me, won't be long.
Victor: You really think that once tony gets a little taste of power, he's gonna roll over and hand the company back to you?
Kate: Yes. He's not going to have a choice.
Victor: There are ways to fight.
Kate: Okay, I am aware. I am aware that even though tony didn't ask for the job, he is stefano's son, and I know that kristen, now that she has immunity, will probably make a play too.
Victor: You're forgetting about the widow dimera.
Kate: Gabi.
Victor: She did marry stefan. She was ceo herself for a short period. She's not gonna let go.
Kate: Okay, let them come. Let them all come, okay? Because I survived a bullet to the gut. I am not afraid to fight.
Victor: You never were. You almost died, kate. Do you really want to waste your life in an endless battle? Wouldn't it be so much easier just to take brady's position at titan?
[Door closes]
Kristen: Hi.
Brady: Hi.
Kristen: You were gone a long time.
Brady: Was I? I, uh, ran into dad and marlena in the square.
Kristen: Oh, do they know that I'm living here with you?
Brady: They do now.
Kristen: Ah, I bet that was an interesting conversation. Did they try talking you out of it?
Brady: No, no, I told them it was a high-risk pregnancy and, uh, we're gonna do whatever we have to do for the baby.
Kristen: I'm glad you feel that way.
Brady: These are--these are your prenatals, so you should probably start taking those right away.
Kristen: Gladly, I mean, whatever's best for the baby. Uh... what else do you got there?
Brady: It's--the lady at the pharmacy recommended this, but it's calming lotion. It's got some lavender, elements in it, it's-- probably keep you stress-free. I thought it might help.
Kristen: That is really sweet of you, thank you.
Brady: Yep.
[Tense music]
Sarah: All right, all done. Cleaned my plate. You satisfied?
Eric: Excellent.
[Both laugh]
Sarah: Okay. You have successfully gotten me to eat. You are officially released from your babysitting duties.
Eric: I don't need to be released.
Sarah: You should be spending your birthday with nicole.
Eric: You remembered. I mean, after everything you've been through today, I--
Sarah: Of course I remembered. You know I was--I've been planning your birthday for months.
Eric: You--you did?
Sarah: Yeah. I mean, I even got us tickets to "hamilton" in chicago because you said you wanted to see it.
Eric: Sarah, I--I don't know what to say.
Sarah: Oh, don't worry about it. Um, I sold them last week and made a really nice profit.
[Both laugh]
Eric: Well, good for you. I hope you go buy yourself something nice. You know, it's nice that we can be friends after everything.
Sarah: Yeah. It's nice.
Eric: I know things are awkward, and they will be for a while, but hopefully one day things will feel normal between us.
Sarah: I don't think you have to worry about that anymore, eric. I'm leaving salem. (Woman) when you take align,
Anna: I love that you open doors for me and that you stand when ladies walk in the room. I adore your courtly manners most of the time.
Tony: Mm. Well, that's who I am. That's part of me, just like the dimera legacy is part of me.
Anna: You don't owe your brother or your father anything.
Tony: Yes, but I know that. And once kate gets her health back, she'll resume her job.
Anna: Yeah, you say that now, but I have been to this rodeo before, watching you get drawn into your family drama, and then suddenly nothing else matters.
Tony: Ohh. Anna. With you by my side, I promise everything's gonna be different this time. You're everything to me. And what I do--well, everything I do is for you.
[Gentle music]
Victor: I can see that you're conflicted. Kate, I'm offering you a chance of a lifetime, ceo of titan. No questions asked. No drama. At dimera you'd be in the middle of a power struggle, and an ugly one at that.
Kate: Victor, I have to do what's best for my future.
Victor: And being the wise businesswoman that you are, I'm sure you'll come to the conclusion that my offer is the better one.
Kate: I appreciate the offer. I do. I'm going to need a few days to think about it.
Victor: Seems very likely there'll be a void at the top of titan very soon, so I'm going to have to act quickly. You have 24 hours before I offer the position to someone else.
Kate: [Sighs]
John: You know, ordinarily I don't like the way vic operates, but--
Marlena: But anything is better than having kristen move in.
John: You got that right. It's dangerous having her anywhere around.
Marlena: You know, you were so right. Brady is such a good man, and he will do what is right for this child. I'm just afraid of whatever plans kristen might have.
Kristen: Did you buy something for the baby at gabichic?
Brady: Uh, no, no, um, actually for you.
Kristen: For me?
Brady: Yeah.
Kristen: It's-- it's beautiful.
Brady: Well, it gets drafty in this house at night, and I know circulation's important for the baby. I thought this would keep you comfortable, and so I got it.
Kristen: Would you mind--
Brady: Yeah, yeah. It just goes just like that, yeah.
Kristen: Thank you.
Brady: You're welcome. Look, I'll--I'll see you at dinner.
Kristen: Yeah.
Brady: I have to make some calls because I'm likely out of a job as the ceo of titan, so I have to get on that.
Kristen: Hey, hey.
Brady: Yeah?
Kristen: I'm--I am sorry about that, and I really am very sorry it's because of me.
Brady: It's ok--it's okay. It's okay. We'll--we'll figure it out.
[Tense music]
Eric: You're--you're leaving salem? Why? Did--did some other hospital, like, woo you away?
Sarah: I'm exploring my options.
Eric: So you don't have a job? Where are you gonna go?
Sarah: I was thinking maybe L.A. Weather's nice.
Eric: So you're just gonna quit your job and just move to some random city?
Sarah: Well, fresh starts are good.
Eric: But you have a great job here. Your family is here, and so many people love you.
Sarah: Eric, I--
Eric: Sarah, are you-- are you leaving because of me?
Xander: Nicole? I know you're in there. Just open up, nicole, please? Rolf told me he was over here. I need the envelope he gave you.
Nicole: It's too late. I already opened it.
[Dramatic music]
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