Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 10/10/19
Episode #13627 ~ Will and Sonny try to change Gabi's mind about donating Stefan's heart to Julie. Eli gives Doug disappointing news. Hope struggles to escape from Rolf. Victor is upset when Brady moves Kristen into the mansion.
Provided By Suzanne
Maggie: What is going on here?
Kristen: Oh, well, I just told victor that I'm moving in, and obviously he's not too thrilled about that, but it was all brady's idea, and I think it's wonderful.
Victor: And I think it's insane. You're not welcome in this house, nor will you ever be.
Lani: Eli, I--I am so sorry. I know that you did everything that you could to try to convince gabi to give stefan's heart to julie.
Eli: That was rough.
Lani: And there's--there's no way that she'll change her mind?
Eli: None. I'm just glad that we didn't say anything to doug.
Lani: Yeah, me too. He would have been devastated.
Eli: I mean, gabi's just still so angry at my grandmother. I don't see there's any way that she will allow stefan's heart to save julie's life.
Doug: What's that? Are you saying there's another possible donor for julie?
[Door opens]
Will: Hey, gabi. We're so sorry.
Sonny: Yeah, we haven't stopped thinking about you. Tell us if there's anything we can do.
Gabi: No, you--you're already doing the most important thing that you can do for me, and that's taking care of ariana. How is she doing?
Will: She's fine, you know? She--she doesn't really know what's going on, and she won't until you want her to.
Gabi: I--I don't--I wasn't ready to tell her until I--till I was ready to fully accept it, and--and rafe--rafe has helped me understand that it's not fair to keep stefan like this, and it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my entire life, but I know now that my husband, he's really gone, so...
Sonny: You're not alone.
Gabi: I'm sorry.
Sonny: Come here, come here.
Gabi: [Muffled talking] No. Okay, okay, there's only one thing that I need to do, and I'm finally ready to do that.
Rolf: Ah, all set. Please, lead the way.
Hope: Oh, just wait, wait, wait. I--I want to find kayla, just to make sure that it's safe to inject julie with whatever that is.
Rolf: My dear, this is for you.
Hope: Ahhh! Ah!
[Suspenseful music]
What have you done? What the hell was that?
Rolf: You're about to find out.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Doug: What were you just saying about saving julie's life?
Lani: No, uh, doug, we--we weren'T.
Eli: Doug, you must have heard wrong.
Doug: I know exactly what I heard. You were talking about another possible donor, and why haven't you said anything about that before?
Eli: We didn't want to get your hopes up.
Doug: Shouldn't I be kept in a loop about my own wife?
Lani: Yes, absolutely you should.
Doug: Well, then tell me the truth, damn it.
Eli: Kayla said-- kayla said that stefan is brain dead and that he has no chance of recovery. She advised us not to say anything to you because she didn't want to get your hopes up, but she thinks that stefan might be a possible donor for julie.
Doug: That would be a miracle. When the thing about kate went sour, I thought we would never, ever have another chance.
Eli: We don'T.
Doug: What do you mean?
Lani: Eli just came back from speaking with gabi, and she said no.
Doug: But there must be something else we can do.
Eli: I wish to god there was, but gabi's in charge of all the medical decisions for stefan, and she made it very clear that her decision was final.
Gabi: As painful as this is, I gotta do the right thing. So I gotta--I gotta disconnect stefan from these machines so that I can make plans to give him a proper burial. I'm need to go talk to kayla. I need to do that, but I don't-- I don't want to leave him alone, so could you just stay with him a few minutes, please?
Will: Um, gabi, wait.
Gabi: What?
Victor: I'm sick and tired of all the psychotic gold diggers living under this roof. I won't stand for it anymore, and I'm sure my wife agrees with me.
Maggie: I can speak for myself, thank you very much. Brady, kristen says moving in here was your idea.
Brady: That's right.
Victor: Then you've lost your mind.
Brady: Have you heard? She is pregnant with my child.
Maggie: Your grandfather told me.
Victor: And also told her that you were an idiot.
Brady: It's a high-risk pregnancy, which means she can't be left on her own.
Kristen: Right, and earlier today I--I almost fainted, and if brady hadn't been there, I don't--
Brady: The bottom line is that she needs constant care and supervision to make sure nothing goes wrong.
Victor: We're way past wrong.
Maggie: Victor, please. It's obvious brady is doing what any good father would do. He's thinking about the wellbeing of his baby.
Victor: Yeah, he's thinking all right, but not with his brain. My weak, foolish grandson is once again letting this harpy take advantage of him.
Brady: Do you have any idea what she was planning to do if I hadn't moved her in here? She was planning to have wilhelm rolf be her doctor and her roommate.
Maggie: No.
Brady: Yes.
Maggie: Oh.
Brady: God knows what that sadistic freak would end up doing to my child.
Hope: What the hell did you inject me with?
Rolf: Ah, ah, ah, all in good time.
Hope: I don't know what you're trying to pull, but I'm gonna find kayla, and I'm gonna have her undo what--you--what did you do?
Rolf: Easy, now. Sweet dreams.
Brady: Believe me, this arrangement is not my first choice by any stretch, but dr. Rolf, come on. I'm not gonna allow that lunatic anywhere near my kid.
Victor: What about this lunatic right here?
Brady: Well, as you can see, I don't have much choice about her proximity to my kid.
Victor: If it is your kid.
Kristen: Of course it is. Since I came back to salem, I haven't made love to anyone but brady.
Maggie: That's more than we need to know.
Kristen: I'm just saying there's no chance anyone other than brady is the father.
Victor: I thought she was gonna have a paternity test.
Brady: We have to wait until the end of the first trimester. Until then, I have reason to believe that she's telling me the truth.
Victor: And you had reason to believe she was nicole walker too.
Brady: All right, I'm not doing this again with you, grandfather, I won'T.
Maggie: Brady is right. You need to stop fighting. It's not good for anyone, especially the baby that kristen is carrying.
Kristen: Thank you, maggie. I have been advised to avoid stress.
Victor: Maybe you ought to think about cutting back on the psychotic rampages. Just a thought.
Kristen: Look, I am well aware that no one wants me here, and not in a million years did I think I would be here, but this pregnancy, it took me completely by surprise.
Victor: Oh, please, you've been trying to procreate by any means necessary for years.
Kristen: Yes, yes, and all my attempts have failed, and still back in asheville, i asked rolf to give me fertility treatments knowing that the odds of me conceiving a baby were terrible at best. But by some miracle I beat those odds, but it still is going to be difficult for me to carry to term, so I need someone to help me, someone to--to take care of me.
Maggie: But rolf of all people?
Kristen: What choice do I have, maggie? Huh? I mean, brady made it very clear that he didn't want to be with me, and I don't have any family left. I have no friends. For all his flaws, at least rolf isn't a stranger.
Victor: Oh, please. Hire a baby nurse. I'll hire one for you.
Brady: I don't want that. Grandfather, I need to have her close because I want to oversee everything.
Victor: Wake up, brady. You're playing right into her hands. I told you she was gonna use this baby to reel you in again.
Brady: And I told you that I'm not gonna let that happen. This arrangement, it's just temporary, only for the duration of the pregnancy so I can make sure that my child is safe, okay? I have told kristen nothing is going to happen between the two of us. She is very well aware of that, but I'm tired of explaining myself, I don't need to anymore. I'm gonna show her to her room.
Victor: Take one more step, and you're fired.
[Tens music]
Eli: Doug, it kills me to disappoint you like this. I knew it was too soon to talk to gabi, but I also knew how little time julie had left. I had to try.
Doug: Well, I'm grateful that you did, eli.
Eli: No, I wanted to bring everyone good news, but gabi just--she just shut me down. I don't know. Maybe she feels like putting stefan in the ground is the only way that she can find closure.
Lani: Gabi can still have closure, but maybe she just wants stefan to be whole, you know? We all keep assuming that his heart just living on is gonna make her happy, but maybe it wouldn'T.
Eli: Especially if it's living on inside of julie.
Doug: Did gabi say that? Did she refuse to do this because of her history with julie?
Eli: She can't get past the bad blood between them. You know, I thought that because I used to be close to her and we had a history, that I'd be able to get through to her. Doug, I'm sorry. I feel horrible.
Gabi: I need to talk to kayla.
Sonny: Okay, but we need to ask you something.
Gabi: Okay, so ask.
Will: Okay, um... we understand how you feel, but we're--we're hoping that you would maybe consider possibly donating stefan's heart to--
Gabi: Are you serious? Oh, my god, julie, julie, julie! Okay, hold on a second. What about--what about me, okay? What about my feelings and what my husband has been through? Do you guys think that he's just a piece of meat that you can carve up?
Sonny: No, that is not how we feel.
Gabi: Do not lie to me, sonny, okay? I know that you hate him. Everybody hates him. You know, everybody thinks that he's this--this monster whose life is not worth saving, but that is not true, okay? He's--he's a kind, loving man, okay? Did you know that he--he tried to save his mom, okay?
Sonny: He was shot protecting vivian.
Gabi: He took a bullet for that bitch, and now she disappeared, and she doesn't even care!
Will: Vivian is gonna pay for what she did, gabi. I promise you.
Gabi: What about lani, huh? That tramp wants me to forgive her, okay? You know that? And then eli wants me to just allow these people to--to cut open his chest, take his heart out, and give it to julie. And I thought you two were supposed to be on my side!
Sonny: We are on your side.
Will: We are, gabi, we're not trying--listen, we're not trying to pressure you.
Gabi: Of course you're trying to pressure me! That is exactly what you're doing, and that's probably because hope and doug and ciara, they're putting pressure on you, right? So what, eli struck out, and then you're next? Is that what it is?
Will: No, no, gabi, no.
Gabi: Liar, liar, both of you, that's exactly what you're doing! You're team julie. I can't believe this.
Sonny: No, no, please. Gabi, we love you. We know much you're hurting right now.
Will: Gabi, this--this is-- this is it for julie. This is her last chance.
Gabi: I don't care about julie, you know? The answer is no. I don't even think I could do this for anybody, especially julie. Are you kidding me? She's--she still hates me for what I did to nick, okay? She thinks I left her there to die.
Will: Gabi, you apologized for that.
Gabi: I mean, I tried, but she doesn't care. She doesn't care, and she never will. She's not gonna have stefan's heart, okay?
Will: Okay. But I want you to understand that that means there are gonna be two funerals tomorrow, one for stefan, one for julie. Gabi, if you let her die, there's no going back.
Rolf: Did you really think I would forget what you did to the great stefano dimera? You shot him in cold blood even though he was innocent of torturing your precious bo. Just like everyone else in this town, you hated him, and then you took your unjustified revenge and got away with it! But ultimately the phoenix outwitted you. He rose from the ashes once again, but you, you, hope brady, might not be so lucky. I've been saying,
I'm fine.
Brady: You can't be serious.
Victor: I'm as serious as julie williams' heart attack.
Maggie: Victor.
Brady: You would fire me over this? I have titan at the top of its game right now, and you would undo all of that to--to what, punish me? I don't believe that you would do that.
Victor: You better believe it. You take that woman upstairs, and you're out on your ass. So what's it gonna be?
Gabi: I'm about to move my husband from this bed to a grave, and--and you're--you're laying a guilt trip on me?
Will: No, that's not-- no, we're not. Of course we're not.
Sonny: All we're saying is that this decision is permanent, okay? You can't reverse it.
Gabi: I know that. It does not change the way I feel.
Sonny: It's just that we taught our daughter the importance of generosity and compassion.
Will: That's right. One day ari is going to find out that you could have saved julie's life and you refused. How--how do you think that's gonna make her feel?
Gabi: Are you using my daughter against me?
Will: No. Gabi, I'm not. All I'm saying is we're looking ahead, and we understand that you can't right now because of how much pain you're in.
Gabi: No, you're right. We have raised ariana to be kind and giving. She has the sweetest, most forgiving soul, but I don'T.
Sonny: That is not true.
Gabi: No, it is. I have been vicious and vengeful. I've taken risks that could easily separate me from my daughter again.
Will: Have you made mistakes?
Gabi: Mm-hmm.
Will: Yes, we all have. Gabi, you're a good mother. Ari is the way she is because of you.
Gabi: You're just saying that because you want something from me. You're sucking up to me.
Sonny: No, no, gabi, no. This is your decision to make, and whatever decision you make, we're going to respect it. We just don't want you to wake up a month from now or a year from now filled with regret.
Rolf: Your dear cousin, jennifer horton, was so grateful to me for agreeing to restore jack deveraux's memories that the two of them secured this lab for me so I could work on all my pet projects. Little did they know that you are one of my very favorite pets. Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl?
[Tense music]
Did you know that every single flush
Maggie: Victor doesn't mean it, brady. He was just speaking out of the heat of the moment.
Victor: I mean every damn word.
Brady: You're asking me to choose between my career and my unborn child?
Victor: And I haven't got all day.
Brady: Then you can find yourself another ceo.
Victor: You'll regret it.
Brady: The hell I will. Come on.
Gabi: I can live with regret. I already do.
Sonny: You say that now, but your feelings can change.
Gabi: You asked. I answered. Now drop it.
Will: Okay. Okay, I--I'm sorry. I gotta say this one more time. If you take stefan off of these machines, that's it. Gabi, there's no coming back from that.
Gabi: You know, you're telling me that you're not putting pressure on me, but you totally are, you know? It's already hard enough to deal with this without everybody ganging up on me, okay?
Will: Okay, okay, okay. Gabi, we--we're sorry. We're done.
Sonny: And whatever you decide, it's not gonna change how we feel about you, okay?
Will: Gabi, I love you. We love you, no matter what.
[Gentle music]
[Gabi sobs]
Gabi: [Sighs]
Eli: I had one chance, one chance to save my grandmother. I wish I could do it over. I'd say different words, different everything.
Lani: So do I. I would give anything to go back and change everything that happened with stefan, but you made me see that regrets are pointless. You know, we have to look forward.
Eli: Look forward to what? Julie dying because she doesn't have a donor?
Lani: There still might be someone who can help. Rafe said if you couldn't get through to gabi, that he would be willing to try.
Eli: Well, then I think we need to ask rafe.
Will: I hope that'll work because, uh, we tried with gabi, and it did not end well.
[Gentle music]
Gabi: This is so unfair. All those other people got to have a miracle. They got to come back to the people that they love. So why not you? How am I supposed to say goodbye? You've made me happier than I've been in my entire life. You know everything about me, the good, the bad, how I tried to destroy you, and you still loved me anyway. I know you--that you were the only person that you'd never judge me, you know, for telling julie's family to go straight to hell.
[Door opens]
[Gentle music]
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Kristen: Thank you, brady, for what you did.
Brady: Don't worry about it.
Kristen: I'm truly grateful, and I apologize for causing, you know, such a huge argument between you and victor. I mean, he's always been against us. He sabotaged our wedding.
Brady: Well, he's--he's-- kristen: Yeah, he hates my guts.
[Both chuckle] But, uh, I never thought you'd have to give up your job for me.
Brady: Not for you. For the baby you're carrying.
Kristen: Okay. Well, in any case, I'm sorry that it came to this, but I am grateful you got me out of that room. I mean, I was starting to feel stressed, and as maggie pointed out, it's, um-- it's not good for the baby.
Brady: Yeah. I'm gonna--are you okay? Are you--
Kristen: Yeah.
Brady: Are you feeling--
Kristen: Yeah, yeah, thanks to you.
Brady: Kri--
Kristen: Brady, oh, you were so masterful, the way you took charge and--and showed victor who's really boss. That meant so much to me.
Lani: Eli called rafe, and he's on his way.
Sonny: Well, fingers crossed.
Lani: Did you guys come to see julie?
Will: Uh, yes, but the nurse said it wasn't a good time.
Sonny: Yeah, we were hoping that we could get an update on her condition from kayla, but she's in surgery, which could take hours, so...
Will: And we have to pick ari up from preschool.
Sonny: If you want, you can pick her up, and I'll--I'll stay here and wait for kayla.
Lani: No, no, no, guys. With everything that gabi is going through, ari needs the both of you, so I'll just--I'll find one of julie's other doctors, and I'll call you with an update as soon as I can.
Sonny: That would be great, yeah.
Will: Thank you, thank you.
Lani: Of course, yeah. Thank you, and thank you for trying with gabi.
Rafe: Any news?
Will: Um, hey. Uh, not for julie, but-- but lani said you're here to talk to gabi?
Rafe: Yeah, she said you guys didn't have much luck.
Sonny: Not real--I mean, we didn't mean to push her. It's just--
Rafe: Running out of time.
Sonny: Yeah.
Will: And we don't want to leave either, but we gotta-- we gotta go pick up ari, so...
Rafe: I will let you know how it goes.
Will: Okay.
Rafe: All right?
Will: Thank you. Thanks.
Rafe: Of course.
Will: Seriously, this means a lot to us, thank you.
Rafe: Yeah. All right.
Lani: Okay. I am so glad you're here.
Rafe: Yeah, look, like I told eli, I will talk to gabi, but I'm just not sure it's gonna make a difference, but I'll give it my best shot.
Rolf: Well, that went exceedingly well. Even better than I'd hoped, hope.
[Laughs] Rolf, you are such a card. Now on to the next step.
[Tense music]
Gabi: Let me guess. You're here to beg for stefan's heart.
Doug: No, gabi. Actually, I'm not. I am here to tell you how-- how genuinely sorry I am for your loss. To part forever from your spouse, your best friend, your--the love of your life, I feel for you, and especially since I am about to experience that very same thing myself.
Gabi: And that's--that's my fault, right? If I just say yes to the donation, everything's gonna be all right.
Doug: We don't know that. Would I like to try? Yes. Would I like to see if stefan's heart could save my julie? More than anything that I would ever want in my whole life. Gabi, if I were in your shoes right now, I may very well have made the same decision you did and said no. You see, I know. I know that julie's refusal to let go of the grudge that she has with you, her refusal to--after all this time, to forgive has caused you tremendous pain. So I understand your choice. I understand why you would say no and--and not want to give your husband's heart to a woman that you consider heartless.
[Somber music]
Don't get me wrong, kiddo. I pray that you'll change your mind. You are our only hope. But if you can't, I won't judge you. Only god can do that.
[Somber music]
Maggie: Well, let's say you do fire brady. Who are you gonna put in charge of titan? Sonny doesn't want the job. Philip is gone. Xander, well, he's out of the question.
Victor: I'll find somebody more qualified than my grandson.
Maggie: Well, brady only became unqualified when he showed up here with kristen. Before that, you were giving him nothing but praise.
Victor: Don't exaggerate.
Maggie: Oh, listen, you were crowing nonstop about the fact that he turned the company around at just the right moment when the dimeras were more vulnerable than ever. Where are you gonna find a ceo half as committed as brady is to take advantage of that?
Victor: I'll think of something. I can't sit by and just let that woman get her claws back into brady.
Maggie: I don't want kristen in brady's life any more than you do, and I certainly don't want her in this house, but what is it that you always say? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Brady: Don'T. Don't you do that.
Kristen: I--I was just trying to thank you.
Brady: No, I know--I know what you're trying to do. Let me be very clear with you, okay, I moved you in here for that baby's sake, nothing else. So don't try to make anything more out of it, all right? You know where I stand, and that's not gonna change.
Kristen: Hmm.
Will: Hopefully, rafe can get through to gabi.
Sonny: Yeah, I don't know. But either way, we're gonna be there for gabi.
[Phone rings]
Will: Hey, lani. Any news?
Lani: I just ran into kayla and got an update on julie. There's no change.
Will: Okay. Um, thanks for letting me know.
Sonny: That was not good news.
Will: Nope, julie doesn't have much time left.
Sonny: Well, let's just pray that rafe can get gabi to change her mind.
Will: Well, he better do it soon, before it's too late.
Rafe: Hey.
Gabi: Oh. Yeah, I was wondering when they were gonna send in the big guns. So who was it that asked you? Eli? Will? Sonny? Hmm?
Rafe: I'm not here to pressure you.
Gabi: Oh, my god, will you please--if somebody tells me that word one more time, I'm gonna scream, okay? Everybody has come to talk to me, even doug.
Rafe: You know how they feel.
Gabi: Yes, I know how they feel, and I don't want to talk about this right now.
Rafe: Sis, here's the thing--
Gabi: Can you just please leave me alone, please? I need to be alone. Can you just get out, rafe?
Try drive up at target.
Maggie: Who are you calling?
Victor: Sonny. I think I can get him to change his mind on the ceo position.
Maggie: Oh, victor, you know that won't happen.
Brady: I figured you don't want me having access to the titan offices now that I'm fired.
Victor: You hold on to it. You're still the ceo for now. But mark my words, you're going to regret the day that you let kristen into this house and into your life.
Brady: That's right, it is my life.
Victor: And when it implodes, and it inevitably will, don't say I didn't warn you.
Kristen: Okay. Brady didn't mean any of it. He's still adjusting to the idea that his life's going to change, but he already accepted that we're having a child together, and I was able to use that to get into this house. Ha. And it's just a matter of time before brady is back in my bed where he belongs. Yes.
Rolf: A place for everything, and everything in its place.
[Uneasy music]
Hmm. As a scientist, I take precise steps, make exact calculations to maximize my chances for success. But even so, I know that the quality of my work is not always within my control, and I know what you, hope, would say if you could. "Sometimes we simply have to have faith."
Eli: Hey, cuz. Hope. Hey, hope, wake up. Hope. Hey, are you all right?
Lani: I got your text. You wanted to see me?
Gabi: I thought it was only right to have this conversation with you, since you did put stefan here in the first place.
Lani: I know that eli, sonny, and will, they've--they've all asked you to donate stefan's heart, and you said no. I'm assuming that you turned rafe away as well. Did you want to just tell me to my face that I'm the reason?
Gabi: No. No, I wanted to tell you that I changed my mind. That I'm gonna be giving my husband's heart to julie.
Lani: Um... oh, my god. Gabi, um, oh, this is incredible, gabi. Thank--gabi, I know how hard...
Gabi: Lani--
Lani: This is, gabi. Thank you so much.
Gabi: I'm only doing this on one condition.
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