Days Transcript Wednesday 10/9/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 10/9/19


Episode #13626 ~ Eli pleads with Gabi to save Julie's life. Ciara finds herself in close quarters with Jordan. Ben seeks help from Victor regarding his sister. Rolf lures Hope into a trap.

Provided By Suzanne

Kristen: Well, since I need constant supervision, I think the best course of action would be to have rolf move in with me.

Brady: [Laughs] Over my dead body, kristen!

Rolf: That stipulation does raise some interesting possibilities.

Brady: Hmm. Maybe you're looking to have somebody try your serum on you?

Rolf: Speaking of which, I have work to do. So I will leave it to the proud parents to-be to sort all this out.

Brady: Why are you smiling like that?

Kristen: Like this?

Brady: Yeah.

Kristen: Well, it's obvious that you wanted a moment alone with me. So I'm all yours.

Gabi: You want to ask me something now?

Eli: Like I said, it's very important.

Gabi: Okay, I see. Well, considering the fact that I'm trying to find a way to say good-bye to my husband since I did just figure out that he's not gonna be coming back to me, but go ahead.

Eli: Gabi, I know this is a terrible time. Like I said, this can't wait--

Gabi: Oh, my god. I know what you want.

Eli: You do?

Gabi: Yeah. You want me to forgive lani.

Lani: Checking out the crime scene again?

Rafe: I was just hoping if I did another sweep of the area, I might get some answers as who tried to run down ciara.

Lani: Hm. Are you worried it's jordan?

Rafe: She swore to me that she's innocent, she would never do anything again to hurt ciara.

Lani: So you're saying that you believe her?

[Tense music]

Ciara: Jordan? What the hell are you doing here?

Victor: Did you just barge into my house claiming that I owed you?

Ben: Yes. Because you do.

Victor: I find your lack of respect repugnant, but I admire your guts. What is this favor you've come to ask?

Ben: I need you to get rid of my sister.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Gabi: Your trigger-happy girlfriend already tried that. You know, she was here last night telling me how sorry she was.

Eli: Gabi--

Gabi: What? What is it? What do you want? Eli, what--you want me to swear that I'm not gonna sue her? Promise that I'm not gonna try to get her fired? Absolve her from the action that she took in one moment that took away the entire chance at a lifetime of happiness for me? Okay, so no. I am feeling a lot of things and forgiveness is not one of them. I'm sorry.

Rafe: Neither ben nor ciara actually saw jordan behind the wheel of the car. And besides, jordan doesn't even have a car.

Lani: But she does have a history of violence towards ciara.

Rafe: Yeah. Well. Bottom line, there's not one shred of evidence that indicates that jordan is behind this thing.

Lani: And as a cop, you have to look for that evidence. And if you don't find it, you have to follow your guts.

Rafe: Yeah, I know. Listen, I want to believe jordan, I do. I have my doubts. The bottom line is her and her brother have a history of bad blood.

Ben: You remember jordan, right?

Victor: The homicidal maniac who tried to burn ciara alive? Yeah, she rings a bell.

Ben: Yeah, well, she's back in town. They let her out of bayview.

Victor: Then she's suddenly rehabilitated just like you were.

Ben: No. Not at all. She's still extremely dangerous, and I need you to stop her.

Victor: Well, I'm sort of busy with problems with my own family now to get involved with any insipid feud you may have with your sister. Though I must say, I'm pleased that clyde's spawn are finally turning their homicidal impulses to each other for a change.

Ben: No, no, no. Jordan isn't trying to hurt me. She's after ciara again.

Jordan: I'm here to apply for a job. Physical therapist position I had a few years ago. I'm living in salem, and I have a baby now, you know? Got to go back to work, so--

[Elevator rumbles]

Ciara: Why did you just do that?

Jordan: Why don't us two girls have a little chat?

Jordan: Ciara, it is a matter of life and death that you understand what is going on. Okay, I know my brother has tried to make you think that I'm behind your near-miss in the parking lot. And I know he's been filling your head full of ideas that I'm out to hurt you.

Ciara: Ben is--well, he's very protective of me.

Jordan: Well, he is very wrong about me, okay? I have worked so hard to get well and to give my son and I a fresh start because that's all that I want. And I've got ben out here making threats and telling people that I'm still some kind of a threat. Oh, my god! His lies, it just makes me want to scream. But, honey, I know what he's doing this for. We both know ben wants to get rid of me.

Ben: I can't say for sure whether jordan was behind the wheel of that car or not, but I have no question in my mind that she is responsible for what happened to ciara.

Victor: You're sure my granddaughter is all right?

Ben: Yes. She's fine. She's just-- just a little shaken up.

Victor: You reported this to the police?

Ben: Of course. But jordan says she had no involvement. And since we don't have any witnesses or evidence to prove otherwise, the cops can't do anything, which is why I came to see you.

Victor: So you're asking me to commit a crime on your behalf.

Ben: You tried to kill me in this very room. And I never told ciara about it, which is why you owe me this. And I figured since you had no problem when you were willing to choke the life out of me in order to protect ciara that you'd have no problem with helping me make jordan disappear for the exact same reason.

Victor: Well, our interests do seem to align.

Ben: So you'll do it?

Victor: I'll do whatever is necessary to keep my granddaughter safe. If what you say is true--

Ben: Yeah. You got to believe me. I'm telling you, the threat to ciara is not me. It's jordan.

Victor: Maybe I should get rid of both of you just to be on the safe side.

Ben: [Scoffs] As I've told you many times, victor, I love ciara. I'm not a threat to her or anybody else anymore. But jordan is. They never should have let her out of that hospital.

Lani: Are you having second thoughts about vouching for jordan in court?

Rafe: Jordan was released from bayview with a clean bill of mental health.

Lani: You don't think that seemed kind of quick?

Rafe: [Chuckles] Oh, I agree, it was quick, but doctors say that she's mentally stable. Who am I to stand in the way of a mother and her son? And besides, I was the only one that jordan had to turn to.

Lani: I haven't had a chance to bring this up, but when I came to the house last night to question jordan, I couldn't help notice that you two were really comfortable together.

Rafe: Oh, were we?

Lani: Yeah.

Rafe: Like, we are not romantically involved, if that's what you're implying. And I care about her and her son.

Lani: You're right. I'm sorry.

Rafe: Okay.

Lani: You know, I know you were there for me, and I really do think that it's wonderful that you're stepping up to take care of a single mother.

Rafe: Right.

Rolf: It appears as if I am the answer to your prayers.

Kristen: So tell me. What is it that you want, brady?

Brady: What I don't want is rolf anywhere near my kid. I don't even know why you would consider that given that you already have an obstetrician?

Kristen: I do?

Brady: You said, when I came to your room, the strange voice that I heard was your obstetrician on speaker phone, right?

Kristen: Right. Yeah. No. That didn't work out.

Brady: That didn't?

Kristen: Mm-mm.

Brady: Then you need to get another ob. Preferably someone that doesn't study under dr. Frankenstein would be great.

Kristen: You know, I'm sorry that my choices on how to manage my pregnancy don't meet your high standards. But I am doing the best I can to figure this all out on my own. I don't have anyone to turn to. My father is god knows where, and my brother tony, and he's still angry with me that I almost let him take a murder rap. And now my brother stefan is brain dead.

[Monitor beeping]

Eli: Gabi, internal affairs interviewed lani this morning. They cleared her of any wrongdoing.

Gabi: Oh. Well, there's a shocker. We both know that the salem pd has it out for the dimeras. The odds of them doing an unbiased investigation are even longer than the odds of stefan waking up.

Eli: Gabi, she tried to shoot her. Okay, she had to protect herself. What else could she have done?

Gabi: Well, she could have hit what she was aiming at, okay? Lani could have killed that bitch.

Eli: All right, fine. Let's not argue about this. Everyone agrees that what happened to stefan is a tragedy. And I am truly sorry for your loss.

Gabi: I believe you. So, okay, well, if it's not about lani, then what do you want?

Eli: I came here for my grandmother. I want to ask you if you'll give stefan's heart to julie.

Ciara: Look, I'm meeting my mother here, and if I'm late, she'll definitely start to worry, so--

Jordan: Please, ciara. I am desperate. Listen, ben wants me put away. He wants me put back into bayview so he can talk rafe into letting him be around david. I do not want him anywhere near my son.

Ciara: I really need you to move, jordan.

Jordan: I wish you would hear me. I wish you could see the kind of man that he really is.

Ciara: I do. I do see, and I love him.

Jordan: Oh, my god. Why is everyone giving ben a second chance but not me? He has murdered three people. No, but you know what? He's cured. He's a good guy. Me? No. I'm the bad guy. I'm scary. Oh, my god. This is crazy.

[Button clicking] Oh, now look what you did. You broke the damn thing. Looks like you're stuck here with me.

Ciara: [Under breath] Come on.

Ben: I'm telling you, jordan is out to hurt ciara. I'm just trying to protect her.

Victor: I generally don't believe serial killers. But given your sister's track record, I can't ignore your claim.

Ben: So I did the right thing coming to you since the cops won't help?

Victor: I'm not surprised the police didn't do anything. They never do. I learned the hard way a long time ago that, at one point or another, a man has to take the law into his own hands.

Rafe: I wish I knew for sure whether or not jordan had something to do with what happened here. But till more evidence comes to light, I'm just gonna have to keep a close eye on her.

Lani: Yeah, well, I really need to get that food order in for eli and his family, so--

Rafe: Yeah. Right, okay. Listen, I meant what I said earlier. You're a great cop.

Lani: It really doesn't feel like that right now. I mean, I know I got cleared and all, but still--

Rafe: Yeah.

Lani: Yeah.

Rafe: Yeah, it's always tough, no matter what the circumstances, if you take a life.

Lani: It's not just any life though. It's your sister's husband. And I just--i just--I feel awful.

Rafe: Yeah, that's gonna take some time for you, for her. And her first step is accepting that stefan's gone.

Lani: Yeah, about that. After you left seeing her earlier, eli went to talk to her. And he's with her right now asking her if she'll donate stefan's heart to julie.

Brady: I'm sorry about stefan.

Kristen: Thank you. You know, I-- I didn't really know him, but now I'm never gonna even get the chance, but--since I've been ostracized from what little family I have left, I am looking ahead to the next generation of dimeras. Don't you worry, little andy or jenny. I won't let anyone hurt you.

Brady: I'm sorry. Andy or jenny?

Kristen: Just playing around with some names. Oh, what if we had twins? Wouldn't that be marvelous?

Brady: Kristen, we were talking about finding you a doctor, okay?

Kristen: Your mother is a very strong and independent woman. And I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Dr. Rolf, eccentric as he may be, did have a hand in your conception. So I'm gonna have to trust him to provide the care that we need.

Brady: Kristen, stop. There's got to be another way.

Rolf: I heard about julie williams. I understand her prognosis is quite bleak.

Hope: Stefano dimera's personal physician. His son's near death, that's why you're here, isn't it? You're planning another one of your resurrections.

Rolf: As I told mrs. Dimera, my formula only works if a patient has a spark of life. Unfortunately, mr. Dimera has no such spark. Now julie williams, on the other hand--

Hope: Wait a minute. What are you--what are you telling me? Are you saying you could help julie?

Gabi: Is this some kind of sick joke?

Eli: Gabi, please. Just hear me out. Nothing is certain at this point, but the doctors think that stefan could be a match for julie. His heart... gabi, his heart is strong. My grandmother almost got kate's heart, when that fell through, she fell into a deep coma. And there is a chance that she may never wake up unless--

Gabi: You know what you are asking of me?

Eli: I know. And I wouldn't do that if I didn't truly believe that this would help you.

Gabi: Help me?

Eli: Gabi, listen, what happened to stefan was a terrible accident, okay? But his death doesn't have to be in vain. Now I know that must be--that must be impossible for you to imagine right now because of the pain that you are going through. Gabi, I promise, if you do this, not only will it bring so much joy to me and my family but it will also help you heal because stefan's heart, which is filled with so much love for you will live on. Gabi, I am sorry to ask you to make such a huge decision so fast... but my grandmother doesn't have a lot of time. And only you can save her. Will you?

Rafe: Eli's talking to gabi?

Lani: Yeah, and he was agonizing over it. If someone should ask her, who should ask her, the time, and then you finally said that gabi was accepting the fact that stefan was never coming back.

Rafe: Yeah, but I didn't mean that she was ready to donate his heart. She was completely devastated.

Lani: Of course, and I get that, and eli would have waited, but julie is barely hanging on, rafe.

Rafe: I know. I know that. I mean, obviously, I want what's best for her. You know, I want it for her, for hope, doug, ciara. But, you know, everyone who loves--I love her.

Lani: And so does eli. And that is where he's coming from.

Rafe: Okay. I know. I understand that. It's just gabi and julie, they've had a rough history, you know? And I just--I don't know that she's in a position right now to give something to the person that has shown her such contempt.

Gabi: You want me to give my husband's heart to julie williams?

Eli: I know you and my grandma don't have the greatest relationship.

Gabi: Okay. That's--I think that's an understatement, don't you? You do know that, at some point, we have wished each other dead.

Eli: But this is a chance to end all of that. Gabi, I know how terrible you felt when my grandmother had that heart attack in the park, and then you thought she was faking it and left her there.

Gabi: Are you saying that I owe this to julie?

Rolf: I cannot heal julie's heart, but I can give her something that no other doctor can.

Hope: What? What is it?

Rolf: Time. I can extend her life so that, hopefully, she can hold on till another heart becomes available.

Hope: And why should I trust you?

Rolf: I don't think you have any other options. I am willing to extend the benefit of brilliance to julie. So if you could just do me the courtesy of accompanying me to my lab, I shall deliver to you that miracle you ask for. I'm going to help you to help julie. So what are you afraid of?

Ciara: I'm calling ben.

Jordan: Well, good luck. I remember trying to make calls from these elevators. You'll never get a signal. Looks like we're gonna be here a while. When are you going to learn, ciara? I am not the one you should be scared of. The only one you should be afraid of is ben.

Ben: So you'll do it?

Victor: Yes, I'll deal with jordan.

Ben: Thank you, mr. Kiriakis.

Victor: You know, you say you're a changed man, that my granddaughter's love has saved you. You're no longer the monster that killed those people.

Ben: I'll always regret the horrible actions I took, the pain I caused. But yes, ciara's love did change me, it changed everything, made me a better man.

Victor: If that's the case, are you sure you want your sister's blood on your hands?

Kristen: This--this is a high-risk pregnancy, brady. Any little thing that happens to me, I could lose this baby. I need someone by my side, will take care of me so that little andy or jenny will make it safely into this world.

Brady: I can hire somebody. Not a problem.

Kristen: No, I don't want a stranger. I don't want a stranger hovering over me in my most vulnerable moment. Ideally, the father would be here, taking care of us, monitoring, protecting his child. But you don't seem to want to make that happen. So...

[Sighs] What choice do I have?

[Softly] Hm?

Brady: Kristen.

Kristen: Hm?

Brady: Kristen, kristen.

Brady: Kristen. Kristen. Kristen, are you all right?

Kristen: Brady.

Brady: All right, sit down, sit down, sit down. Careful, careful. What the hell happened?

Kristen: I don't know.

Brady: What's wrong?

Kristen: I don't know, all of a sudden, I just got dizzy. Brady, thank--thank god you were there for me and the baby.

Brady: Hold on. Did you fake that? Are you faking this?

Ciara: You've tried this before, jordan. You tried to kill me and make ben take the blame.

Jordan: I was not in my right mind then. But I am now.

Ciara: Are you? Are you? Because it wasn't ben who tried to burn me alive. It wasn't ben who came at me with a syringe, and it sure as hell wasn't ben who tried to run me down with a damn car!

Jordan: Okay. He might be innocent of those crimes. But do you really know what the man that you love is capable of?

Ben: I don't want you to kill my sister.

Victor: Why not?

Ben: She might still be sick, but she's still my sister, and I love her. When I was a little kid, she's the one that protected me from clyde. She saved my life.

Victor: And I want to save my granddaughter's life.

Ben: And I appreciate that. But do you have to be that extreme? Can't you just ship her off somewhere, somewhere far away from ciara so she can't hurt her or anybody else?

Rafe: Well, anyway, I have to go pick up david from the nanny. What?

Lani: Nothing, just your whole face lights up when you say his name.

Rafe: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm crazy about that kid.

Lani: I know. He's pretty amazing.

Rafe: Yeah.

Lani: I really do miss him in a healthy way.

Rafe: No, no, no. It's okay. It's okay. By the way, you were amazing, helping me with him when jordan wasn't able to, so--

Lani: Now she's back.

Rafe: She is back, yes. And like I told the judge, I'm going to keep an eye on her.

Lani: I know that you feel responsible for jordan, but you also took responsibility for david.

Rafe: Yeah.

Lani: You know, and I really do hope that for the sake of that little boy that she has nothing to do with what happened here.

Rafe: Yeah, me too. Now listen, let me know how it goes with eli. If he can't get through to gabi, I'll talk to her.

Lani: Thank you, rafe.

Rafe: Yeah.

Lani: You really are one of the good ones.

Rafe: I hope so. I'll see you.

Hope: You're seriously asking why I'd be hesitant to trust you?

Rolf: No, no, no, no. I understand why you're reluctant. But as I said, you're out of options. And I know that the people you love are in pain, especially your father. Wouldn't you like to be able to look into his eyes and tell him that his wife has a chance to live?

Hope: Do you really think you can help her?

Rolf: Where there is hope, there is life. Now you can stay here and pray on your little beads until the end of days, but it is not faith that will save julie, it is science. Only I have the power to help you. And all you have to do is believe.

[Compelling piano music]

Gabi: Okay, so first, let me get this straight, you want me to kill my husband because it's gonna benefit me? Now--now you want me to kill my husband out of obligation because I'm a horrible person, I've done horrible things, and I got to pay, right?

Eli: No, absolutely not. Gabi, I know that you're not a horrible person. And I know that you have compassion for julie.

Gabi: Do you?

Eli: Yes.

Gabi: Because I remember you and hope screaming at me, telling me to stay away from you and your family.

Eli: We were all on edge that day.

Gabi: You know, when I heard that julie wasn't faking it, you know what I did? I called the hospital because I was horrified. And they wouldn't tell me anything, so I came here. And lani, lani was calling me a liar. You know what she said that to watch julie suffer was my dream.

Eli: Gabi, with emotions running so high, we didn't know what to believe.

Gabi: Okay, well, since there was so much confusion that night, let me clear things up for you. No. No, no, no. Your grandmother is never going to have my husband's heart. As far as I'm concerned, julie williams is an evil, evil bitch. I hope she dies. There are lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yeah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today.

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with moderate

Eli: You can't possibly mean that. Okay, now I know my grandmother can be the most stubborn person in the world and she can be harsh, but--

Gabi: Harsh? She is an unforgiving, unrelenting wench from hell!

Eli: Gabi--

Gabi: No. Well, you listen to me. Your fiancée shot my husband in cold blood, and now you want me to let them cut his chest open and rip out his heart so that crazy bitch can live on and give me more grief? No. The answer is no, eli! Get out of here. Leave us alone! Get out. Don't ever ask me that again. Get out!

[Panting] I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Rolf: Ah, here we are.

Hope: What is that?

Rolf: A compound I've been working on for some time. I am quite certain it's effective. I'll fill a syringe, we'll be on our way.

Hope: Yeah, I'm supposed to meet my daughter outside of julie's room. I think perhaps I should meet you there.

Rolf: Ah, this won't take any time at all.

Ciara: You need to stop, jordan. You need to stop this crusade against ben because I know that he will never hurt me.

Jordan: And how can you be so sure? He murdered three women. Two of which he strangled the life out of with the same hands that he puts all over you.

Ciara: He was sick then. He's better now.

Jordan: Well, you better hope that the doctors did their job at bayview because if they didn't--

[Loud rumbling]

[Elevator dings] Oh. Look at that. Saved by the bell.

[Tense music]

Victor: I understand your sister has a child now.

Ben: David.

Victor: And would you be expecting me to relocate him as well?

Ben: No, no. Jordan should not be allowed to take care of a child. When she was sent to bayview, she asked rafe to become david's legal guardian. That's where he should stay until she gets the help that she needs.

Victor: And where do you propose she gets this help?

Ben: Can't you have her sent to like a locked institution so she can get well?

Victor: I can try. You have to understand, operations like this don't always go as planned. Sometimes they get messy. And my people would have to do whatever is necessary to keep ciara safe.

Ben: Meaning what?

Victor: I need to know, you can live with yourself if your sister dies?

Brady: What are you doing? Sit back down. Sit.

Kristen: You know how important this baby is to me. Do you really think that I would put him or her at risk falling to the ground so that I could gain your sympathy?

Brady: I don't know, kristen. I just don't know.

Kristen: You know what? Maybe I'll see you in eight months. Did you know that every single flush

[Door unlocking, opening]

Ben: Hey.

Ciara: Hey.

Ben: Did you visit your grandmother?

Ciara: I got held up and missed my chance. But did have a run-in with your sister though.

Ben: What?

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: Okay, tell me everything.

Ciara: [Breathes deeply]

Jordan: Hey. How's my boy?

Rafe: Hey. Oh, he's good. Just put him down for a nap.

Jordan: Oh.

Rafe: Where have you been?

Jordan: I went to the hospital to apply for my old job.

Rafe: What?

Jordan: Yeah.

Rafe: No way. How did it go?

Jordan: Well, there was a little trouble with the elevator.

Victor: That's right. Jordan ridgeway. Ben weston's sister. I want you to have the plan in place but don't do anything until I give the order. Yeah.

Brady: Need to talk to you. It's more news you won't like.

Victor: You already told me you knocked up kristen dimera. What could be worse than that?

Kristen: Hello, victor. I'm moving in.

[Elevator dings]

[Indistinct chatter]

Lani: Hey. Any luck?

Eli: I tried.

Lani: Gabi said no?

Eli: She said hell no. And I don't think there's anything that anyone can do to change her mind.

Gabi: Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you had to hear that, okay. I'm sorry you. No one--no one's gonna take your heart, okay, no one. No one.

Rolf: Yeah. All set. Please, lead the way.

Hope: Oh, just wait, wait, wait. I want to find kayla, just to make sure that it's safe to inject julie with whatever that is.

Rolf: Oh, my dear, this is for you.

Hope: [Yelps]


[Breathing heavily]

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