Days Transcript Monday 10/7/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 10/7/19


Episode #13624 ~ Eve runs into a distraught Vivian. Eli comforts Lani. Gabi is devastated when she learns of Stefan's prognosis. Kayla reveals a solution to saving Julie's life.

Provided By Suzanne

[Dramatic music]

Eve: Well, I wish that I could say being back in salem has been fun.

[Scoffs] But it has been a bitch... and I'm glad it's over.

Jennifer: I don't understand why doug and julie would do this. Why would they just take off like this?

Jack: Julie will be just fine.

Jennifer: No, you're right. You're right. She's gonna be fine. Would you mind if I just called hope and eli to see if they found them yet?

Jack: I tell you what-- I'll call eli. You call hope. We'll kill two birds with one--

Jennifer: No. I just--I just want to do it. I just want to do it. So if you could just maybe go stretch your legs for a minute.

Jack: Sure. Sure. I'll--I'll be back. I'll be around.

[Cell phone beeps

[Line trilling]

Hope: Hi. This is hope brady. Please leave a message.

Jennifer: Hope, hey, it's me. Actually, I am so glad that you didn't pick up because that means you probably found doug and julie and they're fine. So just call me as soon as you get this, okay? Love you.

[Cell phone beeps]

Hope: [Sobs]

Doug: Oh, she's gone.

Hope: No, daddy.

[Hope and doug crying]

Eli: Wait. Grandma's not gone from us yet.

Hope: What?

Eli: She still has a pulse.

Lani: No, dad. I promise I will call you if I need you. Yeah. Okay. I love you, too.

[Cell phone beeps]


[Elevator bell dings]

Jj: Is it julie?

Lani: No. Um... stefan dimera's been shot... and...

[Chuckles] I'm the one who shot him.

Kayla: Stefan was in extremely critical condition when he came in. His heart stopped because he lost a lot of blood.

Gabi: Okay. But you resuscitated him. So he's gonna be fine, right?

Kayla: We worked on him for over 20 minutes. His brain was deprived of oxygen for too long.

Gabi: No. No. He's--he's breathing. His heart is beating. He's gonna be fine. He's gonna wake up.

Kayla: Gabi, I am so sorry. We did a eeg. There is no neurological activity. Stefan is brain dead.

Gabi: No. No, no, no. You're wrong. No, no, no, no. I refuse to believe that. You're wrong! No. Stefan, wake up. Just show her that she's wrong, okay? Just wake up, please. Just come back, okay? Please wake up.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

[Insects chirping]

[Dramatic music]

Vivian: My son--

[Sniffles] Stefan, why did you do it? Why did you step in front of me?


Stefan: To save you.

Vivian: Stefan. Oh, stefan.

Stefan: Run.

Vivian: Why? Why did you do it?

[Weeps bitterly]

Eve: Ma'am, you all right?

Vivian: Eve. No, I'm not all right.

Lani: I-I got a tip from marlena about vivian. And I found her. And she pulled a gun out on me. I told her to drop it, jj. I did. And I did everything by the book, everything. And she wouldn't drop it. She wouldn't drop it, jj. And I thought she was gonna shoot me, so I pulled the trigger... just to wound her. And then stefan... he just--he--he came out of nowhere and he just--he jumped in front of his mother and I shot him. I shot him. I shot stefan.

Jj: Lani, you did what you were trained to do. It's not your fault.

Lani: I really wish that I could believe that.

Gabi: Stefan. It's me, okay? I'm here. Please, just--just--just wake up. Just wake up!

Kayla: Gabi, gabi. Come on. It's impossible. Please. Come on.

Gabi: What do you know? You don't know anything. You told everybody that kate wasn't gonna wake up, and she's fine. She's totally fine. Stefan's gonna be fine too!

Kayla: You know what? This is completely different.

Gabi: Stop.

Kayla: Kate was in a coma. Stefan has no neurological activity. Gabi, this condition is not reversible.

Gabi: No.

Kayla: He is not going to make it back.

Eli: Her pulse is weak, but it's still there.

Hope: Let's get her to the hospital. Let's go.

Doug: No!

Hope: Daddy--

Doug: No, no. No.

Hope. There's still a chance for julie.

Doug: No, no. That's not what she wants.

Hope: Okay. But what about what she needs?

Doug: Yes. No. She does not want to die in the hospital. She made me promise her that she wouldn'T.

Hope: I know. Dad--

Doug: That's why I brought her here, hope.

Hope: I know. I know. I know how much you love here...

Doug: Yes.

Hope: And you want to honor her wishes. But if there is even a chance, daddy, please, for the love of god.

Doug: No, no.

Hope: Daddy.

Doug: No, no.

Hope: Please, let us take her back to the hospital where she can get the help that she needs, please.

Doug: No.

[Both sob]

Jennifer: [Sighs] It's not gonna do any good.

[Cries] Julie, please... please be o--

[Door opens] I didn't--I didn't expect you back so quickly.

Jack: Did you call eli or hope?

Jennifer: Mm-hmm. It's just voice mail.

Jack: I-I brought you something.

Jennifer: Oh, thanks. I couldn't even eat anything right now.

Jack: Good to know because this isn't edible. At least I don't think it is.

I would ask you how you're doing, but you would probably just tell me you're fine... just like you did when you kicked me out of this place.

Jennifer: I didn't kick you out.

Jack: You kicked me out of this place. I'm remembering, you... you do something that is so-- it's adorable, but it is infuriating but adorable. You pretend everything is all right when it is not. You were kidnapped.

Jennifer: And I was rescued.

Jack: You were almost killed. And now... now you're worried about one of the most important people in your life, and you're gonna put on a face that says, "everything is all right," and set sail into the wind?

Jennifer: Gosh, am I that obvious?

Jack: Yes. Evidence suggests that--that you just had a good cry, so... please... open this up.

Jennifer: [Sniffles] It's a jade plant.

Jack: Yeah.

Jennifer: Jack.

Jack: Probably even-- it's sadder and probably scrawnier than the first one I gave you.

Jennifer: No, it's so beautiful.

Jack: That's the smile I was hoping to see.

Jennifer: You didn't have to do that.

Jack: I did.

Jennifer: You really didn'T.

Jack: I did. I did. If only need to remind you... "contra mundum." Oh. You're not in this alone.

Vivian: The police shot my son. That's his blood.

Eve: Stefan? Oh, my god.

Vivian: He's at the hospital now. He--he threw himself in front of a bullet that was intended for me. Not a thought for himself.

Eve: Vivian, I am so sorry. But if he's at the hospital, he is receiving excellent care.

Vivian: [Scoffs] Care?

[Scoffs] I was at the hospital. I heard a doctor say... he was brain dead. There's no hope.

Eve: Vivian, I am so sorry.

Vivian: My dear son. My dear sweet boy. I lost so many years with him. And now I've lost him forever.

[Sniffles, cries]

Eve: I know what it's like to lose a child.

Vivian: My dear, we are talking about my pain, not yours.

Eve: Yes, I understand. You know, if you want to find comfort, I think the best thing for you to do would be to go to the hospital and be with your son.

Vivian: I can't do that.

Gabi: I don't believe you, okay? You're lying. No, it's impossible.

Kayla: Gabi, you may not be ready to hear the medical details.

Gabi: Because you're wrong!

Kayla: Gabi, I'm sorry.

Gabi: No, you're not! You're not sorry. You've always hated stefan! Are you-- oh, my god, you did this. You did this. He was breathing when he got here. No, yeah. You did this. You saw your chance, and you tried to kill my husband!

Kayla: Gabi, come on.

Gabi: No. Don't touch me! Don't touch my husband. I'm gonna get a second opinion. He's gonna be fine.

Kayla: If you would let me explain--

Gabi: No! Get out of here. Get out! I don't want to see your face in here again. I'm gonna sue you. I'm gonna sue this entire hospital! Get--get out of here!

Kayla: Okay, okay, okay.

Gabi: Just get out! Get out of here now! No, no!


Searching for a way to

help stop your cold sore?

Doug: [Crying] No, no. I made my wife a promise. I can't break it. I won'T.

Hope: But, daddy, please. Daddy.

Doug: This is what she wants, for the two of us to be--the two of us here, wrapped in this place she loves so much, in our dreams, in our memories, and just the two of us.

Hope: Daddy, you know what you always told me? Do you remember what you always told me?

Doug: No, no, no.

Hope. Where there's life, there's hope. Please. We can't give up. We're not giving up. We can'T. We can'T. Please.

Doug: No, hope. If this is the last promise I make my wife, I am keeping it.

Eli: And you have kept it, okay? But hope and I didn't make that promise, so we have to take the decision out of your hands and get julie to the hospital.

Hope: Daddy, daddy, listen to me, okay? I promise you. Hey, hey. Look. Look at me. I promise you, when julie wakes up, she is not only going to forgive you, daddy. She is gonna be so grateful because you know what? She's gonna be back in your arms again. A little more time to laugh, huh? And love and kiss her and hold her. Daddy, please. It's gonna be all right.

Doug: All right, all right. All right.

Hope: Okay. Let's go. Let's get her to the hospital. Let's go. Come on, daddy. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna get the door. Let me get the door. Back up a little bit. Okay. Go. Go. Come on, daddy, it's gonna be all right.

Gabi: Why did you have to play hero? And for your mother of all people? I know that you love her, baby, but we have plans. We have places that we want to go and a life that we want to live. It should not be you here. It should be your mother.

Vivian: I would do anything if that bullet had hit me. I want to tell him that. I want to see him again. But... kate came out of that damn coma, and she told the police that I shot her.

Eve: What? You--you did that?

Vivian: And now the hospital is just crawling with cops. I can't dare show my face there.

Eve: Wait, wait. I don't understand what stefan has to do with all of this.

Vivian: It's really very simple. Stefan arranged to have a private jet whisk me away to safety. Now I was on my way to meet him when this... policewoman tried to stop me. A-and... I pulled my gun on her.

Eve: Wait, wait. You threatened a police officer with a gun?

Vivian: I just wanted to scare her. That's all. But the idiot... maniac shot at me just as stefan arrived. And--and h-he threw himself in front of me. And now he's brain dead.

[Sobs] Oh! I had to come back here just to convince myself that it all really happened.

Eve: What will you do now, vivian?

Vivian: I'm gonna do exactly as my son wanted me to. I'm going to get the hell out of salem. The pilot's waiting for me now.

Eve: Well, um, you know, maybe you don't have to go alone. I-I could hitch a ride with you.

Lani: I never meant to hurt stefan. But how do I tell that to gabi? She hates me. She swore I was gonna pay.

Jj: Look, her husband has been shot. She's angry, scared. I think what we should do is just pray stefan recovers, and it'll all go away, okay?

Lani: Is there any update?

Kayla: I'm sorry, but there's no neurological activity. Stefan is brain dead. We did everything that we could. But after he coded, he was deprived of oxygen for too long.

Lani: So there's just-- there's no hope?

Kayla: I'm sorry, no.

[Elevator bell dings]

Jj: Lani, wait--lani.

Jack: Jj, I'm glad we caught you.

Jj: How is julie? What happened?

Jennifer: I heard from hope. Apparently julie wanted doug to take her to doug's place. And that is where hope and eli found them.

Jj: Okay. Well, thank god she's okay. She's okay, isn't she?

Jennifer: I don't know. When hope and eli found them, she was unconsciousness.

Jack: They're bringing her in as we speak.

Kayla: I'm going to the er to meet them.

Jack: All right. Keep us posted. Hey. Hey. Come on.

Gabi: You promised me a honeymoon. You told me... anywhere in the world I wanted to go. Okay? And I'm gonna hold you to that. So, stefan, you have to hang on, okay? We're gonna consult with top specialists in the country. Okay? And while you're getting better, I'm gonna sue kayla johnson for malpractice. And I'm gonna sue the salem pd, okay, for allowing lani price to even hold a gun in the first place, okay? What do you want?

Lani: Gabi, I am... I am so sorry about what happened.

Gabi: You're sorry?

Lani: It was an accident, okay? I swear! I just--I am--

Gabi: You know what? Stefan's gonna be fine. Stefan's gonna be just fine. He's gonna live. But you, you are going down. -Their béarnaise sauce here is the best in town.

Vivian: You want to go with me?

Eve: Well, I was gonna leave town anyway.

Vivian: Why?

Eve: Why? Well, because my soon-to-be ex-husband jack hates me now. And he's got his memory back. So now he's mooning over jennifer horton, who is the love of his life. I don't have a job here. I don't have any family, friends. So there's no reason for me to stick around this crummy little town.

Vivian: Aren't you being just a little short-sighted?

Eve: I call it realistic.

Vivian: My dear, you have the best reason in the world to stay in salem... revenge.

Eve: Excuse me?

Vivian: Oh, yes. Believe me, if the cops weren't breathing down my neck, I would take my revenge on the cop that shot him, that--that wife of his, and everybody in between. You, my dear, have the best chance right now to take your revenge, yes, on jack and what's-her-face. Yeah. You stay and fight.

Eve: Hmm.

Jennifer: Jj, at least julie's been found. That's a really good thing.

Jack: I'm counting on her to pull through. Now that I got my memory back, we got to get reacquainted. I got a few things I need to say to her, right?

Jennifer: I have a feeling she might have a few things to say to you, too.

Jack: That's true.

Jj: I don't know why she would just take off like that. And for doug to go along with it--

Jennifer: Julie has always lived on her own terms. You know that. And she is not about to change now.

Jj: Eli. Hey, how is julie?

Eli: Hope and doug are in with her in the er. Kayla's gonna run some tests. She'll keep us informed.

Jennifer: Okay. I'm gonna call abigail.

Jack: Good. Okay.

Eli: Hey, I got a call from the salem pd on the way over here about stefan's shooting. How's lani?

Jj: A mess. Blaming herself. I-I tried to talk her down, but it didn't do much good. I think she just needs you right now.

Eli: Where is she?

Jj: I'm not sure.

Lani: I know that you hate me for shooting stefan. And I don't blame you.

Gabi: I don't want to talk to you.

Lani: Gabi, can you just let me explain? There was an apb out for vivian, and I found her, and she pulled a gun out on me. I was just trying to defend myself--

Gabi: So you shot my husband?

Lani: I had no idea he was just gonna jump out in front of her.

Gabi: What did--what did-- did you just blame stefan for being shot? That he threw himself in front of your bullet?

Lani: That is not what I meant.

Gabi: You know, police officers are supposed to be trained to hold their fire until they have no other option.

Lani: Gabi, I had no choice. I didn't even know that he was there, okay? I never, ever meant to hurt him. And I am just--I am-- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, gabi.

Gabi: Is that what you came here for? You came here for forgiveness? Understand this. You will never, ever get that from me. Now I have to go back to my husband for when he wakes up, which he will. Now get out of my sight!

[Dramatic music]

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Lani: I spoke to kayla. And, uh, I can't imagine what you are going through, gabi.

Gabi: Because of you. Because you did this to stefan and you did this to me.

Lani: I know. I know, gabi. And I am so sorry. I am so sorry that he is--

Gabi: Shut up.

Lani: I am so sorry.

Gabi: Shut up. Don't you say--don't you say anything about him, okay? Kayla doesn't know what she's talking about, okay? And as soon as he gets better, when he wakes up, I am going to sue you, I'm gonna sue kayla, I'm gonna sue this entire hospital!

Eli: Hey, hey, hey. Let's--let's get down.

Gabi: Get out of here. Get out of here. You know what? Both of you get out of here right now. Get her out of here!

Lani: Gabi, I--

Gabi: Get out! Don't talk to me!

[Dramatic music]

It's okay.

Vivian: Don't tell me I have underestimated you.

Eve: Vivian, what are you talking about?

Vivian: I just thought you were a fighter like me. Yeah, I didn't think it was in your dna to just cut and run, let anybody treat you like dirt without putting up a fight.

Eve: I have been fighting my entire life for the men that I love, and I've lost. I fought for my career. I fought for my respect, anything to hold on to, and I have lost. I am so tired of losing.

Vivian: Some advice... why don't you just grow yourself a spine and stand your ground?

Eve: What ground are you talking about? Everything that I thought I had with jack-- love, a future--that bitch jennifer just stripped it away from me.

Vivian: Get him back.

Eve: [Scoffs] And how do you propose I do that, huh?

Vivian: Well, I'm not gonna suggest that you shoot her and throw her in an open grave, 'cause that sure didn't work out well for me. But you... you're very resourceful. I'm sure you can come up with something.


[Monitor beeping]

Hope: [Smooches] How you doing, daddy?

Doug: I'm okay. Yes, I am because... I am following my darling wife's lead... with grace and faith and love. That's why she asked me to take her to doug's place-- so that she could live out... what life she had left on--on her own terms. I apologize, everybody, for scaring you... but I wouldn't change one damn thing.

Jennifer: I love it. I'm so glad that you had that time together.

Doug: Oh, oh, we shared such beautiful, joyous memories of our whole life together.

[Door closes]

Hope: Kayla... is there news?

They say life is all about making choices.

[Somber music]

Kayla: I'm, uh... I'm afraid julie has slipped into a coma.

Doug: Well... is there any chance that she'll come out of it?

Kayla: You know, there's always hope... but it's unlikely. I want you to know that we are gonna continue to do everything we can to bring her back. I've talked to val and, um... the top cardiac specialists in the country. Do you have any questions?

Doug: Just one. Would you all please mind if I just had a moment with julie alone?

Lani: Stefan is... never gonna wake up because of me. And everything that gabi said is true.

Eli: It wasn't your fault.

Lani: No, that... that still doesn't change the facts, eli. I put--I put a bullet in an innocent man, and he's gonna die. And gabi's life is never gonna be the same.

Eli: Come here. Listen... I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but everything is gonna be okay. Okay, you got me, and you have a lot of people who love you. You have all the support that you need to get through this.

Lani: [Sighs] You sound like your grandmother. How is she doing?

Eli: We're waiting to find out. But... without a donor... you know, it's--it's just a matter of time.

Lani: Come here. Let me take care of you.

Eli: The thing about us... is we take care of each other.

Lani: We do. I love you.

Eli: I love you.

[Phone beeps]

Vivian: Oh. Excuse me. It's the pilot. If I don't show up in a few minutes, he's gonna leave without me.

Eve: Where are you gonna go?

Vivian: Well, what does it matter? How can I possibly escape the sorrow of losing my child?

Eve: Vivian... my paige was the most important thing in my life. And when I lost her, I didn't think I would ever get over her. And I haven'T. But I can tell you this much... the pain does ease a little. And in time... in time, I think that you might be able to find your way to a future in--I don't know, maybe some happiness.

Vivian: Maybe happiness just isn't in the cards for people like us.

Eve: Mm. Yeah. Maybe you're right. But I'll tell you this-- you've given me a little hope here because--

Vivian: Me?

Eve: Yes. Because I think the day that I start moving on with my life is today.

Hope: Oh, my god, the look on my dad's face.

Jennifer: Listen... they had that sweet time at doug'S. And I'm sure it was so wonderful. It's okay. It's gonna be okay.

Kayla: Hope, um... I'm sorry. Can I talk to you for a second?

Hope: Yeah, sure.

Kayla: Do you know about stefan?

Hope: Yes. How is he?

Kayla: He's suffered irreversible loss of brain function, which means that he is clinically and legally dead. I don't want to get the family's hopes up, especially doug'S. But there's a possibility that he... could be the donor for julie. I know.

Hope: Oh, my--

Kayla: I know.

Hope: Oh, my god.

Eve: The place looks deserted, so I think you're good to go.

Vivian: Thank you.

Eve: Are you sure that I can't take you to the airstrip?

Vivian: Oh, no, no, no.

Eve: Are you sure?

Vivian: If there's trouble, I don't want you to get involved.

Eve: Okay. Vivian, good luck.

Vivian: [Giggles] Mm. I'm gonna need it. [Laughs] Au revoir, salem. Oh, would you dispose of this for me, please?

Eve: Sure.

Vivian: Ciao.

[Dramatic music]

Eve: [Chuckles] To think that I was ready to say good-bye to this crazy town. Well, looks like it's hello again... 'cause there's no way that I'm done with jack and jennifer, no way in hell.

[Chuckles evilly]

Jennifer: This is it. This is the miracle that we have been praying for.

Hope: Yeah.

Kayla: Well, let's understand, please, that we are a long way from a miracle.

Jack: But it's the best chance that julie has, right? So--so what's next?

Jj: Do you think we should tell doug?

Hope: No. No, I, um... I think we should hold off until we know more. My poor dad--he's been on such a roller-coaster ride. I don't want to raise his hopes again, not until we know for sure that there's a real possibility.

Kayla: Yeah. I agree with hope. I mean, at this point, we don't know what stefan's end-of-life wishes are or if he's even a match.

Hope: Right. Right, exactly.

[Monitor beeping]

Doug: I know you're tired, my darling. But if you can hear me... why don't you give my hand a little squeeze?

[Tender music]

Eli: So there's a chance that grandma could get stefan's heart?

Hope: Yeah. It's a real possibility.

Jack: Julie just might just get a miracle.

Eli: Well, I think everybody better start praying really hard for that miracle. We just came from gabi's room, and she is in no condition to even consider that request.

Gabi: I'm not gonna let anybody come near you, okay? Unless that person can--can help you in some way. I promise you, I'm gonna find somebody, okay?

[Dramatic music]

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