Days Transcript Friday 10/4/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 10/4/19


Episode #13623 ~ Lani is shaken when she realizes what she's done. Julie passes out after she and Doug reminisce about their life together. Jack informs Eve he got his memory back. Gabi receives horrific news.

Provided By Suzanne


Eve: [Clears throat]

[Chuckles] Well, isn't this just dandy? If you're here to accuse me of yet another crime that i didn't commit, go right ahead. Because this time, I'll sue you for harassment, and I'll win.

Jack: I'm not here to accuse you of anything. I want to apologize.

[Elevator dings]

Jennifer: Hope, hi.

Hope: Oh, cuz, hi. You made donuts? You were just held hostage and almost died.

Jennifer: Yeah, but I feel wonderful because jack rescued me.

Hope: Speaking of which, where is he, hm?

Jennifer: Well, he's gonna meet me here, and we want to spend every minute that we can with julie right now.

Hope: Me, too. You know, I think I could really use one of these donuts.

Jennifer: No, no, no.

Hope: Oh, what, what?

Jennifer: No, you can'T.

Hope: Why not?

Jennifer: No.

Hope: Cuz.

Jennifer: No, no, no.

Hope: Why not?

Jennifer: Because they have a special ingredient. Book club.

Hope: Book club? The special ingredient?

Jennifer: Yes. Because kayla said it had medicinal properties that could help with julie's discomfort. Remember how much she loved the donuts?

Hope: Yes, she did.

Jennifer: So I went to a dispensary, and I just got some.

Hope: Jennifer rose horton, I'M... I can't believe that you made pot donuts.

Jennifer: Well, I was desperate. I'll do anything. I wish I could figure out more things to do to help julie feel better.

Hope: I know.

[Dramatic music]

Abe: Hey, hang on.

Eli: Grandma, look who came to say hello.

Abe: Where is she?

Doug: I can't believe that you talked me into this.

Julie: And I couldn't stand to breathe my last in those hospital fumes over disinfectant and rice pudding.

Doug: Kayla's gonna have a cow when she realizes what you've done.

Julie: Well, what could she do for me if I stay? No, no. This is the best thing for me. Right here, right now.

[Soft music]

Stefan: Oh, my god, my mother's text couldn't have come at a worse time. I am-- oh, sorry to leave you like this.

Gabi: It's okay. Go, deal with vivian, and just hurry back, okay? So we can start the rest of our lives.

Stefan: Okay, just promise me you're gonna keep this bed warm for me.

Gabi: Yes. Please be careful.

Stefan: I will. I love you, gabi.

Gabi: I love you, too. Hurry back, babe.

Lani: Turn around. Slowly.

[Tense music]

Drop your weapon. Drop your weapon.

Vivian: [Laughs] I'm not afraid of you or your big gun, either. We both know there's no way in hell you're gonna shoot me.

Lani: You want to find out for sure? Keep holding that gun in your hand.

Vivian: What happened between kate dimera and me was personal. And as far as I'm concerned, that's all settled. So I was hoping to leave town peacefully. But since you seem determined to interfere with my plans...

[Echoing] Plans, plans...


Lani: Drop your weapon. Vivian, drop it!

Vivian: You shot my son!


Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eli: You don't think grandma'S...

Abe: No, no, no, no, no. Something were to happen to julie, kayla would have called us. They probably just took her out for some tests.

Eli: Why would she need to run tests when we already know that--

Abe: I-- that there's no hope? You know, there's always hope. We just have to hold on tight to that. Because if there's one person who can will herself to live beyond anyone else's expectations, it's your grandmother.

Julie: You closed this place. Darling, not good for your bottom line.

Doug: I want to be alone with my wife.

Julie: Well, can't argue with that.

Doug: Well, that's a good thing, because I never won one argument with you. So, uh... what would you like? Uh, food? I'd be glad to whip up whatever you want.

Julie: Oh, I imagined a romantic dinner with champagne, maybe dancing. But I-- I don't have the strength. So... all I ask is this. The two of us... together. One last night to remember.

[Soft music]

Gabi: [Exhales] You're back. Must have just drifted off. What happened with vivian? Did you get her on the plane?

Vivian: My mother is long gone.

Gabi: Well, good, perfect. Now we can be together and live the life we've always dreamed, just the two of us.

Stefan: Not exactly. What do you mean? Stefan? What? What? Oh, my god. Stefan? Stefan.

Lani: This is officer price. We have a gsw at horton square. I need a bus now.

Stefan: [Retches]

Vivian: Stefan, why did you do it? Why did you step in front of me?

Stefan: To save you.

Vivian: Oh, stefan!

Stefan: Run. I'm bad.

Jack: Five minutes.

Eve: Apology not accepted. Oh.

Jack: Five minutes.

Eve: What the hell. Okay, jack. What is it?

Jack: I wrongly assumed because you were so angry with me and with jennifer, that it was you who trashed the lab and kidnapped her.

Eve: I told you I didn't do it. I also told you that I'm not the only person that despises jennifer in this town. But you wouldn't listen to me. So, who was it?

Jack: Henry shaw.

Eve: Hm, that good-looking doctor that she's been, like, leading on, like, forever? Well, come on. I want to hear the details.

Jack: He snapped. He tried to kill her. But I was able to get there in time.

Eve: Mm, of course you were.

Jack: Look, I am genuinely sorry that I accused you.

Eve: Mm, but not sorry you used me.

Jack: Eve.

Eve: What?

Jack: It was mutual. We've always been pretty good at this, haven't we? 30 years ago, we entered into unholy matrimony to try to get nick corelli's inheritance. We tried to sell the scam to julie by dressing up our "wedding" with a champagne toast and a quasi-tango--

Eve: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute here. How do you know that?

Jack: I got my memory back.

Julie: Oh, I feel so much better just being here.

Doug: I'm so happy you decided to buy this old club. Turn it into doug's place, part deux.

Julie: I wanted us to entertain people together. To make them happy. That's how I wanted you and me to spend our golden years. Maybe minus the chloe chapter.

Doug: [Laughs] This chapter's been pretty darn terrific.

Julie: You know, it's a funny thing. Last night, I dreamed that we went back to the old abandoned doug's place.

Hope: Oh, my gosh. I almost forgot how much I love this view. Look at the lake, how beautiful it is.

Julie: You know, your father and I used to love to watch the moon rise over the water. Remember, doug?

Doug: Like it was yesterday. I remember the first time I ever saw your beautiful face.

[Laughs] That was the best gig I ever had. Being hired to pretend to fall for you. And then, when I laid eyes on you, I did. I mean, you knocked my socks off.

Julie: Oh. Well, the way I look today, I don't think I could make your socks droop. So... one more thing I'll ask you to do for me.

Eli: Doug must have gone for some fresh air. He's been by julie's side 24/7.

Abe: It seems like you've been here most of the time yourself.

Eli: And I owe your daughter big time for that. I mean, she's been putting in a lot of work at the office just so I can spend extra time here.

Abe: That's why I haven't heard from her for a while. Too busy for her old man.

Eli: Apparently, marlena saw vivian alamain. She notified lani, so lani's going to check it out now.

Lani: I need backup now. I have eyes on vivian alamain and a civilian is down.

Vivian: I won't leave you. I won'T. Shh, shh, no, don'T.

Stefan: My phone. The airfield--the pilot-- the pilot's expecting you.

Vivian: [Wails]

Lani: The ambulance is on its way. We need more pressure on the wound. More pressure.

Stefan: [Retches]

Vivian: Oh!

Lani: What are you doing?

Vivian: I am going to do what my son has asked me to do.

Lani: You cannot go anywhere. You are under arrest, vivian.

Vivian: Please, save him. Save him, please.

Lani: Vivian.

Vivian: Tell him I love him.

Stefan: [Retches]

Lani: Okay, okay, okay, okay. It's okay, it's okay. I've been saying,

I'm fine.

Eli: This waiting is making me crazy.

Kayla: Where's julie?

Abe: You don't know?

Eli: We assumed you took her for tests.

Kayla: There are no tests scheduled.

Eli: Then where is she?

Doug: Here you go, darling.

Julie: Thank you, sweetheart.

[Grunts] Oh, ooh. I'm not gonna go to my grave looking like this. Oh!

Doug: Ooh, here, here, here.

Julie: Fiddlesticks.

Doug: Can I help you?

Julie: Help how?

Doug: I do happen to know a thing or two about makeup. Remember?

Julie: Oh!

[Soft music]

You could have a second career as a makeup artist.

Doug: Sure allure with ernie bijour.

[Laughter] Just perfect, perfect.

Julie: [Exhales] Gonna take more than powder and paint.

Doug: Enough of that. You will always be the most beautiful girl in the world to me.

[Soft music]

Kayla: Oh, hi, hi.

Hope: Hi, where's julie?

Abe: Well, no one knows.

Hope: What?

Jennifer: What?

Kayla: Yeah.

Jennifer: Wait a minute. You don't think she checked out against medical advice, do you?

Kayla: Well, she would have to sign some paperwork. You know what, I'm going to go to the nurse's desk and see if anybody knows anything or has seen anything. I'll be back.

Hope: Okay.

Eli: I can't believe grandma would do something like this. I mean, just flee without telling anybody?

Hope: Oh, you know what? I'm not surprised. Are you guys surprised? I'm not.

Jennifer: No.

Hope: She knew that we'd try to stop her, that--

Eli: Yeah, you're damn right.

[Phone beeps]

Hope: Wait a sec. It's from my dad. He did take julie out. At her request. She's okay, though. Thank god.

[Tense music]

Gabi: Pick up.

[Phone beeps]

[Phone rings] Why aren't you picking up? Pick up, please.

[Phone rings] Stefan, is that you? What are you doing?

Vivian: You've got to get to the hospital right now.

Gabi: What?

[Dramatic music]

Kayla: What have we got?

Emt: We have a gsw to the neck. Damage to the carotid artery patient lost consciousness during transport.

[Monitor beeping]

Kayla: He's crashing. Let's get him to trauma room 2. Copd makes it hard to breathe.The beginning.

Eve: Oh, you got your memory back, jack? All of it?

Jack: Ask me anything. What did verne say when found out that I was marrying you?

Eve: Wait, wait, wait. How did it happen? Did rolf re-create the serum--

Jack: No, no. After all that, I never needed it. I was rescuing jennifer-- and she's fine, by the way. Thank you for asking. It all came rushing back.

Eve: Okay, but why now? Why?

Jack: The answer is very simple. My love for jennifer.

Jennifer: I know how much doug loves julie and he would do anything to make her happy, but I don't think he really thought this through.

Hope: You know, it's just so strange. I just came from the house. Julie-- cuz, she got rid of me.

Abe: Wait, what are you talking about?

Hope: She said she needed this. She needed her rosary.

Jennifer: Her rosary.

Hope: Obviously, she wanted to get rid of me so they could make their break.

Eli: Well, let's go look for them. Get backup from the station if we have to.

Hope: Eli, I don't need to look. I think I know exactly where they are.

Julie: Was that really necessary, to text hope? I'm so afraid that the family cavalry is gonna come riding to my rescue.

Doug: Don't worry. I told her, leave us be.

Julie: She never listens.

Doug: I wonder where she gets that.

Julie: You.

Doug: [Exhales] I'm sorry, I just could not let them worry.

Julie: I don't want them to worry, either. But darling, all those-- those teary, cheery faces telling me I had to fight.

[Sighs] I know it's the best of intentions that they have, but it's a death watch, doug. And I just... well, couldn't take it anymore.

Doug: You know, that's one of the many things that i love best about you. You never have taken yourself too seriously.

[Upbeat jazz music]

Clown: I'm gonna go see the big psychiatrist. The head doctor.

[Horn honks]

[Applause] Oh, dr. Shrinkman fraud. 49.95 per hour and no checks. Oh, that's all right. I don't like taking checks anyway.

Woman: Whoo!

Julie: Lockhart, why didn't the salem stalker kill you?

[Screams] The bull won the rodeo that day.

[Laughter] I had a hitch in my giddy up for about a week.


Doug: There comes the color in those cheeks.

Julie: [Laughs]

Doug: I guess it's true what they say. That laughter really is the very best medicine.

Julie: So are you. So are you.

Gabi: Wait, what is it? What happened?

Vivian: Stefan's been shot.

Gabi: Shot? No, wait, what?

Vivian: Get dressed. Get to the hospital. My son needs you.

Gabi: This is your fault! What did you do?

Vivian: Stefan stepped in front of a bullet intended for me, and then, he insisted that I run.

Gabi: Oh, and then you left him there? He is your son!

Vivian: I only did what he asked me to do.

Gabi: You know what, why don't you go and do that? Why don't you go save yourself, you selfish bitch? You know what, I am gonna go to the hospital.

Vivian: I--I wish that i could go, too. But if I go to that hospital, I'll be arrested on the spot.

Gabi: I should have never helped you ever get away with anything.

Vivian: Please, tell stefan I love him.

Gabi: Yeah, well, damn you. Okay, it should have been you shot, not my husband.

Kayla: Come on, stefan. You can do this.

[Monitor beeps]

[Monitor blares] He's in asystole. Get the paddles ready, stat. Find a plan th important to us.

Eve: So... you and jennifer are back together, huh?

Jack: No, not officially, no.

Eve: You know, in all these hearts and flowers, did you forget, jack, that we're married? Hm? At least on paper. And you know how long those nasty divorces can be drawn out.

Jack: You wouldn't do that to me, would you?

Eve: It would serve you right. Jack.

Jack: Please. Eve, it's over. This divorce is gonna happen. There's nothing you can do to stop me from getting to jennifer. I love the hell out of her. I'm never gonna lose her again.

Eli: Hope and I will track down doug and grandma and try to persuade them to come back down to the hospital.

Jennifer: All right, I'm gonna stay here and wait for jack.

Abe: You know, I wish I could wait, but I need to get back to work. Look, I'm so sorry I missed julie. Would you tell her I'll be back soon?

Jennifer: Yeah.

Abe: Good, thank you. Um, I don't suppose I could have one of those donuts for the road, huh?

Jennifer: Uh, I'll make you-- I'll make you your own batch one day.

Abe: Oh, all right.

Jennifer: Yes.

Abe: Thank you.

Jennifer: Sure.

Abe: All right.

Hope: They'll be even better than these.


Eli: Julie is not gonna be happy about being dragged back here.

Hope: Probably not. You know what we'll do? We will break out the donuts and liven this place up. And celebrate her life.

Doug: Oh, honey, you do know how loved you are, don't you?

Julie: I know I'm loved, but... most gloriously by you. I do.

Doug: I, doug, take thee, julie, to be my wedded wife. And I do promise and covenant before god and these witnesses.

Julie: Before god and these witnesses.

Doug: To be thy loving and faithful husband.

Julie: And faithful wife.

Doug: To have and to hold.

Both: To have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer.

Doug: In sickness and in health.

Julie: In sickness and in health.

Both: To love and to cherish, until death do us part.

Doug: There is one particular valentine's day that I-- I will always hold very close in my heart.

Julie: Really? Tell me.

Doug: We got to go back for this one. In salem, your apartment, after a big night out on the town.

Julie: Darling, that wasn't even valentine's day. That was our first kiss.

[Soft music]

Doug: Oh, my love is like a red, red rose that's newly sprung in june.

Julie: My love is like the melody sweetly played in tune.

Doug: As fair art thou my bonnie lass, so deep in love am I.

Julie: And I will love you still, my dear, till all the seas gang dry.

Doug: Till all the seas gang dry, my dear. And the rocks melt with the sun.

Julie: And I will love thee still, my dear, while the sands of life shall run.

Doug: And fare thee well, my only love, and fare thee well awhile.

Julie: And I will come again, my love, though it were 10,000 miles. I'm afraid there isn't much sand left in this little hourglass.

Doug: After this life comes the next. You and I, we'll never run out.

Julie: Have I been a good wife?

Doug: Oh, my darling. The best.

[Soft music]

Vivian: Oh... my son, my son... how can I leave without knowing that you're okay?

[Phone rings]

[Phone beeps] Hello? I'm his mother. Yes, I know I'm late. Hold the damn plane until I get there! Thank you.

[Weeping] No. Wait. There's something I can do before I leave town.

Abe: [Heavy breathing] Oh, my god. What happened, sweetheart? Are you all right?

Lani: I'm--I'm fine. Um... I tracked down vivian alamain and... I tried to detain her. And she pulled out a gun, and, uh--I returned fire. And I don't know, it just-- it all happened so fast.

Abe: Ooh, ah, you shot vivian?

Lani: No. Stefan. Stefan, dad.

Abe: Stefan.

Lani: Mm-hmm. I didn't even know that he was there. He just--he came out of nowhere and he just--he jumped in front of his mom, and I-- I shot him, dad. I shot him.

Lani: Gabi, I am--

Gabi: You shot my husband?

Lani: I am so sorry. -

Abe: Look, gabi, it was an accident.

Gabi: Is that what you said when jj shot theo? Oh, yeah, and you were so understanding and forgiving. Right? You know what, I am not going to let you get away with this. You're gonna pay for this.

Abe: Gabi, that's enough. This is not the time or the place.

Gabi: No, you're right. My husband could be dying. I'm gonna deal with you later.

Lani: I can't-- I can't believe this is happening. Dad, he was barely alive when we got here. What if he dies? What if he dies?

[Sobs] Please, god, don't let him die.

Kayla: Give me 360 joules.

[Machine whirs] Clear.

[Monitor beeping] Oh, thank god.

[Dramatic music]

Doug: Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to leave the hospital.

Julie: Oh, nonsense.

Doug: Is there anything I can do for you, honey?

Julie: [Scoffs] I'd say dance with me, but...

Doug: Yeah. Ooh, ooh, let's--let's--


Julie: [Laughs]

Doug: Maybe we can't be

caught dancing anymore

but we still have

lots of music in us

[Laughs] Oh, my--my bonnie lass. Oh, I have loved you with every breath since the moment I saw you. And I always will.

Julie: Yes. Always. My love. Always.

Jack: [Exhales]

Jack: Oh, oh, no, no. Oh, no, what'd they do with julie?

Jennifer: Oh, no, no. It's not what you think. Jack, doug snuck julie out of the hospital, and hope and eli are looking for them right now.

Jack: And you're here alone?

Jennifer: I wanted to wait for you. I wanted to see how everything went with eve.

Jack: [Exhales] I-- I apologized. I tried to make her see that it's time to let go. This crazy need for revenge that just eats away at her, I--

Jennifer: And do you think that you go through to her?

Jack: I don't know.

Eve: [Groans] Damn it.

[Exhales] My paige. My beautiful, beautiful paige. There's nothing left for me in this town except bad memories and-- and your grave.

[Grunts] Screw it. There's nothing left for me here anymore.

Jennifer: Well, I don't really care what eve tries to throw at us, because you know what? She is never going to come between us again, jack.

Jack: That's exactly what I said. Contra mundum, right?

Jennifer: Yes. Us against the world.

Jack: That goes for eve and anybody else who's ever gonna try to mess with us.

Jennifer: Jack... I am so glad that you are finally here.

Jack: Me, too. Me, too. And to have memories... I mean, memories of everything that julie has done to give us a gentle and not-so-gentle shove on our way together. I mean, I'm grateful for that, too. I just-- I just hope I get a chance to thank her for that.

[Soft music]

Hope: Daddy, I know this is probably julie's idea, and you want to make her happy, but we need to get her back to the--

Doug: I'm afraid it's too late for that now.


Lani: How could I have done this? And the blood, dad. There was so much blood.

[Phone rings]

Abe: Oh, sweetheart. Excuse me.

Lani: Someone has been calling you nonstop.

Abe: Yeah, well, I'm busy.

Lani: It's dimera, isn't it?

Abe: My priority is you. I'm not going anywhere.

Lani: You're their pr guy. And your-- your daughter just shot stefan dimera. How do you spin that?

Abe: There's no spin. You were doing your job.

Lani: Then you need to do yours. I'll be fine.

Abe: I'm not leaving you like this.

Lani: Eli is here somewhere, and I'll be okay. I promise.

Abe: You sure?

Lani: Yeah.

Abe: Look, sweetheart, if you need-- if you need anything, I'm just a phone call away.

Lani: Yeah. I just need stefan to be okay.

Abe: Yeah.

Lani: I just need him to be okay.

[Wistful music]


Kayla: Stefan was already in critical condition when he came in. He, uh-- his heart stopped because he lost a lot of blood.

Gabi: But you resuscitated him, so he's gonna be fine. He's gonna be great.

Kayla: We worked on him for over 20 minutes. His brain was deprived of oxygen for too long.

Gabi: But he's breathing. He--he's alive. He will wake up. He will fight this.

Kayla: Gabi, I'm sorry. We did an eeg, and there is no neurological activity.

Gabi: [Exhales sharply]

Kayla: Stefan is brain dead.

[Dramatic music]

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