Days Transcript Thursday 10/3/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 10/3/19


Episode #13622 ~ Brady tells Marlena that Kristen is pregnant with his baby. Stefan and Gabi have a romantic night. Ciara and Ben tell Lani they think Jordan tried to kill Ciara. Tragedy strikes as Vivian tries to flee town.

Provided By Suzanne

Xander: So you are gonna have the abortion after all?

Sarah: No. No, I want this baby, even if it means eric can never find out that he's the father.

Xander: So what are you gonna do?

Sarah: The only thing that I can do: Leave salem.

Xander: No. I'm not gonna let you do that.

[Knocking at door]

Brady: Kristen, it's me. Can we talk?

Vivian: Don'T. Don't you dare answer that door. Don'T.

Brady: Kristen? I know you're in there. I heard your voice. I'm not going anywhere until you open the damn door.

[Tense music]

Rafe: Yeah, well, I just got off duty. Eli's supposed to be taking over the search for vivian.

Lani: He had a family emergency.

Rafe: Oh, no. Julie?

Lani: No, no, she's--she's hanging on, but it's--it's-- it's really bad.

Rafe: I'm sorry.

Lani: Anyways, I'm taking over for eli, so you wanna get me caught up on vivian?

Rafe: Yeah, sure. Well, I was right behind her in the tunnels, and, well, somehow she managed to escape, but she couldn't have gotten far.

Lani: So basically, she could be anywhere.

Rafe: Yeah, exactly. Good luck.

Lani: Yeah, thanks. I'll talk to you soon.

Rafe: Hey, jordan. I'm home. You around?

Ciara: I love how my grandpa thanked you for saving julie. You gave my family some time to say good-bye, and that's something that we will always be grateful for.

Ben: Yeah.

Ciara: Are you listening to me?

Ben: Yes. I'm sorry. My mind was just somewhere else.

Ciara: Well, what's going on?

Ben: You remember when I mentioned that errand I had to run earlier?

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Ben: I wasn't gonna get into it with you because of everything you got going on with julie, but I think I need to.

[Cell phone buzzing] It's stefan. I gotta take this, but I'll meet you back at the car, okay?

Ciara: Okay.

Ben: Hey, what's up, boss?

[Tires squeal, woman screams] Ciara!

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Ciara: Whoever it was, ben, almost killed me, okay? I jumped out of the way just in time. The bastard must have seen me. It's like he was trying to kill me.

Ben: Listen to me. Are you sure it was a man?

Ciara: No. No, all I saw was the headlights.

Ben: Did you see anything about the car, anything else?

Ciara: No. I'm sorry. Nothing. It all happened so first, but whoever it was must have been drunk or high or something.

Ben: Or jordan.

Kristen: You heard brady. He knows I'm here, and he's not leaving. And he also knows that I would never turn down a chance to see him.

Vivian: Okay. But you betray me, and so help me, I will put a bullet in brady, and then I'll shoot you and your little baby too. Got it? Now. Yes. Wait! Wait. Wait. Wait.

[Disturbing music]

Kristen: Hi. Come on in. I--

Brady: Who else is here?

Kristen: No one.

Brady: Don't give me that. It took you forever to answer the door, kristen.

Kristen: I was just on the phone.

Brady: I'm pretty sure I heard two voices. Is there someone in the john?

Ben: You sure you're okay?

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: You hit the ground pretty hard when you dove away from that car.

Ciara: Yeah, I know. I'm fine. I'm fine. It just--it honestly just scared the hell out of me.

Ben: Me too.

Ciara: You really think that jordan was the one who was driving that car?

Ben: Yeah, I do. This has gone on way too far.

Lani: Where you going, ben?

Ben: I gotta take care of something for stefan.

Lani: You just called in what might be an attempted murder. Stefan can wait until you tell me what's going on.

Ciara: Okay, well, I was in the parking lot, walking to ben's car, and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, another car gunned it and came right at me.

Lani: Are you sure that the driver saw you?

Ciara: Yes. Lani, I was in the headlights.

Ben: If she hadn't been able to dive out of the way, she'd be dead right now.

Ciara: Ben thinks that his sister may have been the driver.

Rafe: Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes. My favorite.

Jordan: Freeze, detective. Step away from the microwave.

Rafe: You're here. I didn't know you were here. I called out to you and david.

Jordan: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't hear you. I was singing him to sleep, and I have got dinner all ready and warming in the oven.

Rafe: What? Y-- you did not need to go to all that trouble.

Jordan: Oh, come on. One dinner after all you've done for me? So come on. Put that nasty tv dinner back in the freezer and sit down.

Rafe: I got a better idea.

Jordan: [Laughs]

Rafe: Yeah. I've been chasing vivian alamain all day. Didn't even stop to each lunch. I am starving.

Jordan: Hmm.

Kristen: There's no one here, brady. What you heard was me talking to my new obstetrician on the speaker phone. Okay?

Brady: Okay.

Kristen: Why are you here?

Brady: Well, I'm here because I saw the test results. Apparently, you really are pregnant.

Kristen: Yeah.

[Cell phone ringing]

Stefan: Oh, it's my mother. Mother, where are you?

Vivian: I can't go into detail. Suffice to say I've taken sanctuary in kristen's bathroom at the salem inn. Please get me out of here.

Stefan: Okay, I'm glad you're all right. I've already made arrangements for you to go out of town.

Vivian: Oh, I knew I could count on you, darling.

Stefan: Hey, look, I'm gonna send you an address to a private airfield. Can you get there on your own?

Vivian: Not right away.

Stefan: But you can get there?

Vivian: Absolutely.

Sarah: Did I just hear you say you're not going to let me do something?

Xander: All right, I sounded a bit like a caveman, a--

Sarah: A bit? [Scoffs]

Xander: Come on. I mean, it's still early days for you to be talking about leaving salem. It's gonna be a while before you start looking all--you know...

Sarah: Look, if you're referring to me being visibly pregnant, yeah, you're right.

Xander: You still have plenty of time to decide what's best for you and your baby.

Sarah: I know. But it kills me every time I run into eric and nicole. And it can't be easy for them to see me either.

Xander: Why should you throw your life away just to make things easier for them?

Sarah: It's not about them or "just" about them. I have a child now to think about, and the baby's needs have to come first.

Kristen: You believe me now. Oh, brady--

Brady: Uh--ah--hold on. I believe you're pregnant. I have no way of knowing whether the kid is mine or not.

Kristen: Are you serious? Who else could be the father?

Brady: Off the top of my head, I don't know... xander. He works for you, and he loves making money.

[Intense music]

Copd makes it hard to breathe.

Sarah: Thank you for caring about me, but I'm--I'm not a martyr. I'm not just making life easier for eric and nicole. If I leave salem, I'm doing it for the baby and for me.

Xander: Where are you going?

Sarah: I have plans to make.

Xander: For leaving?

Sarah: Right.

Xander: What about all the people who love you?

Sarah: Look, my mom will still be a part of my life and the baby'S. She just--she won't see us every day. And for--you know, she has victor, and for reasons I really just don't understand, she loves him. And now she has holly. So she will be fine.

Xander: I'm not talking about your mum. I'm talking about me.

Kristen: Xander? Are you serious? I'd never let that cretin touch me.

Brady: You walked around town in a rubber mask pretending to be nicole. I don't know what you wouldn't do, kristen.

Kristen: I was desperate.

Brady: You were having the time of your life.

Kristen: Okay, I knew you hated me. Brady, you are the man... the only man that I will ever love.

Brady: No, no, don't--don't-- don't say--don't say that.

Kristen: You know what? When it is safe for the baby, I'll get a paternity test.

Brady: [Scoffs] Get a pater-- 'cause paternity tests are always so reliable, aren't they?

Kristen: I haven't been with anyone but you, brady. This baby is yours.

Brady: Look, kristen, if that's true--if it's true, I will do right by my child, okay?

Kristen: Our. Our child.

Brady: But don't have any grand illusions that this child is going to bring us back together, 'cause that's not gonna happen.

Kristen: Yeah, but we both know that you needed a reason to be with me. Well... now you have it. How can anyone question you sharing-- sharing your life with the mother of your child?

Brady: Was this the idea all along? To use any crazy stunt that you can come up with to get me in bed on the off chance that you might get pregnant? Kristen, are you using this poor baby that you're carrying to try to trap me?

Gabi: Texting your mom again?

Stefan: No. Ben. Letting him know that my mother's being taken care of.

Gabi: Taken care of how?

Stefan: Oh, about an hour from now, she'lle getting on a plane that will take her far out of the salem pd's jurisdiction, which should be a bit of a relief to you.

Gabi: Oh, look, I'm-- I know that you love vivian, but you can't-- you can't ask me to pretend to be sad about this-- about her not being part of our lives. She was just gonna keep trying to come between us, and we've already-- we've been through so much to be together.

Stefan: Agreed.

Gabi: What--what-- where are you going?>> Stefan: Got you another present.

Gabi: What's the occasion? What? Me not squealing to the cops about your--your mom shooting kate?

Stefan: Just open it, will you?

Gabi: Okay. Wow. [Laughing] Thi-- this is gorgeous.

Stefan: Yeah. You know, at first, when the jeweler showed it to me, I thought, "eh, it's a little trite." But then... I thought about it, and I realized it's perfect. I gave you my heart, and along with it came the opportunity to break it. You didn't do that. I've never made myself so vulnerable to anybody before, let alone trust someone enough to let them in... that is, until I met you. What?

Bobby: ...S'all typed up, I'll call you.

Ciara: And I'll come down to headquarters, read it, make sure it's what I said, and then I'll sign it.

Ben: That text was from stefan. He took care of what he wanted me to do.

Bobby: Would you like me to drive you home?

Ciara: Thanks, bobby, but, uh, I'm safe with ben.

Bobby: Got it.

Ciara: Yeah.

Bobby: Good night, then.

Ciara: Good night.

Ben: Oh, god, do I wish that I thought you were as safe with me as you do. Even if you are, ciara, I'm to blame for this. This is my fault.

Jordan: There you go.

Rafe: Wow. Osso buco?

Jordan: And mushroom risotto.

Rafe: You made this?

Jordan: Well, it's not that hard. And it's your favorite.

Rafe: It's your favorite.

Jordan: [Sighs] A girl can't get nothing past you, hernandez.

Rafe: Mm-hmm. Keep cooking like this, you're gonna have to move in permanently.

Jordan: Hmm. [Laughs]

Rafe: Oh. You know what? Cheers.

Jordan: Oh, cheers.

Rafe: To the chef.

Jordan: I like that. Mmm, that's--

[Knocking at door]

Rafe: It's open. Don't tell me that you've found vivian already.

Lani: This is another matter. I need to ask you some questions.

Jordan: Uh, what about?

Lani: It looks like there was an attempt on ciara brady's life tonight.

I'm bad.

Kristen: I know this is a shock to you.

Brady: There's nothing that shocks me anymore...

Kristen: So--

Brady: That you do.

Kristen: Listen, I'm gonna be understanding--

Brady: Kristen.

Kristen: I'm going to understand that you're not as overjoyed about the news as I am.

Brady: No, I--you're right. You're right. I'm-- I'm--I wouldn't call me "overjoyed" right now. What I can tell you is this. If the baby is mine, I will do my best to be a good father. That's it. There's nothing in this for you. So you can forget about using this baby to try to get me back, 'cause kristen... no. It's not gonna happen.

[Intriguing music]

Vivian: If I were you, I would forget about brady. Just focus on your baby. A man will always be able to turn on you, but a child... well, they're like my stefan. A child will put its mother first.

Stefan: We told ourselves when we got married that it was a business deal. I mean, maybe we'd just been hurt enough that we shied away from any other form of commitment, but... I realized it was a lot more than that when my mother came back. I knew what she'd put you through, and I still asked you to lie and not turn her in, and you didn'T. You showed even a cynic like me what love and devotion is. And I promise you... I'm gonna spend the rest of my life showing you the same love and devotion. I'm gonna be by your side until the day I die.

Gabi: [Chuckles tearfully]

Stefan: Don't cry.

>&gtI: I'm just, uh... I'm just thinking about all the time we wasted hating each other, trying to hurt each other.

Stefan: Those days are over now.

Gabi: Yeah, thank god. 'Cause I wanna make sure that I love you a way that no one's ever loved you before. Will you put this on?

Stefan: Yeah.

[Romantic music]

Lani: I'm sorry if I interrupted your dinner.

Rafe: Just tell me what happened.

Lani: Ben weston called headquarters and reported that someone tried to run ciara down in the brady pub parking lot.

Rafe: Oh, my god.

Jordan: Oh, my god. Is she all right?

Lani: She's fine. She managed to avoid being hit, possibly killed.

Jordan: [Stammers] Well, what are you doing here? You-- you think I had something to do with this?

Lani: You do have a history with threatening ciara's life.

Jordan: That was when I was sick. I am better now.

Lani: Ben thinks you were the driver.

Jordan: Well, ben is wrong. I--I've been here taking care of my son all night.

Lani: Okay, then it shouldn't be a problem to clear this up. Can anyone vouch for you?

Jordan: My baby. He's not speaking yet.

Lani: And you were just getting home when I talked to you on the phone about an hour ago.

Rafe: Right.

Lani: What make and model is your car?

Jordan: I don't have a car.

Rafe: Did ben or ciara id jordan as the driver?

Lani: No.

Rafe: Can they identify the car?

Lani: No.

Rafe: And no one is certain that this person was actually trying to run ciara down?

Lani: She said that the person sped up as soon as she entered the parking lot.

Rafe: The brady pub parking lot.

Lani: Yeah.

Rafe: Well, sometimes people have had a few too many drinks. They drive irresponsibly.

Jordan: And that lot is not lit very well. I mean, I'm so happy that she's okay.

Lani: Yeah, me too. I'll be in touch if I have any more questions.

Rafe: Yeah. Fine. We'll talk.

Jordan: Well, I could use a drink. You want some more wine?

Rafe: What I want is the truth. Hey. Did you try and run ciara down earlier?

[Suspenseful music]

Ben: Ciara, there's something you don't know... something I should have already told you. Jordan's been saying some things.

Ciara: Like what?

Ben: That she's worried about you... worried that you're gonna get hurt by me.

Ciara: That's the same kind of crap she was saying right before she took me to the cabin. Ben, why didn't you tell me?

Ben: I wanted to. You're already so worried about everything with julie, I realize that it's important for you to know, ciara, because you being with me is putting a target on your back.

Ciara: Oh, my god.

Ben: Jordan...

[Dark music] You know she killed our mom by crashing the car.

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: Well, I confronted her today about the things she's been saying. I told her to stay the hell away from you, but she's insisting that it's me, that I'm the problem. So I told her that I knew. I told her I knew what she did to my mom. I'm afraid she used that car to hurt you or kill you as a message to me... or payback.

Marlena: Oh, hi, brady.

Brady: Hi, marlena. How are you?

Marlena: Is something wrong?

Brady: Yeah. Yeah, I just saw kristen.

Marlena: Oh. Not sure that's a very good idea.

Brady: She's pregnant.

Marlena: What?

Brady: And I think it might be mine.

Sarah: Xander, you've tried to be a friend to me, and--and I--I really appreciate that, but... there can never be anything more between us.

Xander: I wasn't talking about that. I know that. I need you to keep me honest.

Sarah: When have I ever kept you honest?

Xander: You're the only person who can call me a disgusting pig and still feel like a friend.

Sarah: [Exhales] We'll email.

Xander: No. I need the personal touch. I mean, if you leave town, who's gonna stop me from falling back in to my wanton ways? And before you know it, I'll be lying and stealing and locking people in secret rooms.

Sarah: Have you done something I don't know about?

Xander: I almost did something. Something, uh... something terrible.

Sarah: Can you tell me about it? Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you?

Xander: Kristen, she, uh-- she knows a lot about me, and she's made me help her hurt a lot of people.

Sarah: Is she still putting the pressure on you?

Xander: You must know how she is. But I don't want to do things like that anymore, and I feel like if you were in salem, I'd be better at standing up to her. So... would you think about staying? For me?

Marlena: Okay, so the test results that you saw, they were real?

Brady: Yes. Sarah showed them to me. So she wouldn't lead me on. Oh, god, marlena, marlena, I may have conceived a child with the very woman that drugged sami, put a gun in her hand, and ordered her to shoot you.

[Laughs darkly]

Marlena: I'm so sorry. Brady, you're going to have to insist upon having a paternity test.

Brady: Kristen volunteered to have a paternity test.

Marlena: That doesn't mean anything.

Brady: I told her if this baby's mine, I will do my best to be a proper father, but there's no way in the world that this child is gonna bring kristen and I together.

Marlena: You've gotta be completely sure of that.

Brady: Are you implying that I'm not?

Kristen: You don't know what you're talking about. Brady's shut me out before, but he has never been able to stay away.

Vivian: Men are, at best, flawed creatures, but brady sounded very adamant just--

Kristen: Okay, mind your own business, you old bat, and get out of here. I'm done giving you a place to hide.

Vivian: Well, thank goodness I don't need your help. My son is going to help me leave this horrid little town, so regretfully, I must be going. Oh, one more thing. Uh, the goon that held us in chicago, he said there were other people to answer to besides you. So it's not me. It's not dear...

[German accent] Dr. Rolf. Who could it be? Stefano?

Kristen: Okay, vivian. Vivian.

Vivian: Okay. Fine. I'd call housekeeping if I were you. The bathroom's a--

Kristen: You know what? Beat it.

Vivian: Oh.

Kristen: Get out! Ugh! Get out!

[Stressful music]

Brady: I love you, but I really wish you wouldn't try to undermine me like that.

Marlena: Brady, please. I'm--I'm speaking from tragic experience, here.

[Sorrowful music] You can't ever underestimate kristen. You know? Y--you just can'T. If you do, she'll take advantage of you. And you can't ever, well, let her make the next move. You have to be the aggressor.

Brady: How do I do that?

Marlena: Well, you could file for full custody. And if--if you do that and you get it, then john and i would certainly be here to help you the whole way.

Brady: Thank you. You know, you're probably right. I have to get going.

Marlena: Yeah.

[Suspicious music]


Lani: I just questioned jordan. She says she was at the hernandez house with her son. She wasn't anywhere near here.

Ben: What did you think she was going to say?

Lani: I don't have a shred of proof to arrest her on.

Ben: So there's really nothing you can do until jordan actually kills someone?

Lani: The law says I can't lock her up just because you think she's dangerous. You of all people should appreciate that, ben.

Ciara: Lani? How are ben and I supposed to deal with jordan?

Lani: Stay far away from her.

Jordan: I can't believe you could think that I would have something to do with this. You are supposed to be my friend.

Rafe: Listen, jordan, I told you I called out for you when I got here. I didn't hear anything.

Jordan: I was with david.

Rafe: I know. You said that you were singing to him, but I can hear the nursery from here. I didn't hear any singing, okay? You could have come in the other door. I'm just saying.

Jordan: Wow. I--I'm sorry. I just can't believe this, because after all that I went through-- all that I went through to be with my son-- you think I would really leave him here by himself to go try to run over ciara with a car? Rafe, you said you believed in me. You agreed to let me live here so that I could be a mother to my child.

Rafe: Mm-hmm.

Jordan: So all I'm asking is that you keep believing in me. I did not try to kill ciara.

Sarah: You want me to stay to be your conscience?

Xander: I want you to stay for lots of reasons, but... please, just promise me you won't start making those plans tonight. Just get something to eat and a good night's sleep. Maybe things will look different in the morning.

Sarah: [Sighs] You're right. I should eat.

Xander: Name it. I'll make sure you get it.

Sarah: Hmm. I want A... peanut butter and bacon sandwich.

Xander: Peanut butter and bacon?

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Xander: Is that one of those crazy cravings?

Sarah: No, I've just always liked them.

Xander: Done.

Sarah: Xander? You have to fry the bacon.

Xander: Got it.

Sarah: [Exhales]

[Tense music]

Jordan: I wish you'd say something. Listen, I appreciate so much what you've done for david and me. It's just I know it's just a matter of time until you know that ben is the only threat there is to ciara.

Rafe: Okay, listen, you keep saying that. It's just, lani comes to the door. You know--

[Baby crying]

Jordan: Oh, honey, mommy's coming.

[Crying continues]

[Melodramatic music]

Ben: I know it's all hitting you right now. You've been trying to keep it together since this happened.

Ciara: Jordan... she might be after me again, ben.

Ben: I promise you I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Okay? Whatever it takes.

Lani: Forensics has whatever there was to find here. You can clean up this crime scene. Do me a favor. When you get back to headquarters, visit the local rental car agencies with a photo of jordan ridgeway. See if anyone remembers renting a car to her.

Marlena: Oh, hey. I'm glad I ran into you. I just put a call into 911.

Lani: What happened?

Marlena: I was in the square, and I saw a woman there who had on a--a cape and a hood that was pulled over her face, but I only had a glimpse. I think it might have been vivian.

Lani: And this was in the square?

Marlena: Just a few minutes ago.

Lani: Okay. Thank you, marlena.

Marlena: You bet.

Stefan: Oh, my god, my mother's text couldn't have come at a worse time. I am... [Sighs] Sorry to leave you like this.

Gabi: It's okay. Go deal with vivian, and just hurry back, okay? So we can start the rest of our lives.

Stefan: Okay. Just... promise me you're gonna keep this bed warm for me.

Gabi: Yes. Please be careful.

Stefan: I will. I love you, gabi.

Gabi: I love you too.

[Gentle music]

Lani: Stop right there.

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[Mysterious music]

Kristen: [Chuckles softly]

[Door clicks open]

Brady: [Exhales heavily]

[Tender music]

Lani: Turn around. Slowly. Drop your weapon.

Vivian: Oh, d--

Lani: Drop your weapon.

Vivian: [Laughs] I'm not afraid of you or your big gun either. I have been shot so many times and lived to tell about it. We both know there's no way in hell you're gonna shoot me.

Lani: You want to find out for sure? Keep holding that gun in your hand.

Vivian: What happened between kate dimera and me was personal. And as far as I'm concerned, it's all settled. It's over. So I was hoping to leave town peacefully, but since you seem determined to interfere with my plans...


[Intense music]

[Screaming hysterically]

[Screaming continues]

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