Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 10/1/19
Episode #13620 ~ Rafe warns Gabi about helping Stefan and his mother. Kristen informs Brady she's pregnant with his child. Vivian seeks shelter from an old ally. Xander gives Nicole what she wants.
Provided By Suzanne
Kristen: Oh, come on, Brady. I left that message hours ago. I need you to call me back.
[Knock on door]
Kristen: Oh, all right. That must be him.
[Dramatic music]
Kristen: Oh, god, Xander. What the hell do you want?
Xander: I need to make sure you keep your mouth shut about Sarah Horton.
[Soft dramatic music]
Xander: Don't you want to reschedule the abortion?
Sarah: It feels like a sign.
Xander: Of what?
Sarah: When the doctor started my anesthesia, you asked me if I was having second thoughts. And when I was under, I had this dream that I still remember, and I was-- I was sitting in this rocking chair next to the window, and I had my baby just snuggled up on my shoulder, and it was--it was the most beautiful feeling, and I was so in love, and thank god the doctor got called away because it gave me time to come to my senses. All I've been doing is thinking about what's best for eric, but I am the one that's pregnant.
Xander: So you're saying...
Sarah: This is a sign. I know it. I can feel it, so I'm-- I'm keeping my baby.
Brady: Sarah? Yo, horton, anybody home?
Sarah: Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't-- I didn't even hear you come in.
Brady: Yeah, you seemed like you were a million miles away. Is everything okay? You wanna talk about it?
Eric: Okay, these need to go back to our accountant, terri, and so does this one as soon as you sign it.
Nicole: All right. Signed, sealed, delivered.
Eric: Well, then I officially welcome you back to the horton center.
Nicole: Really? That's it? I mean, I can start?
Eric: Yup, whenever you're ready.
Nicole: Oh. [Squeals] Thank you, eric, so much. I--I really--I didn't know what I wanted to do for work, and then you offered me this job, and it just feels so good and so right.
Eric: And you have your life back.
Nicole: Yes, I do, the life that kristen stole from me.
Eric: Along with his help.
Nicole: What the hell are you doing here?
Rolf: Is that any way to speak to the man who taught your daughter how to make homemade play-doh?
Eric: What do you want, rolf?
Rolf: Well, I was just wondering if you'd heard the good news.
[Tense music]
[Monitor beeping]
Kayla: How are you feeling?
Kate: Help! Could you help me in here? I think my doctor's gonna try to kill me again! Help! Help, please!
Stefan: You can't search the tunnels without a warrant.
Rafe: Oh, I don't need a warrant. See, I have probable cause. There's a wanted fugitive who may be armed and dangerous down there, and if I don't find her, I'm coming back here with the entire salem pd.
[Dramatic music]
Stefan: I have a feeling this isn't gonna end well for any of us.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Sarah: Thanks, brady, but I--I don't-- I don't want to bother you with my problems.
Brady: Oh, that is a problem because that goes against our deal. See, if you recall, I was scrounging around here looking for booze because I couldn't get a certain woman off my mind, and you were the one that reminded me that there's less destructive ways to do that because you were going through a similar time, trying to get a certain someone off your mind, and you were trying to be strong and so on and so on, but you were supposed to lean on m and I was supposed to lean on you, so you need to lean on me right now.
Sarah: That's really sweet, but I--I wanna know how you're doing.
Brady: I'm fine. I'm good. I'm actually much better since we spoke. I feel good. I feel strong. I feel in control. As a matter of fact, I got a voicemail from kristen. You know what I did? I deleted the thing.
Sarah: Nice.
Brady: Right? So now it's your turn. What's going on?
Sarah: Nothing. No, no, no, not a whole lot.
Brady: Sarah, sarah, saarah. Something's bothering you. Talk to me about it.
Kristen: Ugh, you have nothing to worry about, bonehead. I don't give a damn about sarah horton. See, now that I'm carrying my love child, I could not care less that she had an abortion.
Xander: That's the thing. Sarah didn't go through with it. She's still pregnant with eric's baby.
[Dramatic music]
Eric: What good news?
Rolf: [Scoffs] Kate dimera woke up in the nick of time. They were about to remove her heart. Isn't that incredible?
Eric: Since when do you care about kate?
Rolf: Well, at one point, she was very special to stefano, and I'm always in favor of preserving life, which is why I refused to perform a certain procedure today.
Nicole: What kind of procedure? Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you? There are lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well, it's nice to meet you, karen. I'm john smith. Hi, john. At humana, we know you're unique. So you have different needs from other john smiths. Yeah, I've always thought so. And together, we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year. And i have some prescriptions. But I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all-in-one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits. All for an affordable, and sometimes, no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure. I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally. Someone who understands the real me. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today.
Gabi: Stefan, you're scaring me. Wh--what do you mean, this is not gonna end well?
Stefan: No, I take that back. I just mean I hope my mother got enough of a head start.
Gabi: I'm so sorry. I did everything I could to stop rafe.
Stefan: What are you apologizing for? I'm the one who should be apologizing to you for getting you in this mess.
Gabi: We are in this mess together, okay, for better or for worse, though your mom definitely makes things worse.
Stefan: I better call my lawyer. He's gonna have his hands full.
Gabi: Oh, come on, he's part of dimera's legal team. I'm sure he's seen tougher cases.
Stefan: We're talking about defending a woman who shot her sworn enemy in cold blood and then put her in an open grave. It ain't gonna be pretty.
[Keypad beeps]
[Line ringing]
Kayla: No, I'm sure we don't need your help. No, mrs. Dimera's fine. Thank you.
Kate: [Scoffs] No thanks to you.
[Door closes]
Kayla: Would you please just calm down?
Kate: Really? Why? So you can sedate me and sell my body for parts? You know, kayla, I didn't have much of a voice in what happened before, but if you're here to steal my other vital organs, we're gonna have a really big problem.
Kayla: Look, I am sorry, okay? While the decision to donate your heart to julie was ultimately up to lucas beuse he had your health proxy--
Kate: You advised him that I had close to zero chance of recovery, and now, what, are you gonna throw him under the bus?
Kayla: No, absolutely not. Look, I am fully aware of the fact that he relied on my expertise.
Kate: Oh, really? Your expertise? Well, I really would have preferred that he, what, consult with dr. Rolf because at least that nutcase has some idea of when a person has a little life left in them!
Nicole: The word "procedure," especially coming from you, makes me very nervous.
Rolf: [Scoffs] Well, don't be. And besides, I didn't do it.
Nicole: Okay, I'll bite. What did you refuse to do?
Rolf: Terminate a pregnancy. I told them I wanted no part of it and walked away.
Eric: Are you even qualified to do that?
Rolf: I'm capable of many things, including that, but there are some cases where even dr. Wilhelm rolf has to draw the line. Sadly, I assume they found someone else to do it, but at least my conscience is clean.
Nicole: If you have a conscience, which I highly doubt, it should be filled with guilt. I mean, you should hate yourself for being a part of all these evil plans, like helping kristen take over my life so she could be with brady again.
Eric: Do you have any idea how many people suffered because of the mask you made for kristen? Do you know what it did to my brother?
Nicole: Okay, you know what? You know what? It's okay. Kristen's plan completely failed. And she will never be with brady again.
Rolf: I wouldn't be so sure about that. Good day.
[Dramatic music]
Xander: So when sarah woke up, I just made up a story that her doctor had been called away on some emergency, that he'd left and hadn't come back.
Kristen: You knocked him out and stashed him in a supply closet. I mean, I really do hope that you covered your tracks and that the doctor doesn't hunt you down and press assault charges.
Xander: If it comes to that, I'll explain to the doctor that he should forego legal action lest he lose the very generous anonymous donation his clinic just received.
Kristen: [Scoffs] Well, that is an inspired move, but I cannot have this coming back to haunt me.
Xander: Relax, kristen. There's no way that doctor will be able to finger us. It'd be like he's chasing a ghost.
Kristen: But she had an appointment.
Xander: All evidence of which has been wiped from the clinic's computer and surveillance footage. It's as if we were never there.
Kristen: So what happened when you told her the abortion didn't happen?
Xander: She was relieved.
Kristen: Yeah?
Xander: Yeah. I offered to take her home so she could reschedule, but she didn't want to. She's changed her mind.
Kristen: How come?
Xander: When she was under anesthesia, she had a--a dream that made her rethink her choice. She said she was glad that the doctor was called away, helped her realize that she didn't want to end her pregnancy after all.
Kristen: So what is she gonna do now?
Xander: Well, if you're asking whether she's gonna tell eric, I really have no idea, but he'd better not hear about it from you.
Kristen: Okay, like I said, the only baby I am interested in now is mine, and since daddy brady has not returned my call, I am gonna have to take the little bump to him.
Woman: What's my safelite story?
Kayla: Kate, believe me, I know how this looks, and I really-- I truly feel terrible about what it did to you and your family and to julie and her family.
Kate: I just don't understand how you gave lucas such bad advice.
Kayla: To be clear, I did not give him advice. I presented the facts so that he could make an informed decision.
Kate: Oh, really? Facts that turned into fiction? Kayla, how could you be so wrong?
Kayla: To be honest, I--I don't know. What happened is-- well, it defies logic.
Kate: Oh, I see. This is a medical miracle.
Kayla: Based on everything that we saw, your test results, your--your vital signs, your inability to breathe on your own-- medically speaking, the odds of you waking up were nearly none.
Kate: Hmm.
Kayla: So as far as I'm concerned, yes, this is a miracle.
Kate: You know, just between us, woman to woman, do you think there's any possibility that the facts you presented to lucas were based on our history, just a little bit of payback, revenge?
Kayla: Absolutely not. I don't know how you can even say that.
Kate: Oh, come on. It's not exactly like we're, like, friends, is it?
Kayla: I took an oath to do no harm, regardless of who my patient is.
Kate: Kayla, come on. We know there's been bad blood between us since I threatened to get you fired, since I told you that if you exposed my involvement with theo's shooting, I would go public with the fact that you covered up for tripp when he altered medical orders.
Kayla: I don't see the point of you dredging all this up.
Kate: The point is that you've hated me since I blackmailed you, and then the whole thing got worse when you agreed to help stefan retaliate against me for what happened to vivian.
Kayla: I feel sick about what I did, but I didn't know how else to help steve. And by the way, you did shoot vivian.
Kate: And she shot me back.
Kayla: Well, then maybe you should direct your anger towards her instead of me.
Kate: Oh, believe me, I will, but thank god she's about to be arrested. Maybe she has already.
Stefan: Thank you, robert. All right.
[Keypad beeps] He's gonna meet us at the station.
Gabi: Okay. Oh, guess you didn't find her?
Rafe: Do you see her?
Gabi: Hmm.
Stefan: Told you. She's not here.
Rafe: No, I did not find her, but I did find this down there.
Gabi: Half the town has been locked in those tunnels. That could be anybody'S.
Rafe: Oh, is that right?
Gabi: Uh-huh.
Rafe: With the initials va on it? Your mother was definitely down there. The question is, where is she now? Hmm?
[Tense music]
Vivian: Oh. I feel like a mouse who's escaped a maze in a really fabulous outfit. Gosh, I love shoulder pads. Where's my scarf? Oh, I must have lost it in one of the tunnels. Never mind, never mind, never mind. I have to go find someplace to hide before somebody sees me.
Rolf: It's a little late for that, madam.
Eric: Nicole?
Nicole: Hmm?
Eric: What's on your mind?
Nicole: I--I can't stop thinking about rolf and what he said.
Eric: Yeah, I get it. He's creepy and weird, but let's do our best and forget about it, okay?
Nicole: Well, it's kinda hard when he's running around salem, free as a bird.
Eric: Listen, I understand, and I don't understand, after all the chaos he's caused, why is he not sitting in a prison cell?
Nicole: Yeah, right? And someone actually asked him to perform an abortion? I mean, who would ask that freak to do something so personal?
Eric: I have no idea, but whoever it was must have been very desperate. Let's not waste any time talking about that. Rolf and his insanity-- let's leave it in the past.
Nicole: Yes. Sorry.
Eric: It's okay.
Xander: There's the happy couple.
Brady: All right. Well, I appreciate it.
[Keypad beeps] I'm sorry about that. That was a business call.
Sarah: Oh, it's-- it's no problem.
Brady: Well, do you-- do you want to tell me what's going on or not?
Sarah: [Sighs] It's-- it's complicated, and honestly, I don't think unloading on you would help the situation at all.
Brady: [Sighs] I could listen. Listen, you did a really good thing for me. You prevented me from going down a dark path that I really didn't want to go back down, and that was because you were kind and you were understanding, you helped me get to a better place, so I don't--I don't know if I can do that for you, but...I can try. Seriously, sarah. I mean, you can trust me. You can tell me anything.
Kristen: I hope I'm not interrupting.
Brady: How--how the hell did you get in here?
Kristen: Oh, I showed myself in. I couldn't wait for henderson because I have some amazing news.
Brady: Right, kristen, you know what? You can take your amazing news and give it to somebody who gives a damn because you're leaving now, okay?
Kristen: No, no, no. You can't throw me out, no.
Brady: Why can't I throw you out of here, hm?
Kristen: Because I'm pregnant with your baby.
Vivian: Dr. Rolf...
[Laughs] My goodness. What are you doing here?
Rolf: Well, I was cutting across the park when all of a sudden you appeared as if out of nowhere. I'm assuming it was from one of the dimera tunnel entrances.
Vivian: Yes, you assume right, but, oh, my goodness, I--I am so happy to see you.
Rolf: Mm. So you are in some kind of trouble, I take it?
Vivian: Oh, yes. 100%, I'm in trouble. Dr. Schotzy, I need your help. I need you to help hide me.
Rolf: I'm not sure I can get involved.
Vivian: Oh, but we once shared living quarters...
[Chuckles] Courtesy of kristen dimera. All those meals, the glasses of rieslings zinfandel, and oh, we talked. Oh, those talks we had.
Rolf: Yes, as I recall, you were the one doing all the talking.
Vivian: What, you didn't enjoy my stories about my days in bollywood? I was in some major movies.
Rolf: Yes, I know. You told me several hundreds of times. You know, perhaps you should have returned to india or at least stayed in chicago. At least that way, you wouldn't be in salem, where you're wanted for attempted murder.
Vivian: Right. So you've heard.
Rolf: Yes, everybody's heard what you did to kate dimera. It's all over the news.
Vivian: Shh. That's because kate regained consciousness. I mean, I don't understand how could that have happened? It's certainly not because of her good karma.
Rolf: [Scoffs] No, madam. It was me.
Kate: First I thought I was seeing a ghost, but it wasn'T. It was vivian back from the dead, mad as hell, pointing a loaded gun at me. Oh, god. So I tried to talk her down. Actually, I thought that I did because she suggested that I take a walk, but she led me to the cemetery. [Scoffs]
Kayla: And that's where she shot you?
Kate: [Scoffs] She wanted me to see the open grave, you know? She wanted me to see her intention, and then she pulled the trigger, and she ended up burying me alive. Lucky for me, the hole wasn't that deep.
Kayla: Wow. That's why you showed up here at the hospital covered in dirt.
Kate: Yeah. Yeah, and I walked all the way to this hospital-- no car, no ambulance.
Kayla: It's a miracle you survived.
Kate: You're damn right I did. I defied all odds. I walked out of that elevator on my own two feet, bleeding from a gunshot wound, and I would think just that fact would make you and your crackerjack team not give up on me so quickly.
Kayla: We didn'T. Kate, the decision was made when you showed all signs of a person going into a persistent vegetative state.
Kate: Let me ask you a question. Why don't--why don't you use all of your expertise right now and tell me what kind of state I'm in?
Kayla: [Scoffs]
Kate: Oh no, let me save you for that. I'll tell you what type. Litigious. I'm in a litigious state right now--me, my lawyers, and a very big settlement.
Kayla: Like I said, I am extremely sorry. My prognosis was based on the information that I had at the time. I was wrong, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to figure out why.
Kate: Oh, I can tell you why. Because you were so obsessed with helping julie that you just threw in the towel with me.
Kayla: That is absolutely not true. We never weighted your life against julie'S. It was--it was completely about what your chances were for recovery.
Kate: You told everyone I had no chance to recover, that it would never happen. Well, guess what? It did.
Kayla: Well, you know, it's like you said. Your will to live beat all odds.
Kate: And sealed julie's fate. By the way, now that julie's not getting my heart, what happens with her? Can you help her?
Eric: Get lost.
Xander: Okay, I'll go, but first I just need to give something to nicole. Your divorce papers, already signed.
Nicole: Thank you. Well, now let's see what kind of tricks you've tried to pull.
Xander: No, no tricks, no surprises. I swear.
Nicole: Okay, well, as much as I'd love to believe that, I'm still going to give these to my lawyer to go over with a fine-toothed comb, but thank you for the hand delivery.
Xander: Of course.
Nicole: And now there's nothing that can get in the way of us being together.
[Tense music]
Brady: You're pregnant?
Kristen: No, brady, we're pregnant--you and I.
Brady: Oh, wow, this is-- this is desperate.
Kristen: No.
Brady: Even for you, kristen.
Kristen: No, it's true. It is so true. We slept together more than once when you thought I was nicole. I'm sure you remember.
Brady: Stop. No, no, no, no, no, no. You're not pregnant. You're not pregnant.
Kristen: You know it. I have always dreamed of having a child, and to that end, rolf was giving me fertility treatments back in nashville, and despite overwhelming odds, I mean, they were successful. I came back to salem as nicole, and you and I, we made love, and that love created this beautiful life. Earlier today, rolf confirmed that I am pregnant.
Brady: All right, okay, okay, that--there it is, rolf, rolf, dr. Rolf. Now I know you are full of bull if he's the one that confirmed your pregnancy.
Kristen: It's not, I swear.
Brady: If you expect me to believe another one of your pathetic lies, kristen, you're gonna have to have your pregnancy confirmed by a real doctor at least, not a quack like dr. Rolf, okay?
Kristen: Okay. Okay, fine. Well, what about her? The future of laundry is here -
[Keypad beeps]
Rafe: Well, the department's putting an apb out on your mother.
Stefan: That's ridiculous.
Rafe: Oh, it is ridiculous, and it can all stop if you just tell me where she is.
Gabi: We're--we're telling the truth. We both are. We don't know where vivian is, okay? We did not know she went into the tunnels.
Rafe: Oh, really? 'Cause you know what I think? I think that you sent me upstairs as a diversion to help her escape.
Stefan: That's a hell of a baseless accusation you're making against my wife.
Rafe: Oh, shut up. You...[Scoffs] You hit a new low. You have, and it's not gonna be long before you're back in prison, and we both know that is not a good place for you. But don't worry. You're not gonna be left out, because as soon as I catch vivian, you'll be named as an accessory.
Stefan: If you catch vivian. And if she made her way into those tunnels, she could be anywhere now. I mean, finding her is gonna be like, hell, finding a good cop in this town.
Gabi: Stop.
Stefan: You know those tunnels weave all the way through salem?
Rafe: Yeah, actually, I do know that 'cause I was just down there in them, and I also know your mother can't stay down there forever, and when she comes up, I'll be right there waiting for her with a nice pair of shiny cuffs.
Stefan: Good luck.
Rafe: Thank you. Vivian will be caught, and when she is, you're both going down with her.
Vivian: So you're the reason kate dimera isn't dead?
Rolf: It was a spontaneous resurrection.
Vivian: And what does that mean?
Rolf: Well, I happened upon her languishing in the hospital alone, unconscious, clearly close to the brink of death, so I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to give her a little jolt, you know, get her up and running again?
Vivian: Couldn't you at least have left her with amnesia so she couldn't point the finger at me?
Rolf: [Chuckles] I'm sorry. The serum has been perfected.
Vivian: And you wasted it on her? For heaven's sake, why?
Rolf: Stefano always had a soft spot for kate, and I still have a soft spot for stefano.
Vivian: Ah, yes. , Maybe you could tell me where he's hiding? I mean, after all, rolfy, there's no one better to hide me from the police than stefano dimera, no one more powerful or great. Now where the hell is he?
Nicole: I don't believe it. That jerk was actually telling the truth. These divorce papers are clean.
Eric: Now life is finally coming together.
Nicole: Yeah. I mean, I have a family. I have a divorce.
[Laughs] I have a job. Eric, we're finally getting a second chance, and it sounds like kate is too.
Eric: And then there's julie.
[Soft dramatic music]
Nicole: I feel really bad for her and her family.
Eric: So if it's all right, I'd really like to stop by the hospital, see if everyone's okay.
Nicole: That, my love, is a wonderful idea.
Brady: You're crazier than I thought if you think I'm pulling sarah into this.
Kristen: All right, you just--just told me that I needed to find a real doctor to confirm what I just told you, and sarah here is a real doctor.
Brady: No. No. Forget it.
Kristen: You know what? I won't let this go, brady. So why don't we just settle it right now, hmm? I'm pretty sure we can do this quickly, right? I mean, it's a simple blood test to prove that I'm pregnant, yeah?
Kayla: Sarah?
Sarah: Kayla.
Kayla: Why are you drawing your own blood? Are--
Sarah: That's correct, yes.
Kristen: So, why don't you ask sarah to draw my blood and run my test?
Sarah: Is that what you want, brady?
Brady: What I want is to be done with all of this.
Kristen: Okay, then, shall we proceed?
Sarah: Listen, that-- that's entirely up to you. You have to remember you're in a good place right now. You're in control.
Kristen: Thanks for the input, but brady can make his own decisions.
Brady: Yeah, do it. I'll call your bluff.
Sarah: I will go get my bag.
Kristen: I keep telling you that I'm in your blood, and you are gonna see that you're in mine, mine and our child's, and you are gonna see that I am telling the truth, brady. I've been saying,
I'm fine.
Kayla: There's not much we can do for julie at this point except make her comfortable. You were her only hope.
Kate: Well, sorry about that.
Kayla: Yeah, it's heartbreaking, but I am happy that your family has you back. I mean that.
[Monitor beeping]
Kate: Kayla, look, I know that you have a lot on your mind. Maybe I won't sue you, even though you really deserve it.
Kayla: Thank you. I appreciate that.
Kate: Tell julie I'm thinking about her.
Kayla: I'll do that.
[Dramatic music]
Kate: [Sighs]
Vivian: You must--you must get that old man on the phone-- vite, vite, macht schnell!
Rolf: What makes you think I even know where stefano is?
Vivian: Well, the way that you were gushing about him just now, I just thought you were hinting that you knew that he was out there in the ether, or that you were sniffing the ether.
Rolf: Even if I were able to reach stefano, and I'm not saying I am, he wouldn't be able to help you, especially given the immediacy of our problem, but I do know someone who might.
Sarah: All right. You're all set.
Kristen: Thank you, sarah, for doing that. So when will you get the test results back?
Sarah: Um, well, I'm gonna take it to the hospital now, and I will put a rush on it.
Kristen: Okay. Well, I already know what the results will say. I just want brady to know.
[Soft dramatic music]
We're gonna have a baby, brady, a precious miracle baby, and no matter what people think or say, I know that you will not turn your back on him or her or me. I just know it.
[Knocking on door]
Kate: Wilhelm, what are you doing here?
Rolf: Well, I heard about your ordeal, and I wanted to offer my congratulations on your unexpected and quite remarkable recovery.
Kate: Thank you.
Rolf: Stefano would be so proud to know that you've returned to the land of the living.
[Soft dramatic music]
Stefan: Man, I hope my mother can stay one step ahead of the police.
Gabi: Hope so-- for your sake and mine. You know, when rafe was saying that we're gonna go down with vivian, I--
Stefan: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Don't worry about rafe. He can't prove anything. And I know I've said it before, but gabi, thank you for protecting my mother. You could have given her up at any moment, and you didn't, and I know you're not her biggest fan.
Gabi: I hate her guts, but I do love her son very much with all my heart.
Rafe: Damn it. Vivian, where the hell are you?
[Tense music]
Kristen: [Scoffs] Vivian, what the hell are you doing here?
Vivian: I need something from you, and it's not optional.
Kristen: Oh, really? Now, what is that?
Vivian: I need you to hide me from the police.
[Melancholic music]
Kristen as nicole: So maybe you should stop overanalyzing and just enjoy this amazing ride.
Brady: Maybe.
Kristen as nicole: [Laughs]
[Both breathing heavily] Is it possible what kristen said is true? Oh, my god. Could she be carrying my baby?
Xander: Hey, is, uh-- have you seen sarah?
Brady: She's-- she's at the hospital.
Xander: What's all this?
[Tense music]
Brady: [Sighs] That's sarah'S. She, uh-- she took a blood test.
Xander: Wait a minute. She told you?
[Elevator dings]
Eric: Hey, thank you so much for tagging along.
Nicole: Are you kidding? It's my pleasure.
Eric: Hey, there's a nurse. I'm gonna get an update on julie, see when she can have visitors.
Nicole: Okay. I'll wait right here.
Eric: All right. I'll be back.
[Soft dramatic music]
Sarah: This is dr. Sarah horton. As a personal favor, I have to order a pregnancy test for as soon as possible.
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