Days Transcript Monday 09/30/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 09/30/19


Episode #13619 ~ Doug and Hope deliver bad news to Julie. Lucas comes under fire for his decision. Rafe grills Gabi and Stefan about Vivian. Jack and Jennifer share a heartfelt reunion with JJ.

Provided By Suzanne

Doug: What is going on? Why are they taking so long to prep julie for surgery?

Hope: Daddy, you relax. Take a breath, okay?

Doug: You're right, princess. I can't believe it. Our prayers have been answered. My precious julie is gonna get a new heart.

Hope: We got our miracle, daddy. Oh, my god, and not a moment too soon. Thank god.

Doug: I hate that our joy is coming at the expense of kate and her family.

Hope: I know, we all do.

Doug: Yeah.

Hope: It's a terrible tragedy.

Doug: Yes.

Hope: Kate's death won't be in vain.

Doug: No.

[Gentle music]

Lucas: Hey, there she is.

Kate: Hey.

Lucas: How do you feel? I just talked to austin. He's spreading the word about your recovery, so, you know, everybody sends their love.

Kate: Aw. That's so sweet.

Lucas: So where's will?

Kate: Um, will went to update sonny.

Lucas: Oh, great. Coward. Listen, there's something I want to tell you, okay? And last thing I want to do is upset you, but, you know--

Kate: Oh, honey, honey, that's all right. Seriously, I already spoke to will all about it.

Lucas: You did?

Kate: Yeah, and rafe.

Lucas: You spoke to rafe? Why did you do that?

Kate: Well, of course I'm going to speak to rafe. The police need to know who shot me.

Lucas: Oh, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right, right. Who did shoot you, mom?

Kate: That bitch, vivian--vivian alamain.

Vivian: Oh, hello. This is billie reed. I wanted to check on my mother, kate dimera. Has she had her heart transplant yet? What?

Gabi: You know, vivian really has some nerve trying to come between us.

Stefan: Yeah.

Gabi: Thank you. For standing up for me today.

Stefan: Of course. You're my wife. Hey, forget about my mother, all right? Forget about work. Forget about everything that doesn't have anything to do with us, okay? 'Cause that's what tonight's about. Come here.

Jack: I just wondered why you seemed a little uncomfortable before, when we were standing close, about to kiss.

Jennifer: Right, um, yes. It's just that--

Jack: Just that what?

Jennifer: You know what, jack? Since you came back to salem, I mean, it has just been really strange, to put it mildly, and I just--once I accepted the fact that you just did not remember me or us, I had to work really hard not to care about you. I mean, not that I'm not ecstatic right now, because I'm sure that's obvious, but i just didn't want to presume that you felt the same way, because you have so much to process. There's probably so much in your head right now that you have to sort through and think about--

Jack: Jennifer. Stop talking.

Jennifer: Okay.

[Gentle music]

[Both laugh]

Jack: That was...

Jennifer: What?

Jack: Just like I remembered.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Stefan: Dinner is almost ready...

Gabi: Mm.

Stefan: In the meantime, I got you a gift.

Gabi: What?

Stefan: Open it. Yeah, go ahead.

Gabi: Okay. A globe?


Stefan: Okay. So we've been married, what? Almost two months now?

Gabi: Mm-hmm.

Stefan: And we haven't taken a honeymoon, so take a look at this globe, spin it around a couple of times, pick any place you want, and we'll go there.

Gabi: Are you serious?

Stefan: Of course.

Gabi: Okay. Well, what about europe? I don't know, we could see your old boarding school and visit those cities that you lived in back when you were corporate raider sam maitlin.

Stefan: Yeah, I don't think you'll find that too interesting.

Gabi: Okay, first of all, hostile takeovers are very hot, and second, I want to know everything about you.

Stefan: You do?

Gabi: Yes. Look, I know that our marriage didn't start with the purest intentions, mostly from my part, but, I don't know, it feels like we're husband and wife, and I want to know about you. I want to know everything about you. I--I love you. I'm in love with you. And I've never felt this happy before.

Stefan: That makes two of us. And I promise you I'm gonna spend the rest of my life making sure you stay this happy.

Doug: Kayla, so glad you're here. Are you ready to perform the transplant?

Kayla: Doug, maybe you should sit down.

Doug: Why? What's happened? Please tell me julie's all right.

Kayla: No, she's stable. Nothing has changed.

Hope: Okay, what's wrong?

Kayla: It's kate. Something unexpected happened on the way to the O.R.

Doug: Oh, no. Did she pass away?

Kayla: No. Just the opposite. She woke up.

Kate: The instant that will told me that vivian was alive, I remembered. She tried to kill me.

Lucas: Well, you know, I'm not surprised. You know, will said that from the very beginning, he thought that she did it, so you want me to go get her now? I'll wring her neck for you.

Kate: No! Oh, are you kidding? Don't waste your time. With any luck, rafe is arresting her right now, as we speak.

Vivian: Kate is awake? Oh, yes, of course I'm happy. I'm her daughter after all. I'm--excuse me. I'm just a bit surprised, that's all, because I had been told that the--that the situation was dire. Oh, fine. No, no, no, no, no. Don't put the call through. Thank you. No, no. We want mommy to get her rest. Bye-bye. Bye.

[Beep] Ahh! Kate is awake, and now it's only a matter of time before she points the finger at me.

Stefan: Dinner can wait.

Gabi: Oh, good idea.

Stefan: Right? Yeah.

Gabi: Yeah, mm-hmm.

[Both laughing]

[Knocking at door]

Stefan: Okay. I'll get rid of whoever that is.

Gabi: Make it fast.

Stefan: Yeah, yeah.

Gabi: Rafe! Did I forget you were coming?

Rafe: No. Well, sad to say I'm not here on a social visit. Actually for official police business.

Jennifer: I still-- I really can't even believe that this is real, jack. I mean, I tried to stay positive despite all the obstacles with rolf's diary being lost and eve destroying the serum and then henry doing the same thing, and, I mean, it just felt like everything was against us all the time, and I did, I started to lose hope.

Jack: But it's not on eve, or even shah. It was all on me. There's no excuse for the way that I treated you. My god, jennifer, when I think--and I'm sorry-- when I think about all the awful things I said to you, the way that I treated you and dismissed you, insulted you--

Jennifer: No, I don't even care, jack, I don't even care. None of that even matters anymore, because that person is gone. He's gone, because it's you. You are here, and you're back. And I am so glad, and I am freaking out excited for our kids to find out this news. They're gonna be so happy.

Jj: Mom!

Jennifer: Jj!

Jj: I heard about you.

Jennifer: Oh, god.

Jj: Oh, I'm so glad you're okay.

Jennifer: I'm so good. I'm so good thanks to your dad, because he came to my rescue just in time.

Jj: Yeah, I heard there was a struggle between you and shah. You killed him?

Jennifer: Yes, jj, to save me, because henry had a knife, and your dad stepped in, or I would have been dead.

Jj: Wait, but hang on. The last time I saw you, you were headed to your office. How did you find mom?

Jack: Shah called me, and he told me where they were, and he told me to come alone.

Jj: So that was that call you got at the police station. That wasn't the cops. That was--

Jack: That was shah. Shah had broken into laurent's old apartment with your mother as a hostage, and I lied to you. Jj, I lied to you, and I'm sorry. I just couldn't risk your mother's life disobeying shah's orders, I couldn't--

Jj: Dad, don't-- don't worry about it, 'cause all I care about is that you're both safe. You were a real hero, dad.

Jennifer: Yes, he was. He even has a giant lump on his head to prove it. You can see it right there.

Jack: Ah, ah. Look, that is nothing compared to the lump I got when I jumped off that ladder trying to put up the christmas tree that year. It was, like, the size of a goose egg, I think.

Jennifer: Yes.

Jj: That was the first time I heard you swear, actually.

Jack: Yeah.

Jj: How do you remember that? Mom, did you tell him?

Jack: No. No. I got my memory back. I remember everything, including my son.

Hope: that possible? I thought the odds of kate coming out of her coma were close to zero.

Kayla: They were. Honestly, I can't explain how she pulled through. Doug, I'm so sorry.

Doug: Ah, please, don't be. In a way, it's good news. Hope and I were just talking about how difficult it must be for kate's family,and now they've got her back, so to them, it's wonderful.

Hope: Okay. Julie?

Kayla: I'm gonna bring her back up here, make her as comfortable as possible.

Hope: Oh, daddy.

Doug: Yeah, forget about me. How in the world are you and i gonna break the news to julie?

Lucas: So you remember now? All right, what happened?

Kate: Ow. I do remember, but it's still a little fuzzy. I remember, though, that I was going to work, right? And I cut through the park, and suddenly I saw vivian. Oh, my god. Lucas, I swear, for a moment, I thought I was seeing a ghost. This can't be, I-- I killed you.

Vivian: A cat has nine lives. Unfortunately for you, a bitch only has one.

Kate: And I tried to-- I tried to talk her down, you know? I tried to reason with her, but she was hell-bent on revenge. She marched me over to the cemetery. Lucas, I was so afraid she was gonna bury me alive. Vivian, please don't do this. Don'T. Don't bury me alive.

Vivian: Who said anything about alive?

Kate: And the next thing I knew, I was waking up, but i realized--I realized that i was buried under a pile of dirt.

Lucas: What?

Kate: Yeah. I mean, she literally tried to cover up her crime.

Lucas: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You crawled out of a grave with an almost fatal gunshot wound? How did you do that? How did you come back to the hospital?

Kate: My god, lucas. You know, I tried to flag down a car, but I realize now-- I mean, I was covered with blood and dirt, and I must have looked like the walking dead. And then this homeless guy, he saw me, and I think he just took pity on me, and he walked with me. He walked me all the way to the hospital, all the way to the door, you know?

Lucas: That's insane. That is incredible. I mean, I always knew you had a survival instinct in you, but this is ridiculous. Mom, you're like a superhero.

Kate: I'll tell you something, lucas. I have a lot of incentive to live.

Lucas: Right, right, right. Well, about that. Listen, I should have never given up hope. I should have known that you were gonna wake up, but things were happening so fast, so, you know, I had to decide.

Kate: You had to decide what?

Lucas: Mom, I got something to tell you.

Stefan: Detective price was already here, my mother and I, we answered her questions. Then we invited her to search the house, top to bottom, and she found nothing, so this is bordering harassment.

Rafe: [Chuckles] Might want to tell your husband to shut it while he can before he incriminates himself any further.

Gabi: What are you talking about?

Rafe: Oh, you haven't heard? Oh, well, you see, there was quite the miracle at the hospital today. Kate woke up, and she identified vivian, your mother, as her shooter, so I'm here to arrest her.

Stefan: She's not here.

Gabi: That's not true. Stefan's lying. Oh! Oh! Oh!

Jj: We need to call abigail and tell her this news.

Jennifer: Yes!

Jj: This is the best news. We can do a video chat right now.

Jennifer: Oh, yes, then you can see thomas and charlotte right now, jack.

Jack: Oh, it's paris. It's the middle of the night. Those kids'll be asleep, right? We should wait.

Jennifer: Oh, no, no, you're right, okay. But as soon as it's morning there, we're gonna do it.

Jj: How did this happen? How did rolf have time to give you the serum?

Jack: He didn'T. He didn'T. You see, I was--well, I was fighting with shah when i fell and I hit my head, and when I turned and I looked into your mother's beautiful eyes, it all came rushing back to me--the life we shared, the love we shared, working together at "the spectator," exchanging wedding vows, helping to deliver abigail, and holding you in my arms for the first time.

Jj: This is unbelievable. I mean, you really remember everything.

Jack: What I remember most is what a sweet little boy you were, always so sensitive to everybody else, no matter who, even when you were really little, but so tough. It was so important to you to make sure that you never hurt anyone's feelings, unlike the way I've been with my amnesia. The way I treated you-- the way I treated you and haley, it's--it's shameful. It is shameful, and I am sorry. I'm sorry.

Jj: Dad, it's--

Jack: Jj, I'm sorry.

Jj: It's in the past. The way I look at it, that-- that wasn't you.

Jack: But still, I'm gonna make up for it. I will. I'm gonna be there for you, 100%, now, always, with love and respect for the incredible young man that you have become.

Jj: I have my dad back.

Jack: I'm not going anywhere this time. I'm not going. Ah. Oh. Ohh. Oh, jj.

[Machines beeping]

Julie: Is the surgery over? Do I have my new heart?

Doug: No, sweetheart. You did not have the surgery.

Julie: Well, what's the holdup? I got places to go. I got people to see.

Doug: My darling, there's something you need to know.

Kate: Honey, you look so nervous.

Lucas: [Chuckles] Well, you know, you have no idea.

Kate: Well, I think that you should just tell me. What is it?

Lucas: All right, I'm just gonna come out and I'm gonna say it. Remember when you came out of your coma, and that none of us thought you were gonna come out of your coma? But you did, you came out, and you wanted to know where everyone was taking you, right?

Kate: Yeah. I did. I did, and no one answered me, and then kayla rushed me in here for an exam.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah, well, you know, we were taking you to the O.R., To the operating room.

Kate: For what?

Lucas: A heart transplant.

Kate: Oh, my god, my heart? What's wrong with my heart?

Lucas: No. Your heart's fine. Your heart's great, actually. It's 100% healthy. Nothing is wrong with your heart, you're great.

Kate: Oh, thank god. Okay, so then I don't understand.

Lucas: Well, listen. Kayla told us that the odds of you coming out of your coma were, like, slim to none, more towards none, so we didn't know what to do, you know? We were running out of time, and I had to make one of the toughest decisions I have ever had to make in my life.

Kate: What decision was that, lucas?

Lucas: Well, [Chuckles] Mom, uh... julie needed a new heart, so I agreed to give her yours.

Kate: You what?

Stefan: What the hell are you doing?

Gabi: Vivian's upstairs. Third room on the left.

Rafe: Thanks, sis. You and your mom ought to get a lawyer.

Stefan: Mm-hmm.

Rafe: Certainly gonna need one.

Stefan: What the hell are you doing? I know you don't like my mother, but why betray her like that? Why betray me? Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you?

Jj: You know, maybe I can at least text abigail, tell her to call me when they're all awake.

Jack: Why don't we just wait till your mother gets checked out, and then we'll have more good news to--

Kayla: Oh, thank god.

Jennifer: Oh, kayla.

Kayla: What happened?

Jennifer: Oh, my goodness. It was so crazy, but just to make a long story short, henry kidnapped me.

Kayla: What?

Jennifer: Then he tried to kill me, and jack came to my rescue. Now henry is no longer a threat.

Kayla: We should get you examined.

Jennifeeah, okay. And jack too, and then we have to make a statement for rafe, but right now, I just-- I need to see julie.

Jj: Me too.

Kayla: Of course, of course you both can see julie, but I just need to tell you that things have taken a turn for the worse.

Julie: So kate-- kate's going to be okay?

Hope: Yes. Thank goodness. It looks that way.

Julie: Good for her. She always was a tough cookie, just like me.

Hope: Yep. You know, kayla told us that kate defied all the odds, which you are going to do as well, you know.

Doug: Darn right. I mean, new heart or no new heart, I have no doubt that we are going to find a way to beat this.

Julie: Oh, my darlings, you don't have to put up a brave front for me. We all know kate's ticker, that was the only thing that could save me so without it, my fate is sealed.

Kate: Okay, I see. So you were willing to kill me so my organs could be donated to the needy. 6you couldn't give me just a little bit more time, lucas?

Lucas: Well, what was I gonna do? Julie-- this was before you got shot. Julie had a heart attack, mom, and it was a massive heart attack. She was in bad, bad shape, and she needed a new heart.

Kate: Oh, you've got to-- well, you know, I think there's a donor list for that.

Lucas: There is, but she wasn't eligible because of her age, so just as a hypothetical, I just--I asked kayla to run some tests to see if you guys were a match.

Kate: Oh, my...

Lucas: And it turned out that you were a match, right? And at the same time, julie actually had a second heart attack, and it was bad, mom. She wasn't gonna make it. So with the condition you were in, I had to make a choice, so we decided to prep you for surgery.

Kate: And I woke up.

Lucas: Yeah, you did.

Kate: So what happens with julie now?

Lucas: Without a new heart, she's not gonna make it.

Rafe: Miss alamain? It's detective hernandez. I need to speak with you. Vivian. Open up. Vivian?

Gabi: I didn't betray you, stefan.

Stefan: You gave my mother up in seconds flat.>> Gabi: No, rafe was gonna search this house no matter what--I just stalled him for a little bit.

Stefan: By leading him directly to her?

Gabi: Your mom's not upstairs, turn around.

Stefan: Oh, for god's sake.

Gabi: Yeah, I saw her skulking around back here, so I just sent him upstairs. You're welcome.

Vivian: Thank you very much for not telling your brother where I was.

Stefan: What are you doing down here?

Vivian: I came to tell you that kate is awake.

Stefan: I know, and she told the police you were the one who shot her.

Vivian: So I heard. Now what are we going to do about it?

Hope: This is just a setback. That's all.

Doug: That's right. So we move forward. Then we find a different solution.

Hope: Exactly, we're going to find another heart.

Jennifer: Hey.

Hope: Oh, my god, jenn.

Jennifer: Oh!

Hope: Oh, hey. Jennifer.

Julie: Oh, praise god. I was so worried about you.

Jennifer: What? No. I was so worried about you.

Hope: Honey, what happened? Oh, well thank god--

Jennifer: There's so much-- so much to tell you. It is such a long story. But listen, the important thing is we're all here. We're here together, and that's what matters. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that the transplant fell through.

Julie: Don't be sorry. M in god's hands now. I'm fine with that.

Jennifer: Yeah. But you're not gonna give up, because we horton women are strong, and we are not gonna let some crazy doctor or a misbehaving heart keep us down.

Kate: Julie and I aren't exactly close, but I do feel badly for her, and doug.

Lucas: So now you understand why I had to make the decision I made. Just please tell me that you forgive me.

Kate: Oh, honey, of course I forgive you.

Lucas: You do?

Kate: Yes, I do. However, I think that I may transfer that health proxy to austin, because perhaps if this occasion comes up again, he won't be so quick to pull the plug.

Lucas: Fine. If he wants the job, he can have it. I don't want anything to do with that as long as I know I'm still your favorite.

Kate: Possibly.

Lucas: I am sorry, though. Seriously, I feel horrible about it.

Kate: I don't want you to feel badly about it, okay? Don't feel badly. It's not your fault. If there's anyone to blame, it's that backstabbing bitch.

Lucas: Vivian.

Kate: You know-- yeah, her too. But the one I'm talking about is kayla.

Kayla: I can't believe i almost got jennifer killed.

Jack: What are you talking about?

Kayla: This whole thing with shah was my fault. I'm the one that set her up in the first place. I thought he was such a kind and caring person. He's been on my staff for years. I mean, how could I be so wrong about a person?

Jack: You can't blame yourself. Nobody knew the guy was gonna snap.

Kayla: I guess you're right. I mean, you don't really know someone. You don't know the darkness that is inside of them, I guess.

Jack: You could say that about me too. We both know what I did to you.

Kayla: Jack, we've been over that.

Jack: Yeah. But now I can remember everything, every awful moment.

Kayla: You can?

Jack: I got my memory back. I can remember it all-- the good, the bad, and the unforgivable.

Gabi: You need to get going.

Vivian: Fleet-footed as I wish I were, there's no way I could outrun your brother rafe.

Gabi: All right, well, go in there and hide somewhere.

Vivian: Not in there, no. Do you have any idea how claustrophobic I am? No!

Gabi: Okay, well, I know something else that will make you claustrophobic, a prison cell, so go get in--

Vivian: Prison?

Gabi: Go, get in there or you're both gonna be arrested. Get in.

Vivian: [Whimpers]

[Tense music]

Rafe: Hey, vivian wasn't upstairs. Where the hell is she? Huh?

Gabi: Uh... copd makes it hard to breathe.

Hope: Oh, my god. Jack got his--your dad--

Jennifer: Yes.

Hope: He got his memory back?

Jennifer: Yes.

Hope: Oh, my god. This is fantastic. I am so happy for you guys. Oh, jennifer, I want to hear all about it, will you tell me?

Jennifer: Yeah.

Hope: Julie, we're just gonna step away for a sec. Jj, please stay with julie for just a second.

Julie: Jj.

Jj: Hey.

Julie: Must be tremendous getting your dad back.

Jj: Yeah. It's the greatest, and as soon as you're better, everything will be right with the world.

Julie: You sweet boy. God bless you for saying that.

Jj: Julie, we love you. This family needs you, and there is no way we are letting you go without a fight.

Kayla: That's amazing.

Jack: Yeah, it is. I just wish that there were certain memories that could remain forgotten.

Kayla: You know, jack, you and I worked through all that.

Jack: Mm-hmm.

Kayla: You owned what you did to me, and you earned my trust back, and eventually my friendship.

Jack: Yeah. I just--I don't understand your capacity to forgive. I mean, I don't even--I don't think that there's that much difference between the old jack and the new jack. I got to go. I need some fresh air. Just tell jennifer, please.

Lucas: You can't do that. You can't blame kayla.

Kate: Oh, really? She's supposed to be an expert, and she's nothing but a quack, lucas.

Lucas: Take it easy, will you?

Kate: Ah, the chief of staff pretty much declares me as good as dead, and then the next minute I wake up? I'm telling you right now, I have half a mind to sue her and this entire hospital for medical malpractice.

Jenr: Oh, kayla, do you know where jack is?

Kayla: He went out to get some air.

Jennifer: Oh. Well, is he okay?

Kayla: Yeah. It just seems like all this is finally hitting him. I think he just needed to go out and digest it all, you know?

Jennifer: Yeah. I'm gonna go find him, make sure he's all right.

Kayla: Okay. I'm bad.

Jj: So my dad left? By himself?

Kayla: Well, your mom went after him.

Jj: I'm worried about him. I couldn't imagine what it's like to all of a sudden have your life come flooding back.

Kayla: Yeah, I know. But he's gonna be all right. Now that your mom and dad are back together, I know that jack can face anything.

Jennifer: Hey.

[Gentle music]

Kayla told me that you were feeling a little overwhelmed.

Jack: Memories are a double-edged sword. I have moments that I--I cherish, and they're mostly you and the kids. But there are other moments, and I--I just-- I just wish they would be gone forever.

Jennifer: I know, jack. I know you do, but those terrible memories can serve a purpose too. None of us can change our past, but we can learn from it, and you did. You changed as a man, and you became a better man. You are the man that I love.

Jack: I love you too. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Jennifer: I'm just really glad you remember that.

Jack: Yeah. Me too. Me too.

Julie: I think it's done my failing little heart good to know jennifer's safe, and she's reunited with jack.

Doug: Yes, but, honey, about what you just said before...

Julie: Just being realistic.

Doug: Julie...

Julie: It's all slipping away, doug, so fast. And I feel it. I don't have much time left, darling.

[Somber music]

Lucas: Will you just try to relax, please, and take it easy? Concentrate on getting better. You can't take on a lawsuit right now anyway.

Kate: What are you talking about? I can do two things at once. I am excellent at multi-tasking. Ouch.

Lucas: Well, if you want to focus your anger towards somebody, why don't you focus it on the person who's totally responsible for this whole thing, vivian, the woman who shot you and left you to die?

Kate: That is so true. And I'll tell you one thing, that bitch better be in police custody right now.

Rafe: But you said she was upstairs in her room, so where is she?

Gabi: Well, you know, that's where she was the last time we saw her, okay? She must have slipped out.

Stefan: We had dinner plans, just the two of us. My mother wasn't invited, so she probably went out to eat.

Gabi: Why don't you check doug's place?

Rafe: Oh, okay. Thank you. But I think I'm gonna stay here and keep searching. In fact, I think I'm gonna start in the tunnels.

[Tense music]

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