Days Transcript Friday 9/27/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 9/27/19


Episode #13618 ~Jack and Jennifer have an emotional reunion; Gabi is furious when she hears Vivian tell Stefan he'd be better off with Eve; Kristen is thrilled over her stroke of good luck; Sarah decides to keep her baby.

Provided By Suzanne

Vivian: Good morning, good morning, good morning, my gorgeous son. [Smooches] Isn't it a glorious day?

Stefan: What has you in such a good mood?

Vivian: Oh, I was just in touch with the hospital. Guess what?

Stefan: What?

Vivian: Julie williams is going to be getting a heart transplant.

Stefan: Since when do you care about julie williams?

Vivian: Since never, but I do care about kate not being able to finger me for shooting her.

Stefan: What does one thing have to do with the other?

Vivian: This heart that julie is getting is being ripped out of kate's chest even as we speak.

Kayla: I'm sorry, guys. We need to get to the or, all right? Okay?

Lucas: Yeah.

Kayla: Guys?

Kate: [Sps]

Will: Her eyes are open.

Lucas: She's awake?

Kate: [Breathing heavily] Why is everyone crying?

Will: Grandma.

Lucas: I can't believe you're awake.

Kate: What's the big deal about that?

Kristen: Don't you dare play me, rolf. She's here, and she's out. She wants this, and so do I, and if you don't have that thingthat you needed, then you improvise. I need this to happen, now! And if you're worried about xander, don't be. He works for me, and he'll keep his mouth shut.

Rolf: That is not my concern.

Kristen: Then what the hell is?

Rolf: The reason I can't transfer sarah's embryo into your womb isn't because I don't have the proper instrument. It is because, my dear, you are already pregnant.

Kristen: What--no, no. How can that be? No.

Rolf: Oh, the usual way, an ovum, spermatozoa--

Kristen: I--no, it--it just isn't possible, I mean, not--not for me.

Rolf: Oh, what do I keep telling you? With dr. Wilhelm rolf, all things are possible.

Jennifer: Are you okay? Look at me. Are you all right? Oh, my gosh, you hit your head. Are you okay?


[Soft music]

Jack: Oh, my god.

Jennifer: Are you all right?

Jack: I--I remember.

Jennifer: What? What do you remember, jack?

Jack: I remember you.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Stefan: I can't believe the hospital gave you such private information.

Vivian: Darling, I didn't call as myself. Do you think I'm stupid? No, I called as billie reed. I'm really quite good at it. It seems as though poor lucas has decided to take his mother off of life support, and I, as billie ree gave it my full backing. Ah, sweet lucas. I'm telling you, kate, she tried hard to mold him in her image, but alas, that failed.

Stefan: Thanks to you.

Vivian: Yes, and a large dose of horton genes.

[Bottle snaps close]

Stefan: Right.

Vivian: Mm-hmm. How fitting that lucas is going to be the one to send kate at long last to the coldness of the grave. Hmm.

Kate: [Coughs]

Lucas: You were in a coma. You really were. You were in a coma, and we thought that you--I mean, we were told that the chances of you regaining your consciousness were very slim.

Kate: What?

[Coughs] What am I doing out here? What are--where are you taking me? What--what the-- answer me! Would s--[Coughs] Tell me?

Kristen: This--this must be a mistake, 'cause this being pregnant, I mean, it just doesn't happen for me.

Rolf: But you never gave up hope, which is why you asked me to initiate a series of fertility treatments when we were in nashville.

Kristen: Right, right, but you--you said it was a one in a million chance that I could produce a viable egg.

Rolf: But you did it. You know, you... should play the powerball.

Kristen: Are you absolutely sure that I'm pregnant?

Rolf: Oh, do you think I would give you such news if I hadn't double and triple-checked the test results?

Xander: Sorry to but in, but you had me knock out sarah's doctor so you could pull of this switch you had in mind.

Kristen: Oh, my god, I don't need sarah's baby to win brady back. He and I slept together when he thought I was nicole. I'm--I'm carrying our love child.

Jennifer: You wouldn't kid a girl, would you? Do you really remember everything?

Jack: I remember it all.

Jennifer: What?

Jack: Behind you. Jen, behind you!

[Both grunting] These are real people,

Stefan: If kate dies, gabi's not gonna take it well.

Vivian: Would you rather that kate regain consciousness and tell the police that I was the one who pumped her full of lead and dumped her in an open grave?

Stefan: For god sakes, mother, kate is the great-grandmother to gabi's little girl.

Vivian: Big whooping deal.

Stefan: Seriously?

Vivian: Absolutely. She only married you so that she could get her hands on your money, and now you're trying to convince me that the two of you are--

Stefan: No, no, no, gabi and I have a real marriage.

Vivian: Darling, you are a gorgeous, sophisticated man of the world. You deserve a woman who is equally sophisticated, has savoir faire, maybe who's a bit more mature than gabi.

Stefan: Why do I have the queasy feeling that you have someone specific in mind?

Vivian: Yes, actually, I d-- I do. I just can't quite remember her name. I think it began with a B. No, e, eve, eve donovan. That's right. I think you and eve would be perfect for each other.

Stefan: Perfect? Eve's major virtue being that she's not gabi, the woman who knows what you did to kate, the woman who can rat you out to the police?

Vivian: And who is going to believe the word of a little lying, cheating ex-con?

Stefan: Oh, so you're not worried about gabi at all?

Vivian: Not in the least. Why, as soon as we get her signature on a document agreeing to give you this house, your business, your fortune, well, before the ink dries on that document, I can tell you we give her the heave-ho. And speaking of hos.

Gabi: And then what, vivian?

Vivian: [Snickers] Ooh. Mm.

Kristen: I think I need to sit down.

Rolf: Oh, here, here.

Xander: Here.

Kristen: No, I'm not gonna be sick, you moron. I'm just in shock.

Rolf: Well, I'll take you home.

Xander:Ey, but what about her?

Kristen: What about her?

Xander: She's expecting to wake up not pregnant, and her doctor's out cold in the supply closet. Someone needs to take care of sarah.

Rolf: Well, don't look at me. I'm pro-life.

Xander: Don't make me laugh.

Rolf: Come, my dear, please.

[Mysterious music]

Kate: Okay, I-- I don't get this. I don't understand. What is going on?

[Sighs] These lights, the fluorescent lights are giving me a headache.

Kayla: Orderly, let's take her back to her room. I need to evaluate her.

Lucas: We'll be out here, okay?

Kayla: Yeah.

Will: This-- this is unbelievable.

Lucas: I've never felt so relieved in my whole life. I can't believe this. How do I explain to my mother that I almost donated her heart to julie?

Will: I--I don't know.

Lucas: She's gonna kill us.

Will: What do you mean, us?

Jennifer: Jack! Jack! Jack!

[Both grunting]

[Knife slices] Jack!

[Screams] Jack!

Vivian: Gabriella, I didn't hear you come in.

Gabi: Oh, that's 'cause hos and gold diggers are very good at sneaking into rooms. You know, I thought you were smarter than to screw over the person that could send you to prison, and I haven't done that because I love your son.

Stefan: And I love her.

Gabi: And by the way, getting rid of me isn't gonna solve anything because will and sonny, they think you shot kate, so you're not getting away with this.

Vivian: I wouldn't be too sure about that if I were you.

[Monitor beeping]

Lucas: How's she doing?

Kayla: She just fell asleep, but her vitals are strong, and she is completely lucid. I just--I have no idea how this happened.

Lucas: I'm sureou're very surprised, considering about an hour ago you told me that my mom had about a zero chance of coming out of this.

Kayla: I said that because her condition was deteriorating.

Lucas: Deteriorating? It turns out all she needed was a trip around the nurse's station.

Will: Hey, hey, okay, you know what? Let's just be grateful that she woke up before--

Lucas: Before what, they took her to the or, yanked out her heart, and gave it to someone they like better?

Kayla: That is unfair.

Lucas: I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. Oh, man. You think she's gonna-- you think she's gonna know what almost happened?

Will: Um, I mean, it is grandma kate we're talking about. I'm sure--I'm sure she's gonna find out.

Kate: [Coughs] Find out what?

Sarah: Xander. What are you doing in here? Where's--

Xander: Please, just--

Sarah: Where's the doctor?

Xander: Just take it easy, okay?

Sarah: Is it over?

Kristen: You let me come up with a scheme to steal sarah's fetus, and you already knew I was pregnant?

Rolf: No, no, no, I had no idea you were expecting until today.

Kristen: Okay, you better not be lying to me, you twit!

Rolf: I am not lying. While I was at the hospital, I checked the results of a blood test I ran to determine your hormone levels.

Kristen: Why do you care about my hormone levels?

Rolf: 'Cause they have to be at a certain level before the transfer of the embryo.

Kristen: Oh.

Rolf: And to my amazement, the test concluded that you are indeed pregnant.

Kristen: So it's really true?

Rolf: Yes, yes, what have I been telling you?

Kristen: Well, I have-- I've been banking everything on the idea that brady couldn't walk away from me if he believed that I was carrying his child, and... I really am carrying his child. It's a miracle.


[All panting]

Jennifer: Oh, god. Jack. I thought--I thought he'd killed you, jack.

Jack: There's no pulse. I killed him. I killed a man.

Jennifer: Don't, jack, jack. Jack, he was gonna kill me. I would be dead if it weren't for you.

Jack: You--you--you are all right?

Jennifer: No, I'm okay. I'm fine. You got here just in time, but your head. What about your head?

Jack: Oh, it's--it's--it's all right. I'm--it's just a bump, just enough to jog my memory.

Jennifer: What? What, are you kidding me? I mean, I could have just hit you on the head, and that would have brought your memory back?

Jack: No, no, no, no, no, no, it wasn't a bump on the head. It was you. It was you, you reachingo me and shah coming after you and me finally realizing that I could lose you and knowing--

Jennifer: Jack, please.

Jack: And knowing that I couldn't stand that again. I can't--

Jennifer: Do you really remember everything?

Jack: Now we feel no rain, for each of us will be...

Both: Shelter for each other.

Jennifer: Yes, we wrote that poem for our wedding.

Jack: No, you wrote it. I merely edited, at "the spectator." I remember us at "the spectator."

Jennifer: Yeah.

Jack: And--and a wild west wedding, and the cave on the island after the loretta sank.

Jennifer: Loretta sank, yes.

Jack: And--and babies.

Jennifer: We have babies.

Jack: And kids.

Jennifer: And we have kids.

Jack: Kids and london.

Jennifer: And we have grandbabies, yes.

Jack: Oh, man, what a life we had.

Jennifer: No, what a life we have, jack.

Jack: Correct. What a life we have.

Jennifer: Oh, god. Nyquil severe gives you powerful relief

Sarah: I still feel queasy. It must be the anesthesia.

Xander: Here.

Sarah: No.

Xander: Something else? A juice, a ginger ale?

Sarah: I should be feeling cramping, and I'm not, and that doesn't make any sense. I just had a d&c, and I don't feel any different.

Xander: Yeah, um, well, your, uh... your doctor had an emergency, and it happened after he put you under.

Sarah: Are you saying--

Xander: That you haven't had the abortion, yeah.

Sarah: I'm still pregnant?

Rolf: You'll have to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of sleep.

Kristen: Mm-hmm.

Rolf: Oh, and you and brady should refrain from any hanky panky.

Kristen: What? For nine months?

Rolf: Eh, probably more like 7 1/2.

Kristen: Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

Rolf: No, it can send you into early labor, and you have other risk factors.

Kristen: I'm as healthy as a horse.

Rolf: You are over 35 years old, not the optimal age to sustain a pregnancy. The medical term for such a person is elderly primigravida.

Kristen: Are you calling me elderly now? Okay, get the hell out of here! Get out of here! Go on! Go commune with your test tubes! Get out of here, rolf!

Rolf: I'm going.

Kristen: Go! Your bedside manner sucks!

Kayla: Kate, take it easy. Just lie back, okay? Just lie back.

Kate: No, I--I'll lie back when someone tells me what's going on, okay? Why I'm in this coma or whatever it was. What happened to me?

Kayla: You know, I honestly don't know what happened. You--you walked into the hospital covered in blood, covered in dirt, and--and then you had this--a gunshot wound to your abdomen.

Kate: Walked into the hospital?

Kayla: I don't even know how you managed to do that. I--I rushed you to surgery, and then you lapsed into a coma.

Kate: Who shot me?

Lucas: We don't--we don't really know for sure.

Kate: Oh, let me guess, but the police don't have a clue?

Will: They have a few leads.

Lucas: Yeah, you know, if you could remember anything at all, I'm sure they would appreciate it.

Rafe: Jack? Jack? Hey. What the hell happened here?

Jack: That is dr. Henry shah. He's dead. I did it.

Jennifer: Rafe, he was-- he was gonna kill me. He had a knife, and jack saved my life.

Rafe: Okay, all right, okay. Let's start at the beginning.

Jennifer: Okay. Henry shah kidnapped me. He took me to a motel, anen he brought me here, and he had a knife, and he snapped, and he was gonna kill me.

Rafe: How'd you get here?

Jack: Uh, shah called me, told me to come in 15 minutes.

Rafe: You came alone, no backup?

Jack: He said come alone, or he'd kill jennifer.

Rafe: You okay? You all right? There's an ambulance on the way.

Jack: Uh, we don't need the ambulance. I--I can--I can get you to the hospital, all right? Let me get her to the hospital.

Rafe: Yeah, all right. Yeah, that's fine. I'll take over here, and I'm gonna need to get your statements at the hospital.

Gabi: You know, my brother questioned me about you, and it was a golden opportunity to tell him that you shot kate, but I didn't do that. I didn't do it because I give a damn about you. I didn't do it because your son asked me to, and I love him, and now you're trying to get him to cheat on me? Do you know how dumb that is?

Vivian: Did you just call me dumb? She just called me dumb.

Gabi: I think you need to face the facts that you're pretty much my bitch now.

Vivian: What? She just called me her bitch?

Gabi: Mm-hmm.

Vivian: Well--

Stefan: I heard. I heard. I was here, and I told harold that we'd be having dinner tonight, just the two of us.

Gabi: Yeah, so get going.

Vivian: Me get going? She's being dismissive of me. Huh! I'm your mother, and I deserve her respect. Oh, no, I'm not going anywhere.

Kate: The last thing I remember is picking out my outfit that I was gonna wear for my first day back as ceo of dimera, and I--after that, I can't remember a thing. Why can't I remember?

Kayla: It's called retrograde amnesia. It happens after trauma. Most likely you will never regain your memories from right before you were shot.

Kate: And the police don't have a clue to who did this, so that--that means that this maniac is still out there.

Kayla: I need to contact the police and let them know that you regained consciousness. They'll make sure that you're safe.

Kate: [Scoffs] I wish that made me feel better.

Kayla: Try to relax, all right?

Lucas: Uh, can I have a word with you?

Kayla: Sure.

Sarah: I'm still pregnant?

Xander: I'm s--I'm so sorry.

Sarah: No, don't be. It's not your fault.

Xander: Look, why don't i get you out of here, take you home? You can reschedule the appointment, eh?

Sarah: Actually, I don't think I'm gonna do that. These are real people,

Jennifer: Oh, oh, my gosh.

Jack: What?

Jennifer: Jj, I need to call him.

Jack: Oh, right, sure. I got--I got a phone right here. You can--

Jennifer: Thank you.

Jack: No, wait, wait, uh, could we just wait until we get to the hospital, get you there first?

Jennifer: No, no, jack. He'll be so worried if--if I don't call him right now.

Jack: But he-- jj was with me when shah called. I had to lie to him about where I was going.

Jennifer: Well, he'll--he'll understand, jack.

Jack: He'S... he's a good guy.

Jennifer: Yeah, he's a great guy.

Jack: [Exhales] Do you remember what-- gosh, what a funny little kid he was?

Jennifer: Yes, I do, so funny.

Jack: And now so do I. He and abi--abigail--oh.

Jennifer: Jack.

Jack: Abigail. I... she was--I was a unfeeling jerk. She came to see me, and I--she was so sweet.

Jennifer: No, listen to me. They're gonna be so over the moon when they hear this news, jack. They are. Everything that's happened since you came back is just gonna fall away, and everyone's gonna be so excited, and our whole family is gonna--

Jack: Yeah. What?

Jennifer: Julie, I gotta see julie.

Jack: No, no, wait, wait, wait.

Jennifer: Has anyone said whatpened to her?

Jack: She's--she's good. She's--she's strong. She's strong just like you're strong, but please, before you run off taking care of somebody else, please, please, please take care of yourself. Please? I mean, I know--I know a little something about traumatic stress, and you've been through a terrifying ordeal.

Jennifer: Yeah, and he was definitely sicker than I ever suspected.

Jack: He was--he was probably pretty good at hiding it.

Jennifer: Yeah, but I took his friendship for granted, and I think he feels like I--I just threw him aside, and that's what pushed him over the edge, jack.

Jack: For me, I mean, a guy who wouldn't--I wouldn't even give you the time of day.

Jennifer: You're right, because when we first fell in love, you were so afraid of your feelings, and you would push me away every single time.

Jack: Miss horton, I remember that too.

Jennifer: Miss horton, yeah. Did you also remember that we always came back together, always? Every time. I--I really need to call jj.

Lucas: Thank god she snapped out of it when she did. I just can't stop thinking about what would have happened.

Kayla: Neither can I.

Lucas: So tell me, kayla, how did this happen?

Kayla: I did tell you. Your mother couldn't breathe on her own. She w--she was utterly unresponsive. She was showing every sign of a person who was headed into a persistent vegetative state.

Lucas: Well, how did she snap out of it?

Kayla: I don't know. Your mother's recovery defies every logical explanation.

Rolf: Well, well, well, if it isn't the former mrs. Stefano dimera. You were the only one of stefano's women for whom he had a soft spot.

[Chuckles] Well, to the extent that stefano had any soft spots. Well--[Sighs] There, that's better.

Kate: [Coughs] Why was your dad so anxious to talk to kayla?

Will: Oh, um, I--yeah, I'm sure he just wanted to make sure that you were gonna be completely okay 'cause you--you really scared us all to death. We were saying good-bye to you when you-- when you opened your eyes.

Kate: Well, why were you saying good-bye to me? I wasn't dying.

Will: Right, um, but, you know, we were just told that you--you weren't gonna be you anymore.

Kate: Oh, okay, I see. Well, the--the police, they have to have some suspects. They have to.

Will: Yeah, they do.

Kate: Well, who?

Will: Stefan and vivian.

Kate: Vivian? Oh, god, vivian--vivian is dead. You know that. I shot her. Accidentally, of course.

Will: Yeah, um, I mean, apparently rumors of her death were greatly exaggerated.

Kate: Wh-- what are you talking about?

Will: I mean she didn't stay dead, and apparently she was in an explosion in nashville, and that didn't kill her either.

Kate: This can't be. I... I killed you.

Vivian: A cat has nine lives. Unfortunately for you, a bitch only has one.


Kate: Vivian.

Will: What--what--

Kate: Oh, my god, I remember. She shot me. She shot me.

Vivian: No, I'm your mother, and I'm not going anywhere.

Gabi: Oh, when arianna gets like this, it's easy. I just start counting. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, vivian.

Stefan: Okay, mother, you know I'm very grateful to have you in my life. Don't make me choose between you and the woman I love.

Kayla: Listen to me. Nobody feels worse about what happened to kate than I do. I am going to run every test I can think of and keep her close for observation till I figure this out.

Lucas: Thank you.

Kayla: Now I just need to go tell doug and julie that she won't be getting her transplant.

Lucas: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I feel horrible about that. I wish there was a way that my mom and julie could both make it.

Will: Grandma, are you sure it was vivian who shot you?

Rafe: Hi. Okay, it is true. I got a call that you had regained consciousness. I had to see it for myself.

Kate: Thank you.

Rafe: I can't tell you how happy this makes me. So you don't remember who it was that shot you?

Kate: You know something? You really have to stop underestimating me.

Rafe: Excuse me?

Will: She remembers. It was vivian.

Kate: Rafe, you have to arrest her.

Gabi: Nueve, diez.

Vivian: Once, doce-- don't you have any way to shut her up?

Stefan: Actually, I do, and, uh, it works every time.

Vivian: Oh.

Gabi: You know, if you had to choose between her and me, are you absolutely sure what you would choose?

Stefan: No doubt in my mind.

Kristen: Oh, I hope you weren't listening to that crazy rolf. I am way young enough to have you,

[Whispers] And you, my darling, I have waited my whole life for you, and when I tell brady about you, your daddy,

[Laughs] Oh, he's gonna be the happiest man in the world.

[Line trilling] Hi, brady. I know that I'm the last person you want to talk to, but please, please call me when you get this. You are gonna want to hear what I have to tell you. Call me, okay? Mm.

Xander: Why don't you want to reschedule the abortion?

Sarah: It feels like a sign.

Xander: Of what?

Sarah: [Sniffles] Before the doctor started my anesthesia, you asked me if I was having second thoughts. And when I was under, I had this dream that I still remember, and I was--I was sitting in this rocking chair next to the window, and I had my baby just snuggled up on my shoulder, and it was--you know, it was the most beautiful feeling, and I was--I was so in love, and god, thank god the doctor got called away because it gave me time to come to my senses. All I have been doing is thinking about what's best for eric, but I am the one that's pregnant.

Xander: So you're saying--

Sarah: This is a sign. I know it. I can feel it. And so I'm-- I'm keeping my baby.

Jennifer: Jj, it's mom, hey. I just wanted you to know that I'm good. I'm here at the square with your dad, and we're gonna head over to the hospital soon, but I just wanted you to know that--that all's well, and I have so much to tell you. Love you, baby. Bye. Okay, I guess we should, uh, head over to the hospital. Yes, no? Why are you looking at me like that?

Jack: I was just wondering. You seemed uncomfortable before when we were standing so close, about to kiss.

Jennifer: Oh, yeah, um... I mean, it has been really strange these past few months, to put it mildly, since you came back, and I think just once I'd accepted the fact that you were not gonna remember me or us, I just had to work really hard to forget about you. I mean, not that I'm-- I'm so excited, it's obvious, but anyway, I don't expect you to be that excited. I mean, I'm just--i don't want to presume that you want the same thing that I want, jack. This is huge for you. This is a big change. There's so much to process. There's so much to--

Jack: Jennifer. Stop talking.

[Romantic piano music]

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