Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 9/25/19
Episode #13616 ~ Sarah prepares to end her pregnancy; Julie makes a dying request to Maggie; Jack and J.J. continue to search for Jennifer; Jennifer tries to gain Dr. Shah's trust.
Provided By Suzanne
Sarah: No, I haven't had anything to eat or drink. Yes, I am sure that I want to terminate my pregnancy.
[Baby crying]
Eric: Nicole! Is that holly?
Nicole: Eric. Honey, are you okay?
Eric: Yeah, I'm fine. I just came in here to make a pot of coffee, and I must've dozed off.
Nicole: Well, that makes sense. Neither one of us got a lot of sleep last night.
Eric: I'm sorry, but I was dreaming that holly was crying. Is she okay?
Nicole: She seems to be. She just informed me that she's no longer a baby, and she will be picking out the clothes she's wearing for preschool.
Eric: She's independent.
Nicole: Yeah, she is.
Eric: Yeah, I wonder where she got that from.
Nicole: I don't know. Eric, she seems so happy about her new life, just like the way I am with you.
Xander: Calm down, kristen. I mean, it's not like this is the first time you've taken another woman's embryo and tried to put it in your-- great job on the whole calming down thing. No, I think you should watch your tone with me. I can't back out. You're blackmailing me. If I do, you'll tell eric he knocked sarah up, and if he finds out it's his baby, I--
[Phone beeps]
[Monitors beeping]
Eli: Grandma, you spent your whole life fighting for your family. Now it's time for you to fight for yourself. We can't lose you. We can'T.
Jack: So... jennifer's been found, and everything's all right.
Lani: No, we still don't know.
Jack: Then where the hell is the commissioner of police? Why isn't he at his desk, actually doing something?
Lani: Sir, the commissioner has every working uniform out looking for ms. Horton. He worked all through the night. He just went to see his grandmother at the hospital.
Jack: Completely unacceptable. Everyone here is on 24-7 duty until she is found.
Lani: Listen, his grandmother is dying.
Jack: And there's nothing he can do about that, is there? But maybe if he does his job, jennifer won't have to die as well.
Jennifer: Help me! Somebody! Anybody, can you hear me?
Shah: Don't let me stop you. Scream all you want. No one is going to hear you, and no one is going to save you.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Orchestral music]
[Phone rings]
Eli: Yeah.
Lani: Hey, I'm so sorry to bother you, but our idiot mayor is here, and he's freaking out. I really think you should get back here.
Eli: I was hoping that you had a lead on jennifer.
Lani: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.
Eli: No, look, hey, it's not your fault. Just tell him I'll be right over.
Lani: Okay.
Julie: What's going on with jennifer?
Shah: So I figured this place would be safe after you tried to tell--what do I call him? The mayor, your ex-husband, your soul mate? Mm. Right, where was I? Oh, I think you could tell I was not at all pleased when you tried to tell him the location of our little rendezvous. You might have picked up on that when I smashed your phone.
Jennifer: Yeah, you're right. I don't have a phone, but I have a son, and I have an ex-husband, and they know that you are the one that kidnapped me, so it's only a matter of time before they find me, and they are not gonna stop till they find me, trust me.
Shah: I agree. Which is why you and I won't be here much longer. Yeah, we're leaving salem. It'll be a fresh start for both of us.
Eric: You won't believe it. Holly had me call maggie. She didn't know whether she wanted to wear her red sneakers or her ballet slippers.
Nicole: I'm right here in the living room. She could've asked me. Oh, maybe she just wanted to remind herself that she can call her grandmother anytime. Oh, that poor little girl, what she's been through.
Eric: We'll make it up to her. What are you doing?
Nicole: I'm looking for a job. The pickings are slim, but do you think it would be unethical if I put kristen's time at dimera on my resume? I mean, people did think it was me.
Eric: I know a job opportunity at the horton center. Unless you think you'll get sick of me, that is.
Nicole: Thinking about you is what got me through everything we went through, and you know what, no, no, no. I will never, ever, ever get sick of you. Never.
Xander: How long have you been standing there?
Sarah: I just walked in. Don't worry, I wasn't listening. I have a lot more to worry about than who you were talking to.
Xander: It was just brady. I was telling him that I wouldn't be coming in today.
Sarah: You know you don't have to. I don't need someone to go with me.
Xander: I do know that. I just--I can't let you go through this alone.
Maggie: Go through what alone?
Nicole: Eric, be honest. Do you really need someone at the center, or are you just making a place for me?
Eric: We don't need someone at the center. We need you. You know, a long time after you left, people came in there looking for you. You knew how to get through to people who are hard to get through to.
Nicole: Well, you know, I mean, it's weird what happens when you stop putting yourself first. I really am glad I worked there before I had holly.
Eric: You know what I see when I see holly?
Nicole: Hmm?
Eric: I see a little girl who's loved, and that is because of you.
Nicole: You know what I think? I think you're gonna make the best father in the world. Mm-hmm.
Xander: I was just telling sarah that I know how difficult it will be for her to get used to eric and nicole being together and that I'd be there for her.
Maggie: Well, I certainly hope that means giving her moral support and not making any moves on her. I may have a soft spot for you, xander, but I don't have amnesia.
Sarah: I mean, I am standing right here. Also, xander knows that I don't have any interest in him at all.
Xander: Good to hear.
Maggie: Okay, well, I'm running late. I was on the phone. Never mind. I'm going to see julie. Can I give you a ride?
Sarah: No, thank you. I'm actually not going to the hospital today.
Maggie: Oh, why not?
Eli: Jennifer's fine.
Julie: If jennifer's fine, why hasn't she come to see me?
Eli: Oh, she was here before. You were asleep. She said that she had to leave. She had to go--she had to go talk to rolf about getting some more of that serum, you know, to get jack's memory back.
Julie: Yeah, I know. She's made that man her mission in life. After everything he's put her through, she's still trying to solve all his problems for him.
Eli: Grandma, grandma. Please, okay. You need to stay calm. Relax. Peaceful.
Julie: That ain't my style.
Eli: Yeah, tell me something I don't know. Well, hope finally got doug to get some rest, so he won't be back for a while, and now I need to get back to work. But if you need, I can have--
Julie: No, I'm all right. I'll just lie here, being peaceful.
Eli: I'll see you soon.
Julie: I love seeing you, darling.
Eli: Me too. I love you.
Julie: What a wonderful grandson. What a terrible liar. Well, if eli won't tell me what's going on with jennifer, I got to find somebody--somebody that will.
Jennifer: Are you insane? Do you really think that we have a chance of being together after everything that you've done?
Shah: I only did what I had to do for both of us, jennifer, but I will put up with your petulance, because I know that one day you will thank me, when you finally realize that we belong together.
Haley: I just spoke with jj, and he sends his love.
Julie: He hasn't come to see me.
Haley: He's been pretty busy.
Julie: Yeah? He's avoiding me. He knows what's happening with jennifer. He knows nobody's gonna tell me.
Haley: Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Williams, please don't get upset.
Julie: Well, I wouldn't be upset if you would just tell me what's happened with jennifer.
Shah: I think I need to make certain things clear about our relationship. I am in control of all your needs. I control whether you eat, drink water. I decide whether you live or die. I'll give you some time to think about that.
Jennifer: Henry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I hurt you. Can I ask you a question? I know you say that you want us to be together, and honestly, if you want that to happen, I need to understand you. I need to understand your feelings. Obviously i don't really know you, because I thought that you were this really nice guy and just so in control and unemotional. But it's obvious that you are very, very angry. And I think and I think that I made you terribly angry, and I understand that, because you think that I used you. But, henry, tell me if I'm wrong, please. I don't think it's just me, but I know that there are things about you that I just don't know.
Shah: You're right. I am angry. I've been angry for as long as I can remember.
Jj: Thought you might need this. I know you've been up all night.
Jack: Thanks.
Jj: I want to let you know that I appreciate all that you're doing to help find mom.
Jack: Don't read too much into it. You're my son. I'm doing this for you, not for her.
Jj: Yeah, no, not to worry. We are very aware of all the times you've told us you've forgotten about her, that life you shared together.
Jack: Trying to concentrate here.
Jj: Sorry to interrupt. It won't happen again.
Nicole: This little heart suits you. Not every guy can carry off a paper heart glued to their chest.
Eric: Well, I know how to accessorize.
Nicole: Mm-hmm. I saw you, you know. You might've been able to fool holly, but you didn't fool me.
Eric: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Nicole: You don't know?
Eric: No.
Nicole: When holly gave you that heart, you were gonna cry.
Eric: I categorically deny that. I'm sure that holly makes paper hearts for all our guys.
Nicole: No, no. She loves you, and what kid wouldn't?
Sarah: I'm just not going in. That's all.
Maggie: Well, are you sick? I know you've been fighting a stomach bug.
Sarah: No, mom, I'm fine. I just--there's something I have to take care of.
Maggie: Clearly you're not about to share, so I'm off. I hope there's good news about jennifer.
Sarah: Oh, my god. Something I had to take care of. God, this is the most awful morning.
Xander: I'm sorry.
Sarah: She's so worried about julie and jennifer. Thank god she didn't hear us.
Xander: I mean, you could tell that she didn'T.
Sarah: If she knew what I was doing, it would kill her. I mean, it's her grandchild.
Xander: Hold on, okay. Don't go there.
Sarah: Xander, she can never know. She can never find out. Promise me that.
Xander: Sarah, I promise you, after today no one will ever know that you were ever pregnant.
Eli: I just got off the phone with my tsa contact. They're monitoring the airports for both shah and jennifer, and their pictures are all over the news. What do you guys got on your end?
Jj: Shah was at the top of his class in high school, college, medical school, a classic overachiever. He never makes mistakes. Hasn't even had a parking ticket since he came to salem.
Eli: And before?
Jj: There wasn't a whole lot of information about his early life.
Shah: For as long as I can remember, I've been angry. I always tried to make my mother proud of me, make her love me. I would bring her my report card, and she'd say, "well, look at you, better than everybody," like it was a bad thing. Then she'd say, "I'm gonna have a little drink to celebrate my better-than-everybody son." There were always men around. Losers, all of them. And eventually they would all break her heart, and my mother would go on these binges to numb herself with alcohol or drugs or whatever she could get her hands on, and she would promise me that I was the only one. Nothing could compare to the love that we shared as mother and son, and it was good, and I was so happy. Until some new man came around and took her away from me, like jack took you away from me.
Haley: I'm sorry that she hasn't been to see you, but jennifer is with dr. Rolf, working on a new batch of serum for mr. Deveraux. Okay, now try to get some rest, all right.
Julie: How many times have I heard that before?
Maggie: So, here are the obligatory flowers.
Julie: Thank you. Lovely maggie.
Maggie: And some trashy magazines. Remember when the gossip magazines were about people we actually heard of?
Julie: You don't have to be upbeat with me, maggie. You're my oldest friend. Let's be straight with each other.
Maggie: Well, I see a hospital stay hasn't made you any easier to get along with.
Julie: So good to see you too.
Maggie: How are you?
Julie: I hate people talking to me like I'm a two-year-old. I hated it when I was a two-year-old.
Maggie: I know.
Julie: Pretending I'm not dying doesn't help.
Maggie: You are not dying.
Julie: Maggie, I am. I feel it.
Maggie: Oh, god.
Julie: No, don't, no, no. Don't get teary, please. I need to talk to you. There's something I want you to do.
Maggie: Of course.
Julie: Oh, don't say of course till you know what it is. I want you to look after doug.
Maggie: Well, of course I will. I mean, we all will.
Julie: No, no, not what I mean. I know everybody's gonna drop in and everybody will be there. No, I... I--I want you to take my place.
Sarah: I wish that they had an earlier appointment, you know. I mean, I don't want to be at the house, I don't want to be here, and I really, really, really don't want to be wasting time in an abortion clinic waiting room. Sorry, I'm talking so much. I hate when people do that.
Xander: It's okay, sarah.
Sarah: I think we should go.
Xander: But you just said--
Sarah: I know. I wasn't thinking clearly. This is the square, you know. I mean, I could run into someone that I know and--
Xander: Sarah.
Sarah: What? What is it?
Sarah: Hey.
Nicole: Xander, I never thought I'd say this in a million years, but I'm glad to see you, 'cause I have wonderful, lovely news. My lawyer's drawn up the divorce papers, and you should have them later today.
Xander: I'll be looking forward to that.
Nicole: Mm-hmm. Kind of nice breaking things off with you while I'm not in a cage. Actually, it'd be nice if you were in a cage right now.
Sarah: The heart, is it from holly?
Eric: Yeah, we just dropped her off at preschool.
Nicole: It's so nice to see her in a roomful of kids, running around and laughing.
Sarah: I can only imagine. Well, we've got to go.
Nicole: Oh, where are you two going?
Maggie: I don't know what you mean.
Julie: I'll explain.
Maggie: Okay.
Julie: In our married life, I've always arranged things for doug, and this is the last thing I want to arrange. I don't want him to be alone. He wouldn't be good at it, and he wouldn't be happy. So when I'm gone, I want you to take my place.
Maggie: I can't do that.
Julie: Why not?
Maggie: Well, of the 15,000 reasons why not, let's just start with the fact that I'm married to victor, and I think the three of us are a little old for a ménage à trois.
Julie: Oh, sex. It's not the issue. First you have to divorce victor, and then you marry doug. Maggie, you and victor, it's never going to work out. You quarrel all the time, because you're a fine person, a person of fine character, and victor has no character at all, and you'd be marrying up.
Maggie: Well, you know what, I'm gonna put this entire conversation down for the fact that you are just out of your mind. Julie... julie, whatever happens, no one could ever take your place with doug.
Julie: I worry, maggie. He's a wonderful person, but he's not practical. My darling needs looking after, maggie.
Maggie: Do you really think that hope is gonna let anything happen to him? And victor and i will be right there.
Julie: And jennifer?
Maggie: Of course.
Julie: There's no of course about that. Eli--eli told me what's going on. I'm just--I'm worried sick, maggie.
Maggie: Well, don't be, because jack and jj and eli, they're gonna find her, and they're not gonna give up until they do.
Julie: Find her? They don't know where she is? Maggie? Maggie, what's going on?
Eli: Lab says they can't get anything back from jennifer's phone.
Jj: It was always a long shot. Shah smashed it to pieces.
Jack: Which means he's starting to panic. We're running out of time. I cannot stay here, poring over shah's life history anymore.
Eli: Where are you going?
Jack: I'm gonna go rattle some cages.
Jennifer: Henry, why didn't you tell me this before?
Shah: I don't need your pity.
Jennifer: No, I know you don'T. It just would've helped me to understand you, and as a result, I misjudged you, and so I hurt you, and I am so sorry for that.
Shah: You mean if you would've known my mother was a manipulative drunk, you wouldn't have ran off with every man who crooked his finger at you, or whatever he crooked?
Jennifer: I didn't know that you had such strong emotions for me. You always seemed so--
Shah: Boring? Insipid?
Jennifer: No, you seemed strong, and you were stoic. You had to be strong to survive your childhood. You had to be and to build the life that you have built for yourself.
Shah: You know when my mother was nice to me? When she was broke and out of liquor. You turn the charm on and off just like her, and now you're tied up... at my mercy, and now I'm strong. Now I'm stoic.
[Laughs] My god, this is déjà vu.
Jennifer: What do you mean?
Shah: At the end, when mommy dearest was at my mercy, helpless, she begged me not to. But it was too late for that. Yeah, way too late.
Jennifer: Henry, did you hurt your mother?
Xander: Nicole, let me put it this way. Where we're going is none of your business.
Eric: Sarah, what are you doing with a guy like this?
Xander: Once again, none of your business. And don't pretend you give a damn what happens to her. You dropped her like a hot potato the second this one came back from the dead.
Eric: Sarah's still my friend, and I don't want to see her getting mixed up with a jerk like you.
Xander: Watch it.
Sarah: Hey, stop, both of you. My god, I can take care of myself, all right. Look, I think it's great that you and nicole and holly are all together again. Okay, I've told you that. I have told xander that. You deserve to be happy after everything kristen put you through.
Eric: Kristen and him.
Sarah: Eric. Let's go.
Lani: Any luck on shah?
Eli: No, and given how little we know about this guy, I think jennifer might be running out of time.
Shah: You're a regular anna freud, aren't you? Probing my psyche for weak spots. I'm sorry to say I am no norman bates. I did not kill my mother. She died a natural death, under my constant and devoted care.
Jennifer: I am so sorry.
Shah: [Laughs] Of course, sociopaths are very good liars, so you actually only have my word on how she shuffled off this mortal coil.
Jennifer: Henry?
Shah: Hmm?
Jennifer: If you untie me, I can help you.
Shah: You don't give a damn about me.
Jennifer: That is not true. I do.
Shah: Why would you call for help if you wanted to be with me?
Jennifer: Because I called for help before I realized that honestly we are exactly the same.
Shah: Oh, this I got to hear.
Jennifer: I'm serious. I mean it. When you were talking about your mother, and you were talking about how she used you and abandoned you, all I could think about was jack. Because you know what, that's what he did to me. He used me, and he abandoned me. And you know what, he's not coming for me. Look, right? He's not coming. I'm still here. It's just you and me. Henry, I'm not like your mother. And I will never leave you. And if you untie me, I will show you how I really feel about you.
Maggie: You played me.
Julie: Yes.
Maggie: Eli never talked to you about jennifer.
Julie: Eli lied to me. But you, maggie, you're gonna tell me the whole story.
Maggie: Honey, honey, you have got to calm down.
Julie: Maggie, you tell me, or I'll crawl out of this bed on my hands and knees, and I'll go down to that police station, and I'll find out.
Maggie: Okay, henry shah took her, and no one knows where.
Julie: Oh, god! Oh, god, no! Oh, god, no!
Eric: Sarah's right. She can take care of herself. It's just, what is she doing with xander?
Nicole: Well, we were told, and I quote, "it's none of your business."
Eric: Well, something was wrong. Just the way she acted... I don't know.
Nicole: Honey. She was upset about seeing you, us. It's gonna take her a while to get over what happened.
Eric: I don't know. It was just something about the way she was being. You know, I'm worried. Maybe I should just text her.
Nicole: Okay, wait, wait. You left her, so she gets to play this any way she wants. You have to stop worrying about her or trying to help because it's not fair to her.
Eric: You're right.
Nicole: I know; I usually am, and you're just gonna have to get used to it. Oh, but really, she was really sweet about holly.
Eric: That was sincere. She's crazy about holly.
Nicole: I know. Sarah's really good with her too. She obviously loves kids.
Xander: You okay?
Sarah: I've been better. So fun running into the father of my child before I get my abortion. As if I didn't feel bad enough already.
Xander: Are you having second thoughts about this?
[Phone ringing]
Eli: Maggie.
Maggie: Eli, I'm sorry to tell you this. Julie just had another heart attack.
Eli: I'll be right there. Oh, my god, julie just had another heart attack.
Jj: Man, I'm sorry.
Eli: I got to go, I got to go.
Lani: Wait, I'm gonna go with you. Do you need me?
Jj: No, we're at a dead end. Just go.
Jack: Hey, I just saw eli and lani taking off. Are they aware that--
Jj: Quiet, quiet--I think I might have found something.
Jack: So have I. Someone just reported a possible break-in at ted laurent's old apartment, the place where eli and i found him dead.
Jj: Well, that makes this even weirder, because I just found a copy of a legal document in shah's file. He sued his neighbor over property lines.
Jack: So?
Jj: Who do you think his lawyer was?
Jack: Ted laurent.
[Tense music]
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