Days Transcript Friday 9/20/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 9/20/19


Episode #13613 ~ Kristen presses Xander about Sarah's pregnancy. Jennifer tries to make contact with Jack. Lucas returns to Salem and gets upsetting news about Kate's condition. Will eavesdrops on Stefan and Vivian.

Provided By Suzanne

Vivian: Is she finally gone?

Stefan: Just walked detective price to her car...

[Clears throat] And watched her drive off.

Vivian: Thank goodness. And thank you, son, for sticking with our story.

Stefan: Yeah, you have an alibi, albeit not true.

Vivian: Oh, nonetheless, I am in the clear now. You said that I was with you

the time that kate was shot, so...[Chuckles] I couldn't have been there, could I? They searched around this house, and they didn't find anything that would link me to anything except perhaps a lovely evening at home with my darling son.

Stefan: Yeah. Today's your lucky day.

Vivian: Mm.

Stefan: Especially... because they didn't find this.

[Tense music]

Care to explain, mother? Or shall I call you dr. Cramer?

Will: You know, aunt jennifer told me that, um, despite bleeding out from the gunshot wound, you managed to drag yourself all the way to the hospital on your own. And I mean, I knew you were strong, but that is-- that is off-the-charts impressive. And I know you still got some fight left in you, so I'm gonna need you to pull through, grandma. There are so many people who count on you and who love you.

Lucas: You got that right.

Will: Dad.

[Dramatic music]

Sarah: How long do I have to stay after the procedure? Okay, yeah. Um, I just want to arrange for a taxi to take me home. No, actually, I would rather not bring a friend. Just, um... none of my friends know that I'm pregnant, and I don't want them to know.

Kristen: What did you just say?

Xander: Nothing. It's not important.

Kristen: No, you just said that sarah horton was pregnant with a baby she doesn't want. And I assume that the daddy is eric brady.

Xander: Keep your damn voice down. I shouldn't have said anything. No one else knows, including eric. So you're just gonna forget what you heard, okay?

Kristen: Well, I'm sorry. I just don't think I can do that.

Jj: [Sighs] You think henry shah is the one who wrecked the lab? The doctor who my mom dated? Who saved my sister's life?

Kayla: Yeah, I-I do.

Jj: I don't get that. Why would he do that? He seems like a nice guy.

Shah: So, jennifer... hmm, what have you been up to while I was away?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kayla: Listen, I thought that dr. Shah was a good guy. That's why I encouraged your mom to go out with him. But, you know, recently I have seen a different side of him.

Jj: What happened?

Kayla: Well, when I gave your parents access to the lab, it was really at dr. Shah's expense. I mean, he had this research project that he was really excited about, and I told him that he was gonna have to put that on hold because dr. Rolf needed to use the facility. Well, when he confronted me, he was angry-- and not just at me but at your mom.

Jj: You think he was angry enough to hurt her?

[Elevator bell dings]

Kayla: I, uh... oh, jack. Listen, jj was just filling me in. How'd it go with eve?

Jack: Well, she denies having anything to do with jennifer's disappearance, which I doubt, but if she's not responsible, then who is?

Jj: You need to listen to this.

Shah: You're probably wondering why I destroyed the lab, then went back there last night to kidnap you and force you to come with me to this...motel. I didn't want it to end this way, jennifer. But how many times can a guy get kicked in the teeth, be humiliated before he's finally had enough? I tried to be understanding. I tried to let it go. But, jennifer, you have pushed me past my breaking point.

Copd makes it hard to breathe.

Stefan: So tell me, mother. When did you find the time to go to medical school?

Vivian: Darling, those were in my bedroom. Don't tell me you went through my things.

Stefan: Oh, I did. What were you planning on doing with these? Wait. Let me guess. Since you've made it abundantly clear you want to silence kate for good, what, you were gonna put these on, slip into her hospital room, finish her off? Is that... I'm not gonna allow it to happen, so you can forget it.

Vivian: Well, I'm so sorry, my dear boy, but you're a bit late. Dr. Death has already paid kate a visit.

Lucas: I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner.

Will: Sooner? Are you kidding? I'm surprised you got here as fast as you did. I mean, coming all the way from europe is not exactly convenient.

Lucas: I'm just sorry you had to be here all by yourself while your grandmother had her surgery.

Will: No, no, no, I wasn'T. Sonny was here. He's been amazing. But yeah, it seemed like she was in the operating room forever. Anyway, I'm really glad that you're here.

Lucas: I love you so much. How's she doing?

Will: Um, no change. Uh, she's still in a coma.

Lucas: Hey, ma, wake up, okay? I'm here. I'm here. I... I flew a long way to get here. I traveled a long way. So you better wake up and say hello. Say, "hello, lucas, I'm so glad to see you." Come on.

Sarah: Lucas?

Lucas: Hey, sarah. Long time, no see, huh?

Sarah: Yeah. When'd you get here?

Lucas: I just got here. What's the deal? What's the prognosis? When's my mom coming out of this coma?

Sarah: I-I just got kate's latest test results back, and... I'm afraid I don't have very good news.

Xander: This situation is difficult enough for sarah as it is, so you're gonna keep your mouth shut, or I swear--

Kristen: Well, I just want to understand. I mean, if sarah is pregnant with eric's baby, then why doesn't she just tell him?

Xander: Because that idiot dumped her. He's back with nicole now.

Kristen: Yeah, but isn't that more of a reason to tell him? I mean, it could make them closer. It could bring them closer together. And she could win him back.

Xander: Unlike you, sarah isn't desperate to hang on to a man that doesn't love her.

Kristen: Brady does love me.

Xander: If you say so. But eric does love nicole. And sarah, being the kind, selfless, incredible woman she is, has decided not to come between them. And I've decided this conversation is over.

Kristen: What is sarah gonna do about the baby?

Xander: That is private.

Kristen: I know, but just tell me. I won't tell anyone.

Xander: No.

Kristen: Come on. Xander, come on. Just tell me. Tell-- tell me.

Xander: She's having an abortion, okay?

Kristen: Oh, my god.

[Chuckles] That's wonderful.

Unpredictable crohn's

symptoms following you?

Jack: So this dr. Shah was upset because he had to give up his lab for rolf?

Kayla: Mm-hmm. And when he tracked me down, he was... visibly shaking with rage.

[Dramatic music]

Shah: I've been looking everywhere for you.

Kayla: Oh, hi, henry. What's up? What's wrong?

Shah: Why the hell did you give my lab to that quack? And what does it mean for my research?

Kayla: I'm afraid it's gonna be on hold.

Shah: I booked that space for the next several months. You signed off on it.

Kayla: I know, but this is important.

Shah: Unbelievable. Once again, I'm getting shafted by that bitch.

Kayla: Excuse me?

Shah: Jennifer horton. You told her the lab wasn't in use, but you knew damn well it was--by me. And you shoved me aside for that unlicensed, unhinged freak.

Kayla: Listen, I know that it comes as a surprise--

Shah: I met him, wilhelm rolf. Heard all about the "urgent medical matter" he's working on. So that's the deal now? You back-burner critical, lifesaving work being done by actual doctors...

Kayla: Watch your tone.

Shah: Because your girlfriend needs a favor. I will not let you and jennifer upend my career like this.

Kayla: My decision is final. Now, I have patients to see.

Shah: I'm not finished.

Kayla: Remove your hand from my arm. Go pack up your office. You're fired.

Shah: You can't do this.

Kayla: Take it up with the board. And then he stormed out. When security eventually found him, they escorted him out of the building. But, um, I think he had time to trash the lab.

Jj: Yeah, well, he was definitely holding a major grudge against mom. What if he hurt her?

Jack: Well, do you know where shah is now?

Kayla: I have no idea.

Jack: All right, we'd better let the police know about this. Let's go. Come on.

Shah: I thought we had a real connection. But you were just using me... first to get over eric brady, then jack deveraux. Hmm?

[Tense music]

You strung me along. You toyed with my emotions for two years. As if that wasn't bad enough, you really crossed a line when you messed with my job. Look at me when I talk to you! You just swooped in and stole my lab out right from under me. I asked dr. Johnson to reconsider--very respectfully-- but she refused. Of course she sided with you.

Jennifer: I'm so sorry.

Shah: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you should be. Every time you snapped your fingers, I came running like a pathetic little puppy. But now... I'm calling the shots. And you... mm, you are completely at my mercy.

Will: What, uh--what do the results say?

Sarah: Well, um, kate's heartbeat is steady.

Lucas: That's good, right? That's a good thing.

Sarah: Yes, it is. But, um, the test results show that there was a lot more internal damage from the bullet than we initially thought. And between that and the blood loss-- it was a very significant amount of blood loss, and it's a miracle she made it through surgery.

Lucas: All right, what are you telling us?

Sarah: [Sighs] It may be a long time before kate comes out of this coma. She has a lot of healing to do.

Will: But I mean, she will wake up eventually, right?

Sarah: That's hard to say. Um, right now, the machines are doing all the heavy lifting.

Lucas: What's the bottom line, huh? What are--what are my mother's chances for survival?

Sarah: I'm really sorry. I... it doesn't look good.

Xander: I don't know that I'd call sarah's decision "wonderful."

Kristen: I should have said "fortuitous."

Xander: What are you talking about? Why are you so interested in sarah's pregnancy?

Kristen: I told you, brady keeps pushing me away, and he finally-- he finally admitted to me that he wants me and that the connection between us is as strong as I feel.

Xander: And then, realizing the horror of that affliction, he ran screaming for the hills?

Kristen: Okay, this is everything I've wanted, everything I've worked for, everything I dreamed about for so long. And brady is so close. I mean, I could just-- just nudge him over the edge, get him to give in to his feelings for me once and for all.

Xander: What does any of this have to do with sarah?

Kristen: Well, like I said, a child brings two people closer together. And if I were pregnant with brady's baby, then that might break down his walls.

Xander: Are you pregnant?

Kristen: No, but I could be... if I took sarah's baby.

Lucas: I know that, austin. We're trying to be as positive as we possibly can right now. But if I were you, I might want to think about hopping on a plane and getting down here, okay? Right, I... you know what? I'll call billie. I'll keep everybody else updated. I'll call you back too. All right.

[Cell phone beeps] I can't believe this. I can't believe this is happening.

Will: Grandma is the strongest person I know. If anybody can beat the odds, it's her.

Lucas: Police have any idea who shot her?

Will: They have a couple suspects, but, uh, I'm almost positive I know who's responsible.

Stefan: When did you go to the hospital?

Vivian: Last night when you were busy with your big dimera board meeting. I put on my disguise and... I, um, uh, uh, did some reconnoitering and found out that kate was still alive but in the icu room, so I-I-I went in and I saw that she had some sort of breathing apparatus, so I just started squeezing really hard on those tubes. Squeezing...

Stefan: Mm-hmm.

Vivian: Until she flatlined.

Stefan: Okay, but she didn't die. Or else I would've found out.

Vivian: All her alarms went off, so I beat it out of there. I must've done something right, honey, because she is in a coma. Now, please... give me back my scrubs.

Stefan: Why should I?

Vivian: Because if kate wakes up, dr. Cramer is going to have to check back in.

Stefan: Sorry, mother, but your days of playing doctor are over.

Vivian: [Scoffs]

Jack: All right. Eli put out an apb on your mom and shah. They're heading over to shah's place right now.

Jj: I hope they find them soon. From what kayla said, it sounded like he snapped. I swear, man, if he hurt her...

Jack: Jj, if anything happens to her, it's all my fault. I am so sorry.

Jj: What do you mean?

Jack: Well, we took over shah's lab. We did it so that rolf could re-create the serum for me. Your mother made this happen for me. If we hadn't done that--

Jj: Yeah, but you had no way of knowing it would set him off.

Jack: You know... if he has her-- I mean, he's the one who sent the text saying she was off on a story. So... damn, I gotta do something. I can't just stand around here like this.

Jj: I don't know why I didn't think about this before, but... mom has an app on her phone we can use to track her location... as long as her phone's still on.

Shah: Smile, jennifer. I need to unlock your phone. There we go. Oh. Lots of people have called you. Lot of voice mails. Your family must realize you're missing.

Jennifer: Please... please let me go.

Shah: Oh.

Jennifer: Please.

Shah: Is that what it comes down to, jennifer? "Please let me go, henry. Let me go. Let me go so I can be with someone else, someone better than you."

Jennifer: No, henry, no.

Shah: Yes, yes. You never gave a damn about me. It was always about your wants, your needs. Well, the answer is no. I will not let you go. Because you are going to give us a real chance.

Jennifer: I'm begging you. I'm begging you, henry! Please!

Shah: Because this time, jennifer, if this doesn't work out between us, if I can't have you... no one will.

Vivian: Now, darling, may I have my scrubs back? I need to sneak back in the hospital and kill kate.

Stefan: Here's a thought, mother: How about you don't kill kate--or anyone else, for that matter?

Vivian: [Stammers] I should allow her to wake up and squeal on me like the pig that she is? What, you want me to go to jail? Is that what you want?

Stefan: No, but murdering her is not the answer.

Vivian: She tried to murder me!

Stefan: So you've said.

Vivian: Well--so why in the world do you care about that miserable bitch?

Stefan: I care about gabi. And gabi cares about her. Look, mother, I have put gabi in a terrible position by asking her to cover for you. The last thing I want to do is make her an accessory to murder.

Vivian: Right. Let me just get this straight, okay? Uh, you care more about your wife, who you have known for, what, about five minutes, than you do about me, the woman who gave birth to you, who--who--who loves you more than anything else in the world. What do you-- what do you want me to do, rot in jail?

Stefan: I won't let that happen.

Vivian: You better not. Or so help me, yours will be the next grave I dig.

Lucas: Vivian alamain is alive?

Will: Mm-hmm. Apparently she was another one of rolf's patients. He saved her the same way that he saved me.

Lucas: Listen, I know they hate each other, but this is ridiculous. You gotta be kidding me.

Will: Is it? Vivian comes back to salem and less than a day later, grandma gets shot. Think that's a coincidence?

Lucas: I know there's no love lost between them.

Will: And she has a motive. Vivian died because grandma shot her.

Lucas: I know that, son. I know that, all right? But your grandma always said that was an accident.

Will: Yeah, you think vivian believes that?

Lucas: What--what about the cops? What are they doing? Are they finally doing their job?

Will: Well... they--they said that they were going to question vivian and get a search warrant for the mansion.

[Cell phone beeps]

Lucas: Right.

Will: Oh, it's lani. Okay, they searched the dimera mansion... didn't find anything incriminating, talked to both vivian and stefan. They're sticking to the story that they were together the whole time. I know they are lying. I know it.

Lucas: All right, it doesn't matter. We--we gotta let the cops do their job. We have to leave it to them. Right now, we have to concentrate on your grandmother. We have to focus on her.

Will: Yeah, you're right. I'm just gonna, um-- I'm gonna step outside and call sonny and give an update, unless you want me to-- unless you want me stay.

Lucas: No, no, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Let's just pray that she will be too.

[Soft dramatic music]

Kayla: Listen, I want a guard at the hospital entrance, and I want somebody monitoring the security feed, all right? And if dr. Shah steps on the premises, I want somebody to get ahold of me. All right, thanks. Hey, you.

Sarah: What was that about dr. Shah?

Kayla: Uh, yeah, yeah, it's a long story.

Sarah: Want to talk about it?

Kayla: No, not really.

Sarah: I just got, uh, kate dimera's latest test results.

Kayla: Oh.

Sarah: I just went over them with lucas and will.

Kayla: Oh, lucas is here?

Sarah: Yeah, he just got in.

Kayla: Ugh, I wish these were better.

Sarah: Yeah, me too. Listen, if it's all right with you, I might head out a little early.

Kayla: Sure. Everything all right?

Sarah: Yeah, I'm just-- I'm wiped.

Kayla: You know, I'm sorry I've been so busy. I-I-I never followed up after I gave you the test results. I don't mean to pry, but... is everything okay?

Xander: I don't know what's going on in that demented head of yours, but if you think I'm ever helping you take another child--

Kristen: Relax, xander. I don't need your help. I can assure you that sarah won't put up any resistance.

Xander: She wouldn't give you her baby in a million years.

Kristen: Yeah, well, I'm well aware of that. So I have to figure out a way to take her baby from her without her knowing.

Xander: Excuse me?

Kristen: I did it before, remember?

Xander: Tate.

Kristen: Yeah, correct. You know, when I found out that theresa was pregnant with brady's baby, I had her knocked out and had her embryo transferred into my womb. Then I carried christopher-- I mean tate--to term. And I can do the same thing with sarah's baby.

Xander: The hell you will.

Jack: Do you have jennifer's location?

Jj: Nothing's coming up. Um, either her phone's off or the app's been disabled. Damn it!

Jack: I'm not really up on technology, but your mother, she sent--she sent me a text, and it came through, and I-I called her, and it went through. So shouldn't the police be able to track that down?

Jj: It's possible, but it'll--it'll take some time.

Jack: Okay, uh, well, I'll put in a request, and-- and then we'll see if we can help search. Come on.

Shah: Listen to me going on and on without asking about how you're doing. Is there anything you want, jennifer, besides a future with me?

[Laughs] Mm. But really, I-I don't want you to be too uncomfortable, so if there's anything you need, ask away.

Jennifer: Water.

Shah: Water.

Jennifer: Mm-hmm.

Shah: Hmm. Well, okay, but no screaming this time, or you will be punished, okay?

Jennifer: Mm-hmm.

[Tense music]

Shah: [Sighs] After all that talking, I really needed that. I was parched. And from now on, my needs come first. You got it? Yeah. But don't worry. I'm not completely selfish like you. I will go refill that bottle. I hope tap's okay.

Feel the clarity of

non-drowsy claritin

Xander: You are gonna drop this deranged idea right now.

Kristen: Oh, don't get all huffy. I mean, don't you see? This is a perfect situation for everyone involved, including sarah.

Xander: You're talking about stealing her baby!

Kristen: Yeah, a baby she doesn't want. You said so yourself, she's having an abortion. I mean, it makes the process so much easier. I don't have to kidnap or chloroform her like I did theresa. She'll just go into the procedure, and dr. Rolf will be there to transfer the embryo into me. Huh. It's fortuitous that he's in town.

Xander: You're not listening to me, kristen. I said drop it.

Kristen: You want sarah, don't you? Hmm? She could get cold feet and decide to keep eric's spawn. And where will that leave you?

Xander: Eric's with nicole.

Kristen: Mm, for now. I mean, he keeps flip-flopping back and forth between women. But he could take one look at sarah holding his angelic newborn and fall in love with her all over again. And then it's bye-bye, blondie. Hello, baby mama. Hmm.

Xander: Won't happen.

Kristen: I mean, you are a capable man, xander, but you cannot predict the future. So I suggest you come on board with my plan, I mean, since it does ultimately benefit you.

Xander: Oh, don't pretend that any of this is about helping me.

Kristen: This is a win situation for everyone. Sarah gets to get rid of her unwanted baby. I get to have the baby I always wanted and, most important, brady-- once I tell him that it's his. And... eric will be none the wiser. And that leaves a path to sarah wide open for you.

Xander: Can you hear yourself? This is crazy. It's sick. You can't do this.

Kristen: Why not?

Xander: Because I won't let you.

Sarah: The test results were negative. I'M...not pregnant. And, um, yeah, I guess it just was a stomach bug after all.

Kayla: And, um, how do you feel about that?

Sarah: Relieved. Yeah, uh, me having eric's baby would just make things a complete mess. He's in love with nicole, so me being pregnant with his baby would just complicate everything. So please, kayla, please do not say anything to him that I even thought it was a possibility.

Kayla: Oh, of course. I won't say anything.

Sarah: Thank you.

[Dramatic music]

Lucas: [Sighs] I found this picture of us together. I'm wearing that shirt that you used to rag on me for, that shirt that you used to hate. You always used to say, "now, lucas, that shirt does not look good on you, honey." And that just made me wear it all the more, didn't it? Man, you were always interfering with my life. Hey, hey, I'm not seeing chloe anymore. And I'm sober. I'm still sober. Come on, wake up. You are one pushy, opinionated, giant pain in the butt. Do you know that? And now I know you're only like that because you love me so much and because you always wanted to protect me. I'm just so sorry I wasn't here to do the same for you.

[Door clicks open]

Kayla: I heard you were here.

Lucas: Hey.

Kayla: Hi. Hi, oh.

Lucas: What a great way to have a family reunion, huh?

Kayla: Listen, I want you to know that we are doing everything we can for kate.

Lucas: I know. I know. She's in good hands.

Kayla: Yeah.

Lucas: And I know your hands are--are full right now because of julie. How's she doing?

Kayla: Well, you know, she's a fighter. She's hanging in there, even though it's not easy.

Lucas: She's an amazing person. I love my cousin so much. I'm sure everybody-- everybody's lining up, right? There's probably a line out the door and down the block to see her. Is jennifer in there with her now?

Kayla: Well, there have been a lot of people-- you know, eli and hope and doug, of course. And will, he has been here around the clock for kate. Sarah told me that, uh, she updated you guys on kate's prognosis.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah, she said that, um, my mom's future didn't look so good. But you're not giving up on me, right?

Kayla: No, no, of course not. And I don't want you to either.

Lucas: I won'T. I won'T. What do we do? Wh-what's the next step?

Kayla: Well, I... I want to try to get your mom breathing on her own.

Lucas: Okay.

Kayla: We tried a few times before, but we were unsuccessful. And if it's all right with you, I'd like to try again.

Lucas: If it's all right with me? My mom said that she didn't want, um... uh...

Kayla: Yeah? What?

Lucas: No, that's all right. Uh, just go ahead and try. Do your thing, and then we'll see what happens after, okay?

Kayla: Okay. Do you mind waiting outside?

Lucas: No, no, not at all. Hang in there, please.

Jack: [Sighs] Eli said he'd let me know as soon as possible if they were able to track jennifer's phone.

Jj: Okay. Okay, dad, but what about in the meantime? Do you think kayla will let us check out shah's old office?

Jack: Why not? Clock's ticking.

Jj: Mm-hmm.

Jack: I mean, maybe there's some kind of clue back there that'll let us know if and where he took jennifer.

[Cell phone beeps] Oh, my gosh. It's a text from your mother!

Jj: What does it say?

Jack: "Send help. West salem inn, room five. Hurry." We gotta go.

Jj: Look, look, dad, dad.

[Stammering] What if it's shah? It could be a trap.

Jack: I-I don't care. I don't care. We gotta go. We'll call the cops on the way. Come on.

Shah: All set. Now, remember, no screaming, or you will regret it. Mm.

[Shushing] Things will go a lot smoother if you accept that you and i are in this for the long haul.

[Tense music]

As a struggling actor,

[Tense music]

Lucas: How'd it go? What happened?

Kayla: Hey. Um... I'm sorry. Your mom's not able to breathe on her own.

Lucas: You're kidding me. Damn it.

Kayla: I know. I'm sorry. Uh, I re-intubated her, and we're gonna monitor her progress. And she will be on machines for the foreseeable future or until you decide otherwise.

Vivian: Please, please forgive me. Listen to me.

[Stammering] If they find out about what I did-- please swear to me, swear to me that--that--that you'll protect me, please.

Stefan: Please-- some space, please.

Vivian: Okay, no problem.

Stefan: I have been protecting you, haven't I?

Vivian: Is that a yes?

Stefan: It's a yes.

Vivian: [Sighs]

Stefan: Let's just hope kate doesn't come out of that coma.

Vivian: And what if she does?

Stefan: We'll cross that bridge when we have to.

Vivian: [Scoffs] My whole life is on the brink. That's your plan?

Stefan: Yeah. We're gonna stay calm and let it play out.

Vivian: Oh, are we? Of course, of course. Your generation--oh, yes. You don't believe in taking the initiative. We have to focus. We--we--we have to be sure that--that--that we take care of this little problem that we have. Honey, nobody can find out what I did.

Kristen: No one is gonna stop me from getting what I want, least of all a lackey like you.

Xander: Oh, news flash: I don't work for you anymore. And I will never allow you and that maniac rolf to steal sarah's child.

Kristen: What, you'd rather have her terminate her pregnancy? At least my way, the child lives.

Xander: That is not your decision to make. And if you go through with this, I swear I will tell sarah everything.

Sarah: Tell me what?

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