Days Transcript Tuesday 09/17/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 09/17/19


Episode #13610 ~ Maggie confronts Victor about attacking Ben. Rafe eagerly awaits news about baby David. Jordan returns to Salem. Gabi gets into it with Julie.

Provided By Suzanne

Victor: Oh, there she is. Listen, I was thinking we could take holly for a walk in town today.

Maggie: I'm not walking anywhere. How could you?

Victor: Oh, here we go. Now what have I done, woman?

Maggie: I have a name, victor, just like you, and it's margaret. And I have another name: Ben weston. What you did to him was unforgivable.

Ben: [Panting]

[Door opens]

Ciara: Hey, you.

Ben: Hey.

Ciara: Hey, uh, you didn't hear me calling your name across the lawn?

Ben: No, no, sorry, I was probably distracted.

Ciara: Uh, smoothie?

Ben: [Panting] Thank you. That's awesome.

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: [Sighs]

[Gasps] You were gone when I woke up this morning.

Ciara: Yes--yeah, I was. Uh, I went to go visit my grandma.

Ben: How is julie?

Ciara: Nothing's changed.

Ben: [Sighs] I'm sorry.

Ciara: Thank you.

Ben: [Sighs]

Ciara: So, uh, you said you were distracted. Is there--is there something on your mind?

Ben: Uh, actually, there is.


Rafe: [Sighs] Okay. All right.

Hope: Hey.

Rafe: Hey. Hi.

Hope: [Chuckles] Wow.

[Laughs] He's gotten so big.

Rafe: Yeah, yeah. Mm-hmm.

Hope: He's out like a light.

Rafe: Yes, you know, as--as soon as I put him in the stroller he's out, you know? Works every time.

Hope: Well, lucky you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: Ciara never napped. She didn't like it.

Rafe: No?

Hope: No.

Rafe: Hey, how is julie? Is she doing--I mean, has her condition changed?

Hope: No.

Rafe: They can't do anything for her?

Hope: She needs a heart transplant. That's the only thing that's gonna save her life, rafe, and they say because of her age, she's not a good candidate.

Rafe: I--I am really sorry.

Julie: [Gasps, huffs]


[Door closes]

Doug: Darling, darling, what are you doing?

Julie: What does it look like I'm doing? Doug, I want you to get my clothes, find a wheelchair, 'cause I am gonna get the hell out of here.

Doug: No, no, no, you stay right there. You stay--no...

Julie: [Groans]

Doug: Do not move, don't move.

Eli: My grandmother seemed agitated when she woke up.

Lani: Yeah, well, considering what she's going through, who wouldn't?

Eli: I know. I just doug will be able to settle her down.

[Phone dings]

Lani: Oh. Hmm.

Eli: What?

Lani: Hmm, just a reminder for our engagement party.

Eli: Today was supposed to be the day.

Lani: Yep. Julie was so excited to plan that party for us.

Eli: Hey, look, I--I'm sorry we had to put it on hold.

Lani: It's okay, we can have a party anytime. Right now... this is where we need to be. Except she's not. What the hell are you doing here?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Victor: Look, I don't know what you've heard--

Maggie: Don't even try lying to me. I know everything. I know that xander kidnapped ben, tied him up, and tried to strangle him with a neck tie.

Victor: Who told you?

Maggie: It doesn't matter who told me! The point is, you tried to murder this young man!

Victor: It was that nephew of mine--I never should have trusted that dimwit. I'm going to fire xander and I'm going to kick him out of this house.

Maggie: You will do no such thing.

Victor: He is a threat to this family.

Maggie: You are the threat, victor. You ordered your nephew to kill your granddaughter's boyfriend. Why would you do something so awful to that young man?

Victor: Well, it's very simple, margaret.

Maggie: [Scoffs]

Victor: I did it for ciara.

[Phone beeps]

Ciara: What's going on?

Ben: It's nothing for you to worry about, babe.

Ciara: [Laughs]

Ben: [Sighs]

Ciara: Okay, you see, when you say that, it only makes me worry more, so--

Ben: Well, I'm sorry, ciara, but it's fine. Really.

Ciara: Ben. Ben, whatever it is you're dealing with, you know you can tell me, right?

Ben: It's my nephew, david.

Ciara: Oh, is something wrong?

Ben: No, no, but today's the official court date for rafe to find out if he can become his legal guardian.

Ciara: Okay, well, I mean, that is great news then, right? Because once the judge approves it, jordan won't be able to keep him away from you and you'll be able to see your nephew all you want.

Ben: Uh, that's the thing. I'm not sure if that's a good idea.

Rafe: Listen, I--I'm really sorry that you're going through all this, and for whatever it's worth... my--my sister, she...

[Sighs] She feels awful about the whole situation. She swore to me she thought that julie was faking it. So...

Hope: What? What--what do you mean? What's gabi have to do with julie's heart attack?

Gabi: I'm here to visit kate. You do know she slipped into a coma after surgery?

Eli: So I've heard. Must be a bit confusing for you considering your relationship with stefan.

Gabi: Yes, he says he's not involved.

Eli: We're--we're still investigating, but I'm pretty sure that all roads are gonna lead back to vivian and stefan.

Gabi: That's right. Well, you do your little job, but I've already told you, i know nothing.

Lani: Mm, we'll see.

Gabi: Yes, we will see. How's your grandmother doing?

Lani: Like you even care.

Gabi: Excuse me? Of course I care.

Eli: What's going on between you two?

Gabi: Nothing, I'm just trying to be nice.

Eli: Uh, excuse me? Except yesterday you warned me that whatever my bride-to-be had to say wasn't true. Somebody wanna tell me what's going on here?

Lani: You wanna fill him in? Or should I?

Doug: No, no, darling. You must stay put.

Julie: I don't want to stay put. Lying in this bed, I feel like I'm in a coffin with all my--my loved ones parading through to pay their last respect.

Doug: They are worried about you.

Julie: I'm worried about me too--I'm very worried about me-- so I want to--I want to take the advice my grandfather always gave: Get a second opinion.

Doug: No, no, no, no. Listen to me now: You have the best team advocating for you right here. If there's anything that can be done, this hospital--your grandfather's hospital--will do it.

Julie: You want me to just lie here? Play "beat the clock" with the grim reaper? I refuse, doug. I--I refuse to lie here and wait for my end to come.


Doug: Darling, you listen to me, now. Together, you and I have faced enough challenges to--to fill five lifetimes. It's true, we have suffered terrible losses, tremendous heartaches, but we have also experienced genuine miracles along the way. I--I am putting my money on one more miracle.

Julie: You are?

Doug: The odds are long, good. That's the way we like it. Prove 'em wrong.

Julie: Then you haven't given up on me.

Doug: "Given up"? Hell, no! Honey, you have so many people who love you, and not one of them would ever give up on you, especially not me. Julie olson manning anderson williams, you and I are gonna face this thing together right down to the end--together. You understand me?

Julie: I think I'm beginning to.

Hope: Wait, what does gabi have to do with julie's condition?

Rafe: You don't know. Huh.

Hope: What?

Rafe: Okay, I--I assumed that julie would have told you something.

Hope: About what?

Rafe: Okay, well, according to julie, gabi and her were having an argument when she had the heart attack... and she said... when she fell to the ground, gabi walked away.

Gabi: How was I supposed to know she was having a real heart attack?

Eli: So you thought she was faking it?

Gabi: Yeah. Yeah, I did, okay? Don't you remember? She was faking it when she tried to break us up.

Eli: So you just left her there and didn't even look back.

Gabi: [Sighs] I made a mistake, okay? I was horrified when I realized what happened.

Lani: That you--you left a woman having a heart attack on the ground to die?

Gabi: This is what I meant when I told you that your fiancée is wrong.

Eli: You talked to her about this?

Lani: Yes, and she was very specific about what happened. She and gabi were arguing, which triggered the heart attack, and as julie fell, gabi intentionally left her there. She said that you basically just stepped over her and walked away.

Gabi: Of course she would say that, but she's wrong, and she needs to understand that. You know what? She doesn'T. Forget it. No one's gonna believe me, so forget it. Forget it.

Lani: You don't believe her, do you?

Eli: I don't know what to believe.

Maggie: You're helping ciara by murdering the man that she loves?

Victor: The man that she loves is a convicted serial killer who murdered three people in cold blood. And, need I remind you, tried to burn your niece, abigail, alive.

Maggie: Of course not, but he was sick then. Marlena insists that he's not a danger anymore.

Victor: Well, I'm not willing to take a chance on my granddaughter's life, and I'm surprised that you are.

Maggie: Killing him is not the answer.

Victor: No? Should I invite him over for tea, reason with him? Bo's not here, so I have to look after his little girl.

Maggie: Do you think that bo would approve of you killing someone?

Victor: If it meant that his daughter was in imminent danger, you're damn right he would.

Maggie: Ciara's a grown woman who can make her own choices.

Victor: Yeah, who can make her own mistakes, you mean.

Maggie: [Sighs] Well, everyone warned me that it was a mistake marrying you.

Victor: Yeah, well, they were wrong.

Maggie: Just like you're wrong now.

Victor: Well, ben weston has lived to fight another day. What do I do now?

Maggie: How about giving that young man another chance?

Ben: [Sighs]

[Metal clatters softly]

Ciara: Ben, I... I--I don't understand, I--I thought you wanted to be a part of david's life? You kept telling me how important he was to you.

Ben: He is important. It's just... what if I'm not a good influence on the kid?

Ciara: Ben.

Ben: I'm serious. I mean, maybe jordan's right. I do have clyde weston's dna. Maybe david should be kept as far away from my family as possible.

Ciara: Ben, that's crazy.

Ben: Exactly. We're all crazy.

Ciara: No, no, no, that's not what I meant. You know that. Hey, ben, look at me. You are not your father. Okay? You have worked so hard to get better and put your past behind you.

Ben: The past is never really gone though, is it?

[Sighs] There's still the stigma. There's people all over this town who will only see me as a murderer and as a danger to everyone, especially to you.

Ciara: Yeah, well, they don't know you. I know you.

Ben: What happens one day when little david finds out about his uncle ben... and all the awful things that he did? Ciara, I have to put my nephew first.

Ciara: Okay, and you will. You will, you are gonna be there for him. And if the day comes when he hears about the kind of person that his uncle ben used to be, he will know that it has nothing to do with the man you are right now.

Ben: You're so good at spinning things, aren't you?

Ciara: I am not spinning it.

Ben: Yeah, okay.

Ciara: I'm not spinning anything, ben. This is the truth, okay? Look, there is a reason why i love you so damn much. You are a good person. I just hope that one day you can see yourself the same way that i do.

Hope: Gabi walked away and left her there?

Rafe: Well, according to julie. Now, my sister tells a different story. She said she thought--she thought that julie was faking a heart attack like she had done before, and you know, honestly, I do not think that my sister would walk away if she thought that julie was having--

Hope: You said they were arguing when julie collapsed.

Rafe: Yes.

Hope: The argument, it could have caused the heart attack.

Rafe: I don't know, i don'T...

[Stammers, sighs] Listen, my sister swore to me-- she told me that it was an accident, okay? I want to believe her.

Hope: Right, of course you do, uh--of course. I'm not sure anybody else will, especially julie.

Doug: Yes, we're gonna face this thing together, but you cannot rush out of here.

Julie: [Sighs] Doug, I feel so cooped up in this damned hospital.

Doug: Of course you do, but I've warned the nurses, so beware. Now, sweetheart, you please gotta let me do the thinking for both of us right now-- and promise me that you will not go anywhere.

Julie: Well, uh--

Doug: I mean it.

Julie: I promise, I promise, I promise.

Doug: Okay. Okay. I'll believe you. So, can I do anything for you?

Julie: I could really use a drink.

Doug: Oh, darling.

Julie: No, I don't mean alcohol. Orange juice?

Doug: Oj is okay, yeah. So, coming right up.

Julie: Doug... thank you for... talking me off the ledge.

Doug: It's my job, kid. And it's my joy to take care of you.

[Blows kiss] Right back.

[Door closes]

Julie: [Sighs]


[Door opens] Back so soon?

[Door closes] You? Humira patients, you inspire us.

Rafe: Listen, I--I know gabi's not the most trustworthy person at times, but she wouldn't do this.

Hope: I hope that's true.

Rafe: We all just want julie to get better.

Hope: Yeah. So...

Rafe: Hmm?

Hope: Why are you all dressed up? Suit and tie. Mr. Hernandez getting married again?

Rafe: Well, that's very funny.

[Both laugh] No, actually, I'm not. I'm heading to family court to finalize the legal guardianship of david.

Hope: Wow.

Rafe: Mm-hmm.

Hope: That's great.

Rafe: I mean, it's--it's just till jordan gets better.

Hope: Hopefully that happens. Ciara told me that ben, um, is very excited to spend time with his nephew.

Rafe: Yeah, well, jordan still wants ben to have nothing to do with david. Although... once the guardianship's approved, it's gonna be out of her control.

Hope: Are you okay with that? Ben?

Rafe: What do you think? Yeah, I'd actually like your opinion.

Hope: Not too long ago, as you know, I totally would have agreed with jordan. I didn't want ben anywhere near ciara, not even in the same state as her. He's definitely not my first choice for ciara, but...

Rafe: [Laughs]

Hope: Let me finish, hold on. But... I will say, I think he's really proving himself.

Rafe: Is that right?

Hope: Yeah. According to kate, he saved julie.

Rafe: Too bad he didn't get there sooner.

Hope: Yeah, well, you know what? He gave us more time with her, and for that, I will always be grateful.

Rafe: Yeah. Hey... maybe--maybe there's gonna be even more time than we think. All right?

Hope: Yep.


Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: I need to get in there and, um... get takeout for my dad. I need to get back to the hospital.

Rafe: Okay, yeah--oh...

Hope: Yeah?

Rafe: And, um, will you please give them my regards? I'm gonna stop by soon.

Hope: You should. I think, um, they'd be very happy to see you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: Bye.

Rafe: Bye.

Hope: Hey, uh, rafe... good luck today.

Rafe: Thank you.

Hope: You look schnazzy.

Rafe: [Chuckles] All right. What do you think, little buddy? Hmm? Are you ready to finalize this?

[Phone beeps]

Ben: [Sighs]

[Phone beeps]

[Laughs] It's happening.

[Phone beeps] Rafe just invited me over to the house after the hearing.

Ciara: Yeah?

[Both laugh] Oh, my gosh, I am so happy for you. I cannot wait to see that little boy. Unless, uh--unless, of course, you want to go alone.

Ben: What? I--are you kidding me? Never.

Ciara: Good, because I was coming anyway.

Ben: Oh, re--okay.

Ciara: Mm-hmm.


Ben: Mm. I'm so damn lucky to have you in my life. You understand that?

Ciara: Yes.

Ben: And david will be, too.

Ciara: Mm. Do you think that rafe will let us babysit him sometimes?

Ben: I hope so. I wanna take him on a picnic...

Ciara: Yeah?

Ben: By the lake. Maybe at the zoo.

Ciara: The zoo?

Ben: Mm.

Ciara: Mm, you like the zoo?

Ben: Mm, honestly, I haven't been very often. Didn't exactly have that kind of childhood, but... I heard they got the monkeys.

Ciara: [Laughs] Yeah.

Ben: They got the monkeys?

Ciara: I can confirm the monkeys. They definitely have monkeys, and they have this awesome hand-carved carousel. It's so cool.

Ben: Oh, see, all I care about and am excited about is being able to spoil that kid with all the things that i didn't get to do.

Ciara: [Laughs]

Ben: That's it.

Ciara: Oh, my gosh, listen to you. Oh, my god, that kid is gonna love his uncle ben so damn much.

Ben: You think?

Ciara: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I know it.

Ben: Mm.

Ciara: You wanna know how? Because I feel the exact same way.

[Monitor beeping]

Julie: Come to finish the job?

Gabi: Please, julie, okay? I'm not here to do that.

Julie: Get out.

Gabi: Stop, I just need a minute.

Julie: A minute to do what?

Gabi: To explain, okay? Let me just explain. I know you think I left you there to die on purpose--

Julie: I don't think it, i know it.

Gabi: I thought you were faking it!

Julie: Faking?

Gabi: 'Cause you've done it in the past. I thought you were pulling the same stunt.

Julie: This look like a stunt?

Gabi: No, it doesn'T. I'm sorry this happened to you.

Julie: Really?

Gabi: Yes, okay? It doesn't matter what's happened in the past between us. I'm sorry--

Julie: Killing nick comes to mind.

Gabi: If I would have known that you were in real distress, I would have never walked away. You have to believe me, please. People everywhere

Victor: You know, I hoped ciara would come to her senses all by herself if I had brady offer her a job at titan.

Maggie: Yet another manipulation.

Victor: Well, I figured the executive training program would keep her so busy she wouldn't have time for ben weston.

Maggie: And how is that working out?

Victor: Mm, accepted the job, refused to give him up.

Maggie: And does that surprise you? She loves him, victor. Why can't you accept that?

Victor: Ciara's special. Always has been. I've always seen her as the family'S... hope for survival. The one most qualified to lead titan into the future. She's willing to throw it all away for the serial killer, hillbilly spawn of clyde weston.

Maggie: She doesn't see it that way.

Victor: Well, maybe she's not as levelheaded as I thought. Bo would have never allowed her to get involved with somebody like ben weston.

Maggie: If I remember correctly, bo wasn't doug's first choice for his daughter either, and look how that turned out.

Victor: Bo wasn't a murderer, he was a good man. Ben weston is evil. He has to be gotten rid of one way or the other.

Ciara: [Sighs]

Ben: Before you... my whole life was just-- was darkness. My past, my present, my future. All I could see was just... pain... loss and regret and...

Ciara: And what about now?

Ben: And now...

[Laughs] It is like you came into my world and you just flooded out all of the darkness...

Ciara: [Laughs]

Ben: With love... and--and light. You are light, ciara. Look at what I have now. Seriously, look what I have. I have a great job, I have a future...

Ciara: [Laughs]

Ben: I have a beautiful woman that I love more than anything...

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Ben: And I'm about to be able to hang out with my little nephew.

Ciara: Yes, yes, you are.

Ben: The darkness is gone.

Ciara: [Laughs]

Ben: What more could I ask for? Hmm?

Ciara: Mm-mm.


Julie: You want me to believe you when every word out of your mouth to me has been an insult or a lie or both?

Gabi: Julie, please, I--i came here--

Julie: To ask, to beg for forgiveness. Well, how can I possibly absolve you? You won't even confess to what you did.

Gabi: I did nothing.

Julie: The life was pouring out of me, I begged you to help, and you stood there babbling, babbling hateful things, and then you stepped over me and walked away. You left me to die. Well, now everybody's gonna know. Everybody is gonna know what a--a wretched little rodent--

Gabi: All right, you know what, listen, that's--

Julie: You listen to me. If you had one ounce of decency, I might have gotten to the hospital a little sooner. They might have been able to--to help me, and as it is now, well, I have a death sentence hanging over me.

Gabi: I--is it really that bad?

Julie: Oh, yeah. My days are numbered. But if you think I'm finished, you're wrong, sister.

Gabi: I never said that. Come on.

Julie: After I die, I plan to rise from the dead with nick at my side and haunt you all the days of your miserable life.

Gabi: All right, you know what, I've had enough. I came here on good faith trying to talk to you like a normal person, but clearly, it doesn't matter if you are on your deathbed. You're still the same bitter bitch that you've always been!

Hope: Gabi!

Gabi: [Stammers, sighs] These are real people,

Maggie: Why do you have to control everything? Can't you give ciara's relationship a chance?

Victor: Absolutely not. I've sat in the sidelines long enough.

Maggie: And you're gonna have to stay seated, because this is none of your business.

Victor: If someone tries to destroy my family, I have a right to defend them.

Maggie: Oh, don't be so dramatic.

Victor: People like ben weston don't change.

Maggie: You changed. Bo changed.

Victor: Stop comparing bo to ben weston. Doug williams was damn lucky to get bo as a son-in-law.

Maggie: Well, at the time, doug saw a motorcycle-riding merchant marine, and he didn't think he was good enough for his little girl.

Victor: Yeah, well, he was good enough. Came from a good family.

Maggie: Honey, this isn't about you. It's about ciara's happiness, and whether you like it or not, you're gonna have to honor and respect her wishes.

Victor: And if I don't?

Maggie: You could lose her forever.

[Both breathing heavily]

Ciara: [Panting] Well, did I... did that put a little extra light in your day?


Ben: I could have used sunglasses at the end, there.

Ciara: [Laughs]

Ben: [Sighs] Maybe two pairs.

Ciara: Stop.

Ben: [Laughs]

Ciara: What time do we have to be at rafe's by?

Ben: [Sighs] Soon. Should probably hop in the shower.

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: I wanna stop at the toy store and grab something for david on the way.

Ciara: That is an excellent idea.

Ben: Thank you.

Ciara: For what? For that?

Ben: Mm, that too.

Ciara: [Laughs]

Ben: But no, for me and you.

Ciara: Mm? Oh, well, I can't help it, you know?

Ben: Mm-hmm. I was in a pretty down mood this morning.

Ciara: Yeah, but why? What made you suddenly start doubting your influence on david?

Ben: I got a bit of A... reminder recently... about my past and how certain people still see me.

Ciara: Who?

Ben: Doesn't matter. But sometimes, I just wish that jordan could see the man I am when I'm with you.

Ciara: I love that man.

Ben: He loves you.

Ciara: Mm.

Ben: Mm.

Ciara: Aww.

Hope: What do you think you're doing?

Gabi: I'm trying to get through to her that I did not leave her there to die!

Hope: Why are you yelling? You're yelling at a woman who just had a massive heart attack. What are you thinking?

Gabi: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, but she's not listening!

Julie: Oh, hope, you're my witness--she attacked me.

Gabi: Oh, hope, an attack?

Hope: Rafe told me everything.

Gabi: Okay, well, then you know that he believes me that I'm telling the truth.

Julie: Oh, rafe wasn't there. I was.

Gabi: You passed out.

Hope: You're not helping yourself here, gabi.

Gabi: I--

Julie: She left me to die, and I know it.

Gabi: You're not listening to anything I'm saying.

Julie: Get out!

Gabi: Can you just consider--

Hope: That's enough, let's just go.

Gabi: It's unfair!

Hope: Gabi--

Gabi: It's so unfair!

Julie: Gabriella, if I never see you again as long as I live, it'll be too soon!

[Gasps] Copd makes it hard to breathe.

Doug: Hello, sweetheart. I got the juice and... a special treat. It's the kind with the...

[Stammering] Pineapple pieces. Darling, darling, what's wrong?

Julie: I lost my appetite.

Doug: Oh...

[Monitor beeping]

[Grunts] Oh.

Gabi: Oh, this is unfair--

Hope: Gabi, you never should have been in her room. You know that.

Gabi: I was just trying--

Hope: She just had a massive heart attack, what are you doing? You need to stay out of julie's room--stay away from julie.

Gabi: To talk to her.

Hope: No.

Gabi: To explain--

Eli: Hey, what--what's going on here?

Hope: I--I just found her in julie's room yelling at her.

Eli: Why would you do that?

Gabi: I was just trying to get through to her--

Eli: I just told lani that the gabi I know wouldn't leave my grandmother to die, but apparently I was wrong. I bet you were in there because you felt guilty about what you did.

Gabi: No, I--I was trying to explain--

Eli: I am done listening to you. From now on, I want you to stay the hell away from my grandmother and stay the hell away from my family. We don't want anything else to do with you. Do you understand?

Victor: Don't you think i know I could lose ciara? Why I tried to get rid of ben weston in the first place.

Maggie: Except now you risk driving her away.

Victor: Yeah, well... he promised brady that he'd keep his mouth shut. If that punk says anything to ciara about what I tried to do to him--

Maggie: She'll never forgive you.

Victor: Well, I did it for her own good.

Maggie: Well, she's not gonna believe it. Now let's face it, victor, you screwed up. For a man who prides himself in being shrewd in all business, you let your emotions take over and look at where you find yourself.

Victor: I'll be fine.

Maggie: I'm not so sure. Ben holds all the cards. He could take ciara away from you for good. If I were you... I would proceed... with caution.

Victor: Your daughter's about to make a terrible mistake. Don't worry, son. I won't let you down. One way or the other, we'll find a way to keep ben weston out of ciara's life.

[Birds chirping]

Ciara: [Sighs]

Ben: Is it weird that I'm nervous to see a baby?

Ciara: [Laughs] You don't have anything to be nervous about, babe. You're gonna do fine.

Ben: Okay, yeah. Do you think he's gonna like the duck, though? I mean--

Ciara: He's gonna love the ducky, it's perfect.

Ben: All right.

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: Let's do this.

Rafe: Hey, guys.

Ben: Sorry we got here a little bit earlier.

Ciara: Yeah, ben's just really excited to see the baby.

Rafe: Yeah, um--

Ben: You're already back from court, though. Where's uh--where's the little guy?

Rafe: Yeah, uh, about that. Um... listen, I'm really sorry, but... I can't let you see david.

Ben: What? Uh, you--you said--

Rafe: I know, I know.

Ciara: Um, I--I don't understand, rafe.

Ben: No, you--you said it was cool for me to come spend some time with him. Uh, you texted me to come over.

Rafe: Yeah, jordan... jordan doesn't want you to be part of her son's life.

Ciara: [Scoffs] Jordan? Who gives a damn what she thinks after what she did to me, rafe? It's not up to that crazy bitch anymore.

Jordan: Actually, it is.

[Dramatic music]

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