Days Transcript Monday 09/16/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 09/16/19


Episode #13609 ~ Nicole and Eric make love. Sarah is touched by Xander's devotion. Jack accuses Eve of trashing the hospital lab. Vivian makes another attempt on Kate's life.

Provided By Suzanne

Will: Doctor? Sorry to bother you, but you look like you just came from the or, and-- do you have any news about, uh, kate dimera?

Sonny: She's his grandmother. And she was in surgery from a gunshot wound?

Jj: Mom?

Jennifer: Jj.

Jj: Oh my god. What happened?

Eve: What the hell do you want?

Jack: I know what you did.

Eve: Take your hands off of me, jack.

Jack: I know it was you who trashed the hospital lab!

Eve: Trashed the lab-- what are you talking about?

Jack: Anything to keep jennifer and me apart, right, eve? You will stop at nothing.

Eve: [Scoffs]

Eric: This is it. I know it's not much, but... it's home.

Nicole: You're my home.

Eric: I can't believe I finally have you all to myself.

Nicole: [Chuckles]

Sarah: [Sobbing]

[Knock at door]

Xander: You don't have to hide that from me, sarah. I know you're pregnant.

Sarah: Pregnant? Xander, we've been over this. I'm not pregnant. I just--I have a stomach bug.

Xander: I know what you told me, and I believed you... until I found the positive pregnancy test results with your name on it.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eric: Hey, can I get you a drink, a snack; anything?

Nicole: Uh, yes. Yes. I'm fine with anything.

Eric: It's been a while since I've been to the market.

Nicole: [Chuckles] Okay. Perfect. This really is a nice place.

Eric: It is. I was very lucky when I found it. I just, uh, trying to meet all the criteria, you know: Big bathtub for holly and all her toys. There's a really awesome playground down there. And a great school nearby.

Nicole: Well, you really made it cozy and warm.

Eric: Yeah, well, I didn't do it alone.

Nicole: Did you, um... I mean--

Eric: You know what? It's not important, really.

Nicole: Sarah, right?

Eric: Yeah, sarah.

Sarah: You went through my trash?

Xander: Only because I was concerned about you. I came back to bring you some ginger ale, and you were asleep, and... sarah, I could feel that you were hiding something from me. I wasn't even gonna say anything. But then I heard you muttering under your breath something like, "how can I ever tell him?" You were talking about eric, weren't you?

Sarah: Please. You have to forget what you heard and what you saw.

Xander: Of course. Of course. But, sarah, I understand how complicated this is for you. When you and eric slept together, you thought nicole was dead. Have you told him yet?

Sarah: No... he doesn't know.

Jj: Mom, who did this?

Jennifer: We don't know. We have no idea. We know that we left rolf alone in here so he could concentrate and focus on re-creating the serum.

Jj: Yeah, no, I know how finicky he is about his working conditions--

Jennifer: Right, so we left him here by himself so he could work. And then he found us at the pub. He said he succeeded. He was ready to administer the serum, and then we come back to this. The whole place completely destroyed, jj.

Jj: Mom.

Jennifer: What?

Jj: The serum?

Jennifer: Is spilled, all over the floor. That's where the serum is, jj.

Jj: My god. Who would-- eve.

Eve: Trashed? The lab? I-- I don't know what the hell you're talking about here, jack.

Jack: As if you don't know.

Eve: I don't!

Jack: As if it hasn't been your life's goal since the moment that you found me to stop me from getting my memory back!

Eve: Because it's for your own good, jack!

Jack: No.

Eve: Yes, it is.

Jack: Because you were afraid. You were afraid that I would find out about my life with jennifer, that I would feel the love that I felt for my children. Well, thank god I woke up. I woke up. I saw the light. But now you can't control me anymore. So you had to get your revenge.

Eve: You know what? I don't have to stand here and listen to this.

Jack: No, you do.

Eve: Jack.

Jack: After I fired you, you had to come up with that lawsuit, and when that fell apart, you had to have your revenge. So you went to the hospital and you destroyed the lab and you destroyed the serum that would help me get my memory back! You did it, eve. For me, admit it. Please, admit it.

Will: Um, any information on kate dimera?

Sonny: You know, we've been waiting a while

Vivian: Sorry.

Will: Ex--I'm--I'm sorry. Are you--are you listening?

Kayla: Will, sonny.

Will: Hey. How is she? How's--how's grandma?

Kayla: I have news.

Kayla: It was a very difficult surgery. It was touch and go for a while, but she pulled through

Will: [Sighs] Can, uh... can I see her?

Kayla: Well, she's in recovery now, but we're gonna take her to a room very soon. And I'll come let you know, okay?

Will: All right.

Sonny: Thank you so much.

Will: Thank you. And hopefully when she wakes up, she can tell us who did this to her.

Nicole: Hey. I know sarah was there for you when you thought I'd died. Is that when you started falling for each other?

Eric: It's when our friendship began. I was grieving over you. There were days that were hard. But I knew I had to do what was best for holly. And sarah was there, always.

Nicole: I'm sure that was a comfort for you. You know, xander admitted earlier that he had his sights set on sarah and that they had been close once.

Eric: Yeah, well, "close" would not be the word that I would use.

Nicole: Well, whatever they were, please tell me she knows that xander is bad news and to keep her distance from him.

Eric: Yeah, I'm sure she's pretty aware of that. But, um... xander and sarah have a very... well, they have a complicated relationship.

Xander: You didn't tell eric you're pregnant? Well, why wouldn't you? Unless... is the baby rex's?

Sarah: No. It's not.

Xander: Well, I doubt it's some rando that's the father. I mean, you know, you fell into bed with me, which was... one of the most delightful experiences of my life, if not the most delightful. Not that it did much for my ego when I realized it only happened because--

Sarah: Okay, just stop! God! Did it ever occur to you that I don't need to hear your nonsensical ramblings about me and you and whatever? I do not want to discuss this with you!

Xander: I'm sorry, truly. That was a bit insensitive of me to go on like that. I realize that now. I suppose I was just trying to distract you; you know, lift your spirits, in my own... clumsy way. My apologies.

Sarah: It's fine.

Xander: Well... back to the business at hand. You've made it clear that it is, indeed, eric's baby that you're carrying. And you haven't told him because...

[Sighs] Why did I even wonder? Of course you haven't told him. You're far too kind and selfless. Which is why you wouldn't want to intrude on his happy reunion with nicole.

Jj: Damn that evil, vindictive-- it had to be eve, mom. Making sure she destroys dad's chance to be happy again; to remember his love for you; his kids. Mom, I'm-- I'm sorry.

Jennifer: You know, when rolf told me that--that he re-created the serum, jj, literally, my heart, it-- it just soared, because I had hope. I had so much hope that it was just a matter of time before your dad would just start remembering everything that we shared... and then we could just be a family again. But now there's this. I don't know.

Eve: I'm not gonna admit to trashing that lab, because I didn't do it. My god, jack, what do you think I do? You think I wake up every morning to think, "oh, my gosh. Now, how can I just make jack deveraux's life miserable again today?" Please. Here's a newsflash for you. I got better things to do with my time.

Jack: Really? You got better things to do.

Eve: Yes, I do.

Jack: Like make other people's lives miserable. Because, face it, eve. That's what you're really good at: Hurting other people. And just so you know? That--that--that little destruction act that you put on was a big waste of time, because that serum? If rolf created it once, he can make it again, and he will!

Eve: Oh, said the cockeyed optimist.

Jack: Yes, I am optimistic this time, because jennifer's there. Jennifer's overseeing the lab. She's putting it back together--

Eve: Here we go. Queen jennifer. Yes, yes, yes. Jennifer here to save the world. Well, good luck to the both of you.

Jack: You're the one that's gonna need luck.

Eve: [Scoffs]

Jack: It's a crime. What you did was a crime. I should just drag you in right now and have commissioner grant lock you up.

Eve: Based on what evidence, jack? Huh? What evidence? I certainly hope you dusted for fingerprints in that lab. Because if you did, you wouldn't find mine there, because I wasn't anywhere near that hospital! So you go ahead. You just go right ahead and drag me down to the police station. 'Cause it'll give me one more--one more chance to sue your ass for false arrest. And you know what, jack? This time, I'll win! Copd makes it hard to breathe.

Jack: This is so sad. You are an amazingly bitter woman. I only wish I'd seen it sooner.

Eve: [Sighs] Yeah, well, you know what I wish that I'd seen sooner? That you are a fool and an ingrate. I hate to disappoint you, jack, because I know you get your jollies giving me a hard time every single day of your life, but I don't really care whether you get your memory back or not. I don't, because I could give a rat's ass about you.

Jack: As if you ever did!

Eve: You know I did, jack. You know I did!

Jack: You did-- you only gave a rat's ass about hurting jennifer. That's it! That's it. And you can't stand the thought of her ever being happy for any number of reasons that only make sense in your mind! Because-- because-- I couldn't see it. I couldn't see it. But she-- she made-- she made brady to see it. She made him see you for the lying, vindictive witch that you are!

Eve: Well, here's the truth, jack, whether you believe it or not. I didn't trash that lab. But you're right about one thing. You certainly are damn right about this. I don't want to ever see jennifer happy. I don'T. Because she's a selfish cow who's had it in for me since the beginning of time. And I hate her. With every cell of my being.

Jennifer: Jj... you're such a comfort to your mom, you know that?

Jj: Mom, I love you. And I hate that this has been so hard on you.

Jennifer: It's been hard on all of us, jj. But a little perspective, right?

Jj: Okay, what next? Rolf, he can re-create the serum? Make more?

Jennifer: I don't know. Hopefully. I mean, I don't know. He came in here. He was so shaken 'cause the lab was so destroyed, and he disappeared. He's gone. He said he had to go lie down somewhere.

Jj: Have you checked on him?

Jennifer: Yes. He's gone.

Jj: He's gone, and you can't reach him?

Jennifer: No. No. As if this day could get any worse, jj.

Nicole: Wait. Are you saying sarah slept with xander?

Eric: Well, she had just found out that rex cheated on her, and she-- she was hurt, obviously, and...

Nicole: Well, I understand that, but... xander?

Eric: Yeah, well, she regretted it. And ever since, xander's kind of had a thing for her.

Nicole: Well, I hope sarah sees him for who he really is: A deceitful opportunist. She really needs to stay away from xander.

Eric: Okay, I agree. And I really appreciate you wanting to look out for sarah. But if there's one thing I learned about sarah, she can handle herself.

Nicole: Yeah, right. I mean, I don't know her that well, but she does seem really strong.

Eric: She is. You know, I really like that we've been able to talk about this, but... I, um... I kind of think that's enough talking for now.

Nicole: Oh. I totally agree.

Eric: [Laughs] Is something wrong?

Nicole: I, um... I--I just can't help but wonder... is this where you and... sarah made love?

Sarah: Of course I couldn't tell eric that I'm carrying his child. He was just reunited with the love of his life.

Xander: Because, as I said, you're a great person, sarah. Kind and selfless.

Sarah: And pregnant. Which makes me kind of stupid.

Xander: No.

Sarah: Yes, it does! My god! I should've been more careful. I thought I was.

Xander: Sarah, please. Just stop being so hard on yourself. Yes, you had deep feelings for eric, and-- and this happened. You didn't mean it to. And I know the timing is-- is bad right now, what with nicole and eric's reunion, but when the time is right, which I hope will be soon, I just think you're gonna feel so much better after you've told him.

Sarah: No. I won'T. Who says I have to tell eric anything?

[Air hissing, machine beeping]

Vivian: Damn you, kate. I shot you at-- in cold blood at point-blank range, and yet you survived. And you managed to crawl out of that grave. Actually, that's really-- really rather impressive. But... I cannot have you waking up and no doubt skywriting that I am the one who tried to kill you. Okay, now, this seems to be helping you breathe.

[Air hissing]

[Machine beeping]

[Gasps] Ah. Very good. Okay, kate. Prepare to have your air supply cut off.

Jack: Eve, please. Please, please. If not for me, for yourself, be honest with yourself. Everyone else who seems to know jennifer has the fortune to know her really thinks the world of her--

Eve: Oh, jack. Of course they do. They think the world of her because she's a card-carrying phony, and she's fooled them all. But guess what. I see through it. I see her for the selfish fraud she is!

Jack: Fraud? She's a selfish fraud?

Eve: She is a fraud. Yes, she is. She is, indeed. Which gets me to wondering about myself. How in the world did I ever allow myself to fall in love with such a heartless, heartless man.

Jack: You never fell in love with me! You were never in love with me. You were never in love with me!

Eve: You know I was!

Jack: This was about revenge. Always about revenge. All you wanted to do is hurt jennifer!

Eve: Because that bitch deserved it!

Jj: I am going to go find rolf, mom, okay? You leave it to me. And if--if he shows back up here, you--you let me know.

Jennifer: Yeah, I'll let you know. This has been hard on all of us, jj. And I just want you to know that you... you're just a courageous man. And I'm proud of you.

Jj: I'm proud of you too, mom.

Jennifer: I know you want your dad back as much as I do and... it's gonna happen. It is.

Jj: Definitely.

Jennifer: I don't care how vindictive and spiteful eve is. We are fighting for something so important.

Jj: We are. We're fighting to put our family back together.

Jennifer: Yeah, we are. And I'm telling you, we're gonna do it. We are.

Jj: I love you, mom.

Jennifer: I love you too, baby.

Eric: Why does it matter anymore?

Nicole: Because, eric.

[Scoffs] It matters to me.

Eric: Yes. But it's because I thought you didn't want me in your life anymore.

Nicole: When you thought kristen was me. So you and sarah, you were-- you were both on the rebound.

Eric: Yes. It's not because we didn't have feelings for each other... but the moment that I realized that you were alive... nicole, you are the one woman for me. I promise you.

Nicole: So you're absolutely sure that you and sarah--

Eric: Yes. There's nothing between us anymore. You're the only one for me.

Sarah: Kayla knows that I took the test, but I didn't tell her the results. And honestly, with everything that's been going on with julie and kate dimera, she's probably forgotten about it.

Xander: So I'm the only one who knows you're pregnant.

Sarah: Yes. And, xander, you can't say anything to anyone. Please.

Xander: Of course not. But, sarah, it's only a matter of time before people start noticing.

Sarah: Like I don't know that?

Xander: I think you should also know this. Nicole just asked me for a divorce, which means that she's probably gonna want to marry eric-- maybe soon. Are you really gonna wait until after they get hitched to tell eric you're having his baby?

Sarah: Who says I have to have it?

Xander: So you're saying...

Sarah: That I have options.

Xander: Right. No, I get it. I--I had a friend who got herself in trouble when we were all still in high school. And she went away to stay with an aunt for a few months; came back like she'd had a lovely vacation. Most of us guessed why she'd been gone all that time.

Sarah: Yeah, well, it'd be harder for me to just disappear without explaining why. I have a job, for one thing, not to mention my mom knows me so well, she'd figure out why I was leaving.

Xander: Well, I'm glad that you're not really considering that a viable option. A lot of people would be really sad if you left salem, myself included.

Sarah: That's really kind of you to say.

Xander: But I think the person that would be saddest if you did give up the baby would be you.

Eric: You know what? Maybe this was a mistake. But we can leave. We can go somewhere else.

Nicole: No. No, er-- no, eric, I don't want that. It's just...

[Sighs] It's just knowing that you were in bed with someone else.

Eric: Nicole, look at me. You are the only woman I love with my heart. And I'm not just saying tonight. I'm saying forever.

Nicole: I know. I know. And you've given me no reason to doubt that.

Eve: Mm. Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm. You know, it really boggles the mind? It's like everybody in this-- this town is so compassionate and caring about little jennifer, her sad little lot in life, but nobody ever cared about my struggles. Not one bit.

Jack: Don't--don't-- don't start the pity party, eve.

Eve: Don't you mock the loss of my daughter. Don't you dare, jack deveraux. That was my only child. She was murdered in cold blood. And there's nothing more profoundly sad than that. Nothing! But do I ever get a break from anybody here? Hell no! Oh, but jennifer, her little daughter and son-in-law moved so far away to paris. Oh, my gosh, they're gonna miss her so much. Well, at least they aren't dead. Okay, jack. I don't care whether you believe it or not. I didn't trash the lab I didn't destroy your precious serum that could possibly make you remember what a swell guy you were. Hmm. And if I really wanted to make jennifer suffer? Oh, hell. I could come up with better ways than that.

Will: What is the hold up? Where's kayla?

Sonny: Well, it hasn't been that long.

Will: Well, it-- I mean, it feels like a damned eternity.

Kayla: Will.

Will: Hey, what's happening?

Kayla: Kate is resting comfortably.

Will: Okay. Can--I mean, can we see her now?

Kayla: I'll take you there in just a second, okay? I just have to give some instructions to the desk nurse. One second.

Vivian: You've been a worthy adversary over the years, I will give you that. I have to admit, I'm gonna miss our sparring or making each other miserable. Oh, well. Shouldn't be too difficult to find someone new to torment. Arrividerci, katrina. These are real people,

[Air hissing, machine beeping]

Vivian: Oh for god's sake. Will you die already?

[Sustained high-pitched tone]

Will: What--what's happening?

Kayla: She's flatlining.

Will: No! No, no, no, no, no. She--she can't--

Kayla: I need you guys to leave the room. Give me 200 joules.

Will: Grandma...

Kayla: Charging.

Will: I love you!

Kayla: Clear.

[Electricity zaps]

Xander: Sarah, this is obviously very incredibly difficult for you. Perhaps you're not thinking clearly.

Sarah: Meaning what? That you're just horrified by what I just said? That I would consider ending this pregnancy?

Xander: Not horrified. No. And god knows I'm in no position to judge. It's-- it's more that... sarah, I really care about you, and somehow... I feel this-- this isn't what you want to do.

Sarah: It's not about what I want. It's about what makes sense, for me, for eric.

Xander: Look, I know I'm being presumptuous, and this goes dead against my best interest, but from what I've observed, eric is a stand-up guy. If he knew he was about to have a child with you, he'd do the right thing.

Sarah: What exactly is the right thing here? What is it? Eric is desperately in love with nicole, and then he finds out that another woman is carrying his baby? What is he supposed to do? What am I supposed to do?

[Sultry music]

Nicole: [Laughs]


[Sultry music continues]

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Nicole: [Laughs] You know, eric... when we were apart, I would imagine myself in your arms. And it would get me through the worst times.

[Laughs] Even when I was afraid it would never happen.

Eric: I felt the same way. You know, even though we've been apart as long as we have been, I feel closer to you than I ever have. I love you so much.

Nicole: I love you.

Eric: Nicole. You're my miracle.

Nicole: And you're my miracle. And I believe-- I have to believe that this is finally forever. Because I cannot lose you again, eric.

Eric: You won'T. You won'T. Nothing will ever come between us again. I promise you.

Xander: I can only imagine how difficult this is for you. I--I wish I could advise you on what to do. But if I could share a thought. And another thought.

Sarah: Go for it.

Xander: It just seems to me that you are thinking a lot about how all this affects eric and even nicole. And, yeah, their reunion is very dramatic and romantic, but what you're going through, sarah, it's huge. Bringing a new life into the world, what could be more dramatic and important than that? So don't you think you should be more concerned with your state of mind than theirs?

Sarah: [Laughs] What were you, a shrink in your other life?

Xander: I've been reading a lot of self-help books, trying to be a better person and all.

Sarah: Right. Well... I actually agree with you. I do need to be a little more selfish here and remind myself that when this baby was conceived... eric did love me. And nicole may be the love of his life and I--

Sarah: I don't know.

[Sighs] I don't know. I guess I'm just... back to square one: I have no-- I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what to do.

Xander: Well, you don't have to sort it all out right now. I mean, give yourself a break, huh? It's been a very emotional day. You must be exhausted. Look, why don't you pop your jammies on? I'll nip downstairs, get you a glass of milk and a healthy snack.

Sarah: That's really sweet of you, xander. Thank you.

Xander: I'm here for you. You're not alone. I'm gonna help you get through this, whatever you decide.

Will: She looked so pale. So--so fragile.

Sonny: I know, but she just had surgery, will--

Will: Yeah, I know. What-- maybe it was too much for her.

Sonny: No. No. Your--your grandma is-- to say she's a fighter is an understatement. You know that. Okay, she's just about the toughest, most resilient woman on god's green earth.

Kayla: Hey, guys.

Will: Hey!

[Stammers] How is she?

Kayla: It's okay. She's still with us.

Will: Thank god.

Kayla: Yeah, we don't know what happened. We don't know why she had a sudden drop in her oxygen level.

Will: But she's alive!

Kayla: She's alive, yes. But she has slipped into a coma.

Will: What? No...

Jack: Jj! Jj. Was rolf in there, by any chance?

Jj: Afraid not. I saw mom at the lab. The now trashed lab... look, I told her I'd hunt him down while she cleaned it up so--

Jack: So rolf could finally, finally make a new batch of the serum. Thank you, jj. Thank you for helping. Thank you.

Jj: It had to be eve who did it, right? Did you confront her?

Jack: I did. She denied it, vehemently.

Jj: Like it means anything coming from her. We already know it's her life's work to hurt mom.

Jack: [Sighs] Yeah. I guess-- I guess she's always been pretty clear about that.

Jennifer: Life-saving serums, masks... you have no shortage of ambitious projects, do you, rolf?

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