Days Transcript Friday 9/13/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 9/13/19


Episode #13608 ~ Brady finds himself battling temptation; Xander reveals to Sarah that he knows her secret; Eve tries to convince Vivian to speak to Stefan on her behalf; and Vivian sneaks into the hospital to finish off Kate.

Provided By Suzanne

Will: [Ahem] Yeah, I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything new. Okay, see you soon. Love you too, dad.

Sonny: Hey, how's your dad?

Will: He is catching the first plane he can to salem. My grandma's been in surgery for a long time, right? Is that normal? I mean, do you think, could there be like complications or--

Sonny: I mean, there's a lot of damage. So, you know, we just need to pray for the best.

Will: Yeah. Oh, I didn't realize how late it was. I told ari I'd read a chapter of "wind in the willows" to her tonight.

Sonny: You know what? Why don't I take over the reading duties and you stay here and wait for news, okay? I'll be back as soon as I can.

Will: That would be amazing. Thank you.

Sonny: Everything's gonna be okay. We have to believe that. Okay.

Vivian: I'm calling to ask the status of a patient there, kate dimera. Yes. Yes, of course, I'm a family member. I-I-- I'm her daughter, billie reed. I don't care if I'm not on some damn list!

[Sobs] I'm sorry, I'm so upset. I just want to find out any information that you may have. Oh, still in surgery. Well, that's not a good sign, is it? Do you think she's going to survive? Yeah. Thanks for nothing. I-I meant--I'm sorry.

[Whimpers] Thanks for everything, really. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

[Beep] Well, the bitch is alive. I don't want her to wake up and whine that I shot her and buried her. So I guess I'll just have to take matters into my own hands yet again.

[Edgy music]

Jennifer: Cannot believe this is happening. Where is he--did you find rolf?

Jack: Yeah, he's a nervous wreck that someone deliberately destroyed his work. I mean, he had to go lie down. He's in the on-call room.

Jennifer: What do we do? Do we just leave him alone?

Jack: Yes. Well, he just needs to rest, he said, but then he wants to come right back and get back to work. He's just as determined as we are now to see the serum become a reality.

Jennifer: Who in the world would do this, jack?

Jack: We got a pretty good idea. In fact, I'm sure of it.

Eve: Stupid fake news! Well, the only truth that anybody needs to know about is that eve donovan deveraux never loses.


Kristen: I knew you would come. Don't be shy.

Brady: I shouldn't be here at all.

Kristen: I never doubted it for a second. Brady.

Brady: Yeah.

Kristen: I promise you, you are not going to regret this.

Nicole: Eric and i are together now. And there's nothing you can do to come between us.

Xander: Oh, nicole. The road to happiness might be a bit rockier than you think.

Nicole: Well, you're just the lovely ass that you've always been. Go for it, xander. Whatever you have to say, say it because it's obvious you want to throw a grenade on my happiness.

Xander: Maybe I'm not the man you remember. Maybe I just want to let you know that eric was involved with someone while you were..."dead."

Nicole: You mean sarah? Eric told me. I know all about it.

Xander: I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Sarah: I love you, eric. I want you to be happy. And I promise you, I promise I will never come between you and nicole. But before you two just go riding off into the sunset, there is something that you deserve to know.

Eric: What?

Sarah: I--it's hard to find the right words. So...I'm just gonna say it. And I just--I hope you won't hate me. Male announcer: Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Sweeping orchestration]

Brady: I already regret this.

Kristen: No, no, brady. No regrets, no regrets. Tonight we start to live the life that we were meant to live. Together. You know, I know how hard you try to be a good man, but you already are. There's some darkness inside of you just like there is in me. And I embrace that in you. In fact, I love you all the more for it. Oh, come on. There's no judgment here. It is just you and me. Doesn't matter what anyone thinks. Whatever we want is ours. Whatever we want to do, we'll do. To us.

[Heavy music]

Jack: It was eve. It had to be eve. She was so angry. She was so vindictive. And I was stupid, I had to boast to her that rolf was over here mixing up a batch of the serum. It was like hanging out a big stupid welcome sign.

Jennifer: Jack, listen, it makes sense though because she destroyed the vials of serum the last time and she just lost a lawsuit against you. So yeah, maybe.

Jack: She told me that I would have regrets if I got my memory back. Well, I got regrets. I got no memory. And now I'm probably--

Jennifer: No, don't say that. No. You are not gonna think like that. You are the stubbornest man I know, remember?

Jack: Right. I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up. But we both have to be careful because eve, angry and hurt, will scorch the earth and anyone in her way to get her revenge.

Eve: Oh!

Vivian: Aah!

Eve: My god, it's you.

Vivian: I beg your pardon?

Eve: You're alive.

Vivian: Yes, of course, I'm alive. And whatever it is you're selling, we don't need any.

Eve: You don't remember me?

Vivian: You do look a little familiar.

Eve: Yeah.

Vivian: Wait. Your name, it begins with a B.

Eve: Eve.

Vivian: Are you sure?

Eve: Quite. You might remember me as eve kiriakis. I was involved with brady black.

Vivian: The widow kiriakis? You just stood by and watched while that horrible man brady tried to strangle me.

Eve: Throwing stones, viv? You know, that's mighty rich for a woman who has a history of burying people alive.

Vivian: Oh.

Nicole: If you're trying to cause trouble between eric and me, forget it because eric's talking to sarah right now.

Xander: And such a lot to talk about.

Nicole: He's letting her down gently.

Xander: Because that's the kind of guy he is.

Nicole: Yes, he is. I feel bad for sarah. First rex, now eric. She doesn't deserve her heart to be broken again.

Xander: But as long as you get what you want.

Nicole: [Scoffs] Everyone, including sarah, knew nothing would have happen between them if eric knew I was alive.

Xander: Because you and eric are a love for the ages, now and forever as you've both gone on and on about ad nauseam. How could sarah ever hope to compete with that?

Eric: I can never hate you. I'm so sorry for hurting you like this.

Sarah: No! You have nothing to apologize for. You found the love of your life again. Who--who gets that? I see the love that you and nicole have for each other. It--it's huge. And I don't--I would never want to do anything to come between you.

Eric: I know that. And I know your heart. And I know how big it is. Whatever you have to say to me, it's all right. Just tell me.

Sarah: I just don't want to upset you. Especially now.

Eric: You know you can tell me anything, don't you?

Sarah: Yes.

Eric: Okay, then please just tell me whatever it is.

Sarah: Okay. I will.

Nicole: What is with you, xander? Why are you so concerned, warning me about eric and sarah?

Xander: Because I care.

Nicole: Oh, you care? Well, you didn't seem to care when kristen was parading around as me--said nothing.

Xander: I didn't know you were alive. And kristen was threatening me. We both know what she's capable of.

Nicole: You kidnapped holly, you coward. And you let everyone believe she was dead.

Xander: I did. I did that. I did go along with holly's kidnapping, but only because i knew kristen wouldn't really harm her.

Nicole: Kristen is a sociopath.

Xander: But she swore to me your child would be safe. And I believed her.

Nicole: You let kristen blow up my life. You let her decimate everyone I love. You let her shred eric's heart. So all this talk about how you care--[Laughs]. What happened is your fault as much as hers.

Xander: And I accept that. Well, some of it anyway.

Nicole: I can't believe you. I can't believe you, what is--

Xander: Look, believe what you want. But I do care about holly. And I still care about you. And I'm glad that you're both alive and happily back home.

Nicole: That's a very, very pretty speech. Well done. And if you believe that, then give me a divorce.

Jack: Wish I'd never been involved with eve, ever.

Jennifer: Well, I can't even believe I'm saying this, jack, but I'm kind of glad you did. I mean, she brought you back to salem. Without her, I mean, jack, you have no memory of us, of this town. I mean, who knows if I ever would have seen you again. So I'm really grateful.

Jack: After everything she's done? After everything I've done to hurt you.

Jennifer: No. I don't care, jack. I don't want to think about any of that right now. I want to focus on the positive.

Jack: Well, I don't see a whole lot to be positive about here.

Jennifer: Really? There's a mad scientist who is eager to get back to work. So let's get him in here with all of his potions and tubes and let's start over again. Come on...right now. The sooner, the better.

Vivian: This stroll down memory lane has been fascinating, but I was on my way out.

Eve: You haven't even asked me why I'm here yet.

Vivian: Perhaps 'cause I don't care. Okay, fine--but make it quick.

[Light music]

Eve: I'm here to talk to your son about dimera enterprises.

Vivian: He's at the office. There is an emergency board meeting.

Eve: Let me guess. Because someone shot the ceo?

Vivian: Isn't it dreadful? Poor, poor kate. I...just called the hospital to find out about her condition.

Eve: And how is kate?

Vivian: She's still in surgery. Apparently, it's critical. Sadly...she may not make it.

Eve: Well, that's why I'm here.

Brady: I can't--no, no, no.

Kristen: Okay. Perhaps the champagne was a little much. You know, I know how important your sobriety is to you. Don't you see? I accept you as you are, brady. The good, bad, all of you. I mean, the champagne, it was just to celebrate. But your--your lips on mine are all I need to celebrate.

Brady: Oh. No, no, no.

Kristen: Okay. You don't seem particularly happy to see me.

Brady: I-- I'm disappointed with myself... that I'm here and that I'm even thinking about giving in to--

Kristen: To what?

Brady: To whatever the hell this is, kristen.

Kristen: It's love. It's love. It's passion, it's excitement. It's the freedom to be who you are. Come on, brady. Tonight it was about you and me. That's it. Being as close as we could possibly be. And this time, you know exactly who I am, exactly how much we belong together.

[Uneasy music]

These are real people,

Xander: I signed divorce papers.

Nicole: Which are invalid because kristen was pretending to be me. So I want to sign them again. Legally. And I want it done quickly. No arguments, no strings.

Xander: Done.

Nicole: Done? Just like that?

Xander: I'm not about to stand in the way of true love.

Nicole: That didn't stop you when you forced me to marry you.

Xander: I... know that the tactics weren't pretty, but... I really did have hopes that we might be a real couple someday.

Nicole: I was your prisoner.

Xander: I don't know. I just thought if you really got to know me and appreciated my patience and my charms, I don't know, that maybe you'd get over eric and...find some love for me.

Nicole: That was never gonna happen.

Xander: Lesson learned. And I suppose you should know that whatever I felt for you, it is all in the past now.

Nicole: Well, you got over me quickly--not that I'm not thrilled, 'cause I am. But...who is the lucky woman who captured whatever heart you do have?

Sarah: I don't--I don't know where to start, um... I guess the beginning is kind of the best place, right?

Eric: Usually.

Sarah: It's just, um...

Sonny: Oh, hey. Sorry to interrupt.

Sarah: No. Is there any news on kate? How is she?

Sonny: She's still in surgery. It's been hours. Will's a wreck. So, I'm gonna tuck ari in and then head back to the hospital.

Eric: Is there any idea who shot kate?

Sonny: Actually, will and i are pretty sure we know.

Eve: With kate out of commission, stefan is gonna need some help, I think, dealing with the crisis. And I do believe that I'm the perfect person to do that.

Vivian: You? How?

Eve: Well, I've had experience at dimera.

Vivian: I don't think your kind of expertise is quite what my son needs right now.

Eve: [Chuckling] When you were "dead," I was a tremendous asset to stefan. And I can be again. I can help steer the company through this temporary setback and put it right back on top.

Vivian: If you're so tremendous and valuable, how come you're out of a job?

Jack: So much for taking a nap. Where the hell could rolf be?

Jennifer: Jack, he's got to be around here somewhere. Or you know what, he probably went back to the pub for seconds on the pot roast.

Jack: Oh, no.

Will: Hey.

Jennifer: Will, hi, honey.

Will: Hey, how's julie?

Jennifer: Well, so far, no change.

Will: I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do--

Jennifer: Thank you.

Jack: Actually, have you seen dr. Rolf? Dr. Rolf, you know, he's back and he's working on the serum that will hopefully help me get my memory back.

Will: Oh, that's great news.

Jennifer: Yes, except that we have lost him. I mean, have you seen him anywhere around?

Will: Uh, no, no, I'm sorry.

Jennifer: What if he went to kayla's office? Maybe he went there to complain about the lab being destroyed. Let's go there and check, jack.

Jack: Oh, uh...all right. You know what, you go there, okay? I'm gonna have it out with eve. That's what I'm gonna do.

Jennifer: As if I could stop you.

Jack: Right.

Kristen: I know that you want this every bit as much as I want you.

Brady: No. No. No.

Kristen: No, no, no. You wouldn't be here, brady, if you didn't want this.

Brady: No, this is wrong and you know it--it's wrong.

Kristen: Oh, this couldn't be more right. It couldn't be more right. We belong together.

Brady: All the things that you've done.

Kristen: What?

Brady: Think about what you've done. Think about what you've done to marlena, you kidnapped holly. Y-you kidnapped a small child. You let everyone think that she was dead. You threatened nicole. You ripped apart my brother's life. You've done all of this.

Kristen: Brady, shh, shh, shh shh...I fixed all that. I fixed it all. It's all in the past. Don't you see? I made everything right. I made it all right.

[Whispers] This is right too.

Brady: [Whispers] No.

Kristen: Mm-hmm.

[Edgy music]

Brady: Kristen. -And...that's your basic three-point turn.

Eve: My husband unfairly terminated me. But I sued him. But unfortunately, the court didn't quite see it my way.

Vivian: And who is your husband?

Eve: The mayor, jack deveraux.

Vivian: Oh, yes. Yes, indeed. I read about that. You apparently were police commissioner.

Eve: Yes, I was.

Vivian: And totally unqualified for the job, I gathered.

Eve: I was very good at my job--he fired me for personal reasons. The ass.

Vivian: A lover's spat. How quaint. Now if there's nothing more--

Eve: You know what, vivian, I thought you of all people would know what it means to be misunderstood, to be wronged, and to want justice. Jack used me. He broke my heart. He tossed me aside and thought that I was gonna crawl into some hole. But you know what, that's not who I am because when I get kicked in the gut, I come back bigger and better and stronger. And I'm not gonna stop until I can look that son of a bitch in the eye and laugh while he just begs me for mercy.

Sonny: Yeah, vivian was here earlier claiming she was looking for kate 'cause she wanted to make things right between them.

Eric: So after kate shot her, vivian wants to make things right? That doesn't sound like vivian.

Sonny: No--then she spouted off some crap that she wanted to forgive her enemies. Except I'm guessing she already shot kate and she was just saying that to cover her tracks.

Sarah: She said the same thing to me about being a changed person. I don't believe it for a second after everything she did to my mom.

Sonny: Yeah, well, I bet you old viv is sweating right now thinking she's the prime suspect. I just don't want her to get away. And will is determined to make her pay for what she's done.

Eric: We can only hope.

Sonny: Well, I'm gonna go see my sweet little girl.

Eric: Hey, I'm sorry you've had to deal with vivian.

Sarah: She's definitely not a woman to let anything stand in the way of what she wants. No matter who gets hurt.

Eric: Everybody is not as generous and kind as you are. Now what is it that you wanted to tell me?

Xander: The new woman in my life is sarah.

Nicole: Sarah? Sarah who's in love with eric sarah?

Xander: The same.

Nicole: [Laughs] Oh. Oh, you poor thing. Another one-sided relationship that exists only in your mind.

Xander: It was more than that at one time.

Nicole: Hmm...but why do I doubt that?

Xander: Well, you can believe whatever you want, but, uh, who knows? Maybe something will happen for sarah and me this time. So you see, nic, our interests actually align because nothing would make me happier than for you and eric to trot off to your happily ever after and stay there. Maybe then I'll have a real chance with sarah.

Nicole: You really believe that?

Xander: Stranger things have happened.

Brady: No. No. No! No! I'm not doing this.

[Intense music]

I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Nicole: At the risk of pissing off the man I want a divorce from, if I were sarah, I would run and never look back. No offense.

Xander: I...I know what everyone thinks of me, but... sarah makes me want to be a better person.

Nicole: She also knows all the horrible things you've done.

Xander: Hmm. But a woman like sarah, I don't know--I think maybe she could look past my sins, see the man I want to be, forgive me.

Nicole: This is a good place for me to end this conversation. I am, uh, gonna see how holly's doing and check on eric and sarah.

Xander: You sure that's a good idea? Never know what you might walk in on.

Nicole: I am sure they've sorted things out. Besides, I want sarah to know that there are no hard feelings between us.

Sarah: You know what? All this talk about kate reminds me that I haven't heard back from rex yet. I-I should text him again 'cause I don't want him to find about his mom on the news or from some stranger.

Eric: When my brother finds out what vivian's done, I mean, if she did this, he's gonna make sure she'd wish she'd stayed dead.

Vivian: My, aren't you the go-getter? Really, very impressive.

Eve: Well, I just know what I want.

> Vivian: I have no idea what it is, but I can tell you-- I've got a very good impression of you, my dear. And I do not give out compliments easily.

Eve: Well, maybe I'll return the favor. I have to say, you look mighty fabulous for someone who's been dead for two years.

[Both chuckle] I mean, who's to say, maybe you have your own portrait somewhere hanging in the closet, you know, like dorian--

Vivian: Enough. I'm familiar with the reference. And thank you. All of your fire and anger... I think we can use you at dimera enterprises.

Eve: You have no idea. Now, shall I give you my contact information?

Vivian: Oh, I have to go now. But if you write it down on a piece of paper, I will make sure that stefan reads it. All righty? And for now, I will just say au revoir, ma cherie. Bonne chance.

Eve: [Laughs]

Brady: I have to go.

Kristen: Brady, no you can'T.

Brady: This is not gonna happen. No.

Kristen: What do you want? You want this as much as I do. I can feel this in my soul. You want me. That's why you're here, brady. What we had together, what we were together, what we can have again.

Brady: What we had--had! I'm not that man anymore.

Kristen: Look at me. Look at me. We move to the same magic.

Brady: No, we don'T.

Kristen: Yes. We dream the same dream.

Brady: No--everything you're saying is ridiculous.

Kristen: We are soul mates. And you can fight this all you want, brady, you can.

Brady: I'm not fighting anything.

Kristen: But you want me.

Brady: I'm fine--I am fine.

Kristen: You want me, and I know you do. I know you do.

Brady: Yes, I do want you, kristen!

Sarah: There. Sent. Hopefully, rex gets back to me soon.

Eric: So can we talk now?

Sarah: It's just, um... I have no regrets. Every moment that I spent with you made my life richer and made me a better person.

Eric: I don't think that's possible.

Sarah: I don't know, I mean, I like pasta with the sauce mixed in now, so--

Eric: I'm a fan of extra garlic.

Sarah: And tomato stains.

Nicole: I'm sorry. I'll let you finish your conversation.

Sarah: No, no. It's okay. Actually, your timing is perfect. Our conversation is over. And anyway, you two have so much to catch up on and a life to plan. And after everything-- after everything that you've both been through, you deserve so much happiness. And--I want that for you. I really do.

[Melancholy music]

Brady: Everything you're saying is true. Even when you were pretending to be nicole, there was a part of me that knew it was you. I felt your pull. I felt your connection. And I feel it right now. Every time I'm around you, I feel... it. You are the fire that I can't fight. And that's why I came here tonight.

Kristen: I knew it.

Brady: Let me finish--stop! Let me talk.

Kristen: Okay.

Brady: I'm feeling what I'm feeling, and I want what I want, but I hate it. I hate the fact that I've tried with every fiber of my being not to be here tonight. But look, my ass is still here in this room with you. I hate it--I hate it as much as I...hate this. I try to fight this every day. Do you know what, not a day goes by where I don't want to drink this? You understand that, hmm? So much so I can almost taste it like I can almost taste you, kristen. I'm not gonna let you destroy me. You will not destroy me.

Kristen: No, brady, I won'T.

Brady: You will. Yes, you will.

Kristen: I won't hurt you. If anything, I can make you happy. And you know that I can. You know it. Giving in is not weak. It's not--it's a triumph of everything that could be. Everything that we could be. Drink it.

Brady: No. No, no.

Kristen: Drink it, brady. Drink me. Drink me, brady.

Brady: Stop--stop it!

[Glass shatters]

Kristen: Brady! No, brady, wait!

[Groans] Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Nicole: Are you all right?

Eric: I am. And I hope that sarah will be too. I hurt her. I regret that. She accepts that we're finally over, and I know she appreciates that I was honest with her.

Nicole: I know it was painful, but I'm glad you were.

Eric: Yeah. But the good news is is that we can finally be together. There's nothing standing in our way.

Nicole: Ohh... you know what? Holly has decided that she would like to spend the night with her grandmother, which means...

Eric: You can spend the night with me.

Nicole: And we can finally have that reunion we've been waiting for.

Eric: And I can finally have you in my arms all night long.

Nicole: [Sobs]

[Knock at door]

Xander: You don't have to hide that from me, sarah. I know you're pregnant.

Kristen: This isn't over, brady. Not by a long shot.

Bartender: What can I get you?

Brady: Give me a--give me a damn coffee, please, okay? Thank you.

Jennifer: Dr. Rolf, are you here? Oh, my gosh. Where could he have gone? Eve, you are not gonna get away with this.

Eve: What the hell do you want?

Jack: I know what you did.

Sonny: Hey. That's from ari. Any update on kate?

Will: Nope. And I can't find anyone who can tell me what's going on.

Sonny: Well, let's track down someone who can tell us something. Hello, doctor-- can you help us?

[Intense music]

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