Days Transcript Thursday 9/12/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 9/12/19


Episode #13607 ~ Jennifer and Jack are crushed by an unexpected setback; Eric breaks up with Sarah; Brady has a tense encounter with Kristen; and Eve is determined to destroy Jack's happiness after a tough loss.

Provided By Suzanne

Wilhelm: Yes, that looks right.

Jennifer: Progress on the serum?

[Glass shatters]

Wilhelm: Well, there goes jack's memory, down the tubes yet again.

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a min--how do you walk so fast in those shoes, anyway?

Eve: No, you know what? I have nothing left to say to you, jack.

Jack: Eve, the judge is about to rule.

Eve: [Sighs]

Jack: This is your last chance to drop this frivolous lawsuit.

Eve: Frivolous? You fired me because we "broke up." I do believe that that is illegal.

Jack: I fired you because you were grossly unqualified for the position of police commissioner, which the judge will surely include in his ruling. Not only will you be humiliated, but you'll be liable for all the court costs, not to mention my damages.

Eve: Your damages for what? For giving you your life back, jack?

[Scoffs] Yeah, your--your mind is certainly slipping here because I'm gonna have to remind you that you were absolutely no one before me. You were locked up in some clinic like some vegetable, not knowing who you were, where you came from, or what you wanted, and then you had the nerve to fire me? Well, I'm telling you right now that is the biggest mistake that you will ever make in your life, jack, because now you are gonna lose absolutely everything. Mm-hmm.

Kristen: Well, aren't you happy to see me?

Brady: I'm stunned, actually. I can't believe jack deveraux let you out of prison.

Kristen: Well, he's a man of his word. I gave him everything he wanted, full cooperation, and in return I am a free woman.

Brady: Hmm.

Kristen: So... now... finally... I'm all yours.

[Knocks on door]

Xander: Sarah? Room service. Just checking if there's anything else you need--

[Dramatic music]

It's gone. Oh, sarah. I hope someone else hasn't learned your little secret.

Sarah: Eric. You're back. You didn't bring holly and nicole with you?

Eric: Holly fell asleep in the car. Nicole's bringing her inside.

Sarah: Oh. Of course.

Eric: Sarah... I'm--I'm sorry.

Sarah: No, just don'T. Please.

[Exhales] Look, this is so terribly awkward for both of us here, but before you say anything... there's something I have to tell you.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Brady: You're all mine? You mean because nobody else wants you, right? Well, newsflash, kristen, I don't either.

Kristen: That is a lie, and we both know it.

[Dramatic music]

Maggie: Xander? What are you doing in my daughter's room?

Sarah: Eric, I am...

Nicole: Hey, holly, we're home.

Sarah: [Gasps] Oh, my god, holly!

Holly: We're finally home!

Sarah: Oh, yes, I know.

[Crying] I missed you so much.

Holly: Why are you crying?

Sarah: Who me? Oh, my goodness. I'm crying 'cause I missed you so much. You know what? Sometimes when--when grown-ups are very, very happy, they cry. That's silly, isn't it? Can I have another hug?


Holly: Mm.

Sarah: [Giggles] I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Jennifer: How could you drop the serum?

Wilhelm: But you have to ask? You startled me.

Jennifer: You're a doctor. You're supposed to have steady hands.

Wilhelm: Well, even the steadiest hands are no match for the proverbial bull in the china shop. But all is not lost. The suspension hadn't finished titrating. I still have some of the source chemical left, the incredibly difficult to obtain source chemical, I might add.

Jennifer: Oh, thank god. Okay.

Wilhelm: Eh, enough chitchat. Did you bring what I asked for?

Jennifer: Yes, I did. I had to drive halfway across town to find the flavor that you like.

Wilhelm: [Chuckles] Perfect.

Jennifer: I mean, did you change the serum? Because I do not remember my sister-in-law needing this to make that.

Wilhelm: Well, perhaps she preferred coffee. Mmm. But with this lab at her disposal, I'm not surprised your sister-in-law didn't need any extra energy. Ah, to have this beautifully-appointed space, state-of-the-art equipment and supplies. I can't believe it's all mine.

Henry: Actually, this lab is mine.

Jack: Firing you was far from a mistake. In fact, some people would probably say it was the best decision I ever made...

Eve: [Scoffs]

Jack: Given that you are a liar, a vandal, and a thief.

Eve: A thief?

Jack: Yeah.

Eve: Well, the only so-called evidence you have of me even taking that diary is just a videotape of me leaving seth burns's office, so, oh, ooh, lock me up. Lock me up.

Jack: Are you forgetting the fact that you've already admitted to me that you took the damn diary?

Eve: That was hearsay, jack. See, I do know a thing or two about the law, and you, jack-o, ain't got no case.

Jack: I got a lot more than you think.

Sarah: You're the sweetest little girl. I am so happy you're back, and you know what? Grandma maggie is gonna be so, so, so happy.


Nicole: You know what? Um, holly might be thirsty from our trip. Would you mind bringing her to the kitchen and seeing if she wants something to drink?

Eric: Yeah. Hey, holly, how about we go back to the kitchen and see if there's--what kind of flavor juice boxes grandma's got?

Nicole: [Chuckles] Yeah. See you in a minute.

Eric: Oh, the kitchen.

Sarah: [Chuckles]

[Somber music]

Sarah: It's so amazing you both came back after all this time. It's a miracle.

Nicole: It is a miracle. I never, never thought I'd be able to come home again.

Sarah: I am so sorry this all happened to you, nicole.

Nicole: I'm sorry this happened to you too. Eric told me... when I was gone that you and--

Sarah: Nicole, I--

Nicole: It's okay. Please... please do not apologize. I owe you so much, sarah. You took care of my daughter when I wasn't able to. I am so grateful you were there for her. I'm so grateful that you were there for eric. I can't imagine the kind of pain he was in, and you helped him through it, but even before that, before that you were a blessing in my life. I mean, you gave me a place to stay in nashville when I had nowhere else to go. You didn't even know me.

Sarah: It was the least I could do. I just wish that I could have kept xander away. Oh, my god, xander.

Nicole: What about him?

Sarah: Xander's back in salem. He's working at titan, and he is-- he's living here.

Nicole: What?

Xander: Okay, easy, mama bear. I was just checking on sarah. She wasn't feeling well earlier, and I just brought her some ginger ale.

Maggie: With no ulterior motive, I'm sure.

Xander: Maggie... I thought we'd come to an understanding.

Maggie: Okay. I admit I've started to grow fond of you, but, um, that doesn't mean that I trust you around the people that I love, so I'm warning you right now, stay away from my daughter.

Brady: Let go of me, psycho.

Kristen: [Laughs] You think I'm crazy? Well, if I am, it's because I'm crazy in love with you.

Brady: Oh, stop, kristen. You expect me to believe that you pulled all this insane crap because of me, that you ruined people's lives because you want to sleep with me? Is that what you want me to believe?

Kristen: Whose lives did I ruin? If anything, I saved people's lives. I saved tony and jack and rolf and vivian and--

Brady: Whoa, whoa, excuse me. Vivian alamain is alive?

Kristen: Yes, thanks to me.

Brady: I wouldn't go bragging about that, kristen. Oh, god.

Kristen: Not to mention I just reunited holly and nicole with their families.

Brady: Yeah, you're a real heroine, aren't you?

Kristen: You know, you can deny your feelings for me all you want, but we both know that you were more than a willing participant.

Brady: Willing?

Kristen: Mm.

Brady: I think you're a little fuzzy on the qualifications of what consensual sex is, but you did rape my brother, so you should be well aware what you did to me--

Kristen: I didn't ruin your life, brady. If I am guilty of anything, it's loving you more than anyone else has ever loved you or ever will. These are real people,

Jack: Whoa, whoa...

Eve: Just--jack.

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Eve: Jack.

Jack: You seem to be a little spotty in your memory as well. So allow me to refresh you. You destroyed evidence when you smashed claire's phone. You knew that she had set those fires, and yet you did nothing. You covered it up so that you could frame ben weston, and because of that, she was free to set more fires, which she did, nearly killing haley and tripp--

Eve: Oh, don't act like you give a damn about haley. You were more than happy to send her back to a country she barely knew.

Jack: That was your plan, not mine.

Eve: Oh, would you cut this innocent crap, jack, all right? You were totally behind every decision I made.

Jack: It was totally out of my control. You never consulted me about any of it till after the fact.

Eve: Oh, but you were willing to keep your mouth shut about back then, weren't you? Just like you're willing to keep your mouth shut about it today 'cause I know that you're more than happy to turn over to the court all of my wrongdoings, but don't you see, jack? I have nothing to lose here, and I'm not gonna sulk away with my tail between my legs 'cause if I can't share the rest of my life with you, nobody gets to share their life with you.

Wilhelm: And who are you?

Jennifer: Henry.

Henry: Jennifer. It's been a long time, but perhaps that's by design. Have you been avoiding me?

Jennifer: Oh, no, no. I've been so busy lately.

Henry: Mm, clearly. Uh, what are you doing in my lab?

Jennifer: Oh, I had no idea this was your lab.

Henry: Well, technically it's not, but the hospital loans out their labs sometimes to doctors doing important research work. I've booked this one for the next several months.

Jennifer: Oh, my goodness. Kayla thought this lab wasn't in use.

Henry: Oh, of course she did. Maybe I should take this up with dr. Johnson.

Jennifer: Yeah, I'm sure it was an honest mistake. We were in such a hurry. We're in the middle of this very urgent medical matter--

Wilhelm: If this discussion is over, I'd like to get back to it.

Henry: Is this gentleman even on staff here?

Jennifer: No, he's not. This is dr. Wilhelm rolf. Rolf, this is--

Wilhelm: Not important.

Henry: Dr. Henry shah. I've heard your name in the news, which leads me to assume that the urgent medical matter has something to do with getting your ex-husband's memory back?

Jennifer: Yes, it does.

Henry: Well, what could be more important than that? Good luck, dr. Rolf, and jennifer, I wish you and jack all the best.

[Soft music]

Brady: Get your hands-- get your hands off me. I told you to keep your hands off me, and that goes for those lips too, okay? Leave me alone.

Kristen: [Laughs] You know, I was just proving my point. You're never gonna get over me. You'll never find someone like me, 'cause obviously you tried. Face it, brady. You've careened from one disastrous relationship to another.

Brady: As opposed to you, huh? How many deluded years did you spend chasing after my father till you chose to go after your next victim?

Kristen: Well, you're not a victim, brady.

[Laughs] Oh, my god. If you believe that, why don't we go ask nicole? You banished her from your life because you were all up on your moral high horse--

Brady: She cheated on me with my brother, kristen.

Kristen: And then you threw out theresa because she wasn't good enough for you.

[Laughs] And then there was eve, hmm? Face facts, brady. You like bad girls...

[Laughs] Because deep down you know you're not the good little choir boy your brother was.

Brady: Stop trying to shrink me. It's not your style.

Kristen: [Laughs] Oh, I bet you get enough of that from the insufferable doc. I bet she, uh, gave you an earful about me, huh? She tell you to be very, very careful with me? Did she tell you it's painfully obvious you're not over me?

[Laughs] Here's a newsflash for you, brady. You're never gonna get over me. I am in your blood, and you can struggle all you want, but sooner or later you'll have no choice but to succumb.

Maggie: You may have heard eric found nicole and holly, and he's bringing them back to salem.

Xander: Good news travels fast, yeah.

Maggie: And while words just can't describe how happy I am that my granddaughter's alive, and her mother too, there is a part of me that's so sad for my daughter because now that nicole is back in eric's life, in all likelihood sarah is gonna lose the man that she loves.

Xander: Why are you confiding this in me?

Maggie: You may think you're perfectly positioned to pick up the pieces, but I--

Xander: Oh, maggie, you can save the lecture. I mean, there's something you don't know. Never mind. Forget it.

Maggie: No, no, no, tell me. What do you mean? What is it that I don't know?

Eric: Nicole.

Nicole: Eric, did you know about this, that xander was living here?

Eric: I did. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner-- it's just so many things have happened.

Nicole: Yeah, I understand that, but have you forgotten how that man made my life a living hell? Not to mention the fact that I'm still married to that bastard?

Eric: You don't have to worry about that. He can't hold anything over your head anymore. He gave the recordings to brady.

Nicole: He did?

Eric: He did, in exchange for a job at titan.

Nicole: But our marriage isn't legally over. I mean, what if he refuses to divorce me?

Eric: He already did. Kristen is the one who signed the original paperwork. Technically it may not be valid, but it won't be that hard to make it official.

Nicole: So xander is finally out of my life?

Eric: I'm never gonna let him hurt you again.

Nicole: Oh, thank you. Thank you, thank you. Oh. Oh, uh... sarah, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to be insensitive.

Sarah: No. No, don't worry about it. Um, you're back, and that's all that matters. I hope you know how happy I am that you're home.

Nicole: Are you really?

Jack: I should probably tell you--

Eve: What?

Jack: All the trouble that you went to, destroying the diary, keeping me away from the serum, doing your damnedest to keep jennifer and me apart, it didn't work.

Eve: Well, are you and jennifer back together again?

Jack: No, no, not yet. Not yet, and you know why? Because you see, I'm about to get my memory back.

Eve: [Laughs]

Eve: Really?

Jack: Mm-hmm.

Eve: Wow. How are you planning on doing that, jack?

Jack: It's simple. We don't need dr. Rolf's diary because we found dr. Rolf.

Eve: What? He's supposed to be dead.

Jack: Weren't we all? In any event, who needs the man's notes when you got the man himself? He's over at university hospital lab whipping up a new batch of that serum even as we speak.

Eve: Hmm, I see.

Jack: Uh-huh. I suppose hoping for congratulations is too much to ask.

Eve: Congratulations for what? Your life is about to become a complete nightmare, jack. You mark my words, you get your memory back, you'll be wishing to hell that you could put that genie back in its bottle. Mark my words.

[Suspenseful music]

Jennifer: Hi again.

Henry: Jennifer, hello again.

Jennifer: Hi. I'm actually glad that I ran into you because I just wanted to apologize again. If I had known that you reserved that lab space, I--

Henry: You'd have conscripted someone else's so you can avoid another awkward encounter with me?

Jennifer: I don't want to just apologize for the lab space. I really need to tell you again how sorry I am for the way that I treated you.

Henry: Not necessary. You already apologized the first time you dumped me, and the second time.

Jennifer: Yes, and you have every right to be upset. You really do. I just want you to know that I never intended to hurt you. When I asked you on that date, I really felt like I was ready to move on, like I was good.

Henry: Please, it's entirely my fault. Two years on this merry-go-round, you'd think I'd have known better. Fool me once and all that.

Jennifer: I never meant to hurt you.

Henry: But you did. Nevertheless, I accept your apology. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go find myself some new lab space.

[Dramatic music]

Kristen: After that long stint at the slammer, I need a long, hot shower, so I'm gonna get my old room back at the salem inn, and I'm gonna wash the salem pd off every inch of my body, and then I'm gonna crawl into that king-sized bed and luxuriate... inside those comfy sheets. You remember how good those feel on your body? So soft... so smooth. You know, I've been alone these past couple of days, and i could really use some company.

Brady: You're insane, you know that?

Kristen: So you say. But maybe, just maybe... you're the one who's crazy with love.

Sarah: Am I really happy that you're alive? What kind of question is that? What kind of a person do you think I am?

Nicole: Human. Um, I'm gonna go bring holly upstairs to see her grandmother.

[Soft music]

Eric: I know I asked you to wait before we made any decisions about our future.

Sarah: I guess the time's finally come.

Eric: Yeah. I guess it has.

Maggie: What is it that I don't know?

Sarah: You told my mother I was pregnant?

Maggie: Xander!

[Suspenseful music]

Xander: Yes. What I have to tell you is... victor just tried to force me to kill ben weston.

Jack: You tried to tell me about eve. You tried to tell me again and again and again, and I wouldn't listen. I wouldn't listen. Why--how come I couldn't see what a bit mistake I was making?

Jennifer: Because you are the most stubborn man I know, and jack, you always have been, but that is what brought you back from afghanistan. That is what brought you back to our family time and time again. It's not always a bad thing. I always kind of liked that about you. And you don't remember, but, um... I'm a little bit stubborn myself, maybe a lot.

Jack: Oh.

Jennifer: [Laughs]

Jack: Well... I guess if I'm stubborn about one thing, it's admitting how much I really, really, really do want my memory back. I guess I've just been a little bit afraid that maybe it wasn't gonna happen, and now it's--

[Cell phone rings] Oh, oh, wait a minute.

Jennifer: Is it rolf?

Jack: It's my lawyer.

[Cell phone beeps]

Eve: Hey, justin. What's up?

Jack: Really?

Eve: Okay, what happened? What--what did the judge say?

[Dramatic music]

Jennifer: Well, jack? Don't leave me in suspense. Did you win or lose?

[Glass shatters]

Maggie: Victor wanted you to kill ben weston?

Xander: But I didn't do it, and ben's fine, so, you know, no harm, no foul.

Maggie: No harm? Victor tried to induce you to commit murder?

Xander: But only because he was trying to protect ciara. You know how he cares about his family. He couldn't sit back and watch her get hurt.

Maggie: But she's been dating him for months, so why did, uh, victor feel he had the need to intervene now?

Xander: You'd have to ask him, and when you do, maybe leave my name out of it?

Maggie: Oh, I'm definitely gonna ask him, but, you know, just one thing. That is not what you were gonna tell me.

Xander: It isn't?

Maggie: Mm-mm. See, right before you dropped this bombshell we were talking about sarah.

Xander: Well, you see, sarah's the reason that I couldn't go through with killing ben in the first place. She's appealed to my better angels.

Maggie: Mm. And I'm gonna appeal to my husband's, right now.


Nicole: [Chuckles]

Maggie: Holly! Oh, my goodness. Hello. Oh, my goodness.

Nicole: Xander.

Maggie: [Chuckles]

Sarah: Before you walked in here with nicole... I'd actually realized that as much as stepping aside was the honorable thing to do, the last thing that I cared about was being honorable. I care about you, and I was gonna fight for you because I love you so much.

Eric: Sarah--

Sarah: No, please, just... just let me say this.

[Soft music]

When rex came back, even though I knew that I had feelings for you, I told myself that I could be with him, I could-- I could marry him, and I talked myself into believing that he and I were meant to be together, and it was-- it was work... because deep down I knew that the way I loved you was different... and that my attraction for you is unlike anything that I had ever experienced with anyone. The truth is, eric... the second that you and nicole walked in that door together, I knew that it was hopeless for us.

Eric: I feel terrible about this. You... you left rex because I promised you that nicole and I were in the past.

Sarah: It just hurts.

Eric: It does.

Sarah: [Sniffles]

Eric: It hurts me too. And like I said before, the reason why it hurts is because you are such an incredible woman, somebody who's been so good to me, so kind and loving.

Sarah: [Sniffles] I hate this.

Sarah: Let's just-- let's just get this over with, okay? Let's just be direct and honest. You want to be with nicole. You and I are over.

[Soft music]

Eric: I'm sorry.

Brady: Will you just go already, please?

Kristen: Well, you know where to find me when you change your mind.

Brady: Never.

Kristen: Oh, we will see. I am going to take that long, hot shower, and then I will be fresh as a daisy, ready to be plucked.

[Dramatic music]

Jennifer: Jack, oh, gosh, I'm so glad. I'm so happy for you. This is so wonderful. Congratulations. Congratulations. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, um, just-- I didn't mean this. I'm sorry. Are you okay?

Jack: I--I-- well, yes, yeah, y-yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm just--I j--I was thinking about eve, what eve's next move is gonna be.

Jennifer: Well, now maybe she'll crawl back into the hole that she crawled out of, but you know what, jack? It doesn't matter because this is the thing. Whatever happens, I--I can help you. We can walk through this together. I'll be there for you.

Jack: Are you sure you're really gonna want to?

Jennifer: What do you mean?

Jack: Well, maybe eve's right. Maybe I don't want to find out about the person I am. Maybe getting my memory back will be the ultimate punishment, the punishment, what I deserve for the life so poorly lived--

Jennifer: No, jack, I don't believe that for a minute, and I understand you-- you might not be ready to remember what we shared, but that's okay. That's fine. We can just take it one step at a time. I want to be there. I want to help you. I really do.

Jack: Hey, what are you doing back here already? You've already eaten the whole place out of pot roast for lunch!

Wilhelm: I've been away from civilization for a long time. I've missed the finer things in life. You know what I'm talking about. But no, I'm not actually here for a meal break. The serum's ready.

Both: What?

Jack: What--ready?

[Stammers] It's ready? I mean, you were supposed to give us a heads-up, let us know when it was done.

Wilhelm: I know. Sometimes I--I'm a little addle-brained. I--

Jennifer: Jack, this is-- you know, this is it. Are you ready?

Jack: Uh... I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

Eve: No way, no way, jack deveraux. You don't just get to cast me aside and leave me with nothing. Hell no, not if I have anything to say about it. This is mia.

[Dramatic music]

[Knocks on door]

[Door opens]

Kristen: [Sighs] I knew you would come.

Maggie: Oh, my darling angel, it's so good to have you back.

Nicole: It's so good to be back too.

Maggie: Oh.

[Both laugh] Oh, nicole. Oh, my goodness.

Nicole: Hey, sweetheart, I bet you grandma has some of your old toys if you want to go play.

Maggie: I'm sure I do.

Nicole: [Chuckles] What do you think?

Holly: Yay!

Maggie: Should we go find them?

Both: Yes.

Maggie: All right, come on, darling, let's go. Jump. There you go. Here we go. All righty then. Go to the right. Here we go.

Nicole: What was that about? What is going on between you and maggie?

Xander: Nothing but warmth, actually. We're pals now. We realized we actually have quite a lot in common.

Nicole: Well, I can't imagine what, but you know what? I don't care, I don't care who you're friends with, but just know this. I won't let you have any power over me anymore. Eric and I are together now, and I'm not gonna let you come between us.

Xander: Nicole... the path to happiness might be a bit rockier than you think.

Sarah: Thank you for being honest about your feelings and not giving me false hope.

Eric: Sarah, listen. I know this is hard for you, especially the abruptness of it, but it's hard for me too. As I said, you've been so good to me. You're important to me. I just was hoping that maybe you and I, we can--

Sarah: No, don'T. Don't, please. Don't say friends. I can'T. I can't be your friend.

Eric: [Sighs]

Sarah: Not-- not yet.

[Exhales heavily] I just want you to know that I love you, eric, and I'm-- I want you to be happy, and I promise you that I will never come between you and nicole. I promise. But before you guys go riding off into the sunset, there's something that you deserve to know.

Jennifer: All right, you have all the safeguards in place, right?

Wilhelm: Yes, yes, yes, of course, and as I've explained, the side effects should be minimal because--

Jennifer: [Gasps] Oh, my god.

Wilhelm: The serum!

[Crying] Oh, my work.

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