Days Transcript Wednesday 9/11/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 9/11/19


Episode #13606 ~ Vivian gives unsolicited advice to Sarah; Eli questions Stefan and Gabi about Kate's shooting; Nicole has an explosive confrontation with Kristen; and John issues a stern warning to Kristen.

Provided By Suzanne

Kristen: Ooh, I have a visitor. That means I am about to get some very good news.

Cop: You think?

Kristen: Yes. I heard that dr. Rolf is back in salem, and so I'm guessing the da is here to see me. Or the commissioner, maybe the mayor himself to tell me that I am about to be released.

Cop: [Chuckles]

[Tense music]

Eli: Did you shoot kate dimera?

Stefan: Of course not.

Eli: Well, what about your mother?

Stefan: My mother? What about her?

Eli: For starters, I know she's alive.

[Tense music]

Sonny: Hey, did you hear?

Will: No, what? Tell me.

Sonny: Eric found nicole and holly.

Will: Are--I mean, are they okay?

Sonny: Yeah, yeah, maggie said they're fine. They're back in salem safe and sound.

Will: That's incredible. I'm so happy. Eric's gotta be over the moon. Ah, but sarah--

Sonny: Yeah, she's probably having some mixed feelings right about now.

Sarah: Eric?

Eric: Is it true? Are you pregnant with my child?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Sarah: How did you find out?

Eric: So it's true?

Sarah: Yes. I'm pregnant.

Eric: Why didn't you tell me?

Sarah: Because I didn't want you to know. I didn't think you'd want to know.

Eric: Why wouldn't I want to know you're pregnant with my baby?

Sarah: Because of nicole. I don't want to come between you. She's the love of your life, and you--you have another chance to be with her and be a family with her and holly. That's your dream. I never want to stand in the way of that.

Eric: I see. You wanna get that?

Sarah: Get what?


[Phone rings]

[Phone beeps] Hello?

Eric: Look who's back!

Marlena: Oh, my goodness, I'm so happy to see you.


Nicole: It's wonderful to see you too, marlena. Holly, do you remember eric's mommy?

Marlena: Oh, my goodness. Look how you have grown.

Nicole: Yeah.

Marlena: Come in, come in,

Nicole: Okay, thank you.

Marlena: She's a sprout, huh?

Nicole: She is a sprout.

Marlena: And, um, everybody's okay?

Nicole: Yeah, now that eric's found us. I, uh--I don't have words to describe how I felt when I saw him at the farmhouse. I couldn't believe it. It felt like a miracle.

Eric: It was a miracle, because all my prayers were answered.

Marlena: I am so thrilled. Oh, my--um, come and sit down. Are you hungry? Are you thirsty?

Eric: No, mom, we're fine. But hey, would you mind watching holly for us for a little while?

Marlena: Not at all, but why?

Nicole: Because I have to go to the police station and make a full statement on what kristen dimera did to me.

Kristen: John, you must be here to thank me for my cooperation.

John: I'm not here to thank you. I'm here to tell you to stay the hell away from my boy.

Kristen: Oh, my, my, someone is testy today. Just the thought of me going anywhere near brady makes you--

John: Sick?

Kristen: I was going to say jealous.

Eric: Nicole said she wanted to make sure that holly was comfortable before we headed out.

Marlena: That sweet child has been through so much, and so have you.

Eric: Yeah, I thought I lost them forever, and now?

Marlena: Now you and nicole are together. You're happy, and I'm so happy for you. I am a little concerned about sarah.

Eric: So am I.

Marlena: Have you--have you spoken to her since you got back?

Eric: No, not yet. I mean, she called earlier, when I was still at the farmhouse. I told her I'd call her when I got back after i explained that i found nicole and holly, and I told nicole everything about sarah. I didn't want us to have any secrets between each other.

Marlena: Well, I'm a big believer in honesty. Of course, in this situation, it can't be easy.

Eric: No. Nicole, she's been very understanding. So has sarah.

Marlena: I feel for you, honey. I know you really came to care for sarah.

Eric: How's holly?

Nicole: Oh, um, she's--she's great. She was asking about her grandma maggie, and I said we'd see her soon. But now, she's going through all her books, trying to decide which one she wants to read with your mom first.

Marlena: I'd better get in there, I guess.

Nicole: Yeah. Thank you so much for doing this.

Marlena: It is my absolute pleasure. I am so glad that you're home where you belong.

Nicole: Thank you.

Eric: Mom, call us if you need us.

Marlena: Of course I will.

Eric: You ready?

Nicole: Ready as I'll ever be.

John: You're wasting your time with my boy.

Kristen: Oh, I think you're just upset because I didn't mention where you rank among my conquests.

John: Yeah, well, here's your wake-up call, woman. Brady wants nothing to do with you. You see, you used him, and then you proved to him how sick you are by masquerading as nicole to what? Just get him back into your bed?

Kristen: Oh, he loved every minute of it.

John: He doesn't want you. In fact, he doesn't feel anything for you except probably disgust.

Kristen: Mm. If that's true and you're so convinced that it is done with me, then why bother coming here at all?

Brady: Nic, you're back.

Eric: You know, it's good to see you. You also know that I went to go look for her.

Brady: No, I know. I haven't seen her since the fire. I mean, she's--I'm just-- I'm a little shocked right now just looking at you. It's so good to see you. I, um.. I'm happy for you. I'm happy for both of you.

Nicole: Thank you. We're happy too.

Brady: How's holly doing?

Nicole: She's okay. I mean, she--the last few months have been challenging. Browser yeah, nicole did her best that she could to keep things as normal as possible. She never knew she was being held against her will.

Nicole: Kept her busy playing games and coloring she's reading now.

Brady: She's reading?

Nicole: Yeah.

Brady: That's great. I can't wait to see her.

Eric: Well, you can see her now, if you want. She's hanging out with my mom while we run down to the station and she can give her statement.

Brady: Yeah, um, yeah, no, before you guys go, can--can I say-- can I say something to you right now, please?

Nicole: Sure.

Brady: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for everything, nic. I mean, the--the blackmailing you, making you leave town. You know, what I did to the two of you, it was--it was just wrong, and it was cruel, and I've never regretted anything more in my life, honestly. And I'm gonna--I'm gonna do whatever I can to make it up to you, whatever that is.

Nicole: Thank you, brady, for saying that. But you've already done something for me.

Brady: What's----what's that?

Nicole: You pulled eric out of that burning warehouse just in time to save his life, and I will always be grateful for that.

Eric: We should go.

Nicole: Hang on. Now that we're here, face to face after all this time, there's something I need to say to brady. I'm sorry, too.

Will: What do you think nicole being back is gonna mean for sarah and eric?

Sonny: I mean, I can only speak from my own experience, but, um, you know, I did love paul, and I was going to marry him. But, deep down, in my heart and in my soul, I knew that you were the only one for me. So I'm pretty sure that's what eric is feeling about nicole right now.

Will: So sarah's gonna get her hear broken, and all we can do is be there for her?

Sonny: Well, we can start right now. I think she's upstairs.

[Doorbell rings]

[Dramatic music]

Stefan: Yes, my mother is alive. So what?

Eli: I'd like to question her.

Stefan: Why? She had nothing to do with kate's shooting.

Eli: She had motive. Kate shot her first. Do you have any idea where vivian is?

Gabi: She's upstairs.

Eli: I need to speak with her, now.

Brady: Why? Why would you feel like you have to apologize to me?

Nicole: Because kristen used me. She transformed herself into me so she could take advantage of you, and I let it happen. I mean, I even coached her on how to pull it off.

Brady: Nicole, nicole, I don't--listen to me. I don't blame you for that. Kristen was threatening you. You needed to save holly.

Nicole: I did.

Brady: Nicole, there is nothing to forgive, okay?

Eric: Then how about you forgive me?

Brady: For what?

Eric: Accusing you of trying to get close to nicole, taking advantage of her grief.

Brady: No, look, eric. That was--that was kristen behind her mask, torturing you, trying to make you feel guilty for holly's death. That was just--I knew you were out of your mind, man.

Eric: I was, but I never should have taken it out on you. I'm just angry at myself for not seeing through it.

Brady: If anybody should have seen through it, it should have been me, you know? Autumn and kristen and I, we were intimate--

Nicole: Okay, okay. All right, all right. You know what? It's over. It's over now. Neither one of you should blame yourselves or each other. This entire thing was no one's fault but kristen's, so can we just put this behind us? Can we all agree on that?

Eric: Hey, we should get to station.

Brady: I'll let you go. I'll see you later.

Marlena: Brady? Hi.

Brady: Hi, hi. Um, I'm sorry I'm here unannounced.

Marlena: It's all right. You okay?

Brady: Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, I'm fine. I actually came by to see you and dad, and I--the door opened, and there was nicole.

Marlena: Incredible, huh?

Brady: I'm just relieved everything worked out the way it did. I think things are gonna be better, actually. Between eric and i from now on. It was still just a shock to see the real nicole.

Marlena: What about the fake nicole?

Brady: Kristen? She's behind bars.

Marlena: Well, I guess everybody's back in salem now, so she's fulfilled the terms of her agreement. I guess she'll go free. I do hope that doesn't mean she'll walk out of jail into your arms.

Stefan: I can't allow you to question my mother.

Eli: Why not, stefan?

Stefan: Well, first of all, she had nothing to do with kate being shot. She came straight here from chicago. She's been with me ever since.

Eli: If you're lying, you know that makes you an accessory, right?

Stefan: I'm not lying.

Eli: Then let me speak with her. Tell her to come downstairs, or I can go up there myself. It really all is the same to me.

Stefan: Well, it's not the same to me without a warrant. You see, my mother's exhausted. She's been through quite the ordeal. In fact, she's sleeping right now, but when she wakes up, I'll have her call you, so.

Eli: Well, you've been awfully quiet, gabi. You know anything about kate's shooting?

Sonny: Vivian.

Will: You're, um, dead.

Sonny: What are you doing here?

Vivian: Oh, at the moment, I'm looking for where you boys hid the bar cart.

Will: No, he means how are you here?

Vivian: Oh, as I understand, you and I are the recipients of a really miraculous injection.

Will: Mm, rolf's serum.

Vivian: Yes, yes. He restored my life. Then he restored my memory, which is quite a miracle after what your grandmother did to me.

Will: What do you want?

Vivian: I came to apologize to sonny, well, and to you too. It was really wrong of me to hire that horrible leo starke to come after you.

Sonny: He didn't come after me. He falsely accused me of sexual harassment.

Vivian: When he found out that I was dead, he gave up being able to get his grubby little hands on any more money, so he probably slithered back from whence he came.

Sonny: No, actually, kate took over your little plan.

Vivian: Really? My, my, my, she's even more ruthless than I thought.

Will: We moved past that, but it all started with you, vivian. You tried to destroy sonny's life. You cost him his job. You cost him his reputation, his dignity.

Vivian: I'm really deeply sorry for that. Understand that, at the time, I was blinded by my need for revenge.

Sonny: So what, we're just supposed to let it go?

Vivian: There's nothing I can do about the past, but I promise you I'm going to be a better person.

Will: Yeah, I don't believe you.

Vivian: Nearly dying can change a person. You ought to know that. I just want to make amends to everyone that I've ever harmed. And I know there are a lot of people. So I'm beginning with the two of you, and next, there would be maggie. Is she at home?

Both: No.

Vivian: Okay, then. Next in line would be your grandmother, kate. Now, I went to the dimera mansion. She isn't there. I also checked all of her other haunts in town. She was nowhere to be found, so do you have any idea where she might be?

Will: You expect me to believe that you want to make amends to kate after she shot you?

Vivian: My enemies cannot forgive me unless I forgive my enemies. We've just gotta learn to live together peacefully, so think of me as an ambassadress of goodwill.

Sarah: Hey, I just got a call from the hospital. Your grandmother, kate, is in surgery.

Will: What--what-- what happened?

Sarah: Apparently, she was shot.

Will: She was shot? Who--who shot her?

Sarah: I don't have any of the details.

Will: We gotta get to the hospital.

Sonny: I'll drive, I'll drive.

Vivian: Well, oh, dear. I should be going, too.

Sarah: You're not going anywhere.

Kristen: You know, never mind. I already know the answer to my question. You're here because you're worried. Because you know the pull between brady and me is as strong as ever. He was the first one here when I was brought in. He raced to my side.

John: Only to get information on nicole and holly.

Kristen: You can throw every excuse you want at me. The fact remains. The connection between me and your son is undeniable. I see it in his eyes. The way he looks at me when we're together. I could feel it when we made love.

John: He thought you were nicole.

Kristen: Yeah, he says that, but he knew. No, on some level, he knew it was me, and once he accepts that, once he admits that I am under his skin and I always will be, well, the next thing you know, I'll be calling you daddy.

Eric: Hey, nicole, nicole!

Nicole: You evil bitch! I'm a big kid now

Gabi: I know absolutely nothing about kate's shooting.

Eli: You sure about that?

Gabi: I would tell you if I did. Kate is my friend. Vivian, on the other hand, I am not a fan of, actually. That's why I didn't hesitate to tell you she was here. I thought you were gonna drag her off.

Stefan: As I've said, my mother's not going anywhere.

Eli: When vivian wakes up, tell her I will be back with a warrant, and when I do come back, I'll have some more questions for you.

Stefan: Oh, like, what? My favorite color?

Eli: I'd like to know where you were when kate was shot. Vivian may be our number-one suspect, but you are a very close second. You should probably get a lawyer too.

Gabi: Do you have an alibi?

Stefan: Gabi, I don't--

Gabi: The cops are all over this, okay? You need to protect yourself.

Stefan: I'm more concerned right now with protecting my mother. Gabi, thank you for not ratting her out.

Gabi: I didn't do it for her. I did it for you. I love you, and I know you don't want to lose your mother again.

Stefan: She means the world to me.

Gabi: I know, but vivian's a freaking menace. Well, she's been back all of five minutes, and the police commissioner is grilling you about an attempted murder. Don't sigh at me, please.

Stefan: I'm not sighing at you. I'm just preparing myself to tell my mother that kate survived.

Vivian: I beg your pardon?

Sarah: I recognize you, vivian alamain.

Vivian: And you would be?

Sarah: Sarah horton. The daughter of the woman you tried to bury alive.

Vivian: Oh, you mean maggie.

Sarah: There was more than one?

Vivian: It was ages ago. I'm a changed woman now. A near-death experience will do that to you.

Sarah: You were shot, right?

Vivian: Yes, in cold blood by a vicious, vindictive slut. But I have been recuperating for the past year with dr. Rolf in chicago.

Sarah: Wait, you must have been there with holly and nicole.

Vivian: Yes, until they escaped. And then that eric brady showed up looking for them.

Eric: He found them, and now eric and nicole have been reunited.

Vivian: You don't seem too happy about that.


Kristen: What the hell is wrong with you?

Nicole: What the hell do you think is wrong with me? You stole my face. You stole my whole life. You would have done anything to get what you wanted, including trying to kill my daughter! Well, you know what, kristen? I was your prisoner, but I'm free now. And you're gonna spend the rest of your pathetic life rotting behind bars.

Kristen: Oh, wrong. I made a deal with the mayor. I told jack exactly where you were in exchange for complete immunity. And here you are. So my information was good, and now it's my turn to go free.

Nicole: Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that, kristen. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Nicole: It's--it's okay. I know about your whole deal with jack. Eric told me everything.

Kristen: Then you know the mayor promised me immunity.

Nicole: He had no choice. Holly and I were missing. You were the only one who knew where we were.

Kristen: I'm sorry. Shouldn't you be thanking me? You, the kid, lover boy here are all together now. Isn't that what you wanted?

Nicole: Oh, you would just love to paint yourself as the hero here, now, wouldn't you? But you are nothing but a psycho. I know that. Eric knows that. And I'm gonna give my statement, talk to the police and the press, and then, the whole world is gonna know all the demented things you did to me, and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if jack tore up your little deal, locked you in a cage, and threw away the key.

Kristen: They won't do that.

Nicole: They won't do that? I guess you don't read much, because jacks' whole campaign was about being tougher on crime. That's how he got elected, so how do you think the public will react?

Kristen: Well, it's not my problem. Is it, now? Look at you, a bunch of ingrates. I dragged you from that burning building. I saved your life. I gave holly back her mama. And what, I don't even get an ounce of gratitude?

Eric: You want us to thank you? You've caused our families unbelievable pain!

Kristen: Yeah, a lot of pain, and it's for good reason. The best reason. Everything I did, every action I took, that was to get back the love of my life.

Nicole: You deceived brady in the most twisted way.

Kristen: Well, I wouldn't be talking, honey. You went right along with the plan.

Nicole: I didn't have a choice!

Kristen: You even coached me on how to be you

Eric: You made us believe that holly was dead.

Nicole: And then you blamed eric. You used my child to break his heart, you--

John: And when I took that mask off your face, you broke his heart all over again, didn't you?

Kristen: Oh, my god, I admit it, I admit it, okay? Yes, I pushed eric away. I will admit that. But guess what? I didn't make him fall in love with another woman.

Nicole: How could you-- stupid!

Sarah: Of course I'm happy for eric. Why wouldn't I be? He's been reunited with the love of his life.

Vivian: So you said before. I didn't buy your jubilation the first time.

Sarah: Excuse me?

Vivian: Methinks the lady doth protest too much. So what's the story? Was there a thing going on between you and eric, or what?

Sarah: The whole town knows we got involved after we thought nicole had died, but that's over.

Vivian: And why is that?

Sarah: Because I have resigned myself to the fact that eric wants to be with nicole now.

Vivian: Boy, did I read you wrong. A moment ago, when you stopped me from going out of the door, I thought, "there's one feisty little pistol." But I was wrong. You're just like your mother. Namby-pamby, goody two shoes. A wimp.

Sarah: Where do you get off, talking to me like that?

Vivian: If you were smart, you'd listen to me. I've gotten to know the other woman over the past few months, and I can tell you, the word "resigned" is not in her vocabulary. She's as feisty as they come.

Sarah: What's your point?

Vivian: My point? Let's see. She is a feisty, fiery woman, and that's clearly what eric likes. And clearly, you still care a lot about him. So I ask you, why are you giving up so easily?

Stefan: My mother's gone.

Gabi: Maybe she went to go kill somebody else.

Stefan: Gabi, this is serious.

Gabi: I don't know what to say. Maybe vivian overheard us talking about kate, she went to the hospital to finish her off.

Stefan: That was my thought, too, but-- but I still have the gun.

Gabi: Well, we both know there's more than one way to skin a cat. You should probably go find her before it's too late.

Eli: The guard told me what happened in here.

Kristen: Oh, you mean nicole attacking me?

Eli: Come on, it's time to get your statement.

Kristen: You should be arresting her for assault. I mean, I have witnesses--

Eli: Kristen, take it easy. I will have a doctor come take a look at you.

Kristen: Take it easy, yeah, cool. You'll pay for this.

Brady: I appreciate your concern. I really, really do, but marlena, I'll tell you what I've been telling everyone else, and that is I am finished with kristen dimera, promise.

Marlena: Mm, that might be easier said than done. She's gone through some extraordinary lengths to get you. Maybe she won't give up so easily.

Brady: Well, it's a lost cause. You can't force somebody to love you, right? So she can try whatever she wants. I'm not gonna return those feelings.

Marlena: Well, that's sort of what I was thinking. Um, maybe on a very subconscious level, you do. These are real people,

Eli: Thanks for your cooperation, nicole. Your statement was very helpful.

Eric: And the incident with kristen?

Eli: Don't worry about it. I spoke with the doctor, and he reported that there are no injuries.

Nicole: That's too bad.

Eli: Well, I'll be in touch if I have any more questions.

Eric: Thank you.

Eric: Are you okay?

Nicole: Yeah, I'm just so glad it's over and I'm grateful that you're with me. And I'm sorry that I lost it on kristen.

Eric: I get it. I've been there myself. Nicole, I just want you to know what kristen said about sarah.

[Both stammering] You told me I'm the love of your life. That I'm the only one that you want to spend your life with, and I believe you. You know, maggie, um-- maggie really wants to see holly, so I should go pick her up from your mom's before it gets too late.

Eric: Yeah, right. Come on.

Sonny: Hey.

Will: Well?

Sonny: Kate's still in surgery, okay? And I spoke to kayla, and she doesn't know how long it's gonna be until we hear any news.

Will: Oh, my god, what if she doesn't make it?

Sonny: No, she's the toughest person I know, okay? She's gonna be okay.

Will: You don't know that, though. Sonny, she was shot, and I want answers. I want to know who did this.

Sonny: Okay, then we're gonna find out who did this. I promise you that.

Will: It's gotta be stefan, right? He hates kate for shooting vivian, for accusing him of kidnapping, for taking his job.

Sonny: I do think stefan's a viable suspect. But I keep wondering if the person who did this was right under our noses before.

Will: Vivian.

Sarah: I am no wimp, and neither is my mother. And to answer your question, I'm giving up because eric and nicole are in love, and he and I would have never gotten together in the first place if he knew that she was still alive.

Vivian: You know, if i were you, madly in love with someone and this old flame showed up. I would use every weapon in my arsenal to hold onto him.

[Phone rings] Ah, gotta take it.

[Phone beeps] I'm in the middle of something, darling.

Stefan: I don't care, mother. I need you to come home now.

Kristen: Did you arrest nicole for assault?

Eli: The doctor found no evidence of injury.

Kristen: Are you kidding me? I was assaulted on your watch, commissioner. I could sue you, or at the very least, go to the press.

John: You know, I got a feeling if you're looking for sympathy, you're not gonna find too much around here.

Kristen: I will get my freedom. So when will I be released?

Eli: That's up to the da.

Kristen: So call her, or better yet, call the mayor. He's in charge. And you tell him if he messes with me, there will be hell to pay.

Sonny: When vivian came by the house earlier--

Will: It was all an act.

Sonny: Yeah. She wasn't trying to make amends with us.

Will: No, she was using us to cover her tracks.

Sonny: Pretending that she was looking for kate, claiming she had no idea where she was. I'm guessing she had a very good idea.

Will: I'll tell you one thing. If vivian is the one that shot kate, she's not gonna get away with it.

Vivian: Oh, gabriella, how good to see you again.

Gabi: Oh, unfortunately, the feeling is not mutual.

Vivian: How rude.

Gabi: What are you gonna do? Are you gonna shoot me, and you gonna bury me in st. Luke's cemetery like you did with kate?

Vivian: You told her?

Stefan: Where the hell have you been, mother?

Vivian: I've been doing damage control with kate's family, coving my tracks in case they started wondering where she is.

Stefan: She's in the hospital having surgery as we speak.

Vivian: Yes, I know. Sarah horton told me.

Stefan: Did you know that you're the number one suspect here? The police commissioner was just here. He wants to question you, and you better be damn sure if kate survives, he'll question her too.

Vivian: Yes, well, luckily, she's in no condition to tell anyone anything.

Gabi: Oh, she hasn't named you as the shooter yet, obviously, but when she recovers, that'll be a different--

Vivian: Would you excuse us, please? This is between my son and I.

Gabi: Gladly.

Stefan: Gabi's right. Mother!

Vivian: Yes?

Stefan: If kate survives this thing, she will point the finger directly at you.

Vivian: Well, we're gonna have to make sure she never gets that chance, hmm?

John: There she is.

Marlena: There he is. Oh, honey. How did it go at the station?

John: Maybe you ought to sit back down. I got a lot to tell you.

Marlena: Yeah, well, I have a lot to tell you, too. Where should we start?

John: How about I give you the bad news first?

Kristen: Brady.

Brady: Kristen.

Kristen: That's right, love. It's me. I'm free.

Vivian: You know, if i were you, madly in love with someone, and this old flame showed up, I would use every weapon in my arsenal to hold on to him.

[Dramatic music]

Sarah: Test results don't lie. I am pregnant with eric's baby.

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