Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 09/10/19
Episode #13605 ~ Hope reveals to Doug heartbreaking news about Julie; Kayla and Jennifer are shocked by a grisly arrival; Stefan is upset when Gabi wants to call the cops on Vivian; Jack and JJ attempt to make a deal with Dr. Rolf.
Provided By Suzanne
Haley: Hello, mr. Williams.Doug: How's she doing?
Haley: She's--she's stable.
Doug; no change?
Haley: Can I--can I get you anything, mr. Williams?
Doug: Yes, how about a dose of the truth?
Haley: I'm sorry?
Doug: I have a feeling that you and kayla and all my family are--they're not telling me something, and i have the right to know what it is.
[Monitor beeps]
Eli: Mom. Mom, I know grandma is not a good candidate for a transplant, but we have to find her a new heart some other way. Yeah, well, I was hoping you'd be able to pull some strings. Okay, yeah, I--I understand. I love you, too. I love you too, mom. Bye.
Hope: Sounds like valerie didn't have very good news.
Eli: She says it's gonna be incredibly hard.
Hope: And she's a heart surgeon, top of her field, an authority.
Eli: She said that we can't go looking for grandma a new heart. That somebody has to offer it to her.
Hope: I was afraid of that.
Eli: Hope, I don't think that we can keep this from doug any longer.
Hope: I know. I just really wanted to be able to go to him and tell him there were options.
Eli: Me, too.
Hope: If I could just tell him that there's hope, then I--then I really think he could handle it. But knowing that there's nothing that can be done. That it's just a matter of-- oh, my god, how do I do it? How do I-- how do I tell my dad? How do I tell him that the love of his life is gonna--is gonna die?
[Sobs] I got to go back.
[Somber music]
Kayla: Hey, jen.
Jennifer: Hi.
Kayla: Hi, hi. Did you talk to hope?
Jennifer: Yeah, yeah. She told me everything.
Kayla: Yeah. I wish I had better news.
Jennifer: Oh, me too. I just feel like I should have been here for her when it--
Kayla: Come on, there's no way you could have seen it coming. None of us could. Look, I--I understand that you found dr. Rolf in chicago.
Jennifer: Yeah, yeah. It was a crazy trip.
Kayla: But--but it was good news, right? I mean, if he could recreate the drug that gave will his memory back--
Jennifer: Yes, then he could help jack. That is the plan, anyways.
Kayla: You don't sound optimistic.
Jennifer: Kayla, to say that dr. Rolf dances to the beat of a different drummer is a complete understatement.
Kayla: Is he not cooperating?
Jennifer: He is and he isn'T.
Wilhelm: Mmm, caroline's legendary chowder. Well, it certainly lives up to its reputation.
Jack: I'm glad you liked it.
Wilhelm: Mmm.
Jj: You're still hungry?
Wilhelm: Ah, famished. Ah, roast chicken. Mm, that sounds tasty.
Jj: You know, it is tasty because it takes 45 minutes to make.
Wilhelm: Well, I've got all the time in the world.
Jj: My dad doesn'T.
Jack: Jj.
Jj: So you're fine with sitting here watching him feed his face? He should be in the lab.
Wilhelm: All in due time, my boy. I'm good on an empty stomach. Plus, this is the first time in so long I've been able to enjoy a meal without noise from that chattering magpie known as vivian alamain.
Gabi: Oh.
Stefan: Gabi.
Gabi: You are not gonna believe this.
Stefan: What?
Gabi: Well, I tried to convince lani that-- that I really did think julie was faking it. But she went to rafe and convinced him that I left the woman there to die. That I didn't care. That I didn't give a damn.
Stefan: Did you tell him it wasn't true?
Gabi: Of course I did, but it doesn't change anything. If she dies, then the entire town is gonna think I'm a murder.
Stefan: Well, let's hope she survives.
Gabi: Yeah. How was your day?
Stefan: About like yours.
Gabi: Why, what happened?
Stefan: Well, it turns out you may be called a murderer, but my mother is one.
Gabi: Excuse me?
Stefan: She shot and killed kate roberts.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Gabi: Kate is not dead. She's at the office.
Stefan: Then why don't you call the office? They'll tell you she didn't come to work today. Because she's dead.
Gabi: How do you know that?
Stefan: Because I went to the salem inn to check on my mother. She wasn't there, and I begged her not to leave the room. Finally she came back dirty. Sid she went for a walk. That now, she likes to forage. Ultimately I got the truth out of her.
Gabi: That she shot kate.
Stefan: Right.
Gabi: And how did your mother end up with a gun?
Stefan: I gave her one.
Gabi: You gave vivian alamain a gun?
Stefan: Yes. She said she was scared because of kate, so yeah, so I gave her--I gave her this.
Gabi: You gave vivian alamain a gun!
Stefan: She was convinced that kate had a bellhop or two on her payroll, so that's why I thought she was asking for this. Turns out she wanted it so that--
Gabi: So she could kill kate.
Stefan: Yeah.
Gabi: This is arianna's great-grandmother. Are you sure that she's dead?
Stefan: Oh, yeah, I'm sure. And there's no dr. Rolf to bring her back.
Jack: See, aren't you glad you settled for the pot roast? It came right away.
Wilhelm: Yes, and it looks scrumptious.
Jj: Dad? I can't believe this. We are sitting here watching him work his way through the left side of the menu.
Wilhelm: I can hear you!
Jj: Shut up and eat.
Jack: Jj. This is not helping.
Jj: I'm the problem?
Wilhelm: Mm, look, I know that you are anxious for your father to get his memory back, but I'm not the local gp. I am a genius, and you cannot rush a genius. Especially a hungry one, hmm?
Jj: Tell me you're not okay with this.
Jack: I'm not okay with this.
Kayla: So they were all living together in a townhouse in chicago?
Jennifer: Except for nicole and holly.
Kayla: Well, I mean, I guess kristen thought it was an efficient way to go. I mean, just like a dormitory. Put all the formerly dead people together.
Jennifer: Yeah, sort of.
Kayla: Well, poor you now, working with a mad man.
Jennifer: Kayla, what else are we supposed to do? He's the only one who can make that drug. Which is why I need to ask a big favor. It's--it's a huge favor.
Kayla: Sure, anything. Of course.
Jennifer: Dr. Rolf, he needs a lab, and I was wondering if you could set up something here for him.
Kayla: For how long?
Jennifer: I don't know. He's driving a hard bargain, and he said he wants to use it so he can also do some of his pet projects.
Kayla: Well, is he talking about his favorite projects or projects with pets?
Jennifer: I fervently hope the former.
Kayla: I--I just don't know how I'm gonna sell that to seth burns.
Jennifer: No, I understand because having dr. Rolf here is like having dr. Frankenstein. But what I was thinking is if you tell seth burns that it was requested by mayor deveraux, that could work. And if it doesn't, I'll just tell him that tom horton is my grandfather, and he founded this hospital. And if that doesn't work, I will go right to the board
Kayla: You know-- you know what? I know. I know how much you want this.
Jennifer: Kayla, jack doesn't remember his children.
Kayla: Okay. I'll authorize it.
Jennifer: You can do that?
Kayla: Sure. We just gotta keep it quiet, okay? I mean, this can't turn this into a sideshow here at tom horton's hospital, you know what I mean?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Kayla: Kate?
Kate: Help me. Please help me. (Avo) do you push through migraine?
Doug: Could you at least tell me how much longer julie is gonna be connected to all these awful machines here? I'd like to know when I can take her home.
Haley: Sir, it's not my place to discuss mrs. Williams' prognosis, but you can talk to dr. Johnson.
Doug: Well, ms. Nurse, I would do that if I knew where the hell dr. Johnson is. Could you at--at least have her paged? Could you do that little thing for me?
Hope: Would you--I'm sorry. Haley, would you excuse us? Um, we need to talk to my dad privately.
Haley: Sure.
Hope: Thank you.
[Monitor beeps]
Doug: I don't know why that sweet young thing could not give me a straight answer to a simple yes or no question.
Hope: Haley's a very good nurse, daddy. She's not trying to frustrate you.
Doug: But I am frustrated.
Hope: I know.
Doug: I know nobody is telling me the truth here, including you and you. I deserve to know what is going on with julie.
Hope: You're right. You do.
Doug: Then start talking and tell me everything. Otherwise, I--I'll chase down kayla and make her tell me.
Wilhelm: Ah, the finest pot roast I've ever had. Someone in that kitchen understands the art of the braise.
Jack: Right, so now jj and I can take you over to the hospital, and we can--
Wilhelm: Um, not quite yet.
Jj: Where the hell are you going?
Wilhelm: To use the facility.
Jj: They have those at the hospital.
Wilhelm: And then, I'm going to peruse the bar menu. I like to finish up a fine meal with a digestif.
Jj: You son of a bitch.
Jack: Sit down. Sit down.
Jj: He's playing us, dad. You do know that?
Jack: There's nothing that you can do that will hurry him up.
Jj: So--so that's it? We're just at this guy's beck and call? How do we know he's not gonna back out or take off? For all we know, he could be crawling out of the bathroom window right now.
Jack: I don't think that his full belly would allow that.
Jj: This isn't funny. I am sick of this guy wasting our time.
Jack: This guy is the only hope we have, all right?
Jj: You know, I-- I don't care. I just want my dad back.
Jennifer: Kayla, what happened?
Kayla: She's been shot. Nurse! Nurse, we have a gunshot wound to the abdomen. I need you to get me a orderly and a gurney stat. Then check her blood type on the file here under kate dimera. Order six units and book me the or.
Haley: Yes, doctor.
Jennifer: Can I help you?
Feels so good
Hope: No, daddy, you don't have to track kayla down. Eli and I talked to her. We know everything.
Doug: And you didn't think it was necessary to share that information with me?
Hope: I wanted to earlier, but you and julie were talking about your lives together. You were telling her how much you love her. It just didn't seem like the right time.
Doug: Honey, damn it, now is the right time.
[Phone rings]
Eli: I'm sorry. I gotta take this outside. This is headquarters.
[Phone rings]
[Monitor beeps]
Doug: It's bad, isn't it?
Hope: I'm so sorry, daddy. I'm sorry.
Eli: Well, I'm at the hospital right now because of my grandma, so I'll definitely see what i can find out. Yeah, I know. It's unbelievable. Okay, bye.
Jennifer: Eli, I'm so sorry. Oh, I wish there was something I could do.
Eli: Yeah, me too. Grandma's sleeping now, and hope's with doug. We've been holding off on telling him how serious her condition is, but we can't do that any longer.
Jennifer: It's just a really, really sad day, and it's gonna get worse because now I have to call lucas and tell him that his mother's been shot.
Eli: What are you talking about?
Jennifer: Kate dimera. She just came off the elevator and collapsed on the ground, and she was covered in blood.
Eli: I just got a call from headquarters. Someone reported seeing a woman staggering down the street bloodied. It must have been her.
Jennifer: I don't even know how she got here. I don't even know if she's alive. Kayla's with her right now.
Eli: Did she say who did this to her?
Jennifer: No. She just--she just cried out for help, and then she just passed out, and it was horrible.
Eli: Who would have a motive to want her dead?
Jennifer: Kate? Eli, that--that's a long list.
Eli: She lied when she accused stefan dimera of kidnapping her, and now she has his job.
Jennifer: And there's only one other person who hates her as much as stefan.
Eli: Who's that?
Jennifer: His mother, vivian alamain.
Eli: Yeah, but she's dead.
Jennifer: No, she's not.
Gabi: Okay, so where is she?
Stefan: She's upstairs.
Gabi: Are you kidding me?
Stefan: What? We have to keep an eye on her, don't we?
Gabi: I meant kate!
Stefan: Oh, she's at the cemetery.
Gabi: She's already buried?
Stefan: Oh, yeah, mother took care of that.
Gabi: So you're telling me that your mother left the salem inn with a gun and a shovel, and no one noticed?
Stefan: No, it wasn't like that. She pushed kate into an open grave.
Gabi: Okay, what is-- what is happening right now? I thought the plan was to take her company back from kate, not to kill her! Lani already thinks that I left julie there to die. If she dies, kate's blood is gonna be on my hands too.
Stefan: I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you. I have no control over her. Who are you calling?
Gabi: I'm gonna--I'm gonna call the cops, that's it.
Kayla: Well, there's an exit wound. The bullet went straight through, but it caused a lot of damage. She was shot at close range. If we don't stop this bleeding, we're gonna lose her.
Haley: Bp's 80 over 50 and dropping.
Kayla: Kate? Kate, can you hear me? Hang in there, now, come on. You're here at the hospital. You're in good hands. Can you hear me?
Kate: I'm shot, not deaf.
Kayla: Who did this to you? Stay with me, come on, come on. Stay with me, kate.
Jack: I understand you. You and probably most of the people in salem would like to get rid of the new jack.
Jj: That came out wrong. I didn't--I didn't--
Jack: You did, and it's okay. Look, I would like to know more about the man I used to be, but the only person who can help me with that is in the men's room right now.
Jj: Look, man, I was still trying to figure out how to live my life without you, and then you're back.
Jack: Only I'm not the guy that you need. I--I can see what that's doing to you.
Jj: I'm really nervous about trusting a mad scientist who was taking orders from stefano and kristen dimera. Only god knows what he could do to you.
Jack: If I said I was confident about this, I would be lying. Dr. Rolf is not known for his acts of charity.
Jj: You got that right. He's not just nuts, dad. He's evil.
Jack: This is the way I like to look at it. He no longer takes orders from the dimeras. He's a free agent now.
Jj: And I heard the red sox are still looking for a new closer.
Jack: Look, he may be nuts. He may be evil. But he is a genius with an oversized ego to match. And I say if he wants to eat everything from one side, both sides of the menu, we--we humor him.
Jj: He's wasting our time.
Jack: I have time! I don't have a memory. I--I don't have-- I don't have a terminal illness. I'm just saying please let me handle things with dr. Rolf. Can you do that for me, jj?
Eli: Are you seriously telling me that rolf and vivian alamain are alive?
Jennifer: Yes. It turns out that vivian was one of kristen's guests in that warehouse in nashville, along with jack and tony and ej dimera.
Eli: Does that mean that ms. Alamain is back in salem?
Jennifer: I don't know. Jack and I were working so hard to get rolf back here and eric was so focused on nicole and holly that we completely lost track of vivian. But her son is here, so it only makes sense that she would show up here.
Eli: And to take care of some unfinished business with the woman who shot her and left her for dead.
Stefan: No, please, please. Don't report my mother to the police. Look, I just got her back. I can't lose her again.
Gabi: So you're okay with your mom getting away with shooting kate and dumping her into an empty grave?
Stefan: Kate didn't show her any mercy.
Gabi: Okay, let me get this straight. Your plan is to keep your mouth shut, hope that no one notices kate's missing, and the whole time, your mom's gonna be living upstairs?
Stefan: I don't know. I haven't actually figured out a plan yet, okay?
Gabi: Well, you know what? If you don't report this, then we're gonna be an accessory, and I'm not gonna take that chance.
Stefan: No, gaby, please don't, I'm begging you, please.
Gabi: Stefan, if we're gonna have a future, you cannot ask me to cover for vivian.
Stefan: That's exactly what I'm asking you to do. Look, gabi, I love you. What we share is the most incredible thing I've ever had in my entire life. But if you betray my mother--
Gabi: What? I'm sorry, what? Finish your sentence. If I betray your mother, what? You're gonna divorce me?
Stefan: I didn't say that.
Gabi: Okay, hold on. So your loyalty to this evil woman is greater than your loyalty to your wife?
Stefan: Don't call her evil.
Gabi: Oh, I'm sorry. You're offended? What should I have said? The woman that's killed people, buried them alive, lied, stolen. And the ones she hasn't killed, she's treated them like dirt. Oh, no, yeah, viv? She's got a heart of gold. Why do you look so hurt, stefan? Look, I get it. Family loyalty. But being devoted to a succubus like vivian alamain is total insanity.
Stefan: Then I must be insane for wanting to help out a woman who had nothing in her life but me.
Gabi: You know, my wise aunt sophia once told me
[Speaking spanish], And that loosely translates to, be careful with a man who doesn't treat his mother well. But with you, I need to do the opposite.
Stefan: Stop. Look, I understand you're upset about kate right now. But if you give yourself time to calm down and think about things, you'll realize that you would do the same exact thing if you were in my position. Our love for our mothers, the women who gave us life. Gabi, it's hardwired. It's immutable, and I know you understand that despite all of your protesting. Look, come here. It's too late for kate because she's gone. But it's not too late for us.
Kayla: Kate, who shot you?
Haley: Bp 60 over 30.
Kayla: She's in v-fib. Get the paddles ready, 200 joules.
[Paddles buzz] Charge.
Haley: Charging.
Kayla: Clear.
Haley: Still in v-fib.
Kayla: Yeah. All right, raise it to 360 joules. Charge.
Haley: Charging.
Kayla: Clear. Come on, kate. Come on.
[Monitor beeps]
Hope: Julie's heart isn't strong enough to pump the blood through her body.
Doug: What about a transplant?
Hope: I'm sorry, daddy. It's not possible.
Doug: Don't tell me that.
Hope: I don't want to, but I have to. She isn't eligible for a transplant.
Doug: What do you mean, not eligible? Who's playing god here with-- with some other people's lives?
Hope: In order to get on the transplant list, you have to be under the age. Daddy, it's her age. She's not a good candidate.
Doug: Not a good candidate? Until this, julie was the-- the healthiest person I know.
Hope: I know.
Doug: And--and if not a transplant, my god, there must be other options. Well, aren't there? Oh, this is totally unacceptable. AHope: Okay, breathe.
Doug: So what are we supposed to do?
Hope: I wish to god I had the answer. I'm not giving up until I find one, daddy. I love her so much.
Doug: I know you do. I know you do. So what you're telling me is without a new heart, without a miracle, my sweet, beautiful girl is going to die?
Jj: I have something to say to you.
Wilhelm: You, um, wish to apologize for your impertinence?
Jj: Yes. Six years ago, you found my dad and saved his life.
Wilhelm: Mm, that's right.
Jj: The man you brought back to life is not the same man that my mother and my sister knew and loved. No offense. My dad would have never have done the things that this guy has done since he came back. He looks the same, sounds the same. But it's not just his memories that are missing. It's his heart. If I have disrespected you in any way, I am sorry. I just want the man I knew as my dad. For me and my mother and my sister, and for him too.
Wilhelm: Well, I accept your apology, but you have to understand that without my precious diary, the record of my life's work, I will have to begin anew to recreate the serum that will give him his memory back. It will be a dangerous undertaking. One false step, and the consequences for your father could be devastating.
Jj: Yeah, I get--I get that.
Wilhelm: Good. Now, you and your family have to stop pressuring me. I need breathing room so I can continue to focus. Without that, I will never be able to complete the task at hand.
Jack: Wilhelm, I think you've made yourself very clear, right? So we do this dr. Rolf's way.
Jj: Absolutely.
Wilhelm: Good! I think I will start with an espresso. And then perhaps a calvados from normandy, yes?
Jennifer: I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, but kate dimera got shot the day after we found vivian alamain alive, so when my article runs in "the spectator," I'm gonna have that information included in there.
Eli: Kate was never charged for shooting vivian. It was ruled an accident.
Jennifer: Think vivian feels that way?
Eli: I don't know. The only person who does is kate.
Jennifer: I hope she makes it.
Eli: Yeah, well, I'm gonna leave a message for kayla. Tell her to keep me posted. And I'm gonna head over to the dimera mansion.
Jennifer: Okay, I'll keep you updated on julie and kate.
Eli: I appreciate it.
Jennifer: Okay. Adrienne, hey, it's me. Listen, I'm at the hospital. I'm waiting on word about julie and trying to get dr. Rolf set up here to work on that drug, but listen. There's a giant story happening. We may have to dump the whole first page, all right? Kate dimera's been shot, and you are not gonna believe who maybe did it. I really hope you're sitting down.
Stefan: I've never felt so close to anyone in my whole life. My beautiful, sweet gabriella. Even when you infuriate me, I find you irresistible. I mean, how is that even possible? To lust after someone and want to strangle them at the same time?
Gabi: I can relate.
Stefan: Mm-hmm. I see a little bit of a smile over there.
Gabi: Mm-mm.
Stefan: That radiant smile of yours that lifts my spirits when I need it melts my heart.
Gabi: It's not working. I mean, you can sweet talk me all you want, but I'm not gonna cover for vivian alamain. She's the most detestable woman in salem, and that is saying a lot.
Stefan: I'm not asking you to do this for my mother. I'm asking you to do it for me. For us. -Guys, I want you to meet someone.
Stefan: How is it that you are more beautiful when you are mean and stubborn?
Gabi: What, hold on. I get the being stubborn, but your mother murdered a member of my family. And I'm the one that's mean?
Stefan: Okay, maybe "mean" is the wrong choice of words.
Gabi: Mm-hmm.
Stefan: Fiery and self-righteous. Both qualities that look very becoming on you.
Gabi: Well, here's what's not becoming on you. It's your blind loyalty to the most wicked woman in salem.
Stefan: Coming!
Eli: May I come in?
Stefan: Do I have a choice?
Gabi: Eli.
Eli: Gabi.
Stefan: What are you doing here?
Eli: I'm here on official police business.
Gabi: Look, whatever your fiancée said, it's a lie.
Eli: Gabi, what are you talking about? I haven't spoke to lani since she left for work.
Gabi: Oh, sorry.
Eli: Is there something I should know?
Gabi: No, I overreacted.
Stefan: I still don't know why you're here, commissioner.
Eli: I'm here because kate dimera was shot.
Jennifer: Yeah, I'm gonna stay here so I can keep an eye on kate's condition. And if you can handle the police, that would be great. Oh, hope just walked in. Okay, I gotta go. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
[Phone beeps] Test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc test test for nbc
[Monitor beeps]
Haley: She's in sinus rhythm.
Kayla: Thank god.
Doug: I don't give a damn what anyone else says. I am not going to lose you.
[Soft music]
Singer: Now in the morning when the dark bows its head and when you are calling I will breathe once again and you may have to go but darling, no I'll be here waiting be here waiting for you sleep, my darling, now
Julie: Darling.
Doug: Morning, sweetheart.
Julie: What did the doctor say? Am I gonna go home soon?
Hope: Kate was shot, and she walked in here?
Jennifer: Yeah. I have no idea how she got here.
Hope: Was she able to say who shot her?
Jennifer: No, and I'll never forget that door opening and her covered in blood and just collapsing on the floor. It was horrible.
Jj: Mom, rolf's ready to go to work.
Jennifer: Okay, kayla was gonna have a lab set up for him, but she had an emergency. Let me just see what I can do, okay? Hold on.
[Dramatic music]
Hope: Dr. Rolf. Wilhelm rolf. Back from the dead.
Wilhelm: Hope brady. It's so good to see you again. It's been far too long.
Kayla: The orderlies are gonna take you to the or, and haley's gonna come back and stay with you until you go, all right? You're in good hands, and whoever did this to you is gonna have to answer for it.
Kate: Vivian. Viv-vivian.
Gabi: Kate was shot? I--I can't believe this.
Eli: And after it happened, she made it to the hospital on her own.
Stefan: That can't be true.
Eli: I thought so, too. But witnesses say she stumbled off the elevator and collapsed.
Stefan: Wow. So she's still alive?
Eli: They're taking her into surgery soon.
Stefan: Wow. Well, thank you for stopping by and telling us. Here, why don't you come in? You know, uh, this must be a tough time for you, given your grandmother's condition.
Eli: I'm here because I have a question.
Stefan: Yeah, sure.
Eli: Did you shoot kate dimera?
Stefan: Absolutely not.
Eli: And what about your mother?
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