Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 9/6/19
Episode #13603 ~ Vivian and Kate come face-to-face. Ciara is suspicious when Brady offers her a job at Titan. Sarah confides in Kayla about her predicament. Victor orders Xander to kill Ben.
Provided By Suzanne
Kate: No. No, no, no, no.
Vivian: Smile, kate. You look as if you'd seen a ghost.
Kate: How can this be? I know you were dead. I know you were.
Vivian: Things change, especially with dr. Rolf in the picture.
Kate: Dr. Rolf. So he brought you back? Like he did kristen and tony?
Vivian: Yeah, the guy's a weirdo, but he's good at what he does. He even brought back my memories, one of which was being murdered in cold blood by you.
Kate: No, that was an accident. We struggled...
Vivian: Oh!
Kate: With a gun.
Vivian: Please! Kate, it's just there's two girls here, and I was there, remember?
Kate: I never meant to shoot you, vivian.
Vivian: I offered you the opportunity to steal the company and run it with me. And how did you respond? You shot me down. Literally. And now, I'm back to do the same to you.
[Dramatic music]
Ciara: You want me to come work for you at titan?
Brady: Work with me. I just think it's time that you join the family business.
Ciara: And grandfather is gonna sign off on this plan?
Brady: Yeah, why wouldn't he?
Ciara: Well, I don't know. Maybe because my boyfriend works for dimera?
[Tense music]
Victor: I hope that boob, xander, doesn't screw this up.
Sarah: Hello, victor.
Victor: Sarah, we missed you at breakfast. Chef made a wonderful seafood benedict. You all right? You look a little green around the gills.
Sarah: I suddenly just got super nauseous. I don't know if it's, like, nerves, because I'm so worried about eric. Or maybe it's just a stomach virus.
Xander: Or maybe you're preggers.
Sarah: Wait a minute. Oh, my god. What if xander's right? What if I am pregnant?
[Tense music]
Eric: Thank you, officer. Let us know if you have any further questions.
[Engine starts]
[Soft music]
Nicole, you're-- you're beautiful.
Nicole: And you, my love-- I mean I can't believe you're here. I thought I'd never see you again.
Eric: No one's ever gonna keep me from finding you. No one. Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Sarah: I'm fine. I'm just a bit queasy. I think I picked something up from the hospital.
Victor: Oh, that's why I hate those places. You go in there with one thing, and you come out having caught five more.
Sarah: Well, I work there, so, you know, kind of hard to avoid being there.
Victor: You need to take better care of yourself. You know, maggie's got more to worry about than worrying about the condition of her grown daughter.
[Soft music]
Nicole: Wait, wait, wait.
Eric: What is it?
Nicole: Kristen dimera. I mean, she's posing as me. She has a mask that looks like me, she's--
Eric: I know. We finally figured it out. She's been arrested.
Nicole: Really? Then you mean this-- this nightmare is over?
Eric: It's over. It's over.
Nicole: Oh, my god. I didn't think it would happen.
Eric: Me, either. And when brady dragged me out of that burning warehouse, I left you behind. When that building collapsed, so did my heart.
Nicole: I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
Eric: Those were the worst days of my life. The only thing that kept me going is the promise that I made you that day.
Nicole: To keep holly safe.
Eric: Yeah. Is holly okay? Is she safe?
[Soft music]
Holly: [Laughs]
Nicole: Go ahead.
Eric: Hi, holly. Holly. Oh, my god. I've missed you so much. Did I tell you that?
Nicole: Oh!
Eric: God, I can't believe how big you've gotten.
Nicole: Yeah.
Eric: You're more beautiful than ever. I missed you and your mommy so much. Hey, would you like to go home?
Holly: Mm-hmm.
Eric: Because I can't wait to take you and your mommy home. Does that sound good?
Holly: Mm-hmm.
Eric: Good.
[Soft music]
Kayla: Sarah?
Sarah: Kayla!
Kayla: Why are you drawing your own blood? Are you okay?
Kate: Okay, this is crazy.
Vivian: [Laughs] That's never stopped me before.
Kate: Vivian, you're going to shoot me here? Right here in this public place?
Vivian: I can't help it. I'm just so impatient.
Kate: You're never gonna get away with it.
Vivian: I always do. Got any last words?
Kate: Why don't you put that gun down? Because I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse.
Brady: Who you date is your business.
Ciara: Um, trust me. When it comes to grandfather, everything is his business.
Brady: Well, my business is to make sure that I have the best and the brightest for titan. That's it.
Ciara: You think I'm one of the best and the brightest?
Brady: I kind of do. Don't you?
Ciara: I mean no, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm definitely very bright, and I'm a fast learner. I just--I don't know. I guess I'm used to people underestimating me.
Brady: Hm. Well, here's what I know about you, ciara. I think you're strong. I think you're independent, and I know that you value family as much as I do. And you're loyal. That's why I want you on my team.
Ben: [Gasps]
[Grunts] What the hell?
[Heavy breathing] You.
Xander: But not only me.
Ben: Victor?
Victor: Hello, benjamin. I think it's time you and i had a little chat about my granddaughter. Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Sarah: Yeah, you caught me. You know, with everything that's been going on, I missed my annual checkup.
Kayla: So you're doing your own blood work?
Sarah: Well, yeah. I thought I'd cut out the middleman, you know? Save some time.
Kayla: Yeah, well, you still have to see a physician. You know that, right?
Sarah: Yeah, of course.
Kayla: Um, here, let me. I'll draw your blood for you.
Sarah: Are you sure?
Kayla: Yeah, yeah. I have drawn blood once or twice before.
Sarah: Okay.
Kayla: Yeah.
Nicole: You know what, holly, honey? Why don't you go get your new doll, and we'll bring it home with us? Yeah.
Eric: Hey, and not only get your new doll. Why don't you get anything else you want to bring?
Nicole: Okay.
Eric: Okay?
Nicole: Okay, go ahead. Head to your room. Good girl. I love you. You are so great with her.
Eric: She made it easy. I was just worried she might be traumatized after everything that happened. She seems okay.
Nicole: Yeah, I, um-- I did my best to protect her. To keep her from knowing that we were in danger, or-- being held against our will.
Eric: I just want you to know that all I ever want to do is keep her safe. That's all I wanted. And when I let chloe raise her, I did it because I thought that's what you wanted. And then kristen, when she kidnapped her, she made us all believe that she died in a horrible accident.
Nicole: I'm so sorry, eric. Like, I can't imagine what that was like for you.
Eric: You know, when she came back as you, she blamed me for holly's death. She only used that excuse so she could--
Nicole: So she could be with brady.
Brady: You would literally be--come here. Have a seat.
Ciara: Okay.
Brady: You would be the inaugural member of the executive training program. It's a pretty amazing opportunity. You would learn from me. You would learn from the other heads of the departments. But I have all the details right here. Just take a look. What is it? You're hesitating, what?
Ciara: Uh... I'm sorry, it's just that I can't help but wonder about the timing of your offer.
Brady: Timing? What do you mean?
Ciara: Do you really think that I'm ready for something like this?
Brady: I do. I know you're young. I know that you don't have your whole life planned out for you. Who does? But--and I know you have distractions right now.
Ciara: Distractions?
Brady: Distractions, like-- you know, you have a social life, ciara.
Ciara: Except for that my social life is my relationship with ben weston. And now, I'm starting to think that you're only making this job offer to distract me from him, so--
Brady: No, no, hold on. Hold on. Your family loves you, right? We all just want the best for you.
Ciara: So you're admitting that this is all about ben?
Brady: I'm admitting to you that not all of us want to see you with some psycho. Yes. I'll admit that to you.
Ciara: Psycho? Psycho, okay. Well, what about your little psycho, brady? I mean, I seem to remember that you had absolutely no problem dating kristen dimera.
Ben: Was it really necessary to go to such extreme lengths?
Victor: I don't like to take chances.
Ben: If you wanted a meeting, you could have just asked for one.
Xander: But this was so much more fun.
Victor: I'll do the talking.
Ben: You want to talk? Let's talk. When it comes to ciara, I have no problem in making my intentions very clear. I love her, and I respect her, and I believe she feels the same way about me.
Victor: Yes, well, I'm afraid you're right.
Ben: I know you see our relationship as this dark, dangerous thing, but it's not. Ciara's love saved my life, man. And I'm a better man in every way because of it.
Victor: And I don't doubt that. But the fact of the matter is that you're never going to be good enough for my granddaughter. That's why you're going to break up with her immediately.
[Dramatic music]
-And...that's your basic three-point turn.
Kate: Vivian, I don't think that you really want to do this.
Vivian: I can't think of anything that I'd rather do more.
Kate: You mentioned this the last time we were together, before we struggled with the gun. You offered me the opportunity to team up with you and to take over titan.
Vivian: And you turned me down, in no uncertain terms. Remember?
Kate: Yes, I do. I was angry, and I was short-sighted. I should have said yes. I see that now, and I would like to make it up to you.
Vivian: How would you do that?
Kate: By making you the same offer. I assume that stefan has told you that I was named ceo of dimera enterprises?
Vivian: Mm-hmm.
Kate: What do you say the two of us join forces? Run the company together?
Vivian: I'm listening.
Eric: You know about kristen and brady?
Nicole: Oh, yeah. She told me her whole endgame. And I tried to convince her that brady would never want me back, and no one would believe that I would-- that I would choose him over you.
Eric: So that's why she had to use holly's death as an excuse?
Nicole: Oh, god.
Kayla: There you go. Put pressure on that. You're all good to go.
Sarah: Thank you for doing that.
Kayla: Oh, sure. Listen, have you-- have you heard from eric?
Sarah: No, not since he went to go look for nicole and holly. So he's just out there looking for them.
Nicole: I'm sure that's hard for you.
Sarah: Yeah.
Kayla: Well, I'll get this to the lab.
Sarah: No, no, I can do it.
Kayla: Are you sure?
Sarah: Yeah, it's on my way.
Kayla: Okay. Well, listen, you know, I just-- I just want you to know that i am available to talk about eric or anything, any time, all right?
Sarah: I appreciate that.
Kayla: Yeah, okay. See you later.
[Tense music]
Sarah: Kayla?
Kayla: Um, yeah?
Sarah: I think I'm pregnant.
Nicole: Kristen knew that no one would challenge a grieving mother, no matter how bizarrely she behaved.
Eric: It's true, because she used holly's death as an excuse for everything.
Nicole: But she didn't just use holly against you or the people in salem who loved her. She used my daughter against me, too.
Eric: What, did kristen threatened holly?
Nicole: Not directly, but she made it very clear that she would do anything to get what she wanted from me.
Eric: Yeah, I wish I would have just seen this coming. I wish I would have seen behind the mask sooner.
Nicole: No, no, I-- I don't blame you, eric.
Eric: I blame myself. I didn't listen to the part of my heart that knew that she wasn't the woman that I love.
Nicole: She fooled me, too. The first time I saw kristen in that mask, I thought I was looking in a mirror.
Eric: Yeah, well, thank god john figured it out. I mean, he unmasked her in front of everybody. Even brady had to face who she really was.
Brady: Look, I made a mistake a long time ago when I fell for kristen. But I wanted to save her, ciara. Thought I could. Much in the same way you probably feel like you can save ben.
Ciara: Ben doesn't need to be saved, okay, brady? And since when do you think that you know so much about me and ben? I mean it's not like you and i have talked much recently, you know?
Brady: I realize that. I know that. I want to change that. I really do. I would love to be closer to you.
Ciara: Yeah, okay, well, we're not gonna get closer if you keep badmouthing my boyfriend. Look, he is a good person, and he is very, very important to me. What, what, brady? What's with the look?
Brady: It's just that the one thing I learned from kristen dimera is that people-- they just don't change.
Ciara: So you're saying that you were finished with kristen a long time ago?
Brady: Yeah, yeah I was.
Ciara: Mm-hmm. Except for--I heard that you were just with her again last week. Yeah.
Brady: Did you hear that? Well, that's because I didn't even-- I didn't know it was her, ciara. I thought it was nicole.
Ciara: Of course. Yeah.
Brady: I know how it sounds. Trust me, it's crazy.
Ciara: It's just that, well, I'm assuming that you guys were, like, together-together?
Brady: Yes. We were.
Ciara: Yeah. Okay, so you were intimate with a woman that you used to love without realizing that she was actually another woman that you used to love?
Brady: You got it. I mean what is your point here?
Ciara: Nothing, nothing. It's just--it's interesting.
Brady: Interesting.
Ciara: That's all.
Brady: Ciara, I know where you're going with this. You're suggesting that i probably knew it was kristen the whole time.
Ciara: Yeah.
Brady: Kristen said the same thing to me. She made the same case. I didn't know. I honestly did not know. You have to understand that this family-- the dimeras-- they can be ruthless. Utterly ruthless when they want to be. They are not like us.
Ben: I'm not walking away from ciara. I love her.
Victor: You may have convinced my granddaughter that you're a reformed man. You're harmless. But I know better.
Ben: Victor, you don't know me at all.
Victor: I've had quite a few dealings with your father.
Ben: I'm nothing like my father.
Victor: Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that. As your sister recently proved, the weston family tree is full of rot, as are the apples that fall from it.
Ben: How can I prove to you? How can I prove to you that I would never hurt ciara?
Victor: You can't, because I'd never believe it.
Ben: What do you want, huh? What do you want?
Xander: This must bring back memories, eh?
Victor: Let me make myself even clearer. You're going to break up with ciara, or my nephew here is going to break your neck.
Victor: Well, what's your answer, ben? You think this is funny?
Ben: I do.
Xander: Shut your face!
Ben: I'm sorry, fellows. It's just that you're not gonna kill me, victor.
Xander: Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that, mate.
Ben: You hear that? See, I'd expect that of him. A big, dumb thug. But you're smarter than that, victor. You know you can't trust this weasel, because he'd do your bidding, and then he'd hold it over your head forever.
Xander: I tried to warn you.
Ben: So why don't we just skip all the theatrics, and you untie me, gramps? Before you do something that everybody's gonna regret.
Victor: Now who you calling gramps?
Sarah: I just--I've been nauseated for a few days. And at first, I just thought it was stress, you know, from everything with kristen and nicole.
Kayla: Are you sure it's not?
Sarah: Well, xander made this offhand comment about me being pregnant, and I really didn't think anything of it. And then later, I was checking my calendar, and I definitely missed my period.
Kayla: So the father is rex?
Sarah: No, the timing doesn't add up, so it has to be eric'S. But he's out finding the love of his life, and--
Kayla: Okay, okay, slow down. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay?
Sarah: It's just, like, this--the timing couldn't be worse.
Kayla: I know, I know. But you know what? Don't start making assumptions until we can confirm that you actually are pregnant, okay? You have been under a lot of stress, and that does cause people to miss their periods.
Sarah: Okay.
Kayla: Want me to go to the lab? I'll take it.
Sarah: Thank you. I don't--I'm so sorry for just laying this all on you.
Kayla: No, it's okay, really. I mean it, anytime.
Sarah: I appreciate your discretion.
Kayla: Of course. It's just between you and me.
Sarah: Maybe it's a false alarm. It's just with eric finding nicole... I mean, the last thing any of us need is for me to be pregnant with his baby.
Eric: Hey, so is everything okay with holly?
Nicole: Yeah. Believe it or not, she fell asleep.
Eric: Really?
Nicole: Yeah, right on top of a huge pile of stuffed animals. It's probably the excitement of you being here and the news about going home. It just wiped her out.
Eric: I know the feeling. It's been quite a ride.
Nicole: Eric, I am so glad you're here. But I am so angry for what kristen put you through.
Eric: It's not as bad as what she put you through. I wish I just would have seen through it. I'm sorry I didn'T.
Nicole: She did everything she could to keep you from getting too close. But I can't help but think about brady.
Eric: What about him?
Nicole: Her goal was to get close to him.
Eric: And she did.
Nicole: How close?
Eric: Brady slept with her.
Brady: All right, ciara. I can't explain why I-- I didn't see through kristen's plan.
Ciara: You don't have to explain, okay? I get it. I get what it's like to find the good in someone, even though they've done horrible, horrible things.
Brady: Well, I'm not defending kristen, at all.
Ciara: You don't have to. I see it, brady. I see it in your eyes. A part of you still loves her.
Brady: No, you--ciara, you can't love somebody--
Ciara: No, no, no, see?
Brady: You can't love--
Ciara: That sounds a lot like your brain talking, okay? And can you actually look me in the eye and tell me that, if it were possible, you wouldn't want one more chance with kristen?
Brady: What are we talking about me for? We're not supposed to be talking about me. We're supposed to be talking about you and this wonderful offer that I'm giving you with titan, ciara.
Ciara: Okay. Well, if this job offer is contingent on me breaking up with ben, then you can forget it, okay? I will not give up the man that I love. Not for anything.
Victor: Xander.
Ben: [Gasps] Victor: I'll ask you one more time, mr. Weston. Are you going to do as I ask?
Ben: Hell no. I'm gonna love ciara until the day I die.
Victor: Well, then I'm afraid that day is today.
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Nicole: I don't believe it. Brady slept with kristen? Are you sure he still believed it was me?
Eric: That's what he says. Although I know that if I would have gotten that close to you, I would have known that wasn't you.
Nicole: Because you love me.
Eric: And I always will, and none of that matters now. All that I care about is getting you and holly home where you belong.
Nicole: Home. That word never sounded so good.
Eric: I know so many people who are dying to see that little girl alive and well. Especially maggie, and--
Nicole: What? Eric, what is it?
Eric: Before we go back to salem, there's something that you need to know.
Kayla: Well, here you go.
Sarah: This is--
Kayla: Yep.
Sarah: Already?
Kayla: Well, that's one of the perks of being chief of staff. I get the office with the most natural light, and I can put a rush on orders.
Sarah: You?
Kayla: No, no. I didn't look at it. I think that you should see it first.
Sarah: Thank you.
Kayla: But I can certainly stay here if you need me to while you open it.
Sarah: No, I think I should do it alone.
Kayla: Okay, well, you know where to find me if you need me.
Sarah: Thank you.
Kayla: Well, like I said before, I'm here for you. No matter what, all right? Okay.
[Dramatic music]
Brady: Look, you are free to make whatever personal choices you want in your life. I just want you a member of my team on titan. Period, that's it.
Ciara: So then, you're okay with me dating ben?
Brady: I didn't say I was okay with it, but the job offer is not contingent on you leaving your man.
Ciara: Then I will hold you to your word, and I will consider your job offer.
Brady: Yes, good. That's all I want. That's all I'm asking for. I think if you apply yourself, you're gonna be great.
Ciara: Oh, brady. Wait a second. Kayla said that when we found julie in the park that ben saved her life.
Brady: Is that right?
Ciara: Mm-hmm. Just like he saved mine in the fire. I hope that that can show you and the rest of the family the kind of guy that ben really is.
Victor: Ironic, isn't it? The necktie killer being done in by his own weapon of choice.
Ben: [Coughs]
Victor: What the hell are you doing?
Xander: I told sarah I'm a changed man.
Victor: So?
Xander: You know I'm always down to rough somebody up, but I can't kill anybody. At least, not right now.
Victor: You can't even do this right. You are pathetic.
Xander: I'm just trying to be the kind of man sarah could be with.
Victor: As if she'd give you the time of day. Give me that thing. I'll do it myself.
Kate: What are we doing here in a graveyard? We're supposed to be at dimera signing paperwork.
Vivian: Yes, indeed. I did find that proposal you made about us partnering up to run the company very tempting.
Kate: So you're turning down my offer?
Vivian: Well, it was hard, because, you know, that-- that talk you gave about, "let's topple the patriarchal system" was really inspirational. However, you are the last badass bitch I would ever want to partner with. Excuse me. Could I ask you to just step a little to your left?
Kate: What the hell is this?
Vivian: Bad news for you. Good news for me.
Kate: Vivian, you can't really think that you're gonna-- that you're going to do the same thing to me that you did to carly manning? That you tried to do to maggie horton?
Vivian: Oh, I'm sorry. Whatever are you talking about?
Kate: Vivian, please don't do this. Don'T. Don't bury me alive.
Vivian: Who said anything about alive?
[Dramatic music]
Humira patients, you inspire us.
Vivian: Kate, my dear, you looked so terrified when you thought I was going to bury you alive. No, no, no, no. I hate to repeat myself, and besides which, this is gonna be so much more permanent. Merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream.
[Dramatic music]
Ben: Hey, it's ben. Leave a message.
Ciara: Hey, ben. Where are you? I thought you'd be back with breakfast, by now. You will never believe what the family is up to. Okay, call me as soon as you get this, okay? I love you. Bye.
[Phone beeps]
Victor: You had your chance. Goodbye, mr. Weston.
Ben: No, no, no--
Brady: What the hell are you doing?
Eric: Here. Have a seat.
Nicole: Eric, you're scaring me a little bit.
Eric: I just-- I just want you to know that... after you'd gone. When I thought that I-- when I thought that i lost you forever... I got close with somebody else.
[Somber music]
Sarah: Oh, my god. I am pregnant.
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