Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 9/5/19
Episode #13602 ~ Sarah has an unsettling realization. Eric tracks down Nicole. Stefan and Vivian reunite. Victor plots to get rid of Ben.
Provided By Suzanne
Victor: Have a seat.
Brady: If you're gonna lay into me about kristen, please, don't do it.
Victor: It's not about her. This is about kate.
Brady: Please tell me you didn't promote her.
Victor: Where the hell have you been? Kate's gone.
Brady: No.
Victor: Yes. And her last official act was to make a play for your job.
Brady: [Scoffs]
Kate: Is he gone?
Gabi: Who?
Kate: Your husband, that's who. I'm steering clear of him today.
Gabi: Mm. Well, you're in luck, he's out.
Kate: Doing what?
Gabi: He has business to attend to.
Kate: Well, you wouldn't accept that explanation, and neither do I. What kind of business?
[Dramatic music]
Ben: Hi.
Stefan: Hi.
Ben: Come on in.
Stefan: Did you do it?
Vivian: Oh, my darling son! Oh! Oh!
Stefan: I don't believe it.
Vivian: [Laughs]
Sarah: Eric, are you okay?
Eric: I'm fine. Hey, did I, uh, did I wake you up?
Sarah: No, um, I've been up for hours. My stomach is in knots. I've been so damn scared for you.
Eric: I'm sorry.
Sarah: Did you find holly and nicole?
Eric: No. But I got a phone off one of kristen's men.
Sarah: You okay?
Eric: Of course. Just hoping to find something off of the phone, you know, to help me find nicole and holly.
Sarah: And?
Eric: I got something.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Vivian: I'm home!
Stefan: Oh, god. I don't believe it. I'm so happy.
Vivian: Oh. No happier than I am. Oh. I've changed, haven't I? You've changed too.
Stefan: Yeah.
Ben: Mr. Dimera.
Stefan: Yeah?
Ben: You need anything else?
Stefan: No. Not a thing. You can go. But remember, you can't say anything to anyone about mother.
Ben: I know.
Stefan: Not even ciara.
Ben: I understand.
Stefan: Thank you.
Ben: Yeah.
Vivian: Okay. Son. I realize that you've been under a lot of stress, but would you like to explain to mother why you sent a serial killer to rescue her?
Stefan: He's a different person now.
Vivian: Without a second thought, he murdered one of kristen's henchmen. He's keeping up on his skills.
Stefan: The important thing is that you are home. You're with me.
Vivian: Home.
Stefan: Right?
Vivian: Home, home, what a beautiful word. Can we go back to the house now?
Stefan: No. I mean, I-I can, but you can'T.
Vivian: Why not?
Stefan: 'Cause... the woman who shot you is living there.
Vivian: Kate roberts-- the woman you thought had murdered me-- you let her stay on?
Stefan: Of course not. She just moved in last night, and believe me, I don't like this any better than you do.
Vivian: Why did you allow it?
Stefan: Because she's the new ceo of dimera enterprises.
Vivian: What?
[Intense music]
Kate: As ceo of the company, I need to be informed of every move that stefan makes. He has to get used to reporting back to me, gabi.
Gabi: Are you for real?
Kate: I'm not going to tolerate insubordination from either of you.
Gabi: Kate, don't you think it's a little soon for you to be making rules for stefan and me?
Kate: There has to be a chain of command.
Gabi: Are you kidding me? After everything that we have gone through with kristen, stefan is at the end of his rope.
Kate: I'm well aware of that, believe me.
Gabi: We spent a lot of time in that basement, and today is the day you want to do this, kate?
Kate: What is he doing, gabi? Tell me.
Gabi: I suggested he spend the day with his masseuse.
Kate: Oh, god. Well, a session with marlena would've been a better use of his time, because she could tell him that he's a psychopath. A chip off the old block.
Gabi: You know what, that's enough, please.
Kate: No, it's not enough! Do I need to remind you that your husband tried to kill me last night?
Eric: I found a text message between this guy another goon. It was all kind of code. I think this guy was saying that he has nicole and holly.
Sarah: Did you call the police? Did you tell them about it?
Eric: No, not yet.
Sarah: Why not?
Eric: These guys are on the lookout for cops. I'm not going to put nicole and holly's lives in jeopardy.
Sarah: Okay, well, then, what are you gonna do?
Eric: Uh, well, I'm gonna try to use this phone and pretend to be the other guy and try to get a location on where they're at.
Sarah: I don't--I don't think that's a good idea. I really don't like the sound of that. All right, look, I can't tell you what to do. Will you just promise me that you'll take care of yourself?
Eric: I will. Hey, um, how's julie?
Sarah: Pretty much the same.
Eric: Please let everybody know that I'm praying for her.
Sarah: You'll keep me posted about nicole, right?
Eric: I will.
Sarah: I really hope you find her.
[Phone beeps]
Xander: You're a really good liar. As a struggling actor,
Victor: Kate said the only way she would stay is if I made her ceo. I could have turned on you. God knows I had enough cause to doubt your judgment. But I didn't do it. I couldn'T.
Brady: Well, I'll be damned.
Victor: That's all you have to say?
Brady: Thank you.
Victor: I need to know that I've made the right choice.
Brady: You did.
Victor: I need to know that this tryst that you had with nicole... kristen... hybrid, whatever, is over.
Brady: Yeah, granddad, you know what, I don't want to talk about it. If I had known, then--
Victor: What do you mean, how could you not have known?
Brady: I don't know! I don't know, she had her face-- she had nicole's face. She had her... voice.
Victor: She had an affair with your own brother.
Brady: She had convinced me that it--you know, I don't want to get into this with you. Do we have to talk about this right now?
Victor: This wasn't your first rodeo with either one of these mares. How could you not tell them apart?
Brady: I don't know. Granddad, kristen's good. She's good. She tricked me, all right? But I detest the woman. Nothing's gonna change my mind about that, okay?
Victor: Where have I heard that before? What is it with this family? Sonny's forced to marry some two-bit hustler. Claire is out of her mind over ava vitali's whelp. And you can't tell one homicidal tramp from another. And ciara was supposed to be the hope of this family. Thinks she's in love with clyde weston's serial killer son. Well, I can tell you one thing. This is gonna end. Right here and right now.
Ciara: Ew. When did they make this stuff? Last week? Ugh.
[Sighs] Oh, thank god you're here.
[Melancholy music]
Stefan: Who're you calling?
Vivian: The front desk. Hello? I'd like you to book me on the first flight to hong kong.
Stefan: No, no, hang up the phone. Mother, please, hang up the phone.
Vivian: I'll call you back.
Stefan: You're not going to hong kong.
Vivian: Somebody has to go, in person, and tell that simpleton shin that he's making the worst mistake of his life.
Stefan: Okay, but it can't be you.
Vivian: He's railroading you. You said those kidnapping charges against you were bogus.
Stefan: They were.
Vivian: Oh, I know what's going on here. He hasn't forgotten that you made such a fool of yourself over that abigail deveraux in a wig. Whatever she was calling herself.
Stefan: She was calling herself gabby. With a "Y." She's not the problem.
Vivian: Then what is the problem?
Stefan: Gabi. With an "I."
Vivian: And what's that supposed to mean?
Stefan: Gabi is now my chief ally, as well as... she's also my wife.
Vivian: Oh. Oh.
Gabi: I don't think this will interrupt the chain of command.
Kate: Thank you. I'm sorry for blowing up at you. I really am. If you hadn't walked in on stefan and talked him down, I would probably be in the dimera crypt right now.
Gabi: Well, when everything was going down with nick, you were there for me, so.
Kate: I'm glad you remember that.
Gabi: You're arianna's great-grandmother. We need to stick together.
Kate: That's all I'm trying to say. Seriously, we need to have a united front.
Gabi: Well, a united front is different from a chain of command.
Kate: Oh, yeah, but I was just referring to stefan. I mean, really, I am back in charge, gabi chic is safe, and stefan is what they call redundant. Yeah, you need to hand him those walking papers and our revenge will be complete.
Gabi: I'm sorry, I can't do that.
Sarah: Get out of my room.
Xander: Well, you don't usually stay asleep so late. I-I was just making sure you're all right.
Sarah: I'm fine, all right? Now go away.
Xander: Fine? After telling eric you hope he finds nicole?
Sarah: I meant it.
Xander: That's not what you said last night.
Sarah: I was being selfish. It's not a moment that I'm proud of. Holly... holly's my niece. She's my brother's child, and he's dead. She and her mom have been through hell and so has eric, and honestly... they deserve to be happy together.
Xander: So you're fine with being left out in the cold? That's what you're telling me?
[Dramatic music]
[Phone beeps]
[Phone beeps]
Kate: You said that you wanted to get even with stefan.
Gabi: I married him, right?
Kate: To get your hands on his job, gabi.
Gabi: Yes, yes, that is what I told everybody, including myself. And yeah, falling in love with him was not part of the plan, but it happened.
Kate: Oh, my god.
Gabi: He fell for me too, okay? I know you warned me, but it was--
Kate: Oh, what, it was bigger than the both of you? Spare me the details.
Gabi: I wanted to ruin his life, okay, but I just, I don't know, I-I couldn't, and I-I feel like such a fool. I'm a fool, aren't I?
Kate: No, no, no, no, no. No, you're not a fool. You're just human. Believe me, I've fallen for my share of monsters in my day.
Gabi: Stefan's not a monster.
Kate: Stefan is the son of vivian alamain and stefano dimera, two of the biggest, most vicious, cold-blooded monsters this town has seen. And if I hadn't dealt with vivian, right now, your new mother-in-law would be plotting ways to get rid of you in the most painful way possible.
Gabi: Probably.
Kate: You're lucky. You're lucky stefano has vanished and vivian's deader than a doornail.
[Suspenseful music]
Vivian: That's your answer to a disaster? Tea?
Stefan: This is not a disaster.
Vivian: Oh, that's right. Neither was the "hindenburg."
Stefan: Mm. Did your doctor tell you you should be drinking?
Vivian: Oh, he insisted on it. To hell with it. Ah... all right, let me get this straight. My murderer is now running the company, and you, my beloved son, are legally bound to that disgusting, money-grubbing little slut.
Stefan: Don't talk about her like that. Gabi's my soulmate. She makes me happy.
Vivian: Oh, dear god.
Stefan: Doesn't that count for something?
Vivian: [Vocalizing]
I expected so much for you. So much more.
Stefan: Okay. But, when we first met, you were still with ivan. Right?
Vivian: Oh.
Stefan: And you said something to me. You said love was the only thing that mattered.
Vivian: Oh, ivan.
Stefan: You still miss him, don't you?
Vivian: Oh, of course I do, though... he's the reason you and I got separated. Enough about ivan. We are together now, and I want to help you take back your birthright from kate. Your father would not want that whore of an ex-wife to be running dimera enterprises.
Stefan: Well, believe me, I'm not gonna let her be in charge for very long. Not after what she did to you.
Vivian: What I don't understand is--is--is why she's even around. Why isn't she locked up in prison?
Stefan: 'Cause she told the police that the shooting was an accident.
Vivian: It was no accident. Absolutely--I mean, I've had trouble regaining my memory, but once it started to come back, I very clearly saw that she was standing there with a gun in her hand, and very calmly she pulled the trigger.
Stefan: Yeah, she finally admitted to me that she killed you in cold blood.
Vivian: She would've succeeded if dr. Rolf hadn't gotten to me.
Stefan: You know, when i found out that she had my job at dimera, I came very close to returning the favor.
Vivian: Why didn't you?
Stefan: Cooler head prevailed.
Vivian: Let me guess. Gabi?
Stefan: That's right.
Vivian: That was too easy. Don't you understand? Gabi and kate are working together.
Stefan: No, gabi's on my side.
Vivian: Oh, please.
Stefan: Gabi convinced me that I'd be throwing my life away if I killed kate.
Vivian: Oh. And am I supposed to thank your bride for that?
Stefan: Look, just because i didn't shoot kate doesn't mean we're not gonna get our revenge.
Vivian: Oh! That's my boy.
Eric: This guy's either blowing off his partner or he knows what happened.
[Phone beeps] Damn it.
Sarah: Eric and I only ended up together because kristen had convinced him that nicole had become someone that he could never love. And now he knows that it was a total lie, so...
Xander: So you're just gonna throw in the towel?
Sarah: Nicole is the love of his life. And I love him enough to want him to be happy.
Xander: What about your happiness?
Sarah: I'd rather go at it alone than be with a man who's pining after another woman.
Xander: But you don't have to go at it alone. You could be with a man who only wants you.
Sarah: I get a queasy feeling you're talking about yourself.
Xander: I'm not trying to make some joke here. I would spend the rest of my life making you happy.
Sarah: That almost sounded sincere.
Xander: I'm a different man because I know you.
Sarah: Xander...
Xander: It's true, I-- I would love you and care for you the way you deserve to be loved and cared for. You'd never come second to anyone else. And I would never try and break your spirit, because it's a big part of what-- what makes you such a beautiful person.
Sarah: What's happening?
Xander: I just wish, when you looked in the mirror, you could see what I see.
[Tender music]
Sarah: Oh, my god.
[Vomit spatters]
Ciara: Kayla said that julie's heart's been badly damaged, and now it's not strong enough to pump the blood through her body the way that it should.
Ben: Sounds bad.
Ciara: It is. My grandma's stable now, but, uh, she can't live like this. She's gonna need a heart transplant.
Ben: Oh, god. Ciara, I'm sorry.
Ciara: Me too. But, um, you can't tell anybody, okay? Please, I mean, grandpa and julie don't know how bad it is yet.
Ben: I won't say a word. I mean, how long is it gonna take to get the transplant?
Ciara: That's the problem. Julie's not exactly the best candidate for a heart transplant. It's, uh, it's an age thing. But we're not giving up hope, you know?
Ben: Yeah.
Ciara: Mom says that we should just take it one day at a time.
Ben: Yeah, what else can you do?
Ciara: Ben, if it weren't for you, julie may not be alive right now. My family owes you.
Ben: You owe me nothing.
Ciara: Stop, don't say that, ben, you're a hero.
Ben: Yeah. People say that about me all the time.
Ciara: Come on, knock it off. You know that, um, kayla said if you hadn't given julie cpr, that she'd be dead by now.
Ben: Anyone would've done what I did.
Ciara: I've always seen the good in you, ben. And now my family does too.
[Melancholy music]
Brady: So what ingenious plan have you come up with so we can save us from ourselves?
Victor: It's not all of you, thank god. Will is with sonny now. You're rid of kristen. Claire's getting help, I hope.
Brady: I hope she is too. But it sounds like you have your sights set on ciara.
Victor: Yeah, well, she was always a smart one, the tough one. Even when she was a kid, I mean, she would pick up on stuff that most adults would miss.
Brady: You mean she's a lot like you.
Victor: Not anymore. Somehow, she just disappeared down a rabbit hole.
Brady: And ben weston would be the mad hatter.
Victor: Time we circled the wagons in this family, stopped letting the crazies in. Ben weston has got his father's hillbilly charm. Buried beneath that, a sadistic streak. He has got to be eliminated from my granddaughter's life.
Brady: And why are you telling me all of this?
Victor: Because you're gonna help me do it.
Vivian: What do you have in mind for kate? I want to hear all the details.
Stefan: I was thinking we could find a way to use what she did to you.
Vivian: Use it how?
Stefan: If we're gonna correct the course, we need to somehow destroy her credibility in the minds of the board members.
Vivian: Ooh! I can hardly wait to get started.
Stefan: You're gonna have to. This can't be rushed.
Vivian: You're right. Timing has to be perfect.
Stefan: When it's over, you and I are gonna be back on top at dimera. Kate is gonna be fighting for her life.
Vivian: [Laughs]
Gabi: Going to the office?
Kate: Yes, I am. It feels so good to be back in the driver's seat again, I cannot tell you. Look, I want to say, I really appreciate you coming to my rescue yesterday. That kind of loyalty does not go unnoticed by me. Gabi, it's very important that you keep stefan in line. That is the only way we're gonna bring dimera back from the brink.
Gabi: Oh, yeah, I'm sure the company will thrive now that you're back in charge.
Kate: Are you being sarcastic?
Gabi: No. No, I'm not. I've always thought you were a great businessperson. I actually thought I did a pretty good job--
Kate: As interim ceo? Yes, I thought so too. You did an excellent job for a beginner. But don't forget, I can be a fantastic mentor. If you're loyal to me, you won't regret it. But for us to really succeed, we have to let bygones be bygones.
Gabi: I thought we had.
Kate: Well, actually, I'm talking about stefan. It would be very smart if you suggest to him that he lose his animosity towards me.
Gabi: I think that's gonna be pretty hard to sell seeing as you killed his mother.
Kate: He has to stop living in the past. It's not like I can bring the old girl back, is it?
Gabi: You are in for a surprise.
Vivian: I don't mean to sound ungrateful. I know that kristen would still have me locked up if it weren't for you, but the longer it takes to take the reins from kate...
Stefan: What?
Vivian: I'm really, really-- I'm just having anxiety. Just overwhelming, because I-- what if-- what if kristen's henchmen come after me? What if kate decides to finish up the job she started?
Stefan: Don't worry about kate. As far as she's concerned, she's sure you're dead.
Vivian: Oh, I wouldn't put it past her to have a bellhop or two on the payroll. Everybody in chicago knows you sent someone to rescue me.
Stefan: From what ben told me everyone's taken up with dr. Rolf or looking for nicole walker and her daughter.
Vivian: I still feel very uneasy. Oh, good.
Stefan: What if... keep that closed. What if I give you this?
Vivian: Oh.
[Laughs] That's mine.
[Laughs] Belinda. Oh, belinda. I missed you.
Stefan: You feel a little less vulnerable?
Vivian: [Laughs] Definitely.
Stefan: All right, I-i really, really must get going. I'll stay in touch.
Vivian: You better.
Stefan: Please remember, promise me, keep your head low. Stay out of sight. And... you...
Vivian: Oh, oh, yeah.
Stefan: Thank you.
Vivian: Sure.
[Door clicks shut]
[Dramatic music]
Eric: Maybe I should send another text. Or maybe they're setting me up. Maybe I gave myself away in that last text. They could be right...
[Phone beeps] They bought it. I can't believe it.
I know where she is.
Xander: Well, i knew you didn't fancy me, but I didn't realize I make you puke.
Sarah: No. I mean, yes, but that wasn't about you. Yeah, I suddenly just got super nauseous. I don't know if it's, like, nerves 'cause I'm so worried about eric, or maybe it's just a stomach virus.
Xander: Or maybe you're preggers. It was a joke. Really.
Sarah: I'm a doctor. I know how to keep from getting pregnant. There's no chance.
Xander: Right.
Sarah: It has to be either nerves or a stomach virus.
Xander: Or me making my move.
Sarah: Xander.
Xander: No, it's all right. I'll just get rid of this lot, shall I?
Sarah: Wait. Thank you.
Xander: No, it's-- it's no problem, I mean, you haven't really eaten since last night, have you?
Sarah: No. Thank you for all the really nice things that you said about me. I don't really know if I believe them, but I really do appreciate it.
Ben: Is there anything I can do? For you, for your family?
Ciara: No, just-- just having you here with me makes all the difference.
Ben: No, come on. There's gotta be something. When was the last time you had anything to eat?
Ciara: Well, I know I had lunch, like, yesterday.
Ben: Oh, no, I'm on it. I'm on it.
Ciara: I'd also kill for a decent cup of coffee.
Ben: Okay. How about I go swing by the pub, go get breakfast and coffee for everybody.
Ciara: That would be amazing.
Victor: Are you clear on what I'm asking you to do?
Brady: Yeah.
Victor: Good. Well, just the scoundrel I wanted to see.
Xander: If you're gonna give me a gob full about nicole and the little girl, I already--
Victor: It's not about that. I need your help.
Xander: Really? What sort of help?
Victor: It's a family matter. Brady's handling part of it. I need your expertise for another area.
Xander: I'm more than happy to be of service. Just tell me what to do.
[Suspenseful music]
Robert: Drop the gun, buddy. We've been waiting for you. Drop it. Saw you and your friends on the surveillance camera at the townhouse. You're gonna pay for what you did to my colleague.
Eric: I did nothing to your buddy.
Robert: I don't care. You're still gonna pay.
Eric: Where's nicole?
Robert: Nowhere. You're never gonna see her or her bratty kid again. You're never gonna see anything again. You're gonna be real sorry you did that. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
Ciara: Kayla says that julie's resting comfortably, whatever that means. Now we're just praying for a miracle.
Brady: I'll fill victor in.
Ciara: Thank you.
Brady: Actually, uh, ciara, I came down here actually for two reasons.
Ciara: Okay.
Brady: I have a proposition for you.
Ciara: Whoa.
Brady: Yeah, well, uh, victor and I were talking. We were just talking, and your name popped up, and we both agree that it's time that you join the family business. What do you say?
Victor: Hope tried her best, but she couldn't get the job done. Now she's afraid of losing her daughter and so she's caving. And you're not here to protect your little girl. But I will. I promise you that.
Ben: [Yells]
[Intense music]
Stefan: We alone?
Gabi: Yeah. Yes, kate just, uh, went over to the office. Did you see your mother?
Stefan: Oh, yeah. It's unbelievable. Not only is she alive, but she is her old self.
Gabi: Yippee. I'm sorry. I'm--I'm sorry. I know how much you missed her. Kate asked me where you were, and I covered for you.
Stefan: Thank you. She's afraid of kate. So afraid, she won't stay at the salem inn. She doesn't want to.
Gabi: Well, she can't come back here.
Stefan: I-- I convinced her to stay put until we've made plans.
Gabi: Do you have any ideas?
Stefan: Some. One thing I do know for sure is that kate can't see it coming.
Kate: [Yells] Oh, my god. This can't be, I... I killed you.
Vivian: A cat has nine lives. Unfortunately for you, a bitch only has one.
Sarah: Well, if it is the stomach flu, then I can't see any patients. We should reschedule all of my appointments for today. But let's hold off on that until I check my calendar because there may be a couple of patients that should be seen by another doctor. Right. Okay. I'll call you back in a few.
[Uneasy music]
Wait a minute. Oh, my god, what if xander's right? What if I am pregnant?
Eric: [Grunts]
Robert: [Grunts]
Eric: [Panting]
Robert: [Grunts]
[Blows landing]
Eric: [Yelling] Where is she? Nicole! Nicole! Nicole! Where is she? Tell me where she is! Nicole...
[Tender music]
Eric: Nicole. It's really you.
Nicole: Yes. Yes.
Eric: Are you okay? Are you okay?
Nicole: I'm okay. I'm okay. Oh, my god. Oh, my god!
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