Days Transcript Tuesday 09/3/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 09/3/19


Episode #13600 ~ Julie fights for her life in the hospital. Doug supports Hope as she reads Ted's letter. Gabi is stunned to learn Vivian is alive. Eric shares news about Nicole and Holly with a conflicted Sarah.

Provided By Suzanne

Gabi: Feel better?

Stefan: With you? Always. Doesn't change the fact that my mother is still dead, but...

[Phone ringing]

Gabi: [Sighs] Who's that?

Stefan: I don't know. I don't recognize the number.

[Phone continues ringing] I should get it. Could be shin.

[Phone continues ringing] This is stefan dimera. Who is this?

Vivian: Oh, my darling boy. It's me, your mother.

Stefan: Mother? Is that really you?

Vivian: Yes, it is, my darling son. I'm alive.

Sarah: Rolf's alive?

Eric: Crazy as it sounds.

Sarah: Nothing sounds too crazy to me anymore.

Eric: Jennifer and jack, they're bringing rolf back to salem right now.

Sarah: Oh, what about holly and nicole? Did you--did you find them?

Eric: No. But there's hope. We found holly's blanket. Rolf admitted that nicole escaped with holly right before we got here.

Sarah: So holly and nicole are definitely alive?

Eric: Yes, it seems that they are.

Stefan: But this isn't possible.

Vivian: My precious son, you and I found each other across opposite ends of the globe after decades. Do you really think I'd let a little thing like death keep us apart?

Ben: Julie will make it through this.

Ciara: Seeing her on the ground like that... ben, if we hadn't found her... you saved her life.

Ben: She thought I was going to kill her.

Ciara: Yeah, but you kept her alive until the emts got there. But what if we were too late? I mean, who knows how long she was laying there like that? Maybe if someone had come sooner I...


Julie: Gabi, please. I'm having a heart attack.

Gabi: You know, I'm not gonna fall for this again. I'm really not.

Julie: What are you talking about?

Gabi: We were at the exact same park. I was having a lovely evening with eli and then he--he takes a phone call. You come crashing in and--and getting at me about how I'm dating your precious grandson and then you fake this heart attack? Of course, it makes it look like I'm the one who caused it.

Julie: No!

Gabi: Exactly what you wanted. Making me to be this monster that gave a granny a cardiac arrest.

Julie: Oh, shut up and help me! It's real!

Gabi: No, no, no, it's not real. You know what it is? It's exactly the same thing it was last time--it is bull. Julie must have been faking that heart attack. I'm sure of it.

Ben: Julie is getting the best care there is, okay? Kayla is some kind of, like, super doctor, right?

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: So you just let me worry about taking care of you.

Ciara: I'm fine. I'm fine. Oh, my god. I have to call my mom.

[Phone beeps]

[Phone line ringing]

[Phone line clicks]

Hope: Hi, this is hope brady. Please leave a message and have a great day.

[Phone line beeps]

Doug: Well, what a pleasant surprise. My princess is here.

Hope: [Laughs] Your princess let her phone run out of battery. Can you believe that?

Doug: Oh. You didn't happen to speak to julie before it died, did you?

Hope: Uh, no, I haven't spoken to her all day--why?

Doug: Well, I've been trying to reach her. No luck. Eli said she went shopping but that was hours ago and I'm a little concerned.

Kayla: Let's get her stabilized. Let me know when you have her vitals.

[Monitor beeping] I don't like the sound of that.

[Monitor beeping] Her pulse is weak and thready. Come on, julie.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Doug: It's not like julie to stay out of touch for so long.

Hope: I agree, but daddy, you are forgetting one very important detail... labor day sales.

Doug: Oh.

Hope: Right? You know--daddy, you know that julie cannot resist a sale. Any sale.

Doug: She cannot resist shopping period.

Hope: Exactly.

Doug: "Shop till you drop." That's one of her favorite mantras.

Hope: I know. Didn't you have a sign made up?

Doug: I did.

Hope: You did, right? I thought I remembered that. Yeah, I was just a young girl. Aww.

Kayla: Let's see if this stabilizes her heart rhythms. You need to fight, julie. Do you hear me?

Gabi: Why don't you just drop dead?

Julie: [Gasps]

[Exhales sharply]

[Body thuds]

[Gasps] Gabi, please, I'm having a heart attack. Gabi, please! I know you hate me, but I think I might be dying!

Gabi: I hope so. You know, I'm pretty bummed that that header down the stairs didn't do the trick.

[Monitor beeping]

[Monitor beeping steadily]

Gabi: Julie hates me so much, of course she'd fake a heart attack. Not like she hasn't done it before. But she completely overplayed it. Why would she try to make me look bad in front of no one?

[Sighs] Old lady's completely losing it.

Stefan: I don't understand, I--I was there by your side. Kayla pronounced you dead.

Vivian: Well, it turns out rolf was there as well. Soon as the coast was clear, he injected me with his magical serum.

Stefan: Where have you been all this time?

Vivian: Such a long story. But trust me, if I could have reached out sooner, I would have. I have not been well enough to travel, but even if I could have, I doubt that your half-sister would have allowed it.

Stefan: Kristen's been holding you against your will this entire time? Are you hurt? I swear to god, if she did anything to hurt you--

Vivian: No, relax, sweetheart. I am fine. Though, I must say, the accommodations are substandard and the company I've been forced to keep... sheer torture.

Sarah: That's--that's great. Holly and nicole are both alive. My god. You must be so happy, relieved.

Eric: I haven't seen them yet.

Sarah: And I bet you won't come back to salem until you do. Until you find them. Do you have any idea where they are?

Eric: Sarah, I have to go.

Sarah: Okay, I love you-- eric?

[Sinister music]

Humira patients, you inspire us.

Doug: I hope this whole town can settle down after all that drama after marlena and john's party. I also hope that kristen dimera can just stay behind bars where she belongs.

Hope: Mm-hmm, yeah.

Doug: You didn't hear a word I said, did you?

Hope: Oh, daddy, you caught me. I'm sorry, I...

Doug: Care to share?

Hope: Melinda trask gave this to me. It was found in ted laurent's personal effects. I haven't read it.

Doug: Why not?

Hope: When ted was alive, he lied about... let's just say he wasn't completely honest with me. So whatever's in here, I mean, why would it be any different? I--I should just... I should throw it away.

Doug: But you didn'T... so you must be curious.

Hope: I am... curious.

Doug: Want me to read it to you?

Ciara: [Sighs]

[Phone beeps] So much for reaching my grandpa. His voicemail is full.

Ben: Did you try the club?

Ciara: Good idea.

Sarah: Hey. What are you doing here? What's going on?

Ciara: It's grandma. We found her unconscious in the park. We think that she may have had a heart attack.

Walter: Who are you and what are you doing here?

Eric: Chicago pd. I'm looking for nicole walker and her daughter.

Walter: Police? I'd need to see a badge.

Eric: And I need to see nicole and her daughter.

Walter: Badge first.

Eric: Okay, I'm not pd. But if I were, I'd have you arrested so fast your head would spin, so why don't we cut the bull and tell me where they are?

Walter: I have no idea what or who you're talking about, but I do know you're trespassing on private property, so why don't you walk away?

Eric: Yeah, well, not until you tell me what I need to know.

Walter: Then we have a problem.

Eric: Don't be an idiot.

Walter: Excuse me?

Eric: I know that nicole was here with her daughter and they escaped. It's not gonna look too good on your résumé.

Walter: Why don't you shut the hell up?

Eric: No, I got a better idea--why don't you just tell me where they are? Or the only way you're gonna stop me is if you shoot me.

Walter: It just may come to that.

Stefan: Great. Well, stay put. I will be there as soon as i can.

Vivian: Hurry, my son. I cannot wait to see you.

Stefan: Yeah. It's a miracle.

[Laughs] I love you, mother.

Vivian: I love you too. I love you, love you, love you, my precious son.

[Phone beeps]

[Paper tears]

Gabi: If that was the call from shin, it looks like you got some good news.

Stefan: Uh, no, it wasn't shin, it was my mother.

Gabi: Your mother? Your adopted mother? I didn't know you were still in contact with her.

Stefan: No, vivian. She's alive.

Gabi: That sucks.

Kayla: Paddles.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

[Paddles charging up] 120 joules. Clear.

[Electricity cracks]

Gabi: Get up, you're embarrassing yourself. Just get--get up.

Julie: The pain's getting worse.

Gabi: Oh, gosh, you missed your calling, julie. You should have been an actress.

Julie: Help! S-somebody help me, please!

Gabi: Uh, no one can hear you, okay? And I know that you can yell louder. Oh, but you're pretending you can't because I'm here. Okay, I'm gonna just leave then.

Julie: Oh, no, please! Please!

Gabi: I'm gonna go home to my husband. Then, when I leave, you can scream bloody murder. But your little stunt? It didn't work.

Julie: [Gasping]

Kayla: Damn it. 200 joules.

[Paddles charging]

Walter: Get in there. Stand over there.

[Door slams] Uh, now would be good.

Vivian: Uh, why don't you just do as he says? I'm not going to bite you. Although...

Walter: Where's rolf?

Vivian: He left.

Walter: What the hell? What do you mean, "he left"? Did you do this? You didn't try to stop him?

Vivian: Well, what could i have done? After he gave me back my life, darling, you don't think I'm gonna say to him, "sit, stay, be a good boy"?

Eric: That's not good. Rolf's gone. You look a little nervous.

Walter: Shut up.

Eric: Yeah, I would be, too, if kristen dimera was my boss. She hates to be disappointed. But the good news is, you can relax, because she's been arrested. So why don't you go ahead and tell me anything I need to know about where nicole and her daughter are?

Ciara: And then kayla took grandma into the room and we haven't heard anything since.

Sarah: Okay.

Ciara: That's--that's not good, is it?

Sarah: You just let--let me see what's going on, but i promise you that kayla is gonna do everything she possibly can. Okay?

Ciara: Okay. Okay.

[Electricity crackles]

Kayla: Come on, julie.

[Monitor beeping steadily] Come on. Oh.

[Monitor beeping] There we go. There we go! Julie, come on. It's too soon for you to leave us. That's it. That's a girl.

Julie: I beg you!

Gabi: Whatever you're trying to accomplish, epic fail. And by the way, I was wrong earlier about, um, your calling. If you try this again, you should take some acting classes.


Julie: Please, no! Please, no.

[Breathing shakily]

Kayla: Julie?

[Door slams] Julie. Can you hear me? There you are.

Sarah: Hey, julie, can you say something?

Julie: She left me... to die.

Stefan: My mother's alive-- a miracle--and your response is, "it sucks"?

Gabi: Well, I'm sorry if i can't fall to my knees and scream for joy. It was vivian's grand scheme, with the help of andre, to steal gabi chic, that derailed my entire life. The woman is a liar, a manipulator, and a bitch who's only out for herself.

Stefan: Well, lucky for me, i fell for a woman who reminds me of dear old mom.

Gabi: Don't expect me to be happy about this.

Stefan: Can you at least be happy for me?

Gabi: Can we forget you got that phone call?

Stefan: Look, I know that you have every reason to be furious with her, but she's my mother.

Gabi: And I'm your wife.

Stefan: I know, and we're in a very good place right now. I'm sure vivian regrets everything she did to hurt you.

Gabi: Well, excuse me if i don't believe that she's returned to the living as a new version of her nasty witch self.

Hope: Okay, you talked me into it. Here, daddy. Thank you.

Doug: Excuse me. "Dear hope... I don't blame you for walking out on me. I understand if you never speak to me again. I lied to you so often, and i used those lies to get close to you. What kind of a man does that? A man who's afraid if you knew the truth about him, he never would have gotten the chance to know you. That's all I wanted--a chance. But now that you've left me, i have nothing to lose by being honest." Honey, maybe we don't need to hear the rest of this.

Hope: No, wait, daddy... why? What don't you want me to hear? What--what's in that? -Their béarnaise sauce here is the best in town.

Doug: It doesn't matter. What... your idea of just throwing it away might be the best of all.

Hope: Daddy... "when you told me about the death of your son, zach, I told you I lost a child as well"-- "but that was a lie." One of the most... horrific moments of my life and he used it.

Doug: That bastard. I wish he was--I wish he was still alive so I could knock the hell out of him. Oh, god--thank god you saw the light about that man and walked away. Honey, honey, here's a--here's a lit candle. Let's burn the damn thing.

Hope: I love that you want to protect me, but please... I need to read the rest.

Doug: Okay.

Hope: "Kate told me she lost her husband. I lied and told her that my wife had died as well."

Doug: Yeah, the man really has a pattern here, doesn't he?

Hope: "And when diana colville insisted that she ran into my wife in the south of france, I pretended to be surprised, but I was worried the truth could come out. What I know for sure is that i am dead to the woman I married, which is what I deserve."

Doug: And now we're supposed to feel sorry for the son of a bitch?

Hope: Daddy, please. I need and want to read the rest of this letter.

Doug: Okay, okay.

Hope: "I'd give anything to look you in the eye and confess all my lies and misdeeds, if only for the privilege of once again being in your beautiful presence. But I doubt you will give me that chance, and it's not one i deserve, so please know that despite all my lies, the one truth... is this... I love you. Daddy...

Walter: Relax. Are you kidding? The boss is a dimera. I don't care if she's behind bars--no way in hell I'm saying a word.

Eric: That's too bad, because kristen would want you to tell me whatever you know about nicole and where she's headed with holly.

Walter: You think I'm stupid?

Eric: Who do you think gave me the address?

Walter: Kristen?

Vivian: You see, he does have a brain.

Walter: Why would she do that?

Eric: Because she's facing serious charges. A conviction sends her to prison for life, so she worked out a deal with the salem pd. But your boss? She'll be free as soon as I find out that nicole and holly are safe.

Walter: Why should I believe you?

Eric: You can believe me or not, it's your choice. But if you're so worried about losing rolf, can you imagine what kristen's gonna feel like when she finds out you were the one guy who blew her chance at freedom?

Stefan: I wish you could understand what this all means to me. My mother... alive. It's a miracle. Gabi, I have been mourning her every day, and now-- if you could just give her a chance--look, I know she's not the easiest person to get along with, but if you could just give her a chance and spend some quality time with her...

Gabi: Can't you just set her up in a nice retirement community in, say, antarctica?

Stefan: Look, gabi... I know that vivian's scheme to steal gabi chic from you was the tipping point that caused you to lose everything, but, hey, I was involved in that too, right? But you found it in that incredible heart of yours to forgive me. To love me. I'm hoping you can do the same thing for my mother.

Gabi: Damn it.

Stefan: Is that a yes?

Gabi: Okay, look, forgiveness is a long shot, but I will try. The love part? Not gonna happen.

Stefan: You're the best.

Gabi: No, I'm an idiot.

Stefan: Who loves me.

Gabi: Not very much at this moment.

Stefan: Really?

Gabi: Mm-hmm.

Stefan: Are you--you sure about that?

Gabi: Yes, I'm sure about that.

Stefan: Mm.

Gabi: Maybe we should take this upstairs.

Stefan: I would love to, but I have to get to chicago.

Gabi: You have to get to chicago this second?

Stefan: Yes.

Gabi: [Sighs] Okay, fine. At least there's an upside to all of this, and that's gonna be kate's face when she finds out that vivian's alive. Aren't you happy that I stopped you from killing her?

Stefan: Yes, but kate cannot know anything about this.

Sarah: What do you mean? Who--who is "she"? Who--who left you for dead?

Julie: She said... she...

[Monitor beeping]

Sarah: I wonder who she meant?

Kayla: Well, hopefully we'll get some answers soon. In the meantime, let's hope that the echocardiogram and the bloodwork tells us what caused this and how bad it is.

Tech: At safelite autoglass,

Stefan: We wanna bring kate down, take back dimera, right?

Gabi: Yes.

Stefan: I don't care that my mother survived the bullet that kate put in her. I still want her to pay for what she did. So we use this.

Gabi: How?

Stefan: Not sure exactly yet, but we need to keep it a secret until we know how we're gonna use it to our advantage.

Gabi: Okay, well, it's gonna be hard to keep a secret if kate gets suspicious as to why you're leaving town all of a sudden, so why don't you just send ben?

Stefan: That's a good idea. Ben. When we finally do reveal that vivian's alive, kate gets a look at her, and I can't wait to see her face. She--if we're lucky, she'll have a heart attack.

Gabi: Maybe even a real one.

Stefan: What's that mean?

Gabi: Oh, um, nothing. I just, um--I bumped into julie and we got into it, and she faked a heart attack. I mean, it wasn't the first time she's done this.

Stefan: Huh, sounds like julie--putting on a show to get attention.

Gabi: Yeah, you should have been there--this one was emmy-worthy.

Ben: I raided the vending machine. Energy bar, trail mix, and water.

Ciara: You didn't have to do all this.

Ben: Here.

Ciara: [Hitches breath]


Ben: Our chinese picnic ended up in the trash. You need to keep your energy up.

Ciara: A fortune cookie's never said anything about this, ben.

Ben: Hey. Look at me. Grandma's gonna be okay, okay? And I'm gonna be with you every step of the way, all right?

Ciara: [Sniffles] Okay.

Ben: Okay.

Ciara: [Sighs]

[Sniffles] Um, how's grandma? How's--how's my oma julie?

Sarah: She's stable.

Ciara: So does that mean she's gonna be okay?

Sarah: Well, they're--they're taking her for some tests and we should know more shortly.

Ciara: Tests? What--what kind of tests?

Sarah: I'll let you know as soon as I know.

Ciara: She's keeping something from me.

Ben: Well, maybe there's just not much to tell yet.

Ciara: No, I don't know, ben. It's this vibe I have. I have this feeling that something is going on and it's bad, right? Because if it was good then she would tell me, right?

Ben: You don't know that. It's stefan.

Ciara: [Sniffs]

Ben: Says he needs me. It's urgent.


Ciara: You should go.

Ben: Ciara, I just promised you that I am gonna be with you every step of this way. I'm not going anywhere.

Ciara: You need this job, ben.

Ben: I don't care.

Ciara: No, no, you can't give gabi some bogus reason to try and fire you again, okay? I'm fine. I have snacks. Ben, I will let you know as soon as anything changes with julie, okay?

Ben: All right.

[Melancholy music]

Ben: You need me-- you need anything...

Ciara: I'll call.

Ben: All right.

[No audible dialogue]

Ciara: I love you, too.



[Phone beeps]

[Phone line ringing]

[Sighs] Come on, come on.

[Phone line clicks] Mom? Where are you?

Hope: I knew ted was a flawed man... who lived a flawed life. I knew he wasn't perfect, daddy. Are you okay?

Hope: Yeah.

Doug: You don't sound okay.

Hope: I... I just think... about the love that bo and i shared.

Doug: Yeah.

Hope: I have to ask myself... am I ever gonna love again? Be loved?

Doug: Yeah. I understand. Like the love julie and I share.

Both: Yes.

Doug: Love for the ages.

[Laughs] Honey, it doesn't always end the way the song says. Love is not always forever. Sometimes it just ends on its own. You only--if you're really, really lucky, then love lasts forever.

Hope: You know what I think? I think that one of the greatest gifts life can bring is to love and be loved.

Doug: Yeah. I'm not a doctor, but I do know there is a clinical term for what ails you.

Hope: [Laughs] I'm sure there is. Uh, what's that?

Doug: Yes, it is called being a romantic. That's you, and I like to think that you caught it from me.

Hope: Of course I did.

[Both laugh] Of course I did, daddy. Does julie know how lucky you are? You both are so lucky.

Doug: Well, why don't you remind her next time you see her?

Hope: I will.

Doug: Okeydoke.

Hope: I love you, daddy.

Doug: Oh.

Hope: I love you. Mm.

Kayla: Hey.

Sarah: Hey, how's julie?

Kayla: Uh, well, they're running tests now.

Sarah: I'm sorry that i wasn't there to help when she was brought in.

Kayla: Come on, there was nothing that you could do. And we both know that you weren't in the best frame of mind to concentrate on work.

Sarah: Yeah. But at least she's stable and there's that.

Kayla: How are you? Did you call eric?

Sarah: I did.

Kayla: And?

Sarah: He confirmed what kristen said. Holly and nicole are both alive.

Kayla: Oh, that's wonderful. I mean, I--I know that things are--

Sarah: No, no, no, it--it is. It is. It's wonderful.

Kayla: So is he bringing them back here?

Sarah: I don't know, I-- unfortunately, they just found holly's blanket. Apparently, nicole took holly and escaped.

Vivian: [Humming]

Eric: Quit stalling. Tell me where nicole went. Where did she take holly? Do you have a time? Direction? Do you have any surveillance? Anything? Come on, you must know something.

Walter: Sorry, fella, I'm not playing.

Eric: Do you really want to be that guy who stands between kristen and her freedom? You're a brave man.

Walter: Maybe she's not the only person I answer to.

Eric: What do you mean? If you're talking about rolf...

Walter: That old quack? Hell no.

Eric: Then who?

[Sinister music]

Unpredictable crohn's

symptoms following you?

Ben: Hey.

Stefan: Hey.

Ben: I came as soon as i could, what's up?

Stefan: Need you to go to chicago, pick up a woman. But it needs to be done quietly. No one can know.

Ben: Uh... I swore to ciara after everything that happened with gabi, I would never do anything like that again.

Gabi: Oh, well, it's not gonna be like the day that you ripped me out of my home on christmas day.

Stefan: The woman in question is my mother. Hey. She's coming back here on her own free will.

Ben: I thought your mom was dead?

Stefan: So did I. Apparently she's a lot tougher than I thought.

Eric: Vivian?

Vivian: Do you think if i were calling the shots, I would have chosen this? Cooped up with that harpy nicole and a toddler? Besides, I'm still recovering from that cocktail of medications that rolf gave me to restore my memory. Oh, dear. As you can see, I'm hardly in any condition to be a threat to anyone.

Eric: Who did you mean, then? If you're not taking orders from kristen, then who?

Kayla: Does anybody know where nicole might have gone, or do they think maybe she's headed back to salem?

Sarah: Uh, eric was kind of short in the details. He basically hung up on me. Not that I blame him, with everything that he's dealing with.

Kayla: How about what you're dealing with?

Sarah: Eric said that, um-- that he's gonna search for them--holly and nicole-- and that he--he won't stop until he finds them. Just one happy little family.

Kayla: You can't jump to any conclusions on this. You know that, right?

Sarah: Yeah, I do. So in the meantime, I am going to focus on the one thing that i can control, which is helping you give julie the best possible care.

Kayla: Okay.

[Phone beeps rapidly]

Hope: Wow. Looks like I've been missed by a few people, here. Oh. Several calls from ciara and a bunch of text messages from... oh, god.

Doug: What's wrong now?

Hope: Julie.

[Phone beeps]

[Phone line ringing]

[Phone line clicks]

Sarah: Hey, it's me. Um, you don't have to call me back when you get this. I just--you seemed like you were in a rush to get off the phone earlier, so I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and I hope everything is okay.

[Phone beeps]

Walter: My boss is none of your concern.

Eric: Yeah, well, my concern is nicole and holly, so if you're not gonna give me what I want, then I'm gonna find it myself.

[Gun cocks]

Walter: [Chuckles] You don't need to worry about nicole walker, because your search ends here and now.

Gabi: Is this necessary?

Stefan: It's just a precaution, okay? Especially knowing that kristen's involved, who knows what ben's gonna find when he gets to chicago. Hey, I appreciate you doing this on such short notice. I'd do it myself but it's gotta be under the radar.

Ben: Understood. Just gonna contact ciara before I head out, let her know I won't be heading back to the hospital tonight.

Stefan: "Hospital"?

Gabi: What's wrong?

Stefan: Ciara's in the hospital?

Gabi: Is she okay?

Ben: No, she's fine. It was, uh--it was her grandma, julie. She had a massive heart attack.

Hope: Ciara?

Ciara: Mom.

Hope: Honey.

Ciara: Oh, mom. Grandpa. Hi.

Doug: How is she? How is julie? Kayla, tell me, how is she? How is my julie?

Kayla: Doug, I, um--I need you to brace yourself. I have some bad news.

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