Days Transcript Monday 09/2/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 09/2/19


Episode #13599 ~ Eric, Jennifer, and Jack uncover a shocking secret. Stefan receives a surprising phone call. Gabi makes a potentially fatal mistake. Ben and Ciara come to Julie's aid.

Provided By Suzanne

Julie: Oh!

Gabi: Excuse me.

Julie: Oh...why don't you watch where you're going? I'm sorry. I should have been more careful.

Gabi: Whatever. I need to go.

Julie: Gabi! Can I have...can I have a word with you? It is important.

Gabi: No.

[Dramatic music]

Kayla: Hey. You want some coffee?

Sarah: No, I don't think caffeine's probably the best idea right now.

Kayla: I know you're worried about eric. Any news?

Sarah: All I know is that kristen claims that holly and nicole are in chicago, so eric went to go check it out.

Kayla: Ah, jack and jennifer went too. They're hoping to find dr. Rolf.

Sarah: So he can give jack his memory back. This is just--it's a lot for everyone.

Kayla: Including you.

Sarah: If it turned out that nicole is alive, then it's over for me and eric...if it already isn'T.

Jennifer: Someone is in there.

Eric: Is it nicole?

Jennifer: I can't tell.

Jack: Stand back.

Jennifer: I'm not gonna stand back.

Jack: Jennifer, step away from the door.

Jennifer: No.

Jack: Jennifer, I can't have you getting killed on my watch. It'll ruin my career.

Jennifer: Oh, gee, I didn't know you cared.

Eric: Can we just do this?

Jennifer: Yes, fine--okay, two strong men, go ahead, open the door--go ahead.

Eric: On three.

Jack: On three? Okay, so you mean, like, one, two, three?

[Tense music]

Jennifer: Oh, my gosh.

Ciara: Hey!

Ben: Hey.

Ciara: Hi. I thought you were supposed to be at work today.

Ben: Stefan told me I could take the night off.

Ciara: Hmm, that's really surprising after everything that happened with kristen. I thought that he and gabi would be really concerned about security.

Ben: Yeah, well, they have a new concern now. Kate roberts just took over as ceo of dimera, and she moved into the mansion. Stefan's not happy.

Ciara: Didn't kate kill stefan's mother?

Ben: Yeah, there's gonna be some serious fireworks in that house tonight. Pretty sure stefan didn't want anybody around for when they went off.

Kate: Stefan, please don't be rash. I know how upset you were about losing vivian, but I thought given the amount of time that has passed, we had moved on.

Stefan: I haven'T. I remember when I gave you this gun, my mother's gun, as a reminder of what a murdering bitch you are.

Kate: Okay. Why don't you put the gun down, and we'll talk?

Stefan: Kate, I can't do that. This is too perfect. Hell, it's poetic. I'm going to use this gun to kill you in cold blood, the same way you killed my mother.

[Eerie music]

Julie: Gabi! Gabi, stop, please!

Gabi: Are you following me?

Julie: Only because you won't stop.

Gabi: Okay, why? So you can call me more names?

Julie: Please let me just get this out before the spirit ceases to move me. If in the past I have ever said anything offensive to you, i apologize.

Gabi: What's going on here? What is this about?

Julie: Terms I used that might have referred to your ethnicity.

Gabi: What the hell is this?

Julie: I'd rather not go into specifics.

Gabi: Oh, okay. I see. You're finally realizing that you've been a total bitch to me.

Julie: I am not apologizing for that. If I have used racially offensive terms, I am sorry. But believe me, I still think you're a terrible person.

Gabi: Oh, okay, well, this might be the worst apology I've ever received.

Julie: All because you married the man who raped abigail and after the kindness of her heart, she dropped all those charges against you.

Gabi: She let me get sent to prison.

Julie: That was all stefan. And the two of you absolutely deserve each other.

Gabi: You know what, you old, racist ass, why don't you just drop dead?

Julie: [Breathing heavy] Gabi, please, I'm having a heart attack.

[Dramatic music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Gabi: Oh, please, you're obviously faking it.

Julie: It hurts.

Gabi: You know what, I'm not gonna fall for this again. I'm really not.

Julie: What are you talking about?

Gabi: We were in the exact same park, I was having a lovely evening with eli, and then he takes a phone call. You come crashing in and getting at me about how I'm dating your precious grandson and then you fake this heart attack. Of course, it makes it look like I'm the one that caused it.

Julie: No!

Gabi: Exactly what you wanted, making me to be this monster that gave a granny a cardiac arrest, and that--

Julie: Oh, shut up and help me! This is real!

Gabi: No, no, no, it's not real. You know what it is? It's exactly the same thing it was last time. It is bull.

Julie: I swear!

Gabi: You can put your hand on a stack of bibles. No one is gonna believe you, least of all me.

Julie: [Grunts]

Kate: The police ruled that vivian's death was an accident, stefan.

Stefan: We both know that's not true, kate. You admitted it to me after you told chad about our alliance: "I killed her in cold blood." Your words!

Kate: We did not have an alliance. You blackmailed me. And after I came clean with chad, yes, I admit it. I wanted to rub salt in the wounds, in your wounds. But I wasn't serious about committing murder.

Stefan: You seemed pretty serious, dead serious.

Kate: Really? If you think that, why didn't you go to the police?

[Suspenseful music]

Stefan: I had no proof. And you knew that or you never would've confessed to me. It was my word against yours.

Kate: And everyone knows that the word of stefan dimera means nothing.

Stefan: Oh, I keep my promises, kate. When you killed my mother, i promised you would pay and that time has come.

Jennifer: Wilhelm rolf. Kristen was telling the truth.

Jack: You really are alive.

Rolf: I survived that explosion just like you, mr. Deveraux. You're looking well thanks to me.

Eric: According to kristen, nicole is too. And you're gonna tell us the truth. If they are, where are nicole and holly? I want you tell me right now. Where are they? I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Gabi: Get up. You're embarrassing yourself. Just get up, get up!

Julie: The pain's getting worse.

Gabi: Oh, gosh, you missed your calling, julie. You should have been an actress.

Julie: Help! Somebody help me, please!

Gabi: No one can hear you, okay? And I know that you can yell louder. Oh, but you're pretending you can't, because I'm here. Okay, I'm gonna just leave then.

Julie: No, please! Please!

Gabi: I'm gonna go home to my husband. And then when I leave, you can scream bloody murder, but your little stunt, it didn't work.

Julie: [Gasping]

Kate: You're not gonna pull that trigger.

Stefan: Of course I am. Why else would I have dug this gun out of your suitcase?

Kate: Because you wanted to scare me like the last time you stuck that pistol in my face.

Stefan: At the park. I remember it well.

Kate: I haven't put any bullets in the gun, so you're not gonna scare me this time.



Stefan: You sure about that?

Ben: Stefan and kate under one roof. Should be interesting.

Ciara: Yeah. That actually reminds me. Tripp moved out too.

Ben: What, to give jj and haley the loft to themselves?

Ciara: No, no. Tripp actually got into medical school in california. Yeah, he left town.

Ben: I can't say I'm gonna miss him. What, after everything he did to try to keep us apart?

Ciara: Yeah, well, now that i know that we belong together, ben, nothing is gonna tear us apart.

Ben: Amen to that. And we have pretty much the whole entire night to do whatever we want.

Ciara: I want to eat. I'm hungry.

Ben: Me too. I'm starving, I'm starving.

Ciara: Well, we could go back to the gatehouse so I can burn something.

Ben: Yeah, as tempting as that does sound, I don't wanna get back there and then possibly end up in the middle of whatever's about to go down between kate and stefan.

Ciara: No, you're right.

Ben: How 'bout the loft?

Ciara: You know, I don't really think that we should go there either. I got the feeling that jj and haley wanted some alone time, you know.

Ben: [Clicking tongue] I got the perfect idea. Wait right here.

Ciara: Okay.

Ben: Don't move.

Kayla: I just meant that this news is a lot for you to take in. I mean, why would you say that your relationship with eric would be over?

Sarah: Because if he doesn't find nicole in chicago, then he's never gonna stop looking for her, and he shouldn'T. He should be free and...I tried to break up with him, but he wouldn't let me. He said that he still loves me.

Kayla: Well, there you go, then. But don't spin this to the worst-case scenario. You don't even know what's happening yet.

Sarah: I know that eric will never love me as much as he loves nicole.

Kayla: Well, she was his first love.

Sarah: No, she's the love of his life. I wish that I could...I wish that I could make his eyes light up the way that she does, but I can'T. And I can try to make him happy, and I think to a degree, I do. But eric's greatest happiness is and will always be with nicole. And besides, he deserves so much better than me, anyways.

Kayla: Don't even say that.

Sarah: No, it's true. I told eric that, like, I don't want nicole to be dead, but part of me would be relieved if she were. And as awful and terrible and selfish as that makes me, he told me that he understood. But how could that even possibly be true?

Kayla: You're in love with him. It makes perfect sense that you have mixed feelings.

Sarah: I don't wanna lose him. But just being here and not knowing anything, it's making me go out of my mind.

Kayla: This is what you need to do. You need to breathe. Let's just start with that, all right? And then take it one step at a time.

Sarah: If nicole is alive, then I'm gonna have to do the right thing and step aside, no matter how much it hurts.

Rolf: Nicole walker? And how should I know where she is?

Eric: Kristen said you worked with her.

Rolf: And even if that were true, I am not her babysitter.

Jack: Kristen basically said you were.

Eric: That you were in a warehouse in nashville and nicole showed up as you've been working for kristen this whole time.

Rolf: I helped her bring jack and the others back to life, but that was ages ago.

Eric: Well, you listen to me. I'm about to search your place inch by inch, and I'll start tearing it apart if I have to.

Rolf: You will do no such thing!

Eric: And you watch me.

Rolf: All right, all right. You needn't go that far. You can come out now.

Eric: Nicole?

Jennifer: Vivian.

Vivian: Miss me?

Ben: General tso's chicken.

Ciara: Just like our first date.

Ben: Right. A picnic in december wasn't exactly my plan, but couldn't get a table anywhere else in this damn town. Definitely not from your grandmother julie...

Ciara: No.

Ben: Or from your uncle roman.

Ciara: You know what, though? We ended up having an amazing time.

Ben: And we had an amazing kiss.

Ciara: Yeah. You know, as my fortune cookie predicted.

Ben: I had a feeling you made that up. And besides, you also said that fortune cookies were dumb.

Ciara: What? Me? Uh-uh.

Ben: Mm-hmm.

Ciara: No, no, no, no, no. I love fortune cookies.

Ben: What do we got?

Ciara: "Life is short. Eat dessert first." I like this one.

[Both laugh] You do know the rule with these, though, right? If you don't like the fortune, don't eat the cookie and then it won't come true. Exactly, uh-huh. Okay, your turn.

Ben: All right.

Ciara: [Laughs]

Ben: Yeah, I like this one. It says that tonight I will kiss the woman I love, and I'll keep on kissing her every night now till forever.

Ciara: I like that one too.

Vivian: I wasn't expecting company.

Rolf: Neither was I. They just barged in.

Jack: I know you. I remember you from the warehouse. You were behind the door marked "V.A."

Jennifer: Her name is vivian alamain. She is stefan dimera's mother. Kayla also pronounced her dead a year ago at university hospital.

Vivian: Yes, luckily, that quack was wrong. There was still some life left in the old girl yet.

Eric: I'm assuming this was all you.

Rolf: Well, it wasn't dr. Doolittle.

Vivian: [Laughs]

Eric: How do you find this funny? Peoples' lives are on the line.

Jennifer: Eric, just hold on. We came here to get information, okay? So let's let the two of them speak. Go on, vivian.

Vivian: On that fateful night, I was abandoned in the operating room when rolf swept in, cloaked in full medical attire. And seeing me at death's door, still as a stone, white as freshly fallen snow...he swiftly, like a wind, injected me with that miracle life-saving serum of his. I grant you, he's a bit of an odd duck, but I must give credit where credit is due.

Jack: How did you come to need the serum?

Vivian: I was shot by that cold-hearted bitch kate roberts.

Kate: Stefan, it's not what you think. I had no intention of shooting your mother.

Stefan: And yet, you did.

Kate: You have to understand our history. She tortured me. She tortured me for years. She did horrible things. That night, we had had the most horrific argument, and i threatened to expose her. I told her that all of her schemes would come out, hiring leo, conspiring with andre, unless she turned over control of dimera to me and walked away.

Stefan: And that's exactly what you should've done!

Kate: I couldn't! I couldn't because she pulled out that gun and she aimed it at me. And she was about to pull the trigger, and I lunged at her, and I struggled with her.

Stefan: And I walked in and found her on the ground, bleeding. And you were standing over her doing nothing.

Kate: I was in shock. Stefan, I snapped, and my whole life flashed before my eyes... but it's over. It's over now. And you need to move on.

[Tense music]

Stefan: You'd like that, wouldn't you, if I let you off the hook?

Kate: No, no, no. It's not about me. This is about you. This is about your legacy, and dimera enterprises is your legacy. I know how much you wanna honor stefano by bringing his company back to the top, where it belongs. And now with vivian gone, the only one who can help you with that is me.

Stefan: I don't need help.

Kate: Forgive me, but you do. And your mother thought so as well.

Stefan: Shut up.

Kate: To make dimera succeed, you have to be realistic. And you and gabi, you don't have what it takes to be a ceo. I know that, but most importantly, your biggest competitor knows that. And titan has been wiping the floor with you. But I can stop that.

Stefan: Oh, really?

Kate: Yes. Up until a few days ago, I was working at titan. And brady had the big, fancy title, but I know that company. I know victor better than anyone. I know where all the vulnerabilities are at titan, and I know how to exploit them. So you and I working together, we can make a fortune.

[Dramatic music]

Stefan: There's not enough money in the world that would make me wanna work with a murderer like you.

Kate: You don't care about your family? You don't care about the future dimeras to come?

Stefan: I care about avenging my mother's death. And quite frankly, I can't wait another second to pull this trigger.

Julie: Gabi, wait! I know you hate me, but I think I might be dying.

Gabi: I hope so. You know, I'm pretty bummed that that header down the stairs didn't do the trick.

Julie: I beg you.

Gabi: Whatever you're trying to accomplish, epic fail. And by the way, I was wrong earlier about your calling. You try this again, you should take some acting classes.

Julie: Please, no! Please, no.

[Tense music]

This is hal.

Kayla: If you're considering stepping aside, that's the opposite of selfishness.

Sarah: I would fight harder if it was just me and nicole, but holly's involved. And she's my niece, and I love her. And holly adores eric, and she knew that it was his dream to have a family with her and nicole. And honestly, if they have a chance at that, I would never stand in the way. It's been hours since I've heard from eric and just--no word.

Kayla: Why don't you call him?

Sarah: Because I don't wanna interrupt. If he and nicole were reuniting...

Vivian: All I did that night was try to give kate something she has wanted for years: The opportunity to run titan. But that stupid shrew said that she'd rather be dead than partner up with me.

Eric: All right, enough about kate.

Vivian: I was merely trying to explain how I managed to survive after that lunatic--

Eric: None of this matters. All I care about is where holly and nicole are.

Rolf: Look, I told you. I don't know. I have no idea. It's just the two of us here. Right, vivian?

Eric: Jack, keep an eye on these two. Jennifer, you and I, we're gonna search this place from top to bottom.

Vivian: I remember how nosy those two could be.

Jack: You remember? Does that mean you got your memory back?

[Dramatic music]

Ciara: Wow. Look at all these stars.

Ben: Told you it's the perfect night for a picnic.

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Ben: You know, I was thinking we might be able to go back--

Ciara: Oh, my god. Grandma? Grandma?

Ben: Mrs. Williams? Mrs. Williams, can you hear me?

Ciara: Ben, what happened to her?

Ben: Mrs. Williams? God.

Stefan: Good-bye, kate.

Gabi: Stefan, please don't! Please!

Kate: Gabi, thank god.

Stefan: Oh, don't be thanking anybody just yet. I'm still gonna put a bullet through that black heart of yours.

Kate: You don't wanna do that.

Gabi: Kate, please let me handle this.

Stefan: Gabi, what's done is done. Get out of the way. You two may have had a friendship in the past, but she killed my mother, and she has to pay.

Gabi: Listen, listen, listen, I understand, but this has nothing to do with our so-called "friendship," okay? I'm asking you not to pull that trigger, because I don't wanna lose you.

Stefan: You won'T.

Gabi: You were charged for kidnapping!

Stefan: Thanks to kate for framing me.

Gabi: And now you're a free man, okay? Those charges, they were dismissed, but if you do this, they're gonna arrest you for murder. You're gonna be sent to prison, and that's gonna destroy me. Please, I love you.

Stefan: If you love me, you'll keep your mouth shut. You're the only witness.

Gabi: What about harold and ben?

Stefan: I gave the staff the night off. It's just you and me. So I'm gonna kill her, you're gonna help me get rid of the body...

Gabi: What?

Stefan: And no one will ever know. Now, honey, please get out of the way.

Gabi: I'm gonna admit something to you, okay? I tried to get rid of a body once. A man that tried to rape me, i hit him over the head with a rock. Kate knows. She and sami helped me get rid of his body and dump it into a river, okay? It was horrible. We thought it was all over, but then he showed up months later.

Stefan: Obviously, you didn't check to see that you had a corpse--I will.

Gabi: Stefan, please. What if somebody walks in here and sees the body? What about dna, blood, gunshot residue?

Stefan: We'll clean up after ourselves.

Gabi: Kate's got a family, friends, colleagues...someone's gonna realize that she's missing.

Stefan: I'll make her write a letter before I kill her, something about how miserable and pathetic her life is.

Gabi: They're gonna insist on an investigation. You're gonna be the prime suspect. You're gonna be locked up for the rest of your life.

Stefan: But it'd almost be worth it to watch her die.

Gabi: Can you please just listen to me, okay? After all of the pain and suffering and the lies that we have been through, we are on the verge of happiness, something that I never thought I could ever have again. We could have a life together, a family, a home. Okay, I know that that's something that you want. I want it too. Please don't throw it all away. Don't do this, for me, okay? For us--just don't do this.

Ben: Call 911.

Ciara: On it. Hi. Yeah, we found my grandmother unconscious in the park in horton town square. Yeah, okay, we need an ambulance asap. Hurry, please.

[Phone beeps]

Ben: I can't find a pulse.

Ciara: What? Grandma?

Julie: Don't kill me.

Ben: It's okay. It's okay.

Ciara: Grandma.

Ben: It's okay.

Jack: Please, you said you remember eric and jennifer.

Vivian: I remember they're always sticking their noses where they don't belong. So what?

Jack: So, rolf's serum tends to have the unfortunate effect of wiping out the memory of whoever it's used on. That's what happened to me and to will horton.

Vivian: Fascinating. Would anyone like a drink? I certainly could use one.

Jack: How do you know kate shot you?

Vivian: I have a hole in my chest.

Jack: What I mean is, did rolf tell you or do you actually remember it because rolf restored your memory? Um, did you find anything?

Jennifer: No, nicole and holly aren't here.

Eric: But we did find holly's favorite blanket, which disappeared the night she was kidnapped.

Jennifer: Which means they were here at some point.

Eric: The question is, where are they now? Start talking.

Vivian: Okay. Nicole was here. So was the kid.

Eric: Nicole was here?

Vivian: Yes, but now she's gone.

Eric: What do you mean she's gone?

Vivian: Oh, please relax. She's alive. So is the child. At least they were the last time we saw them.

Eric: Which means when?

Vivian: Just before they escaped.

Sarah: So this dr. Rolf, do you think it's possible that he survived the fire too?

Kayla: Dodging death is his specialty.

Sarah: I just keep--I keep thinking about those files that rex dragged out when we were trying to save will...all of his notes from when he worked with rolf and some of that stuff was just--

Kayla: Very disturbing, i know.

Sarah: Yeah, very. You know, and then if three people from salem show up asking rolf questions, if he feels threatened or cornered, somebody could get hurt.

Kayla: You know what? Dr. Rolf is dangerous and unpredictable. And as smart as eric is, it's understandable that you'd be worried about him.

Kayla: Why don't you go ahead and call him?

Sarah: No, I--no, I need to-- I gotta get back to work.

Kayla: Well, you know what? You're not gonna be able to concentrate at work until you have some answers. So you know what? I am pulling rank here. And as chief of staff, I am ordering you to make the call. Okay?

Sarah: Okay. Kayla, thank you.

Kayla: You got it.

[Dramatic music]

Eric: What do you mean "escaped"? How did this happen? You just let nicole run off?

Vivian: What was I supposed to do?

Jennifer: Eric, if she tried to get away, maybe she went to salem.

Eric: She wasn't there when we left.

Vivian: Perhaps the guards tracked her down.

Eric: What do you mean the guards?

Rolf: Kristen couldn't risk nicole breaking free and making her way back to salem. Then there would be two nicoles in the room, and that would have put a serious crimp in her plans.

Eric: Nicole's going around with a toddler who have men with guns chasing after her. Either one of you heard from the guards since they left after nicole?

Rolf: Not a word.

Jack: Kristen didn't say anything to me about an escape.

Rolf: Well, she doesn't know. I tried calling her, but she didn't answer.

Jennifer: Right, because kristen has been arrested. She's locked in a cell.

Jack: Nicole could be anywhere by now.

Jennifer: Okay, but wait a minute. Maybe she was on her way to salem when we were headed here--

Eric: No, I don't think so, because that would be the first place that the men would look for her. I mean, she could be anywhere by now. She could also be very close.

Rolf: Don't look at me. I already told you, I have no idea--

Eric: No, but you let this happen.

Rolf: Look, kristen hired me to bring people back from the brink of death, not to be a bodyguard.

Eric: I think you know more than you're saying to me right now!

Rolf: Look, stop harassing me. I've told you everything.

Jack: Except if vivian's memory is intact.

Jennifer: Well?

Vivian: Yes, of course it is. I remember everything, especially my precious son.

[Suspenseful music]

Kate: [Exhales] Thank god. Gabi, thank you.

Stefan: Don't go pissing me off, kate. I'm gonna hang onto it this time. Not doing a good job of not pissing me off, kate.

Gabi: Stefan, I know that you cannot stand her, but I couldn't let you do that. Okay, I could not lose you.

Stefan: I can't lose you either.

Ciara: No, no, no. Grandma, ben isn't trying to kill you. He's trying to save you.

Ben: It's okay, it's okay. Ciara called for an ambulance, okay? Help is on the way. Ciara, grab her head.

Ciara: I know, ben.

Ben: It's okay, it's okay.

Ciara: Grandma, it's okay. It's okay. Stay with us, okay?

Ben: All right, all right.

[Dramatic music]

Ciara: Dear god, please let them be in time.

If you're 65 or older,

even if you're healthy,

Jennifer: So the serum caused you to lose your memory, but rolf was able to restore it.

Rolf: Oh, of course I was.

Jennifer: Right, so please do the same thing for jack.

Rolf: You know, instead of barking orders at me, how 'bout showing me a little gratitude for bringing your husband back in the first place?

Jennifer: I am so appreciative--I am. I'm just--I'm so excited.

Jack: Look, you saved my life. I could never thank you enough.

Jennifer: Yes. Please do it for jack, for me, for our children, just give his memory back like you did for vivian.

Rolf: It's impossible.

Jack: What does that mean, impossible?

Rolf: I've lost access to the antidote. It was destroyed in the explosion.

Jennifer: Come back to salem with us, and we can set you up in the hospital, in your own lab, and you can recreate everything--

Jack: We'll make it well worth your while.

Rolf: Meaning what exactly?

Jack: Meaning fully-funded research going forward.

Rolf: So I would maintain total independence? There would be no oversight?

Jack: Uh...uh...agreed.

Rolf: Well, let's go then.

Jennifer: Okay!

Vivian: Ooh.

Eric: You go. I'm staying.

Jennifer: Eric, what if nicole is in salem?

Eric: If one of those guards caught her, they might bring her back here.

Jack: All right, all right. If we see or hear anything, we'll let you know. And please keep us posted.

Eric: I will. Good luck.

Jennifer: You too.

Jack: You too.

Eric: Did nicole seem okay? Did she have everything she needed to take care of holly?

Vivian: How am I supposed to know?

Eric: Was she sick? Was she hurt?

[Phone rings]

Vivian: Aren't you gonna answer that?

Eric: This conversation is not over.

[Phone beeps] Hey.

Sarah: Hi. I'm sorry to bother you. I've just been worried sick. Is there any news?

Eric: Actually, there is.

[Dramatic music]

Gabi: Feel better?

Stefan: With you, always. Doesn't change the fact that my mother is still dead, but...

[Phone rings]

Gabi: Who's that?

[Phone rings]

Stefan: I don't know. I don't recognize the number.

[Phone rings] I should get it. It could be shin.

[Phone rings] This is stefan dimera. Who's this?

Vivian: Oh, my darling boy! It's me, your mother.

Julie: Gabi, please. I'm having a heart attack.

Gabi: You know what? I'm not gonna fall for this again, I'm really not.

Julie: What are you talking about?

Gabi: We were in the exact same park, I was having a lovely evening with eli, and then he takes a phone call. You come crashing in and getting at me about how I'm dating your precious grandson and then you fake this heart attack. Of course, it makes it look like I'm the one that caused it.

Julie: No!

Gabi: It's exactly what you wanted, making me to be this monster that gave a granny a cardiac arrest and then--

Julie: Oh, shut up and help me! This is real!

Gabi: No, no, no, it's not real. You know what it is? It's exactly the same thing it was last time--it is bull. I'm sure that hag was faking it.

Kayla: Let's get her to the er. Hang in there, julie.

Ciara: Oh, kayla, grandma had a heart attack.

Kayla: I know, honey, I know.

Ciara: Please don't let her die.

Kayla: We're gonna do our best to take care of her, all right? I'll be back.

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