Days Transcript Friday 8/30/19

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 8/30/19


Episode #13598 ~ Eric and Sarah have an honest discussion about the status of their relationship; Jack, Jennifer and Eric take off for Chicago to find answers; Stefan and Gabi fume when Kate moves into the mansion; Eli and Lani have a heart-to-heart with Julie.

Provided By Suzanne

Eli: Grandma. Grandma.

Julie: Oh! Oh, my god. I didn't see you there.

Eli: Uh, what's going on?

Julie: I'll tell you what's going on. I'm free at last. Free at last! Thank god almighty, I'm free at last.

Stefan: No, no, I understand, mr. Shin. Thank you for your time.

Gabi: Well, did mr. Shin come to his senses?

Stefan: Oh, you mean, did he change his mind about making kate ceo of dimera?

Gabi: Well, I mean, to put her in charge after what she did, accusing you of kidnapping? I mean, please tell me that she is out on her ass.

Kristen: What the hell are you doing here?

Kate: My civic duty. I just gave a statement detailing every threat you made against me and my family.

Kristen: Oh. What do you want, a reward?

Kate: I already got my reward. Not only can't you touch me now, I have everything you want.

Kristen: What are you talking about?

Kate: Guess who's in charge of your father's company right now.

Kristen: No.

Kate: Oh, yes, that's right. You're looking at the new ceo of dimera enterprises. You lose, bitch.

[Tense percussion music]

Jennifer: Hi, hi, hi, hi.

Jj: Mom.

Jennifer: Hi.

Jj: Everything okay?

Jennifer: Yeah, everything's great. I've just been working all night on this whole kristen dimera story.

Jj: Just when you think things couldn't be any crazier.

Jennifer: Yeah, but I have some good news.

Jj: Could always use a little of that.

Jennifer: Okay, so I was talking to hope about how kristen actually pulled off this whole "pretending to be nicole" thing.

Jj: She was using one of dr. Rolf's old masks, right?

Jennifer: Or she had dr. Rolf himself.

Jj: You think he could still be alive.

Jennifer: Yes, because kristen is alive, your dad is alive, tony's alive, right?

Jj: Well, if dr. Rolf is alive--

Jennifer: Yes, he can help your dad get his memory back.

Jj: We need to talk to kristen.

Jennifer: I know, but she's holding out for some kind of deal, but I'm telling you right now, if she gets what she wants, she will lead us to rolf, and then to nicole, and to holly.

Sarah: How'd it go with the da?

Eric: Trask refused to offer kristen an immunity deal.

Sarah: Not even in exchange for information on holly and nicole's whereabouts?

Eric: She's not budging, no. So I paid jack a visit.

Sarah: Do you think he can do something?

Eric: He said he's gonna try to force the da's hand. If kristen accepts the deal, it may help us find out where holly is.

Sarah: And nicole.

[Dramatic music]

Eric: Sarah, I know you're probably wondering what that means for us, and... if we find nicole, you know, the real nicole,

Sarah: I'm not wondering. I-I know what it means for us.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eli: Grandma, what are you talking about? What are you free from?

Julie: Chloe lane. She's accepted a job in new york. She's officially out of my life.

Lani: She's leaving salem?

Julie: Better yet, she's already gone.

Eli: [Laughs] She wasn't that bad.

Julie: Well, I think she was worse. Remember when she was kidnapped by the drug cartel?

Eli: Yes.

Julie: I was half hoping that she'd bond with the narcos, stay south of the border.

Eli: You don't mean that.

Julie: Well, she's off to the big apple now, singing wagner in a viking helmet.

Lani: Uh, I didn't realize that she was that much of a problem.

Julie: Well, she's not my problem now. Let somebody else deal with the, uh--the questionable work ethic, the wild mood swings, the incessant vocalizing. This place is mine now. All mine!

Eli: You mean yours and doug'S.

Lani: Yeah, his, uh, name is on the sign.

Julie: Oh, of course, of course, darling, but, you know, he isn't involved in the day-to-day operations, so I'm the one that's celebrating, celebrating my emancipation.

Eli: Okay. Grandma, we need to have a talk.

Stefan: Shin wants to give kate a chance to show what she can do as ceo.

Gabi: Why? I was doing everything he hired me to do and more. He didn't even give me a chance.

Stefan: He thinks she can provide the company with a sense of stability. But hey, at least shin insisted that kate keep us on payroll to avoid the appearance of turmoil.

Gabi: Stefan, we're still in the company.

Stefan: Yeah, well, for now, although it's unclear what our roles are.

Gabi: All right. All right. I mean, we still have a shot. I know kate tried to pit us against each other, but now, we are a team, and kate doesn't stand a chance.

Kristen: Don't get too comfortable in that ceo's chair. Once I'm out of here, I'm taking it right back.

Kate: After all the crimes that you have committed, the only place you're going to be going is maximum-security prison.

Kristen: Look, I had nothing against you.

Kate: You kidnapped me. You left me to die.

Kristen: But it wasn't personal. I mean, it's not my fault you got in my way. But now, you've made it personal, and that makes you my enemy.

Kate: Did you just hear her threaten me?

Jack: Excuse me, kate.

Kate: Excuse you?

Jack: I'd like to talk to ms. Dimera in private.

Kate: Well, I hope you rot behind bars for the rest of your life.

[Uneasy music]

Kristen: Well? Have you finally come to your senses about offering me a deal?

Jack: You've got your deal.

Kristen: Ah. I knew you were a smart man, jack. So when do I get out of this hellhole?

Jack: I need you to answer one question first.

Kristen: Okay.

Jack: When did you last see rolf?

Kristen: When we were all together in that warehouse when it blew sky-high.

Jack: Did he survive, too?

Kristen: Ah. I understand. You think I know where he is, in which case, perhaps, I have the key to getting your memory back.

Jack: Do you?

Kristen: Of course I do.

[Dramatic music]

Julie: You're upset that I'm celebrating chloe's exit?

Eli: No. No, um, I... I understand that you're thrilled to be running the club solo again, but quoting dr. King isn't the most culturally sensitive way of expressing it.

Julie: Why? It's a well-known phrase.

Eli: Okay, grandma, look. Here's the thing. When you use those sort of expressions, it has a way of minimizing the experiences that those words were meant to convey.

Julie: I am not allowed to quote one of my all-time heroes because I'm white?

Lani: No, no. Julie, that-- that's not what he is saying.

Julie: Sounds like that's what he's saying.

Eli: Okay, without getting into the nuts and bolts of cultural appropriation and micro-aggression, I--

Lani: Julie, look, we know that you grew up in a different time.

Julie: Yes, darling, I did. Before you were born, I marched in the civil rights movement. I burned my bras. Oh, eli, grow up. That's a symbolic gesture that's throwing off the shackles of patriarchy.

Eli: And that's something to be proud of.

Julie: You sound a little condescending there, dear.

Eli: Grandma, I'm not the pc police, but all I'm saying is, there are a lot of people who would take the things you say offensive.

Julie: Offensive, because I--

[Laughs] Well, why are we skating around this? Why don't you say what you think? Your grandmother is a racist.

Gabi: Shin was never gonna understand my vision for dimera. See, gabi chic is hip and edgy, everything that he and kate aren'T.

Stefan: Hey, gabi chic is the biggest moneymaker in the company. Shin can't deny that.

Gabi: And you're dimera by blood. I mean, what is kate? She's--she's a serial ex, right? I mean, she's not even a member of your family. All right, what are you smiling about?

Stefan: I love when you get feisty.

Gabi: I'm always feisty.

Stefan: I know.

Gabi: You know, I just cannot believe this, actually. I can'T.

Stefan: Which part?

Gabi: All of this. I mean, I spent so long trying to destroy you. I never thought I'd fall in love with you.

Stefan: Oh, well, revenge can be overrated.

Gabi: Except when it's not.

Stefan: Well, at least now we have our attention on kate.

Gabi: Stefan, it's gonna be so sweet when we take her down.

Stefan: It is. Is it too early to go to bed for the rest of the day?

Gabi: Oh, it's never too early for that.

Kate: Oh, my god. Do you two ever do anything else?

[Low pizzicato music]

Jack: Are you telling me rolf is alive?

Kristen: I certainly didn't buy a nicole walker mask at the convenience store.

Jack: Where is he?

Kristen: Hmm. Someone has to babysit nicole and holly, and his rates are surprisingly affordable these days.

Jack: I need proof, an address.

Kristen: You give me my freedom first. Then we'll talk.

Jack: Doesn't work that way.

Kristen: [Laughs] Oh, look. Don't pretend you're gonna play hardball with me. You have a personal stake in finding rolf, and we both know what a selfish bastard you are.

[Tense music]

Jack: I also want to find nicole and little holly.

Kristen: Please. You don't give a damn about them.

Jack: This is a very strange way of winning my cooperation.

Kristen: See, the thing is, you need mine more.

Jack: I can give you your freedom.

Kristen: Yeah, but I can give you your life back. Question is, how badly do you want it?

Sarah: I know we only have kristen's word to go on that nicole is alive, but I know that if she is out there, that you're never gonna stop looking for her.

Eric: Sarah, I--

Sarah: And you--and you shouldn'T. You shouldn't, and I would never, ever ask you not to look.

Eric: I'm sorry for putting you through this again.

Sarah: You have nothing to apologize for. Look, here's the thing. If... if you find her, then you get to have the love of your life back, and if you don't, then... you're gonna spend forever wondering what could've been.

[Tender music]

Eric: Sarah, I think you're getting way ahead of yourself.

Sarah: I'm just being realistic. Look, I've been thinking about this nonstop, and...I don't see a way that this ends where i don't wind up with a broken heart, so...maybe it's just best if we end this now.

Julie: Well, you don't have that idea about me, do you?

Eli: No, no. Of course not, grandma. I don't think you're a racist. I know your heart, but--

Julie: But? But what?

Eli: Sometimes you say things.

Julie: What things?

Eli: Things that are racially insensitive. Like, I've heard you call gabi names. "Chiquita," "chili pepper."

Julie: I've called gabi names because of the despicable things she has done to me, not because she's latina.

Eli: I'm not defending her.

Julie: You know she has threatened me life, eli. You know she pushed me down that staircase. What am I supposed to do, just forget it?

Eli: Grandma, all I'm saying is that you need to choose your words more carefully.

Julie: I can't believe this. How long? How long have you felt this way about me?

Eli: Grandma, really?

Julie: I speak my mind, eli. I do not mean to hurt anybody.

Lani: Julie, we know that.

Julie: And I love you. I love both of you, do you know that?

Eli: Yes, and we love you, too.

Lani: That is why eli is telling you this.

Eli: I understand that this is hard to hear.

Julie: Well, I'm glad you told me.

Eli: Really?

Julie: I won't lie, it hurts, but in future, I will do better.

Eli: That's--that's all I can ask for.

Julie: And I want to make it up to you. I'm going to give you this engagement party--and by the way, we have to discuss exactly what the date is going to be-- and it'll be a fabulous party. It's going to be the best party salem has ever seen.

Eli: Actually, um, we don't want to have our engagement party here.

[Melancholy music]

Kate: No wonder you flamed out as ceo in record time. It's clear where your priorities lie: Flat on your back.

Gabi: Wow, real classy, kate. Well, but considering you, uh, went after my job when I was kidnapped--I mean, you are a lying, bitter--

Kate: Careful how you speak to your new boss.

Stefan: That's not gonna last. You murdered my mother, and you will pay for that one day, but for now, get the hell out of my house.

Kate: I'm afraid I can'T. You see, I'm moving in.

[Tense music]

Jj: I'd offer you coffee, but the coffeemaker was tripp'S. He took it with him.

Jennifer: Took it where?

Jj: California.

Jennifer: What?

Jj: Yeah, he was on a wait list for med school, and he got accepted and starts tomorrow.

Jennifer: Wait a minute. I didn't even know about this. When--when did this happen?

Jj: No, none of us-- none of us did.

Jennifer: That's so crazy. I mean, kayla is--is gonna miss him terribly, but I mean, it sounds like a great opportunity.

Jj: Oh, no, yeah, it is. I'm happy for him.

Jennifer: Yeah, I'm happy for him, too. Um... I'm sorry that you had to lose your apartment. I mean, it's just another casualty of the hatred whipped up by your dad and eve.

Jj: Certainly ugly.

[Laughs] But maybe it's better out in the open.

Jennifer: You know your dad doesn't really feel that way.

Jj: I don't know that, mom. Look, we--we've been saying for a long time that this isn't the real jack, but at a certain point, he is who he is, with or without his memories.

Jennifer: No, jj, because if he hadn't met up with eve in the first place, I just b--

Jj: He didn't have to follow her, and I know she can be persuasive, but even if he had a little integrity, he would've put a stop to that a long time ago.

Jennifer: He had integrity, jj. It's just that...

Jj: Mom, there's something we need to face. What if he gets his memory back and nothing changes? What if he remembers everything and is still the same guy he is now?

Jack: Just sign on the dotted line. Give me an address, and you'll be out of here in no time.

[Tense music]

Kristen: Wait a minute.

Jack: What is it?

Kristen: Did you really think you could slip this past me? No, there's no way I'm taking this deal.

Julie: You say you forgave me, but you don't want to have the party here because... I'm racist.

Lani: No, no. It's not about that, we promise.

Julie: Then what's the problem?

Lani: Julie, we love this place. We love you. We really do. I'm just a little superstitious.

Julie: Superstitious? About what?

Lani: In my experiences, celebrations--they just always have a way of going bad, especially here.

Eli: Yeah. W-what about john and marlena's anniversary party?

Julie: Well, as far as i know, there's only one masked lunatic in salem, and she's behind bars!

Lani: It's not just about kristen.

Eli: Yeah. Hope and rafe's wedding. That was a complete disaster. There was a--

Julie: I get it. I get it. You don't want to start your marriage off with bad mojo.

Lani: So you understand?

Julie: I understand. I understand perfectly, and i know exactly what we're gonna do. We're gonna smudge this place!

[Awkward music]

Kate: I didn't go after this job. Shin offered it to me because he was tired of your infighting, your bickering.

Gabi: Okay, well, stefan and I are a united team now.

Kate: Oh, that's good. Then the two of you can work together and help me make this company a success again.

Gabi: What?

Stefan: Yeah, we're not helping you with anything.

Kate: All this animosity-- that's not good for business, so I'm going to be the bigger person here. I'm going to offer you an apology.

Stefan: An apology?

Kate: A sincere apology. I'm sorry that I told the police that you kidnapped ted and me, but I was forced to do it by your sister. Kristen wanted you out of dimera, and she threatened my children unless I placed all the blame on you.

Stefan: I'm aware of what she did.

Kate: Then you know that I'm not your true enemy. Kristen is, and she will do absolutely anything to get this company back, and then she'll just drive it into the ground. So be honest with yourself. Would you rather work for me or a homicidal maniac?

Kristen: You want to keep me locked up here until after you find nicole, holly, and rolf? No way.

Jack: Seems fair to me. You give me the address, you'll be out of here in a couple of hours.

Kristen: Yeah, no. That's not gonna work for me. I am happy to lead you straight to rolf, but you have to let me out of here right now.

[Eerie music]

Eric: Is that really what you want? You--you want me to set you free?

Sarah: God, no! It's the last thing that I want, but I can't fight this anymore. The day that you thought that you lost nicole in that explosion, you loved her, and she loved you, and nothing has changed that.

Eric: Nothing has changed for me. I still care about you.

Sarah: [Laughs] You care about me.

Eric: Sarah, what I meant is that I love you.

Sarah: I love you, eric,

Eric: Then don't do anything rash.

Sarah: Okay, fine, then tell me, how am I supposed to feel right now?

Eric: I don't know what i feel. After everything that's happened, I'm numb. I--this whole year has been up and down.

Sarah: I know. I get it. Nicole was dead, and then alive, and then dead again, and now I--

Eric: And now?

Sarah: Look, I am--I am so excited that I might get to see holly again, my--my baby niece. I mean... and obviously, I--obviously, i want holly's mother to be alive as well, and... eric, the ugly truth is--is that there is a part of me that wishes that nicole would just stay dead, and it makes me a horrible, disgusting, terrible person, and it's part of the reason that you and I can't be together anymore.

[Melancholy music]


Eli: Okay, I'll bite. What is smudging?

Julie: [Laughs] You don't know what smudging is?

Eli: No, I don'T.

Lani: Smudging is where you get rid of all of the negative energy in a space, right?

Julie: Exactly right. Exactly right. I love this place, but I suppose it does have some residual negative vibrations, probably caused by sami brady or kristen dimera or chloe lane.

Lani: Yes. Smudging usually involves burning sage, reciting chants. I believe the ritual started from native americans, right?

Julie: Oh, don't tell me that this is gonna be another one of those cultural appropriations?

Lani: You're okay on this one.

Julie: Ah.

Lani: You know what? I just saw a store in the mall selling kits made by a coven in salem, massachusetts.

Julie: Salem? Salem. It sounds like a sign. Okay. I'm gonna go and get some right now.

Eli: No, no, grandma, i don't--I don't think that's necessary.

Julie: No, no, no, it is necessary. We're gonna cleanse this place with that old black magic-- oh, lord. Oh, lord. I'm so sorry.

Eli: Grandma, it's okay.

Julie: Are you sure?

Eli: Yes, that's not offensive.

Julie: You really sure?

Lani: Yes. [Laughs]

Eli: Come here. Come here. Look, I do not want you walking around on eggshells with us.

Julie: I'm so sorry I hurt you.

Eli: You didn'T.

Julie: Okay. See ya. [Laughs]

Eli: Love you.

[Tender music]

Think that I hurt her feelings?

Lani: You gave her a gift, and it's better that she knows what was problematic. You know, you're--you're supposed to be honest with the people that you love, and I don't know anyone who appreciates honesty as much as your grandmother.

Eli: I hope you're right.

Jennifer: Jj, like most kids, you have this very idealized notion of your dad.

Jj: He was a good man, right?

Jennifer: Oh, your dad was a great man, but this side of him, that--being selfish and ambitious-- that--that's also who he is, who he's always been.

Jj: So he's--he's always been this vindictive?

Jennifer: Sometimes, but he was always trying to be better, jj.

Jj: You said that you thought dad was afraid of getting his hopes up about restoring his memory. What about you? Are your hopes up?

Jennifer: I try not to go there, because when I do, and it doesn't work out, I feel like I'm losing your dad all over again.

Jj: No matter what happens, you'll never lose me.

Jennifer: I know that. I know that, baby, and that makes happy. Thank you.

Jack: You're worried about me double-crossing you? You could just as easily do the same to me.

Kristen: Me?

Jack: What if I let you go, and you just take off, without leading to me to rolf, nicole, or little holly?

Kristen: I'm giving you my word.

Jack: Which, excuse me, means less than zero.

Kristen: I want dimera enterprises. I'm not going anywhere.

Jack: What if I follow your address, and I find them not alive?

Kristen: I promise you, they are all very, very much alive.

Jack: [Laughs] I'm sorry. I can't release you on good faith. It's really your call, kristen. You want to get out of here or not? The only way you're gonna get your freedom is after they are found, safe and sound.

[Suspenseful music]

Jennifer: I wish your dad would call and let me know what is going on with kristen.

[Knocking on door]

Jack: Jj.

Jj: Dad.

Jack: Oh, good. You're both here. Look, I need to talk to both of you in person.

Jennifer: Did you make a deal with kristen?

Jack: Uh, yes, we did. She gave up an address in chicago, and I am going there today to look for holly and nicole and dr. Rolf.

Jennifer: He's alive.

Jack: According to kristen, yes.

Jennifer: Jack, that is amazing!

Jack: Uh, indeed it is, yes.

Jj: You're doing this on your own?

Jack: Uh, actually, um, uh, salem pd has no jurisdiction here, because nicole and rolf both disappeared from nashville, and, uh, as far as I can tell, no crime has actually been committed, so yes, I'm--

Jennifer: Okay, I'm going with you.

Jack: Uh, no, no, you're not.

Jennifer: Yes! We have followed a thousand leads together, jack. We're a good team. You just don't remember.

Jack: I don't need you with me.

Jennifer: Yes, you do. You always need me with you.

Jennifer: Okay, this is a mistake. It's a big mistake for me to come here. I-I should--

Jennifer: No, wait, listen! What if you can't find them? What if you have to figure out how to find clues, jack?

Jack: I'll figure it out.

Jennifer: How? What are your skills? What kind of techniques are you gonna use?

Jack: Okay, you come with me. I don't have time to argue about this.

Jennifer: Okay, I am getting my bag.

Jack: You know, I just hope that your mother doesn't think this is just some good opportunity for the two of us to spend some alone time together.

Jennifer: No, it's not, and I can hear you, and by the way, we're taking someone else with us.

Jack: W-w--I... all right!

[Investigatory music]

Eric: You're not a terrible person. You know, you're one of the best people I know.

Sarah: Then how can I think that about nicole?

Eric: Because you're human.

[Cell phone rings] I gotta take this. Hey. Yeah, of course I wanna go. I'll be there as soon as I can. Thanks. That was jennifer. Kristen told jack a possible location where nicole and holly are.

Sarah: That's--that's great news.

Eric: They want me to go with them to chicago.

Sarah: Wow, I am--I am I'm so happy for you.

Eric: Listen, I will let you know if I find out anything.

Sarah: Okay. Good luck.

[Plaintive music]


Eric: Yeah.

Sarah: Bye.

Eric: I'll see you soon.

Sarah: [Crying]

Lani: So it looks like kristen gave jack an address to where nicole and holly are. Are you, uh, listening to me?

Eli: Sorry. Um... yeah, I just keep thinking about the look on my grandma's face when I called her a racist.

Lani: You didn't call her a racist, eli.

Eli: Well, that's how it felt to her. Like, you don't think I was too hard on her, do you? I--I don'T... maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

Lani: Will you stop? Julie is tough, and she's grown from this, and she's gonna be fine.

Julie: Oh!

Gabi: Excuse me.

Julie: Oh. Why don't you watch where you're going? I'm sorry. I should've been more careful.

Gabi: Whatever. I need to go.

Julie: Gabi! Can I have-- can I have a word with you? It is important.

Gabi: No.

[Suspenseful percussive music]

Jennifer: Someone is in there.

Eric: Is it nicole?

Jennifer: I can't tell.

Jack: Stand back.

Jennifer: I'm not gonna stand back.

Jack: Jennifer, step away from the door.

Jennifer: No!

Jack: Jennifer, I can't have you getting killed on my watch. It'll ruin my career!

Jennifer: Oh, gee. I didn't know you cared.

Eric: Can we just do this?

Jennifer: Yes, fine. Okay, two strong men. Go ahead, open the door. Go ahead.

Eric: On three. All right.

Jack: Okay--on three? Okay, so you mean like, "one, two, three"?

[Suspenseful music]

Jennifer: Oh, my god.

Kate: I'm back, mi amore, and there's nothing you can do about it, but you're in luck, because I intend to put the house of dimera back in order again.

Stefan: You two having a nice chat?

Kate: Mm. [Laughs] There must be something about the house, right?

Stefan: Mm. I, uh, asked harold to unpack your things.

Kate: Thank you.

Stefan: Of course. I mean, after all, we're family, right? We should...get along.

Kate: Well, I really hope you feel that way.

Stefan: I do. Of course, it doesn't mean that I've forgotten that you killed my mother in cold blood.

Kate: Where did you get that?

Stefan: I found it with your unmentionables as harold was unpacking your bag.

Kate: Okay, you had no right to go through my things.

Stefan: This was my mother's gun, and I'd like it back.

Kate: Okay.

[Suspenseful music]

What are you doing?

Stefan: You used her own gun to kill her, and now I'm gonna do the same to you.

Julie: Gabi! Gabi, stop, please!

Gabi: Are you following me?

Julie: Only because you won't stop.

Gabi: Okay, why? So you could call me more names?

Julie: Please, let me just get this out before the spirit ceases to move me. If in the past, I have ever said anything offensive to you, I apologize.

Gabi: What--what's going on here? What--what is this about?

Julie: Terms I use that might have referred to your ethnicity?

Gabi: What the hell is this?

Julie: I'd rather not go into specifics.

Gabi: Oh, okay. I see. You're finally realizing that you've been a total bitch to me.

Julie: I am not apologizing for that. If I have used racially offensive terms, I am sorry, but believe me, I still think you're a terrible person.

Gabi: Oh, okay. Well, this might be the worst apology I have ever received.

Julie: All because you married the man who raped abigail, and after the kindness of her heart, she dropped all those charges against you.

Gabi: She let me get sent to prison.

Julie: That was all stefan, and the two of you absolutely deserve each other.

Gabi: You know what, you old, racist ass? Why don't you just drop dead?

[Dramatic synth music]

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